Have A Nice Summer
3rd Person's POV
The gang listens to an excited Buffy as she relays her findings.
"It looked like Marcie's been there for months. It's where I found this."
She places the yearbook on the table, "Check it out."
The others crane around the table to see.
Willow looks at the page of signatures and frowns, "Oh my god..."
Written very clearly on the inside cover is "Have a nice summer" which was signed by more than a dozen people.
"Have a nice summer. Have a nice summer... This girl had no friends at all." Laney looks at the book in disbelief.
Giles frowns confused, "Once again I teeter at the
precipice of the generation gap."
Laney shrugs, "Have a nice summer is what you
write when you have nothing to say."
Xander nods, "It's the kiss of death."
Buffy eyebrows furrow as she looks at a set of signatures, "And you guys didn't know Marcie Ross?"
Xander shrugs, "Never met her, why?"
"Cause you both wrote it too."
Xander and Willow look, find their own signatures.
"Have a nice- yeeesh."
"Where am I? Oh. Have a great summer. See, I cared." Willow smiles sheepishly.
Buffy shakes her head, "But you don't remember her. Oh geez. Really Laney?"
Laney frowns, "What? What did I do?"
Buffy points to her signature. It was literally just Laney's name.
"Oh man."
Xander leans over her shoulder and grimaces looking at her signature, "Well we know who's next."
Xander points at Laney mouthing her name to Buffy as Laney rolls her eyes. Willow goes to her missing kids list and starts looking at Marcie's records.
"Well, we probably didn't see her except to sign the book, this is a big school--"
"Xander, we each had four classes with her last year!" Willow reads off Marcie's records.
Buffy looks at them musing, "And you never noticed her. And now she's invisible..."
"What, she turned invisible because no one noticed her?" Laney replies sarcastically.
"Of course!..."
Giles leaps up out of his chair and goes to a bookshelf near the stairs and pulls out a textbook: "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics."
"I was totally joking."
"I've been investigating mystical causes of invisibility when I should have looked to the quantum mechanical!"
The gang looks at him puzzled so he tries to dumb down a bit, "Physics. Reality is shaped, even created by our perception of it."
Buffy catches on, "And with the Hellmouth below us
sending out mystical energy--"
"People perceived Marcie as invisible, and she became so."
"But people perceived the whole Marcie package as invisible, clothes and all, not just, you know... So you're saying she's not naked."
Buffy ignites Xander, "It isn't this great power she can control, it's something that was done to her. That we did to her."
Willow frowns sadly, "No wonder she's miffed. But what does she want?"
Buffy, flipping through the yearbook, stops short at a page.
"Just what we thought and a bit more."
In the yearbook was a picture of two a smiling girls. Laney has just been crowned May Queen so she wore a large silver crown. Cordelia was standing next to her with a big horribly drawn crown above her head. Both of their faces hideously defaced, almost scratched out.
Cordelia stands there, eying her surroundings as if she has just entered a dark and scary cave. Then she looks at Buffy.
"I knew I'd find you here. Laney always says you guys are here."
Xander frowns, "A-and you would be wanting what?"
"Buffy, I, uh, know we've had our difference, you being so weird and all, and hanging out with these, ugh, total losers-"
"Cordy..." Laney frowns shaking her head.
Cordelia nods and wrings her hands together nervously, "Well anyway, despite all that, I know you share this feeling we have for each other, deep down..."
"Nausea?" Willow murmurs.
Cordelia groans and finally drops the facade, "Somebody's after me! Someone just tried to kill Ms. Miller! She was helping me with my homework! And
Mitch and Harmony...! This is all about me! Me! Me! Me!"
Xander looks at her in total awe, "Wow. For once she's right."
Buffy raises an eyebrow in question, "So you're coming to me for help? There's a why inside me screaming to get out."
Cordelia shrugs and takes a seat beside Laney, "I don't know... because you're always around when stuff happens, I know you're strong and you got
those weapons... I was kind of hoping you're in a gang."
Willow jokes, "The Ugh-Total-Losers Gang."
Laney laughs, "That's a good one. I gotta write that one down."
Cordelia sighs and looks at Buffy, "Please... I don't know where else to turn."
Buffy and the others exchange a look: should we tell her?
Giles tries to start off the conversation gently, "Do you know... I don't recall ever seeing you here before."
Cordelia smiles perfectly, "Oh, no. I have a life."
Laney snorts and starts to cackle, "Oh that's gotta burn."
She holds a hand up making Cordelia smile and high five her.
So much for being gentle, Buffy thinks to herself as she rolls her eyes.
"Cordelia, the attacker is an invisible girl."
Xander nods continuing Buffy's sentence, "Who is really, really angry at you. I can't imagine that, personally,but it takes all kinds, you know?"
Cordelia shrugs, "I don't care what it is, just get
rid of it!"
Buffy scoffs in disbelief, "It's not that simple. It's a person. This person."
She holds up Marcie's photo, "Do you have any idea why she would be so..."
Cordelia snatches the picture and shows it to Laney, "God, is she wearing Laura Ashley?"
Laney shakes her head slowly, "Tragic."
"So homicidal?" Willow tries to get the two back on track.
"I have no idea at all! I've never seen this girl before in my life!"
"Well, Marcie remembers you."
Buffy gives Cordelia the yearbook. She gasps at her and Laney's defaced picture.
"According to what you've told us about the attack on Ms. Miller, we now have two messages from Marcie: Look and Listen." Giles says while flipping through his book.
Willow nods, "Messages we don't understand."
Buffy frowns, "I'm not sure we're supposed to, yet. Marcie's not quite ready. From what she did to Laney and Cordelia's picture, I'd say she's wigged on
the whole May Queen thing. Maybe she's going to do something about it, but at a time of her choosing."
"Stop the coronation tonight, maybe. Keep you guys out of the Bronze."
Cordelia and Laney both gasp dramatically looking at Willow in shock, "Are you insane?! It's May Queen!"
Laney frowns as soon as the words leave her mouth, "Oh man I've been hanging out with you way too much..."
Cordelia ignores Laney and glares at Willow, "Nothing is keeping me from the Bronze tonight."
Xander looks at her like she's crazy, "Can we just revel in your fabulous lack of priorities?"
"If I'm not crowned tonight, then... then Marcie's won! And that's bad! She's evil, okay? Way eviler
than me."
"She has a point."
"Buffy's with me on this."
"Anyway, continuing the normal May Queen activities is probably the best way to draw Marcie out. Cordelia is our bait."
"Great! Wait what?"
Giles stands, "Willow and Xander will help me
begin our research anew."
"He can just say that and then we have to."
Giles shrugs glancing over at Xander, "Unless we can find a way to cure Macie's invisibility, Laney and Buffy will be--"
"Sitting ducks. Come on."
Cordelia grabs Laney's hand pulling her along, "I need to try on my dress. Am I really bait?"
Laney, Buffy, and Cordelia exit. Giles and his helpers troop into Giles' office. No one sees that in the corner, a ceiling tile slides back into place.
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