𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐞π₯𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

"Eeeeeiiyyy! You did it!"

Alice was squealing like crazy by the time she was running towards Azalea to hug them, other friends not far behind them.

The task was finished. The Beauxbatons pair had been a couple of minutes behind Lea, James and Lauri, but the task was immediately over once they came through. Now, people were being allowed to talk to the champions on the pitch, as the heads of all three schools gathered to make sure the task was fair. After that, they'd announce the points.

So right now, Azalea was hugging Alice and the others as James hugged and spoke to his family, smiling into her shoulder.

"Yeah," she nodded. "We did."

Alice pulled away, raising her eyebrows and lowering her voice. "You two aren't okay, then?"

Azalea glanced at James, who was shaking hands with a red headed man she presumed was one of his uncles, and sighed.

"No," she muttered to her best friend. "And it's all my fucking fault."

"Lea," Alice giggled slightly, gripping her best friend's shoulders. "It's not all your fault. Oh, and let me see that key by the way, I've been wondering what it is the whole task."

Azalea had actually forgotten about the key she'd picked up, despite keeping ahold of it this whole time.

"Oh, yeah," she said, holding it up for her and her best friend to inspect.

It was a key, that was for sure. However, it was weird. It was a golden, shimmery colour, and it was damn heavy, and also... it did have an inscription on it.

"What's it say?" Alice gasped when she saw it, drawing the key up closer to her face. "Err- what?"

Azalea frowned, leaning in to get a closer look. Yes, there was an inscription, but it wasn't in the human language. It was... very strange.

Ehi mis aquili eh solu sen
Dol edich sol selmi agra
Un tim sol sayu darm
Seri sal triech, armeni sol sich pre

"What the fuck does that mean?" Azalea frowned, eyes flitting along it.

"I don't know, it seems like it's another language," Alice shrugged.


In another explosion of red hair, Lily Potter came flying at Azalea, hugging her tightly.

"Well done!" She said into the girl's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Lils," Azalea smiled as Lily drew back, her smile radiant.

"Oh look, the teachers have decided," she said, looking at a spot over Lea's shoulder.

True enough, as Azalea turned, she saw McGonagall, Madam Maxine and Miss Korkonen all turned to face them, McGonagall with her wand to her throat.

"Attention!" She called, her voice projected. Once everyone was silent and looking at her, she said. "Well done, champions. Your performance in that task was exemplary."

Azalea's lips twitched, but she didn't smile.

"As for the scores," McGonagall said. "In first place, we have James Potter and Azalea Edwards of Hogwarts, who completed the course together and gained fifty points!"

Azalea couldn't help but smile as everyone clapped for them, for once feeling proud of the thing she'd achieved, rather than frustrated at herself for the messes she'd made.

"In second," McGonagall continued. "Are Lauri Krum and Adrian Valkare, only one of whom completed the course as Mr Krum was the only one crossing the finish line. As a result of this, they received thirty five points!"

They clapped for those two, Azalea turning to look at them. Clearly, leaving Adrian behind had been decided between them, because they weren't mad at each other, just seemingly mad at the fact they didn't win.

"And in third," McGonagall said finally. "Are Adelaide Beaumont and Eleanor Wicker from Beauxbatons, who finished last but crossed the finish line together, earning themselves thirty points!"

Azalea clapped for the two girls, who both looked a bit shaken but also proud of themselves. Lea hadn't actually spoken with either of them, but they both seemed like very nice girls, so she did want to get to know them in the time they had left.

"Thank you," McGonagall said with a smile, releasing her wand from her throat.

The crowd started to disperse as she stepped off her podium, and Azalea turned to Alice and Lily.

"So, you ready for the party?" Alice asked with a keen smile.

"Party?" Azalea asked with a frown.

"Yeah, we even invited Lauri and everything," Lily said with a smirk.

"You what?" Azalea asked, slightly scared. The last conversation she and Lauri had was very tense, and she wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Relax, it's just a celebration in the common room," Lily smiled. "But you're the guest of honour, of course."

Azalea rolled her eyes.


The party was wild, and Azalea and James were right in the middle of it.

After the Potters and the Weasleys had said goodbye to all of their family, all the Hogwarts students in the group headed up to Gryffindor common room, including Albus and Scorpius, though they weren't in the house.

As soon as Azalea and James entered, they were sought after, everyone trying to get a look at the key, which James had barely even had a hold of.

She'd given it to him when he'd asked, very begrudgingly, and he'd had a chance to look over it before giving it back. The first thing Azalea was going to do when she got up to the common room would have been stow it away.

But she wasn't getting a chance to, because people were surrounding her on all sides.

"Well done, Azalea!"

"That flying at the end, it was amazing!"

"You did so well with your patronus!"

"Can I please see the key?"

Azalea said no to that last one, finally being given a chance to run upstairs and hide it deep in her trunk before brushing her hair, swiping on some lip gloss and changing her top, as it seemed everyone was doing.

When she got back down there was an even bigger cheer, and wow this was getting annoying.

She smiled slightly, walking into the crowd and trying to disguise herself so she could get back to Alice.

But then she saw him. He was just across the room, holding a firewhisky in his hand, grinning as he spoke to Lily and Rose.


"Excuse me," Azalea said, as she shoved through the crowd trying to get to him.

When she did, she fought against the feeling of being flustered and just went for it. "Hey."

"Hey!" Lauri said with a smile at her. "Well done! Have you-?"

"Can we... talk?" Azalea asked him with a frown.

Lauri nodded, despite looking confused. "Of course."


They ended up just standing outside the common room, Azalea crossing her arms.

"I didn't like the way you spoke to me earlier," she told him. "Like I was just dirt on the bottom of your shoe."

"I know, Lea," Lauri sighed. "I'm so sorry, I just- well, I get fired up when I get into a competition, and I lose sight of what matters but that isn't your fault."

"Too right," Azalea scoffed. "Lauri, we were all wanting to win today, and we were all fired up. It didn't mean we treated each other like crap."

"I know, that's why I said it wasn't your fault, and I... I'm so sorry," he said. "Because I feel like I've messed stuff up with the girl I like so much."

Fuck off, butterflies!

"I... I really like you, too," Azalea told him, smiling slightly as her cheeks flushed. "And you maybe haven't messed stuff up. As long as you don't act like a cocky bastard on the second task, cause look how that panned out for you."

Lauri chuckled, his face looking do perfect and the sound being one Azalea wanted to hear again, and again.

"Okay, deal," he said with a smile, shaking her hand, leaning in slightly closer. "But just to seal it..."

Azalea didn't know what to think as he held her hand tighter, leaning down closer and closer, and clearly wanting to kiss her. She- she'd never kissed anyone, ever, but he was there, and he liked her and she liked him and oh shit, she was leaning up on her tip toes-

When their lips touched, sparks flew between them and Azalea swore she forgot everything except Lauri, who was pulling her closer as their lips moved against each others, absolutely intoxicating-

When they pulled apart it was for air, and Azalea took a chance to smile at Lauri.

"Thank you," she told him, grinning. "This is... the best prize ever."

Lauri just smiled back, pulling her in again. "You are the best prize ever."


By the time the two got back to the party, Alice was looking for her best friend, grinning when she found her.

"Er- your lips are swollen," she hissed into Lea's ear.

The redhead girl just rolled her eyes, smiling slightly with flushed cheeks. "Damn you, Alice."

"Wait what?!" Alice squealed. "You- you actually-"

"Yeah, we kissed," Azalea nodded with a smile. "After I kicked his ass and made him apologise."

Alice only squealed louder.

The party, to give it its credit, was alright. Azalea drank firewhisky, talked with her friends, did a bit of dancing, and even told people she didn't even really know about the last key and the weird inscription it had on it.

By about midnight, she was tired, however, and was sitting in the corner on one of the armchairs that had been cleared to the side, sipping her fourth or fifth goblet of firewhisky watching the party unfold before her.

"Mind if I join you?"

Looking up, Lea saw Albus Potter, holding a goblet of pumpkin juice and grinning at her.

"Yeah," she smiled back at him, her mind only slightly dazed as Albus sat down opposite her, sipping his drink before putting it down.

"It's been ages since we've caught up," she said to him. "How's sixth year?'

"Pretty great, actually," Albus grinned. "Your two best friends dating isn't ideal, obviously, but I'm so happy for Rose and Scorp, I can't even be annoyed at them."

Azalea chuckled slightly. "There's not a girl you have your eyes on?"

"Well... there kinda is, actually," Albus' cheeks blushed.

"Ooooooh," Azalea grinned. "What's she like?"

"She's amazing," Albus grinned. "We share a bench in potions, and I swear, she always gets her potions one hundred percent right, every time. And she's really pretty, as well."

"That's good," Azalea smiled. "What's her name?"

"Ellie Clearwater," Albus smiled. "But... you know, dad's here for the tournament, and James will be so annoying when he finds out, and Lils would tease me into next week, so... it's not the right time."

"Hey, I can handle James, and Lily," Azalea said with a smile. "You've seen me do it, and by the sounds of it, Ellie seems like a really nice girl."

"Thanks," Albus grinned. "Er... speaking of relationships, what's going on with you and Lauri?"

Azalea sighed, putting her burning face in her hands.

"We're... really good, actually," she said with a radiant smile when she finally looked at him. "I mean, after I kicked his ass for being a cocky little bastard before the task."

"Oooh, was there some drama?" Albus grinned.

Azalea giggled. She had actually really missed Albus. He was the Potter sibling she spent the least time talking to, due to the face he was in another house, but he was actually so fun to hang around with, and she wished she could do it more.

"Yeah, I guess, but no more drama than your brother and I are in," she sighed. "Did you hear what him and Fred and Louis did to me?"

"What, you mean stalking you on your date?" Albus sighed. "Yeah, and I also heard how pissed he got at you after you confronted him."

"Yeah," Azalea sighed, sitting back in her seat. "It's fine, though. The second task is three months away, and we can hopefully sort things out before then."

Albus nodded. "Well, if there's one thing I know about James and you, it's this. You're the only one he doesn't have wrapped around his finger, and it pisses him off so much."

Azalea shook her head. "Nah, he doesn't want me anymore, even as a friend. He's made that abundantly clear."

"No, that's not true," Albus shook his head. "I know my brother, Lea, and I know that he often says stuff he doesn't mean when mad, because he's trying to protect himself."

Azalea took this in, eyes unfocused as she stared out at the party, where Alice and Fred were now taking shots and trying to outdo each other.

"That's... nice to know," Azalea said with a slight smile.

"You know, it's funny," Albus grinned. "Because you're into Lauri and James is swearing off you for the rest of his life, but... deep, deep down, for some reason, I still think there's hope for the two of you."

Azalea rolled her eyes slightly, watching James cheering for Fred with a fat grin on his face.

"Not right now," Albus said with a smile. "But maybe some day."

Azalea shrugged slightly. She was too drunk to argue, and her mind was still reeling from the adventures of the day.

So she just shrugged and smiled, and took another sip.


Dear mum and dad (and Daisy),

I'm just writing to say that the first task went well! It was a part flying/part running obstacle course, and James and I actually came first! Yes, don't worry, I was careful and respectful, and I wasn't in much, if any, danger.

The second task is in three months, so I'll get to update you properly about everything at Christmas, but just to say that it's allowed for families to come and watch the tournament, so if you were interested you could come up to Hogwarts and see the school and James and I in the task. If not, it's fine, just telling you.

Hope you're doing well, Daisy!

With all my love,

Azalea xxx

Azalea carried the letter with a slight smile up to the owlrey to send it off to her parents.

It had been a couple of days since the first task, and everyone was sort of decompressing at the moment, excited now for Christmas as the second task was after it.

Azalea was actually alright. Everything with Lauri was amazing, and so was everything with her friends.

The only problem was a certain black haired, blue eyed boy by the name of James Sirius Potter.

He still hadn't talked to her. She'd tried, but he'd been ignoring her, not speaking, and physically removing himself from situations she was in.

She didn't know how to fix this.

But for now, she went up to the owlrey, attached her letter to Belle's leg, and let her fly off out the window to her family.

Which is what she really wanted to do right now as well.

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