Chapter 7

Time For A Hunt

Fate looked at Tom with horror.

โ€”How did everything go so wrong?โ€”

Fate looked back to see where lily was and gasped, the girl who once had been unconscious on the ground was now sat upright.

Suddenly Lily placed both her hands on her shoulders.

"Fate please save my son, please. Please get out of it! Are you okay?!"

Fate felt confused, a dreaded breath leaving her mouth. "w-wot-"

"FATE!" one last jolt by lily and Fates eyes snapped open, heavily breathing she looked at her surroundings. She was in her bed trying to regain her breath, she found two redheads worriedly looking at her.

"I was doing my homework when I heard you flinching and breathing heavily as if you couldn't take in some air, and bloody hell you scared me"ย  lily explained the situation.

While the other redhead, who looked rather familiar offered fate a glass of water.

"Here you go sweetheart" she handed the glass to her and introduced herself.

"I'm Molly, by the way. I'm in my 6th year" she smiled.

--oh wow!, Rons mum. Merlin, I have to get used to being back in time--

Fate thought to herself, as she gave Molly a polite smile, taking the glass.

"I'm Fate, nice to meet you" she introduced herself.

Taking a sip from her water she thought of an excuse to cover up her hideous nightmare.

"I'm sorry I can't really adjust at new places easily, get nightmares because of it sometimes" she lied.

"oh do not worry that's fine I understand" Lily smiled.

"anyways wot time is it?" Fate asked setting the glass aside.

"half past seven"

--shit! I had to go to the Library--

"Okay, thanks for telling," Fate said getting up, and pushed her silky straight her behind her ears, that didn't stay in their position at all, falling on her face again as she grabbed her bag in hurry.

"umm...mind if I ask where are you going?" lily asked.

"the library"

"there's no use going right now it closes at 8 p.m. " Molly stated.

"Don't worry I will be back in time I just need to catch up with the classes, I'm already falling behind" Fate spoke quickly and let before either of the girls could say anything.

Fate hastily made her way to the library, she felt her heartbeat in her throat as she thought of the nightmare.

--absolutely great Fate! Not even your first day here and you decide to have a nightmare about the future dark lord, and you also got lily killed--

Fate sighed as she shook away the thought, entering the library she drew in a sharp breath looking at the endless shelves loaded with thousands and thousands of books. Now, very few students were left in the library, a few of the packing up to leave.

She looked at the restricted section, which was not restricted at the time.

--hmm so it was not restricted at this time, what happened that made dumbledore prohibit students from entering the area? Could it be related to Riddle?--

Fate thought to herself somehow knowing she was starting off right. Walking over she glided her fingers against the old thick books, one of them containing considerably the most dangerous knowledge to be ever obtained. Her eyes darted across every single book reading for a specific title yet she did not know herself what she was looking for.

Peering at a few books that looked like they might contain some useful information, she grabbed them and took a seat looking at the table of contents and started separating those books that could possibly contain the information of the dark arts she sought for.

After going through about twenty books, she was only able to collect about twelve books that could actually be beneficial. She peeked at the clock to see there about 5 minutes left before the library would close, she quickly shoved six books into her bag while letting the rest of the six lay on the table.

Pulling the strap of the bag on her shoulder, picking up the rest of the six books she got up to leave but before she did. She turned around and threw a final look at the shelf she had commenced she research from.

But to her surprise when she turned around she saw no one other Tom Marvolon Riddle almost towering over her despite Fates height being 5'8 she still looked short in front of the tall, sleek boy. He looked at her with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"The library is closing, everyone's left. So you do the same, thank you." said the Slytherin head boy and left without a second glance.

Fate threw a look of hatred towards the boy without any particular reason because there are already enough motives to hate his guts.

She made her way to Madam Irma getting her library card and borrowing the books.

"Okay honey, you do comprehend that only four are allowed to be taken at once?" Madam Irma asked looking at the young witch.

--shit I forgot about the "students can only carry four books at once" dumb rule--

"oh! No actually I did not I'm sort of new here, but I really need these because I am already falling behind in classes. So can I please take six for now?" Fate implored with her lies.

"oh honey I am sorry but rules are rules besides, how do you aspire to read all six of the books in one night? Do you not need to sleep as well? You can come tomorrow morning and return the four books and the take rest two okay?" she smiled politely.

โ€”oh, believe me, sleep is the last thing I need, knowing there is a sociopath walking around in Hogwartsโ€”

Fate sighed in disappointment, Before grabbing the books. "that's all right I'll keep them back just give me a moment, will you please" she spoke sweetly.

"of could dear"

With that she walked to the restric- not restricted section, that was located far back in the library hiding her from anyone's view, or so she thought.

She got the six books but instead of putting them back she aggressively shoved them into her bag but doing so made her bag look bulky making it obvious the books were not placed back, taking out her wand she muttered a quick spell making the bag look light and almost empty again.

After that Fate walked back to madam Irma taking the rest six books, she left.

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Fate got up to the girl's dormitory and saw a preoccupied Lily far too focused on completing her homework to realize Fate's presence which she was thankful for, no one else was there except for the two girls.

Time passed and Fate kept reading and reading, two books completed but nothing found. Four books were read yet they went off useless. Now six books were thoroughly viewed and everyone was now in their dorms ready to go to bed.

obviously, Fate had different plans. now on her ninth book, she peeked at the time, it was half-past eleven. Yet she kept going, a fast reader she was indeed.

Finally she had gone through all twelve books only to find absolutely nothing. Fate felt frustrated, it was conspicuous she was not going to seek what she wanted to in one night, but needing to be done with her task as soon as possible and leaving this place- or time just made her more apprehensive.

Yet once again she checked the time, it was two in the morning.

--okay Fate time a short trip to the library--

Before leaving she realized she was still in her robes, quickly changing into her pajamas. She wore her slippers, on which she casted a silencing charm.

She left for the library knowing well no one will be here to catch her at the spot.
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Carefully and quietly entering the library she muttered "Lumous" causing a blue hue to radiate from her wand. She made her way to the rack she started from and peering yet once again at every single book, reading their titles grabbing a few she took a seat, observing the table of contents.
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Fate was on her fourth new book when a noise snapped her attention from the text in front of her.

Slightly startled from the disturbance she grabbed her book and ducked under the table, killing the light emitting from her wand. She listened closely, but it was gone...

--maybe it was my imagination? But still I should leave--

Gathering her books, yes of course she took more books about five more, she quickly left before her imagination turns into reality.

On her way back Fate felt paranoid, hurriedly walking forward she turned back glancing as if to make sure no one was following her and BOOM.

Fates' body slammed against something- no someone sending her books falling off every thought she managed to save herself from the fall.

Her heart went off its way and slammed against her chest, eyes wide she looked at who's freaking wall like body she bumped into and almost gritted her teeth.

Tom stood in front of her looking totally fine as if he did not just slam into a person.

He did not look surprised at all, thoughq he did seem like he was expecting the certain new girl to be roaming the halls like it was totally normal for her to be doinb. Once again his face showed nothing but just a blank look topped with a raised eyebrow.

"Might I as you wot are you doing, roaming in the corridors after hours Crysta?" the head boy inquired referring to the girl who was stood a few steps away from him, her books scattered around them.

"well I am sure I can ask the same, Riddle" Fate mimicked the boy's expression raising her eyebrow.

Tom's now blank look was now replaced by a frown.

"I happen to be the head boy, I can go where ever I please to, so no, you can not ask me wot I'm doing here" He spoke in a rather irritated manner.

"Oh I am aware of that, but to my knowledge, not even the head boy can wander around in the hallways at this hour. So I think it's a tie, now if you would let me leave that would be very kind of you" Fate snapped with the most calm attitude, a great quality found in the girl. she speaks ice that burns in a sweet and satisfying manner.

She threw a smile towards him, that he did not appreciate at all.

"I will let it slide this once but next time I will not hesitate to-" be stopped mid-sentence as his gaze fell into the books that laid on the ground, one right next to his feet. He picked it up, with now a smirk he spoke again.

" I will not hesitate to draw points from your house and tell on you for being out after hours and stealing books from the library after it has been closed, signaling well that no book must be taken after the hour and also more than four books I see" He spoke with now all five books in his hands.

"well it is my lucky day then I guess" she just spoke back with no certain emotion.

"yes, yes it is. Now leave," said Tom handing the books back Fate.

Without saying anything both the students left.

Fate back to her dorm, sitting on her bed placing her books next to the rest of the stack. Sighing heavily she grabbed a new book ready to hunt down the needed wisdom.

-- if only she knew how many books she would have to go through--


Don't forget to vote and comment! Cuz I love reading your comments <3

So, Greetings my lovelies, yes ik I'm really late but I'm trying to update more frequently
(btw if there any typos n stuff ignore em please I always write before sleeping)

anyway ik this is a slow processing novel tho I will make it move faster in the upcoming chapter cuz I'm actually facing a bit difficulty in the beginning chapters cuz you know I gotta show their interactions n stuff n make it interesting ofc.

And do let me know what u think of that chapter and please feel free to gimme ur opinions and any tips or if I should change something. Kkz

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