Can I Steal You For A Sec
Third Person's POV
Chris Harrison steps up to the in awe bachelor. He smiles knowing that the last girl Melody had a pretty good chance of making it past tonight.
"So Tyler those were all of your 30 women. Do any stand out to you?"
"Yeah obviously Melody... she's beautiful and just there's something about her that I can't quite put into words. Charlotte was amazing. Olivia was memorable. The twins coming out together was like nothing I've seen before. There were a lot of others too. I think this is a great group and I believe my wife may be in there somewhere."
As Chris talks about the events of the upcoming night, Tyler can't help but think back to meeting the girls. Every single one was beautiful and unique in their own way but one had caught his eye a bit more and made him want to speak to her first.
She was gorgeous. He loved how bright her honey eyes twinkled when she smiled. And how beautiful her smile was. Even without a prop or a gimmick it was her words that made him interested.
She was beautiful and her laugh was insanely attractive. She was glowing and her personality shone through within seconds of meeting her.
She was very attractive and super sweet. Her short height made her adorable and she made him laugh after one second of them meeting.
She was a firecracker that was for sure. She was hilarious and definitely outgoing.
Very intimidating but yet intriguing. Her fire red hair was the one thing that Tyler could remember. It reminded him of her personality or what he figured was from the one minute they spoke to one another.
Ashley R and Alex.
The twins. Both unbelievably gorgeous. One was more on the quiet sweet side and the other reminded him of Riley. Alex was very out there and more intimidating than anyone there tonight.
"So Tyler are you ready to go speak to your 30 women?"
Tyler snaps out of his thoughts and smiles widely as he sees cameras coming closer, "Of course! Let's get the night started!"
The two walk into the villa and all the thirty women instantly go silent and stand with wine glasses in hand. Chris speaks for a second then leaves the villa. Tyler walks up and a girl with red hair and grey eyes quickly hands him a glass.
"Thank you... Kennedy right?"
Kennedy nods with a small smile. Tyler nods then gives his full attention to all the women.
"Hello ladies"
"Hi Tyler!"
He smiles widely and looks around the room making sure to connect with every pair of eyes.
"First, I just want to thank you all for being here. For leaving family and friends and jobs. I'm very grateful. Second, I just want to say if you ever feel confused or down then talk to me. I know how it feels to do this, I've been on the other side. I'm super excited to be the bachelor. All my life I've dreamed of finding my lady. My parents divorced and seeing that failed relationship took a toll on me. I've been in failed relationships and my biggest fear is a failed marriage. So I'm super serious about this and I hope all of you are too. I can't wait to get to know you all and I just know that my wife is in this room right now. Here's to new adventures, great conversations, and close connections."
He raises his glass making all the women raise theirs also. His eyes freeze on Melody. She smiles lightly and a slight blush covers her cheeks. Just as she takes a step towards him, a tall pretty girl with white blonde hair and light blue eyes steps in his view. He takes his eyes away from Melody and looks at the girl in front of him.
"Hi can I steal you away?"
He glances at Melody who has already turned around and sat down with a group of girls, then looks at the girl waiting on him and smiles.
"Of course."
She grabs his arm lightly and tugs him out the side door and past the pool. They come to a bench and sit down beside each other but not too close.
"So what was your name again?"
Tyler smiles at Chloe as he nods. She turns a little to fully give him her attention.
"What do you do Chloe?"
"So I work as a fitness instructor. It's pretty fun. Keeps me fit and I get to help others stay in shape."
"That's cool. I like that. I go to the gym all the time. Keeping in shape is important to me."
Chloe opens her mouth to speak but is suddenly cut off by a loud voice.
"Hi can I steal you for a second?"
Chloe and Tyler look up to see a short dark haired brunette. She smirks as Chloe sighs.
"Yeah sure."
Tyler quickly hugs Chloe, "It was nice meeting you Chloe."
"You too."
The other girl takes this as her cue and starts to pull Tyler away. The two make their way to the front of the mansion.
"Hi I'm Piper."
"Hey it's nice to meet you."
"You too. So since you have such great dance moves and since I'm a dancer I figured we would try to do just that together."
Tyler smiles as Piper leads him to a hard wood platform with twinkle lights over it hanging in the trees.
"Sounds like fun."
Back in the villa, all the girls group up and get to know each other. Some are in the kitchen drinking coffee to wake themselves up and others are drinking wine.
Melody sits with five girls who she instantly connected with. Caelynn sits on Melody's left and Brynn sits on her right. Charlotte sits beside Caelynn with Mila on the other side of her. And lastly, Scarlett sits beside Brynn.
Brynn has strong features yet she still looked beautiful and had a perfect smile. She has long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
Mila was gorgeous. Almost like a supermodel which actually makes sense, she happened to be a Victoria's Secret model. She has blackish brown ombrΓ© hair and greenish blue eyes. Her smile made slight dimples appear beside her lips which made her attractiveness higher.
Scarlett was a tall blonde with shoulder length hair. Her eyes were green and when she grinned she had slight crows feet by her eyes but in her case it made her lovely. Her smile lights up the room and she was also another skinny supermodel. Not Victoria's Secret but after coming in second place in America's Next Top Model she got booked with almost anyone and everyone.
Melody felt kind of out of place but she knew these people wouldn't judge her. They already made such a great connection that if Melody went home tonight she would still be happy to meet them and have new friends for life.
"Yeah she said she only got to talk to him for about thirty seconds. Then a girl came up and asked to steal him away."
Melody looks over at Mila who is talking about Chloe who was the first girl to pull Tyler away.
"She only talked to him for thirty seconds?" Melody frowns.
Mila nods sadly, "Yeah..."
Brynn sighs, "Woo this is intense."
All of the girls nod watching all the women one by one leave the room then come back within a minute.
"I guess I'm gonna go be one of those girls and try to steal him away for a second. You all better before times up."
We all nod and watch Scarlett walk away. As soon as she disappears another girl storms back in pissed.
"Ugh I can't believe that old hag. I literally had like ten seconds with the guy. Freaking bitch."
Melody frowns feeling angry that someone had called her new friend a bitch. She noted to stay away from the dramatic girl. She wasn't here for the drama, she was here for love.
Caelynn rolls her eyes, "Ugh that girl will be the death of me."
Melody opens her mouth to ask who she is but Charlotte beats her to it.
"Who is she?"
Caelynn frowns slightly glancing over at the short girl with a blonde shoulder length bob and dark blue eyes.
"Her name is Grace. She used to do pageants with me but totally went nuts when she was third place and I won Miss North Carolina. She stopped pageants all together and was no longer the sweet girl everyone knew."
"She seems like a bitch." Brynn replies emotionlessly as she looks at her black painted nails.
Melody chuckles at Brynn's careless blunt personality.
Suddenly, Scarlett comes out of nowhere and plops back down in her space beside the girls. They all look at her and smile as her face heats up.
"So..." Brynn nudges Scarlett with her shoulder, "How'd it go?"
Scarlett laughs and playfully pushes Brynn away, "It went good. We bonded over sports. Who would've thought."
"Sports... then why were you blushing as red as a tomato?"
Melody puts her hand over Brynn's mouth and smiles, "She didn't mean that."
A muffled reply is heard, "Yes I did."
Scarlett shakes her head with a large grin, "Well if you must know Brynn... I kissed his cheek. Didn't want to just plant a big ole kiss without him wanting to so I pecked his cheek."
The girls all say aw making Scarlett grab a pillow and hit everyone. They laugh and the worries and butterflies in their stomachs are suddenly gone.
After an hour, everyone girl in the group of friends have talked to Tyler except Melody.
Caelynn frowns looking at her new friend, "Mel you have to go talk to him. If you don't this could be your last night. Both Ashley's and Alex haven't even had a second with him."
"Yeah Mel you're beautiful and funny. What are you worrying about? He'll love you." Mila smiles at the nervous Melody who had been shaking her leg, glancing every now and then at the back door.
Charlotte reaches across Caelynn and holds Melody's hand, "Go for it."
As Camilla goes on and on about how terrifying this whole process is and how her friends signed her up, Tyler's thoughts go elsewhere.
"I mean not that I'm not happy about them signing me up. I wasn't particularly looking for marriage but as time goes on I think you can change my mind."
Tyler drowns out her voice as he thinks back to one specific girl. She hadn't even talked to him once tonight. He wondered if she would ever try to get his attention. There was only thirty minutes left for the mingling tonight.
"And you never know what can happen. That's my motto."
Tyler finally comes back to and nods at Camilla. He hadn't gotten one word in the whole three minutes they had been sitting together. This was the longest time he spent with a girl tonight and the only thing he asked was her name.
"You know. You're a really good listener. That's what I need-"
Just then a voice interrupts her making Tyler sit up straight and look at the figure with interest.
"Hey can I steal Tyler for a sec?"
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