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GRACE LETS OUT A SIGH AS SHE RUNS HER HANDS THROUGH HER HAIR. She was completely exhausted from everything that had been happening recently. She knew that being in New Orleans, choosing to stay would bring her into all of this supernatural crap. But she honestly didn't think it would her this big. Especially having both of Klaus' resurrected parents trying to kill him, along with one of his brothers. Esther says she didn't want to kill him, but putting him in a body and taking away his immortality was killing him essentially.
She felt a presence behind her making her narrow her eyes. Grace was currently in a hotel room since she needed rest and couldn't go back to the compound yet. She knew Elijah and Camille were both with Hope. Hayley was in the Bayou with Jackson. Hanna was out with her dad. Jenna said she was in the market and Klaus was too busy dealing with Finn.
Grace turns around as she heard footsteps, coming into eye contact with the one person she never wanted to have to talk to again. Her father. She lets out a scoff as she glared at the man standing in front of her. "God, you never learn, do you?" She asks him as he seriously had a death wish. There was no reason why he had to keep bothering her, other than he just loved doing it.
"You think some vague little threat is going to stop me?" Robert asks her as he walks towards her. Grace takes a step back before shaking her head.
"No. But it's nice to know that I'm your entire personality." Grace points out, he clearly didn't have a life of his own. Robert chuckles as he shrugs his shoulders.
"I just want to be involved in my daughter's life again." He tells her and grace bites the inside of her cheek, her fists clenching together.
"Don't you think I ran away for a reason?" She questions, raising an eyebrow at him. She clearly didn't run away just for the fun of it.
"I think you made a mistake." Robert admits and she couldn't help but laugh loudly as she hears him. He really was delusional.
"A mistake? Really?" Grace asks with a scoff as she narrows her eyes. "And was it a mistake when you put your hand on my thigh when I was only nine?" She asks, her voice wavering as she tried not to really think back on it. A sickening smirk broadens on her father's face.
"Even then, I knew how you would turn out." Robert says and she just let's out a breath, biting her tongue as she just wanted to punch him.
"How I would turn out.. and you don't think you had anything to do with it?" She questions curiously as she genuinely didn't know if her father saw himself as abusive, or was it all justified in his mind? "You abused me, for years. And you expected me to just take it for the rest of my life?" Grace asks him, shaking her head.
"Yes." His words hit her like bricks. Grace could only stare back at him. "Because it's what you deserved." Robert states and Grace had to stop the tears that were going to roll down her cheek.
"I was nine!" She screams at him, her hand placed on her chest. She couldn't believe that he thought a nine year old deserved what he did to her. "I was a child!" Grace tells him and Robert only scoffs.
"You were an ungrateful little bitch." He sneers at her and she only takes a step back, having to compose herself so she didn't completely break in front of him. Because of course, that's what he wanted.
"I never did anything to you." Grace snaps back at him, she had only ever went along with what he did. She never even tried to report him.
"You ruined my life." Robert points out and Grace rolls her eyes. It wasn't her fault they decided not to get the abortion they desperately wanted.
"You both didnt have to have me. You just use it as an excuse to hurt me. Because you know, it's actually all your own fault and there's no one else to blame." She explains to him, their failed marriage, their hardships in life had nothing to do with her. They did it to themselves.
"You think that man actually loves you?" Robert asks and she knew he was referring to Klaus. "Actually cares for you?" He adds with a glare and she only smiles, shrugging her shoulders.
"Yes." Grace states firmly and she could see that he was getting angrier by the second.
"Then you're just as naive as you were when you were a kid." He points out and grace could only smile, but it wasn't one of happiness, it was more that she pitied herself.
"I was never a kid." Grace replies as she shakes her head. She never had the joy of being an actual child, he took that from her. "You never allowed me to be." She states and he only takes a few more steps towards her.
"And you really think I'm going to allow you to have this whole fake happiness of yours?" Robert asks her as he raises an eyebrow at her. Grace just scoffs as she crossed her arms against her chest.
"It's not fake."
"Everyone will leave you or hurt you within time, Grace. Just wait and see." Robert tells her and she only shakes her head, her eyes boring into his.
"Fuck you." She sneers as she didn't believe a word he said. She couldn't. Because if she did, it would send her into a downward spiral. "I made a life for myself. I pushed my way through school, through college. I got my degree." Grace explains to him as she shakes her head.ย "I did that!" She shouts as she points at herself, taking a step closer to him. "The moment I left, is the moment my life finally begun." Grace states as she glared sharply at her father. Robert was only staring down at her, his jaw clenched as he obviously didn't like what she was telling him.
She felt a stinging sensation on her cheek. Her eyes were wide as her gaze now was on the wall beside her. Grace turns her head back to her father, realizing that he had slapped her. She could see the pure anger in his eyes and before she could blink, he had grabbed her arm, throwing her to the ground. Grace gasps as she lands on her arm.
Robert goes to move towards her but she quickly takes the gun from in her waistband, pointing at him. He stops his movements, narrowing his eyes. Grace stands up from the ground, both her hands now on the gun.
"Leave, now." She warns him as she turns the safety off on the gun. Robert chuckles as he smirks at the woman, tilting his head as he stares at the gun in her hand.
"How cute." He replies as he gestured to what she was holding. Grace scoffs as she shakes her head.
"Get the fuck out of my room." Grace demands, her voice hostile and her eyes showing rage. Robert only challenges her, taking a step towards her making her take a step back.
"And what will you do, if I don't?" Robert asks as he raises an eyebrow at her. Grace tightens her grip around the gun, clenching her jaw.
"I will say this one more time. Leave." Her voice was dripping with rage, a deadly expression in her eyes. He only laughed at her. He clearly wasn't taking her seriously even though he knew she's killed someone before.
"You're not going to shoot your own father." Robert denies as he moves towards her again but Grace just puts her finger on the trigger.
"Go!" She shouts towards him as she could feel herselfย shaking. "Or I swear to you, I will pull this trigger." Grace threatens as her gaze darkens. Robert looks down at the gun before meeting her eyes, a sickening expression on his face.
"You don't have the guts." Robert sneers as he glares at her. A gunshot rings through the room suddenly and Robert was sent back stumbling. Grace breathes heavily as she stared at her father who now has a bullet in his shoulder.
"Get the fuck out of here!" She screams at him as she takes a step towards her father. Robert holds his bleeding arm and still manages to just smirk over at her. He gives her one last look before making his way out of the room.
As soon as he was out of sight, Grace lowered the gun, feeling a deep breath leaving her lips. She brings her hand up to her chest before leaning against the wall. She could feel the tears threatening to leave her eyes as she closed them. Sliding down the wall, she just puts her head on top of her knees, the gun still in her hand. Truthfully, she didn't know why she gave him yet another chance. She should have shot him in the head.ย But for some reason, she didn't.
And she had no idea why.
"THIS IS WHY I SUGGESTED KILLING HIM." Jenna tells her as she scoffs. Grace sighs as she looks over at the woman. She had just told Klaus and Jenna about what happened with her dad, but neither of them were really taking it well. Jenna was angry she didn't really do anything to stop him and Klaus was more wanting to do the actual killing.
"No, he came after you, Grace." Jenna states as she crosses her arms. Her tone was full of anger, she had never met the man but she knew if she did, he would be dead before he even said a word. Grace moves her eyes to Klaus, looking for help but he only shakes his head.
"Don't look at me, love. I am all for torturing and killing your father." Klaus points out and Grace leans against the wall. They weren't really understanding her.
"It's not that I don't want him dead." Grace admits as she would love nothing more than to kill him.
"Then why is he still alive?" Jenna asks as, if she really wanted him dead, he would be dead.
"Because I know the reason he keeps trying to infiltrate my life, he hates seeing me happy." Grace points out as that was really the only reason. He hated seeing her smile and have a family that wasn't him.
"He attacked you." Klaus states firmly, not getting why she wasn't more angry with him
"And I dealt with it." Grace replies as she shrugs her shoulders.
"Maybe next time you won't." Jenna retorts as she seriously didn't understand why Robert was still breathing.
"Jenna, I'll be okay." Grace replies with a sigh as she runs a hand through her hair.
"Just let Klaus compel him or something so that he leaves you alone." Jenna suggests as that was something that they could do. It was unlikely that Robert was on vervain. Grace shakes her head, biting her bottom lip.
"I don't know..."
"Love, I can't protect you all the time. If he comes back-" Klaus starts to say, knowing that they were often apart. So he couldn't really have his eyes on her often.
"I don't need you to protect me, Nik. I handled it." Grace replies as she looks up at him. Klaus wasn't reassured though, even though she was grown up, she seemed to hesitate in killing.
"What if your mom comes back too? What are you gonna do?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.
"My mom is more harmless than my dad."
"Grace, just think about this reasonably." Jenna pleads as she crosses her arms against her chest. She couldn't believe that she was working with Klaus in order to try and put some sense in graces brain.
"I am. Look, If he attacks me again, we can kill him, okay?" Grace tells them as she looks between the two. She had already warned her father and if he was stupid enough to test her limits again, he would have a rude awakening. "But if he doesn't, just leave it alone." She states and she could see that Jenna was hesitant about doing that. "Jenna." Her voice was stern and Jenna looks at her. She bites the inside of her cheek before letting out a defeated sigh.
"Okay, I'll leave it alone." She states and Grace moves her eyes over to Klaus.
"Nik." She says warily and he looks like he was thinking about it.
"Love, can't we at least-"
"No." Grace says firmly and Klaus clenches his jaw. But he didn't want to do anything against her wishes.
"Fine. Have it your way." Klaus mutters as he looks down at the ground. Grace nods her head, feeling proud of herself.
"Thank you." She responds and Jenna can only squint at Klaus, a scowl forming.
"What do you see in him, exactly?" Jenna asks as she points at the man next to her. Grace groans, rolling her eyes.
"Jenna, don't start." Grace pleads as she didn't really want to get caught in the middle of an argument, but unfortunately it had already begun.
"I'd say the same thing towards you as a friend." Klaus retorts with a smirk playing on his lips. Jenna scoffs as she glared at the man, walking up to him and placing her finger on his chest.
"I've known her longer and you are not going to just weasel your way in that easily." Jenna informs him and Klaus was amused by her little threat. He didn't really take her seriously, so he really just found the whole thing funny.
"And what will you do about it, sweetheart?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow up at her. Jenna steps closer, going to do a spell but Grace grabs her hand before she could.
"Don't." She warns the woman who moves her eyes from Klaus to grace. "Walk away." Grace tells her and Jenna goes back to glaring at Klaus for a moment. "Just walk away." She says again and this time, Jenna just let's out a groan before hastily storming out of the room. Grace sighs as she rubs her face. Looking back at Klaus, she could tell he felt proud of himself. "Nik, stop provoking her." She demands as she puts her hands on her hips. Klaus only smirks, chuckling lightly.
"But it's hilarious, love." He replies with a shrug of his shoulders. Grace rolls her eyes as she hits his chest.
"I don't care." Grace tells him and Klaus narrows his eyes, taking a step closer to her.
"You don't, hm?" He asks her and she shakes her head. He smirks as he quickly grabs a hold of her, lifting her up. Grace screams as she grips his shoulders for support so that she didn't fall.
"Nik!" She squealed as he sets her on the table behind her. Grace laughs as he presses a long kiss to her lips, his hands gripping her hips in order to hold her against him. She moans softly as she runs her hand through his hair. The kiss deepens, Klaus bringing his hand to rub along her jawline. Grace pulls away for a second, meeting his eyes. She can only admire him, her eyes on his as she lifts her hand to his cheek.
Klaus just gazes back at her, tilting his head. Grace smiles, shaking her head before leaning back in to kiss him.
PAUL STOOD IN FRONT OF GRACE IN THE COURTYARD OF THE COMPOUND. He was collecting Hanna and her things, deciding to not disrupt Graces life any longer. "Again, I want to thank you for allowing Hanna to stay with you." Paul states as he smiles down at Grace who shakes her head.
"It's really no problem at all." She admits as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Have you found a new place? Or are you going back home?" Grace asks him as she didn't really know of his plans, now that Anne had left him.
"We found a place. Something to start fresh." Paul tells her and Grace smiles lightly. She understood not wanting to go back to the house after everything that had happened. Even going back to that same town.
"I get that." Grace replies as she stares back at the man before her eyes flicker over to Hanna.
"It's in New Orleans." The younger girl states and Grace raises her eyebrows.
"Really?" She asks as she didn't know how she felt about that. With all that's happening with Finn, it maybe wasn't the best choice.
"Yeah, she wanted to stay close to you." Paul tells her and Grace slowly nods her head, trying to keep her face happy.
"No matter where you are, I'll always be here, okay?" Grace informs her, they didn't need to be closeby for them to be friends.
"I know that. But this way we can hang around each other often." Hanna points it and Grace forces a smile onto her face.
"Why don't you put your bag in the car?" Paul asks her and Hanna nods her head, grabbing her bag off of the ground and heading towards the exit. He waits for a moment before turning back to Grace. "I should've asked before moving her here." He says and Grace sighs, shaking her head.
"No." She replies, it wasn't that she didn't want them around. Quite the opposite really. But New Orleans wasn't exactly safe right now. "No, it's fine. It's just.." grace trails off for a moment, trying to think of the right words to say. "New Orleans is.. a complicated place, I'll just say that." Grace tells him and Paul nods his head for a moment, glancing behind him to make sure Hanna wasn't coming back.
"I know the history of this city, Grace." Paul says and Grace was just caught off guard. She stares, her eyes a little wide and she didn't really know how to respond. He could be talking about multiple things, not just the supernatural.
"My family come from a werewolf bloodline." Paul informs her and Grace tries to hide the obvious shock on her face. She clears her throat, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Grace retorts and Paul only chuckles as he looks at her.
"You hang around the original vampires, Hayley Marshall is from the Labonaire family." Paul states and Grace just looks at him, trying to think of something. But if he already knew, it was clear he wasn't really a threat. She sighs as she rubs her head.
"Sorry, I just... Does she know?"ย She asks as she was referring to Hanna. Paul shakes his head.
"No." Paul answers her and Grace nods her head. She didn't think Hanna did but she wanted to confirm it. "I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible." He admits with a sigh as he didn't really need her to be involved in the supernatural. He knew how dangerous it was.
"Have you activated your curse?" Grace asks curiously as she most likely would've known he was a wolf through Hayley if he had turned before. But Paul shakes his head.
"I haven't. And I pray everyday, that Hanna doesn't as well." He responds and Grace nods. She understood why Paul didn't want Hanna to activate her curse. It was more of a burden unless of course she had hayleys abilities.
"I won't say anything to her, I promise." Grace assures him with a soft smile and Paul already knew that, he didn't really need to ask her to keep it a secret.
"I know."
"Dad, can we stop for food on the way?" Hanna calls out and they both look over, seeing Hanna standing by the entrance of the compound.
"Of course, honey." Paul responds before his eyes move back to Grace for a moment. "Take care of yourself, Grace." He tells her as he nods his head at her.
"You too." Grace replies with a smile before watching as Paul turned and headed out of the compound.
THE PHONE RINGS IN GRACE'S POCKET AS SHE WAS SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM IN THE COMPOUND. She furrows her eyebrows as she takes her phone out, not even looking at who was calling as she answers it. "Hello?" She says as she rests back on the couch. It was silent for a moment and Grace thought that it might be a telemarketer.
"Grace, it's Davina." She hears a voice come through the phone. Grace sits up a little bit, holding the phone closer to her ear.
"Hey, is something wrong?" Grace asks her curiously as she was wondering why the young girl was calling her, she also seemed to have some stress in her tone.
"Klaus collapsed." Davina informs her and Graces eyes widen as she felt her heart almost stop at the news.
"And he's not the only one, cami said Elijah did too so no doubt Kol did as well." Davina explains to her and Grace was just becoming more confused.
"What are you talking about?" Grace asks her and Davina sighs as she tries to explain to Grace what she thought happened to them.
"I think it was Finn." She tells the blonde who clenches her jaw. Of course. He could never leave well enough alone.
"Where are you?" Grace questions the witch who was still stood over Klaus' body.
"The church." Davina answers her and Grace nods her head.
"I'm on my way." Grace tells her before hanging up and rushing out of the compound. She didn't really know what was going on but she knew Klaus was in trouble.
Grace quickly made her way to the church, rushing in and the first thing she saw was Klaus on the ground. She saw Davina trying to do a spell but it didn't seem to be working. "I think Finn trapped his brothers." Davina states as she sees grace walk inside. Grace let's out a sigh as she bends down next to Klaus, shaking him gently.
"Of course he did." She mumbles as she analyzes Klaus for a moment before looking up at Davina.ย "Can you undo it?" Grace questions and Davina shrugs her shoulders.
"I'm trying but he's channeling Mikael and Esther." Davina tells her and grace rolls her eyes. So, he can use them but when any of his other siblings do something, he gets mad?
"How long has he been like this?" Grace asks as she runs her fingers along the man's cheek. Davina sighs as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"Long enough for Kol to probably be attacked." She admits and Grace turns her head to look up at the younger girl.
"Kol will be fine." Grace states and Davina just furrows her eyebrows. They didn't know that, especially if he was unconscious, he wouldn't be able to protect himself from the hungry vampires.
"How do you know? You don't even like him." Davina points out as she didn't know why the two seemed to butt heads, but they did.
"Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I want him dead."ย She admits as she shrugs her shoulders. Grace would always love making Kol annoyed but if anything, she'd rather him be daggered than dead. Although, they no longer could dagger him anyways. "Plus, Marcel will protect him." Grace points out, knowing Marcel wouldn't let anything happen to him. Klaus suddenly gasps, grasping at his chest. "Nik?" She asks with wide eyes as she stares down at the man. Klaus meets her gaze, a small smile forming on his lips
"Love." He responds as he sits up, glancing around and noticing that Davina was also there.
"Hey, you had me worried for a second." Grace admits as she strokes his cheek before pulling him into a hug. Klaus let's out a sigh as he hugs her back.
"What happened? Is Kol okay?" Davina asks him as she walks over to the couple.
"I'm fine. Thanks for your concern." Klaus responds as he stands up, brushing himself off. "The same however cannot be said for your friends and the people of the French quarter." He informs them and both of the woman turn to look at him with confusion on their face. "Now, I can stand here and explain to you the specifics or you can show a little trust and come with me." He tells Davina who only rolls her eyes a little bit.
"I'm the one who's been waiting for you to move your ass, let's go." She retorts before walking over, pushing past him. Klaus let's out a sigh before stopping Grace who had begun to walk aswell.
"Not you, love." Klaus tells her and Grace only furrows her eyebrows. "There will be a dozen of blood hungry vampires roaming around and I do not want you in the crossfire." He states and Grace only gives him an amused expression. She could see Davina frown behind Klaus.
"I hate to say it, but I agree with klaus. You should stay here until it's safe." Davina says and Grace rolls her eyes as she looks back at Klaus.
"You know, I dont always need to be protected." Grace points out as she could just as easily protect herself. She knew how to stab someone in the chest with a stake.
"I know, love. But tonight, just stay here." Klaus responds before pressing a quick kiss to her head and walking out of the church with Davina. Grace let's out a sigh as she crosses her arms against her chest. Honestly, she didn't even want to go because she just didn't want to get blood on her clothes if someone tried to attack her. Plus, she just loved arguing with Klaus and winding him up.
Grace kicks her feet against the ground of the church before sitting in one of the rows and resting her head back.
GRACE FOUND KLAUS IN THE LIVING ROOM, she had just got off of a lengthy phonecall with Hayley, who informed her that Klaus had tried to kill Jackson. She didn't go into much detail because she was still angry, but Grace couldn't believe that Klaus would even try to do that. Grace sees him standing with his back leant against a desk. He smiles when he sees her but it drops when he sees that she's clearly not happy.
"When were you going to tell me that you went to the Bayou to kill Jackson?" Grace asks him as she glared at the man, putting her hand on her hip as she stops in front of him. Klaus let's out a breath as he looks down at the ground.
"Hayley spoke to you, I assume." Klaus replies and Grace could only stare at the man.
"What were you thinking?" Grace asks with a scoff as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"I was thinking that I should protect my daughter. Or would you rather your niece be found?" Klaus questions as he raises an eyebrow at her. Grace sighs as she bites the inside of her cheek.
"Of course not. But why would you think killing Jackson would do anything?" She retorts before rolling her eyes.
"Because to go through with the wedding, you have to do certain rituals. One being based on truth." Klaus informs her and grace stays silent for a moment. She understood his want to keep Hope safe but he couldn't just kill who he wanted. "Jackson is fine." He says with a sigh as he turns to grab a glass.
"For how long?" Grace asks him and before he could say anything, his phone starts to ring. He looks at it, smirking a little bit.
"Elijah, I was just about to call." Klaus says as he puts the phone on speaker.
"What is the news, brother?" Elijah's voice comes through the phone.
"Well, a new development has made itself known between Jackson and Hayley." Klaus informs him as he glanced towards grace who was still lightly glaring at him. "The wedding works in our favour. Newly empowered and ruled by Hayley, the wolves will be an asset to our family." He explains as he looks down at his hand.
"Yes, if you are willing to trust Jackson with our secrecy. I must confess, brother, I am a little surprised to find that you do." Elijah replies.
"My faith in Jackson is a means to an end. If I had simply killed him, Hayley would've turned against me. You should've seen the ferocity with which she defended him. It was impressive." Klaus tells him with a smirk playing on his lips. Grace rolls her eyes as she hits his arm, knowing he was just trying to wind Elijah up. "That being said, I don't take the matter of secrets lightly. Once the wedding takes place and the wolves are forever altered. Jackson's fate becomes a little less certain."ย He states before hanging up the phone and grace only narrows her eyes.
"Nik, you are not going to kill him." Grace scolds him and Klaus only sighs as he meets her eyes.
"To protect Hope, I will do anything." Klaus responds and she only glares at him. She didn't know Jackson well, but he couldn't just get rid of him after the wedding.
"The wedding is in a week. A lot can happen between now and then." She points out as she places her hands on her hips. Klaus nods his head slowly, clenching his jaw.
"You're talking about Finn." He retorts and she nods her head.
"Marcel and his vampires were taken. What do you think he's trying to get out of them?" Grace asks with a scoff, she knew Finn only wanted one thing, to kill Klaus. If he got to Hope, he could call for Dahlia.
"Hello, Nik. Grace." A voice interrupts their conversation. They both glance over, watching an unknown woman walk over to them. "I don't suppose you thought that always and forever would lead us to this." Rebekah tells Klaus with a smile on her lips. Klaus stared at her before a hint of a smirk formed on his face.
"Rebekah." Klaus says as he narrows his eyes at his sister. Grace was slightly surprised but she knew Rebekah would be in a different body. It just was weird to talk to her when she didn't look like herself. Rebekah let's out a sigh, as she looks back at the couple.
"You will absolutely not believe the week I've had."
Robert <<<<<< literally anyone else
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