𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞



ARRIVING AT WAR ZONE, THE GROUP OF TEENS FOUND THEMSELVES STICKING OUT AS SORE THUMBS IN A STORE THEY NORMALLY WOULD NOT FIND THEMSELVES IN. Erica Sinclair took lead in the charge of guiding the group inside. She was fearless, ready to face any of the angry hicks that Eddie Munson advised them to watch out for. As far as she was concerned, this was a war against a monster— Henry Creel, not the people of Hawkins that stood in her way.

Fanning out, each one of the group held tight to a piece of paper that Nancy Wheeler passed around the moment they arrived. Each one had a list of items she was certain they would need for the journey ahead. With her own personal list in mind, Alex made a beeline for the racks of clothing that seemed to favor camouflage.

Looking down at her attire, Alex was not too impressed with the mess she found herself in. Her jeans stuck a little too tightly to her skin and were just damp enough to make her unable to stand still. Of course, the shoes on her feet were far too big being Eddie Munson's. The only thing that truly felt right to have was the Metallica shirt that draped nicely over her, oversized and incredibly comfortable.

Sighing through her nose, she bit the inside of her cheek as she scanned over the racks of jeans until coming to her side, Robin gave the same facial expression. "Does everything have to be camo?" Robin questioned as she reached out for a pair before letting them slip through her fingers.

"Maybe Vecna won't see us coming then," Alex said through a forced laugh. It was a far-fetched idea, to say the least. Whether or not they wore camouflage, he was expecting an up-and-coming fight. Knowing better than to ever utter her worries aloud, Alex took the first pair she spotted in her size and managed a small smile. "I'm gonna go try these on and see if I somehow disappear. Maybe it'll be enough to get him out of my head."

Alex's back turned to Robin as she ventured off to find a changing room. Reaching out for her, Robin's attempts were weak and her voice was small as she called her name to hopefully return. Through the joking, Robin could tell it was a mask to hide away her pain. For anyone else, they would have easily turned their eyes, oblivious to the truth of how Alex Henderson felt— all but Robin Buckley. It was as plain as day and yet she chose not to follow, not to press. No amount of time would heal the wounds Alex possessed and no amount of words would change what had come and what was to come. Even if it pained her to let her go off on her own, Robin knew their time would come.

It was easy for Alex to create this whole façade. The moment her back was turned to Robin, she clutched the jeans to her chest and her smile faded back into the fearful frown that started to feel at home upon her lips. Making a beeline straight for the dressing rooms, Alex allowed herself to take that moment for herself to search for another breath of air.

Staring at the curtained dressing rooms, she paused contemplating whether it was even worth it. Privacy was what she craved however, anyone could have stumbled in with careless behavior. Willing to take the chance, she extended a hand out, pulling the curtain back, and brought herself inside, finally finding that reason to fill her lungs with air once more as she shut the curtain behind her.

Still clutching tight to the pair of pants in her hands, Alex glanced around the small space until her eyes landed on the tall mirror before her. Her grip had tightened as she took a step toward it, a sadness washing over her at the sight of herself. The closest she had gotten to seeing her reflection since leaving the Wheelers yesterday had been beneath worlds in the Upside Down. Now she wished this mirror was just as clouded to hide her features away as that one was.

She missed the person she once was because the person before her was not the same. Now she became fearful of what she became— whether that had been the piece of her a monster longed to claim for himself or if she had in fact became the very monster she grew weary of. Touching the tips of her hair, she watched as her chest rose and fell, seeing how exhaustion and depression truly weighed on her. It was enough to see the bumps and bruises from the adventure to the Upside Down, but to see how her eyes lacked energy from absence of sleep and how small and fragile she appeared to be caused her to look away. Lately she had been facing her demons more than she could even face seeing herself of what she became.

Placing her clothes onto the bench beside her, Alex kept her eyes down, focusing on removing her jeans that clung to her body. After they were soaked from Lovers Lake, they had shrunk and dried to her skin and still reeked of the Upside Downs' acidic air. Taking them off felt like coming up for a fresh breath of air.

Catching sight of herself in the mirror once more, Alex felt forced to look at herself with such vulnerability. Bruises and scrapes that left dried blood behind had been left to litter the rest of her body. Lifting her shirt and exposing her stomach, Alex's lips dipped further down than before. It wasn't that the sight was too much, but because there wasn't much to look at. Yet that was the area that hurt her the most. Her fingers barely grazed against her side as she recalled the way Vecna had grabbed her and how his touch was an agonizing burn— torturous. And somehow he left no mark behind, none that were fresh. His touch haunted her, forever burned into her skin as a permanent memory of him.

She wished to cry and remind herself that she was allowed to feel this pain. But her heart remained empty and along with that, no tears clouded her eyes and nothing fell. Only her shirt as it fell back down around her as she let herself be free from the reminder of Vecna. Running her hands through her hair, she shook her head at the idiocy of this fear she felt inside. Henry Creel had infiltrated her mind and she allowed him in so carelessly. He was a stain against her heart and soul, painful and forced etched to her as a permanent scar.

Caught up in her own mind to relieve her decisions of horrors that brought her and Henry close to one, her chest grew tight with panic. As that feeling began to build up into a hellish landscape, her blood ran cold as her heart beat heavily against her chest when the curtain pulled back. Removing her hands from her hair, Alex was quick to pull the borrowed oversized shirt down further to give her some decency.

Yanking the curtain closed behind him, Steve Harrington was nothing of a nightmare to her. To see him, the memories of Vecna washed away with him there. However, the fright he gave her was nothing to ignore. Removing her hands from her shirt, she leaned over and smacked his arm in surprise. "What the hell, Steve? I thought you were some perv."

"Robin said to come find you," he said innocently. Gesturing down at himself, he brought a smile to his lips. "And here I am. What's up?"

"I didn't tell her I needed you," she said softly. He was all she ever needed when she felt she lost herself. He was the one that could retrace her scars left from this endless battle and remind her of who he always saw her as— selfless, brave, and everything he needed to survive.

He watched as her eyes turned away from him and her arms wrapped securely around herself. Admitting she needed him was difficult for her to admit when she was so determined to be strong. Giving a small shrug, Steve stepped closer with a hopeful turn of his lips. "I sorta needed you." There was truth to his words, but he always knew if he admitted the same, she'd see it was okay to need someone.

Turning her back to him, each of them looked her over carefully in the mirror. Placing his hands on her arms, he brought her back to him and allowed her to lean back into his chest. He could see how a mix of anger and embarrassment sat across her face at the sight of herself. "You're beautiful, Henderson," he whispered into her ear.

It was easy for Steve to be the one to bring a true smile to her face, one she didn't have to force or fake. It was genuine. "Shut up," she laughed, turning back to him. "You just came here to gawk."

"Look, you could put some pants on. Could help, just sayin'."

"Oh, then let me put some on. Would hate to distract you," she teased. Reaching over, she went to grab ahold of the new pair of pants only to be brought to a stop. Holding onto her wrist, Steve gently brought her hand back before letting it free. As he brushed her hair gently away behind her ear, her eyes stayed focused on him, careful to never break free before his eyes finally met hers.

"Steve," she whispered but he ignored her as he brought his lips to her neck. "Oh, no, no," she laughed, "There is a thin sheet currently separating us from a ton of people." Continuing to leave a trail of kisses along her neck, Alex rested her hands on his hips as she closed her eyes. Finally pulling his lips off of hers, Steve looked to the curtain with furrowed brows. "This things closed and I don't, uh, nope, I don't see anyone watching."

"Yeah, yeah," she whispered quickly. With his absence, she only longed for him more. "I don't care anymore." Now wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him back towards her, feeling his laugh escape when their lips connected with one another. Removing his hands off her, he slipped off Eddie's denim vest from Steve and let it fall to their feet.

Growing increasingly eager, Steve pushed her back to the wall, his fingers digging into her waist to find some control over himself. Starving for more of his touch, Alex felt breathless as she broke free from his lips and pulled her shirt over her head. For a moment, Steve paused, his eyes traveling across her body before she pulled him back down to her and guided his lips back toward hers. Slowly, Steve let his hands travel up her body, careful to move slowly and patiently. Alex, on the other hand, was very impatient as she broke her lips apart from his once more. Holding on to the back of his neck, she squeezed her eyes shut and bit down hard on her lip as he pressed further against her, leaving yet another trail of kisses down her neck.

There was something romantic in the way Steve moved slowly, peppering the perfect amount of kisses to her collarbone before allowing himself to venture further. There were plenty of marks that covered her body, all a different trauma that was left as a stain on her soul. Wanting to take that bit of pain away in any way that he could, Steve let himself put his lips where she needed.

Feeling her chest begin to rise and fall at a much quicker pace, Steve brought his lips back up to hers as he let his hand travel along the hem of her underwear, unsure how far she planned for the two to go. For them, it was a moment the two had needed to escape the darkened reality they lived in. It was a chance to see the future they planned to share with one another where nothing could touch them, the outside world locked far away from them.

Grabbing ahold of his hand, Alex began to grow agitated with his hand only left to linger, almost in a teasing way, wishing he would only take the chance that they had. The end of the world was quickly approaching and a moment lost was one they could never return back to— something she was unwilling to let pass so easily.

A clear of the throat from the other side of the curtain froze the two in place as they awaited for the person to pass. Crossing her arms, Robin looked to the ceiling above her as she felt herself grow red, embarrassed for having to speak up when she'd much rather keep her silence and leave them be. "Hey," she choked out. "I don't mean to interrupt whatever it is you two are doing in there, but I'm currently taking on all three of our shopping lists and no one to help wrangle Erica from purchasing a gun on her own. So... so do you two mind putting some pants on and helping out?"

Hearing the rustle of clothes from the other side of the curtain, Robin continued to keep her back to the curtain, standing guard. Popping out first, Alex ignored the bubble of laughter that came from Robin as she flattened back down her messy hair. "Have fun?" Robin questioned teasingly.

Leaving behind the dressing room, Alex left behind the most she felt in a long time as she grab hold of the shopping cart and Robin trailing behind. "Shut up," Alex mumbled, holding her hand out for a shopping list.

Taking one from her pocket, Robin slapped it into her hand as she bounced ahead, jumping onto the front of the cart as she watched Alex with a bright smile. "I honestly don't care what you two did back there, I really just wanted some help."

"We weren't doing anything," Alex corrected, avoiding Robin's amused eyes. Putting the cart to a stop, she grabbed ahold of what they needed off the shelf anticipating more teasing to follow after.

"Right, of course," Robin said sarcastically. Reaching a hand out, she grabbed some supplies to throw in, unable to hold back a laugh "I mean, maybe next time, don't try that kinda stuff at a place called Warzone. I'm not sure how they'd handle finding you two really showing each other love back there."

Approaching from behind and with a T-shirt on, Steve Harrington was red in the face as he slipped on a new jacket he found. Not even a glance at Robin, he gave her a look of warning. For Robin, she only found it more amusing as she leaned further into the cart to ensure he saw the way her eyes sparkled with the thought of teasing him. "Oh, hey, Stevie, are you a man again?"

Ignoring her for the moment, Steve leaned around and gave a kiss on Alex's cheek before the three continued down the aisle. "What did you do the whole time? Stand outside and wait for us?"

"No," she stated matter of factually. "I actually grabbed stuff for me and Alex." Reaching into the cart, she picked up a shoebox. "I figured you didn't want to wear Eddie's ginormous shoes all day so I got us some boots. Figured they'd be great for the Upside Down. Oh, and I got myself a little hat," she said excitedly.

Peeking into the cart, Alex searched around curiously. "Did you get me one too?"

Bringing the cart to a stop, Steve tuned out the two discussing their attire for the Upside Down and grabbed a container of gasoline, not very amused. "Right, so how much gasoline do we need again?"

"It's gotta be enough to really make sure we can set him on fire and he dies. Maybe five or six?"

Turning to Alex, Steve looked at her in surprise. "Hey, Henderson, you can't just talk like that in a place packed with people."

"Sure, I just can't wait to see him go up in flames, you know? Right, Robin, back me up. Shithead needs to burn."

"Shithead burning, yeah, sure," she mumbled but her eyes were so lost in awe and love. The corners of her lips turned up as she leaned up against the cart as she watched who she saw as the most beautiful person ever reek of beauty just by simply shopping.

Her lack of sarcasm and possible teasing had both Steve and Alex meet each other's eyes suspiciously before turning over to her. Following her line of sight, each of their faces softened as they each looked at one another again. Robin's newest love interest had them feeling their hearts flutter at the thought of a new romance blossoming.

"What are you gonna do, Robin, just stand here and gawk?" Steve asked teasingly as a sense of payback. It only seemed appropriate.

"Shut up," she whispered, pulling herself up off the cart as she took another step forward. Drawn to Vickie, Robin paid no attention as Steve upsettingly pouted from her lack of comeback.

Approaching Robin, Alex began to grow excited at the reminder of the world outside of Vecna's schemes. "You should totally go and talk to her. Subtly mention Fast Times. Oh, oh, tell her us three are watching it this weekend and she should join us. It'll be a little double date thing."

"Totally, Robin. Then Alex and I can totally sneak off just before it gets to the boobies and you two can have something to talk about," Steve pipped up, hoping he had helped in some way.

"Will you two shut up?" Robin whispered. Taking a step forward again, she saw that plan of action as so simple and effective. It guaranteed her an easy excuse to go and talk to Vickie as well as have a chance at making plans to do it all over again.

Sneaking up behind her, Steve grabbed hold of her arms and leaned in close to her ear. "I took your ability to endlessly ramble on to Alex and boom, back in business. You got the confidence now, Robin. Just go and talk to her."

"Confidence," Robin whispered in a single breath of hopefulness. Making her way around the cart, she felt something new inside of herself blossom. Completely and utterly hopeless was not going to be her any longer. If Steve Harrington could find his way out of the toughest spot any relationship had tested him with, she was sure she could find it in herself to give it a go.

In one swift and sudden swoop, all her hopefulness turned into dashed dreams. The color in the world seemed to have drained back into its bland, everyday colors to ever see her with anyone else. Dan Shelter grabbed ahold of Vickie's waist for a sudden scare he was sure would cause her heart to race— the same way Robin Buckley's heart raced when she saw Vickie.

Shoulders slacking, Steve and Alex felt a sting of disappointment to lead a friend to a broken heart. To make matters far worse, Robin was forced to stand and watch as his hands held on tight to her waist and he was the one that got to place his lips to hers and down her neck— a dream Robin could only hold on to. She forced herself not to cry, to not let what she already knew was a hopeless crush hurt her as badly as it did in this moment.

To make matters far worse, Vickie's eyes turned to Robin's and everything came to a sudden halt. She wished when they'd meet one another's eyes that the world could erupt back into color and get it all remained the same— completely and utterly hopeless. Embarrassment flooded Robin as she stepped back into the cart, pushing it back against Steve and Alex. Unable to let that embarrassment consume her in the light of others, she turned heel and bolted.

Steve called to her, wanting to find a way to convince her that it was all going to be okay. He wasn't sure how to say it, but somewhere along the way he hoped he could figure it out. Placing a hand on his chest, Alex advised him to let her have this chance to talk to Robin girl to girl. His advice was genuine and helpful in ways, but he could never understand the pain Robin felt wishing she could be that girl.

Following after her, Alex didn't let Robin get too far before grabbing hold of her hand and hiding off into the corner of the store. "Hey, don't worry..."

"No," Robin interrupted over her. She forced herself to smile, wanting to mask the true pain and anger she felt for actually believing in herself and believing she had a shot at happiness. "I told you and Steve it was hopeless. Can we just face the reality that I'm always going to be alone? Totally and utterly alone."

"You won't be alone," Alex fought back gently. "Robin, that guy is just some stupid boy and if she doesn't see that, then she's lost her damn mind and you don't deserve that. There is someone out there that is absolutely, one hundred percent, made for you... for Robin Buckley. And until we find her, I am your person and so is Steve. You've never been alone because you'll always have us."

"Can we be honest here, you and Steve have each other. You don't need me to be happy."

"You're our best friend, Robin. You're the reason we get to be as happy as we are now."

"Yeah, but you two get to be with each other. You can hold hands in public and you can flirt shamelessly without fear of what people will think of you two together. One day I want that. I want to be the one you're screwing around with because I'm making out with my girlfriend in the changing room, or-or tell someone I need to be with them and can't stand to live another day without them in the heat of the moment because I feel it! It's not fair."

"No, it's not," Alex agreed immediately. Never could she find herself in Robin's shoes, confused and afraid of the world for being who she was. Loving someone came with a price for her and that could never change. "It's not fair to you and I'll never understand that, I'll never get to feel the way you do. What I can do for you right now is tell you I love you endlessly. I may not be the girl you sneak off with midbattle against a monster to make out with you, but I'll hold your hand in public and tell you right now, I genuinely cannot live without you because you are my best friend. And I'll do it without shame and I won't care what people think. And the day you do get to do that with someone, I'll be there to stand between you two and all the assholes that judge you for being happy." Finding herself laughing, she gave a small shrug, "All while totally teasing you for being such a romantic... you know, as payback."

"I just want to be happy like you and Steve," Robin said quietly through choked-back tears. It was hard for her to admit it, but she craved everything she saw the two had.

Reaching out, Alex placed her hands on Robin's shoulders to keep her focus. "You'll find that. Probably something far better than what a couple of schmucks like Steve and I have. I mean, come on, Robin, we're total losers." Watching Robin's eyes, Alex knew this pain wouldn't wash away from a simple conversation. She wanted to make a promise, one she wished she could keep down the line. "I don't actually know if I'll get to survive this, but... but I do know that if by someone chance we make it out, it's always us." Squeezing on tight to Robin, Alex felt that sting of emotion jab against her chest causing a tightness that any bit of relief could heal. "It'll be amazing too because we won't be fighting some end-of-the-world bullshit, it'll be us living somewhere so incredibly far away from here and we'll be happily living like a couple of shmucks."

To hear such high hopes and dreams of a new start had Robin forget the pain. Vickie was a crush that may pass down the line, but Alex was here until the end of time. Knocking Alex's hands off her arms, Robin took her chance to engulf Alex in her arms. Just as she wished, to hold someone in a public place and not be embarrassed by what others thought because her friendship was all that mattered in this moment.

With tears set in each of their eyes, their chins rested on the shoulders of the other, holding on tight to one another. Cracking open her eyes, Robin sniffled her nose, looking to lighten the mood for each of them. "Thanks, Alex," she whispered. "And I won't tell Eddie you tried having sex with Steve while wearing his shirt he gave you."

"Please never tell him," Alex whispered through a soft laugh. "I seriously love you, Robin. Don't ever be jealous of some moron like Dan Shelter. Gross. He's just a stupid boy."

"He's such a moron," Robin mumbled in agreement and her smile never faded. An ease settled onto her, relieved to be reminded that she was never alone in all of this. They may have never understood the true pain and could never fully take it away, but they tried and that was all that mattered to them.


WANDERING THE AISLES OF THE WARZONE, ALEX SEARCHED FOR ANY LAST-MINUTE SUPPLIES TO GRAB BEFORE HEADING OFF. Time was ticking and there was little time to prep for a war that each of them had doubts about surviving.

A commotion caught her eye as she approached where Nancy was purchasing a rifle for herself to take on Vecna. Even if Alex was uncertain if a gun would take him down, she was willing to let Nancy do what made her feel safest against such a monster. Coming forward, Alex furrowed her brows as she watched Jason Carver stand toe to toe with Nancy Wheeler. A rage was evident in his eyes as he held the barrel of the rifle and his eyes stuck on Nancy as she demanded him to let go.

Holding his ground, he kept his silence, unwilling to let go of both the gun and his aching pain that stirred a revenge mission. Loud and clear, Nancy held her chin higher and narrowed her eyes even further as she instructed him to let go once more. When he had made no move to do so, Alex picked up her pace, "She said let go," she called out to him.

Drifting his focus from Nancy, Jason's eyes fell on Alex as she stood beside the two. There was a darkness behind his eyes, one he couldn't put to rest until he felt he avenged those he lost. "Alex Henderson," he stated, dropping his grip off the gun, "Never would've thought to find you here."

"You don't know a lot about me," she said with narrowed eyes. Holding the gun closer to herself, Nancy worriedly leaned toward Alex, "We really should go," she whispered anxiously. Neither Jason nor Alex budged as they watched one another and with a defeated sigh, Nancy knew best to round up the others with Jason distracted.

With Nancy's departure, Jason took a step closer to Alex. "I know your brother— Dustin. Short, curly hair. Got any idea where he's at?"

"No," she said softly.

Reaching out, Jason touched the ends of her hair until she took a step back with wide eyes. Though Jason wasn't someone she cared to spend time with, she never wished for Vecna to take hold of him. He was lost and filled with anger after losing both his girlfriend and best friend in only a few days. He had the right to be angry and frustrated with the world. "Don't touch me," she whispered. "You don't wanna do that."

Holding his hands in the air, he showed he meant no harm and spoke with sincerity in his voice. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not going to hurt you either, just wanted to say you got a haircut." Pulling his hand back, he attempted to keep the corners of his lips turned up, "It looks nice."

Touching her hair, Alex felt her guard slip for a moment. "It really doesn't," she whispered. For that small moment, she saw Jason turn his head with a laugh, amused with her honesty. Then it was as if something felt normal, that Jason Carver, a man searching for revenge in a small town, had ignited a spark— the spark of normalcy.

Looking at her, he saw a sight of Alex he never truly realized until now. At school, he heard enough to make quick decisions about her and felt he knew enough about her. He knew Chrissy liked her, but she liked everyone— she was always so full of love. Only now, he didn't care what stories Andy shared with him or what whispers floated around the halls. The Alex he saw standing before him looked terrified and exhausted. For that small moment, his rage was set aside, thinking of Chrissy. He could only imagine how she looked before she died, how terrified she must have been. If he could save someone, he would feel she would see that from wherever she was.

Leaning forward, he kept his eyes only on Alex. "Listen, if someone is hurting you or making you do anything, you can tell me. I'll get you out of it. And I get it, we don't talk much and I've given you no reason to trust me, but if someone out there is hurting you, I'll go through hell to make sure you get out of it."

Feeling her chin quiver, Alex tried to keep her head held high. There was someone out there hurting her and forcing a life on her she never wanted for herself. If she had watched where she was going, Chrissy would have collided into her and Jason wouldn't feel the way he did. Now he was standing here, offering help he could never give. "No one's hurting me," she stated but her confidence noticeably lacked.

"I know Eddie was your friend and how close you got to Hellfire because of your brother..."

"You think my brother would hurt me?" Alex questioned.

"I think he's getting involved in dangerous things."

"Scared of my little brother?" she questioned over him in anger.

Jason looked her over carefully as he decided whether or not be become defensive. Alex had already built up a quick wall, shutting him out when all he wanted was her safety. Her quick act to protect herself gave him a reason to feel he shouldn't. In fact, Jason Carver felt guilty. "Dustin's friends with Eddie. Your brother seems like a decent kid, honestly, I don't know him much, but if Eddie got in his head..."

"Jason," she interrupted carefully, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about or even what the hell is going on. It's better you just stay out of it and trust me, getting involved in shit you already think is dangerous isn't going to get you anywhere. It'll screw you over and mess you up."

"Sounds like you're talking from experience," he said curiously.

She gave a small nod, "Plenty," she whispered. "Now look at me, screwed over and completely messed up."

"Look, Alex, I always thought you were alright. A lot of people have these stories about you..." shaking his head, he rested a hand on the counter beside him. "Frankly, I started to believe them but I figured a lot of bad shit can mess a person up. And I didn't know your shit, so who was I to judge?"

"You don't know Dustin's, or Lucas'... or Eddie's," she stated in a gentle whisper. "Why judge now?"

"You don't know what I saw that night," he whispered as he moved closer to her.

"Don't let Chrissy and Patrick's death be a revenge mission," she advised. "Whatever you saw happen at Lovers Lake, you know it doesn't make sense. Telling the truth, it probably makes you feel like you're going crazy, but this wasn't Hellfire."

Taking in a deep breath of air, Jason felt that Alex was a lost cause he couldn't protect. "I know what I saw," he mumbled, closing his fist into a tight ball. "I-I know what happened and it wasn't normal."

"I've seen plenty of things that aren't normal, but I'm not putting on a manhunt to find the devil," she said carefully.

"Let me help you get out of this," he said sternly. "You can stay at my place if you don't wanna go home, y-you can leave with me right now if they're here with you."

"Hellfire isn't hurting me, Jason," she said clearly. "Please stop what you're doing."

"You can say whatever you want, Alex, I'm not stopping. That freak was with Chrissy the night she died. He was there when Patrick died. I can guarantee he was there when Fred died. I don't want to wake up to find out you're dead too. I-I can't let anyone else die because of him."

"No one else is going to die," Alex pleaded with him. "Jason, come on, man. I can't have you die either. Just stay out of this."

"Chrissy's dead," he said over her. "Chrissy. You know what she said about you? Said you were really nice and everyone was wrong about you. You know she was worried about you? Told me all about how she saw you didn't really have friends and was gonna ask you to sit with us at lunch. She cared about you and if I can help you, I think I'd be doing her a favor. So no, I'm not staying out of this, but I think you should. I think you should let people in that aren't going to hurt you."

"I liked Chrissy," she spoke softly. "And I liked Patrick. But doing this isn't going to make how you feel any easier. I can't get out of what I'm dealing with, but you can. Trust me when I say, they'd want you to run."

"I can't do that and you know that."

"And I can't let you help me," she whispered. "I'm really sorry, Jason. Genuinely."

"You look scared," he stated.

"You want the truth?" She questioned with a forced smile. "I'm terrified. Why the hell else would I be here if I wasn't?"

Eyes traveling over her, Jason could feel that anger inside him rise. However, he wasn't angry with her, he was angry with everything else. There was no amount of convincing he could ever do to get her out of this mess and there was nothing she could do to stop him from hunting down Hellfire. "I really wish you'd let me help you," Jason said. "I'm really sorry, Henderson. These are scary times, it's okay to let people help."

"I have people," she said carefully. "Jason, I'm begging you..."

"I can't stop. Not until the person that hurt Chrissy and Patrick is dead."

Alex kept her eyes on Jason, letting the silence hang over them. She wished to tell him the truth and to protect him because she had already failed him. To be the reason he suffered and lost two people he cared deeply for, guilt weighed heavily upon her shoulders. It weakened her and he could see something darker hidden behind her eyes— the truth.

As she was unwilling to let him do as he wished, he extended out a last hand of help. Reaching over the counter, he took a pad of paper and pen for himself. Turning his back on her, he scribbled quickly in sloppy, yet legible handwriting. Tearing it free from the notepad, he held the paper between his fingers in between them. "My number and address. You need me, you know how to find me."

Slowly reaching for the paper, Alex furrowed her brows together in suspicion before pulling her hand back. "I heard you weren't scared of me. You didn't think I'd kick your ass if you touched my brother. Because I will. You touch him... or Lucas..." pausing her words, Alex felt her chest rise and fall heavily as she kept her eyes focused on him, "I swear, I'll kick your ass, Jason."

Surprised, Jason couldn't help but laugh. "I can see now... I was wrong. You gotta realize this, Henderson, but just because you can kick someone's ass, doesn't mean you have to do it alone." Holding out the paper closer to her, he motioned for her to take it. "If you need help kicking someone's ass, I can be that help."

"Why are you doing this?"

"The pep rally you stormed off during my speech. Now that I lost people I care about, I see why you'd think I was an asshole all this time. Now I just want to do what's right."

Alex hesitated for a moment, waiting to spot his tell that he was lying and that he never truly learned his lesson. Yet all she was greeted with was pain front and center of his eyes. This wasn't the same Jason Carver she deemed as an asshole, that cared for nothing but his girlfriend, popularity, and basketball. This was the one that took Lucas Sinclair under his wing to make him feel accepted in a place Lucas believed he couldn't fit into and was willing to race around Hawkins for the truth of what happened to people he loved. It was enough for Alex to take the paper from his hands and place it into her back pocket. She wouldn't need it, but it made him feel he had done his part. Perhaps her act of accepting his gesture would allow him to feel he could listen to her and find peace somewhere outside of revenge.

Jason went to make a grab for her, to place his hand on his shoulder and reassure her he had her back. Before his hand could make contact and seal his fate, Nancy Wheeler saved him as she took hold of Alex and pulled her to her side. "We're leaving," she whispered urgently.

"So soon?" Jason questioned curiously as his hand fell to his side. His eyes however didn't stay on Nancy's eyes, but rather on her hand. How it had a tight squeeze on Alex's arm, keeping her close to her side and maneuvering her behind her. What was an act of protection for both of their sakes, Jason had only seen that Nancy Wheeler had control over the very person he felt was being harmed.

"Yes, so soon," Nancy said with narrowed eyes his way. Looking over to Alex, she was soft with her words, nowhere near as stern, as she had been with Jason. "Steve and Robin are paying, why don't you get up there, okay? I'll be there in a second."

With worried glances, Alex looked between the two before nodding her head. Raising a hand up, Jason gave a tight-lipped smile as he waved her off as she did the very same in return. With a huff of air, Nancy had gotten his attention. "Tell me you didn't touch her."

Stunned, Jason lowered his hand as he crossed his arms. "No," he said in a single breath. "You really think I'd hurt her?"

"No, I don't," she responded back truthfully. "Just keep Alex out of your business, okay?" Taking a step back, she made sure to keep her eye on Jason to be certain he understood her carefully. With no reaction from him in return, Nancy turned her back to him, oblivious to the suspicious glare he had set on her back. Hellfire was on a mission to bring forth the Devil and Jason Carver brought it upon himself to move forward to stop the Devil himself.

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