ADELAIDE KNEW SOMEONE WAS FOLLOWING HER, she wasn't stupid. She felt a presence about five minutes ago and was on guard in case they attack. Adelaide just kept walking, heading down the alley near the institute because she knew sooner rather than later, the person would say something since they would hit the wards of the institute. And surely enough, she was right. "Have you thought more about my offer?" Jonathan's voice comes from behind her. Adelaide rolls her eyes as she stops in her place before turning to face the man.
"How about, fuck you." Adelaide responds with an unamused smile. Jonathan only walks up to her, narrowing his eyes.
"You see, I believe you did think over what I said." Jonathan starts as he looks down at her. Adelaide bites the inside of her cheek as she stares at the man. "And you do want to accept." He adds and she just gives him a suspicious glare.
"Why do you even want Lilith back?" Adelaide asks as she knew there was more than what he was telling her.
"She's my mother."
"Really? No other reason?" She retorts as she raises an eyebrow at him. Jonathan chuckles as he smirks back at the girl.
"Have I ever lied to you, Adelaide?" He asks her and Adelaide seriously did not understand what his motive was here.
"Is that a joke?" Adelaide questions and Jonathan just looks at her for a moment before changing the subject.
"I know you've tried to get your powers back but have been unsuccessful." Jonathan points out as he knew he was her only option. "Make it easier on yourself and just accept my offer." He tells her and she narrows her eyes at him.
"I will never help you." Adelaide sneers at him.
"You could be so much more powerful with your magic." Jonathan points out, he knew how much she missed them and how much stronger she was when she had both her magic and her Shadowhunter abilities.
"Well, it's not my fault Lilith stole them." She snaps towards him, if only she was more vigilant, she couldve stopped the demon.
"You could always ask for them back, I suppose." Jonathan suggests, pacing back and forth but they both knew that wasn't an option for her. "But how much are you willing to bet that Lilith will not be so kind as to help you." He says as he raises an eyebrow at her. Adelaide scoffs as she rolls her eyes.
"I could just report you." She points out but if she was going to, she would've done it the moment she saw him.
"You could. But you won't." It's like Jonathan knew every single thought that popped up inside her head. "Accept my offer, Adelaide." He tells her as he clasps his hands behind her.
"There's a catch, there always is." Adelaide responds, not about to accept something when she knew jonathan would somehow change it.
"I will simply connect you to Lilith so that you cannot back out of our deal." Jonathan states and Adelaide furrows her eyebrows. "I give you back your powers, you help me get Lilith back. If not... You will be forever linked to Lilith." He tells her and Adelaide inwardly groans. She knew there was something she wasn't thinking of. Of course, there might be a way to undo the link but it was a big risk.
"Or I could just figure a way out of it."
"Unlikely." Jonathan retorts before taking a step closer to her. "So, final offer." He says as he looks down at her. Adelaide stares back at him, a million different thoughts running through her mind.
On one end, she could accept it, decide not to help jonathan and hope that they can defeat him before he tries to kill her or Lilith. On the other end, she would practically be on death row because she wouldn't know whether or not Jonathan would try and kill Lilith or when. She would constantly be on edge. She would have her magic back, but at a price.
"Yes or no?"
ADELAIDE RUSHED INTO THE HOSPITAL ROOM WHERE MAGNUS WAS. Alec had just called her to say that Magnus had collapsed and stopped breathing. She barely heard anything else as she was quick to portal to the hospital. Yes, she had accepted jonathans offer and she was glad she did. Now she could get used to having her magic back and she might even be able to get Magnus his own magic back. Even though, she'd probably still have to speak with Asmodeus.
"What happened? Is he okay?" Adelaide asks as she moves over to the bed where Magnus was laying, unconscious. Alec was a little surprised to see her so quickly as they had only just gotten off the phone a few minutes ago.
"He just dropped to the ground and started seizing." Alec says after a moment, deciding to push his thoughts away till later. Adelaide analyzes Magnus, bringing her hand up to her mouth.
"Oh, my god." She grabs a hold of Magnus's hand, giving it a squeeze.
"Catarina thinks it's the magic." Alec tells her, she said that it was too much for him and that's why his body shut down.
"He's rejecting it." Adelaide knew what was happening, it was what Lorenzo warned her about when he had tried to give some of the magic to her.
"God, I should've been there." She mumbles as she brings her hand up to rub her eyes. Alec puts his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it.
"Hey, there would've been nothing that you could've done." Alec assures her, it wasn't something that they could've prevented. He had just dropped without even a warning. But Adelaide sniffles, shaking her head.
"You don't know-"
"Adelaide. He's going to be fine." Alec assures the girl who knew that was not going to be true unless they found a way for him to keep his magic.
"Right. He will definitely give up his magic willingly." Adelaide mumbles as she crossed her arms against her chest.
"What happened?" Magnus pipes up as he looks towards the couple who were a little shocked to see him awake. Adelaide smiles brightly before pulling him into a hug. The man groans slightly but hugs her back.
"You got very sick but everything is gonna be okay." Alec tells him and Magnus glances around the room. He notices the nurses who were going in and out of the room.
"I could get used to this type of treatment, but definitely not this wardrobe." Magnus states as he glanced down at the gown he was wearing with a grimace. Adelaide rolls her eyes, only Magnus could make comments and act like he was fully okay right after waking up.
"Right, let me get you a change of clothes." Alec tells him but Magnus shakes his head.
"No, no need." He replies as he lifts his hand to magically change but Alec rushes towards him.
"No." Alec quickly stops him from using his magic. Magnus looks at him weirdly before his eyes look at something behind him.
"What's he doing here?" Magnus asks, anger in his tone. Adelaide turns her head, only to see Lorenzo entering the room.
"Using Lorenzo's magic is what made you sick." Alec tells him, trying to explain to Magnus why he can't be using his magic. "Catarina said that if you use the magic again, even a little bit, it could go horribly wrong. The only way to get better is for Lorenzo to take the magic away." He explains but Magnus shakes his head, getting up from the bed.
"Oh, no. Catarina's just being overly cautious. Trust me, I feel fine." Magnus says, and he sees Alec trying to reach over in order to stop him from stumbling forward.
"Can we just get a minute please?" Alec asks Lorenzo who nods his head but Adelaide could tell that Magnus was getting angrier.
"No! I'm not getting rid of my magic." Magnus denies as he pulls away from Alec who glances towards adelaide.
"Magnus, this is the best solution." Adelaide tries to tell him, she knew how much magic meant to him but it was literally going to kill him. It seemed that Magnus didn't really want to listen to anything any of them were saying.
"I don't care. I'm keeping it."
ALEC STANDS IN THEIR BEDROOM AS HE WATCHES ADELAIDE TAKE OUT HER EARRINGS. He was staring at her with a curious expression on his face as one thing didn't really add up for him since they were at the hospital. "I've been meaning to ask, how did you get to the hospital so quickly?" Alec asks her, furrowing his eyebrows. Adelaide glances towards him, a little bit confused by the question.
"What?" She questions as she places her earring down on the dresser before turning to look at her boyfriend.
"Well, when I called, you were at the institute. And yet, you showed up less than five minutes later." Alec points out, it was clearly impossible but she had done it. Which is why he was surprised when he first saw her walk into Magnus's room.
"Fast walker." Adelaide answers with a shrug before moving to take her second earring off. Alec narrows his eyes as he clearly knew something was up.
"Adelaide. Is there something you're not telling me?" Alec asks her as he crosses his arms against his chest. Adelaide shakes her head, looking down at the floor.
"Of course not." She denies immediately which tells him there was. But he also wasn't stupid. You couldn't get to the hospital from the institute quickly enough without a portal.
"Maybe it has something to do with your magic?" He suggests as he raises an eyebrow at her but she shakes her head.
"It's nothing." Adelaide mutters but Alec was not about to let the topic go.
"What did you do?" Alec asks her sternly as he stares down at her. Adelaide clenches her jaw as she looks up at him, a small glare set in her eyes as she was getting annoyed.
"I didn't do anything, Alec. Just leave it." She tells him, letting out a groan.
"No, I'm not going to leave it. Did you make a deal with someone?" Alec questions, wondering how on earth she got her magic back when she said Lorenzo couldn't help her. A thought crossed his mind suddenly. "You didn't talk to Lilith-"
"Of course not!" Adelaide cuts him off, she knew Lilith would never give her powers back. She would actually just relish in the fact that she tried to ask.
"Then who did.." Alec trails off, the dots seeming to connect in his mind as his body softens. He closes his eyes for a moment. "You didn't." He says as he looks back down at Adelaide who knew exactly what he was thinking. "Please tell me you did not make a deal with Jonathan." Alec pleads but the girl only glances down at the floor, fiddling with her fingers. "Why would you do something like that?" He asks, wondering why she would do something so stupid instead of just trying to find another solution.
"What else was I supposed to do?!" Adelaide asks him, a frustrated tone in her voice as she seriously could not think of another solution. But of course, that was what Jonathan was depending on when he asked her.
"Not make a deal with a demon! The very demon who we are currently hunting." He points out, she hadnt even alerted anybody that he was around.
"Well, I got my magic back, did I not?" Adelaide retorts as she crossed her arms against her chest.
"In exchange for what? Adelaide, so help me-"
"I said I'd help bring Lilith back. Obviously I won't." She wasn't stupid enough to make it easier for jonathan.
"You can't just break a deal like that!" Alec knew there would be consequences, something that obviously hadn't crossed Adelaide's mind.
"Can you stop shouting at me?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be happy that you did this?" Alec asks her, anger seeping through his tone.
"Yes because I got my magic back." Adelaide states, she didn't come out of the deal with nothing. She had her magic back.
"You didn't need it!" Alec shouts at her, bringing his hands up to his face as she really wasn't hearing what he was saying. "Why are you acting like you needed it to survive?" He asks her, a scoff leaving his lips.
"Because without it, I have nothing!" She screams at him and Alec felt his stomach twist. He was hit with a rack of hurt as he just stared down at her.
"Nothing? Really." He asks and Adelaide sighs as she closes her eyes, bringing her hands up to her face.
"You know that's not what I meant." Adelaide says, she didn't mean for him to take any offense.
"Right, no, of course not. You don't think I didn't see how you acted without your powers? How you basically pushed me aside, how you acted like they were more important?" Alec could barely keep himself composed as he talked to her. His anger and pain was building up inside of him.
"I didn't." She denies, as he was just putting words in her mouth at this point.
"Then why go to such lengths?"
"He offered and I accepted."
"You are..." Alec trails off, his fists clenching together as he just shakes his head. "God, I don't even recognize you." He mutters with a scoff as he couldn't believe she would stoop so low as to make a deal with Jonathan.
"I do one thing that you deem as bad and suddenly I'm a whole different person to you?" Adelaide asks with frustration in her tone. Why was he acting like what she did was horrible. She hadn't murdered someone.
"You didn't even think to ask me." Alec points out and Adelaide only glares at him.
"It had nothing to do with you!"
"But we're partners, we're supposed to be there for each other and be able to talk about anything." Alec tells her, she was acting like he wasn't even around.
"Clearly you would've stopped me from doing it." Adelaide mutters as this was why she didn't say anything, he would've shut her down instantly.
"Yes because I love you!"
"I will fix it!" She screams back at him, she was going to find a way to keep her powers and not help Jonathan. But it seemed that Alec had enough of their conversation.
"Well, you can do it without my help." Alec tells her and Adelaide furrows her eyebrows, confusion forming on her face. "Because clearly you don't care about how your decisions affect me." He states and adelaides eyes widen, she shakes her head as she takes a step towards him.
"Alec, of course I do." Adelaide responds but Alec just let's out a scoff as he glares back at her.
"No. I'm done, Adelaide." He tells her and she was shocked by his statement. Adelaide didn't know if he meant he was done with the conversation or with her. She was hoping it was the first one.
"W-what?" Her voice cracks as she stares up at him with tears forming in her eyes.
"I am not going to just be a second thought to you. You've got your powers back, the thing you clearly care more about. And I am done cleaning up after your messes and trying to love someone who blatantly disregards anything I have to say." Alec explains to her and Adelaide couldn't even form any words as she just stood there and listened to him. "I'm just done." He snaps before turning around and heading for the door. The tears in her eyes drop down her cheeks as she watches the love of her life walk away.
"Alec!" She calls out after him but he only ignores her, slamming the door behind him. Adelaide let's out a gasp as she just stared at the door. She couldn't believe that had just happened. Her brain couldn't process what he had just said. Because adelaide heard what he said but for some reason, she was left speechless. Adelaide could barely even grasp the fact that Alec had just left her.
He had broken up with her and the worse part of it was, she deserved it.
JACE KNOCKS ON ADELAIDE'S BEDROOM DOOR, before peeking his head inside. He hadn't seen her around the institute so he was wondering where she was. She also wasn't on the mission where they summoned Lilith, which went horribly wrong but he wouldn't say anything unless she was in a good condition. So, he had made his way to her apartment because it's one of the only places he could think of that she would be.
Adelaide was just sitting on her bed, staring down at the floor. Her fingers were slightly moving, a purple mist covering them. "Why didn't you come on the mission?" Jace asks her, catching the girls attention. Adelaide looks up at him and he could see the tear stains on her cheeks.
"Didn't feel like it." She mumbles as she shrugs her shoulders. He walks over to her, seeing her go back to playing with the mist between her fingers. Jaces eyes widen as it finally hits him.
"You got your magic back, that's great." He says with a smile on his lips as he sits down beside her. But adelaide didn't seem as enthusiastic as he was.
"Is something wrong?" Jace asks, wanting to know why she had been crying. He would've thought she would be showing off her magic now that she's got it back.
"I think I lost Alec." Adelaide tells him, her voice cracking. Jace furrows his eyebrows, he didn't realize that they were having problems.
"What are you talking about?" Jace questions, wanting to more about what had happened.
"We got in a fight and he told me he was done with me." She states and Jace just sat there for a moment. Surely that wasn't what Alec meant, he was probably just blurting things out.
"Well, maybe he wasnt-"
"It was a break up, Jace." Adelaide states harshly, not meaning to but she was angry at the fact Alec walked away. But she was more angry at herself that she let him.
"Okay, but you can get him back?" Jace suggests as he didn't know if it was going to be permanent or not. But he knew Alec just had to take a moment to himself.
"Can I?" Adelaide didn't even know if Alec would come back to her, even if she did apologize a thousand times and try to explain it to him.
"Why did you fight?" He questions, still not getting why they were arguing in the first place.
"He didn't agree with my method of getting my powers back." She says and Jace narrows his eyes.
"Why, what did you do?" Jace was hoping it wasn't as bad as it could be. But of course, it was way worse than anything he couldve ever imagined.
"I made the deal with Jonathan."
"Adelaide.." Jace trails off, a sigh leaving his lips. He didn't really know what to say. They all knew that was a bad idea and yet she did it anyways. Alec most likely overreacted but he couldn't blame the man for being angry.
"I know it was stupid." She admits as she sniffles, wiping her eyes. Adelaide didnt really think it through fully, she just really wanted to get her magic back. "Even after he said he was going to bind me to Lilith for collateral. But no matter what I do, I cant break it." She states as she bites the inside of her cheek. She tried to undo the bind but it always ended up just becoming worse.
"We'll figure it out, okay?" Jace assures her as he didn't want her to worry. They would find a way to break that link, just like they were going to break Clarys link to Jonathan.
"There's no figuring it out. Jonathan wants me dead." She states, a dry laugh leaving her lips as she realized how freaking naive she was. "I didn't realize that until after." Adelaide couldn't put together why Jonathan wanted to bring Lilith back so badly. Until she realized how powerful the woman was in Edom, and if Jonathan wanted to kill her, it was easier to summon her and then do it. And the reason he binded them together, is because Jonathan saw Adelaide as a threat aswell.
"What?" Jace asks, confusion filling his eyes as he didn't know why Jonathan would what to kill her.
"He binded me to Lilith so that he could kill two birds with one stone. He knew that I would find a way eventually to get my powers back, and that I'd be strong enough to defeat him." She explains to him and Jace slowly nods, processing the information. "So, bind me to Lilith, kill one of us and boom... Problem solved." Adelaide states as she closes her eyes, bringing her hands up to cover her face.
"I'm not going to let you die, okay?" Jace promises as he looks at her, putting his hand on her knee and squeezing it. "Does Alec know this?" He asks, wondering if she had actually told Alec the full truth. Because Jace knew he never would've walked out if he knew Adelaide could possibly die.
"He knows I made the deal. But not the rest." She mumbles underneath her breath as she stares down at her hands. Jace sighs, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against him. He didn't agree with what she did, nor keeping a big part of it from Alec, but he knew she just needed comforting right now, not another person shouting at her.
So he let her cry in his arms, rubbing her back and allowing her to let it all out.
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