𝟎𝟎𝟗, 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄
ZOEY AKILA bennet !
sugarhill, zoey's crib
featuring; @itszoeyb .
ZOEY THREW HER grey gemmed purse on her bed with a exasperated sigh leaving her lips. her night with caleb was honestly ruined after ddot had stormed out of the bowling alley, obvious hatred towards caleb .
she had just left after the awkward encounter with ddot and caleb. the only thing she wanted to do was to be friends with caleb and maybe get ddot to be cool with him too.
now she got ddot mad at her for some reason and caleb—well she doesn't even know about that one.
the first thing she did when she sat on her bed—with the same clothes on from the bowling alley, was call ddot. she texted him, left voicemails, she even when on instagram dms to text him which she did rarely.
"hi dot—i don't know what i did wrong but all i'm asking is for you to text me back. sorry."
zoey send the last voice message with a frown on her face, throwing her phone on the side of her bed. this is what happens when her day goes by way too nicely, something always happens.
zoey knew it took a lot for ddot to finally become a little fond of her but now she had completely messed it up—and she didn't even know how. zoey sat up once again, turning on her apple tv but not taking off any of her clothes.
she noticed it said 10:50 pm.
if zoey was fast enough, their would be a way for her to go to ddot's house and get all of this stuff out of the way. one thing about zoey was that she was really good at communicating, even if the other person was. she was always patient but she was also persistent—if you didn't wanna talk to her—oh she was gonna find a way for you to talk to her.
zoey grabbed her phone from the bed and carefully slipped it into her jeans pocket. she paused for a moment to ensure that she had everything she needed before making her way down the stairs.
"zoey! mama i ain't noticed you was home—and you goin out?" zoey's mom called out at her as she washed her hands. zoey noticed that her mom was still her nurse scrubs .
zoey waved at her mom softly, making her way to get her keys in the cabinet and placing a kiss on her mom's cheek. "yeah i need to tell my friend something." she said since it wasn't even a lie.
zoey's mom furrows her eyebrows and tilted her head. "at this time? baby the street lights are almost gon turn on, get ya ass back up stairs and text them."
"but maaa! their being difficult right now and won't answer my texts. and it's so annoying because i'm trying to be hi-their friends so bad, but i always mess up and then boom, just like that he's mad at me again."
zoey's mom wasn't stupid, yes zoey cared about her friends a lot but not to the point that she would get out of her house—all dressed up to simply tell them something that could be told over phone.
zoey watched as her mom put a hand on her hip—pursing her lips and giving her that look. "zoey. is this friend a friend or somebody you just trying to make your friend."
zoey's frown deepened as she spoke to her mom, "why won't he listen to me? all i'm trying to do is be nice." her mother's expression softened as she walked closer to zoey, placing her hands on her cheeks. "do you really want to be friends with this boy?" she asked gently.
zoey nodded softly, her mom let out a sigh "baby i understand that you're trying to be sweet, but sometimes people don't want to listen. it's not your fault," her mother said reassuringly. zoey's frown lessened slightly as she listened to her mom's words.
"but—you better be home by.. 11:30 max. hurry the fuck up, kiss and makeup. shoo now." her mom pushed her away that zoey didn't even get time to register anything before she was kicked out the house.
zoey smiled, she loved her mom.
as zoey realized that she would be walking alone in new york at night, she quickly switched her heels and tried to open the knob behind her. however, to her dismay, it was locked. she could feel the frustration mounting inside her as she tried to come up with a solution.
suddenly, her mom's voice rang out from the window, "get ya mans! you have your phone and probably share locations at this point... or whatever you teenagers do..." zoey shook her head at the situation, a small making its way onto her face.
nonetheless she pulled her her phone, switching through the messages she sent him minutes ago to view his location. his last one was a home address which was when zoey went to first tutor him.
zoey stopped in her tracks when she walked a block already, she really had to consider whether the friendship was worth this much effort.
zoey shrugged, she needed the workout anyway.
it took a while to reach his house since she kept on continuously stopping to look around just in case. zoey bit her lip when she finally reached his house, she had remembered his door from the time she came over.
zoey was already panicking when she knocked on the door. She knew that this was a risky move, but there was no way to back out now. she had to confront him, just like she had promised herself a few minutes ago.
when the door opened, zoey froze as ddot appeared in front of her. his tall, muscular frame towered over her, and his curly hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. his eyes were droopy, and zoey could tell that he was high. despite his appearance, zoey still managed to smile at him, hoping to make him feel more comfortable.
"what you want from me na? you show me the photos you took of random niggas n put in ya lil scrapbook? fuck outta my face," zoey could tell that ddot wasn't just pissed at the fact she was busy, it was something else bothering him.
she let out a heavy sigh, feeling embarrassed before recollecting herself once again. "i called you—a lot. and i left like 20 voicemails after that then i send you voice messages. oh and i texted you, dot—what did i do?"
ddot's face expression softened at the way that zoey really felt bad, he wanted to ignore the fact she had tried to go on multiple ways on to talking him and when he didn't respond she walked over to him.
ddot ran a hand over his face, he couldn't escape this girl. he finally decided to let go since he knew how persistent zoey could be until she wasn't .
"bro deadass ion know. you just—you just came into a nigga life and just changed shit around like. shits mad confusing. then u ain't wanna come over cuz u were out with some nigga. i-i just—i thought we were friends, zo. i'm deadass like... ion know, attached to u or sumn. we spend so much time together. w-we made that scrapbook and now you wanna take pictures of that nigga and put him in it? nah, im not jacking that at allll."
zoey's face fell, and she looked down at the ground. her mind was swarming with thoughts since this was the first time and probably last time she's heard ddot talk this much to her—communicating his feelings.
and now she felt bad, because every little thing like the scrapbook—she wouldn't know it would piss him off that bad if she brought the camera. she honestly just brought it to take photos of the place not with her and caleb.
"i'm sorry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "i—i didn't know it would piss you off. and it wasn't like right of me to do that but—i wasn't gonna take photos of him and me. cause that's weird, and you are my friend. and i like really like you as a friend."
it was silence upon the two and zoey looked up to look at ddot who looked like he was trying to say something but he didn't know how to say it.
"it's okay," he settled on that, trying to sound reassuring. "i ain't mean to make you feel bad, i just don't like when we not talking but i don't know how to fix that shit either."
zoey nodded at his answer, her eyes wide with hope. "so you're not mad at me?" she asked, her voice trembling.
ddot shook his head, his expression softening. "no, i'm not mad at you," he said. "i'm just trynna not be on no clingy shit—like that shit don't annoy you?"
zoey let out a sigh of relief, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders before shaking her head frantically. "no your my friend, you don't annoy me dot."
ddot felt the ends of his lips start twitching, feeling a sense of warmth in his chest. "aight. we good?" he held his hand out for zoey to dap up but of course—she just put her hands in his and interlocked them.
✿ ✿ ✿
"AND I SAID bitch? who the fuck you talkin too??" jahzara recalled what she had said in her dream the night before, it was a very violent dream. and when jahzara fights, real or not she was gonna use somebody as an example .
and zoey was always 3/4 times the person used as the example.
they were all in their 5th period class, their class before lunch and they all shared this class together. along with dd and them , ddot was just next zoey's seat a little but their knees were touching.
jahzara put her hands in fight position, "and i told this white ass bitch to stand the fuck up! like bitch i'll fuck you up—zoey stand up."
both zoey and ddot's head lifted up from the sound of zoey's name and zoey was regretting being ever born because this is what she has to deal with all the time. she groaned, getting up from her seat.
but she wasn't gonna say no either because the way it was so hard for zoey to say no, she couldn't even explain it if she wanted to.
jahzara started doing punching motions but she wasn't physically touching zoey because.. who does that? jahzara started talking again meanwhile dd and notti were cracking up from the way jahzara looked like she was in a real fight.
"aight that's enough.." ddot pulled zoey down by her belt loop causing notti and dd to peep that. they both looked at each other like they saw something they've never seen before. because honestly they've never seen that before.
ddot put his phone back into his pocket, turning his head to face zoey who looked like she was zoned out. "watchu thinkin bout?" he nudged her thigh softly.
zoey looked at him before letting out a sigh. "i was looking at the teachers hair and she has the mug i wanted—i looked through out the whole target last week looking for that exact mug. and she got it, like what?"
ddot held in a laugh as he out a hand over his mouth. he finds it cute how the smallest things could get her irritated—not seriously though since their wasn't once anybody has seen her actually mad.
ddot clicked his tongue at the roof of mouth, nodding as he made a reminder to buy that exact mug for the girl.
zoey began talking and ddot started loosing track because of the fast pace she was going at, way too fast. ddot let out a breath, at this point he wasn't even faxed by her rambling but at some point he knew zoey just talked to talk.
"aight shut ya pretty ass now. talk too much." he mumbled the last part under his breath but zoey was stuck on the first part, he called her pretty.
with the way that zoey talked a lot, one of her love languages were words of affirmation and she knew how rare it was for ddot to say something kind since he was used to being so mean all the time.
she feened on hearing sweet words from others, especially from those she cared about.
"awww, you think i'm pretty?" she pouted her lips which caused ddot to cringe. he didn't know why he even said that but even if he was mugging her right now, in his head he was smiling real hard.
"i ain't eva said that."ddot pulled away from her hands when she tried to smush his cheeks together but she still ended up doing it away, he hated being babied like this but it was obvious zoey didn't even care.
the bell rang signaling that it was time for their next period class—which was thankfully lunch.
"z, you want one?" notti pulled out a pack of gummies, expecting zoey to take at-least one but she didn't even go close to the bag. instead she shook her and—slightly scrunching her face up.
this didn't go unnoticed by neither of them, dd notti and ddot. they all looked at eachother with a knowing look, ddot pulled zoey back when the group was walking towards lunch.
"ma you ain't gon eat nothin?" he whispered in her ear—holding her from the waist, zoey shyly shook her head as she tried to remove herself from his hold. "i ate enough today."
ddot furrowed his eyebrows at that and mugged her. when does one eat enough? he shrugged it off though, deciding not to bother her about it. it was obvious just from the times they've hung out zoey didn't once bring up food.
nor did she ever mention she was hungry. none of that. ddot had noticed it all though. he wasn't stupid, he knew their was something going on but he forced he'd just lay off her,
he already felt like he was annoying her too much just from today and last night.
zoey sits down at the cafeteria table hearing ddot mumble a small 'be right back.' before he was out of sight. zoey lays her head in marie's shoulder since she didn't even need to look to know it was her.
"zo ain't that the nigga you got the phone number of?" marie said in between her chewing causing zoey to lift her head, seeing caleb looking head first at her.
zoey did the normality thing she could do and just wave, and caleb nodding his head at her. zoey felt like she owed him an apology from the way she had abruptly left him last night, so that's what she got up to do.
"where you goin—"
marie slaps a hand on her forehead, she knew that zoey was way to much of a sweetheart and not everybody was gonna return the deme energy. marie stands up to see if anything happens, she was very overprotective over zoey fro multiple reasons.
zoey sore down across from caleb and let out a breath. she was thankful that he was sitting down alone, so she could say this to him atleast a little privately.
"wassup wit you and that dot dot nigga? that's ya man? cause if he is you should've told me that shit zoey. i ain't tryna break up nothin." he broke their silence.
zoey was taken aback from his own words. she had excepted him to blow up but this was honestly a good response which made her feel nice, that she could actually still have a friendship with the boy.
"he's not my boyfriend or anything, he's my friend though and that's what i wanted to apologize for—"
"i heard his grandma died but he did the most the other day for no reason how can u deal with him, and he's not even your boyfriend? then why he treating you like his possession?
zoey's jaw dropped, especially since he didn't even try to say them quietly. dd and notti were right behind them, and it felt like caleb was trying to make a scene.
zoey was taken aback by what caleb said. she couldn't believe that he would say something like that, especially since he didn't even know the full story. she felt like he was trying to stir up drama, and it was frustrating.
zoey stood up from her seat abruptly, feeling angry and defensive. "what? why—why would you even say that?" zoey asked, her voice shaking with anger. "you don't even know him like that to be talking on him like that, caleb. just—just stop talking about shit you don't know about." she put a finger in his face, this had obviously caught attention since zoey never got mad.
zoey's outburst caught the attention of those around them. she wasn't the type of person to get mad easily, so it was clear that caleb had struck a nerve. zoey knew that she had to stand up for her friend, even if it meant getting into an argument with Caleb.
she was the girl who was always smiling, hugging everyone. it was even rare to hear the girl simply curse.
Zoey felt like it was her responsibility to defend DDot's name, especially since he wasn't there to do it himself. She wasn't even sure if he would do the same for her, but she didn't care.
the girl felt the ends of her eyes prickling. "honestly, just... stay away from me from now on, like—you just ruined our friendship by saying that. you don't have a heart like actually. bringing that shit up was so unnecessary."
zoey tried to put it in the nicest way possible, but she knew that she couldn't be friends with someone who spoke badly about her friends. it was a dealbreaker for her, and she didn't want to waste any more time on someone who didn't respect her or her relationships.
caleb got up from his own seat, walking around the table causing zoey to stumble back, not realizing somebody catches her. "me? nigga you the one that left me just like that for a random ass nigga—"
"aight nigga we get it. you don't talk to a girl like that." dd pushed caleb away, they started arguing which turned into loud screaming. marie also got up, walking right past the two to check on her bestfriend.
"baby you okay?" marie searches zoey's face for a sign of being okay but at this point it was useless. zoey didn't even get to say anything before jahzara dragged hee away.
"fuck you think this is? you gon come up to her and say that shit—cause nigga you came here not even a week ago and you causing problems, the fuck?!" jahzara pushed dd out the way, cracking her knuckles.
jahzara wasn't scared to fight no one especially niggas.
notti held zoey by her lower back securely while zoey started crying softly, hiding her face with her hands, she turned around to stuff her face in the crook of his neck and he didn't care—this was zoey. she never cries, with all the years he's known her not once has he seen her cry.
"fuck happened here?"
zoey was startled when she heard ddot's voice, and she immediately knew that she didn't want him to see her. "ethan. ethan," zoey called out to notti, using his government name. "mhm?" notti responded, listening intently.
"hide me. i don't want him to see me." zoey mumbled, hiccuping right afterwards. she felt like she was going to throw up, cry, and scream all at the same time. she didn't want ddot to see her like this, and she hoped that notti would be able to help her.
"ion think i can do that fa long z." notti rubbed her back softly. ddot's eyes averted at the two, he could easily tell it was zoey who was hugged up on notti and that was the first thing he was gonna pay attention to.
notti mugged ddot when he tried to pull zoey away but notti put a hand over her hair, like he was protecting her. "she said she don't wanna see you nigga."
zoey bit her lip to hold in another soft cry. she felt bad, she wasn't supposed to start crying, she was just being dramatic. but she couldn't help it.
"what? why?" ddot's attitude quickly changed when notti started to explain the whole thing in a fast pace since ddot had no patient to listen for a long time. ddot scrunched his face up at the part caleb talked about his own grandma like he know somethin.
"zoey come here." his voice softened cussing notti to jerk his head back.. he never even speaks to his mom like that. zoey slowly de-attached herself from notti who looked down at his white shirt which was soaked.
"sorry," she mouthed slowly while notti just shook his head, making his way onto dd and jahzara who were probably beating caleb to the ground.
"zoey, ma, look at me." ddot didn't physically touch her since he didn't even know what to do at this moment. either to leave her alone or comfort her—but he just knew he was gonna stay with her.
zoey turned around slowly with a deepened frown plastered on her face. "i'm sorry."
ddot puts a finger over her lips, "shh. you aight. you aight ma." he hugs her tightly. as long as the hug was, zoey knew this day wasn't gonna end off a good note even if she wanted it to.
"zoey bennet! make your way to the front office now." the loud speaker spoke.
NOTE— was supposed to be longer and way more detailed and all but this all i got ya. i'll update later i think it's 12 rn 🙈. aight ya it's too hot and imma take another shower, bye fia loves you 💗💗.
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