Chapter 1
When Kuroo finally stepped foot onto earth it was already around 7 PM, a perfect time to die.
The streets were rather empty, well, considering it was actually really cold for humans Kuroo wasn't that surprised.
He found himself in a quiet neighbourhood with many tiny houses scattered around. Some of them were empty, some not - one in particular seemed to be empty at the moment.
Knowing Kuroo, who had no respect for privacy, he sneaked into the house with his weird grim reaper powers and sat down on the sofa, his grined as he thought about what was going to happen next.
However, the boy didn't come back for another half an hour. During that time Kuroo got impatient and decided to sneak around the house.
Things he found that are sort of concerning: thirteen empty pizza boxes, a pile of books about serial killers and cannibals, a tablet which had an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved on pause, 12 completely same t-shirts and note which said "bitch what the fuck I'm broke".
At this point Kuroo didn't know what to even think of his victim. He would always tell himself "never get emotionally attached to any of your victims because that could end in catastrophic consequences", which was true.
There was one grim reaper who fell in love with a girl he was supposed to kill and once that got out - the reaper disappeared under unexplained circumstances. Legend says that he's a rat in the sewers now.
What Kuroo also did is make himself some tea because nothing screams "I'm a grim reaper and I'm here to kill you" more than a weird guy dressed completely black with a scythe in his hand drinking tea on some strangers couch.
Suddenly Kuroo heard a noise, it sounded like someone opening the door, but nothing happened in another good five minutes until finally a short boy walked into the living. He had a pizza box in his hand and phone in another one.
Without even noticing Kuroo he placed the pizzas on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. It wasn't until Kuroo cleared his throat that the boy finally turned to him.
"Good evening" Kuroo crossed his legs and smiled at the boy.
"If you're here for rent, I'm sorry. I'm getting money next week so I'll pay then" he said and grabbed an energy drink.
"Aren't you at all surprised to find someone sitting in your house?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow, usually people would freak out and threaten to call the police.
"You know, at this point I would be more surprised if I came home and didn't find someone. Want some tea? Oh, you already have some" he sat down on the sofa next to Kuroo completely ignoring his scythe and opened the pizza box.
"Well, anyway, my name is Kuroo and I'm the grim reaper. I'm here to take your life Kozume Kenma" Kuroo spoke expecting some sort of reaction.
"Sure, you hungry Mr. Grim Reaper or can I eat this pizza by myself?" Kenma turned to him, he had the "I don't give a damn" expression on his face.
"Didn't you hear? I'm here to kill you! And no, I'm not hungry. I ate not too long ago" Kuroo politely denied the slice of pepperoni pizza Kenma was offering him. The other simply shrugged.
"Whatever you say big boy, but don't ask for it later, because I won't give it to you. So, anyway, my TV is broken so we can't watch anything" Kenma took a bite out of his pizza and smiled to himself, yummy.
"There is a stranger in your house who is threatening to kill you and you are eating pizza and talking about your TV? I am...shocked" Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows, he had never been in a situation like this.
"Last week some guy broke into my house and once I came back he told me to give him all my money, the thing is that I didn't have any money anyway so we spent 3 hours looking around my house trying to find at least a few dollars. And guess what, we did. We split it in half. So yeah, I'm not surprised that you're here" Kenma opened his energy drink and gulped down about half of it before turning to Kuroo again. Honestly, he checked him out.
"Wow.. You're something" Kuroo decided to ignore everything that happened and try to think of a quick way to get rid of him.
"I see why you're not eating pizza, you've been going to the gym - right? Ha ha.. Can't relate" Kenma picked up another slice and Kuroo spotter a piece of a mushroom on it.
He settled on that piece.
"He's going to choke on that mushroom and I won't help him" he thought to himself and grined.
The slice was about an inch away from Kenma's mouth when he suddenly stopped.
"Ew, why is there a mushroom on my pizza when I clearly asked for no mushrooms... My appetite is gone... Anyway, are you gonna stay here or?" Kenma asked as he put the slice down and flicked the mushroom off it.
Kuroo inhaled before assuring himself that everything is going to be fine.
Sure Kuroo, stay positive.
I'm going to Riga tomorrow so I'm updating now! If anybody lives there then congrats you have a chance to meet the most shitty author of 2018! I'll jump into a lake tho.
Anyway I passed my exam.
So what do you think of this first chapter? Is it interesting?
I worked quite hard trying to think of a good and interesting plot for this fanfic and I think I figured it out ❤
Stay tuned!
Stay positive!
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