Q&A #3
Let's answer some questions, shall we?
For the first time I edited using a computer so I'm sorry if some questions are mixed up!
Let's get it poppin!
· How does it feel to officially be out?
Oh man... it feels great! It's like this boulder rolled off my shoulders!
· Were you worried about what would happen after coming out? Did you have any doubts?
Of course I did, of course I was worried. I almost had a panic attack, but I couldn't let Miko do whatever she wanted. Plus, about time I show the world my handsomest boyfriend.
· Do you think other men are going to come after you?
Even if they do... I have Iwa-chan.
· Not really a question but.... I'M SO PROUD OF YOUUUUUUU
· If/when you marry Iwaizumi... would you wear a dress or a suit? And would you go with a classical white or different color?
A suit, definitely. I do like the idea of wearing a white suit, however, since there's no way we would get married in church there's no need for us to wear black or white clothes. Might as well go with a blue themed wedding.
· Are you gay or a homosexual?
Oh honey, I'm gay as hell.
· Can you get married in your pajamas?
·What would your dream wedding be like? (Also Congrats on coming out I know it is a hard thing to do but it feels amazing once you have! Keep up the amazing work! You're doing amazing sweetie!)
I have no clue. Every wedding would be a dream wedding with Iwaizumi.
·How do you think your parents would react to you coming out? And I AM SO PROUD OF YOU
They reacted really bad and I'm pretty sure they don't consider me their son anymore. My grandparents, on another hand, are really supportive!
·I'm proud of you for coming out in front of all those people (it reminded me of iron man), do you think you might potentially loose partners or customers because this?
Actually, I planned this ahead. I called all of my partners and explained the situation. Most of them were absolutely okay! As for customers, I'm confident I won't lose my loyal ones.
·In the Future would you like too have 1,2 or 3 children with iwaizumi ? Why and how would u want them to look like more like him or more like u or both (I'm so PROUD of YOU!!! U come a long way ...stay gorgeous my dude❤👌😉
I want to have as many children as I can handle! It doesn't matter who they take after! And thank you!!
·Has Iwaizumi inspired any of your recent clothing lines and or clothing choices?
Iwaizumi has been an inspiration for my upcoming Winter clothing line!
·Will you wear gay related clothes (rainbow and all) now that you've come out?
I'm not Makki, so I don't think so. Maybe a rainbow tie.
·If you were stuck with one person on an abandoned island, would you rather it be Makki or Matsun?
Mattsun, Makki would die really soon.
·Why don't you make an alien theme makeup brand? Or alien theme EVERYTHING?
Sure, why not.
·can i please plan your wedding i swear it'll be the most oikawa centric wedding in human history
No, I want to plan it myself...
·Your my favorite character so I wanna ask, how many times have you and Iwa done the deed?
Definitely quite a few times. It was tough the first couple of times because it was so new to me! But now? Ha, piece of cake.
·From a scale of 1-0 how much of a b*tch is Miko? sorry i need it for research purposes
Like an 8
·I heard that some people cook bone marrow, would you?
I have cooked bone marrow, didn't taste as good as people say it does.
·What do you think Oikawa would've done for you if you were him? [As in like... forcing himself to think he's straight + Miko]
I'm pretty he would have done his best.
·hoW caN u be so hoot, how r u not burning???
I'd like to NOT be a victim of spontaneous human combustion, thanks.
·Cake or pie?
·Are you gonna introduce your brother and sister to Oikawa?
Yes, absolutely
·What's the hardest thing to cook?
Anything that involves anchovies
·dude what's your workout routine
30 minute exercise in the morning (+running), gym 3 times a week. Maybe if I have time I do push ups and such at random.
·Would u like to have 1,2 or 3 kids with oikawa?(also do u want them to look like you👦/oikawa👸/Both 👶Do you plan to adopt?
Doesn't matter how many kids or how they look like. And adoption is where it's at.
·If you and Oikawa were to adopt, about how long do you think it would it take for, Makki and Mattsun to do some dumb dangerous activity with said child?
Like, 5 minutes.
·When are you two getting married?
Let us date first.
·Does Oikawa ever squish your cheeks?
Which cheeks?
·What is your favorite food to cook?
Fresh pasta with pesto and parmesan.
·Are you proud of Oikawa for coming out in front of so many people
Yes! I've never been more proud.
·First word that comes to mind when you think of everyone including Hatari(it's not really a question oh well)
Iwaizumi - Hot
Oikawa - Brave
Makki - Love
·What do you think of Makki's eyebrows?
He takes care of them
·What's your favorite vine/ meme?
"My name is Chakaoofka and my dad knows God"
·What's the best thing Makki has given to you?
·Where is the favorite place you take Makki to a date?
McDonald's parking lot.
·If you were to adopt with Makki, would you have a boy or a girl?
·How does it feel dating a walking meme?
Feels great to be honest.
·What was the best day you ever had?
The best day of my life was when Makki told me he loves me
·what's ur favorite cereal
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
·May I have your autograph?
·Pastel colors or mattsun?
Dumb question... of course pastel c----
·Favorite girl group? And how many times have you dyed you hair?
I can't choose between BlackPink and Red Velvet! Oh and about 1378282 times.
·can you adopt
·If you were given the chance, would you dye your hair in a rainbow color?
Who says I haven't done that
·Anime or K-kop? Cause i luv both
I love kpop, but I have to go with anime
·Would you consider dying your hair neon??
·What's your favorite meme
·Do you own a neon wig
·Will you help plan Oikawa's wedding when he or Iwa-chan proposes? (And if so, what are some of your ideas at the top of your head??)
I'd rather not interfere, Oikawa would kill me
·Are you okay after seeing the uh... "event" with Oikawa and Iwaizumi??
I'm more than okay ;)
·On a scale of one to ten(one being the worst and ten for the best) how good is your cooking
·I don't remember if this was asked before, but Who's your BTS bias?
Jung Hoseok, the God of dancing, the man emanating Big Dick Energy
·So will you finally knock instead of barging in after seeing Oikawa and Iwaizumi going at it?
·In what color do you tend to buy things in? Favorite color?
I like gold colored things. Gold and red.
·Ever plan on dying anytime soon?
Why would I ever?
·Fight me ass
I'd rather not fight a low class human being.
·Although you are clearly homophobic, would you consider dating a woman if she had a lot of money? Like more than Oikawa?
No way! Women must not date other women, just like men shouldn't date other men! That's disgusting.
·hello do you happen to realise that someone's heterosexuality doesn't come back just like that after doing it with someone of the opposite gender
Oikawa is just confused.
·What would make you move on from Oikawa?
Him agreeing to the fact that he actually loves me and stop pretending that he's gay.
· Would you go after someone else if you meet a new "better" rich guy?
I mean, I would consider it.
·How do you feel about oikawa coming out?
I think he's just ruining himself.
·When will stop chasing Oikawa?
When he marries me.
· -_-Have u gotten a degree from a certain high-class university or just homeschooled for ur entire life since ur so filthy rich? If yes, what degree did u get?
I was homeschooled, however I didn't go to a university or collegw because I was a dedicated person to Oikawa.
·Sooooo do you still have a plan to get Oikawa back cause I don't think you have a chance anymore even though you nv did😁
He's gonna crawl back himself
·Have you given up on getting oikawa back?? Have you??
·Any hobbies and or interests aside from modeling, shopping, and/or two timing?
I like spending time on social media.
·What's the cheapest thing you own?
I have these hair clips I bought at a local shop.
·Aside from your looks and your job, what do you think Oikawa would like you for?
For myself of course!
·how does it feel knowing that you can never have oikawa?
I can and will have him.
·How can you be such a b***h?
That's mean!
·Do you spend more money on makeup and clothes than you do on an education? Because cheating on Oikawa and being a straight up BITCH are things you learn NOT to do in Kindergarten.
At least I have money to spend.
·May I ask... WILL YOU EVER GO TO HELL?!?!?
No, I have a place in heaven secured.
·Is kenma clingy?
Sometimes. Very rarely, which sucks.
·does kenma cuddle a lot? FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES
No, unfortunately. Unless he's in a mood ;)
·Who would you go out with, besides Kenma and your best bro Bokuto?
I have no clue, maybe Yaku?
·On a scale of 1 - 10, how obnoxious does you laugh sound like?
Like a good 8
·How determined are you to get Iwaizumi to text you back?
I text him every 25 minutes, I follow him on all social media and leave a bunch of comments. I even sent him flowers!
·How do you get your hair to stay up like it does? Is intense amounts of hair gel? Or is it just bed hair that you don't comb.
I'm lazy so it's just bed hair :/
·How do you know if you're gay? (Someone get the reference please)
Why does my penis grow in the morning :/
·What's the most owl-like thing you've done?
I don't think I've done anything owl like, just normal human behaviour
·Can your suits even fit? Ur bUFF AND ALL
That's why I like having a personal assistant who takes care of this stuff, I have them custom made
·has anyone told you how good you look with your hair down
Yes! A lot of times!
·Why do you look like an Owl?
It's my soul animal
·How soft is Akaashi's hair?
As soft as a baby's bottom
·Describe how you feel about Akaashi
Okay I'll do my best.... aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaAaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAaaaAAaaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
·How long have you been dating Akaashi?
for around 2 years now?
Oya oya?
·Are all women queens or thots?
· How did you get into photography and do you still love video games?
I loved it since I was little and yeah. I still like Tetris.
· Can you do a cat cosplay? owo
Why tho?
· How do you handle Kuroo? Like it astounds me sometimes...
Astounds me too.
· What was your first camera?
It was my grandpa's polaroid camera, I still have it.
· Do you have any photography tips? Have you ever done videography?
ANGLES. GET THE ANGLES. Lighting and props aren't important, get the angle. It could be a poorly lit room, but with a good angle your photo will turn out great! And no.
· How obnoxious do you think Kuroo is?
Really fucking obnoxious.
· Do you have an ideal breakfast food? (Ily you're my favorite underrated character in this fic so far)
Pepsi. And thanks.
·Did you have another career in mind before you wanted to be a model?
I actually wanted to be a lawyer, oops!
·Do you have a skin care routine? Or do you not care and its just naturally flawless
Lots and lots of moisturizing!
·What was the first thing you learned to cook?
Eggs. I first learned how to cook eggs. I felt a need to learn how to cook when I started living with two idiots and a lazy cat.
·Your top OTP??
Me and Bokuto!
·How fab do you feel??
Very fab!
·Do you like owls?
They're cute and fluffy
·on a scale from 1 to 10 what is your favourite number from the alphabet
Random does not equal funny.
·How do you handle loud people such as Bokuto?
It's called "ignoring"
· When you were a child, did people tell you that you were pretty or did they realize your beauty later on in your life?
Only later on. I was seen as "too feminine" when I was young.
·How do you keep your skin so beautiful
I drink water.
·What's the most owl-like thing Bokuto has done?
He got into a tree and started hooting. Then he had to call the fire department to help him down :/
·Are you planning to marry Bokuto?
·Akaashi, how are you so freaking gorgeous ?!
Thank you and I don't know!
·How does it feel to date an owl? (Im legit asking the most random questions sooo don't mind me)
Pretty good!
·How's Joon? That's he only question I ever seem to ask
Joon's great! He has friends!
·whY u gotta end the MAMA in a sad ending :< not related to this story. Another question, do you search up words in google?
First, because I want to. Second, yes.
·First things first, you're beautiful and so is your writing. Second, which character do you relate to the most? And which one is your total opposite?
Thank you omg. And Makki is the one I relate to the most, Miko is my opposite.
·Just curious but how do you come up with such great and awesome titles? It's honestly one of the hardest things for me. P.S I love your work and you are one of my favorite writers and I look up to you a lot. Keep up the great work!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I guess, sometimes I just think of a word that relates to the fic and that's it?
·For me, personally, Your works are thought provoking and very emotional. I want to ask how do you do that?
No clue???
·Will KyouHaba come back soon? Cause they're sooo cute af & i luv them so freakin much! (one of my OTPs in HQ btw, I would die happily if u bring them back!)
I currently have no ideas for any KyouHaba fics :(
·What is your favorite character out of the whole plot who's your favo??( idk if someone ask u this question already)
Hanamaki Takahiro.
·Any hobbies?
Drawing, singing, cooking, working with plants, looking for mushrooms, fishing!
·what is the science behind me reading all of your books ten times
·Who would baby proof the house the most if anyone were to have a child?
·How many chapter are there gonna be in total?
Next one is the last one :(
·How do you keep up with a set schedule to post???😫
I don't 😂
·Not really a question but you are greatly appreciated and talented have you ever thought of becoming an actual author? or are you majoring in anything else?
Thanks! And I have. I have a story that I'm developing actually!
·Why are you fanfics so wonderful that they're taking over my life?
·I can't remember if this has been asked before. Was Miko based off of a real person or you completely made her up?
I made her up!
·What do you do when you're low on inspiration for a chapter?
I look at your guys' feedback. Gives me all the motivation I need!
Well, that's it! Get ready for the epilogue!
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