The young Ravenclaw didn't move out from under her sheets for the next hours, ignoring the girls who tried to talk to her. She skipped dinner as well and went out only when everyone was in the Great Hall. The girl felt exhausted after crying so much, her eyes must have looked all red and puffed, but she didn't care right now. She didn't care about anything. She only wanted to see Regulus. Regulus and him only.
Adena walked through the corridors until reaching the Great Hall. She leaned on the wall opposite it, waiting for her lover to show up. She still couldn't believe she could call someone her lover. She would have never thought that someone would ever become her lover in fact. Yes the brunette didn't care about dating, yes she didn't really care whether she was Regulus' girlfriend or not but she liked him and he liked her. And he wanted to be hers. That was the only thing that mattered. Just thinking about this made her smile.
Students started going out of the hall, happily she didn't know any of them. Eventually she spotted Regulus, walking so elegantly, his dark curls waving around his face. He wasn't wearing his robe and he looked so handsome. She wanted to kiss him again, a kiss from Regulus could heal anything, she thought.
His grey eyes noticed her, and he paused. Adena didn't wait more longer before making her way to him and wrapping her arms around his body before the boy could say anything. She decided to hug him right at the entrance of the Great Hall on purpose, easily getting attention from certain Gryffindor students. She could even hear her sister curse and Maylyn and Lily trying to calm her down as she was so close. The brunette wanted to smirk proudly since it got the expected effect but as soon as Regulus wrapped his arms around her, she broke down in tears. Not wishing to drag any more attention on them, Regulus started walking away while holding her close. Once they were far enough, he stopped in an empty hallway, and she clutched to his clothes as the tears continued to spill.
Regulus didn't really know what to say as he was unaware of the cause of her tears, so he just caressed the top of her head, waiting for the girl to calm down. And when she did, the first thing she muttered was, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" asked the Slytherin, confused.
"For being weak."
"Don't say that, you must have a good reason to cry."
Aden lifted up her face to look at the boy in front of her. That boy she liked, but she could only shower a sad expression. And that sad expression broke his heart.
"My sister and your brother talked to me this afternoon. They said again that you were bad and dangerous... and that you hated my friends and my sister..."
"Well, they were kinda right. I really do loathe her at the moment."
"It's not funny..." she said dropping her sad gaze to the floor.
"I know sorry."
"They even said I should break up with you." She could sense his body tense up at her words, so she quickly added, "But I won't of course. I can't do that. They can say anything, nothing will make me think otherwise. Regulus you aren't bad, I know it."
She looked straight into his grey eyes as she said these words. He brought his hand up to caress her cheek, wiping off the remaining tears as well.
"Thank you."
"No need to thank me, I know you. I don't care about what they say I know that deep down you have good heart."
"But I support bad things," he said referring to the Dark Lord that he wanted to join.
"I know that too. But I refuse to believe you don't have some good in you."
He looked at her for a moment, before dropping his head onto her shoulder and whispering, "I love you so much."
Adena, still not used to these words of affection, blushed. She didn't dare saying it back and instead offered him some caresses to his smooth hair. She didn't even get a kiss from him, his embrace was comforting enough.
He brought her back to her common room after. She was feeling much better but the closer she came to the Ravenclaw tower, the more anxious she felt.
"I'm scared."
"Why?" asked the boy, squeezing her hand.
"What if the others disapprove of us."
"I thought you didn't care..."
"I don't care about what anybody could say, but I do care about the friendships I built with them with so much difficulty."
"If they try to dissuade you or try to leave you, it means they are not worth your friendship."
"Yeah I guess you're right."
Regulus couldn't help feeling anxious as well. He trusted Adena but what if the others had enough power to make her dislike him. He would probably be able to bear the heart break, but he really did not wish that to happen.
They soon arrived to the Ravenclaw common room. They shared a sweet and loving kiss before parting their lips. Adena thought it always had the same effect and she smiled.
"See you tomorrow. And do not worry too much," he said, softly brushing her cheek.
"Yeah, I'll try my best. See you tomorrow."
Every time they would say goodbye, it was a horrible feeling for the young Ravenclaw. Everything felt better by his side and she hated having to leave him.
The Ravenclaw common room was crowded like it was usually after lunch. Adena tried to pass through the students to go up to her bedroom but she heard someone call out her name.
She turned around, finding her roommates sitting in a sofa and an armchair. Jade was waving at her, telling her to join them. And so, the brunette made her way to them, sitting between Eugenia and Millie.
"Why are you avoiding us?" said Jade teasingly.
"I am not..."
"If you don't want to talk about that kiss with Regulus Black it's okay," she continued.
"Even though we're curious about it..." added Eugenia.
"Eugenia!" exclaimed Millie. "We understand if it makes you uncomfortable..."
"I doesn't make me uncomfortable- "
"Really? How was it then? It was the first time? Are you two dating?" asked the redhead.
"Good. No. And yes," was the brunette's short reply which made the girls at her side squeak in excitation.
"Good? Like really good?"
Adena glared at her before saying, "I don't want to detail every kiss I shared with him."
"Right sorry."
"And so, you two are dating now?" spoke up again Jade.
"Yes exactly."
"That's unbelievable... Adena having a boyfriend which is none other than Regulus Black!" exclaimed Eugenia.
"That's so cute!" then added Millie.
"Adena, we're not here to tell you what to do or not but are you sure of yourself?" asked Jade. She was very mature, much more than her sister and the brunette liked how she formulated her words.
"I'm completely sure of myself."
"But he's a Slytherin and a Black on top of that. Best combo when it comes to pure-blood supremacist..."
"Eugenia, I'd prefer you to stay quiet."
"Adena. What she means is that he's the kind of person to... you know... have that kind of views and enroll in You-Know-Who's army."
Adena knew that perfectly. Like she had said, she knew him, he had talked to her about doing exactly that, but she wouldn't admit this.
"I know what kind of person he could be. But he isn't a bad person!"
"It's just a warn-"
"Stop right here, Jade. I don't want to hear that anymore."
"Sorry, Adena. We promise we're not here to judge you, the thing is that we don't know your boyfriend and so we imagine things," told her Millie while rubbing her back. It was her, the half-blood of the group who tried to calm down the situation.
"Thank you, Millie."
"We shouldn't talk about that anymore. Millie's right, we don't know him, we only want your safety and happiness."
"Let's stop with assumptions. Don't you have some crusty details?" asked Eugenia excitedly and Adena rolled her eyes.
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