3rd Person's POV
. . .
'All Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded.
An Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.
Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).
No Student Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.
Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.
The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four.'
"What a load of bull-"
Karina rolls her eyes at Layla as she storms into her room and falls onto her bed with a thud.
Pansy, Layla, and Daphne all follow behind sluggishly. Pansy sits on her own bed as Daphne sits at the desk chair and Layla sits on the floor.
"I just can't believe this... she's changing everything."
Daphne nods, "Yeah it's starting to annoy me seeing her in every single one of my classes, watching over all my professors' shoulders."
Karina sits up quickly and crosses her arms over her chest, "Seriously what is that about?! She was so rude to Professor Trewlaney the other day. I know the lady is nuts but she's nice... she hasn't done anything wrong but that ugly sweater wearing little troll just bulldozes her way in."
Layla sighs picking up the letter that had been taped to Karina and Pansy's door before reading out loud, "Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled... I just don't understand. Let's say I make a chess club... because I don't get it approved by her, I get expelled?"
Pansy curses falling back into her bed, "It's totally nuts."
Sighing, Karina gets up and walks to her vanity staring at a necklace that Hermione had given to her, Harry, and Ron to show that their were all now a part of a movement.
Karina could get in so much trouble for doing this. But did she care? Not one bit. Snape told her to live... this was her choice. To fight against someone she knew was evil, no matter how hard it would be, she would take a stand.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Karina spins around to find all three of her friends staring at her with light smiles.
"What? Why are you all staring?"
Pansy chuckles shaking her head, "Someone is at the door for you."
Frowning in confusion, Karina quickly skips over to the door and opens it to reveal Draco standing with a single yellow rose.
"Dray... what is this?"
"For you... you want to go for a walk?"
Without hesitation, Karina smiles and nods before holding up a finger as if saying one second. Hurrying back inside her dorm, she grabs a sweater ignoring her friends who make kissy faces.
"Ready." She grins standing back at the door.
Draco chuckles before nodding.
A few minutes later, the two find themselves walking alongside the black pond. There's a loud silence but it is in no way awkward. It was nice and calm. It was needed. It was as if they needed just a moment to be near one another even if no words were spoken.
Clearing her throat, Karina peeks over at Draco, "So is that for me or are you just going to hold it all day?"
Draco laughs before holding out the rose to Karina, "Sorry, yes for you."
"Why?" Karina's fingers lightly graze his making her cheeks redden.
"Yellow roses bring joy and happiness. They are said to symbolize friendship. And I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful to have you in my life. Even if that means we're just friends. Truly. I understand it's been tough for us both trying to figure out where to go from here. I know I messed up. And we had our issues and rough patches... but truly and honestly, I couldn't do life without you Karina Grey. You are extraordinary and I want you to know and remember that. I know you've had a tough couple of years and I just need you to remember how strong you are. I hope this small gesture provides some kind of security and joy."
Karina stands still just staring at Draco in awe. Looking down at the rose, she smiles softly feeling a tear slides down her cheek.
"That's why I got you the rose... that right there."
Karina looks up at Draco to see him looking at her so lovingly, "What?"
"That pure smile. That little moment of peace. I wish you an eternity of it, but for now just seeing that one smile makes me feel like I did something good. You need to see that you are the reason my heart keeps beating. Your courage, stubbornness, love, the way you care... I just wanted you to have one second of your own joy instead of focusing on everyone else's'."
Letting out a tearful laugh, Karina leans forward and kisses Draco's cheek lightly.
"I'm so lucky to have you as a... friend. I wish you would show this side to everyone but I'm glad to have the kind, soft Dray just for me."
Draco grabs Karina's hand and kisses her knuckles, "Anything for you Karina Grey... anything for you."
Harry, Ron, and Hermione took their usual seats at the back of the class and pulled out parchment, quills, and their copies of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. Karina walks in with her Slytherin crew. They all sit in front of the Gryffindors and start to chat and chuckle amongst themselves.
Karina peeks over her shoulder as she chats to Layla who was sitting on the left of her. Catching Hermione's gaze, she nods quickly and looks away.
The next meeting for their secret said to be illegal club would be soon. They had to figure out if they were still going to Hogsmeade or if they would have to find a different location. But for now they were just trying to make sure no one heard any of their conversations.
Everyone in the class becomes silent as Snape closes the dungeon door with an echoing bang.
"You will notice," said Snape in his low, sneering voice, "that we have a guest with us today."
He gestures toward the dim corner of the dungeon. Karina rolls her eyes. She honestly didn't even know the troll like woman was there. In the corner, Professor Umbridge sat with a clipboard on her knee.
Feeling her blood begin to boil in anger, Karina feels her leg start to shake.
"We are continuing with our Strengthening Solutions today, you will find your mixtures as you left them last lesson, if correctly made they should have matured well over the weekend β instructions," Snape waved his wand again, "on the board. Carry on."
Professor Umbridge spent the first half hour of the lesson making notes in her corner. Harry was very interested in hearing her question Snape, so interested, that he was becoming careless with his potion again.
"Salamander blood, Harry!" Hermione moaned, grabbing his wrist to prevent him adding the wrong ingredient for the third time. "Not pomegranate juice!"
"Right," said Harry vaguely, putting down the bottle and continuing to watch the corner.
Umbridge had just gotten to her feet.
Draco curses as she strides between two lines of desks toward Snape, who was bending over Karina's cauldron.
"Well, the class seems fairly advanced for their level," she said briskly to Snape's back. "Though I would question whether it is advisable to teach them a potion like the Strengthening Solution. I think the Ministry would prefer it if that was removed from the syllabus."
Snape straightened up slowly and turned to look at her as Karina scoffs.
Looking down at her hand that she had hidden under the table, Karina mutters, "I think you should be removed from the ear-"
Karina glares at Draco who had slapped her thigh with a ruler. He gives her a look as if saying you better not get another detention. Sighing, Karina keeps her mouth shut.
Draco looks up at Snape to see him giving an almost grateful stare. Honestly Draco couldn't tell seeing as Snape's usual emotion was cold, but it looked like he was worried about what Karina would say. Either Draco was crazy or he was missing something.
"Now . . . how long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?" Umbridge asks, her quill poised over her clipboard.
"Fourteen years," Snape replied. His expression was unfathomable.
"You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, I believe?" Professor Umbridge asked Snape.
"Yes," said Snape quietly.
"But you were unsuccessful?" Snape's lip curled.
"Obviously." Snape and Karina mutter at the same time.
Snape gives Karina a look to shut her mouth making her sink deeper into her chair. She was seething with anger. She wanted to tell off the pink sweater right now. There was no way this lady would come in and rag on her godfather. Not on her watch.
Professor Umbridge scribbles on her clipboard while giving Karina a small stare.
"And you have applied regularly for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post since you first joined the school, I believe?"
"Yes," said Snape quietly, barely moving his lips. He looked very angry.
"Do you have any idea why Dumbledore has consistently refused to appoint you?" asked Umbridge.
"I suggest you ask him," said Snape jerkily.
"Oh I shall," said Professor Umbridge with a sweet smile.
Karina mimics Umbridge rolling her eyes as Layla laughs into her hand.
"I suppose this is relevant?" Snape asked, his black eyes narrowed.
"Oh yes," said Professor Umbridge. "Yes, the Ministry wants a thorough understanding of teachers' β er β backgrounds..."
She turns away, walks over to Pansy Parkinson and began questioning her about the lessons.
Snape glances down at Karina who was frowning. He lightly shakes his head making her widen her eyes more. Giving Karina one more hard shake of his head, she finally huffs looking back at her potion. Draco pats her leg making her slowly calm her angry breathing.
Snape gives one last look over his god child making sure she was truly okay before turning around, catching Harry's eye. Harry hastily drops his gaze to his potion. He had honestly forgotten about how close Snape and Karina had gotten. It made him sick if he was honest. The one other person he couldn't stand besides Umbridge.
This was all a mess.
"Maybe I'll skive off Divination," Harry says glumly as the golden trio stands again in the courtyard after lunch, the wind whipping at the hems of robes and brims of hats.
"I'll pretend to be ill and do Snape's essay in- stead, then I won't have to stay up half the night..."
"You can't skive off Divination," Hermione replies severely.
"Hark who's talking, you walked out of Divination, you hate Trelawney!" said Ron indignantly.
"I don't hate her," said Hermione loftily. "I just think she's an absolutely appalling teacher and a real old fraud..."
"Just because you don't understand it. Doesn't mean it's fake."
The golden trio turns around to see Karina standing with her arms crossed over her chest. Draco stands very close beside her, but surprisingly he doesn't say a word.
"Karina-" Hermione starts.
"No, I don't want to hear it. You got ticked off so now you dislike her. Fine. But seriously you have no idea what being a seer does to you. It takes a toll. It rips out a chunk of you. Your energy. Your sanity... if you think Trelawney is a fraud then you must think I am too. So I guess that would mean that all my pain and aches are fake too. I'm just playing the part?"
"No Katrina-"
"Seriously don't. You don't know how it feels and you never will. But don't make someone else feel bad. Because chances are, they didn't want that life. They didn't want to be seen as weird. They didn't want to be used by people who just wanted to...know if they got a good score on a test, or tell their future for fun. They didn't ask for any of this. That fraud like stuff is real life to Trelawney and it's real life to me. It's scary."
"Karina I'm sorry..."
Rolling her eyes, Karina grabs Draco's arm and hurries inside the classroom. Draco glares at the trio but doesn't say anything. He figured that since Karina had such a bad week, that he would try his best to leave Potter and the gryfinndors alone.
But maybe with one more glare.
Karina took her seat in the hot, over-perfumed atmosphere of the Divination classroom. As much as she wanted to stay away from Trelawney, this room was starting to feel safe. She felt a sense of belonging.
Professor Trelawney was handing out copies of The Dream Oracle. Karina took hers while trying to look away from Trelawney gaze. She definitely didn't dislike the woman, no not at all... she just would rather her life not be on display at the moment for everyone to hear. Karina had come to the conclusion that whenever Trelawney had caught her gaze, she would speak on her life. So all she needed to do was keep her head down. She was already going through a hard time just with her constant nightmare/visions.
Four tables over, Harry sat in his chair steaming, hating his life. He would surely be much better employed doing Snape's punishment essay than sitting here trying to find meaning in a lot of made-up dreams.
It seemed, however, that he was not the only person in Divination who was in a temper. Professor Trelawney slammed a copy of the Oracle down on the table between Harry and Ron and swept away, her lips pursed.
Karina chuckles as Trelawney throws the next copy of the Oracle at Seamus and Dean, narrowly avoiding Seamus's head, and thrust the final one into Neville's chest with such force that he slipped off his pouf.
"Well, carry on!" said Professor Trelawney loudly, her voice high pitched and somewhat hysterical. "You know what to do! Or am I such a substandard teacher that you have never learned how to open a book?"
The class stared perplexedly at her and then at each other. Harry, however, thought he knew what was the matter.
Karina quietly roars with a smile making Draco shake his head chuckling.
As Professor Trelawney flounced back to the high-backed teacher's chair, her magnified eyes full of angry tears, he leaned his head closer to Ron's and muttered, "I think she's got the results of her inspection back."
"Professor?" said Parvati Patil in a hushed voice (she and Lavender had always rather admired Professor Trelawney). "Professor, is there anything β er β wrong?"
"Wrong!" cried Professor Trelawney in a voice throbbing with emotion. "Certainly not! I have been insulted, certainly... Insinuations have been made against me... Unfounded accusations leveled... but no, there is nothing wrong, certainly not..."
She took a great shuddering breath and looked away from Parvati, angry tears spilling from under her glasses.
"I say nothing," she choked, "of sixteen years' devoted service... It has passed, apparently, unnoticed... But I shall not be insulted, no, I shall not!"
"But Professor, who's insulting you?" asked Parvati timidly.
"The establishment!" said Professor Trelawney in a deep, dramatic, wavering voice. "Yes, those with eyes too clouded by the Mundane to See as I See, to Know as I Know... Of course, we Seers have always been feared, always persecuted..." She glances over at Karina who was frowning at the sad scene. It was as if Trelawney was warning Karina of what was to come for her as well.
"It is β alas β our fate..."
She gulped, dabbed at her wet cheeks with the end of her shawl, and then pulled a small, embroidered handkerchief from her sleeve, into which she blew her nose very hard with a sound like Peeves blowing a raspberry.
Ron sniggered.
Lavender and Karina both shot him a disgusted look, making him sink into his seat with red cheeks.
"Professor," said Parvati, "do you mean . . . is it something Professor Umbridge . . . ?"
Karina gags, "Ew... do not call that thing our Professor."
"Do not speak to me about that woman!" cried Professor Trelawney, leaping to her feet, her beads rattling and her spectacles flashing. "Kindly continue with your work!"
And she spent the rest of the lesson striding among them, tears still leaking from behind her glasses, muttering what sounded like threats under her breath.
". . . may well choose to leave . . . the indignity of it . . . on probation . . . we shall see . . . how she dares . . ."
"You and Umbridge have got something in common," Harry told Hermione quietly, "She obviously reckons Trelawney's an old fraud too... Looks like she's put her on probation."
A hand raises making Trelawney pause in her striding.
The hand goes down and the person smiles softly, "The Inner Eye does not See upon command, that's what you said to us. And while everyone might not understand... I do. I may have and still utterly dislike being able to see things that have yet to come true. But I think I'm finally beginning to fully get it. You see things when you're meant to. Whether they help you or someone else. A seer is the messenger of all good and evil. It's up to the person receiving the message to actually take a stand and do something about it."
Trelawney dabs at her now dry eyes and stares at Karina in awe. This was the start of Karina finally accepting who she was.
"You're not a fraud. I'm sure you didn't ask to be blessed upon this power but you were and you made something out of it. And if you ask me I think you're doing a great job. You may not realize it but you've helped me personally. And I'm sure if you weren't my Professor I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to divination and dreams and seer abilities. So just know that just because you have one person who's telling you that you're doing something wrong, you also have someone who you are helping tremendously in the long run. So which one would you spend your time carrying about?"
Trelawney stands still with joyful tears in her eyes. Everyone in class looks in awe. They couldn't believe out of all Professors that Karina Grey, the Slytherin girl, would adore the weird nutty Professor.
Karina gives Trelawney one more reassuring smile before looking back down at her book. Draco smiles behind his hand staring at the girl that he would love for the rest of eternity.
How are we feeling?
Favorite character? Duo? Trio?
Which friend group would you want to be a part of?
Did anyone actually feel really bad for Professor Trelawney?
The pink sweater wearing lady is only just beginning to alter things around Hogwarts...
Future predictions? Any requests?
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