
Um if y'all haven't... please go check out my Teen Wolf Fanfic 😒πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜©πŸ˜­

It is literally one of my favorite stories to write and it's not receiving as much love as my other stories!! So sad 😭

Here's a little teaser for anyone who hasn't checked it out:


"That's freaking awesome... well not losing your phone and inhaler, but this is seriously the best thing that's happened to this town since," Stiles looks past Scott to see a beautiful strawberry blonde strolling the walkway like it was a fashion show in Milan, "Uh since the birth of Lydia Martin... Hey Lydia, how are you? You look--"

Lydia walks past Stiles while talking to another popular girl.

Stiles sighs before continuing, "Like you're going to ignore me."

Scott laughs making Stiles glare lightly at him.

"You're the cause of this, you know. Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by y-"

He doesn't finish his sentence as he gets distracted by a drop dead gorgeous brunette making her way over to where the two stood.

"Oh shit incoming."

Scott's eyes widen as the girl stands arms crossed in front of him.

"Uh hi..."

The girl holds up a finger shushing Scott before digging into her bag and pulling out his phone. Scott takes the phone out her hand looking at her in shock.

"Oh um thanks I was looking for this everywh-"

"Look just because I gave you a ride last night, doesn't mean that we're friends. Because we're not... understood?"

Scott quickly nods as she glares at him. Glancing over at an open mouth, wide eyed Stiles the girl raises an eyebrow.

"I-I'm S-stiles..."

"A what?"

Stiles frowns as Scott bites his lip trying not to laugh.

"No not a... my name... my name is Stiles."




Stilinski turns to the crowd. But he only releases his grip on the Kid when he discovers Stiles watching as well.

"This is you. All you." He raises the bottle of whiskey to point with it, "Every day she lay there in the hospital slowly dying, you know what I thought? How the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyper-active, little bastard who keeps ruining my life. This is all you, Stiles."

He spits the name out, as if merely speaking it disgusted him.

"You killed your mother. And now? Now you're killing me."

Stilinski launches the bottle, hurling it across the pool. Stiles throws his arms up to shield his face. But nothing hits him. Blinking in shock, he looks about the party. As steam rises into the air from the pool, Stiles slumps down against a brick column, utterly shaken.

Luna frowns as she hears whispering. Glancing at the other teens dancing around her, she can't help but notice the music had dimmed down and now it was like her hearing was muffled, all except for whispering.

Huffing, Luna closed her eyes and breathes deeply. She can feel her eyelids slowly twitch as her hands start to shake in nervousness. She didn't know what was happening but it didn't feel good.

Breathing in one last time, Luna opens her eyes looking around in horror, before  letting out a loud shriek.

Blinking rapidly, Scott reaches out for something to steady himself in the guest house. His hand closes around the banister to the stairs.

The music from outside gradually fades, replaced by the sounds of kissing. Soft moans and urgent breathes. Scott's glazed eyes drift up to the top of the stairs where a daybed sits underneath a large set of windows.

Allison leans back on the daybed, Jackson straddling her as he kisses her neck. His lips move to hers and she kisses him back, mouth opening to his. Starting forward, Scott blinks.

It's no longer Jackson kissing Allison. It's the Kanima. Its scaled, wet lips pressing to hers, double-rowed teeth digging into her cheek as she moans. Claws drawing her closer and closer, they stop. Both of them turning to look down at Scott who opens his mouth with a snarl, fangs appearing, eyes glowing. But just as suddenly, he whips his head to the side and is back to normal.



This was their goodbye.

Derek gazes into Luna's glimmering eyes trying to remember every speck, "I love you Luna Tate."

Luna was completely numb.

"Luna I'm so sorry I hurt you-"

"I'm fine Derek. Ask her out. Please, for me..."

Derek sighs rubbing his temple, "You're sure?"

"Never been more sure about anything in my life. You only see that smile once in a blue moon." Luna chuckles pointing at him.

Derek shakes his head with a grin, "You saw it a lot... thank you for everything Luna..."

Luna allowed him to grow. She helped him to show his emotions again, to love again, to trust. She was put in his life to turn him human again not the monster that he grew into.

Nodding, Luna takes a step back letting go of Derek's hands. She smiles at him for the last time then she disappears right before his eyes. Sighing, Derek glances back the teachers room and where Luna once was standing.

Luna appears in a lit up empty room as she looks around. Tears fall down her face as she sobs painfully holding her chest. It felt like her heart had been broken a second time. She knew it would be super hard, but why did it hurt so much.

The door to the room swings open making Luna and the person jump as they see one another. Luna's eyes connect to the person's almost golden honey eyes.

"You okay?"

Luna lets out a small sob with a pout making Stiles quickly walk forward and pull her into a hug. She clutches onto him as he holds the back of her head trying to coax her.



Luna stands gripping tightly onto the edge of a sink in the bathroom as she takes deep breaths. She closes her eyes and pushes away from the sink before opening her eyes once again. As she looks at herself in the mirror, she gulps lightly and shakes her head.

"You have to look... you gotta look, Luna... you have to figure out what they mean..."

She shakes her head and then nods clapping her hands together. Quickly pulling her phone and the paper Scott had given her from her pocket, she pulls up google and begins to type.

"Ξ½Ξ± φΡρΡις Ο†ΟŒΞ²ΞΏΟ‚..."

Luna mutters as she looks up the first phrase. She runs her hands over her face as reads the meaning.

"Shit... shit shit shit this isn't good." She scrolls down the page, "Bring fear..."

Luna sniffles rubbing her nose with her wrist as she backs away from the sink shaking her head.

"I-it can't... this can't..."

Sobbing, she throws her phone across the bathroom. It hits the wall and breaks into tiny pieces as she leans forward once more gripping the sink.

"Bring death..."

Luna freezes. Her body stops shaking and her sniffles end as she slowly brings her head up to look into the mirror at her reflection.



"When did you know?"

"I knew on my birthday... The moment you... That's something I'll never forget. Something I don't want to forget..."

But anyways this was just a little tease of each season in my fanfic with an original main character. So if I've ever accidentally put the name Luna in this book instead of Laney πŸ˜‚ now y'all know why

But check it out and let me know if you like it or if it's not your cup of tea!!

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