𝚃һ𝖊 𐐛ⅈ𝚏𝖊 օ𝚏 𝔸 𝐹𝔯𝖊𝖊 𐊢ɑ𝘵

Currenttail had entered the medicine den, a sweet smell mixed with herbs filling the air. Reminding him of Pureheart's presence.

"Heya Current!" She had purred strongly as she greeted him. Pureheart was a kittypet long ago in her kithood. But she didn't remember much of it because of her early arrival to the clan. Yet she still gave cats nicknames, which was her only memory of kittypet life.

Currenttail had greeted her with a purr as well, though wincing in pain. He didn't come here for no reason, but he had gotten a wound earlier from a falling tree branch.

"Oops! Let me get that settled for you!" Pureheart bounced over to her herb storage. Currenttail probably couldn't name anything of them, maybe cobweb? Other than that, he was clueless.

Pureheart had grabbed a cobweb and a herb which to him seemed the same as the rest. What was he supposed to know?

"Eat this please." She had said, implying the herb, not the cobweb... obviously.

Currenttail ate the bitter herb, he wished to spit it out. Though he didn't want to look like a whiny kit, sucking it up to himself as he felt cobwebs cover the small cut.

"It's not a bad wound, I highly doubt it will get infected." Pureheart explained, "though I might take a glance at it every so often incase you open it up further."

Currenttail had nodded, though silent. He was afraid he would stutter like is usually did to cats. Yet for some reason it was worst around the young medicine cat. Which caused him to nod or shake his head for simple answers. Not wanting for her to deal with him struggling for words.

"You might as well be on your way now then!" Pureheart had piped up, breaking the silence easily with her extroverted personality, "Sunpaw's warrior ceremony is today. And I think you should be there to watch your former denmate and friend experience the most important day of his life!"

First of all, Sunpaw was more of an acquaintance. But Currenttail didn't was to leave a nasty comment about him to the kind she-cat. But she was right, a few moons ago Currenttail had been in the apprentice den. But he had became a warrior early, and didn't stay in long with the recent apprentices.

At least I was becoming a warrior on time. I can tell Emberpaw's ceremony will be delayed. But who knows what is up with her?

"A- alright." Currenttail had told Pureheart following her instructions as he headed out of the den, watching Sunpaw's mentor Juniperbush talk to Fernstar.

The meeting and ceremony was bound to be soon. Currenttail had decided to linger around the Freerock as he looked out for Sunpaw.

He hadn't talked to him often, and only glanced at him ever since he was a warrior. By now the apprentice was his size, if not bigger. Boasting to warriors, and probably criticizing Emberpaw now that he soon wouldn't be her rank.

He had looked over to Emberpaw, who hadn't changed since he saw her. But he had talked to her often. Though it was forced from her making conversation with him.

She was lying in the sun, raising a paw up and unsheathing it and sheathing it in boredom. Obviously not listening to Sunpaw. She was in her own little world. Clearly not paying attention to anything that surrounded her.

Currenttail headed over to the apprentices, just curious of overhearing what Sunpaw was boasting so proudly of himself. He was bored right now, and maybe Emberpaw would talk to him. He liked listening over talking, and found it soothing. Not with Emberpaw, but at least it was better than listening to Sunpaw. Or doing nothing.

"And it was when I had so much prey, I had enough to feed the clan that Juniperbush decided that I was deemed worthy of being a warrior!"

Currenttail had sat next to the warriors. But it had seemed the story telling had ended as Sunpaw ran to his mother. Leaving the warriors to disperse from the clan and await the call of a clan meeting. Which would also probably be delayed by Sunpaw taking too long to groom himself to perfection.

"Blah, blah, blah; and I was deemed worthy of being a warrior!" A cat had said in an annoying, mocking voice. Currenttail glanced to see who it was. He was not surprised.

"At least tell a true story! He could barely catch a mouse even if his life depended on it!" Emberpaw exclaimed. She rolled on to her paws as she leaped from the rock and onto Currenttail's tail like a young, playful kit.

Currenttail rolled his eyes, "Hasn't your mentor taught you anything about respecting your clanmates?" He couldn't tell what was with Emberpaw, but his stuttering went away when talking to her. Maybe it was that she was so weird herself that he couldn't even try to embarrass himself any more?

She playfully rolled to her side, "Oh yeah. Monarchwing has tried telling me that a lot." She told him, "But it's Sunpaw! Is there really any nice things to say about him?"

"There's not a lot of nice things to say about you either." Currenttail let out plainly. Not holding back any lies.

"Just you wait, one day I'm going to save the clan from something real bad!" Emberpaw had gotten up and swatted him with a sheathed claw. " I had a dream about it."

"StarClan just wants to humor you." Currenttail swatted her back harder. He wasn't even sure if the apprentice believed in StarClan. And if they were giving her a dream, it wasn't the future. Just entertainment.

"I don't know why I was expecting a different answer." Emberpaw told him. Her voice had a hint of upset, but her expression showed no care. With no sign of hiding other feelings, "Welp, I'm not enjoying this conversation anymore."

Currenttail said nothing. Almost as if relieved that her weirdness wouldn't bother him for the rest of the day. He watched as she crouched away, adding one last rude comment.

"You should be less tense by the way, and talk more. Did you forget we're in FreeClan? Relaxed and carefree. Isn't that what Freestar wanted?."

Currenttail listened, but did nothing. She wasn't allowed to tell him what to do or how to act. Plus that wasn't what FreeClan was meant for. She was making stuff up at this point. Worse than Sunpaw.

"Cats of an apprentice or older gather throughout the Freerock to hear a meeting!"

Cats quickly seated themselves around the freerock, Currenttail doing the same. He couldn't tell if they were excited, or just wanted to get it over with.

Fernstar had stood proudly on the rock. Knowing the history that went back when elders were just kits. Freestar had seen this rock and chosen it as his home. It was a very pointy rock, but it had a nice smooth area just big enough for a cat to lay on unharmed.

Then there was Sparrowtuft on the tree next to her. Another story was it was just a sapling when Freestar had found it. And now it was a big tree, not as big as the ones in the forest.

Fernstar had also climbed that tree to hop onto the freerock. Leaders were supposed to jump down to avoid injury of the spikes. This also prevented no way a kit could get up there unless they wanted to risk injury.

Currenttail had looked around, seeing what the cats were doing; Emberpaw staring at a beetle, Monarchwing sighing, Eaglestrike having his full attention, Valleyjay staying focused despite kits playing with her tail. He looked amongst the rest, realizing two cats weren't there.

Sunpaw, which was strange... and Pureheart, who he figured was doing herb stuff.

Soon enough the medicine cat came out of her den, she pushed her way amongst the crowd and decided to sit next to Currenttail. Of all cats. She exchanged a smile for his weak one, before looking to Fernstar as well as the rest.

But where was Sunpaw?

"As you all may know, a certain apprentice today will become a warrior." Fernstar had started, "He has passed his assessment and will earn his new name. Protecting FreeClan for his life."

Cats had looked around, not seeming to spot Sunpaw either. Currenttail had no actual relationship with the apprentice other than former denmates, yet he worried something happened. He just didn't know what yet.

"Sunpaw, step up." Fernstar ordered. "Juniperbush as well, come to the side."

Juniperbush was nearby already, and moved a bit near the rock. Still facing the clan.

And where was-

Sunpaw pushed his way through the cats, standing up proudly with his head high. Acting like he was already becoming a deputy or leader. He had paused a fox-length away from Fernstar, and awaited her to say the traditional words.

"Juniperbush, has your apprentice, Sunpaw, learned the skill of a warrior? Does he understand the importance of the warrior code?"

The old tom nodded, "Yes, he does."

Fernstar exchanged a nod as well, "I, Fernstar, leader of FreeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." Fernstar paused to take a breath before continuing, "Sunpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." The apprentice said calmly. Currenttail saw no doubt in his voice, still only pride. He remembered the shaking of his voice during the ceremony.

Fernstar had held her breath before, but now continued on, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Sunpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sunmist. StarClan honors your skill in battle and courage, we welcome you as a full warrior of FreeClan."

Fernstar took a giant leap off the rock to avoid the spikes, greeting Sunpaw-mist, and placing her muzzle on his head. Cats started to chant his name loudly. Currenttail did as well, though in a softer voice.

"Sunmist! Sunmist!"

He didn't hear the she-cat apprentice though. She might have not had manners, but she cheered every ceremony. Even for him. But today she seemed unbothered.

Emberpaw's getting more and more rebellious, we might as well kick her out if she gets worse...

He shook his head to himself. Deciding to look at the more loyal, focused cats. Pureheart's purrs were loud through chants of his name.

"The meeting is dismissed." Fernstar added.

Cheering died down a bit. Sunmist headed towards the entrance of camp. Assumingly doing his vigil. Like all warriors.

"I'll see you later Current!" Pureheart had mewed as she bounced to her den. Currenttail gave her a smile and said bye. Though he doubted she heard him as she was already in her den.

Yay, a new member to the warriors den...


Word count: 1989 (Taylor swift hehe)

A/N (Author's note): How did you enjoy it? I know there wasn't anything special happening in this chapter, but it's the first! I'm still deciding if the chapters will be this long or if I'll keep them shorter. But I'm going to do something I'll do in every chapter. A schedule of the next ten Chapters! Why? Well to show Povs, And every fifth chapter is a special chapter! Also, guess who's POV is next before looking at the schedule below!


Chapter 2-Emberpaw

Chapter 3-Pureheart

Chapter 4- Currenttail

Chapter 5- Special chapter!

Chapter 6-Currenttail

Chapter 7-Emberpaw

Chapter 8- Currenttail

Chapter 9-Pureheart

Chapter 10- Special!

Chapter 11- Emberpaw


Applications for first and second editors. People who can point out mistakes or find words that sound better. 0/3

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