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THEY WERE STOOD IN THE FOYET AS REBEKAH STARED AT THE PAINTING OF HERSELF THAT HUNG ON THE WALL. Grace was stood next to her, tilting her head slightly. Rebekah didn't really seem like she quite liked the painting. Shaking her head, she bites the inside of her cheek. "That is just not my chin, Nik. It was much more delicate." Rebekah scolds as she narrows her eyes. Grace laughs, shaking her head. Klaus raises his eyebrows at his sister.

"The only thing delicate about you is your ego." Klaus retorts and Rebekah turns to face him, not pleased by his comment.

"When placed beside the bohemth size of yours, certainly." She tells him and Klaus glares at her slightly. Grace leans back against the piano that Klaus had his phone placed on.

"Could we dispense of this fascinating dispute for just a moment and return to the subject of our supposed long-lost sister?" Elijah asks, his voice coming through it. Rebekah sighs as she runs a hand through her hair.

"There's not much to discuss, Elijah. Said she was Freya and then darted off into the night." Rebekah states, not having much else to say about the subject.

"And you believed her?" Elijah asks, still not fully believing that their sister, who had supposedly been giving to their aunt Dahlia, was still living.

"Well, I met the girl in a mystical loony bin, she could be anyone telling any lie, but she did seem familiar somehow." Rebekah admits as she squints, trying to remember where she knew the girl from. Klaus sighs as he turns, walking a few feet away from them.

"Then how is she still alive? A question as ridiculous as it's possible solutions, given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death?" Klaus states with a scoff before turning back to look at Rebekah who just rolls her eyes.

"I don't know, Nik. I'm just telling you what she said." She responds, not knowing what else she could really say.

"Well, did you happen to ask if by some similiar miracle, our aunt Dahlia lives as well?" He asks as he stares expectantly at Rebekah who clenches her jaw.

"I barely had a chance to process-"

"Because on the list of obvious questions, it would be nice to know if the woman who placed a curse on the firstborns of this family is still breathing air." Klaus states, his voice full of anger. Rebekah glares back at him, not allowing him to speak to her this way.

"Then let me turn back time and do it again to your liking then." She shouts back, her fists clenching together. Grace only lifts her hands to her face, and it seems that Elijah was fed up as well as his voice pipes through the phone.

"Enough, both of you." Elijah tells them with a sigh. "If she is who she says, we'll find out soon enough. For now, it remains imperative that no one learns of Hope's existence. This has been our salvation thus far." He explains to them and Klaus scoffs as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Unless Hayley's husband to be starts flapping his gums. Perhaps I should take preventative measures and seperate him from his head." Klaus states and Grace glares at him, once again hitting him as he really couldn't stop saying he wanted to kill Jackson.

"Stop threatening Jackson's life." She scolds and he only glances towards her, acting innocent.

"Jackson will do nothing to jeapordize that wedding." Elijah points out, knowing he wanted to unite the wolves and get them out from underneath the witches. Rebekah's eyes widen as the phone call ends.

"Hayleys getting married?" She asks them, scoffing lightly as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Well what in the hell else did I miss?" Rebekah looks between the couple and Klaus only smirks.

"Kol and Graces unending bickering." He points out and Grace narrows her eyes at him, hitting his arm as he only chuckles.

"Talking like you and Jenna aren't at each other's throats." She replies and Klaus just seems to ignore her comment.

"She also shot her father but didn't kill him."ย  Klaus tells his sister who looked confused but more surprised. Rebekah would've thought that grace would take the opportunity to shoot him in the head.

"Because it wasn't time." Grace groans as she glared at Klaus who only shrugs his shoulders. Rebekah furrows her eyebrows.

"You let your father live?" Rebekah asks her and Klaus points towards his sister with a proud smirk on his face.

"See, even Rebekah agrees with me." Klaus points out and Grace was not amused with him. And it's like he had any room to talk when both his parents were still alive. Well, Esther was relatively alive.

"Says the one that hasn't killed Mikael yet." She retorts as she raises her eyebrows at him. Klaus only glares playfully at her before she smirks and pats him on the chest. Grace moves past him, exiting the room.


GRACE HEADED DOWN THE STAIRS, seeing that Kol, Rebekah and Klaus were all in the courtyard. She furrows her eyebrows as she makes her way over to them, crossing her arms against her chest. "What's going on?" She asks as she stops beside Klaus, looking at him with a curious expression on her face. And she knew Klaus was frustrated because he could stop pacing.

"Apparently Finn is trying to reveal our secret from Marcel." Klaus informs her and Graces eyes widen a bit. But she knew that Finn took Marcel and his vampires for a reason, and they had compelled Marcel to forget but there were ways to put things together.

"What?" She asks as she didn't want anything happening to Hope. She knew Elijah was with her but that might not be enough. "Guessing that's why he's here." Grace questions as she points towards Kol who only smirks, waving slightly.

"Good to see you too, darling." Kol replies and she rolls her eyes. He moves his gaze to his brother, narrowing his eyes. "So, what is the secret anyways?" He asks curiously as none of them had actually said what Finn was looking for.

"The term secret implies something only known by those who have earned the right to be aware of it. Start the spell." Klaus informs him as he stares down at his brother. Kol only glares lightly as he rolls his eyes.

"Well, it's easier said than done. Finn is channeling the power from our parents. He's a lot stronger than something some week old witch and I can do." He admits as he gestured over to Rebekah who looked offended by what he said.

"Now, hang on. I might not be trained but i--" She stops talking when the compass on the map just blows off. Kol sighs as he sits back. Rebekah let's herself sit on the couch behind her. "Blast." She mutters as she felt defeated.

"We need a stronger witch. Call Davina." Klaus tells Kol who immediately shakes his head, getting up and walking over to the man.

"No, no, no, no, no." He denies, worry on his face. "I don't want her to know that I'm sick." Kol admits and Grace looks at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Sick?" She asks him, her eyes roaming over his appearance for a moment. "I did notice you look more awful than normal." Grace states and Kol could only glare at the woman, not really in the mood for her jokes.

"Bite me." Kol snaps at her and grace only smirks, placing her hand on her hip. Klaus sighs, stepping in front of grace to stop their silly little bickering.

"Then do a better bloody job." Klaus tells him and Kol rolls his eyes, clenching his jaw.

"I just need time." He admits with a sigh. Grace crosses her arms against her chest, thinking of something else they could do.

"I can call Jenna." She suggests and she could see that Klaus wasn't very fond with the idea. "You might not like her but she's a pretty powerful witch, even though she doesn't use magic often." Grace tells him and she knew Klaus was debating it, probably going through all the pros and cons.

"I don't want to be indebted to her." Klaus points out, not really needed the woman to hold it over his head. Grace rolls her eyes as she gives a slight glare.

"She'll do it as a favour to me." She states and Klaus clenches his jaw before letting out a sigh.

"Fine." He responds and grace takes out her phone in order to send a text to Jenna. Klaus turns back to his brother. "The spell the Finn cast to lock you in your body, do you remember it?" Klaus asks him and Kol raises his eyebrows.

"Well, I was a little distracted by the murdery part." Kol admits.

"If we can use his own spell against him. Once he's locked in his body, I can end our collective woes with a brief snap of the neck." Klaus states as that was all they had to do in order to get rid of Finn. His eyes move to Kol, a smirk forming on his lips. "All I need to do is pull it from your memory." He tells the man who immediately holds out his hand, backing up from the hybrid.

"No, no. I am not allowing anybody into my mind. Do you understand?" He retorts and Klaus did not seem all too pleased by his answer.

"You came into my home, asking for my help. This is it." Klaus tells him as he walks over to the man who was still cautious. "It's not a request." He states before grabbing the man's head. Kol groans as Klaus goes through his memories, seeing one about Kol saying how he would love nothing more to drive a dagger through his heart. Klaus let's him go, his face showing anger and betrayal.

"See?" Kol holds his hands up in defense, knowing Klaus was livid with him. "I'm guessing just by the look on your face, that it worked. Just listen-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Klaus had only grabbed him and threw him towards the wall. Kol hits his head before falling to the ground.

"You come simpering for brotherly love and the whole time, you're plotting against me with that damn dagger." Klaus shouts towards him, walking over to his brother who was holding his bleeding head. "You're no better than Finn." He states as he stares down at him with a deadly expression on his face.

"Ah, and you threatening me makes you better than Finn, does it?" Kol retorts with a scoff as he glares at his brother. Rebekah groans, having enough of their little tantrums, they had much bigger problems to deal with.

"The both of you just stop it." She states as she walks over to them. But Kol seemed like he already had enough of them.

"I came to you because you're my family, but I see whilst you and rebekah and Elijah all hang portraits and share secrets, I'm the odd one out." Kol points out as he stares directly at Klaus. Grace glances at him, seeing that he was trying to keep himself calm. "You want to know where Finn is? You want to find a way to kill him? Then you can figure it out yourself." He shouts, getting in his face before he uses magic against Klaus making the man groan in pain. Kol uses it against Rebekah, making her stumble back before storming out of the compound.

Rebekah scoffs as she could only shake her head, looking towards her brother. "Your stupid temper will be the end of you one day. Just know that." She tells him before leaving the room. Klaus was left standing there and Grace places her hand on his back, rubbing softly.

"On the bright side, Jenna's on her way." Grace tries to cheer him up but she could tell that he was unamused by her attempt, especially because he didn't like the woman who was coming to help them. She lets out a sigh as he just answers his phone that was ringing, bringing it to his ear.

"What is it, Hayley?"


GRACE WAS EXPLAINING THE SITUATION TO JENNA, trying to do it fast so that they could find and stop Finn quickly. "So, you need to find Finn?" Jenna asks curiously as she was stood in the living room with Grace as Rebekah and Klaus were in the courtyard.

"Yeah, he's trying to get to Hope. We need to stop him before he can." Grace explains to her and Jenna nods her head slowly.

"But he's channeling Esther and Mikael?" She questions and Grace sighs, nodding. "It will be hard to break through that barrier but I may be able to do it." Jenna tells her and Grace closes her eyes for a moment before taking Jenna's hand.

"I really appreciate this, Jen." Grace admits and Jenna only smiles at her.

"You never need to thank me. I'm always here for you." Jenna replies before they hear a loud groan from the other room. She furrows her eyebrows as she glances at the door. "What was that?" She asks and grace only shakes her head.

"I have no idea." Grace replies before they both head to the courtyard, only to see Rebekah unconscious on the floor and Kol using magic on Klaus who had blood spilling from his mouth. "What the hell is going on?" She asks as she witnesses the scene in front of her. Kol only glances at them for a second before sending Jenna flying back into the wall as he saw she raised her hand. "Jenna!" Grace gasps as she rushes over to help the woman who was groaning on the ground.

"Oh, you're angry are you? Well, join the party I've been here a thousand years!" Kol shouts at his brother, increasing his magic on the man who spits out more blood. "I was building that dagger to protect myself against you, Nik. Im not the bad guy in this chapter of our family's story!" He explains to him, shaking his head as he was practically filling with rage. "I'm the wronged. I'm the dead but never mourned, and whilst you got everything you wanted, I got a family who didn't care if I lived or if I died!" Kol tells Klaus who growls, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, shut up." Klaus speeds him to the wall holding him by his throat. Kol tries to fight against him but Klaus holds him still. "We've all suffered! We've all been wronged!" He shouts back at his brother who's eyes were filled with tears.

"Go on! Go on, finish it off!" Kol yells, his voice cracking as he stared right into Klaus' eyes. "Go on, kill me!" He demands and Klaus shakes his head, looking at Kol like he had gone insane before letting him go.

"I'm not gonna kill you, you idiot." Klaus says as he backs up from him, letting Kol slide down to the floor. "Despite your behaviour, you're still my brother." He points out and Kol only glares at him.

"Yeah, just the one you dagger repeatedly." Kol points out and Klaus couldn't take it anymore.

"I've daggered all of you, each for your own good! If you don't agree with my motives, fine. I never claimed to be the bastion of temperance." Klaus states as he shakes his head, staring at his brother who was just sat on the ground. "But stop this drivel about being singled out and unloved. You are a mikaelson. You're my blood, and I need you, I need you by my side." He tells Kol, taking a step closer to him. Kol scoffs, a tear leaving his eye.

"What does it even mean, Nik? Hm?" He asks, shaking his head. "You talk about family, family this, family that. I haven't even earned the right to share your secrets, have I?" Kol questions as he stares up at him. Grace just stood quietly as she let them work out their own issues. But she could relate to where Kol was coming from, really he was just misunderstood.

"No, you haven't. But by all means, brother, prove yourself. It's not too late." Klaus tells him before offering his hand. Kol grabs it and Klaus pulls him up off of the ground.

"Finn wants your blood. Promised to heal me if I delivered it." Kol states and Klaus clenches his jaw. It didn't take a genius to figure out why he wanted Klaus' blood.

"You know where he is?" He asks and Kol just tilts his head.

"You've gotta tell me why he wants it." Kol says as he looks at Klaus who was still reluctant. "Look, Nik. You've gotta trust me for once in your life, and I will stand by your side, I promise." He states as he stares at his brother. Klaus seemed taken aback by his statement.

"You would risk your life to help me?" Klaus asks, still not fully believing it because Kol often tried to help himself.

"I know enough about dark magic to know that I'm hexed." Kol states and he could see klaus's gaze soften. "There's no reversing what Finn's done to me. Which makes him a murderer and a list, and if I'm gonna die, I'll be damned if he gets what he wants." He explains to his brother. Grace frowns, she honestly felt bad for him. When she learned he was sick, she thought there was something he could do about it.

"Finn has been dead to me for a long time. Tonight I intend to make that official." Klaus retorts before putting his hand on kols shoulder. "Help me. Then I will share my secret with you." He assures the man.

"He'll be in the bell tower of the Saint Louis cathedral." Kol tells him and Klaus nods his head. Kol suddenly takes his hands, moving them near his head.ย  "Go inside my head. Find the spell. Let's finish this." He states and Klaus stares at him for a moment before doing what he asked. It was a few seconds before Klaus pulled away from him.

"I guess you don't need me anymore." Jenna points out, if they had already found out where Finn was. Grace just gives her a smile.

"Thanks for coming anyways." Grace says as she grabs the girls hand, giving it a squeeze.

"I might need your help though." Kol admits as he looks over at the woman who only narrows her eyes. "You're a Harrington witch, right? As in Georgina Harrington?" He asks and she just slowly nods her head.

"That's right." She answers before bringing her arms to cross against her chest. "Apologize first." Jenna demands as she did not like how he had practically threw her back.

"I'm sorry, darling. Just collateral." Kol admits, knowing that Jenna could've taken him down while he was trying to talk to Klaus.

"How sweet." Jenna retorts with a roll of her eyes. "This is whole family is filled with such charming men." She mutters as she glances around the group and grace just nudges her slightly.


"Fine. I'll help." She states with a sigh as she clenches her jaw. "I can't do anything about that Hex though, sorry." Jenna says, her tone more sincere now though, because she didn't think anyone deserved to be hexed.

"I know." Kol replies as he nods his head. He appreciated her help though. Jenna sighs as she puts her hands on her hips.

"I'll need to channel you if we're going to trap Finn while he's channeling your parents." Jenna tells him as there was nothing she could really do by herself since Mikael and Esther were both originals.

"Do what you need to." He states with a nod before Jenna moves her eyes to Klaus.

"I'll also strengthen the protection on Hope, if you want me to." Jenna tells him and for the first time, Klaus actually looked at her with sincerity in his eyes.

"Thank you." He responds and she only nods her head. Kol moves his eyes over to Grace who was standing next to Jenna.

"Look, if I'm gonna die.." Kol starts, trailing off for a moment as he takes a deep breath. "I know you don't like me, and I know you think I stalked you but I was on the other side for years. I take interest to those who get close to my family." He admits, it wasn't like he was solely watching her. But he has noticed her starting to increasingly spend more time with his siblings. "For what it's worth, I actually admire you." He admits and Graces gaze turns kind hearted, a small smile appearing on her lips. She was surprised that Kol had said that but she knew he didn't want to have any regrets if he was going to die.

"Kol." She says softly, a sigh leaving her lips. Grace looks down at the ground for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "I might argue, and make fun of you... But never once have I wanted you to die. Not only because I know Davina cares about you, but I get your pain." Grace admits as she plays with her fingers. She could see the light confusion on kols face but it was mainly appreciation. "I know what it's like, being born into a family who doesn't appreciate you. Who only gives you torment and anguish. You felt alone and betrayed, trust me. I've been there. Sure, I didn't have to deal with it for a thousand years but I do understand, Kol." She states as her gaze was gentle as she stared at the man who listened to her intently. "You were only wanting your family to apologize for the pain they caused you."ย  Grace finishes as she had moved towards him, now placing her hand on his shoulder. Kol nods his head, his eyes on her and he felt... Relieved, that someone genuinely understood how he felt.

"I hope you make peace with your family, as well." Kol admits and grace smiles, shaking her head as there was slight pain in her eyes.

"Unfortunately that will never be in the cards for me. Unlike Nik and Rebekah who do genuinely care and love you, my family has never been like that." Grace tells him and Kol frowns for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows. She bites her cheek as she did really feel bad for the man. "I'm really sorry that there's nothing we can do to save you." She says sincerely as she rubs his arm before letting her hand drop to her side. Kol nods his head, smiling softly but he chuckles lightly.

"I'm surprised you didn't end that speech with some joke about me." Kol admits as he was fully prepared to hear some dig about him. Grace laughs as she smiles at him.

"I thought about it, but decided to keep it sincere." Grace points out as she shrugs her shoulders. Kol shakes his head, rolling his eyes playfully.

"You've got quite a magnificent woman, Nik." Kol says as he looks over at his brother, a small smile on his face. Klaus smiles back before his eyes meet Graces. His heart can't help but skip a beat as he looks at her, he knew he got really lucky with her. Because she was really something special.

"I know."


I will probably split this book into two because I realized doing all 5 seasons in one is a lot since we're like only halfway through season 2 right now. So I'll make a book two when we get to the wedding so the second half of season 3, and then 4 & 5 will be in book two.

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