

ELAINE QUICKLY RAN OUT AFTER Chris Argent, calling out his name and making him stop in his track. Stiles had tried to convince the girl to come with him, but she wouldn't if it meant she would get there on time to save her brother. She was going to save someone's life tonight, no matter what it took.

"Argent!" The man stopped in his tracks, turning his attention towards the girl. She stopped when she reached him. "I'm coming with you."


"That's my brother that your sister is trying to kill." Elaine begged. "Please. I need to know he's alright."

Argent looked down at the girl and sighed before nodding his head. She quickly entered his vehicle as the two sped towards the Hale house. When they arrived, Argent looked towards the girl. "Stay here." He got out and walked away. Elaine watched him go before scoffing.

"Stay here my ass." She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and exited the car. She followed the path that Argent had went, carefully taking a stand behind a tree when she saw Kate and Allison, Allison holding the bow that had sent two arrows into Derek along with one that had blinded Scott, sending him to the ground.

"Kate!" Argent snapped at his sister. "I know what you did. Put the gun down."

"I did what I was told to do." Kate simply answered.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people!" Argent snapped. "There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now! You're holding a gun at a sixteen-year-old boy with no proof he's spilled human blood! We go by the Codeβ€•οΈŽ 'Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent.'"

"We hunt those who hunt us." Allison mumbled. Kate put her finger finger on the trigger, but Argent was quick to hold up his own gun, pointing it at his sister.

"Put the gun down." When she didn't, he shot the gun, hitting the tree that was right beside of Kate. "Before I put you down." When Kate put the gun down, Elaine couldn't help but appear beside Argent, looking at her brother with relief flooding in her eyes. She quickly made her way over to him.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asked.

"I had to make sure you were alright." Elaine softly responded. However, the moment was ruined when the door to the Hale house creaked open, grabbing the attention of the group. Scott quickly scrambled up whilst Elaine did the same. The Argents aimed their guns, Chris telling Allison to stay back.

"What is it?" Allison asked.

"It's the Alpha." Scott answered her. The creature darted from the home, making the group turn in the direction it had went. In a flash it knocked down Argent, making him fall to the ground. Next, Allison went down, her bow being knocked from her hand and moved away from her. Then it was Scott, who went down beside of Elaine, making the girl frown as to why she wasn't the one shoved down. However, she was the one that went down next, her back slamming against the ground. That left Kate to stand there by herself.

"Come on!" The woman shouted. "Come on!" That's when Peter appeared, grabbing the woman's wrist as she fired the gun. He was quick to punch the weapon from her hand before grabbing her by the throat and throwing her towards the home. She landed right in front of the door and Peter was quick to run up to her and grab her, pulling her into the house.

"No!" Allison yelled in protest before getting up and running into the house herself.

"Allison!" Elaine yelled. The girl scrambled up and was quick to follow her best friend into the house, ignoring Scott's yells for her not to do so. Elaine stopped right beside of Allison, Peter standing there with Kate, his hands around the woman's throat.

"She is beautiful, Kate. She looks like you. Probably not as damaged. So, I'm going to give you a chance to save her. Apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it and I'll let her live."

"I'm sorry." Kate whispered. That's when Peter slashed her throat, making the two girls yell out.

"I don't know about you, Allison, but that apology didn't sound very sincere." Peter told the girl. That's when Scott appeared, crouched down with his fangs showing.

"Run." He told the two girls. Elaine was quick to grab Allison's hand, pulling the girl out of the Hale house and running over to Allison's father who was still lying on the grass. Allison was quick to shake her father, trying everything to wake her up and looking at Elaine with a deep frown when she couldn't do so.

"Come on, Argent." Elaine whispered. Elaine's head immediately snapped up when she saw Scott be thrown from the house. "Scott!" The girl yelled, quickly getting up in order to run over to him. She kneeled down beside him and looked up with wide eyes when she saw the Alpha quickly jump out the window after Scott. Peter stood in front of the two in his wolf form, at least six feet tall. Elaine slowly looked up at him and when she saw he was about to swipe at her brother, Elaine was quick to shove him out of the way, making the wolf grab her instead. And what he did next made Allison and Scott both yell out. Like he did Kate, three long slashes were placed against Elaine's throat, blood running down her throat and mouth before he let out a deafening roar, turning back to his human self. He held onto Elaine, smirking.

He then turned his attention towards Scott. "She's not dead yet. But if you try anything else, she will be." The girl was choking on her own blood, looking at Scott, but managing a smile.

"It's." The girl violently coughed, trying to breathe as she felt her lungs shut down. "It's okay, S-scotty." When the girl started to close her eyes, the alpha smirked, tossing her aside.

"Oh well." The man said. That's when Jackson and Stiles pulled up, Stiles quick to throw the self-igniting Molotov cocktail he had made. He tossed it, only for the Alpha to catch it. But Scott had an idea. He yelled for Allison who was quick to grab her bow before pulling the arrow back and shooting the glass, making it explode. The man stumbled through the woods, and it wasn't until Derek caught up to him, killing the man that his own eyes glowed. Because now, Derek was the alpha, and Elaine was dead.

"El?" Stiles called, noticing the girl on the ground. And then he saw the blood and shot forward. "ELAINE!" He yelled the girls name, sliding onto the ground and pushing her over. She fell limp. Her eyes stared blankly up at the sky and Stiles covered his mouth, tears filling his eyes. "No, no, no. Scott! Can you-is sheβ€•οΈŽ" The boy stuttered out. Scott was quick to run over to his sister. Allison stood there, tears rolling down her cheeks as she cried for her friend.

"She's. . ." Scott stuttered. "I can't. . ." He choked on his own words, desperately trying to find a heartbeat, but he couldn't. Elaine was dead. Argent shot up, standing up and walking over to the girl who laid their unmoving. Scott looked up at the man, almost with begging eyes, hoping there was something there. Argent kneeled down, placing two fingers to her wrist before he shook his head. Immediately Allison started crying a hand covering her mouth. However, that's when the sound of footsteps could be heard.

Rebekah emerged from the trees, walking towards the group who were all now looking at her. She stopped upon noticing her dead daughter laying there. She kneeled down beside the girl, moving hair from her child's face.

"Who the hell are you?" Stiles snapped, wondering why this random woman was touching Elaine. She offered the boy a smile.

"You must be Stiles." She then turned towards Scott. "And you're Scott McCall."

"Yes, we know who we are. Now who are you." Stiles asked.

"I'm Rebekah." She looked down at the girl. "I'm the one that can save your friend."

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