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I get little sleep before the light sets upon the arena. Neither does Finnick. But he has done a great job at getting us breakfast, skewering multiple fish with his trident.
He also got us some oysters. Austin cracks one open, revealing the meat inside. He also reveals a pearl. I smile softly at it as he removes it from the shell, handing it to me. "For you."
"Thank you," I say stiffly, before remembering that I have to be in love, so I smile and touch his arm.
Suddenly we hear a scream. "That's new," Austin comments as Finnick turns.
Suddenly, from a wedge that is directly across from us, a gigantic wave comes crashing through the trees. It rolls out, splashing the cornucopia. A cannon fires.
But the wave never seems to go outside the wedge that it's in.
We see the hovercraft come and pick up the dead tribute, then it swiftly disappears.
But I'm focused on something else. Across the shore, I can see three figures, walking over. "Someone's here," I take out my axes, ready to fight.
But Finnick, who can see them, apparently, isn't worried. "Johanna..." He says in a low voice, then- "JOHANNA!"
He starts to race towards, her, shouting her name. "Finnick!" She shouts back. And instantly, I know this is an alliance.
"I guess we have new allies," says Austin, voicing my thoughts.
I keep my eyes trained on the three, walking across the beach. "Oh hell, no."
Nevertheless, we run over. I still have my axes out, though.
When we get over, I see three red beings. Well, three beings covered in something red. But one sentence from Johanna and it's all clear.
"Well, I got them out. We were all the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was gonna be safe. That's when the rain started. I thought it was water, it turned out to be blood. Hot, thick, blood, coming down! We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind. That's when Blight hit the force field," she takes a deep, deep breath and closes her eyes. "He wasn't much, but he was from home."
I look at Wiress, who is muttering behind her. "Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."
"What's wrong with her? What's she saying?" I ask confusedly.
"She's in shock," Beetee, who has washed most of his blood off, comes over. "Dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"
"Tick tock... tick tock..."
"We can get some," I think of the spile.
"Just-" Johanna has Wiress by the shoulders, shaking her, her axe by her side. "Listen- stop it!" She knocks her to the ground.
"Hey! Lay the hell off her!" I yell, getting my own axe. I shove Johanna as Finnick tries to pull us apart.
"What are you doing? I got them out for you!" Johanna fights back as Finnick holds her.
As Johanna yells at Finnick, I turn to Austin. "For me? What the fuck does that mean?"
"You did want them as allies," he shrugs.
I look at Wiress, who had only just got herself up. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"Tick tock, tick tock..."
"Yeah, that's right, tick tock..."
We go out into the water and she sits down so I can wash off her face and hair. Johanna stands next to us, washing herself off. I look back to the beach and see Austin and Finnick talking, then I see Beetee, curling wire round a coil.
"What does Beetee have there?" I ask. Johanna answers.
"The coil? Some kind of wire."
"Did he get it from the cornucopia?"
"Took a knife in the back to get it-"
At this, Wiress gasps and shouts aggressively. "Tick tock! Tick tock! Tick tock!"
"I can't," Johanna raises her arms above her head. "Have fun with Nuts."
I roll my eyes. Because I'm certainly not having fun with her.
Suddenly, I look over and see the lightning strike the tree again. "Tick tock," Wiress reminds me.
"Tick tock," I breathe.
I've figured it out. It's a clock. A clock! The arena is a clock.
There are twelve wedges, and twelve threats. We only know some of them. Fog. Monkeys. Wave. Blood rain. Lightning. But the threats only stay within their wedge. That's why the fog only went up to that certain point- the monkeys didn't go past the beach and- the wave only went up to the edges of the wedge.
"It's a clock," I say. "It's a clock! Wiress you're a genius, it's a clock!"
All six of us gather at the cornucopia as I relay everything I've learned. "This entire arena seems to be set out like a clock, with a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their designated wedge."
"Wiress, you're a genius," Finnick grins, walking round.
"It all starts with the lightning, then the blood rain, fog, monkeys, that's the first four hours," I put out. "At ten, that big wave hits from over there."
"The tail points to twelve," Austin says, pointing to the tail of the cornucopia.
"That's where the lightning hits at noon and midnight," I nod.
"Hits where?" Beetee asked.
"That big tree," I point to the old tree with no leaves that I had now, twice, seen the lightning strike.
Beetee hums as if happy and moves on. Meanwhile, Wiress sits down and starts singing the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock in a low voice.
So Finnick, Johanna, Beetee and I all stand around Austin, who draws a map with his sword in the gravel. "So twelve to one, lightning, one to two, blood, and then fog, and then monkeys..."
"Hickory dickory dock, the dog barked at the clock, the clock struck three..."
"And then ten to eleven that big wave hits from over there," I point to where we saw the wave hitting earlier. "So what about everything else? Did you guys see anything?"
"Nothing but blood," is Johanna's biting answer.
"It doesn't really matter, as long as we steer clear of what sector's active, it doesn't matter," Austin puts forward.
Finnick sighs. "Yeah, relatively speaking..."
Suddenly, we hear Wiress gasp and stop singing. We all turn to see Gloss, sitting behind her with a knife in her back. A cannon goes off.
Instantly I throw an axe at him, and he instantly drops down dead as well. The second cannon.
Cashmere comes up then, yelling. She surely wants to avenge her brother and she runs towards us with a knife. Finnick goes forward, but Johanna knocks him to the side and swings her axe. Cashmere was no more. She's the cause of the third cannon.
Brutus comes up, with Enobaria behind him, and begins to fight Austin and Finnick head on. They all have spears, but obviously Brutus soon decides that he's outnumbered and (perhaps) outskilled and makes a run for it. Enobaria too. I try to throw an axe at her, but it misses.
Johanna and I try to run after them, both shouting, but Finnick holds us back as they run.
Suddenly, a whole new factor joins the show. The cornucopia begins to spin around. I don't see Finnick, Austin or Beetee, but Johanna and I hit the ground at the exact same time. Me closer to the water.
"Arrgh!" She grunts, trying to hold on to me. I look at the choppy water behind me as Johanna digs her axe into the stone, making us both fall a foot.
Whilst we fight for dear life against centrifugal force, I suddenly know why they're doing this. They don't want us to be able to tell what time it is. Stupid me. I shouldn't have mentioned it.
"No!" Johanna shouts as her hand slips off mine.
I get thrown off the rock and into the water, my scream lost to the plunge. The water churns even underneath and I inhale and swallow at least ten mouthfuls. I beg it to stop in my head and I want to cry out but I can't because I'll swallow more-
Slowly, the spinning comes to a stop and I float up to the top, flailing out as I've lost all my strength in the spin. Choking like mad, I slowly lift myself up onto the stone strip.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Austin shouts, running along the strip with Johanna and Finnick behind him. Beetee hangs back. Wiress' death must've been hard on him.
"F-fine," I choke, falling into his arms.
"Let's just get what we need and get off the bloody island," I'd recognise Johanna's cutting voice anywhere. I nod and we leave.
We sit on the beach, everyone just kind of in a stunned and annoyed silence. "So there's Brutus, Enobaria, and who else?" I say, breaking it.
"Maybe Chaff, just those three," Austin sits down beside me and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"They know they're outnumbered, I doubt they'll attack again. We're safe here on the beach," Finnick adds in.
"So what do we do, we hunt 'em down?" Johanna suggests.
Before I can answer, a blood curdling scream cuts through the air.
I instantly jump to my feet and run. I know that voice, and I must protect her. I tear through foliage and jump fallen trees; nothing is going to stop me from reaching her.
Where is she? What are they doing to her? Why is she here?
I shout again. "PRIM!"
Reaching a clearing, I look up, trying to stop tears falling from my eyes. That's when I see a bird. It's a black bird, flying round and round the clearing. Screaming in my sister's voice.
It's a jabberjay.
I raise an axe and throw it at the jet black bird, hitting it down. The screaming ceases.
"Willow?" Finnick bursts through the foliage. He's clearly followed me. "You okay."
I nod. "Finnick!" Comes the sound of a young woman, clearly in pain.
"Annie..." Finnick's face contorts. "ANNIE!"
Soon he's running, and I'm chasing him. "Finnick it's not her!" I shout, forcing him to face me. "It's not her it's just a jabberjay!"
"And where do you think they got that sound?" Finnick asks me the question to which I have no answer. "Jabberjays copy."
"Willow! Willow help!" Shouts a youthful voice. My heart thuds to a pit in my stomach.
The two of us look at each other for about a second before about five hundred birds rain down on us. I hear so many voices. Prim. Posy. Gale. Katniss. Vick. Rory. My mother. I scream and scream but I can't shake it.
When I get back to what I think is the group, I run straight to Austin, but a force field stops me. It's not fully charged with electricity, so it doesn't kill me, it's just merely meant to keep me in the wedge, where I can hear the birds.
Nevertheless, I slam up against it, trying to get through, and Austin's on the other side but he can't get through to me-
I put my hands to my ears and drop head into my lap, screaming to try to shut out the sound of my screaming loved ones.
I come to an hour later, with Austin shouting. "It's okay, it's done! It's done! The hour's gone, the hour's up!"
I wake up jumpily, asking if Prim was okay. "It's okay! Prim's okay!"
I ask feebly. "Posy?"
"She's fine," Austin says.
"Your fiance's right, the whole country's in love with your sister, and Prim," Johanna, who is standing up with her axe in hand. "If they tortured her or did anything to her, forget the district's, there would be... riots in the damn Capitol."
She angles her head to the sky and shouts at it. "Yeah, how does that sound, Snow? Why don't we, why don't we set your back yard on fire? You know you can't put, everyone in here!"
I look at her, shocked that she's saying this, before she explains. "What? I'm not like the rest of you. There's no one left I love."
She sighs, looking down. "I'll get you some water."
She picks up the spile and walks off. I stay in Austin's arms, the screaming voices of my loved ones still ringing in my ears.
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