𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧



FOUR PHASES WERE SET IN MOTION FOR THE GROUP TO MOVE FORWARD. Getting as comfortable as they could within the Creel house, Max, Lucas, and Erica waited for the group of six to find themselves inside Eddie Munson's trailer. Looming over them was the gate that separated them from another world that held a monster deadly to the rest of their world.

Slipping off his backpack, Steve Harrington never took his eyes off the gate as he prepared himself to take charge and lead the others in. His bravery was strong as he gripped the cloth-made rope and lifted himself toward the opening. As he passed through, his gravity shifted, pulling him down head-first into the other world. It caused a flip of his stomach that his strength he used once to lift himself was now used to make sure he didn't crash down to the floor.

A self-proclaimed ninja of sorts, Steve managed to flip himself the right way in this new, dark world, landing heavily on his feet and not a sway of his body to regain balance. Looking up at the gate, he shrugged at the others watching him before venturing off in search of a mattress to catch their fall.

With his disappearance, Robin and Alex began to mock him and his tendency to show off. "Woah," Robin muttered sarcastically. "What does he want us to do, applaud?"

Playing along with her antic, Alex made a face of annoyance as she clapped her hands together in mockery. "What a man," she mumbled. Dropping her hands down to her side as Robin nudged her over with a chuckle of amusement, a mattress soon fell into view. Making adjustments, Steve prepared it in place before he gave the signal for the others to follow in after.

Tossing her backpack down, Nancy grabbed hold of the rope before her and swallowed hard. The nerves built up as they did once before, knowing that at any moment, Vecna could pay her another visit. Falling back into a void of nightmares haunted her and built back the fears that this could happen all over again. Only she could dwell on the past and continue to live with these fears— she needed to stay strong because just on the other side, that monster was waiting for her, and this time she was determined to put a stop to him.

Nancy's eyes remained closed as she lifted herself through, unwilling to watch if she fell back into Vecna's hands. It wasn't until her back had crashed against the mattress that she found herself where she needed to be. Cracking open her eyes, she felt relief to see Steve extend a hand out her way. Placing her hand in his, he picked her up and pulled her up onto her feet.

Stepping forward, Eddie called for her to make room as he began to launch their much-needed supplies through the gate. Each one landed on the mattress just to be quickly thrown off to the side until Eddie grabbed the rope for himself. He didn't care for the others to wish him good luck because he truly believed he didn't need it. It wasn't because he believed all the luck was on his side but because there was little room for luck in this situation. Once he was through, it would require more than that— it would take a miracle. As his back hit that mattress, he stared up at the gate before him and it truly hit him. He was here, this was it, and there was no amount of miracles that could protect them from what was to come.

Standing forward, Dustin Henderson lifted his shield and the moment Eddie disappeared from view, he used his strength to send it through. Alex and Robin watched, offering a hand to get him higher up on the rope before he took a step back. "You two should go first," he offered.

"Because if something awful happens, you can turn heel and bolt?" Alex questioned suspiciously.

There was a moment of pause as Dustin looked around. There wasn't any use hiding it, he knew he was fast on his bike and was able to rush for help if need be, admitting it was the hard part. "Yeah, whatever. Will you two go?"

Robin was prepared to take the fall for him if it was what made him feel better. Ready to step forward, she was forced to a stop when she realized something that felt so natural, she didn't question it until now. Both she and Alex held tight onto one another's hands, being there for each just as they had since the moment they met. Letting go now gave her a sense of emptiness to know she'd have to let go for just a bit longer. Willing to come forward, Robin replaced Alex's hand with the rope as she pulled herself up. There was once a promise she made for herself that she'd never have to return here, that soon enough the gate would close and they'd find a way without having to wander back inside. Now she broke that promise with herself as she hung upside down back in this world. Falling back onto the mattress took a breath of air from her lungs before she managed a smile and Steve yanked her to her feet.

Raising a finger, Alex instructed her brother very clearly. "Follow in right after but if by chance all hell breaks loose between now and then, I'll let you run like hell and I won't be entirely pissed off." She couldn't help but flash him a warm smile as she reached out for the rope. Turning her back to him, she jumped up, lifting herself through. No matter how her hands shook or how her mouth became dry, the closer she inched toward the gate, she kept pushing. Hell could break loose at any moment and she'd allow Dustin to run even if that meant throwing herself through the gate and holding the nightmares back a little longer.

Turned upside down, Alex looked down at the mattress before her before she found a safe distance to drop down. Letting the rope go, she fell back onto the mattress with a soft huff and propped herself up onto her elbows. She gave a quick glance at her surroundings before helping herself to her feet and looked back up at Dustin. "I think it's as safe as it'll get for you to come down."

Nodding his head, he grabbed hold of the rope just as Steve grabbed onto Alex's hand and guided her off the mattress. Passing her off behind him, he stayed close to the mattress as he waited on Dustin to make his way through. Coming up beside Steve, Eddie kept his eyes focused on the gate as he too waited for Dustin. Neither spoke a word as Dustin pulled himself through the opening, too busy focused on making sure he was safe with every action to get himself through. As soon as the mattress had caught him, both boys didn't wait for the other as they each made a grab for Dustin. They gave a tug by the tightened grip on his shirt and lifted him right onto his feet.

A wide smile grew on Dustin's face as he straightened back out his clothes. "It's unreasonably fun," he admitted to Alex in a hushed whisper. She laughed as she grabbed him roughly and forced him to stand close as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Optimism was Dustin's strength, always managing to make the others smile when things began to look so dreary. It was enough for her to know it was the right decision to bring him along for the ride into the Upside Down.

The group gathered their weapons and belongings before filing out of the trailer. They each stayed close and on constant guard as they reentered into a world similar yet unlike their own. At first, they were expecting to head out, leaving Dustin and Eddie to stay behind for their part of the plan— the distraction of the bats.

Beginning to walk off, Steve Harrington soon gave a tug to Alex's hand as he reconsidered how they would depart. This was no longer a search for answers, this was the very end— a chance at life or death. Turning back to the two, he didn't hesitate to give them the option to run. "Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats, and keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay, you guys are just..."

"Decoys," Dustin interrupted. He didn't need the speech, he knew what was expected of him. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve."

"Absolutely," Eddie added in with a bright smile. "Look at us," he said with a nudge and grin toward Dustin. "We are not heroes."

Standing behind Steve, Alex tried to bite her tongue and let things be. She wished she could walk away without the heartfelt speech or the sappy goodbyes. The thought of how she left Hopper, believing it was simple and they'd all return soon enough flooded her mind, and the painful regret that followed after. Clearing her throat, she kept her eyes down as she mumbled her next set of words. "Um, you're... you're still sorta my hero."

Peering around Steve, Eddie raised a brow of amusement. "Alexandra, are you flirting with me again?"

Moving around Steve, Alex came forward with a harsh push to his shoulder. "Shut up." Grabbing ahold of his jacket, she forced him back to her and wrapped her arms around him in an embrace.

"Mood swings," Eddie whispered over her shoulder toward Steve. With a playful roll of his eye, he wrapped his arms back around her in return. "Does this make us friends?" He questioned teasingly.

Pulling herself back for a view of his face, she shook her head in disbelief. "Nah," she whispered. "Us? Come on, we could never be friends."

"Never change," he chuckled. "Kick his ass for me, will you?" As she nodded her head in agreement, he gave a soft pat to her cheek as he soon let his arms fall back to his side and the two stood before one another. "And, uh, if everything falls apart and, um, this is it... thanks."

Alex looked at him, unsure what he had to thank her for. In all this time, he never let her down, never gave up on her, and continued to search for the Alex Henderson he knew was hidden away. "Thank you, actually," she whispered as she scrunched up her face in thought. "You're sorta my annoying older brother that can't take a hint to leave me alone... and I'm actually glad for that, you know? You never gave up on me."

"Yeah, well, that's what I do best... annoy people until they like me," he chuckled.

Colliding into his chest, Alex forced him into another hug. "God, I hate to say it, but I love you, you freak."

For a moment, Eddie's smile faltered, realizing that this was his family and he loved them all the same. They stood by him when the world gave up, only ready to hunt him down and demand his head. As he looked over Alex's shoulders, he met Steve's eyes so he would know his words were meant specifically for him. "Make him pay," he said.

A twitchy smile came to Steve's face as he gave a small nod to Eddie. This was the fight to end it all and give them the freedom they deserved after all this time. As Alex pulled away, Steve watched as Eddie placed a hand on top of her head with a grin, "Alexandra, you have my heart," he said in a teasing tone. "I think you already know I love you too."

Giving a playful shrug, Alex gave a nod. "Of course I know," she chuckled. Turning her eyes over to Dustin, she met his eyes and that's when he forced himself into her arms. Putting his weight into her, he let her hold onto him because even he wasn't quite too sure when they'd return to one another. "Ah, I love you too, Dustin," she laughed through a struggling breath. When he pulled away, Alex cupped his face in her hands, narrowing her eyes down at him to show the seriousness she had for the situation. "You run when you have to. Don't try any stupid shit, okay? We're gonna need each other after this."

He gave a nod of understanding, speaking softly as he agreed, asking the same for her in return. He kept the words between them and for no one else. In the end, they knew they would forever have each other. This wasn't allowed to be their end. With another quick hug exchanged between the two, they knew to depart on private words.

Stepping back, Alex found Steve's hand in hers. There was nothing more for them to say, they knew their place and understood what needed to be done. The four had turned their backs to Dustin and Eddie, ready for their journey to the Creel house ahead.


DEEP IN THE WOODS, A JOURNEY TO DETERMINE THE FATE OF THE WORLD WAS LEFT TO SILENCE. The eerie darkness looked across the Upside Down, unwilling to allow the group to feel that this time everything would lay in their favor. This was Vecna's world and they had infiltrated it with the idea of ending this all tonight. With every step, snap of a twig, or click of a monster, their hopes of winning dwindled down into sheer fear of what was to come. Now their ideas of the future appeared to be hopeless dreams and this was their end of the line.

Nancy looked beside her to Alex and couldn't help but smile. The way this year had gone, she felt she lost one of her greatest friends— terrified she would never return. Somehow the end of the world was all it took for her to find the courage to find a way to bring her back. Making her way closer, Nancy playfully bumped against her until Alex looked at her with a confused smile. "Hey, Nance," Alex whispered questionably.

"Hey," Nancy said cheerfully. There was a pause of silence and never once did her smile fade away, she just searched for the right words to say. With a shake of her head, she scrunched up her face debating if what she had in mind was a bad idea. "You should talk to Steve."

Alex chuckled at the thought of something so simple. Of course she talked to Steve, but not in the way Nancy wished. "I talk to him all the time. Besides, it's kind of hard to talk about plans for tomorrow when I'm not even sure we'll get a tomorrow."

"What happened to us making it out of this?" Nancy questioned curiously. "I thought we were doing this because we believed in it."

Alex couldn't bring herself to meet Nancy's eyes. She only wanted to believe in the plan, it was all they had. Unwilling to be the one to worry so early into the night, Alex shook her head to put herself back into her hopeful state of mind for the sake of the others. "We do," she reassured. "It's a great plan, Nance, honestly. Sometimes I just... worry and for no reason of course. You know me, I just panic."

Laying a hand on Alex's arm, Nancy accepted that answer because it was what she needed to hear. For it to be all in Alex's head was more simple than doubting herself when she needed the confidence to push forward. "Don't worry, Alex. We got this." Letting her hand fall back to her side, Nancy looked out to the trees before them as Robin raced ahead in her own panic that they were only walking in circles. "I just know Steve's a bit worried too and I think it'd help if you talked to him is all. He's of course too manly to admit it out loud."

Suspicious of her words, Alex turned her head over her shoulder. He walked alone with his head hung down, watching his every step. For him to worry by himself was agonizing for Alex to see. Putting a halt to her steps, she didn't need to exchange a word with Nancy as she waited for him to approach. Giving a second glance back to her, Nancy kept her feet moving along as a sad smile came to her face. She wished that she and Jonathan could have been the very same and yet the two seemed more distant than they ever were. Now she craved the thought of him waiting for her at the end of all of this to tell her she'd be okay because he was right there for her. Instead, she walked alone, calling out to Robin to slow down and be at her side.

Holding onto the straps of her backpack, Alex watched as he approached, his eyes lifting just to see her standing there smiling at him. "What's up?" she questioned.

"Same as you," he chuckled as she fell in line with him. "You know, heading straight toward some creep's house to turn him into a piece of toast."

Alex smiled at his words but she knew he was holding back. "You know, Harrington, I sorta need you too sometimes," she admitted gently. "I just... I hope you know that."

He chuckled as he looked at her. "Yeah, sure," he scoffed playfully. "At this rate, I'm just tagging along for the ride."

"Yeah, well, look what tagging along got us," she laughed as she extended her arms to the world before them. It was dark and terrifying— a world no one would dare to venture into willingly. Dropping her arms down, Alex gave a soft sigh as she attempted a smile. "Imagine where we'd be without all this. Probably some stupid spring break party at Tina's, you'd shotgun a beer thinking you're impressing me... as usual."

"And it'd work," he interrupted. "It gets you every time, I know it."

"I'm just so easily impressed," she played back. "But I'd of course roll my eyes and call you an idiot just to make sure you didn't know I was unbelievably amazed by your talents."

"You really think it'd be that easy?"

Alex felt herself smiling through her sadness. "Yeah," she said lightly. "But, you know, easy just isn't for us, apparently. Which is okay, I guess. I do sort of wish it wasn't hunting down an old man in hopes of burning him alive." She chuckled as she rolled her head in his direction. "But, alas, that's our lives whether you like it or not, Harrington."

The corners of his lips twitched as he pulled his eyes off her. Kicking a loose rock out ahead of them, he contemplated if he had the courage people claimed he had all this time. This was their lives now but it wasn't what he always imagined. One day it could end— it had to. And maybe now he didn't feel as courageous or brave going against what could be the end of Hawkins and the world, but he was certain of one thing. "After this, me and you are packing all those shits in that Winnebago and getting the hell out of here. I'm talking cross country, hit up California. Maybe swing by and pick up the Byers and just park it on the beach somewhere. Get away."

Alex laughed at the optimism. Not because she didn't believe in it, but because of how easy that all seemed to be. "Sounds like you thought this through."

He gave a shrug of uncertainty. "Maybe I have."

"Well, I like the sound of it," she chuckled, however, his standoffish attitude caused her to feel unwelcome. He was never quite this quiet and she felt she pushed too hard to keep a conversation going. Yet she kept a twitchy smile on her face to keep her own attitude up. Walking into the Creel house with heads hung low, defeated, and not united was all Henry ever wanted and she was unwilling to give him such a thing. So she pretended.

With a swiping glance in her direction, Steve felt his heart sink to his stomach. Staying quiet allowed him to bite his lip and keep sealed his dreams in life. Expressing them felt as if it were a guarantee that the wind would take his words away and his dreams would be nothing more than a whisper in the wind— never to come true.

In reality, all he was doing was distancing himself and hurting her along the way.

Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he kept his eyes out before them. She said nothing in response, no glance his way, leaving all the opportunity for him to speak. All she wanted was for him to say anything that was on his mind. It's why she was there. Alex understood she wasn't the only one in need of a helping hand or a listening ear.

Extending an arm out, he slowed her to a stop. "I'm sorry," he said gently as his arm fell back to his side. Finally turning his eyes over to her, he was struck with every bit of anxious fears that flooded his mind every moment they spent together. "Listen, I just wonder sometimes about us. You know, if none of this crap ever happened to us... all of this monster business... would things have been different? Like, if nothing ever happened, part of me..." He couldn't finish his thoughts until he pulled his eyes off her. To imagine even the thought of being nothing more in another lifetime scared him more than what was to come. "I dunno," he admitted quietly. "Part of me wonders if we would've made it." Shaking his head, he pulled himself back together and met her eyes once more to be reminded of what they were now and what they would continue to be. "Then I... I look at you and I think we would've. You know, monsters or not, I think... well, it's you. I would've seen it eventually. Do you?"

A relief swept over Alex as she reached out for his hand to hold within hers. "Yeah, I do."

"Do you remember what you told me in that bathroom? Your plans for the future..."

Alex's heart began to quicken in pace as she nodded along in understanding. His lack of agreement back then was a way for Vecna to wiggle his way in and use it as a means of taunting— that the one she loved could never love the very same as her. Now standing before her, he allowed himself to finally smile as he gave a light squeeze to her hand. "I should've said something then," he whispered. "That trip in the Winnebago... hitting the road, seeing the country, and just getting away... it wasn't just about now with these shits, you know. Somewhere down the line... it's us, you know, and five... maybe six lil nuggets."

"Six?" Alex said with raised brows. "I guess we've gotten practice, that's for sure," she laughed lightly. Alex briefly looked down at their hands cradled in one another's and everything just made sense. It's what they deserved some time in the future. Looking back up to him, she gave a soft smile and nod, "I like those plans."

"It's all true," he reminded her. "Every bit of it. I just couldn't walk in there without letting you know. If something happens... Henderson, you're what matters to me. Always has been."

"Nothings going to happen," she whispered with a reassuring squeeze to his hand. Though she may have had her own fears and doubts that caused her to spiral, nothing would allow her to let him do the very same. Through monsters, trauma, and heartbreak, there was nothing that could break them.

The rush of footsteps and panicked breathing caused their hands to pull apart as Robin came breathless with Nancy trailing behind. "You guys, awesome news! Looks like we weren't going the wrong way after all." Looking excitedly between the two, she anticipated a surge of energy to burst between them. It was the built-up fear that twisted and confused Robin's emotions into pure excitement. Fear of being lost forever in the woods of the Upside Down for the moment sounded scarier than the doom of what lurked behind the front door of the Creel House.

She urged them to follow, waving a free hand at them to move along all while she reached for Nancy. Taking a hold of her hand, Robin stumbled her way back down the path she knew would lead them to the house. Nancy could only look back at the two with a laugh and wide eyes as she was yanked along by Robin's bouncy, energetic attitude that had built up over time.

"Guess we follow," Steve chuckled with a hand extended out toward where the two raced off. However, there was a moment they didn't find the urgency to follow along. It was a pause to have that chance to look at one another and know this was finally it.

A smile emerged on Alex's face as she grabbed hold of the belt loop on his jeans and yanked him closer to her. Slipping her hand under his backpack and jacket, she kept him close to her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. It was enough to have him laugh and realize his panic was for nothing. Dreams or not, he had to hold on to what he had right now. For this moment, it meant attempting to keep pace with Robin Buckley for a way free from the woods.

Venturing out into the clear opening, they were greeted with the dark hold Vecna had surrounded the Creel house. Everything seemed colder and the world felt a whole lot smaller. An evil nestled inside the home. It hid there, awaiting the opportunity to escape and take control of the world beyond a gate. Through the stained glass window centered in the door, Henry Creel continued to live, to grow. He became a predator, longing to lunge at his prey— the good that lived in the heroes just outside his doorstep. Tonight was his night. The very night he believed he would get everything he deserved.

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