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ALEX HENDERSON'S IMAGINATION OFTEN RAN WILD. It was a way of escape that allowed her to forget the reality of the world around her. She used to believe that maybe being lost in her mind would keep her hidden long enough that soon her problems would run off to find someone else to attach to. That way she could forget and that spark of hope for the future would return.

Sweat dribbled down the side of her face when she rose from her bed. Looking beside her, Steve laid on his stomach, his arms tucked under the pillow and his face turned away. His long hair covered over his eyes and Alex felt a small sigh escape through her troubled breath.

It had to have been a nightmare, there was nothing else that it could be. The Mind Flayer was the only monster from the deepest pit of hellish nightmares that could ever come true. Not a man that twisted within people's minds, tearing them apart from the inside out due to his darkened soul.

She laughed within her mind that any of that could happen. Vecnaโ€” Henry Creelโ€” he was just a twisted thought in her mindโ€” a self-inflicted blame she placed on herself to deal with the trauma of Starcourt. The break up with Steve, the haunting visions, the fear of more monsters lurking within the shadows, the death of the innocent souls of Hawkins... it was all a dreamโ€” a nightmare. This was a nightmare she felt she could get over.

Running a hand over her forehead, she wiped the sweat away and let her hand fall back onto her lap with a simple smile. Her chest rose and fell increasingly slower as she calmed herself. Plans formed in her mind of how she could pull herself from her lowest point. Rather than push those away as this terrible nightmare showed her, she'd run to them, hide in their arms until she felt that nothing like the monster Henry Creel was could ever touch her. It'd be easy. Early morning, she'd leave a kiss against Steve's cheek to wake him up, going with him to work to say hi to Robin Buckley. At the video store, she'd call Jonathan, apologizing for staying away for so long, and make plans for after graduation to visit one another. Then the rest of the day would fall into place as she saw those she loved.

Alex could almost close her eyes and imagine such a day. It'd be refreshing to her heart. Then the heavy weight of the world around her resurfaced as her eyes found themselves staring down at the blood that covered her hand. A panic began as her heart rate found itself at the same quick pace as when she woke up and unforgiving thoughts swirled her mind as she used her clean hand to wipe at her forehead once more.

Holding her hand out, Alex felt the warmth of the blood cloud over her fingers, enough that even if she washed them, a slight stain of red would stay and her nail beds would be crusted over with blood that she couldn't quite clean away.

Lifting the blankets off of herself, Alex threw her legs off the side of the bed and rushed to the mirror above her desk to find what she thought was sweat had only been thick, red blood, so dark it nearly looked black if she hadn't taken her time to look herself over. Her face had been covered, the wet sticky feeling dripping down to her neck as blood found a new home in every crack and crevice it could.

Alex grew desperate as she swiped away the blood only for it to be replaced with more. Blood caked her hands, her flesh hidden beneath the dark red. Picking her eyes back up, she felt a sickness that was all too familiar. A cold wave erupted through her body, goosebumps emerging with a painful feeling. Her stomach began to twist and lurch with something threatening to force its way out if she had not expelled it.

With shaky hands, Alex fumbled with her drawers in search of a flashlight. The blood on her hands stuck to everything, destroying the letters from Jonathan as they tossed the now stained letters to the floor, ruined pictures of her with her friends caked in blood slipped to the floor without another thought. She would continue to ruin memories until her hand grasped onto the flashlight that was so easily tucked away under it all.

Clicking it on, she steadied her shaky hand as she opened her mouth pointing the light directly to the back of her throat. She could feel it with every wiggle and lurch it caused as it made its way up. The tears coming from the corners of her mouth cleared small pathways through the flood of blood.

She anticipated the worst as she waited, choking and gagging as a monstrous vine from another world emerged. Dropping the flashlight in sudden fear, the pain immediately fell from her stomach, disappearing the moment her mouth returned closed. However, Alex became unsatisfied that the monster was still within and grabbed the flashlight without hesitation, holding her mouth open as she watched, waiting for it to re-emerge and take control.

When nothing came, she felt herself breathe once more as she set the flashlight down on her desk and hung her head. A flood of nightmares was only the beginning as he invited himself back home into her mind. The end of times was approaching quickly and after tonight, he wished for her to see what the future could hold and what the past has done to her so she would finally let it all go, let it burn.

"This was an evil," a voice spoke. It was her own, only she was quieter, more soft-spoken as if she was afraid to speak. Alex felt herself began to shake as her eyes looked back to the mirror before her. Her eyes wandered her blood-soaked face until just behind her she spotted it. It was herself.

Sat criss-cross on the bed, her back was to her, her head hung low. Steve was gone and it was just them, alone together. Alex didn't dare to move, afraid that if she did, this being of herself would be startled and perhaps attack. So she gripped the flashlight once more knowing that this was all she had to defend herself if the time came.

"An evil neither animal nor human," the voice spoke again. "This was a spawn of Satan. A demon." The bit of terror that hid behind the voice of her own seemed to have disappeared as the devil was brought up. It seemed to have grown happy. She couldn't see it for herself, but she knew whoever this was, whoever was pretending to be her was smiling. It had sounded just like her, only the tone was almost happy, so normal and that was what terrified her the most.

Slowly turning herself, Alex kept her eyes on the mirror, watching the figure until the very last moment. To her surprise, it hadn't turned. She stayed there with her head hung as if she had been left to herself. Alex could hear her heartbeat in her ears but she swore through the thudding, she heard her laugh. It was just a giggle like she was attempting to hide her laughter.

"And it was closer than I had realized," the figure said softly. "Waking, living nightmares," it laughed. "This demon, it seemed to take pleasure in tormenting us." The figure raised its head, not turning back, but the act alone had Alex press herself further against her desk as she awaited an attack. It was the first time she moved and Alex was unsure if she was prepared to face herself. However, the bit of movement alone has caused the slightly open drawer to shut just enough for the smallest of rattles. Alex felt her breath hitch in her throat as she waited for the worst to come.

The giggling came to a stop. It had felt like the world too had halted in place. Everything felt frozen, even the air felt colder. Slowly, the figure disguised as Alex turned its head. Her hair still covered her face, shielding her from Alex's view but she knew she was watching her now.

"I suppose all evil must have a home," it continued on. "And though I had not a rational explanation for it, I... I could sense this demon, always close. I became convinced it was hiding, nesting, somewhere within the shadows of our home. This demon, it was taunting me. And I was sure it would take me."

Alex never blinked, never tore her eyes away from the figure as it spoke. She was enthralled with how similar it looked to her, how her voice was the very same only... off. It was terrifying and yet, she never found herself running out the door. A sudden snap was all it took to have Alex slightly jolt back. Her attention so focused on the figure, the sound of the radio turning on was enough to give her a spook that could make her blood run cold.

It was angelic, the song. Her eyes turned over to the radio as it played. It wasn't one she's heard much, but she knew it by name. Ella Fitzgerald did have a voice of an angel as some would agree and Dream a Little Dream of Me was the song that created a warmth in the body that could soothe your mind and soul. Alex wished that was what it did for her but it was captivating enough to draw her attention away that she hadn't freed her mind from the fear that sat upon her bed.

Standing on the bed, the figure faced her and when Alex met her eyes, the music around them distorted in a way that any bit of warmth within the room was sucked out, leaving them to the cold once more. She felt frozen as she watched herself but she knew something was enough. Her eyes were dark and sunken in as if they didn't truly belong to her, her skin almost ghostly and her body frail, bruised, and worn down with her hands hidden behind her back. Her stringy hair lay across her face just enough for Alex to only catch horrid glimpses of the being before her.

"And it did take me." A pleasant smile swept across the creature's face as it derived from a told tale of a man trapped in his own personal hell. Alex may not have realized the words spoken to her before, yet she connected so deeply with a man she never had the chance to meetโ€” someone that could understand her pain. Henry knew that. He knew that Alex felt she belonged in the very place where Victor Creel resided, plagued with monsters so real. So he taunted her in a way she could never understand.

"The demon, it took them. Ended their suffering just as he did mine." Unexpected laughter came from her as she pulled her hands out from behind her back. A razor in each one, blood dripping down from her tightened grip as the blade dig deeper into her skin. "I tried to join them." A fake cry came from the being and it's shoulders shook dramatically as if it never felt this way before but must act.

The music within the room became deafening as the volume drastically increased. The figure began to pretend sob uncontrollably as she raised the blades up. Alex knew what was to come and she could bare to watch. She had constantly pondered on the what-ifs, wondering how it could all have changed if it had been her among the sacrificed, the guilt weighing down that it always should have been her. Seeing it laid out before, watching herself ready to join the sacrificed, Alex couldn't let it happen.

It felt numb to move for her but she lunged forward, grabbing hold of the figure's arms. It had stopped sobbing as it became face-to-face with itself. Instead, it began to laugh. Alex could have cried, screamed, or let it end its own life but instead, she held on. The music within the room became overbearing, unable to even hear her own heart pounding heavily in her chest. It made Alex feel as if she wasn't alive at this moment. And now eye to eye with this monster of herself, she felt compelled to win. The demon that is Henry Creel took those around her and now she was unwilling to let him have that satisfaction of letting him take her too.

Inching closer, the duplicate pushed into Alex, her face just inches away as its eyes widened. The deafening distorted music clogged Alex's eardrums so that when this monster unhinged its jaw, the ear-piercing scream was unheard. Alex was forced to watch in horror, her once determined look shifting to an undeniable fear as this monstrous version of herself became unrecognizable to her. Its eyes rolled to the back of its head, and its mouth widened as vines from the other world began to crawl through.

Unable to take the terror before her, Alex pushed. She couldn't care if it was her, she would let it destroy itself if that's what it desired. With a scream of anguish, she shoved, feeling the razor rip against her skin as the monster tried to take hold. A blistering pain shot through her arm causing her to reach for her newest wound.

Managing a sob, Alex stumbled back with panted breath and a newfound fear of herself. She watched as this version of her thrashed against the bed, knocking the radio to the floor, halting the music for good as it fought against the creature within. Despite its struggle, the vines never gave up, determined to reach the new world and confined to crawl out, making a new home within the bedroom of Alex Henderson.

Still clutching her arm which was now caked in her own blood, Alex turned her back to the nightmare. Her sobs were impossible to hide and she didn't even bother attempting such a feat. This was hell and Henry enjoyed every second of it. The fear was something he fed on, the darkness that clouded her mind was satisfying to his lost soul.

Even if she kept pushing, he already had her.

Grabbing hold of the door handle, Alex slipped her way out of the room, shutting the door behind her to keep that nightmare at bay. Her mind was flooded with fear and inescapable dread. The light that Max instructed her to follow was dimmed beyond her control, Henry owned her and the darkness was all she was ever allowed to see.

And yet she had made it. Once free from her bedroom, Alex felt the wave of comfort hit her in a way that she never expected. She held tight to herself as she stepped further into a home she often found herself at. It was quiet, tidy, and much larger than her home. It was the home of Steve Harrington.

Turning to the wall, she flipped the light switch. Looking toward the light, she found that none worked. It was unlike the Harrington's to have a problem with their house. Once they saw one, they fixed it. Unlike the relationships within the family that slipped between their fingers. Those problems they seemed blind to.

Giving up after a few attempts, Alex held her arm once more. The blood flow had slowed but the pressure of her hand holding her cut gave it some relief. She wished a simple hold was all it took to remove her from this world she was forced into. It could be as simple as Steve walking down the stairs laid out right before her, telling her it would all be okayโ€” that nothing could hurt her.

Unwilling to let that dream fizzle away by the fear of Henry Creel, Alex stood her ground as she hoped her wishful thinking was enough to alter reality. "Steve!" She called his name with hope and for a second, she almost smiled. Wishful thinking could either be the thing to set her free from hell or the very thing that could pierce through her heart and extinguish the last bit of hope she had left to keep fighting.

There weren't many options in a cold dark home and thankfully, Alex knew her way about the Harrington's quite well. Though exhausted, she persisted through her pain and drain and prepared herself to explore and find anything that could help save her from this nightmareโ€” namely: Steve Harrington.

Standing just before the stairs, Alex looked up at the darkness and swallowed her fears. Whatever was up there, she could only hope was all in her head. She had to continue to remind herself that this was all in the mind, nothing could truly hurt her unless it was him. If Henry had a physical hold on her, then there was no escape.

Placing her foot on the first step, she prepared her journey further into the Harrington's house. She moved up the steps slowly, careful with every action. A jerk to her shoulder had Alex lurch forward and every bit of breath trapped in her lungs escaped at the reminder that she wasn't alone. She almost didn't dare to look, afraid to open herself up to any new horrors but the familiarity felt welcoming.

Fear wiped clear from Alex's head as relief settled in. "Nance?"

Turned around, Nancy was soaking wet, her hair curling already as the air around them slowly dried it. Alex looked her over and a sadness she hadn't felt in some time caused her to frown. Nancy's hair was long and her face looked innocent as if the horrors of Hawkins hadn't touched her just yet, and she stood there in a towel. Alex's grip tightened on her arm causing blood to slip between her fingers as her face grew warmer with embarrassment. "Where are you going?"

Nancy's eyes remained wide while she wrapped the towel tighter around herself. "Nowhere." Relaxing her shoulders, she took a step down as she forced a small laugh, pretending that all of this was just silly. "Just upstairs... to change." Opening her towel up, she looked down at her wet clothes with a guilty smile before wrapping herself back up in her warmth. "I fell in the pool."

Alex scrunched up her face as she felt that betrayal hit her. "You're not going up there," she stated softly. "You... you can't."

Nancy laughed with a shake of her head. "Why don't you just go home? I'll just... I'll get a ride or something. I'm fine." She paused, watching as Alex stood there, lost for words to fight back on something she knew she didn't have control over. Nancy frowned and moved up a step this time. "I'm fine," she repeated. "Just go ahead and go home, okay?"

Turning to go up the stairs, Nancy was willing to leave her behind until Alex picked back up the courage and took a step up after her. "Nancy," she spoke loudly. "Don't go."

Her wet hair smacked against her face as Nancy whipped herself around. "Will you cut the crap? I said I'm fine. Can't you just go home?" Holding her towel tight, bundling her fist into a ball, Nancy leaned closer in anger. "I mean, you won't just admit that the only reason you came to this party was because of Steve. You didn't give a crap about Barb or protecting me."

"I came for Barb," Alex said with a frown.

"But you left her," Nancy accused. "Come on, Alex, you left her there and you did it because of Steve."

"I did not," Alex squeaked out sadly.

Nancy scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You lied to Barb. You didn't go to the bathroom." Taking a step down, Nancy came level with Alex. "You came inside because you hoped he'd come back down and tell you he was sorry. And he didn't. You waited there until it finally hit you that Steve picked me. And because of you, Barb died."

Tears sat at the edges of Alex's eyes but she didn't dare let them fall. Instead, she took the pain head-on. She allowed Nancy to nearly come nose to nose as she looked her over in disgust. No matter how much Alex cared and loved for Nancy, somewhere in her heart, she felt that she could never measure up to her. Nancy was perfect to her. One dive into Alex Henderson's mind and Henry had everything he needed to break apart one of the biggest insecurities Alex ever had.

Nancy's eyes shifted over Alex's as if she was searching for another reason to tear her down. It was all too easy to attack her, lie to her face, and taunt her until eventually, she broke. Instead, Nancy's face softened and the hatred hidden behind her eyes disappeared. She was her and it made Alex feel worse than before. This was the Nancy she always knew.

"I'm sorry," Nancy whispered as her eyes continued to shift across Alex's. "I'm sorry," she repeated once more. She placed her hand on Alex's cheek. "Don't cry, Alex. I'm sorry." Placing her hand on her other cheek, Nancy's grip on Alex tightened as she continued to apologize. Even as Alex made attempts to pull away, Nancy forced her head straight at hers.

Back pressed to the railing of the stairs, Alex fought and struggled against Nancy's strong grip. It was when Nancy's eyes rolled to the back of her head that Alex felt the pit in her stomach begin to form as the whites of her eyes stared at her. With an eerie groan, Nancy's mouth opened wide, a darkness emerging through her throat that caused Alex to shut her eyes, face turned to the side as she wished for it all to end.

A low groaning gurgle came from Nancy's mouth as the darkness continued to creep further. Emitting from that darkness, vines began to crawl through the back of her throat, slithering as it forced its way out of her mouth. Like shooting darts, the vines had found their primary target of interest. They wrapped themselves tight around Alex's head, extended out from Nancy's mouth. The way they continued to wrap and pull her forward was as if they were looking to consumeโ€” make her one with them.

The wet slime of the vines began to transfer to Alex, causing a sickening mixture of blood and goo. Her head continued to push forward at Nancy through the struggle. Alex now grabbed hold of Nancy's shoulders, hoping what strength she had left was enough to hold her at bay. It was an agonizing battle of back and forth and the clear winner was in favor of the nightmare.

Alex was forced to think quickly. It was either be consumed by the darkness or fight another round in hopes of being brought back to safety. Giving up meant that she had given up on all those risking their lives against Vecna. It was giving up on Max when she needed them so desperately to see another day. Without a fight, there was a guarantee that Hawkins would fall to the hell a certain man had willingly unleashed on this world through the torturous games he played with those around him.

She dug her fingers deep into Nancy's shoulder to the point that she wished she could hear a snap or a crunch of her bones to let her break free. Strength wasn't on her side, however. What had been was the sheer force of gravity. Alex forced her body down, stiffening up as she prepared for the blow to come.

It wasn't a long way down the stairs but it was enough to untangle the wrap of arms and vines that enclosed the two together. Alex could feel the stinging pain in her arm and that snap she wished for Nancy had fallen onto her. The pain was fire as it ripped up her arm, but the breath of fresh air that replaced the acidic stench that seeped from the vines helped soothe that pain.

Panting through every heavy breath, Alex pulled herself to her knees, one arm holding her up as the other stayed closely clutched to her chest. Writhing on the floor, the vines retreated back into Nancy's mouth, screeching loud enough to vibrate through Alex's ears. Once gone, the silence refilled the room. Alex's breaths stayed quick and shaky, fearful of movement that would allow the monsters to return. It was unbearable to watch Nancy lay there and only anticipate the worse. Alex could feel the time ticking away and the more time wasted opened up for Vecnas's destruction.

Pulling herself up, Alex rested on her knees, holding her arm to her chest, and choked back a sob. Everything that surrounded her was haunting and it seemed to continue to tear her down yet she persisted. She was shaky as she rose to her feet and inched herself back toward the door. It hadn't mattered what she'd walk back toward, at least behind her she knew it was better than the unknown.

The door slowly pulled open but Alex's eyes shut in disbelief to find the boards that kept her from returning. Letting go of the knob, she extended it out to the boards, giving a hefty tug that she hoped would allow the board to break away. However, with Vecna in charge of this hellish nightmare, there was never the easy path.

There was no way out the front door and Alex was certain. With one last frustrated tug on the board, she allowed herself to turn back toward the inside of the house. It felt as if the nightmare had started all over as the dark room felt eerier. Nancy's body was removed, no sign she had ever been there. Rather than wait to see where it had gotten to, Alex headed further into the house. She knew better this time than to call for someone. All that escaped her lips was the random whimper of pain as the bit of movement sent a searing pain through her arm.

Her mind throbbed as she stumbled her way through the dark house. It was an unexpected quiet that floated around her. She expected anything but silence. There should have been a rush of emotion from this, even the sound of her own cry would pull her from the deafening silence. It was odd the way she felt. Through the buzzing of silence, the pain erupting through her body, and the ache of her heart, she felt guilt. A twist in her gut told her she failed everyone and maybe this is what she deserved. This pathway through hell was exactly what she needed after failing each and every time.

Then a new emotion hit her. A sense of anger made her feel hot inside. It was burning with the joy of feeling something other than broken. She began to question if there was a sense of truth to Henry Creel and that it would be easier to give him what he wanted. It'd end sooner that way and this agonizing pain would disappearโ€” or at least she hoped it would. This dark new twist to her gut caused her head to throb more. It was as if the darkness was infiltrating her mind, unpreventable.

Alex stopped herself, allowing the emptiness she always felt to resurface. It felt easier to feel nothing than to feel it all. She told herself to just go. Waiting felt cruel, running felt weak, so there was nothing more to do than just go.

It was a glow of blue light that caught her eye, peeking interest at an intriguing sight. It came from the kitchen and she was curious to see where the light came fromโ€” maybe it was a way out for her. She took her chances as she stepped into the kitchen. A blue lantern sat there in the middle of the room. As she began to approach it, she saw how wrong everything felt. Spiders found a home, their webs strewed about and their bodies rested in the darkness of the blue light.

She was slow-moving, afraid to startle up a new nightmare. Yet she approached the blue lantern. It was the same that Max, Lucas, and Erica carried tonight, she wished the reminder of them could reawake something good inside her and be that reminder of why she had to continue on. However, something caught her eye that was enough to keep the unsettling pit in her stomach to grow.

Bending down, Alex observed what seemed to have been left behind. Scraps of paper with hidden love behind every word and drawing were littered around a broken, abandoned Walkman. Alex swallowed hard as she picked up the pieces, allowing them to slip through her fingers as she accepted that nothing would be alright.

When the last piece fell to the floor, Alex felt a weight too heavy for her shoulders to take. It was a looming presence that seemed to always stick to her like a shadow. She could feel him there as if he was watching and waiting. Slowly rising, Alex dared to reach out to him. "Henry?" Her call for him was quiet, almost afraid he'd respond. She wondered if he knew she was there, keeping his eye on her as much as he claimed to. Another call to his name caused a quiver in her voice, fearing the response or lack of response she would receive. Either seemed terrifying-- to be trapped with a monster or to be forgotten, lost, and abandoned in the mind of Max Mayfield.

She was only greeted with silence, left with nothing more than the sounds of her shaky breath. Even as she looked over her shoulder to maybe catch a glimpse of him, there was nothing, and the weight on her shoulder dispersed. Turning back toward the blue light, she accepted she was alone at least for now.

That was until through the backdoor, she saw the weak glow of the pool lights turn on. It was quick to catch her attention and something about it compelled her to look. Something asked for her to follow and it didn't feel dark, it didn't weigh on her heart.

It felt like sadness. Something about what waited for her outside caused her heart to sink. It was a new type of darkness, one that wasn't scary, but lonely. That was the kind of darkness that she felt closest to every day and it was that feeling alone that told her what lay out there for her would be safe. It was the most confident she felt as she headed toward the backdoor.

Standing there, she kept one hand on the handle and her eyes on the pool, watching and waiting. There was nothing. It was quiet. So she pulled the door open and headed out. The moment she emerged into the backyard, a loud pop exploded behind her and she jumped, looking back for what danger was coming her way. The eerie blue light of the lantern blew and darkness refilled the house. It would no longer welcome her back inside so she had to keep going. Collecting herself from the sudden noise, Alex swallowed her fears and turned back.

The pool still glowed weakly but something was different. A light splash of water came as a figure sat at the very edge. A light wind blew through her hair and the wave of trees in the distance invited her to the outdoor air of Steve Harrington's backyard. Only Steve wasn't the one sitting there.

His back was to her, but he could hear her footsteps approaching. Patrick McKinney waved his feet through the water yet he felt nothing. The water became his home that he found an unusual comfort in. He didn't look over his shoulder but he could see the tips of her shoes just out of his peripheral standing beside him. "I used to think she ran away, you know... Barb. That's what they told everyone at least."

Kicking his feet in the water, Patrick gave a light laugh, one Alex never expected. Their short time spent together, she knew he was quiet, but he was kind. He laughed and she found herself smiling. Patrick sounded just as himself, as if this wasn't the darkest of nightmares. He laughed just the same as he did with all his friends. When he wasn't with them though, he was alone and when he was alone, she could see how much weighed on his shoulder. With someone like Jason always by his side, she could see how painless he felt to not be left to himself.

"She was nice," Patrick said with a small smile. "She didn't care what Tommy was telling everyone about you. You weren't a freak to her. It's not fair she's the one who died." There was a pause and he stopped waving his feet in the water. "I don't think I deserved it either." His breath began to grow shaky, almost as if he found himself nervous or panicked. Patrick felt lost and afraid. "Did anyone care? Did... did anyone ask about me? Did you even care?"

Alex was struck by his questions. Turning her eyes down to him, she wished to comfort him after failing to do so before. "Of course," she whispered.

"It should've..." he paused with a shaky breath, curling his fists into balls as he closed his eyes. "It should've been you. If you just listened to him... just did what he wanted... he cared about you and you didn't even notice. You just kept hurting him, pushing him away."

Alex's lips parted as she listened to his quiet words. The faster he spoke, the more panicked he became, Alex felt the daggers slip into her heart faster than she realized. Beginning to step back, ready to retreat, Henry couldn't allow such a quick escape so easily. Patrick grabbed hold of her ankle, an erupt of pain shot up Alex's leg, a fire igniting from a single grip. Attempting to pull away, she screamed, begged, and with a tug to flee, she felt that grip tighten in a strength no man could possess.

Falling to the ground, she managed to catch herself by her forearms, sending a shockwave through her body that rocked a breath straight from her lungs. Clawing her nails into the concrete, she never gave up on the escape. It was for everyone she couldn't find, those that risked their lives for this all to be over.

Her nails broke and bled with every scrape as the pull became stronger. Looking over her shoulder, she wished to find an opening to kick Patrick off her only to find he had never been there. Holding right to her ankle had been none other than one of Vecna's vines that followed his every command.

Blurred vision of tears and a broken body never stood a chance against the terror of Vecna. Finding herself beginning to emerge into the water, Alex blubbered her pleas, begging for a way to make it right, to save her life long enough to find a new solution. Yet Vecna was no fool, he had been played by many others, he's been trapped and filled with lies. Nothing could change the path of punishment he laid out for her. Her arms fought to keep her above water, her head barely popping through the surface until she noticed. This wasn't water that filled the pool, this was blood. It was thick, red, but ice cold.

The chill of the blood countered with the burning sensation that Vecna sent through her body. Submerged underwater, Alex didn't fight to break free to reach the top once she realized this was her end. Her arms floated out her sides as she felt herself pulled into darkness. Eyes left open, she watched as bodies floated in the bloody darkness just as the fish in Lover's Lake made the water their home.

Barbara Holland's body was one of the many that floated before her as she passed. With a brush up against Alex's hand, it was then she realized that no air filled her lungs, no water, no bloodโ€” she was empty inside. It was an acceptance of death she had allowed in far too early. This wasn't the end, this was only the beginning.

A red glow emitted from beneath, an opening to another aspect of Henry's reign of terror, his path of destruction. Alex wished to stay in the cold dark shadows of the water, to live breathlessly until Death could greet her with open arms and she could find those she had failed throughout the years. Yet that vine had dragged her to that opening, pulling her toward a gate that would erase that chance of a blissful relief.

The frozen air within her lungs broke free as she passed through the sticky goop that acted as a seal between Henry's created nightmares. It was a moment Alex realized that she wasn't as empty as he allowed her to believe.

Soaking wet, she slammed back into the ground as the vine released her in the air. She breathed heavily as she invited the fresh air to refill her lungs in panted breaths that were only greedy for more. Alex lay there, coughing out the blood that escaped from her lungs as she felt a daze from the glowing lights that surrounded her.

There was an eerie hum of the neon lights that surrounded the world around her. A flash of moments broke through her mind, a haunting nightmare of the monster that once roamed this mall, a boy seeking forgiveness for his unforgivable acts, and a man that she believed to have died with words unspoken between the two.

Picking herself up to her feet, Alex felt a shockwave that rocked the air from her lungs once more. A panic she hadn't felt in some time had overcome her as she clutched her chest anxiously, feeling her heart beating loud enough that the low hum of electricity now only felt like a simple silence. She yearned for the strength to release even the smallest of sobs to numb the pain she felt inside.

Back in Starcourt was a nightmare she wished to never relive. The mention of the mall would often have her cover her ears, waiting for it to end. The thought of the place would often cause her to crawl into bed with the lights off, pulling a blanket above her head as she wished she had been among the flayed that lost their lives. Now she couldn't hide or sink into the darkness. Alex faced the horrors head-on and as a result, could only grip her chest to hold tight to her pain and feel her body tremble as it begged for the safety of her bedroom, hidden away for the world to carry on as she fell apart.

Alex felt a daze as she turned in a circle, looking for what more terrors could be unleashed in the Starcourt Mall. She keeled over in pain as she pleaded in broken sobs for Henry Creel to stop the madness he placed her in. Stumbling forward, she encouraged herself to search for the light. Max had an idea of her own that would give her that chance to hide in the dim light of the darkness, something that Alex felt she would know at the moment. Searching for that moment in the hell she found herself in seemed to be an impossible task. Everywhere she stumbled, everywhere she found herself was yet again another memory that became agonizing.

The darkness lurked in every corner, waiting to enclose around her had she found her way near it. The faded copies of her memories played over-- Jim Hopper walking through the empty mall, letting a sweet goodbye slip away for the sake of Hawkins, the very ground Billy Hargrove laid as he wished he had made a different life for himself than what his father had shown him, and where the Mind Flayer loomed over the center of the mall in search of its next victim. Yet through all that pain, Alex had seen it. It was bright as it had always been and that haunting silence was soon replaced with a faded hum of music that always played within Scoops Ahoy.

With every bit of strength, Alex forced herself through the mall. Every step she grew closer and those memories became clearer. She could already see Robin Buckley being the first to greet her at the ice cream shop, knowing that she had found the greatest friend in her. A warmth spread over her where Steve once wrapped his arms around her, lifting her into the air as he spun around, leaving her to feel weightless in his grasp. The taste of ice cream filled her mouth, knowing that that taste would soon follow with Steve's lips pressed against hers. The more she neared, the freedom from Vecna seemed to be just as close.

Then she truly felt weightless. She wished it was the light that greeted her with open arms of safety and that Scoops Ahoy was that moment of happiness that she searched for in the darkness. That weightless feel was brought upon with a stinging burn against her ankles as she felt herself whisked away and Scoops Ahoy was nothing more than a memory. Every feeling, taste, and warmth that she felt had been ripped away, leaving her cold and empty.

Her hand extended out, wishing to feel that once more as the music halted and silence soon resumed. Dragged away, she was sure that another turn to hell would greet her happily. She hadn't been too far off as she was brought back to her home of nightmares. Left where Billy Hargrove once laid, Alex now was left with panted breaths and an emptiness in her heart.

Propping herself up onto her elbows, she wished to look around only her tears had created a cloud of blur over her eyes. With a single blink, the tears spilled over just as the vines returned to their home and for that moment, Alex was free again.

A whimpering gasp flew from her mouth as a tug yanked on her hair and brought her head down to the ground with a crack erupting through her mind. Closing her eyes from the initial shock of pain, Alex reached for the back of her hair only to feel the fist that grabbed a handful of it had let go and a shadow soon loomed over. Hovering above, the neon lights of Starcourt lit up the face of the person that stood before her. Slowly lowering himself down to one knee, Billy Hargrove shook, an agonizing pain within his eyes met hers as tears brimmed his. Black veins pulsated in his neck as he too struggled with Henry Creel's pull on him. His eyes began to travel over her face, brushing a hand against her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear.

A single sob escaped her lips, this time not from fear but from the overwhelming guilt she felt. Billy Hargrove created a hell for those around him from pure anger and resentment that continued to build inside him. It had only taken him to the end of the line to learn that his hatred was wasted on purely nothing. Now the broken shell he became loomed over her, terrified and lost and all Alex felt was sympathy. She knew the destruction that Henry Creel enacted in the mind and with knowing that pain, she ached to see it in another. Her voice cracked as she whispered his name, finding that strength to remind him that this was not him-- he was Billy Hargrove, not the monster that circled his thoughts and created a new monster within him.

However, this was all a creation of the man that filled their minds. Henry Creel was not one to back down, to allow someone to walk away from him so easily without getting what he felt he deserved. With a ghost from her past, he reminded her of what he was to her all this time. Billy laid his hand over her cheek as his eyes returned to hers. His voice was broken and soft as he whispered her name, running a thumb along her cheek as he questioned how they got to where they were. A warm tear that fell from the corner of her eye made contact with his touch causing him to close his eyes tightly, proving to her that he understood that pain. Before he could meet her eyes once more, he shook his head in both confusion and disbelief, "Why didn't you just listen to him? After everything... everything he's done for us."

Attempting to shake her head, she closed her eyes the moment his opened, afraid of what more Henry Creel could put in her mind. Alex knew that her feelings of guilt and regret would be twisted by Henry's hold. Repeating to herself in a hushed whisper, she continued to deny that statement from Billy in quiet no's. With every act of denial that she showed, Billy's emotions didn't stagger, but the grip he held now onto her grew to prevent her from shaking her head. Grabbing ahold of his wrist, Alex pulled in an attempt to remove his grip from her face.

Her pleas to him to stop were overshadowed by his need to be heard. "Why, Alex? He did all of this... for you."

"No," she croaked out, but her stern denial allowed that monster in Henry to erupt. Removing his grip from her face, he had allowed it to find a new home. Billy continued to shake with tears in his eyes and a sorrowing pain hidden behind his eyes as his actions turned to pure hatred. Enclosing around her neck, Billy squeezed hard, giving her no room to breathe. Every tug and pull she attempted for just another chance at breathing in life, he hadn't budged. Moments ago, Alex was willing to drown in her nightmares, too far gone to continue. Only now she wished for that chance to share another moment. Closing her eyes and searching for the light when she could feel her life slipping away had been pointless. Every nightmare flashed before her eyes and with that, his grip continued to tighten as he questioned her lack of loyalty to Henry Creel.

Hidden behind those nightmares was always the same. It was a family made along the way. People that sacrificed themselves for one another, and when the danger subsided, they were there for the laughs and comfort they found in each other. Even the saddest of memories happened to be the reason she pushed forward and it was always for them. And Alex could begin to see it clearly.

Alex Henderson was a puppet in a masterful game constructed by a monster within a man. She was the very thing he strung together to play his tricks, clouding her good memories with the bad. So when she saw that good hidden and stashed away beneath the trauma and darkness of her mind over the years, she was met with a new light. Her lungs were emptied of air, her neck began to form a blue and purplish tint in the shape of Billy's hand, and yet she began to feel warm inside. This time it wasn't an acceptance of death. It was an escape to the mind Henry Creel had overtaken for several years now.

Alex could see them. Darkness continued to surround her friends and family and somehow memories were still flooded with smiles, laughter, and love. To flee from it at this moment would be a stain on those moments and memories. Alex moved quickly as she dug the heel of her hand into Billy's face. Every bit of strength bestowed upon her was thrust up until there was no other option than for him to release her of his hold.

The moment she felt his hand shift against her neck, she pulled her hand back for one final thrust up his nose. She choked on the rush of air that spread into her lungs as she rolled out from under him. It was but only a second that she had seen him after the blow to his face. Yet it wasn't Billy Hargrove any longer, this was the monster created against what was known as Henry Creel. It was Vecna.

There are some things worse than ghosts. Things beyond this world, a world hidden just beneath Hawkins. Describing him as a monster was only the beginning of what he had become. He was what the darkness feared. With the looks of an angel, a monster stirred beneath his skin, within his mind. Pushed into a world beyond what they knew, he was forced to become a monster both in and out of his body. This was more than a monster. Vecna, a curse to Hawkins, Indiana. He was an undead creature of great power, a spell caster, a dark wizard. He was why people feared the darkโ€” it was the unknown, it was where he lurked, and when someoneโ€” a poor-minded soul, lost, alone, and afraidโ€” stepped into that darkness, they invited him into the mind. He was fear itself.

Raising to his feet, Vecna watched her as she raced toward her light. He could only watch as he felt that agonizing warmth inside of him as she soaked in that light as if it were her home. He felt things he grew to despise, feelings he wished never existed in the first place. As she ran toward Scoops Ahoy, he felt every emotion she did. Anger bubbled up inside of him to see moments he couldn't bare to be reminded of.

As she neared the light, Vecna felt the next painful reminder of who he could never beโ€” a man of love. Breaking free from the world's exhausting 'perfect life' allowed him to easily ignore the idea of love. He couldn't love his family, and he could never love another. And yet the one he wanted most felt every sting love could ever offer. It was heartbreak and misery but it was also freedom and a weightlessness he could never possess the knowledge to even imagine.

Alex felt compelled to look back, to see the glimpse of the monster she left behind. She needed it to convince herself this wasn't a man, Henry Creel was a monster and he continued to be just that with every breath she took. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw as he stood there, watching but unmoving. She expected him to chase her, hunt her for going against everything he needed to make it. It caused her to slow down almost to a stop. She turned her back on Scoops Ahoy as she continued to walk backward in its direction.

She told herself to keep movingโ€” to push through whatever part of Henry swirled around in her mind. Every trick he pulled needed to be uncovered. As Vecna watched her slip further away from his game was then when he realized a part of himself he never fully understood. He longed to trick Alex into joining him. Countless nightmares and fear of the unknown were a tactic he grew to adore, it was his way of taking lives. But this life he didn't want to take just yet. He needed itโ€” he needed her. But there was only one thing that ever held Alex Henderson back and that was love. It was that feeling of warmth and the light around her that she was drawn to.

Vecna was a mastermind, a dark wizard of sorts that he believed he could twist the darkness to be seen as the light. He was willing to evoke an emotion he deemed disgusting just for her. Still, he wondered how she could ever love him when she loved the others beyond anything the world could see. Alex felt it for a spark of a moment before when he had shown her the real himโ€” the man beneath the monster. For that moment, he could feel her resistance loosen, but never fully. It was because of them, the ones she thought of to hide away from him. He hated them and he needed her to resent them for all the lies they told and truths they hid from her.

He allowed her to run to that because now he knew what opportunities the light possessed. It was an opening to her mind that he resented for far too long. She had told him many times before that it was all because of love that she couldn't stay. Now he planned to be the only thing that was her love, her freedom, her escape from the darkness.

Alex couldn't see the shadow she carelessly turned back to. She believed she found her way out, that this would bring her new life, a chance to win. She turned her back to Vecna as she found herself racing into Scoops Ahoy. No one sat in the seats or stood at the counter but she could hear it so clearly. Beyond the door behind the counter was them, a way out. Rushing towards it, Alex put her full weight into the door, throwing it open and running head-on into what she hoped was her light.

Her body collided heavily with the person on the other side. Dust immediately filled her nostrils and the smell of rotting wood of the abandoned home told her where she was. Each girl screamed in terror as they backed up from one another as they prepared their flight to the nearest escape.

Max Mayfield stumbled back, her hands extended out in front of her as she looked at the small coat of blood that was left behind on her skin. She wanted to run and wished she had the strength to follow through with it but the sight of a familiar face that brought a sense of comfort stopped her. Inside her head, she continued a race against Vecna and it felt almost too quick and painless. However, for Alex it was a grueling timeโ€” it felt like an hour had passed, an hour that beaten her down and taken something from her she'd never get back. Max could see the life drained from her eyes with the blood and goop covered over her. Her response was to take a step back, yet too uncertain to run.

Alex held her arm to her chest and with a shaky step, moved away from Max. There was no urgency to run or escape. When one thing after another came at her no matter where she went, she began to find it in her to give up. She sniffled her nose to prevent herself from crying as she turned her eyes away from Max. "Just leave me alone."

Max dropped her hands back to her sides, wiping away the mess onto her pants. Something felt off. The coldness that once wrapped around her sprint through the Creel House had halted. "Is that really you? I'm not making you up?"

Alex kept her guard up, holding on tighter to herself as she looked over Max. Confusion swept over her that a nightmare could seem so real and concerned. "What are you talking about?"

"It's me, Max. Like actually Max, not some made-up bullshit." She furrowed her brows a she made a step toward Alex only to have her retreat back. "What the hell happened to you? Why are you even here?"

"What happened to me?" Alex repeated back with a twinge of disappointment. "I have been busting my ass trying to get the hell out of here for what feels like forever."

"But you're in my head. Do you remember what happened?"

Alex let out a heavy breath of air as she made her way toward the stairs. The floorboards creaked with her movement, seemingly bothered that after all these years people have returned to make use of this old home. "I don't know," Alex sighed, a whimper escaping her mouth as she took a seat on the second step of the stairs. "We were attacked and Henry just... he got me. There was the black smoke and after that..."

"Black smoke?" Max moved closer, her heart pounding louder. "Like what was in you before."

"Like the Shadow Monster, yeah."

Max took the seat beside her, keeping her eyes stuck on her. "If he got you, then did he say something?"

"No, he was... he was too busy with you."

There was a cold breeze that swept past the two and goosebumps only rose on Max's arm. Even though the blood that coated Alex's skin, Max couldn't ignore how comfortable Alex felt. "You're in my head," Max whispered. "If he already had me... then he..." Picking herself up, she gestured to Alex. "He brought you here, Alex. He has you. And I mean like before. I mean, if that smoke shit is in you, then he can do whatever he wants with you. So the only way we can even think of stopping him is if we get the hell out of here and burn that shit out of you again."

"Okay, he is not controlling me like before. Maybe he just screwed it up and instead of just killing me, he just dropped me off here. Or like when he took you before and I touched you... something happened."

"I don't care," Max interrupted. "We're getting out of here and we have to tell them." Another cold breeze swept passed causing both to shudder this time. A darkness seemed to hover over the house. Max's eyes moved around as the presence grew stronger. "You don't think he can hear us, right?"

"I've tried getting his attention," Alex groaned as she shifted her weight. "He's not listening. I'm pretty sure he's too busy thinking of new ways of torture."

Max's eyes turned back over to Alex as she spoke. Pity was all she felt when seeing her. "What did he do to you? How'd you break your arm?"

"I fell down the stairs so Nancy wouldn't kill me," she whispered. Her eyes focused on Max's and she couldn't help but laugh. It was the only time she felt better was by seeing this all as quite ridiculous. Playfully rolling her eyes, she tried to hold onto that humor. "Far less scary than when I watched myself try and stab out my own eyeballs." Picking herself up off the stairs she looked around the Creel house.

Max stood there with her mouth agape, watching as Alex seemed to easily move on from the topic. "Alex, what the hell? It's only been a couple of minutes... how the hell?"

"I think time is a bit weird in dreams," Alex said as she moved past Max.

"This isn't a dream."

"It's all in your head. Don't they say you can be asleep for five minutes but your dream can feel like forever? Henry's like Freddy, he just sorta does what he wants... even if it is your head."

"This isn't a movie, Alex," Max fought back in frustration. She trailed behind as Alex peeked into other rooms, only to find nothing of interest. It was the Creel House down to the last detail. The thick layer of dust surrounded them and still, it was his home. "What are you even looking for?"

"If we're together, maybe he's looking for us," Alex whispered. Her eyes stayed in motion as she kept a careful view of her surroundings. She was certain there was more to all of this. When it came to Henry Creel, nothing came as an accident. He enjoyed the mind games and his ability to manipulate those around him. "Has he talked to you?"

"You mean follow me everywhere I go?" Max forced a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, he sticks close. Until now at least."

Alex frowned. "I saw him once."

"Lucky you," Max mumbled. The sting of pain hit Alex as she looked over to Max. She was untouched as if she just arrived in this hellscape. Alex, however, was drenched in blood, sweat, goop and every fiber of her felt on fire. For a moment, Max's eyes turned away, knowing her words were wrongโ€” Alex was far from lucky. "Anyways, I think we should stay put. Block his way from coming in."

"Pretty sure he's in control," Alex stated. Even if they imagined situations going one way, Henry had the ability to turn their world around if need be. It may have been Max's mind, but he created this world around them. Opening her mouth to come to an agreement on what Max decided, the low creak of a door opening had her breath ripped from her lungs.

Each pair of eyes turned to the front door, watching it slowly open. The entire appearance of the door changed. The broken window, faded from time and layered in dust was given a new life. The stained glass became whole again, refilled with vibrant colors and wiped clear of dust. It was hauntingly beautiful in a house like this.

Alex's heart thudded against her chest as a pure white light emitted from the doorway. It was compelling to go towards. It felt like happy memories, just the same as when Alex placed her hand into the glow of the lights in the Upside Down. The closer she got, the happier she became. It was euphoric. She started to creep closer without even the realization that her feet continued to drag her along.

Max remained in her spot, watching as Alex's eyes seemed to darken as her face glowed with happiness. It was unsettling and everything felt wrong. She watched as Alex placed her hand on the doorknob, ready to pull it open before she raced ahead and slammed the door shut. "I don't like this."

The darkness remained in Alex's eyes but the glow seemed to fade away with the happiness she felt. "I heard Steve." Max shook her head, "I didn't hear anything."

"That felt like the light," Alex whispered in frustration. "You said that light is all that we can do to save us, so we should go. There's not a chance Henry's in there. It actually felt good."

"I don't know," Max whispered anxiously.

Turning the knob, Alex pulled the door back open, the wave of happiness spreading all over her. To Max, however, everything felt wrong. She didn't feel any happiness and didn't see any light. It was all dark beyond that door. Yet Alex's face seemed to soften but dark shadows covered over her. "Max, this has to be a way out. Maybe that's why we found each other. Maybe we can get out of here."

The door widened and Max couldn't bring herself to say no. If Alex was certain it was the light, then she couldn't deny her the ability to escape. Even if this felt wrong to her, she told herself it was because this wasn't her opportunity to escape. The door opened all the way and Alex's smile grew. "It's your bedroom," she whispered. "Come on, that has to be a clear sign it's safe."

Max felt her fears rise as Alex grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her toward what she saw as a pit of darkness. One last look over her shoulder, Max saw him. Standing at the top of the stairs Vecna watched as they entered into his darkness. Max felt that wave of cold reach down into her bones. Either way, following Alex felt safer than staying with him. Turning her head back, Max closed her eyes, rushing Alex forward as the door slammed shut behind them. She knew what they could be stepping into was easily a trap laid out for them but parting from Alex seemed far worse. If they were to suffer, they wouldn't be alone.

Cracking her eyes open slowly, Max anticipated the very worst to be before her. She expected every nightmare, her deepest darkest fears to be sitting in the room in front of them. Her grip on Alex's hand tightened until she realized the soft glow of a lamp filled her bedroom.

Her eyes darted over to Alex to see her smiling. "See, it's your bedroom."

Hearing that, Max found the ability to breathe once more. "What..." her question quickly became unfinished as she soon realized that she wasn't sure what to ask. So many thoughts swirled around inside that she wasn't sure. "I don't understand. I don't really think we should trust this."

"I think it's fine," Alex chuckled. "What's gonna hurt us in here? You got some secrets hiding under your bed or something?"

Max flashed her a look of annoyance and scoffed. "No. I still think we should leave." Turning around, Max reached for the doorknob just as her bedroom door was pushed open. Stepping back, Max reached for Alex out of instinct. She was certain Vecna followed them, trapping them in an enclosed space with nowhere to run. Only what she least expected came walking through the doorโ€” herself and Steve Harrington.

Ready to question what this all was, this version of Max immediately got to her hands and knees and grabbed something from under her bed. Pulling herself to her knees, she tossed a Michael Meyers mask at Steve for him to fumble to catch.

"This is..." Alex began in wonder.

"My memory," Max finished. It was when she asked for his help to grab a mask for Eddie. It felt odd for this to be the one they stumbled into. "This doesn't make sense," she whispered anxiously.

"Why exactly did you need my help?" Steve questioned the memory of Max. "Seems like you know your own room pretty damn well." His eyes traveled across the room before he looked back at Max with annoyance.

"I didn't want you for the mask, genius. I have to tell you something," Max whispered. "It's about Alex."

Scrunching her face up, Max felt an odd sensation. "No," she interjected. "No, I didn't say that."

Alex looked back from the memory to Max in concern. "What did you say to him?" The hurt in her voice was loud and clear, she felt uneasy. Whatever it was, she was prepared to be broken apart and disappointed.

"Nothing," Max scoffed. "I didn't say..."

"She's going to get everyone killed and you know it."

Steve sighed and clapped his hands together in front of him before they settled onto his hips. He didn't say anything, just kept his eyes on Max, waiting for her to say more, see what she had to say.

"I think we just let her take the fall, give Vecna what he wantsโ€” her, right? It's that easy."

Speaking over Steve's words attempts to fight back, Max extended a hand out to this past version of herself. "I never said that!"

"Lucas was right before. She's a total traitor, she could be working with him right now and we're just ignoring it," the memory of Max continued. Steve pondered her words before running a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh but this memory of Max interrupted him. "And who's to say we're not next? She's, what, at the center of all this, right?"

Steve frowned, "You think she'd let us die?"

For a moment there was silence. It was long enough to have tears brim Alex's eyes as she looked over to Max beside her. She didn't say a word as this other version of Max spoke her mind, "Well, yeah," she whispered. "What, you think I'm wrong?"

"Yes, I do!" Stepping forward, Max blocked the scene unfolding before Alex. "I never said that you have to believe me. This didn't happen!"

Slowly, Alex's eyes looked down toward her, tears sat on the edge, begging to spill over. A mixture of emotions swirled throughout Alex's mind, finding reasons to be hurt in many different ways. The silence was overwhelming to Max as she watched Alex shift her eyes back to the memory. It was all a lie, something created by Vecna to drive them apart and to break Alex. "Do you really believe this?"

"I don't know what to believe," Alex whispered. As a single tear slipped down, she caught it with her sleeve, stopping it in its tracks. Crying felt weak and that's all she ever felt, especially trapped where she was. "This is your mind," she continued, "Why is all this horrible stuff happening to me in your mind? Nancy even suggested I go with them... to Henry and every... everyone knew he wanted me." The more she spoke, the more she struggled to get a word out, Alex was falling apart all over again. She was overwhelmed and terrified of how dark the world was around her. As far as she knew, anything was possible. Anyone could hurt her and she could hurt them.

"We didn't... we didn't want to hurt you," Max said, confusion lingering in her voice. "I never wanted any of this for you." She recalled the true memory, the one Vecna didn't dare to show. How Steve fought with her to let neither of them go, swearing he would blame himself if something happened to them. In the memory, Steve was like the brother she always wanted from Billyโ€” someone that cared for her, willing to fight for her safety. Now it was only tarnished by Vecna's evil shadow of darkness.

A string of tears began to slip down Alex's cheeks as she reflected on the ghost of the haunting feelings she always felt. "I didn't even want to be back to any of this... any... any of you and... and... I stayed because... because of all of you. No one actually cares about me. Do you think anyone's going to wake me up to save me? Because I didn't see anyone bringing me a Walkman, no Blondie for me. But you... you have Lucas with you right now."

Pausing for a moment, Alex looked at Max, waiting for her to speak. She wished she'd say anything, deny it all. Max only stood there in the silence, a heaviness pushing on her chest telling her that if she spoke, she could very well fall apart by the crushing weight.

Alex's chin quivered for a moment as she realized that silence was unending. "I was never fine and no one noticed... or... or maybe they didn't care... and ever since I was attacked the first time, I always felt completely lost... alone. He told me none of you would understand and maybe... maybe he was right."

"He?" Max choked out in disbelief. "Vecna? You want to believe him over me?"

Alex's eyes clouded over with tears as she felt the burn in her throat. She wished she could take back how she felt, to feel normal and understand that there was no one that could understand her pain completely. No one would know what it truly felt like and the battle within her mind. "His name is Henry," Alex whispered.

The world around them unknowingly began to crumble by her correction. Vecna was a monsterโ€” pure evil, but Henry, he was humanโ€” misunderstood, lost, and afraid. For her to see him as human very well could be the fall of Hawkins. It was then that Max felt that final slip of Alex Henderson be taken away from her. "Vecna doesn't give a shit about you, Alex," she spoke carefully. "He killed people and he would've killed you. He's a monster."

"He's not a monster," Alex whispered sternly. Tears finally began to spill over as she pointed a finger to her chest, "I killed them. I left Barb, I didn't save Billy and I killed Fred, Chrissy, Patrick and you're going to die because of me. I did it, Max. Everyone that died... that were flayed, it was all me. Maybe Henry's right, that this is just who I was always meant to be." Alex's chest rose and fell heavily as she watched Max and the pain that spread across her face, the hurt she caused once again. "Everyone would've been alive right now if I wasn't here."

"Why do you believe him?" Her voice was quiet as she spoke. She gave in, and felt hopeless, knowing the battle was lost. Without Alex, there seemed to be no point in fighting. Max only realized now that tears slipped from her eyes, embarrassed with herself and filled with guilt. Henry was at Alex's side through it all, never giving up while the others all disappeared when she needed them the most. Alex had that right to turn to him now and Max couldn't stop it. No one could. Max's words were broken and small, "I'm sorry."

Alex looked directly at Max, seeing that pain that almost changed her mind. The remorse hidden behind her eyes should have been enough for Alex to realize that this was all Henry and if it wasn't for him, she never would have felt the way she did. Then small droplets of blood slipped off the end of her hair, sprinkling across her arms and the light touch had her look down. Those droplets were unnoticeable in the blood that caked her arms. She held her hands out, seeing that this very well could be the blood of those lost in Hawkins and it was her doing.

Prying her eyes away, she looked back to Max. "I knew something was wrong with Billy and I did nothing. That makes me a monster, too."

Max couldn't bring herself to look at her. It was unbearable to hear her this way. For a moment, she began to believe this was all Vecna, some twisted game created in her mind, and that Alex was out of harm's way. Alex felt the distance grow and the darkness overwhelm her thoughts. "You can't even look at me."

"This isn't like you," Max whispered through her tears. "Please, stop."

"This is me," Alex spoke loudly. Her chin quivered as she looked over Max. How small and terrified she became. She knew she was a monster, all the same as Henry was said to be. Only he could understand how she felt. Breaking her promise to not cry, Alex pushed passed Max to the door for a quick escape to hide away from the pain she felt.

The unexpected departure caused Max to pull herself together. Her vision cleared of tears as she darted her head toward the door. Unwilling to let her slip away so easily, Max called her name in desperation, rushing toward the door to follow after. However, as soon as Alex disappeared through the doorway, an evil force slammed it shut behind her, leaving Max to hit it. Pounding her fist on the door, she begged, calling to Alex. No matter how scary it was, they were better together. When the door would unlock, Max would find herself face to face with a haunting memory of the brother she locked away in a room to burn the darkness from him.

Alex no longer faced the nightmares Henry led her to. That feeling of being alone was the opening he realized was all he ever needed. It allowed him to enter and finally win. She couldn't see how the world changed around her, how she charged into a place she found company with herself when she felt so alone.

Tears stained her cheeks and her legs felt weak as the monsters caught up to her. Memory allowed her to fall to the floor of her bedroom just beside her bed. The room swirled in red as the dark red sky peeked from behind her curtains and the monsters grew closer. She held tight to herself with her knees pulled to her chest, allowing herself to release all emotion she built up in such a short time in her life. Sobs that begged to be released finally were heard yet they stayed muffled, tucked away just as she buried her face into her knees.

She was innocentโ€” a victim. Alex Henderson only lost her way. Uncertain of herself, she was willing to find comfort even in one that could twist and turn her every way. He allowed her to believe that what she felt was real and the world around her could never understand her. She believed him to now be a saint, unaware of who he truly was. This man was Henry Creelโ€” not the monster hidden in the other world, he was a curse to Hawkins, a darkness no evil dared to cross.

Henry stood beside her bed, his hands placed perfectly behind his back, a grin that hid the devil away plastered to his face. "There's no reason to cry." His voice was gentle and welcoming. Alex's tears halted as she picked her head up to look at him. Her heart sank at the sight of him but he wasn't cruel. "Why do you cry for her?"

Alex sniffled her nose as she watched him lower himself down beside her. She was stuck frozen as his arm brushed up against her, his smile never fading. Tears continued to roll, but her sobs halted and her nerves kept her watching him. The red light peeking from behind her curtains lit up his face and she believed he looked calm. He put her at ease and that terrified her more than anything.

"You hurt me," she croaked out. His eyes stayed on her, looking over the pain she brought upon her. Though he wished to say she deserved the punishment, he knew better. "They made me," Henry whispered. "They made me hurt you."

"Who?" Her voice broke as cries became desperate to escape.

"All of them." Henry took a chance and became brave with his actions. One dive into Alex's mind and he knew how easy it became for Steve Harrington to comfort her. It was simple and Henry grew jealous he didn't think of it all first. Pushing that jealousy to the side, he was quick, yet not too sudden, as he took Alex's hand in his. She was startled by his actions at first and the cold that emitted through her should have told her to run. Only now, that cold felt welcomingโ€” it felt right. Rather than pull away and save herself, she curled her fingers around his, holding on tighter as she looked into his eyes.

With that simple act, Alex became a young kid, searching for approval, hoping for someone to understand that there was always something hidden inside her she could never understand herself. The way Henry look at her, she became that little girlโ€” vulnerable. "I don't understand."

The corners of Henry's lips turned up and she mistook it for care than the cruel intentions hidden behind it. Even as the thunder cracked around them, it was the safest she ever felt beside him and he took advantage of every second. "Try not to hide away as I speak, okay? That's what they wantโ€” for you to run from me, sheltering you from the truth. I need you to listen to me, Alex. Can you do that?"

Alex became compelled with every word he spoke. Her eyes stayed wide with innocence and curiosity as she nodded along.

Henry sighed. "Your friends are alive. I wouldn't hurt them until I knew you knew the truth."

"It's been hours," Alex whispered, her frown beginning to re-emerge rather than stay curious of Henry. She wasn't his just yet. "It's been only minutes," he corrected. "You move quickly in a mind that isn't yours. Sometimes I get lost in yours for days." He paused quickly, seeing the uneasiness spread across her face as he admitted the truth. "Lucas Sinclair is fighting with a boy that looks out for you. He's looking for you as we speak, attempting to save you from your friends. He was right to worry. Your friends believed delivering you to me would end in your death but they failed to realize the fondness we share for one another. They planned this for some time now. There's a reason why no one fought when Nancy claimed you as bait. You didn't realize it, but they've been using you. Using your selflessness against you, driving you to do what they want."


"You frighten them," he said softly. "They know they can't control you. They used you to get to me, to hurt me just as they were willing to hurt you. That's all they ever wantedโ€” to hurt us. I saw it all happening from the beginning." Henry paused as he heard Alex's breathing pick up. He watched in hunger as her chest rose and fell in fear and betrayal. It took everything in him not to smile at the pain he caused her. "That's why I wanted to help you, but I only made things worse. I did what they wanted and I hurt you."

"And I hurt you," she whispered in anger. "Hurt each other." Everywhere she went was cold, dark, and empty. It was often how she felt for years since the first attack she faced. Since she crawled through that tree into a different world. Nothing ever felt right after that and now she wondered if she was supposed to feel this way. Why did she have to feel empty when she could feel angry?

"I tried to save you that night," he admitted carefully. "When I led you to my world... the night I first hurt you. Nancy let you get hurt by me and she took that pain from here..." he raised a finger, bringing it to her chestโ€” right to her heart. "And used it to control you ever since. To blame me for what she did to you, how she left you behind. I don't think she realized it... but she brought us closer together than I ever hoped."

Alex's grip turned tighter as she believed his every word. Broken and defeated allowed her to allow anyone in and right now, he seemed to be all she had right now. She would believe anything to mend the pieces back together. And right now, she was enchanted with his every word.

Henry knew he had her. "I understand you," he said gently. It caused Alex to meet his eyes and feel that rush of emotion she was desperate to feel once again. It's all she ever needed was someone to understand her. "I believe in you," he continued. "And it is time we've been freed from this hell. You must do as I sayโ€” you cannot let them know. I will stop my destruction as long as I have you. And when you wake from Max Mayfield's mind, we will run away. You may not remember this right away, but you will. You will know to protect me just as I've been protecting you. Soon enough we will find one another. When the moments right, of course."

Alex grew scared as she moved closer to him. "But... but what if I don't remember? I can't let Hawkins fall. I don't even know if I can't trust you."

"It won't," he reassured. "I help you, you help me. You protected the world just as you always wanted and I'll have what I want. We will find one another. Remember, I am always with you... in here." This time his finger raised to her the temple of her skull and now he couldn't help but smile that devilish grin he's been hiding away for so long. He was always hidden within her mind since she arrived here but now he was locked in and it would take every bit of strength to remove the monster in her mind.

Bringing her to her feet, he towered over her as he watched the innocence in her eyes now belong to him. Believing in him was easier the more her mind bowed down to the darkness that he instructed to take over her mind.

Alex felt that she never meant much in anyone's life. She would lay her life for all of her friends and though they would do the same for her, Henry had ripped their relationship to shreds, exposing false realities to achieve his goal. He haunted her every move now, attached to her like a blood-sucking parasite. She was broken and falling apart and he was willing to let her continue to fall apart. He had full controlโ€” something he always wanted from her. He was sloppy the last time, unforgiving of the lack of care he gave to Alex that she needed to stay at his side. Now, however, there was no escape.

Standing before him, she looked up at him with a confused mix of emotions. She was scared but he had forced her to see that fear as love. His control and manipulation were love and understanding to her. He was poison in her mouth and she was a child willing to swallow it whole as long as he continued to make empty promises. She let in all the poison as she wrapped her arms around his torso. His arms embraced her all the same, sealing the deal that Alex Henderson made with the devil. He owned her and the darkness finally swallowed her whole.

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