Unknown Motives
The very next morning, Hawks woke up to a call. Of course as a hero you never get a day off but he didn't expect a call from Uraraka. She's been so busy working to put Midoriya and his empire out, that she's barely had time to contact anyone.
Though Hawks didn't jump to the idea that it was an emergency. He answered but he was half awake and was greeted with immediate chatter he couldn't understand because Uraraka was talking way too fast.
When she was done rambling, he replied in a groggy tone. "You need to slow down, what the hell are you talking about?" Uraraka was at the police station, not necessarily declining her hero work. At the moment she was taking the time to ask hawks, while also looking through some papers.
"I need a favor," she started. Hawks sighed. "Sorry kid, not today."
"Please!" She pleaded, shuffling through papers on the other end. Hawks remembered, he did owe her, ouch. "I need you to watch Y/n while I'm gone!"
"Yeah fuck no." He went to hang up, then Uraraka pleaded again. "Really?! I need you to do this for me! I'm gonna be in the police station all day then I have to go to court tomorrow to testify and--"
"What about Shindo? I'm sure he'd do it, he does everything else for you guys." Uraraka suddenly went quiet. He only heard papers rustling.
"Yeah...that's a problem. He's been acting really weird lately, I think Y/n is mad at him. Yesterday we were uh...you know, and he walked in, then she yelled at him and took his key that we gave him."
"Ah, sounds like a problem you should talk about with her. Bye now--"
"Wait! Please! I don't trust her alone by herself and--"
"I didn't become a hero to baby sit, Y/n's a big girl, she'll be fine." Uraraka sighed. "You're being paranoid, I don't think she'd want a baby sitter anyways."
"It's not a baby sitter!--It's just, er, watching her closely." Hawks rolled his eyes. "Okay, I got you kid."
"Sure thing." Hawks hung up and sat up against his pillows, then he started dialing another number.
"Hello?" He panted. "Shindo! How you doin kid? Listen, Uraraka needs you to watch Y/n for a bit while she's at the police station, you can do that right?"
Shindo looked at his bloody watch, then back at the police taking an unconscious villain away. "Uh, yeah sure, not like I just almost got my arm sucked into a void."
"Awesome." He hung up then put his phone on the bedside table and laid back down.
"What was that about?" The girl asked, cuddling up next to him. "Just helping a friend."
"What do you mean she's not home?!" Uraraka yelled through the phone, she heard Shindo searching every room in their apartment.
"She's not here? Like in the apartment. When I knocked she told me to wait a second and I did then she never-" he looked over, noticing the fire escape in the kitchen was open, he furrowed his eyebrows. "She went out the fire escape."
With unknown motives, and not a single trace, nor a clue as to where she could have possibly went, there was almost no way of finding Y/n. Would Uraraka have to stop her case in order to find her?
She sighed. "Okay, Shindo. Just wait about thirty minutes, if she doesn't come back, call Hawks. Until you find her, don't call my phone!"
And she hung up, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustrastion. "I knew I should've stayed home." She muttered.
The door suddenly burst open, Uraraka spun her chair around to face the chief. "Midoriya's lawyer just presented proof."
"She did what?!"
It was true that Y/n had snuck out, she had a bit of investigating to do herself. Sniffing around these parts of town was dangerous, so of course she had to look a little ruffed up. She put a bit of water on her hair, some gauze on her arm with some fake blood, on top of that, she wore a tank top with a leather jacket and some black sweat pants. Even if it was freezing outside, she's endured worse.
She walked through a dark, cold, wet, ally way with some low chatter, her head up high, keeping an eye out for anything. It's not like anyone would recognize her, people knew Sub-Zero's pretty pale skin, frosty blue eyes, and her black and white hair.
Y/n came across a window, although dusty, she could see the inside, it was familiar. What about it? Well she wasn't sure. She impulsivly grabbed a pocket knife and jabbed it into the corner of the window. She did this about three more times in each corner and then hit the center with her elbow causing it to completely shatter. A warm breeze came out the window, oh how she hated warm air but it felt good.
She latched onto the edge and pulled herself up, almost hitting her head. She felt a glass shard pierce her palm, despite that, she kept going until she was fully inside. Y/n stood up, her face dropped. She wasn't expecting a house, like an actual nice home with a family in it. They were cowered in the corner, a boy and a girl behind a woman. They looked so terrified.
She awkwardly laughed and wiped her hand filled with glass on her pants. "Oops, I must've gotten the wrong house." Not wanting to go out the window, she walked over towards the door, which was closer to them than her. They all moved away and Y/n opened the door.
But much to her surprise, there was a man outside the door. He was surprised too. He must've been five times her size! Y/n was pretty fit, but this guy looked like he benched thousands daily. She looked over at the woman, and whispered. "This 'yo man?"
She nodded then looked him up and down. "God damn--" her shock didn't last as he socked her in her jaw and sent her flying into the dinner table. Lots of plates were broken. She felt it right after, and it hurt so much. She sat up and narrowed her eyes in on him.
He probably wasn't going to let it go.
"Can't we just talk about this? It was an honest mistake! I'm not here to cause harm!" But he didn't buy it, he lunged forward and luckily Y/n dodged. The table snapped in half. She grabbed a glass bottle and smashed it over his bald head, but it barely did anything.
He whirled around and aimed for her stomach, she grabbed his hand and kicked him in his uh...man...areas...
It was pretty hard too. She just couldn't hurt him. He then grabbed her shoulders and headbutted her. It felt as though someone took a diamond and smashed her head into it. This guys forehead was no joke. She stumbled back and groaned, eventually falling on the floor. Her head had the most brutal headache storming up there.
Her eyes widened when he grabbed a chair to finish her off. She quickly got up and and lunged towards the nearest window, she jumped through it and rolled on the ground. Then he yelled, and she started running for her life. She had glass in her palm, in her back, and a bleeding forehead.
Y/n began to slow down after a while, eventually coming to a stop. Heavily panting and unable to breath, she looked back and the coast was clear. She squeezed her arm hoping for the blood to stop. She found the nearest wall and sat down there. She was just watching the blood drip onto her clothing at this point. Her hand had gone numb and the aching in her forehead had her vision blurring. Her head was spinning.
She let her head rest against the cold wall and let out a few silent breaths. She felt blood drip down her forehead, onto her eyebrow. She wiped her forehead, when she saw the blood on her sleeve her eyes sliightly went wide.
It was a lot of blood.
Uraraka found herself calling Shindo, it had been hours since she told him not to call until he found Y/n. Except she's been worried. She can't think straight on this case and she need's to know if she's safe or not.
He picked up after two calls. "Yeah sorry, I just got this, what's up?"
"What's up? Really? What's up? Are you serious?!"
"Right right. We still havent't found her. Hawk's is circling the projects right now."
"The projects, why? I don't think they like hero's down there."
"They don't. Which is why it seems like a place she would go. She doesn't look like sub-zero anymore, no one will recognize her."
Uraraka silently agreed. Up until the other night, she had no idea Y/n's natrual hair color was h/c. She was almost unrecognizable.
"I would've joined him but he told me to--"
"SHINDO!!" He was so startled, he nearly dropped his phone. He whirled around, Hawks and Y/n were sprinting at him, full speed with a huge crowd rioting behind the two.
"GET READY TO RUN!!" Shindo hung up with no context. They ran past him, Shindo slapped the ground and created an earthquake. They all stumbled and stopped, but one jumped down from a building, suddenly a flame was being shot at him. At his blind spot, he didn't see it.
"Shindo!" Y/n went and tackled him, the flame missed by just an inch. As the crowd was regaining their balance, the three began to run as fast as they could. Hawk's and Y/n were heavily injuried, they could only go so far. Hawk's wings were shrunken, he had used too many, and Y/n didn't have her quirk.
"God! These guys don't quit!"
Y/n seemed to stop slow down, soon out of Hawk's sight. She had already pissed him off enough. He stopped and narrowed his eyes on her, near the edge of the highway.
"What are you doing?!" Out of sheer anger, he grabbed her collar and turned her around. "Let's just go sepreate ways! It'd be easier!"
"Hell no! That's only going to make things worse! Going off on your own is the reason we're in this mess in the first place!" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.
"This time is different! I'll be carefull!"
"Will you?!" She stayed silent, she had nothing to back if she would or wouldn't. "Uraraka made a mistake of letting you go, but I won't make that mistake." He had her collar gripped so hard. She's never seen him so...angry before. It was hawks, but at the same time it wasn't. She was kind of frigthened.
She glared back at him. "I'm willing to make that mistake, sensei." Y/n punched him in stomach-- "God damn it!--" then she jumped over the edge. Before hawks could grab her, it was too late.
"Hawks! Y/n?!"
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