Karina's POV
Walking down the corridor in the train, I suddenly feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hand cover my eyes.
"Guess who?"
"Draco, I came on the train with you love plus I think I know your voice."
I turn around to see Blaise and Draco behind him laughing. My mouth opens wide as my eyes.
"How in the world did you do that Blaise?!"
"New spell from the book you got me for Christmas." He holds up the book while shaking it with a smirk.
"Wicked. Aw boo why didn't I get myself one?"
He shrugs then walks past me to our usual compartment. Draco smiles as I pout then grabs my hand and leads up to the same room Blaise just entered.
Everyone else was already seated and waiting. I give them all a hug and then stories about summer trips start to burst out everyone's mouth. Glancing at Pansy I see her pointing to the door.
"I'll be right back." I say leaving. I stand three compartments down and wait for her to follow.
Seeing her finally leave I ask, "What it is?"
"Oh nothing I just know you want to gossip and guys aren't of much use in that area." She smirks while walking to another empty compartment.
"Aw you know me so well, Pan."
As soon as we sit down the door slides open.
"I heard future Mrs. Malfoy was in this compartment." A high voice pipes in.
Daphne Greengrass. Slytherin. My newest friend. Blonde, blue eyes, cute.
"Oh whatever Daphne." I blush as she sits beside me.
"Yeah right I doubt that will ever happen." Another voice chimes in.
Astoria Greengrass. Slytherin. Not my friend at all. Friends with Pansy. Brown hair, brown eyes, horrible attitude which makes her not cute.
"No one asked you Ass-storia." I smirk as she glares at my new nickname for her.
She sits beside Pansy and crosses her arms.
"I'm just speaking the truth. You two may be best friends. But there is no way in hell that you will ever marry him. Heck not even be with him."
"Well then I must say welcome to down under."
Laughing inside and smirking on the outside I lean back in the booth and stare at her as her eyes widen and her mouth drops.
"You mean-" Pansy says leaning closer.
"You and Draco are together?" Daphne asks finishing Pansy's sentence.
I nod and the two scream and pull me into a hug. While in the group hug I glance over at the jealous hag and see her upset which makes me smile and give off an evil look.
"Aw when did this happen?" Pansy asks sitting back in her chair.
June 5th
"Happy Birthday dear Draco and Karina...Happy Birthday to you!" Narcissa sings. "Blow out the candles."
Looking over at Draco I see a small smile on his face as he looks at his mother. Blowing out the candles on our two separate cakes I make a wish.
Narcissa claps and snaps pictures then takes the cakes to the kitchen to cut them. Draco looks over at me and grins.
"So what did you wish for?"
"To get this cast off." We both laugh even though we both know that's not what I wished for.
"You think if I tell my wish it won't come true?" He asks looking down at his hands.
"It might? I mean it's worth shot.... you never know."
He nods still looking down, "Alright then... I wished for you to say yes."
My eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
"Yes to what?"
He looks into my eyes intensely then grabs my hand holding it with both of his.
"Karina Grey will you be my girlfriend?"
~Flashback over~
Looking down at my new charm on my bracelet I see a pink heart with an arrow shot through it. I look back up at the girls and see them in awe.
"That is the cutest thing ever!! I'm so jealous!!" Pansy says pouting. "Not meaning jealous of you and Draco. Ugh gross."
I smile and nod letting her know I understand what she means.
"Ugh I don't even think Goyle knows I exist." Daphne signs falling back to lay in the bench beside me.
"Daph believe me... he knows." I say seeing Pansy nod in agreement.
Just last week he had me and Pansy help him for two hours straight thinking of different ways to say hi to Daphne at Hogwarts. It was complete torture. But he is sweet for trying.
Daphne opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by the door sliding open.
A boy with scruffy brown hair, brown eyes, and ravishing good looks.
"Oh sorry I was looking for-"
"Cedric!!" I scream and jump into his arms to give him a hug.
He hugs back and then pulls away while holding onto my shoulders.
"Karina!! How have you been? How is Grandma Raine? Everything been okay?"
"I've been great Ced. Gram... I don't know where she is. I feel as though everything is okay right now though. How are you?"
I pull his arm so he comes in the compartment. He sits down beside me and stares at me not even paying attention to the other girls.
"I'm doing amazing! Feeling the best I can. And you don't know where she is? That's so unlike her." His eyebrows furrow.
"Yeah I don't know. But it's alright. How are things with Cho?"
His face suddenly lights up.
"Things are heavenly. They really are. I can't imagine things getting better. I feel really happy with her."
"Aw that's great! I'm so happy for you. Slightly jealous you have forgotten about me but I'll let it go."
"I did not forget about you Karina Grey. How could I? You are unforgettable. Plus who do you think got you that surprise ring set that you have fancied since you were 10 for your birthday?"
I gasp in shock. On my birthday I woke up and went downstairs. My owl, Snowy, came through the window and dropped a small package off. I saw a gift that said Happy Birthday and opened it to see a set of silver rings that I have wanted since I was ten years old. They are full of regular rings and knuckle rings. However there was no name attached to the gift so I wasn't sure who had given them to me.
"Aw thank you so much Cedric! That was so thoughtful. Sorry I doubted you." I say with a fake cry earning a laugh from the heartthrob.
"Oh Karina you were always and still are so dramatic." He laughs and gives me a side hug. Then he suddenly stops and grabs my shoulders while looking into my eyes.
"Question. And you better answer correctly. No boys right?" He glares a little daring me to lie to him.
"Um no?" I squeak out under pressure.
"Karina Grey..."
"Oh fine. Just Draco."
"Hm I'm going to have to have a chat with the kid." He rubs his chin like he is thinking of a game plan.
"Um no you will not Cedric. You will probably scare him away."
"Good. You don't need boys. Boys are no good." He puffs his chest out.
"You're a boy Ced."
He shakes his head then says, "Nope I'm a man."
"I second that." Pansy whispers out of nowhere.
We all turn to her to see her face red as a fire hydrant. "Oh wow did I say that out loud? Silly me." She giggles looking out the window.
Cedric smiles and laughs to himself then looks back at me. "Seriously though Karina. I'm going to talk to him and make sure he knows that if he hurts you. I will hurt him. I may be a nice guy but when it comes to people I care about then the hulk comes out."
I smile and give him a hug. Honestly Cedric is like my big brother. He has been in my life for a while. Growing up he used to play with me, teach me things, and protect me. Of course when he got older he had a little less time for me but he would still come over and see me and Gram and help her out with a few house duties or fixing up stuff.
"Thanks Cedric. I love you."
"Love you too Karina. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find my girlfriend." He kisses my forehead, waves goodbye to the girls, then leaves the compartment.
"Ugh so lucky." Daphne says staring at the compartment door that Cedric just left out of with googly love eyes.
I look over to see Astoria and Pansy looking the same way Daphne is.
Oh Cedric.
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