𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗮𝘁𝗲
"You have to call your parents soon, especially my Marie."
Lloyd was sitting with Annie at the kitchen table. It looked a bit nicer, and the bugs and cracks were gone.
"I know I do. I'm just scared. I look so different." He was playing with a curl as he spoke.
She gave him a face. "They won't care what you look like, Lloyd. Your mother especially would like a word with you."
He looked down. He doesn't want to see her. He would love to see his father again, but not her. She didn't come to see him at all. Actions speak louder than words.
He woke up with François' hand on his back. He's gotten used to sleeping on his stomach. Before, thanks to the war, he used to sleep on his back like a tree. He would have his hand on his side to hold his nonexistent gun, just in case the house was ambushed. Now, he sleeps freely on his stomach. He doesn't feel scared when he wakes up anymore. He doesn't look around with a racing heart to check if an enemy is there. He knows he's safe, especially if François is there.
He thought about what Annie said. He did need to see his parents soon. If François, who's know only has been in his life for two years, (though it's technically four) had such a terrible reaction to him being gone, he could only imagine what his parents had been through.
Speaking of his parents, what were they up to?
Marie and Beom had never been so happy. They had almost all their children with them. It was funny watching all of them.
Étoile was most like Beom. They don't like movies, so they watch the same shows together. They would sit by the TV after work, both with their long legs crossed with their thin backs leaning back into the couch, laughing and pointing at the same things for hours. They would take a small break, read, and then go back to the show. They would usually fall asleep like that, Beom's long arm around his child. They would still have their glasses on, which Marie would have to slowly take off almost every night.
They also liked doing the same things. Étoile liked to build things in its dad's little workshop. The noise bothered it, so it wore earplugs as it worked. After they would finish whatever they would do for the day, they would walk over to the restaurant next to the shop, somehow even walking the same. They would both order eggs, beans, and rice, the only difference being that the older would get coffee and the other would get orange juice. They would draw what they wanted to build next, sometimes staying until dinner time. Beom especially cherished that time. He missed fatherhood.
Lily was most like Marie. Those two are best friends. They get their nails done the same color, paint together outside, cook, it was almost like her twin. As a gift, she got her daughter a black bunny. She named it Monsieur Noir. In a way, she reminds her of Lloyd. She never thought him and her were alike, but every time she was around Lily, it was almost like being with him.
It reminds her of how she took him for granted. She loved him, but she didn't spend enough time with him. She had to work when he was younger and before the war because Beom was on disability. After she came home, she would be exhausted and go straight to bed after dinner. She tried to make him happy the best she could. She would get him everything he asked for, always made sure he had lunch money, took him shopping, but it wasn't like time his father spent with him. Now that she's retired, she has all the time in the world and no son to spend it with.
Da was a perfect combination of her parents. Not only did she have her father's looks, but she also had his habits. She was very good with her hands, fixing stuff around the house and making her and the girls jewelry. She was very skilled at cooking, though she only made French dishes. She also acted like her mother. She would sing with her, she liked girly things like pearls and bows, and she liked to nap in the afternoon. She was truly perfect.
The trio were inseparable, but they all decided they needed a little space. So today, they were getting their own rooms. Beom was with Da as she snapped her fingers. He thought she was absolutely precious. His heart melted when she smiled. It was his face. It was also his darling's.
"Papa, what do you think?" She spoke French as she snapped her walls white. It was hard for him to understand, but it got easier over the years.
He had her arm around her. "It's nice, but I'm surprised you didn't make it pink."
She thought about it for a second before saying. "True, but I like white more."
Beom was surprised by her style. She was very religious. She snapped paintings of Mary above her bed and had a cross next to the window. She didn't add too much, just a few bows and a princess bed.
"It's lovely, dear." He heard the puppy crying and pawing at the now pink door. "God, that dog."
Da snapped the door open. Food came rushing to her, pawing her leg to be picked up. Of course, her owner lifted her up. That damn dog is obsessed with her. If she leaves to do anything, the puppy would have a fit. Biting things, crying, chasing everyone, she was a brat. Da would never punish her. She gives her treats, cute dresses, and toys even when she's naughty.
"Don't you like dogs?" She saw his annoyed face.
"I do, but she is a pain." He patted her. It made him think of the kitten. How were they doing?
Meanwhile, Étoile was busying in the room next to the bathroom. It already made the walls forest green, created little star lights around the celling, and plants all over the place.
"Hm," Ho was with it, looking around. "those toys Lloyd liked would be nice." He snapped his fingers for squishmellows and stress toys. Its favorite was the popits.
Étoile snapped for a fish tank. It was huge, taking up a whole corner. It liked the way the fish moved, unbothered by anything from outside. It felt calming.
"Very nice." Its uncle gave it a rocking chair. "Just in case you want to rock."
Lastly, Lily was with her mother. She had a Bohemian style. Yellow walls, crystals, it was almost like being in the 60s again.
"What do you think, mom?" She had a vintage style. She almost looked like her aunts. She was wearing bell bottoms, a yellow button-up, and big earrings.
Marie frowned. "You didn't call me mommy."
Lily smiled at her. "Sorry, mommy." She secretly hated how babied she was. Even when she was dead, everyone treated her like a child. She couldn't go anywhere without one of her siblings insisting on coming with her, her grandparents referred to her as "eolin sonyeo," and God forbidden she fell. The whole Doh army would be all over her. Now, her parents are just as bad. If Da curses, her father will cover her ears. She has a bedtime. Once, her mother even cut her food so she wouldn't choke. She was twenty-five, not a young child.
"I think it looks good, Lily. Did your room look like this before?"
"Oh no, I shared with grandma." She rolled her eyes. She begged her grandparents for her own room, but Da-Eun had to have her sleep next to her, just in case something happened. It almost angered her when Lloyd had his own room, and she didn't, and to think their grandparents almost made them share that room!
And, of course, Marie was talking to her like a baby. "Aw, you did? Is Grandma nice?"
"Yeah, she likes you a lot." She liked when her mother smiled. She knew that was a deep concern of hers.
"Oh, that's nice." She had her hand on her chest."
It was morning in France. François was up early, watching TV with his hand on Lloyd's hairy stomach. He loved the feeling of it going up and down.
Blueberry started pawing at his leg. "You wanna go out?" All the dogs happily waited at the door. "Alright, let Daddy put on slippers."
He slid into his red monkey slippers, kissed Lloyd on the cheek, then went outside. He closed the sliding door behind him, putting the white curtains down. It brought him so much happiness to watch his little family be complete again. Apple and Benjamin haven't aged a day, still an energetic three and five year old. Blueberry, who was now seven and starting to gray, was a little bit slower but still able to keep up with play.
He heard a car pulling up in the driveway. He recognized it as Bella's white Ford. She looked a little scared as she walked up to him.
"Is Lloyd back?"
She held her breath. François looked pale as he nodded, causing her to gasp. Beau wasn't really that crazy after all.
"..how did you find out?" His voice deepen.
She told him what Beau saw and showed him the picture. François was horrified. He couldn't let anything happen to him. He just got him back.
"Listen, we'll talk about this in the house." He called the dogs over and pushed the door. It was locked. "That's weird, I don't remember locking it."
Bella moved the curtain slightly, then screamed. François felt goosebumps all over his body as he lifted the curtain, screaming when he saw Beau standing in the kitchen, holding one of their bigger knives.
"Get out!" François yelled as he punched the glass. He regretted getting it bulletproof a few years ago. It was nearly impossible to break. "Beau, now!"
"I'm going to end this shit! It's for your own good!"
"Beau-" He started running up the stairs to the bedroom.
Bella looked over at François, who looked like he was going to have a panic attack.
Beau slammed open the door. There was the creature sleeping in bed, covered in a green blanket. Disgusting.
He screamed as he ripped the blanket off, scaring Lloyd shitless. He flew up, trying to understand what was happening.
"What the Sheol?!" He tried to hide his fear and confusion as he saw the sliver knife swinging. "Um...?"
"You! You bastard! I'm going to get rid of you!"
He threw the knife up, scratching Lloyd's cheek, but thankfully, nothing else. He flew around the room like a bat like Beau chased him, jumping up to grab him despite both being the same height. It was nearly comical.
"Damn! Why does everyone always bring a knife to my bed?!"
Outside, François was frantically beating on the glass. The pets were confused. To them, Beau is a friend.
"Benjamin, come here!" The pitbull followed the baby voice. "Bennie, Beau is trying to hurt Lloyd! You don't want that, do you?"
She didn't think it would work, but when a scream was heard, all hell broke loose. Benjamin ran into the glass, smashing it as he made his way into the bedroom. François was somehow faster. Bella was holding the smaller two so they wouldn't hurt their paws.
The bluehead gasped, drowning in relief. Lloyd had Beau frozen to the wall, the blond kicking and screaming
"That's enough of you!" François almost knocked him over with a hug. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?"
"Hi, Lloyd!" Lloyd nearly had a heart attack as Bella walked through the door, holding his dogs. "Don't worry, I'm just glad you're back."
"I'm not!"
"Shut up, bitch!"
Lloyd slowly took the knife away, then unfroze Beau. François was standing in front of him, his face bright red.
"What the fuck! I'm finally happy and you try to take it away from me!" He had his arm over Lloyd, who was looking over his shoulder.
"That thing makes you happy?! He's a freak!" The snake covered his purple cheeks. He knew it, it just hurt to hear it. "He made you miserable, François, and now he has the nerve to look like this!"
"..It's not like I tried to, really. I didn't even know I was dead!" His voice was gentle, hiding the building anger in his throat.
"You're a monster, you even look like one!"
François' hand worked faster than his brain. He smacked his former best friend across the face. It was hard enough for the slightly shorter to stumble back in shock, holding his red cheek.
"Franny!" Lloyd pulled him back by his arms.
He calmed down when he stroked his freckled face, touching his claw. "He had it coming!"
Bella shrugged her shoulders and giggled, covering her mouth. "Not wrong."
"I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Beau was crying, sniffling as he rubbed his face. "You want to be with this freak?! Fine! You two deserve each other anyway! Two monsters to keep each other away from the normal people!"
Even though he was protecting him, Lloyd could see the tears in those blue eyes.
Bella never felt so angry before. Her best friend was the best person in the world, and his husband was just as great. The fact that this acne-written, messy haired, dead eyed, stupid darwf had the nerve to call these saints this bullshit would've been laughable if they were in a sitcom.
"You're fucking dumb, you know that?!" Bella was holding Benjamin back his collar, that dog was ready to eat him for breakfast.
He pointed to her, his white nails shining in the light. "No, it's François! Look at him, he looks stupid!"
"Stop." Lloyd's voice sounded different, more snakelike. His hands were becoming cold.
Beau acted like he wasn't there. "He looks stupid, Bella! You know it's true! His hair looks stupid, he's fat-"
François didn't say anything, instead looking down.
"-Ugly! Selfish! Foolish!"
"He's worthless! He's nothing!"
Lloyd slowly floated over to him, his fist shaking.
"He's nothing but a failure! Even his own mother didn't love him!"
Lloyd wrapped his upper hands on Beau's long neck, his body moving in a pattern as he choked him. He didn't care about the gasps or the color changing in his face. He didn't care that every cell in his body was screaming at him to stop.
The two stood there, their mouths wide. He looked different, so different. François thought of Kim. Blue in the face, beating on his arms, their friend now enemy. He would've let him kill him. He's buried a body before. He's burnt a body before. He'll gladly help his husband hide him. Maybe he could freeze him and smash him into a million pieces.
The difference in this whole scene was Bella. She started screaming, scaring Lloyd and causing him to lose his grip. Beau fell to the floor, gasping and crawling away.
"Oh my God. What have I done?" Icesicles formed around him. All of his hands were covering his mouth.
The other was quick to embrace him, rubbing his wings. "Shh, shh. He had it coming."
As the couple were comforting each other, Bella shyly came over to them. Lloyd felt scared. Did she feel the same way? Surely, she had to be. Beau met François in middle school, she met him in kindergarten. She had to be furious with him.
"Bella, I'm so sorry." His voice shook as she walked up to them. François nervously had his arm around his shoulders. He didn't want to hurt her, but he would if he must.
She hugged him. He jumped, then hugged her back. "Welcome back." She kissed his cheek, then hugged her best friend. "Welcome back, François."
He smiled at her. "Bella."
Beau groaned, weak from the fight and suffocation. François kicked his arm, giggling about it. Lloyd didn't feel proud. Something in his head was pounding, singing a word that he didn't understand.
"Evil. Evil. Evil."
"His neck's all bruised." Bella flipped him over with her black heel. Beau looked pathetic. Crying, pale, shaking, it was a show. François laughed. If he was a monster, then Beau had to be Frankenstein.
Lloyd shook his head. "I could fix the bruising."
He went to bend down, but François stopped him. "Don't do it, love. He doesn't deserve it."
"But I feel bad." He gave him sad eyes, those work every time.
He carefully lifted Beau up. He thought he was too weak to do anything. He made his hands cold and slowly went to touch the bruises.
However, a man, rather bastard or hero, will always put up a fleeing fight. Beau suddenly shouted and attempted to stab Lloyd. It was too fast for the other two to stop him. Although he was accidentally holding the butt of the knife, his body still had a reaction. It could've been from the stress, his mind thinking of the other times he was stabbed, or the pressure, but he fainted.
François gasped the loudest as he watched his husband drop. Benjamin pulled so hard that his collar broke in the woman's hand. He started to bite Beau, making him scream and attempt to pull him off.
"Lloyd." Bella's heart was in her stomach when she saw François holding Lloyd, supporting his neck. Beau was done for. "Lloyd, what has he done..?"
Just as Beau was able to get the dog off, François threw himself on top of him and started to beat the shit out of him. He made sure to hit him with his big wedding ring. Bella was trembling as she shrugged to pick Lloyd up. She knows how François could be. When they were in sixth grade, a bully was taking her stuff. Her best friend, who hadn't started transitioning yet, beat that boy near to death and left him in the rain. He was in a coma for two days, had three broken bones just in his hand, split his lip, and nearly blinded him because he was scratching at his face.
She put Lloyd in the bath. She didn't know whether it to make it cold or hot, so she made it warm. She could feel him breathing, yet he wasn't moving. She then ran into the bedroom. There was blood on François' fist. Beau was begging for him to stop, but it fell on deaf ears. He wanted him to break.
"Stop! Stop!" She pulled him off. "François, stop!"
The man with blue hair wiped his mouth, then his eyes. Beau's face looked broken, yet somehow, he tried to crawl away. Blueberry and Apple blocked the door as François grabbed him his broken leg, causing him to cry out.
"You're not going anywhere." He lifted him up to his face by his blond hair. "You better pray and hope he wakes up because Benjamin hasn't been fed yet, and he looks pretty hungry..."
Since everyone in the house was sleeping, Lily decided to sneak off to the garden. She hates the fact that she has to pretend to be asleep by nine while her siblings can stay awake until eleven.
She floated around, not waiting to get her long pajamas pants dirty. She was thankful that nobody would see her. Lately, the press has been twisting themselves in knots about how much her and her siblings look like their parents. The lie was that they were their aunt and uncle and how they came here for education. It was pretty funny to think about.
As she was picking flowers, she heard a crash and a groan. She jumped and turned around. There, trapped in the rose bushes, was a man.
"I'm so sorry. I don't have my guide dog." He was struggling to get out. "He's at the vet."
Lily snapped her fingers to help him. He was now finding his glasses. She picked them up and put them on his face. He was very handsome, it's a great shame he'll never see it. He had tan skin, black curly hair, and white eyes. He didn't have pupils.
"Thank you." He began touching her face. Lily was weirded out, but she couldn't be angry. When her grandpa was old and losing his vision, he did the same thing to her parents.
She slowly took his hands off. "Um, sure. Why are you walking so late if you're blind?"
"I just got out of work. I usually walk with my dog, but he's at the vet for worms." She knew he wasn't lying. He was wearing a suit and holding a briefcase. "Why are you outside so late?"
She blushed. "Just a walk. Do you know where you're going?"
"Yeah, my glasses tell me. I take a fall here and there." He felt around for his cane. He grabbed it and started to walk away. "Goodbye, lady!"
She waved, even though she knew he wouldn't see. "Goodbye!"
As he walked out, Lily felt a strange feeling in her stomach. It was hot and made her chest feel all weird. What was it?
Da-Eun and Su-Yeong were minding their own business, then bam, Lloyd appears. They happily ran up to him and picked him up. They have a grandchild again!
"Am I dead?!" Lloyd looked around nervously, still looking like a snake.
His grandmother chuckled and stroked his arms. "No, sweetheart! You just fainted, but me and-"
"What! I can't be here! I just got back! Oh!" He cried her shoulder, getting tears on her bare shoulder.
The two looked at each other, then back at him. "But don't you want to stay with us? We'll take care of you."
He looked up, seeing that he turned her shoulder a slightly dark gray color with his tears. "No! I want to live! I'm tired of dying!"
Da-Eun's voice was high. "..but we're all by ourselves. All the kids left."
He didn't realize who she was talking about until he realized he couldn't see or hear any of his siblings. "Wait." He looked up, his eyes wide. "Why? Where did they go?"
Su-Yeong told him what happened. He was frozen, literally and figuratively. They carried him into the house to get warmed up as his mind spun. How were his parents taking all of this? How were all of them doing? How did they look now?"
Once he was better, he clung to his grandfather. "M-my parents...they have to know now..."
Da-Eun rubbed him with a blanket. "..They've known for a while, sweetheart. They're waiting for you."
He was in shock. They know, they actually know. This whole time, while he's been in basically hiding, his parents have been waiting for two years and now six months. His siblings have been waiting too. How could he be so selfish?
His hands was on his mouth. "Do other people know?"
Su played with his large hands. "Um, just them and Ho's kids." He felt guilty when he saw his face drop. "All of them."
"Oh." He started crying again. He's been keeping everyone waiting.
"Y'know, you don't have to deal with all that." He looked up and saw his grandparents smiling at him. He knew they didn't mean to come off as creepy, but they were doing a pretty damn good job.
He used a firm voice. "No. I want to grow old."
Su-Yeong was going to disagree with him. He knows the horrors of being old. Chasing fleeing memories with slow legs as your hearing slips by. Your body aches for no reason. Your loved ones don't need you anymore and treat you like a burden. Strangers forget you even exist. Slowly turning into an infant and having your two sons change your diapers like you've changed them. He wouldn't wish old age on anyone, especially someone he loves.
Da-Eun stopped him, however. She never experienced the glory of her golden years. Seeing her boys grow and marry. Seeing her black hair turn sliver. Spoiling her grandchildren as they hear about her stories in Korea over and over again. Although her husband often talks about old age with a cringe and frown, she catches herself dreaming of the chances she and most of her grandchildren never had. It would be an honor to let him have that chance.
"Okay." Da-Eun snapped her fingers and he disappeared. He was awake.
"But-" she kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "-ughhhhh."
"Bella, it's been five minutes!" François was beside himself, wailing in the kitchen.
She was scared for him. He barely survived Lloyd's passing, and now he's already falling apart and ate four packs of mint gum, taking breaks to cry. "François, please relax. Lloyd will wake up!"
"Yeah, Lloyd will wake up soon."
They both spun their heads. Lloyd was grinning, already dry. François cried out and ran to him, hugging him so close that he picked him up. Bella rolled her eyes as she sighed. Thank God.
"Lloyd, oh!" He was sniffling as he stroked his horns. "You had me so worried!"
The shorter kissed his cheek. "I'm okay, my dear one. Please don't cry."
As François wiped his tears, the dogs came running to him, concerned and starving. He gave them kisses before giving them their long-awaited breakfast. Bella hugged him, grateful that everything would be just fine.
"Where's Beau?" His voice was stained with disgust.
She pointed upstairs. Lloyd was going to float until his husband picked him up. Even with the stairs changed, he still doesn't let him go up and down by himself. It's annoying, but if it brings François a bit of peace, so be it.
When they opened the door, they saw Beau pathetically lying on the ground next to the bed, crying and bleeding. Bella couldn't even look at him. He looked terrible. His nose was broken, both of his eyes were black, his face was all cut up and bruised, his hair was messy from being pulled, and his shirt was ripped up.
"Hello, darling." Lloyd's tone was so dry and unbothered that the woman had to hold in a laugh. "Don't you look dashing."
François turned him over with his leg, not caring about his bruised rips. "Stop." When the crying continued, he shouted, "Stop or I'll give you something to cry about!"
He had to back away, covering his lips. He sounded just like his mother, even his voice was the same. Lloyd hugged him, patting his back. Bella had to take it from here.
"First of all, where's your phone?"
His voice was small. "...I-in my pocket.."
She went through his pockets, finding the cracked phone in the right one. She opened it, found the picture, and deleted it.
"Besides me, did you send this to anyone else?" He shook his head. "Are you lying?"
"No!" He grabbed his stomach. It hurt to raise his voice.
She nodded before Lloyd went to him, Benjamin running from the kitchen to stand in front of him and growled. François was behind him, giving him death glares.
"How did you find out? How did you get in?"
"I went o-over last night and saw you guys sle-sleeping. This-this morning I got...in because François was b-busying." He was hiding his face.
His former best friend yelled and kicked his face, his nose aching. "You bastard!"
"Franny, don't." He pushed him back behind him. He protected him with his wings, though the other was still able to peak behind him. "Why would you do this?"
He had this whole thing planned out in his head. As Lloyd would be lying in bed dead, he would speak to his friends, telling them that he finally released them from this burden and how happy they'll be. Instead, shaking and with a lump in his throat, he couldn't give a proper answer. He became even more scared when he saw how angry everyone was getting.
"Spit it out, man!" Bella rose her heel over his eyes. He finally cried out.
"I hat-hate you, Lloyd! You ruined everything!" He got a bit of satisfaction when he saw the snake's face drop. "You made him..miserable, and now y-you're back looking-looking like this! You should've sta-stayed dead! You...deserve to rot in that stupid grave!" He saw his horrifed face and smirked. "I've h-hated you since t-t-the...cancer."
François pushed Lloyd to get to him, and Lloyd didn't stop him. He started punching and yelling at him, but his husband couldn't hear it. Everything he said before didn't bother him, but this got under his scales. Despite what François would say, it was right. He almost drove himself crazy with grieve, and he wasn't the only one he hurt. Benjamin died from a broken heart, the animals that did survived changed, oh, he could only imagine what his parents had gone through.
The other didn't stop. Lloyd suffered. He was throwing up stomach acid, which burned his throat and made it hard for him to speak. He would sleep for sometimes days straight and still wake up exhausted. He called himself a monster. He tried to kill himself. Yet somehow, Beau still hated him. How could you hate a dying man who's done nothing wrong? He only stopped hitting him when he saw Lloyd's face. He could tell he was overthinking.
"Lloyd, are you okay?" He jumped when François touched his shoulder, his face covered in blood.
He nodded, brushing off the ice that formed on his shoulders. "Yeah, just..." His voice shook. "Just um..."
"It's okay, my love." He hugged him. He felt so cold. "Don't listen to what he says. He's crazy."
He wrapped him in the blanket and cradled him. Lloyd pushed the feelings down. There were more important things to do than be sad.
Bella whispered to them. "What do we do with him now?"
Beau was completely broken in body and mind. François thought, then nodded.
"If you tell anyone what happened, I'll kill you. I know where you live." Beau struggled, but he nodded. "Now walk home."
Bella sighed. "That's cruel, even if he deserves it. I'll drive him home."
"Bye then, I'll call you soon." François patted her shoulder.
Lloyd smiled at her. "Bye, Bella."
She waved at them before helping Beau up and getting him out of the house. The house felt light again. François took a deep breath before sitting on the bed, rubbing his forehead. Lloyd touched his face.
"Are you okay?" Those poor blue eyes looked exhausted.
He put his forehead on his. "Yeah, I suppose so. You?"
He couldn't be honest now. He's been through enough. "Oh, I'm good, I guess."
He kissed his cut. Bella put a bandage on it while he was giving Beau his first beating. Poor thing. He just got back and he's already being treated like this. He didn't deserve it.
"I'm going back to bed, Lloydie. I'm exhausted." He put the shorter to the side and laid down, not expecting him to be tired.
Surprisingly, he laid down next to him and spooned him, wrapping his tail around him. "I could go for a sleep too."
He kissed his neck. François held his third hand, gave it a kiss, shuffled, then went to sleep. To think it was only ten in the morning!
All of the siblings were in the same dream. They were back at home with their grandparents. They looked different from what they remembered, more tired looking.
"Don't you look lovely, kids!" Su-Yeong hugged all of them, smiling when they kissed him.
Da-Eun hugged them again when he was done. She missed everything about them, especially their touch. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes!" Their hearts broke when Da happily jumped around. "I go to the mall with Mama and my new friends, I got a modeling contact, and a lot of boys want my number, whatever that means!"
Étoile, who could speak again, clapped its hands. "I work with Father, and we eat and walk, and it's so much fun! I really like to build things! I think I'll build houses!"
"I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I'm still having fun! Me and my mom dance-" Lily grabbed her frowning grandmother's hands and danced with her. "-and I talk to new people, and I get to be in the castle with Sarah! I love being alive!"
Da-Eun sighed. "It seems like you three are having lots of fun."
"Yes! Have you been having fun? I'm sure there's lots of space for you guys to do stuff."
Su-Yeong shook his head, frowning. The three's smiles fell. They've never seen them look so upset.
"Are you angry with us?" Étoile looked at them with sad green eyes. "We're really sorry."
Their grandma smiled. "No, love, we aren't mad. We really miss you kids, that's all." It bent down so she could kiss its forehead. "If you ever want to come back, we'll glady take you."
It walked over to its siblings. "No, thanks. We're really happy on Earth."
The grandparents sadly nodded. They couldn't take all this happiness away. All they ever wanted them to have is a good life.
Da was holding her little siblings' hands. "Why isn't Jo with us?" Étoile looked incredibly guilty as Lily looked away. "Or up here? Where did you put him, grand-pére?"
Su-Yeong folded his arms. "Don't worry about that."
Da looked down. Étoile couldn't stand it. It hated seeing her so upset. When Jo yelled at her and made her cry, it couldn't do anything about it or else he'll yell at it too. It never liked seeing the others sad, especially the babies. It never let Jo yell at Lily. It usually took the scolding or slaps for her, and when he yelled at her, forget it. It never felt so angry. It was the one that gave François Kim's whereabouts. It was the only time it felt glad a being was in pain.
"Da-Eun, I saw him." It spoke fast, too afraid to look anyone in the eye. "He's a monster. He's chained up in the dark, where Aurora was." It started trembling when its sisters gasped and let go of its hands. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Chained up?!" Da was shouting. She looked over at her grandparents, who looked angry and disappointed. "Why would you do that?!"
Lily suddenly spun her over to look at her. "Why wouldn't they?! He's a monster, Da! He hurt us! He hurt Aurora! He hurt Lloyd! He deserves it! I hate him!"
She gasped. Étoile was crying, feeling Su-Yeong's angry glance burning holes all over its body.
"I want to wake up right now!" Da started turning red. "I don't want to be here!"
Da-Eun was tearing up. Her grandchildren didn't want to see her. "Please listen, love-"
"-I said now!"
They all woke up in their rooms and instantly met in the hallway. Étoile was covering its face, still crying.
"You can't hate him, Lily! He's our brother!" She never sounded so angry, it was almost like hearing Jo.
"You can't tell me what to do! I'm twenty-five, and I think it's time everyone knows that! I hate him, Da-Eun! I hate him!"
Their parents, awoken by their children yelling, opened their door. Marie still had her curlers in. "What's going on? It's two in the morning."
"Étoile's a liar!" Da's voice was high. "It knew where Jo was and didn't tell us before we came down here!"
Lily had her arms around it. "It didn't need to! Jo's a monster! I don't care where he is!"
"BUT I CARE!" The younger two froze. They never made Da upset, and now she was screaming at them. "HE'S MY BROTHER! HE WAS THERE BEFORE ANYONE ELSE AND YOU HATE HIM AND ÉTOILE LIED TO ME!"
Marie, now awake, gently guided Da back to her room. "Let's talk about it together, okay? But no more yelling, it's too early for that."
She wiped her tears. "Fine!"
After the door was closed, Beom looked at his younger children. Both of them were crying. God, did he hate those big tears. He hated the feeling of them on his fingers when he wiped them off. He hated the misery.
"Talk about it with appa. I'll listen."
Da-Eun was a mess, sobbing on the grass as Su-Yeong tried to justify himself.
"I had to! He's a monster!"
"He's my grandbaby!" She made him sit on the ground next to her. "Now he's gone, all my babies are gone, they're angry with me! They hate me!"
He huffed. "No, they don't! They're just angry, and anger isn't permanent!" He touched her shoulders. "C'mon, now, you know it had to be done! Think of Aurora! She doesn't even remember us anymore, and it's his fault!"
That made her cry more. "Su-Yeong, it's all our faults! We let him do it! We didn't save her! We let them believe what Jo said!" She was becoming hysterical. "He-he-"
"-Da-Eun, breathe, please." Despite them being dead, he didn't want her getting worked up. Anytime she did, she had a seizure. He scared him when she seized, and it hurt him that Beom had to witness his mother and his son suffer the same way. "Look, Beom and Marie are talking to them, and I'm sure they'll be okay. Aurora...she's happy, and that's all we want for all of them, isn't it?" She slowly nodded. "Jo, well, it's better for him to be there. You know that."
She nodded again and looked at him with wet purple eyes. "I still love him."
He grasped her hand. "Don't you think I love him too? It hurt me that I had to do that, but he hurt all of us. Besides, Lloyd needs to take care of him. Once he's gone, this pain will go away."
"I suppose you're right." She let him hug her. Despite having two children, they're very shy with touch. It was tradition, but they secretly enjoyed the times they allowed themselves to touch the other. When she was giving birth to Beom, those big hands were all over her face, then on her body when she died. When Su came back, they had sex until they both collapsed from exhaustion, then did it again the following morning. They loved those times.
Su-Yeong unfortunately let go of her and handed her his hankerchief. "Now, no more crying, you know I can't stand it." He let her wipe her eyes for a few seconds before saying, "Let's go see what Lloyd's up to, yeah? He had a hard day, but I'm sure by now he's up to some silly adventure."
She stood up first, then her husband. "Okay."
"I understand you're upset, Da." She finally got the full story. Her daughter was on the bed, crying like a baby. Food was trying to lick her face. "But you can't be angry with them for feeling how they feel."
"Y-you don't understand." Both of them were speaking French. "He was there before anyone else. He was best friend and I lost him like I lost Lloyd and Aurora..."
She started sobbing again, and so did her mother. It hurt to even hear their names.
"It wasn't your fault. Jo did something very wrong, and it seemed like your grandparents did the best they could. They, um, made mistakes with Aurora, and you did too, but it doesn't make any of you bad people."
"I don't want to lose anyone ever again." She held her hand tightly. "Do..do you promise not to leave me?"
Marie smiled softly at her. "Yes, baby, I promise."
She smiled back, then started crying again as she hugged her dog. "I still love him, ma, and they just talk about him like he was nothing to us. He was everything to me!"
"I understand, but I think they had a different relationship with him. People experience anger in different ways, and I think that's causing you three to clash." Food was also trying to lick grandma. It made her sad, remembering that day with Apple in the garden.
Her eyes got big. "Will I lose them over it?"
Marie felt so bad for her. She had to experience nearly the same thing she did, and she knows how much it stings.
"No, my love. I think all of you should talk in the morning, okay? Let them talk about how they feel, and you can about how you feel." She smiled when she nodded. "Do you want mama to sleep with you?"
Her lip trembled. "Yeah.."
In the other room, Beom also got the story. Lily had stop crying by now, Étoile didn't.
"I understand how you kids feel, I don't like him either to be honest." They were speaking Korean.
Lily exclaimed, "Why can't she see it then?! Why does she care about him after all he's done!"
"Maybe they had a different relationship." He touched her shoulder. "It doesn't mean that your feelings aren't right, but it also doesn't mean her feelings are not right either."
Étoile tapped something on its new tablet it uses to speak. "So how can we talk to her about it?"
"Well, be gentle. It's okay to share your thoughts, but keep Da's in mind as well."
Lily nodded. "Okay, we'll talk in the mornings."
"That's fair. Lay down with me, your mother is with your sister."
They laid down. Lily fell asleep when her father kissed her hair. Étoile still kept crying. Guilt was drowning it.
"Don't cry anymore, baby. It's okay." Beom wiped its tears. "Go to sleep."
Lloyd was in the piano room, Jr happily on top to sunbathe with his eyes closed.
"Lloyd." He looked around for the voice. "No, sweetheart, you can't see us."
"Oh. Hi grandma and grandpa."
"Hi, Lloyd." Da-Eun and her husband were touching the globe. "Are you well? You seem upset."
He sighed, leaning on the keys. It made a sound he didn't like. "Just thinking about what Beau said."
"Shooting Star, don't listen to him. I'm glad you choked him, and I'm proud of your husband for-" his wife gave him the look. "Next time, just get us. We'll handle it."
He started smoking. "Is it true what he said? I'm better off dead?"
"No, not at all. Everyone is so relieved you're back." She looked away. "Just make sure that you contact your family soon, and remember your job."
He patted the cat. "..Do I look bad? François says I don't, but he thinks I'm cute when I'm breathing. My parents...what do you think they'll say?"
Su-Yeong thought, then said, "I think you look handsome, Lloyd. Just like your father, and me of course."
"Your family won't care what you look like, they just really want you back. Especially your mother, she dreams about you often." She thought that would make him feel better, but he looked worse.
"...I'm sorry I let you down, guys."
She wished she could be there. All her life, she's been out of reach. So close yet so far. "You haven't let us down, dear. If anything, we're most proud of you."
He smiled slightly. "Really?"
"Yes, Lloyd. It honestly amazes me how you could be so disappointed in yourself despite all you've done."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you, Su." Lloyd laughed with his grandparents.
Afterward, Da-Eun glanced at that sweet face. What a beautiful boy. "It's time to go, sweetheart. I think that François will wake up soon."
"Okay. Goodbye."
"Bye." Su-Yeong let go before Da-Eun. "Do you feel better now?"
She looked at him, snapping for McDonalds before flying upstairs, Jr meowing and following behind him. "Yes."
François was stretching when Lloyd came in, smiling as he passed him his bag.
"Brunch?" The taller kissed his forehead, his voice deep.
He changed his phone. "More like dinner." He gave the pets their happy meals. Jr got a hamburger without a bun and a few fries.
François was given iced tea as Lloyd ate his burger in one bite. "What else could you eat like that?"
"I ate a whole sleeve of bacon once." He didn't think of it until the other stopped eating.
"Lloyd, you're Jewish."
He shrugged. "Oh."
Although he didn't comment on it, he noticed that he didn't wear his Star of David anymore. Unlike him, who prays every morning and night, Lloyd doesn't do that. He doesn't care about any religion, though. He does praise the stars more often, and he paints them any chance he could get.
Lloyd opened his four arms. "Snuggle."
François moved his arms so Lloyd could hug him and lay down, using his back as a table. The shorter grabbed a book.
"How are you feeling, Franny? I know today was a lot." He smiled when he felt his wings being petted.
He sighed under his breath. "It's pretty weird, but I know the stuff he said isn't true. My mom did love me, in a way. And Beau was always kinda crazy." He noticed that Lloyd was quieter than usual. "You know that too, right?"
It took a few seconds for him to nod. The other kissed his head.
"I love you, Lloyd. I'm more than happy you came back."
He looked up and smiled at him. "I'm glad too."
Then, he looked away as the other was busy eating. What was that really true? Was he better off dead?
"Are you okay? I think you made my lovehandles cold."
Lloyd looked at them. He did, there was ice on them. "Sorry, love. I like touching them."
"It felt pretty good, to be honest." He made a throw into the trash can, Jr silently judging him when it missed and landed on his furry back. "Why don't you...tell me more about your siblings? If we're going to meet them soon, I should at least know them a little."
He looked up, smiling. The other was smiling, too. "Well, um, I guess the oldest one now is my sister, Da-Eun. We call her Da because that's also my grandma's name and gets confusing."
"Is Da-Eun your mom's mom?" He was drinking his tea.
His nose wrinkled. "Ew, no. My dad's mom. I never want to meet my mom's side of the family. Anyways, Da is super nice great, trust me. You'll love her."
"When did you first meet your siblings? Was it during the dreams?"
He couldn't believe he had forgotten. He thought about it, tapping his white painted nails on the other's soft hair. "Oh, I remember! Remember when I was, like um-" He looked up and snapped his fingers, accidentally giving Blueberry a dress. "-asleep? Like when I was stopped being king?"
He nodded. He tried to push those memories down. The fight, the cutting, Marcel. He gasped suddenly, covering his mouth. "Does that mean you were d-"
"No, Franny. I was sleeping." He saw his heartbroken face. "You know I don't blame you, do you?"
He kept looking down. The shorter hugged him, kissing his freckled cheek. He doesn't recall the bad memories with him. He thinks that François' perfect. François sees every mistake he made in those red eyes. He remembers every tear he caused, every bad moment he caused, it's all his fault.
"It's not your fault, Franny. Really, it isn't."
He hugged him, his arms around his body. He put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I really, really didn't mean to." His voice became a whisper. "Please forgive me."
"Of course I do. I know you never wanted me sad." François felt so warm. His husband really wanted that. "I love you. I don't blame you for anything that happened."
He was shaking, trying his best to control it. "Not even that? It gave you cancer.."
He finally cried. He was holding that in for so long.
"How could you blame yourself for that?" He never felt more saddened for someone. What a burden to carry.
He grasped him tighter, sniffling. "Because everything fell apart after that. If I didn't yell at you, you would've been okay. You would've never..." He couldn't speak, sobbing instead. "...Je suis désolé..."
He tried to remember the fight. He remembers the words, the anger, but something was missing. He couldn't remember what, but it was there, and he couldn't grasp it.
"Fran, the cancer was always there. Remember what the doctor said? It was already there. I was already sick." The other nodded, smiling softly when his hot tears were wiped. "You had a reason to be angry. I put you through so much during that time. You just sorta reached your limit, that's all."
"...it's not my fault?"
"No, Franny. I promise it isn't."
They laid down, hugging each other. Lloyd had his tail around his legs, like he used to do before. He couldn't believe that François kept that on his shoulders for two years. He should've known, though. He's always been like that.
"I love you, you know that?" François nodded, his eyes bright. He was stroking his beard, he loves that thing to death.
"I love you more." He choked up again. "More than I've ever had before."
Morning came. The parents sat in the kitchen, nervous about the conversation coming from the garden. Ho, none the wiser and wouldn't be bothered if he did, flew over to Japan to see his grandson.
"How do you feel about the Jo situation?" He slipped his coffee nervously.
She shook her head as she cut cheese for lunch. "Disappointed. I wish Jo could be normal."
He didn't say anything to that, instead eating the beans on his plate.
Back in the garden, the three were talking.
"I'm sorry about lying." The tablet spoke for Étoile. "I just didn't know when or how to say it. I didn't want anyone to be angry with me."
Unlike Jo, Da didn't stay angry for long. "I'm sorry, Étoile. I didn't want to shout at you. I was angry that I didn't know, but now I see where you came from."
Lily looked down her swinging feet. "I'm sorry too, Da. I know you love Jo, but please understand that me and it don't feel the same way."
She sighed. "I do. Last night was just a lot, but it wasn't fair for me to take it out on you guys."
Étoile opened its long arms, and its sisters embraced it and each other. They never want to fight again. They hated it when Jo would yell at them, and they didn't want to do that to each other.
Their parents, who watched from the window, took a breath of relief. They never dealt with sibling conflict before, Lloyd was an only child. Ho said to let them fight for a while, calm down, then ask them to apologize. It was the hardest thing ever. Beom and Ho didn't fight, and fights between Marie and her siblings usually ended up in their mother smacking her, whether she started it or not. They hoped this won't happen again for a very long time.
Her grandparents were also relieved, yet still carried a weight. Jo needed to be dealt with sooner or later.
And although they felt bad, they hoped it would be soon.
Pierre Comte
The Secret Rendezvous
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