โ €โ €โ €โ €โ € xvi. riders on the storm

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN โ”โ” riders on the storm

OPHELIA grabbed Kai and Bonnie's hands dragging them over to the table. Kai placed the grimoire down in front of the three, Bonnie grasped the vile of blood, as Ophelia held the ascendant in the palms of her hands. She looked over and eyed the portal that had disappeared.

"Where is he?" Lydia asked.

"We didn't see anyone." Malia frowned.

"You guys did right?" Lydia asked the three who stood by the table.

"Yes." Ophelia nodded to the banshee, Kai and Bonnie nodded. "Maybe, uh, when we start the spell it'll open up again." She nodded grabbing the ascendant.

"Lia-" Scott tried.

"Once we put his blood on here, it'll work and the rift will open again, right? Lydia already opened part of it or all of it-" Ophelia rambled. Kai and Bonnie eyed her warily.

"Ophelia." Scott called out firmly. The Original looked up seeing Lydia's watery eyes looking to the door. Malia frowned at her best friends.

The door rattled, a frantic Liam popped his head out. "There's something you need to see."

"You're still here." Ophelia sighed out in relief.

"Yeah." Liam nodded, he swallowed thickly and glanced to Ophelia who smiled looking at the beta then glanced behind him every so often waiting for another face to pop up, a specific face. "But everyone else is gone. Look, you have to come with me." Liam said to the Alpha. Ophelia's smile dropped, she pressed her lips into a thin line. Bonnie and Lydia placed their hands on the tribrid's forearms, knowing she still felt something for the Chimera.

"What is it?" Scott asked.

"I can't explain it. I have to show you." Liam rushed out.

"Uh, all right. You guys stay here." Scott nodded to the five.

Kai felt a nudged in his ribs, he glanced down seeing Bonnie nod in Scott's direction. Kai shook his head, "I'm not leaving you." He whispered.

"We'll be fine." Bonnie nodded to the heretic. Kai gritted his teeth, Bonnie smiled softly and took the siphoner's face in her hands and pressed her lips against his.

The two broke away, Kai swallowed thickly seeing the look on the brunette's features. "Bon-"

"I love you." She breathed out.

Kai parted his lips, "I love you too." He whispered, pressing his lips against her own one last time, he sped off after the Alpha and his beta.

Malia walked to the door and unlocked it, "What are you doing?" Lydia asked the coyote. "Scott, said to stay here incase Stiles comes back."

"Scott's not here. And you three said you saw him right? Maybe it has to do with being a witch and a banshee. But if it worked he wouldn't come here. So let's go find him." Malia said firmly. Ophelia grabbed their things shoving them into her bag, with a nod the four girls left.


"THIS looks fresh. It must have been from Stiles' Jeep." Lydia looked to the floor, which had tire marks burnt into the floor.

"You have his keys?" Bonnie asked the girls.

"Well, half the time he got it started with a screwdriver." Malia shrugged to the witch.

"Then we have to tell Scott he's here." Lydia nodded.

"Then we should probably tell Scott about that too." Ophelia nodded to the tracks placed in front of them then the rift. "It's here. It's here!" She smiled widely running off to the portal. The girls ran in toe behind the Original.

Ophelia looked over to Bonnie a smirk appearing on her lips. Bonnie smiled and handed the vile of blood to the Original, "One shot." Bonnie breathed out.

"One shot is all we need." Ophelia nodded reciting Scott's words.


KAI, Liam and Scott stood in front of Garrett Douglas. The Alpha roared to the three. "Bad doggie." Kai raised his hand giving the creature an aneurysm.

"He can't take all of us, right? Like you can do that to all of them?" Liam asked the heretic.

"No." Kai deadpanned.

"Hollenhund." Garrett hissed.

"I'm sorry what?" The heretic asked with furrowed thick brows. He glanced to the Alpha and the beta who both shrugged just as confused as him. The three turned around hearing growls from behind them. "Oh, God, what the hell is that?" He widened his eyes at the hellhound.

"I take it Lia, didn't tell you about all the supernatural creatures here." Scott glanced to the heretic nervously.

"She may have left out a few." He muttered eyeing the hellhound.

Parrish, you don't want to do this. Stop." Scott tried, the three backed up careful not to trip on the railroad tracks beneath their feet.

"The train's coming boys. There's no stopping the Wild Hunt." Garrett's voice echoed through the hallway of the hospital. "You'll make a fine Ghost Rider Scott. And I'll have a true Alpha by my side."

"Parrish! Stop!" Scott growled to the Hellhound.

"And then a Banshee, a were-coyote, a Original tribrid-" He listed off.

"A Stiles." A voiced piped up from the side.

"A what-" Douglas asked only to be hit with a metal bat across his head.

"Bad guy, right? I didn't misread that?" Stiles asked the three. Hearing growls below him, "Oh, God." He hastily ran towards the three in front of him.

Parrish rushed forwards to attack them all, only for Kai to roll his eyes, "Motus." He mumbled, and walked towards the three teens. A body clattered backwards into the wall behind the heretic.

He watched Scott and Stiles hug one another. "Oh, man!" Stiles smiled into his best friend's shoulder. "Oh, it's so good to see you."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Liam's frantic voice piped up.

"Hey, buddy long time no see." Stiles hugged the heretic tightly. Who furrowed his brows and awkwardly tapped the human's back.

Stiles engulfed Liam into a hug, "Liam! It's so good to see you too!" He smiled widely hugging the beta.

"Yeah, no, hey!" Liam, pointed frantically behind the human. "It's great to see you, Stiles. But, uh."

The four turned around to see the hellhound back up, "Okay. Yeah, we should go, go go." Stiles pointed down the hall way.


"SANGIEMA meam et nos mundo carcerema, sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema..." Bonnie and Ophelia chanted together, the ascendant opened in Ophelia's hands. Bonnie grasped the vile and poured it in the centre of the metal object. Malia and Lydia held onto the witches arms. "Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema, sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema-"

A bright light engulfed the four girls. Opening their eyes they were met with darkness. Ophelia shoved the ascendant into her jacket pocket, the remainder of the vile with Garrett's blood followed along.

"You sure you took us to the right place?" Malia asked eyeing their surroundings.

"Unless there's another Wild Hunt dimension, I'd say yes." Ophelia remarked.

The four walked down the unlit hallway, coming to a halt the four eyed the numerous people who sat in the station. Malia eyed the people carefully, Ophelia eyed the numerous heads, some from different towns. She looked frantically for a familiar face.

"Okay. Listen up, everybody! We've all go to get out of here!" Malia announced to the people who sat still and unmoving. "We gotta go right now!"

Bonnie pulled the Original's sleeve, Ophelia whipped her head around. Parting her lips, her breath hitched. Walking forwards she eyed the faces of her family, Freya who sat beside her wife Keelin and their daughter Margo. Elijah who sat with his wife Hayley, Kol and Davina, Rebekah and Marcel, Caroline beside her fiancรฉ Niklaus and Hope. Tears breamed her eyes as she walked slowly to the hybrid and knelt in front of her twin-brother.

"Oh, my God. Is that-" Lydia mumbled looking to the Original's family.

"My family." Ophelia whispered.


"I can't believe I was gone for a few days. And the town went to hell." Stiles frantically said running into a room leaving the three males outside of the room.

"You were gone for three months." Scott furrowed his brows to his best friend.

Stiles stumbled out of the room popping his head out of the door way, "What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Three months." Liam affirmed.

Stiles gaped and ran across the hall, "Okay, if they don't let me graduate, I swear to God-" He rambled searching the room.

"You guys wanted to bring this guy back?" Kai raised a brow to the boys.

Stiles popped his head out and gaped at the man in offence, "You're one of Klaus' friends aren't you?" Stiles accused the heretic who rolled his eyes.

"What are you looking for?" Liam asked the frantic human.

"Ah! This!" Stiles stumbled out of the room holding nitrogen liquid. "And him." He nodded to the Hellhound who walked down the hall towards the four. "Grab him. Grab him now." Stiles nodded to the three then to the Hellhound.

The three nodded and ran forwards grabbing a hold of Parrish. Stiles stood back aiming the nozzle to the hellhound. He sprayed Parrish furiously.

Liam squealed and rubbed at his arms, "God, ow!"

"Liam, you're fine." Stiles furrowed his brows at the squealing beta.

"God, that doesn't feel good. You know?" His voice cracked near the end, clearing his throat he looked to human with a nod.

"Stiles? What are you doing here?" Parrish looked up at the human.

"Buddy, love you, but we're way past that, okay? You gotta fill us in. What's going on?" Stiles nodded to the hellhound.

"Douglas... He's merging the worlds so the Ghost Riders can cross over." He explained, as the three helped him up.

"He wants a supernatural army in our world. Weird, thought going to hell would be weird but, nah, this is weirder." Kai tilted his head in confusion.

"Wait, you were in hell?" Stiles asked, raising a brow in curiosity. Kai nodded.

"How do we stop him?" Scott asked the hellhound.

"The train. It's coming." Parrish nodded to the boards that were placed on the hospital's wall.

"How do we stop that?" Kai asked.

"You can't. But you can divert it."


"HOW the hell do you merge worlds? Okay, nowhere in the manual does it say that werewolves can do that. And Scott and I pretty much wrote the manual." Stiles rambled to the three.

"We can't even move between them, all right?" Scott shook his head. The three looked over to the heretic who smiled cheerfully looked around the woods, looking ahead of the group. "Have you heard of merging worlds?"

"Hmm? Uh, no. I did however merge with my twin. Well, it was my younger brother who was 22, and when I came back from my prison world after leaving my girlfriend there, which at the time we hated each other." Kai rambled. "I did have a crush on her. But I was 22, so I merged with him instead of my sister, and I got all his emotions. Because I was a sociopath-" He explained nonchalantly.

"He doesn't know." Stiles shook his head, interrupting the heretic.

"We can't move between worlds. But Corey can. He can exist in both worlds." Liam announced looking to the three. "I'm going to go into the hunt." Liam nodded to the three.

"Uh, Liam I think you're confused. We're trying to get people out of the hunt." Stiles furrowed his brows.

"He can get taken by a Ghost Rider." Kai piped up with a shrug.

"It's just... That's not a pleasant option. I'm just speaking from experience." Stiles said to heretic.

"I don't need to get taken to get into the Hunt." Liam nodded.

"Okay. Seems like you got an idea, let's discu-" Stiles nodded. Liam took off running. "Where are you going?" He called out to the beta.

"I'll be back." He shouted and quickly ran.

"Were we like that?" Stiles asked his best friend.

"Worse." Scott nodded.


"NIK?" Ophelia whispered, her lips quivered. She placed her warm hand over his cold one which had Hope's beneath his. "Nik." She pressed. The tribrid raised her hand and placed her finger tips on her brother's cheek.

The Original blinked, Ophelia chuckled in happiness. "O?" He whispered to the red head. Ophelia nodded chuckling. Klaus lifted his hand from his daughter's hand, who now moved and blinked looking to her aunt. Hope looked to the red head in disbelief.

Klaus embraced his twin in a hug. Hope following along. Bonnie smiled down at the three. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around the witch, looking up she was met with a pair of blue eyes, and blonde hair. "Care?" Bonnie asked with tearful eyes.

"Yeah." She giggled through her watery.

Ophelia stood up seeing her family standing up hugging one another. The family hugged the red head.

"PETER!" A loud voice shouted from across the room. The family looked over seeing Malia snapping her fingers in front of her father's face.

"I see you brought the coyote." Klaus piped up nodding to the brunette.

"Bloody hell, that one will make you go deaf." Rebekah widened her eyes to the brunette. Marcel rolled his eyes at the blonde.

Ophelia rolled her eyes and nudged her brother. The family walked over to the coyote. "You need to do an emotional connection like Lia." Lydia piped up, smiling to the family who all looked in relief seeing the four girls.

"Dang. Wish I could help." Malia shrugged. The family, Lydia and Bonnie all sighed and looked to the coyote. "I'm not saying it." She shook her head. "I'm not saying it."

"Okay, well, I guess everyone dies." Lydia shrugged.

A growl escaped her throat. "Dad. Dad." She repeated.

"Say it like you mean it, love." Kol piped up, his arm draped around the brunette witch. "We don't have all day."

"Dad. Please wake up." Malia whispered softly. Malia stood up and watched her father stand to his feet.

"Now, let's get the hell out of here." Davina muttered, nodding to the group.

Ophelia engulfed the witch in a hug. "I got your message. I saw him. Thank you." She whispered to the witch who giggled softly.

"He was persistant. And Freya helped to." She smiled pulling away. Ophelia smiled up at her sister who kissed her forehead.

The group looked around seeing the townies stand to their feet and walk towards the train, "I can't stop them. Do you know how many there are?" Peter asked in disbelief.

Klaus walked over, Caroline sighed in annoyance, placing her hand on Hope's shoulder; wanting to her other daughters who were back in Mystic Falls.

"Peter is it?" Klaus smiled to the wolf who nodded. "Well, mate. It seems you're going to do something one way or the other. You have a family of supernaturals who are here as well. Now you can either help or I can easily pop your little head off. Your choice of course." He smirked taughntingly.

"This way." Peter nodded with a fake smile. The family, banshee, coyote and witch followed behind the wolf. Only to come to a halt alongside the train attendees. Seeing the riders up ahead.

"Different route?" Marcel asked.

"Different route." Lydia nodded, taking off.

The group ran through double doors off to the side of the room. Coming to a halt, seeing Chris and Melissa kissing one another. A rider walked out from the side aiming his gun to the couple.

Elijah sped over and snapped the rider's neck. The duo looked up with parted lips seeing the Original family standing before them. "I believe the term you are looking for is, OMG."


"WE need to get everyone." Melissa nodded to the family.

"One step ahead of you." Freya nodded to the nurse.

The group opened the doors in front of them and eyed the human's who ran around hurriedly in fear. Ophelia narrowed her eyes seeing a weak looking Corey, held up by Mason and Liam. Hayden's eyes met the red head's a smile spread across her lips.

"Guys." She nudged the two. The three looked up seeing the Original family standing beside one another.

"Oh, thank God." Liam breathed out.

The four dragged a wounded Corey to the family. "What happened?" Ophelia asked the four bitting into her wrist she fed the Chimera her blood who gratefully drank from her wrist. His wounds slowly healed.

"They were using his energy for the station. He was keeping everyone here." Mason explained, eyeing the family in awe.

"We need to get everyone to calm down." Keelin said eyeing the rowdy and frightened human's.

"Scott is diverting the train." Bonnie nodded to the four teens.

"How do we know when it's done-" Hayden asked with wide eyes. Finishing her sentence a roar echoed through all their ears.

"Like that." Liam breathed out, his eyes glowed ambient. Followed by the Chimera's and the family.

"We have to do it now!" Bonnie exclaimed to the red head. "Everyone's here which means it'll work."

The family walked into the centre of the room, followed by Melissa, Argent and the teens. Ophelia pulled out the ascendant, Freya stood to her left, then Davina, followed by Hope, then Bonnie to Ophelia's right.

"Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema, sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema." The five chanted, together in unison. The wind picked up, lights blew out. Bodies began to disappear one by one, sending them back to Beacon Hills."Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema, sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema!"


THE group looked around seeing that they were now in the woods. The family looked to one another and nodded. Chris and Melissa, ended back at the McCall house. Mason, Corey, Liam and Hayden back at the Dunbar's residence.

"O?" A voice asked from behind the family.

The family turned around seeing Malia, Scott, Peter, and Theo surrounded by the riders and an enraged Garrett Douglas.

"Hey." She smiled and waved to the four who parted their lips in shock. "Oh, yeah by the way-" The tribrid raised the ascendant up to Douglas who glared at the object then to her and the family that stood beside her. Ophelia smirked. "Incendia." She whispered glaring at the Alpha/Lion. She dropped the object to the floor.

"No!" Garrett shouted. The riders placed their guns in their holsters and walked away from the Alpha following the tracks back.

"You!" He hissed glaring to the red headed Original.

"Me." She nodded smirking in amusement. Theo smiled seeing the red head in relief, followed by Malia and Scott.

Garrett shouted to the riders, "Where are you going?" He asked. "Stop. Zuruckkommen. Come back and kill them. Tote sie!" He shouted in German.

"Call your army back. Or don't they listen to you?" Theo taunted with a smirk.

"I am your leader!" He yelled to the riders. "Ich bin dein Anfuhrer!" Garett shouted. "Obey me. Gehorcht mir!" Douglas smirked seeing the riders face him. "Kill them. Tote sie." The riders surrounded Douglas, his smirk fell.

"Riders don't bow. They have no leader." Elijah piped up from his spot.

Klaus rolled his eyes, and sped forwards ripping off Garret Douglas' head. "Well, then. That was quite a bore." He joked.

Theo, Scott, Malia and Peter widened their eyes at the hybrid. The family rolled their eyes at the Original. Klaus turned around seeing the riders and Douglas now gone.

"I like him." Peter nodded to the hybrid.


OPHELIA entered her home with a bright smile, seeing her family. Elijah, Hayley, Freya and Keelin sat together in the living room. Davina and Kol sat with Margo, and Hope. Rebekah and Marcel by the mini bar in the living room. Kai and Bonnie by the two. Caroline and Klaus made their way over to the red head.

"How are you feeling, sister?" Klaus asked softy.

"Better. I'm just-" She breathed out. "Everyone's here." She giggled. Caroline smiled at the red head.

"Well, thanks to you and the pack." She smiled softly.

"Yeah." Ophelia nodded.

"Nik! Where did you put the bloody drinks we brought?" Rebekah asked raising two glasses in the air to the hybrid.

Klaus rolled his eyes, kissing the top of his twins head he walked over. "Please sister, do yell. Let the entire state of California hear you why not." He sarcastically said to the blonde, who stuck her tongue out like a child.

Ophelia and Caroline chuckled, "By the way." She whispered. "There's someone upstairs who wants to see you." She winked to the red head.

Ophelia furrowed her brows and made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. Hearing a heart beat in her room, she unlocked the door. She parted her lips seeing Theo with his hands shoved into the front of his jean pockets.

"Hey." He smiled softly. "Uh, Caroline? I think her name is. Let me in. She's very peppy." He nodded to the red head.

Ophelia nodded and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Sorry about her." She giggled softly.

Theo smiled at the Original. His smile faltered, as he cleared his throat. "So, how are you?"

"Uh, good. Considering." She shrugged, there were people she still needed to see specifically two blonde's from Devenprep, who had called her hours before. She looked up meeting Theo's ocean blue eyes, "You?" She asked softly.

"Good." He nodded.

The two stood in silence, "Loo-" "I-" The two began interuptting one another. Ophelia giggled and shook her head. "Sorry, you go." He nodded to the tribrid.

"Um, I wanted." Ophelia swallowed thickly, looking down at her hands. "I wanted to thank you." She said quietly. She looked up meeting his confused irises. "For helping us. You could have left us for dead. I don't know if you did it because you didn't want to get taken or because of Liam putting you back in hell-"

"Liam destroyed the sword." Theo voiced up.

Ophelia looked to the Chimera with shocked eyes, "Oh, well. I get you didn't want to get caught. Either way thank you." She nodded softly.

"You don't need to thank me." Theo shook his head.

Ophelia glanced to the Chimera's feet seeing a duffle bag. "Are you going somewhere?" She asked quietly, changing the topic.

Theo parted his lips and looked down to his bag then to the Original. "Uh, yeah." He nodded, her brows pulled together in confusion. "I'm leaving."

Ophelia swallowed harshly, "Home?" She asked weakly.

"Uh, no. Beacon Hills." He answered with a firm nod.

"Where?" She asked, her chest aching at the thought of him leaving again. "Y-You just got here. You helped the pack." She smiled sadly and in confusion.

"I have some family in Virginia. And Scott doesn't want me in the pack, well, everyone in the pack doesn't want me in the pack. None of you guys exactly like me or care if I died again anyways. Not complaining I definitely deserve it." He joked.

Ophelia shook her head, "Scott, is thankful for what you did." She said, mainly referencing herself. "Y-You helped Liam, and all of us. Because of you I got my family back, Stiles, Brett and Lori. You can't leave. Y-You just got back." Her voice wavered.

Theo shook his head not wanting to get emotional. He knew it would be hard to leave her, even though he had left her once already. He didn't want her to cry anymore, or be upset. He wanted her to be free and happy. And he knew the boy who loved her whether it was Scott McCall or Brett Talbot, he knew those two could give her that happiness, love. Everything he wished he could give her, but had tainted it all with his selfish ways.

"You can't leave. Not again." She shook her head. "Is this about what I said? About me not caring if you died?" She asked. Theo sighed through his nose and shook his head. "About, how I wouldn't care if you died, how I wouldn't shed a tear?" She asked walking up to the boy, tears breamed her eyes. "I-I didn't mean it." She admitted. "I should have meant it. But I didn't. In reality I was a mess." She giggled sadly through her tears. Theo gnawed on his lips, biting the inside of his cheek, refusing to cry.

"I cried for weeks, until I found these herbs which made me see you." She explained. "I-I didn't know what to do, Theo." She whispered. "And when I slowly got better, you came back. And now you're leaving me again." She glared to the Chimera.

Theo inhaled sharply, regretting his next words. "You let me die." Ophelia parted her lips, flashes of Theo yelling at her for his death when she felt guilty when she'd see him through those months, his death flashed before her eyes. "I was in hell because of you."

"And you don't think I wasn't in my own hell?" She breathed out. Theo shook his head, "I had my friends, but all I could think of was you." She whimpered. "I'm so sorry, just please don't leave me. Not again." She shook her head.

She felt as if she was reliving this all over again. First Erica Reyes, and now Theo Raeken. The boy who had betrayed her. The boy she had fallen for. His smile. His charm. His eyes. The boy who died. Who came back was now leaving her again. Only this time she'd have to live with the thought of knowing he was alive and not with her. Selfish? Yes. But she didn't care. Not anymore.

A moment of silence passed the two. Ophelia parted her lips wanting to hear the Chimera say he'd stay, and he'd ask for a room down the hall from her. That he'd be returning to Beacon Hills to finish off school. Something that involved him staying in the town, she silently begged.

"I'm sorry." Theo whispered meeting her reddened eyes. "But you deserve better." Theo walked over to the whimpering girl, he cupped her cheeks, his thumb caressing the soft skin beneath. He placed his soft lips on the Original's forehead. "Don't look for me. Don't contact me. Stay away from me." He looked down meeting her doe eyes. The Chimera turned on his heel and grabbed his bag walking to her window, coming to halt hearing her call his name.

"Tell me you never loved me." Her broken voice met his ears. Theo bit his quivering lip, swallowing a lump in his throat. "Tell me. And I won't. I won't cry over you, I won't wait for you. I'll move on." She whimpered. "Tell me you never felt anything for me. That you used me. That it was all pretend."

Theo looked down to his shoes then up out the window with watery eyes. Inhaling sharply, "I never loved you." He whispered.

And with that he left. Left the Mikaelson mansion. Beacon Hills High. Beacon Hills. The McCall pack. And Ophelia Mikaelson. With the biggest lie he had ever uttered.

AN ๐Ÿฆ‹โœจ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

I'm sobbing. I already know when I write the first chapter of 6B I'll be sobbing. SO here you go, 6B will start soon...

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