Chapter 23 : The Child

Chapter 23

Sorry for the late update, this chapter may be triggering for abuse. It has a dark theme and if you a triggered then please skip to the end message.


The couple walked quietly through the gloomy streets, the sound of their footsteps sounded like music against the coble stone. They held hands and moved together, every so often Andrei would bring her hand up to lay a kiss upon her knuckles while Forina would lean up to kiss his jaw.

They walked in bliss until...

"Did you hear that?" Forina asked as she stopped to listen closer.

"What is it?" Andrei asked as he too listens closer.

Then they heard it, a soft whimper and a heartbeat...fading.

They rushed towards the sound and stared in horror at the sight. A child... not more than five, laid against the ground. His heart fighting for life as it slowly faded.

They acted fast as they picked him up and rushed to the castle. They had to make it, they had to save him.

His body bruised and battered from abuse while his face resembled the very child that they had lost.

"Get Felton!!!" Forina ordered Andrei while she sat with the child, rocking him back and forth. Who would do this to a child? His ribs showing through his skin with malnutrition and being starved.

"Please don't hurt me." The boy said weekly.

"I won't, shh... no one will hurt you anymore..." Forina hushed him and kissed his head while holding him to her chest.

The door opened to Andrei and a woman who ran two the pair.

"Please help him!" Forina pleaded.

"We'll need to do a transfusion. It's the only way." She told them and took a knife from her pocket. Forina nodded and pulled up her sleeve. She would do anything to save this child.

"I'll need both of your blood." Dr Felton explained and took the boys hands.

"Done, just help him," Andrei growled. He felt as if he was losing his son all over again.

Andrei quickly rolled up his sleeves and moved to the other side of the boy.

"Be ready." Dr Felton told them and with those words she cut into the boy's wrist. He whimpered in pain but had no strength to move. Forina and Andrei bit into their wrist and placed it on the boys' mouth. Their blood flowing into his mouth as his blood flowed out.

But still, they didn't know if he would make it.


It had been days since the transfusion. The boy had slipped into the transition nicely by he had still not awakened from his slumber. Andrei and Forina had not left his side as they wanted to be there when he woke up.

"His physical features have all completed the changes, and his body has healed well. He should be awake but you also have to take into consideration his mental healing." Dr Felton told them.

"There's something else. We found traced of bite wounds on his body and also signs of abuse... sexual abuse." Dr Felton told them and inhaled sharply.

Forina gasped at the doctor's words. He was just a child. Who would do such a thing... people used to hunt witches, vampires and put people in jail for drugs but what about the people who abused children. Where was the justice in that?

"He can't be more than 5," Andrei whispered. Their hearts clenched at the mere thought. Their own son had been his age, it just makes you think, and what if it were your child?


"You need to eat," Andrei told Forina as he placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her head.

"I'll eat later..." Forina said as she leaned against him.

"Nope, not later... now!" he growled at her.

"You need to take care of yourself, how can you take care of others if you don't take care of yourself?" his voice softer and showed his concern.

If it were anyone else who spoke to her like that then she would have killed them but with Andrei it was different.

"Okay, fine..." Forina gave up as Andrei pushed a tray of food in front of her which consisted of a blood bag and a sandwich. "But you have to have half." Forina compromised.

He gave her a smile then kissed her head. It felt nice to be taken care off.


The boy awoke from his dead-like sleep with gasps and sharp inhales as if he had been drowning. Forina and Andrei rushed forward to calm him down but they had no such luck.

"Call Dr Felton!" Andrei ordered Forina who nodded and ran out of the door, her supernatural speed making the movement look like a blur of colour.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're safe." Andrei cooed and tried to hush the boy buy things only started to escalate as the boy started to hyperventilate.

Forina and Dr Felton came in quickly as Dr Felton took out a syringe and injected it into the boys' arms quickly causing him to slowly slump back.

"What did you give him?" Andrei asked as he Forina joined him at the boy's side.

"A concentrated amount of Propofol. Commonly used before surgery. I'll come back to check up on him in an hour. I go fetch some blood bags." She said and then quickly left.

Forina leaned her had on her husband's shoulder with a sigh. All she wanted was for the child to wake up.


So many people are victims and its time we spoke more about it. If you ever need to talk to someone, please don't hesitate to send me a message or anyone here or in real life. Abuse is a serious issue that we need to talk more about. Being sexually abused isn't a taboo that you should be ashamed about.

I'm always here if anyone needs to talk.

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