trial by tri-armed triathalon (21)

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island. Over the past six weeks, we've watched sixteen campers push themselves to the limit! And then get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers. Stinks to be you!"

"Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Katie, Tyler Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Eva again, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsey and Izzy, DJ, and Owen! Only six campers remain. And after six weeks of bugs, yucky camp food and even grosser bathrooms our six finalists are about this close to losing it. We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers destress. Then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we could push them over the edge."

"Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?" Heather asks with her arms crossed.

"Nah. All in the name of today's challenge. The Tri-Armed Triathalon."

"Tri three arms?" Geoff questions while scratching his head.

"Yes. Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team."

"Have you met these people? I am not being chained to any of them!"

"You say that like any of us want to be chained to you." I mutter.

"The winning team members both get invincibility from tonights vote."


Gwen: "Six long weeks. I don't know how much of this I can take. The person who's creasing me the most..Geoff. The guy is in a permanently good mood. No one is always in a good mood. And if he says "dude" or "cool", or eats with his mouth open one more time...I think I'm gonna seriously damange him."

Geoff: "The camp is great and all and I'm seriously stoked to be here. Yeah, I miss my buds back home....Yo! If you're watching this is a shoutout to all my bros back east man! It's not like I don't like everyone that's left...they're just kinda downers. Well, not Y/n. She's chill. Leshawna's cool. But Gwen and Duncan are so serious...and Heather's freaking me out with all her strategy talk. I thought getting to the final six would be like a big party but it's kinda heavy man,"

Duncan: "This place is torture man. At least in juvie we had a half hour of televsion day. And they kept the lunatics locked up separately. I mean this outhouse, it's the only place I can go for peace and queit. Oh, and you did not wanna come in here after Owen. He smelled awful. Oh, and if I find out Y/n said anything to anyone else about DJ's bunny, I'll have no choice but to end her. I have no problems with hitting girls. She told something to Leshawna and now she wants to be my friend...and I don't have friends. Got that?"

Leshawna: " Yo, this is a shoutout to all my sistas back home. What's up y'all? Girl you will not believe the crazies they got up in here. But, I came to win and I'm hanging on baby. Only five more campers to go!"

Y/n: "Final six! Yay! You know how crazy it would be to have an all girl finale? Cray-z. But not impossible. Geoff's a sweetie, and Duncan's a poser. Remember when I caught him giving DJ a new bunny? If we can get them out, and then get Heather out, me, Gwen and Leshawna can be in the final three!" I say with my hands in the air. "Has a televison show ever had that happen before?"

"Yes. Many shows have Y/n." Chris says through the speakers.

"Oh...well um. My bad."


Chris hand cuffs each of us together. First Geoff and Gwen, then Leshawna and Duncan, and finally Heather and I.

"First of our three challenges, competitive chow down. Each team will choose a feeder, and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind their backs to make it more difficult for the feeders. One last thing..this is the wimp key. A skeleton ket that will open any handcuffs. You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge." Me and Heather looks down at our wrists. "But to accept it, you'll both be eliminated."

"Hello? How do we win this thing?"

"Chef's getting platters for each team. Title goes to the team who finished their platter of delicacies the fastest."

"I'll do the chowing down." Duncan says to Leshawna.

"I don't think so!" Leshawna sasses back. "Scrawny chicken leg boy."

"Arm wrestler for it then."

"You on fool."

"We don't need to fight or anything babe. We're a team." Geoff says to Gwen.

"Fine. You be the eater then."


"No, wait. I'll be the eater."



"You're the eater." Me and Heather say at the same time."No you're the eater!"

"May I remind you that eating challenges are not my thing." I snap at her. "My stomach is not very strong!"

"I'm not eating that grossy gross food."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Rock, paper, scissors, now."

We do rock paper scissors and I choose scissors and she chooses paper.

"Ugh! No way!"

"Guess you're the eater." She scowls at me and puts her hands behind her back. Chef brings out the gross looking food, and I can only exhale in relief at my rock paper scissor skills.

Chris tells us to start and the feeders start feeding the eaters. I put the food in Heather's mouth as fast as I can, but not so fast to where she chokes.

"Yuck..this is terrible. Eughhh." She groans.

"You're taking too long. Let's speed this up." I grab the tray of food and put it up to Heather's face. She scarfs down all the food and we win the challenge.

"Alright. The winners are Heather and Y/n!" Chris says. Heather groans and holds her stomach as I pat her on the shoulder.

"Yay you did it!" I pass her a glass of water and she takes it. "Good job."

"Thanks." She then takes the water and throws it in my face. I frown at her as everyone snickers.


Heather: "I only threw the water at Y/n because I was being nice. I was...sharing my water with her, yeah that's right! And to everyone who has already left the island I just wanna say first of all that I personally prefer to call you...winner challenged! Secondly, I know that some of you may have thought that the strategy I used on the island was a little harsh... but I was only playing the game the best way I knew how." She says putting her hands up in defense. "It was never personal. I admire each and every one of you. And I hope that you'll consider that when you think about who really deserves to win. Thanks!"

Y/n: I wipe some water dripping down my face with my hand as I stare blankly at the camera. "Okay, the water was uncalled for. But we won. So that's a plus. I hate to admit it, but Heather is really good at playing this game. Yes she's like evil, but she's smart. It would be smart to not start anything with her. Even though she normally starts it with me.

***confessionals end***


"Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two." Chris says dangling the key in the air.

"What's the challenge Chris?"

"You'll each find three canoes. One for each team. Your challenge is to paddle your canoe, while wearing handcuffs." He says still dangling the key. "All the way to Boney Island. Once there, you will open a package that is waiting for you. Go!"

We all start running towards the canoes, trampling over Chris in the process. I drag Heather to the canoe and stop once in front of it. We both look down at the canoe and then at each other.

"So...what are you waiting for?"

"Um, I'm waiting for you to push me in the canoe!" Heather says glaring at me.

"Why me?"

"Because you forced me to do the eating now I need to let my food digest or else I'll hurl all over the canoe. Do you want that?"

I roll my eyes and push her into the canoe. She yelps as I start to push the canoe towards the water.


"And her mom was super pissed off. She broke her favorite mug! But it was the party of the school year. Literally everyone came and people still talk about it to this day." I saw while rowing the canoe.

"Y/n, no offense...but I really don't care." Heather says rowing her canoe. I sigh at her but then stand to my feet.

"I see it, over there! The shore. Let's hurry!"

We finish paddling to the shore and once we're there Heather picks up a bag. She goes through it and finds the cursed tiki statue Beth brought to camp. We both shriek as she pulls it out. We hear propellers whirling and sand starts to collect in the wind. We shield our eyes as Chris begins to speak to us.

"Welcome to the second part of second challenge. Back in episode 8, your gal friend Beth stole the Boney Island Tiki Doll."

"She is not my gal friend."

"Yeah because you were using her. Remember?" I say jerking the handcuffs my way.

"I thought she said she returned that?" Gwen says as her and Geoff reach shore.

"She lied! She broke it up and flushed it down the septic tank."

"EWWWWW!" We wince as Heather drops the statue to the ground.

"I know. The reason those things need to return to the cage. A treacherous terror, may wanna do a double quick. Cause the longer you have the doll the worse your luck. Oh yeah, one of you has to piggy back the other. Enjoy!" Chris flies the helicopter away and everyone starts to carry their partners away.

"Are we gonna argue again or are we-" She stops when I crouch down so she can get on my back. "Oh..okay good. Cause, I wasn't gonna carry you anyways."

"I'm too worried that you'd try to drop me." I say as she gets on my back. I then start running to try and catch up with everyone else.


"Hey, stop running!" Heather says patting my shoulder. I stop like she says at the cave. I pant and try to catch my breath as she looks around. "Okay, I don't think anyone's here yet!" I set her down on the ground. She then takes the time the rummage though her bag for the statue. "Hmm, where is it-"


"I can't find it!"


"What!?" She looks up from the bag and sees the huge bear in front of us. It growls at us and we stand frozen.

"Okay...just remain calm..don't start to run-"

"AHHHHH!" She yells and starts running, dragging me along with her.

"No wait!"


"And that's a point for the Geoff and Gwen dream team."

"Yes! Woohoo!" Gwen yells to my surprise. "That's my partner. High five!" She and Geoff high five.

"So, an awesome day huh? Moldy food fights? Carnivorous beavers. But, it's time for someone to win this thing. Point each for everyone except Leshawna and Duncan, who, could still pull a stopper. Final challenge is.." He pulls back the sheet over my and Heather's table and reveals carvings of people. "The Totem Pole of Humiliation. Your task? Assemble the heads in the order of which your comrades were voted out. Unless you want the wimp key!" He pulls out the key once more and holds it up for everyone to see. "Time for heads to roll." He blows a whistle signaling for us to start.

"Let's straighten them out so we can make out each camper completely." I suggest. Heather rummages through the pile and pulls out Lindsey and Beth's carvings.

"Ohhhh, Lindsey and Beth. Too bad neither of them made it to the final six. What a shocker. These pieces of wood have about as much brain power as those two traitors combined."

"Can you not right now. Just lay them out."

"Oh and here's Trent." She says holding his carving. "Imagine how devastated he must be now that he's home, probably all caught up on the episodes, and knows that you're a two timer." She passes me his head and I look at the camera.

"Hey Trent." I say awkwardly waving.

"Well the freaky home school kid was voted out first. Hopefully he used a shower right when he got there." She puts Ezekiels' head at the very bottom. "Then Eva the extreme. She was next because I stole her mp3 player." She laughs to herself and nudges me in the side. "I'm so good at this. Hmm now who's next? Was it that nerdling that got mauled by the bear?"

"No, next was the dodgeball game, so Noah was next."

"That snarky know-it-all."

"Ugh, don't remind me. You both annoy me very much." She glares at me as I set his head next.


"We have a winner! Leduncan and Shewana take it!" Chris says clearly unbalanced. "That means anybody can get voted off tonight." He passes out onto the ground and we look at him.

"Is anyone going to help him?" I say aloud to the ground. We all then start laughing with each other as Chris lies on the floor. "Ha kidding! He never cares about us!"


"You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight, must immediately return to the dock of shame. To catch the boat of losers. That means you are out of the contest and you can't come back.... ever."

"Are you sure about that? Because I swear tomorrow if Owen or Sadie comes on that boat-"

"Y/n. You're safe. Take your marshmallow and zip it." Chris says throwing a marshmallow at me. It hits me in the face and I frown at him. "The second marshmallow goes to Leshawna. Next, Duncan. Three campers are left, but only two marshmallows. The next marshmallow goes to...Heather."

Geoff and Gwen's eyes both grow wide as they look at each other."That's one sure fire way to wipe a smile off a camper's face! Show them a plate with exactly one marshmallow on it."


Leshawna: "I ain't gonna front. I knew that if it came down to a popularity contest, I was gonna lose big time. I had to vote off Heather."

Duncan: "You made a big mistakes a few weeks ago. And I have a long memory." He says menacingly to the camera.

Heather: "I'd have to be an idiot to vote off anything else at this point. No hard feelings. It's just strategy."

Y/n: "I vote for Duncan. I'd rather spend one last week with Geoff than him. So, bye bye."

****confessionals end****

"And the last marshmallow of the night. Either Geoff or Gwen is about to go home-"

"It's cool. I had a good time." Gwen says standing up from her spot.

"What are you doing? You're wrecking it!" Chris points for Gwen to sit and she does as told with a frown on her face. "The last marshmallow of the night goes to...Gwen. Geoff, it's time for you to go bro."

"What? Are you guys all crazy? Geoff is the nicest guy in the world!"

"Yeah. Bingo sister." Duncan says with a smirk.

"It should've been you." I say poking him in the shoulder.

"No sweat dudes." He walks by and we wave as he leaves. Gwen goes after him to have one last chat with him. Everyone else goes back to the cabins to get ready for bed.


gwen and geoff were so cute.

vote and comment <333

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