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GRACE PRACTICALLY SKIPS INTO THE KITCHEN, she was in a really good mood after what she had just found out. She hadn't smiled this much since... Well, it had been quite a while. She noticed Elijah was sitting at the counter, not really paying attention to those around him. She moves over to him, wrapping her arms around the man's neck from behind. "Good morning, Elijah." She says with a smile and the man turns his head a little bit, furrowing his eyebrows but he offers a kind smile back.

"Good morning, Grace." Elijah responds as the girl lets go of him and makes her way to the cupboards. He watches as she takes out a mug and a bowl. "Why are you so chipper?" He asks her as she was way too happy in the morning. Usually she's moping or staying in bed until way past noon. "Wait, let me guess. You had sex?" Elijah taunts as he rolls his eyes playfully. He had heard the conversation she had with Hayley back when they had first found out about Celeste.

"The other night." Grace says with a shrug as that was not what she was happy about. She would have a glow to her if it was. "That's not what I'm happy about." She admits and he only raises an eyebrow, watching her pour her cereal.

"Do tell." He says as he rests his arms against the counter.

"I finally found the murder weapon I needed to one hundred percent get a conviction on my suspect." She says, feeling a sense of pride fill her. After so many months, she had finally figured it out.

Grace couldn't find any aliases in his name or any evidence that he left it in his house. But what she never thought of, was the neighbors. Usually, you're just casual with the people who live next door, the odd conversation, being friendly. But Grace found out that the man who lived next door was an ex-con. One who had spent several years in prison alongside one of the suspects childhood best friends. They were also cellmates. So, grace was able to track down the records of calls going in and out of the prison. There wasnt anything too concrete but they had enough for a warrant. Lucky enough, they had found the gun hidden amongst the man's other weapons.

Apparently, the suspect had tasked him with disposing of the gun but since the man had so many, he had gotten rid of the wrong one. Karma at it's finest. So now, the family was finally going to get the justice they deserve with no hesitation. No holes could be poked into the case anymore as they had the murder weapon with the suspects prints on it.

"Congratulations." Elijah responds as he knew she was having difficulty with it for a while now.

"Thank you." She replies with a smile before sighing and pouring the milk in her bowl. "I have to go back for my trial in a few weeks." Grace states as she had spent so long trying to find the murder weapon that the trial had gotten closer than she thought.

"How long will you be gone for?" He asks as he furrows his eyebrows, knowing that she'd have to head back to New York and he knew trials weren't exactly quick.

"Why, will you miss me?" Grace teases with a smirk playing on her lips. Elijah just shakes his head, drifting his eyes back to his paper.

"Nevermind." Elijah responds, not giving her the satisfaction that she wanted. Grace laughs as she puts the milk away.

"Not too long." Grace admits as if it all went to plan, it would only take a few weeks. "Maybe this does call for celebratory sex." She mumbles as she needed some way to celebrate her victory. Sure, she hadn't won the case yet but she had all the evidence on her side. The murder weapon just solidified what everyone knew. "We should go to the bar, tonight." Grace tells him and he immediately looks at her confused.

"Why me?" Elijah asks as he thought he would be the last person that she would ask to go out with. Grace shrugs her shoulders as she looks at him.

"So, you can help me pick out a woman." She points out the obvious as she never did it by herself. Grace didn't trust her instincts at all when it came to flirting with people. She often chose the wrong people, aka, her dead ex boyfriend who turned out to be a psychopaths. Or the three original vampires who were also psychopaths because well, that was obvious. "Unless you don't have good taste." Grace teases him and Elijah only raises an eyebrow at her. He had amusement in his eyes as he looks at her.

"That would group you in with the women of no taste if that's what you think." Elijah points out, if he had no taste then she would class herself in with it since they had slept together. Grace just stared at him for a moment before nodding her head.

"Well played, sexy suit man." She admits as she hadn't thought about that. Grace makes her way over to him, placing the mug and bowl on the counter. "So, join me tonight?" Grace asks as she leans against the slab but Elijah just shakes his head making her pout.

"I am sure youll do plenty fine on your own." Elijah admits as she didn't exactly need an escort to stick out in a crowd.

"But Rebekah had to leave town so now you're the only Mikaelson I like." Grace says, knowing that Klaus had made Rebekah a deal to either be killed or leave town and not come back.

"You could always ask my brother." He suggests, mainly because he knew that Klaus had to man up and just ask her out. She wasn't going to magically pick up on the feelings that he was trying to bury deep.

"And hear him gloat? No thanks." She mumbles as she shakes her head, sitting down beside the original. No way, was she going to go to Klaus for any reason. Grace did not think he would make a good wingman and she definitely did not need him practically making fun of the fact that she had no one else to go with.

Or maybe there was also one other reason why she wanted to avoid the man.


GRACE SITS IN ROUSSEAU'S BY HERSELF, sipping on the wine in front of her as she kicks her legs back and forth. She wasn't looking for anyone specific but she had certain standards. Many of which the men who have approached her tonight have not met. Her eyes move around the area, stoping when she noticed the redhead witch. She knew it was the woman that came back with the others. Luckily, she seemed to be the only one left that they had to deal with. Not that Grace didn't mind for the girls presence, she was quite attractive.

She gets up from her seat, moving along the bar until she reached the empty stool next to Genevieve. The witch seemed to notice her, turning her head to meet her gaze.
"I recognize you as one of the resurrected witches." Grace says as she sits down beside her. Genevieve nods her head, a little bit wary but a small smirk was playing on her lips.

"Genevieve." She responds as she takes a look over the girls appearance.

"Grace." Grace replies and the witch nods her head, her smirk increasing.

"I know." Genevieve says before her eyes move to the empty glass in Grace's hand. "Can I buy you another drink?" She offers and Grace only smirks as she holds the glass out. Genevieve looks towards the bartender who nods his head.

"Well, you look beautiful tonight." Grace compliments as she watches the man fill up her glass.

"Why, thank you." Genevieve replies with a smile as she moves her eyes down Grace's appearance. "You, my darling, look absolutely ravishing." She states and Grace smirks as she twirls a strand of hair around her finger.

"I'd hope so. Men have been buying me free drinks all night." Grace retorts and Genevieve can't help but laugh a little as she raises her eyebrows.

"I'm certain you never have to pay when going out." The witch tells her as it seemed that the girl had people falling for her left and right.

"What can I say? Men love to do as I say." Grace responds with a smirk playing on her lips.

"It seems that one is interested in you." Genevieve says as she points at the man who was obviously staring at grace from across the room.

"What if I already have my eyes on somebody else?" Grace questions as she rests her chin in the palm of her hand. Genevieve smiles back at her, biting the inside of her cheek. "So, how's it like coming back to life?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow. What would that even feel like? Knowing you died only to be brought back and given a second chance at life.

"Exhilarating." Genevieve admits as she leans towards Grace, resting her arm on the counter. "I'm not gonna limit myself this time around." She tells the girl who nods her head, moving her eyes down her.

"Hm. And what arent you going to limit?" Grace raises an eyebrow, her hand coming to rest on Genevieve's thigh. The witch shrugs her shoulders innocently as she pretends to think.

"My excitement. My fun." Genevieve replies and Grace only moves her hand up, moving ever so closer to the girl.

"Am I a good candidate to join you on this... New adventure?" Grace questions as she rubs the bare skin of her leg. Genevieve moves her eyes to graces hand before lifting her eyes to hers.

"I'm not sure." Genevieve moves her mouth to the side as she starts to lean closer to the blonde. "I might have to test the waters." She admits before smashing her lips against Grace's. Grace instantly kisses back, her hand going to the woman's jaw as their lips move together. Grace deepens the kiss for a moment before they pull away from each other. Genevieve meets her eyes, already wanting more.

"So?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow at the woman. Genevieve giggles as she nods her head.

"Definitely." Genevieve responds with a smirk playing on her lips. Grace returns it, leaning into kiss her again when she felt a presence beside her. She pulls away, turning her head, only to see Klaus next to her.

"Don't mind me. I don't want to break up the party." Klaus responds as he notices the blondes eyes on him. Grace rolls her eyes as she sighs, swirling on the barstool to look at him.

"Klaus, do what do we owe the pleasure?" She asks as her tone was laced with sarcasm. Grace would much rather head out with her witch but it seemed that Klaus just loved to ruin the moment.

"Just grabbing a drink, love." Klaus says with a shrug as he holds up his glass and she only squints at him. "Is that illegal?" He asks her and she was sure she would make it illegal if he didn't take at least one step away from him. Genevieve just flickers her eyes between them before a suggestive look forms on her face with a smirk.

"Three isn't always a crowd, you know." She points out and Grace just glanced at her curiously. "You could join us." Genevieve tells Klaus who immediately seemed open to the idea. Grace stares at her, it wasn't like she was opposed but it was whether she wanted Klaus to join on her fun with the redhead.

"How about it, love?" Klaus says as he raises an eyebrow at her and Grace only licks her bottom lip. "Can I join you?" He questions as he smirks down at her. Grace meets his gaze, obviously seeing the lust and desire. She turns her head to look at Genevieve who seemed to be down for anything. Grace squints her eyes, clenching her jaw for a moment before she meets Klaus' eyes again. She only matches his smirk before getting off of the bar stool.


KLAUS STANDS IN HIS ROOM, his brush moving along his canvas as he tilted his head. He could head footsteps behind him but just paid attention to his art. It always seemed to calm him and he just needed a moment to himself. Genevieve only walks up to him, glancing at the man as she rests her hand on his back. "You should've seen your brother's face when Hayley walked in." Genevieve says with a smirk as she all but saw Elijah's whole heart plummet. She had attended the meeting that Elijah held with the vampires and the priest. But of course, Hayley stormed in demanding a seat at the table for the werewolves.

"The crescent curse is broken then?" Klaus asks as he doesn't take his eyes off of what he was doing. Genevieve sighs as she nods her head, moving to stand beside Klaus.

"Do you believe this will actually work, that we can finally have some semblance of peace in this city?" She asks him as she wasn't so sure that this whole peace thing would work in the long run.

"I believe that Elijah thinks it will work." Klaus mumbles as he didn't care too much for what Elijah was trying to do. Genevieve squints her eyes as she sees that he was glancing over at the bathroom door. She knew Grace was in there and it makes her smirk.

"You know, you can tell her." Genevieve says , raising an eyebrow at the original who immediately rolls his eyes.

"Bloody hell, do people always have to assume my feelings?" Klaus asks as it seemed as Elijah and Rebekah had the same inkling as the witch. Genevieve laughs as she smiles at him.

"Oh, come on. I've seen all I've needed." She points out as she wasn't dumb. It was clear to her as it was clear to many people.

"And what exactly do you think you have seen?" Klaus asks, not even glancing at her as he really didn't want to entertain this stupid nonsense of hers.

"Not that our time together wasn't incredible. But I saw the way the two of you were paying extra attention to each other." Genevieve points out as it was obvious to her that they clearly had a thing. Even when they were in the bar, she saw the subtle looks between them. "Always having your lips on the other or your hands. Even when I was making her scream, her lips would be on yours, muttering your name." She states as she tilts her head, watching Klaus try an hide it but she could see it in his eyes. Of course he only clears his throat, shrugging his shoulders.

"So, we have amazing sex. I hardly see what you are pointing at." Klaus replies as he moves his eyes to his painting. Genevieve sighs as she knew it wasn't going to be easy to get the man to admit it.

"Come on, Klaus. You like her." She points out as anyone with eyes could see it. Maybe not Grace but anyone who knew Klaus.

"I do not." Klaus immediately denies, too quick to actually be true which makes her smirk as she sees his eyes flicker to the bathroom.

"Mhm. And that's why you keep glancing towards the bathroom door." Genevieve points out as she could tell he was nervous that Grace would come out and hear them talking. "You have to tell her, or else someone else might swoop in and steal her." She says, giving him a teasing expression before heading out of the room. Klaus clenches his jaw, shaking his head as he returned to his painting.

Klaus had to admit that he was mainly focused on Grace, and he did love the way her lips met his. And the way her skin was soft as he ran his fingers over it. And the way his name would roll off of her tongue with ease as she felt pleasure. The way her lips would find his, even when they were receiving pleasure from another person.

Okay, maybe he did pay a little too close attention to the girl. And want her lips or hands constantly on him. But that didn't mean that he liked her. It was just that she was amazing at making him feel good. Wasn't that what was expected when having sex with someone? Well, he also loves the way her eyes sparkle when the light shines on them. Or the way her laugh was like music to his ears. Or how she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear when she was nervous. How she bit her bottom lip when she concentrated. How, when she simply walked in a room, he seemed to feel better or his day would immediately brighten. How she---

Yeah, he liked her.

"Where'd Genevieve go?" Grace asks as she emerges from the bathroom, not seeing the witch in sight. Klaus shrugs as he brushes the paint across the canvas as his thoughts were interrupted.

"You know witches, so many spells to do, so many people to torture." Klaus retorts with a smirk on his lips and Grace only rolls her eyes as she stops in front of him. Klaus let his eyes roam her body as he turned his gaze to her. She was in her black lace bra and underwear, only being covered by the sheer red silk robe she had on, which was untied. "But we can pick up where we left off without her." He suggests as he places his paint brush down to grab a hold of her waist. Grace only laughs, placing her hands on his chest.

"Slow your roll, Klaus." Grace tells him as she didn't need him to think that this would become something. "Genevieve invited you in, I didn't come to your door begging for sex." She explains to him but Klaus only rolls his eyes playfully.

"Oh, please. We both know you loved last night. Otherwise your lips wouldn't have been all over me." Klaus points out with an alluring glint in his eyes. Grace raises an eyebrow as she runs her finger down her chest until it rested on his belt buckle.

"I recall you being the one that was all over me." Grace states as she noticed that if his lips weren't on hers, they were on her neck or any other inch of her skin. "Even now, you can't take your eyes off of me." She points out as she noticed the way he eyed her body hungrily. Klaus only brings his eyes back up.

"You said you never slept with anybody twice." Klaus points out, trying to use her own excuse against her but she only shakes her head.

"Technically, it was a threesome so it doesn't count." Grace says as she shrugs her shoulders. Klaus chuckles as he bites the inside of his lip.

"Okay, I'll just wait here tonight and I'm sure youll come running for more." Klaus taunts her with a wink as he tilts his head. Grace could only smirk back at him as she takes a step closer to him.

"I'll be the one coming to you?" She asks and he nods his head, his eyes roaming her skin as he clenches his jaw. This makes Grace even more satisfied that she was right. "Darling, are you incapable of not staring at my body for a mere second?" Grace questions him as she brings her finger to lift his chin up so his eyes meet hers. But Klaus wasn't even a sliver embarrassed that he was caught.

"Just admiring the view, love." He tells her with a shrug as he shamelessly eyes her again. Grace laughs as she simply stared back at the man.

"Exactly why you'll be the one begging." She points out as it was clear to her that men were just weaker in that capacity. He was unable to take his eyes off of her now, all she had to do was flirt a little later, and he would be all over her.

"I don't beg." Klaus retorts as he shakes his head, squinting his eyes. But Grace only brings her finger up to his chin yet again.

"We'll see about that." Grace replies and Klaus watches her take a few steps back.

"You talk a big game but you were the one that kissed me the other night." Klaus points out with a shrug as she was the one that initiated it. He was just an innocent victim. Grace rolls her eyes as she plants her hand on her hip.

"You were just there, and I was there, and there was no one else so we just.. had sex." Grace explains to him and klaus only smirks at her, taking a step closer to the girl. "Hot... Very mindblowing sex." She admits with a sigh as she tries to keep her mind from drifting. Klaus nods slowly, his eyes gazing down at her.

"So, is this just a casual sex thing or something else?" He taunts as he moves his eyes down her body yet again. But Grace only laughs, putting her hands on his chest and pushing him away lightly.

"You're not my type." Grace admits and Klaus only raises his eyebrows, amusement clear in his eyes.

"Says to the man you just had sex with." Klaus points out and Grace nods, she knew what she did and she didn't regret it one bit. But just because she had sex with someone, didn't mean that they were the type of person she would get in a relationship with.

"If you were, I wouldn't have. I would've gotten to know you first." Grace explains to him and Klaus only chuckles, bringing his hand to her hip and pulling her towards him.

"I'd say you know me pretty well, love." He says lowly as he leans down towards her lips but she only leans away.

"No, I know the false pretenses you want me to know." Grace tells him and he only raises an eyebrow at her. She sighs, licking her bottom lip as she glanced around the room. "Let me explain it to you and if anything I say isn't true, you can take me out on a date." She says and she could immediately see the way his eyes lit up. Klaus nods his head, probably thinking that this was going to be easy for him. "One. You're literally a psychopath." Grace states and Klaus immediately rolls his eyes, but she only laughs, grabbing his arm so he can't move away. "It probably stems from the fact that your father turned you into the monster you are by not showing you an ounce of love, or teaching you how to shave. Your stubble grows in different directions." She tells him as she moves her finger along his jawline for a moment before pulling it away. "Two, you love to believe that every woman you talk to is interested in you. Which, you usually lead them on before basically showing them that you think you're better than everyone else which makes you three, cocky." Grace could see that Klaus was amused by all of this, obviously not seeing that she was pointing out the flaws she didn't find attractive one bit.

"Cockiness isn't charming when it's your full time personality. You won't show your true character because you never let a woman get close enough to actually see it." She explains as she could see the smugness slowly falling from his features. Instead, he had a slight glare as he listened to her. "Four, you're damaged goods. You were in a relationship, a pretty close one too. It wasn't recent but it is in your mind because she most likely broke your heart. Bringing up your past as an indicator to why she did not want to be with you. Which is why you find it so hard to show the real side of you to anyone who's shows an ounce of interest." Grace states as she looks into his eyes and she knew she was right, she was good at reading people and Klaus may not realize it, but he was an open book to her. "Which makes you five, pretty damn untrustworthy and while I find it enough of a turn on to come into this room and do what we just did. In the long run, definitely not my type." She says as she brings her hand up to his cheek, patting it lightly. Klaus didn't know whether to be impressed by her skills or to be offended and angry that she had the nerve to say it to him. He didn't have much time to really process it though as they were interrupted.

"Klaus, I need to talk-" Camille had walked into the room but stopped when she noticed the half naked girl in front of him. "Oh, I see you're already occupied." She mumbles as they both turn to her and Camille tried her best to not look away from Grace's eyes. Grace only smirks, tilting her head as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't worry, beautiful. I was just on my way out." Grace tells her as she gives Klaus one last look before walking towards the exit. She gets near Camille, running her finger along the girls collarbones before walking past her. Camille watches her leave before she turns her attention back to Klaus.

"So, you and Grace?" Camille asks after a moment, walking up to the original. Klaus only smirks as he turns his gaze away from his painting.

"Careful, Cami. I sense a bit of hostility in your voice." He teases her but she only scoffs, crossing her arms against her chest.

"No, I mean.. well, you're you. I hardly think she would choose you of all people to sleep with." Camille tells him and Klaus' smirk falters for a moment as he clenches his jaw.

"Charming as always." Klaus mumbles as he tries to focus on his artwork. Camille stared at him suspiciously, as if trying to figure something out.

"You didn't compel her, did you?" She accuses as she squints her eyes. Klaus was taken aback by her question for a moment.

"Give me some class, Cami." Klaus replies as he continues to paint on the canvas. Camille only raises an eyebrow, tilting her head.

"You have none." She replies and he only gives her a scowl before placing down his brush and turning to face her. "If I find out that you're manipulating her or hurting her in any way, I will-" Camille starts to threaten and Klaus felt slightly offended that she would even think that he would hurt Grace.

"I'm not." He says sternly and Camille only stares at him, as if trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. "It's not like she's interested in me anyways." Klaus mumbles as he glanced away for a moment. It was clear to him, now more than ever, that Grace simply wasn't interested. Sure, she would have sex with him but Klaus knew that she would never let herself be with someone like him. A monster.

"What, the sex not good enough for her?" She teases him and Klaus just gives a playful glare. That was definitely not an issue. "Trust me, I know how skilled she is with that tongue of hers-" Camille cuts herself off, her cheeks going red as she realized what she was saying and who she was saying it to. But the damage was already done. Klaus had a smug expression on his face.

"I see. You're jealous of me because you want her." Klaus taunts her with a knowing look in his eyes and Camille only rolls hers as she places a hand on her hip.

"Which of us did she come to first?" Camille asks as she knew damn well that Grace had interest in her, long before she had interest in Klaus.

"Oh, don't worry love. I'll give you a run for your money." He retorts with a smirk as he tilts his head, knowing that Grace wouldn't be able to resist his charms but Camille wasn't fazed one bit.

"We'll see about that." Camille tells him smugly as she places a hand on her hip. Klaus rolls his eyes as he moves past the woman.

"I'm sure you're not here to question me on my leisure activities." Klaus points out as there had to be another reason why she had come to see him. Camille nods her head, watching as Klaus poured himself a drink.

"I'm here about my uncle. He's.. deteriorating." She admits and Klaus only glanced down at the ground before taking a sip of his drink. "The pills. The meditation. They're not working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day. A witch did it. A witch can undo it." Camille tells him but Klaus didn't look too optimistic by her words. It wasn't as simple as Camille thought it would be.

"It won't do any good. These hexes, they start with magic but as they take root, they alter the very chemistry of the brain." He explains as he knew how hexes worked, and unfortunately there just wasn't much they could do to help Kieran. "Im sorry, Cami. The damage is done." Klaus states as he turns his head to her but he could see the clear anger in her eyes.

"I refuse to accept that. And you would too if you had any concept of family." Camille sneers before storming out of the room, leaving Klaus to sigh as he glance back towards his painting.

Women seriously were going to be his downfall.


ELIJAH AND KLAUS WERE STANDING IN THE COURTYARD TOGETHER. Elijah let's his eyes roam over Klaus' shoulder, seeing a blonde woman walking over to them. His eyebrows furrow which caught Klaus' attention. The hybrid turns, noticing the woman as well. She only walks up to them, stopping in front of the two originals. "Excuse me, can we help you?" Elijah asks curiously as he didn't think they had anyone coming to the compound. At least no one that they knew of.

"I suppose you two live here?" Jenna asks as she flickers her eyes between them, placing her hand on her hips. Klaus shares a glance with his brother before looking back at Jenna.

"Yes, we do." Klaus answers her and Jenna just bites the inside of her cheek, her eyes squinting slightly.

"Which one of you is Klaus?" She questions and it made them even more skeptical that she knew one of them.

"That would be me, love." He says as he raises his finger up. Jenna immediately gives him a distasteful look as she glares at the man.

"Ah, you're the one who stole my bestfriend." Jenna states as she crosses her arms against her chest. Elijah was still a little bit confused as he turned his head to Klaus who had put the pieces together.

"Jenna, I presume." Klaus says as the woman was exactly how Grace had described her. Plus, he vaguely remembered her voice. "The woman I spent two hours on the phone with." He grumbles with a roll of his eyes and Elijah can't help but raise an amused eyebrow up at Klaus. It had taken Klaus less than two minutes to tell Jenna that Grace was staying in New Orleans for another week. That sent her into a two hour rant and it seemed like whenever he was going to hang up or walk away from the phone, she knew.

"So, where's Grace?" Jenna asks as she looks between the two men. Before either of them could answer, grace was walking down the stairs and into the courtyard.

"Jenna?" She says confused making the girl turn and look at Grace who was making her way towards her. "What are you doing here?" Grace questions as Jenna rushed the girl into a tight hug. Grace returns it but was trying to figure out why the woman would be in New Orleans.

"Oh, my god. It's so good to see you." Jenna admits as she squeezes the girl before pulling away. "I've been going crazy." She mumbles as she swore she hated every moment that Grace wasn't in New York. "I thought you said it would just be another week?" She asks as she swore that was what Klaus had told her over the phone.

"I thought it would be." Grace admits as she didn't expect to stay here any longer, it just happened.

"Well, I thought I should come visit to see what's keeping you here. Also to give you a friend since Hayley is being a bitch." Jenna explains with a scowl on her face. Grace had kept her up to date with all the drama going on and it's safe to say, the woman despised Hayley now.

"I have friends here." Grace complains as she crosses her arms against her chest. Jenna only snorts, glancing over at Klaus.

"I hope you don't mean friend stealer over there." She states as she points at the vampire who only acts offended.

"I make a fine friend, love." Klaus replies and Jenna only rolls her eyes.

"I doubt it." Jenna mumbles before looking back at Grace.

"Let's just go inside, they have a party to plan." Grace says, hoping to prevent the argument that will surely abrupt between Jenna and Klaus.

"Party?" Jenna asks and Grace immediately knew where she went wrong as she closes her eyes. "We are definitely going to that." She says with a smirk but Grace groans, frowning.

"But then I have to go." Grace retorts, she knew anywhere Jenna went, she would be dragged along.

"Exactly." Jenna replies and Grace only rolls her eyes, tilting her head back in annoyance. "You need to let loose for a change." She points out, knowing she was stressed most likely because of whatever was happening in the city.

"Oh, she lets loose plenty." Klaus taunts and Grace only gives him a playful glare before rolling her eyes.

"I have a lot of work-" Grace says but Jenna cuts her off, shaking her head.

"Grace, I work with you. You can't use that excuse." She states and Grace sighs, glancing away for a moment. "Hey, I've been planning my wedding for the past month so the least you could do is go to this party with me." Jenna explains to her and Grace clenches her jaw, closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath before looking at her best friend.

"Fine." Grace mumbles and Jenna immediately smiles, taking her hand and dragging her towards the door that leads inside. She only glanced back at the originals. "Save me." She mouths and the two men just laugh, smirking back at her before she is pulled from their view.


GRACE STANDS SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COMPOUND. Everyone was enjoying themselves, having a good time. Grace was just wondering when this hell would end. Even though she had literally just walked in. Jenna seems to notice the girl, sighing as she tilts her head. "Girl, only one of us is getting lucky tonight so you should at least act like you're enjoying yourself." Jenna tells her as she crosses her arms against her chest. Grace looks down at the dress she was wearing. She looked hot, she knew that. But she didn't particularly want to party.

"I need more booze for that to happen." Grace replies as she finishes the glass she had in her hand, placing it on the table beside her.

"You used to love going to parties." Jenna says with a groan as she looks at the blonde.

"Before my life became full of stress and aching bones." grace mumbles as she brings her hand up to rub the back of her neck. Jenna rolls her eyes as she raises an eyebrow.

"Girl, you're turning twenty three soon, you are not old." Jenna tells her and Grace just shrugs her shoulders as she glanced around the party. "You should be partying to forget about all the stress." She points out as she wraps an arm around the girls waist. Grace sighs, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Hm." She only looks towards Jenna.

"Just pick a cute boy or girl and dance with them." Jenna tells her as she gestures to the multiple people around them. Grace laughs as she turns to face the girl, a smile on her lips.

"And leave you all by your lonesome?" She asks but Jenna only smirks, putting her hand on the woman's shoulder.

"I can entertain myself." Jenna tells her before walking away, leaving her alone. Grace only shakes her head with a smile before letting her eyes roam through the crowd.

Grace glances around, squinting her eyes as she sees Elijah and Klaus talking on the balcony. She sighs, walking towards the stairs and heading up. If she was going to get through the party, maybe the only peace treaty will fall apart. Even thought Elijah

"Boys." She says, placing her hands on their backs, running them up to their shoulders. They both turn their head to look down at her. Grace just steals the glass that Klaus was about to take a drink out of. She downs the liquid making Klaus give her an annoyed look.

"You know, I could've poured you your own glass." Klaus responds, his eyes meeting hers but he couldnt help but run down her appearance. His breath catches in his throat as he sees the skintight dress. Elijah seemed to catch his gaze, a small smirk on his lips.

"Then do that." Grace tells him as she raises an eyebrow at the hybrid. Klaus snaps his eyes back to hers, giving her a scowl as he takes the bottle of champagne in front of them, pouring some into the glass. "So, how long before this turns to bloodshed because I'd rather my best friend not see the horrors of this city." She asks as she glanced down, seeing all the people mingling. For now. Grace knew sooner or later, someone would pick a fight.

"It will not be a bloodbath." Elijah retorts as he sighs, clenching his jaw. Both Klaus and grace look at him.

"Yes, it will." They say at the same time and Elijah squints his eyes as he turns to them.

"Are you both conspiring against me?" Elijah asks and Grace snorts, shaking her head.

"No, I just have eyes." Grace tells him and Elijah just glanced away from her.

"I thought you didn't like dresses." Klaus points out as he gestures towards the attire she had on. Not that he didn't like the sight in front of him, he was just curious.

"Jenna all but forced this on me, I didn't have much of a choice." Grace mutters as she could feel it riding up her thigh. She looked hot in dresses, they just annoyed her quite a lot. She could feel both of their gazes on her skin but she couldn't tell if it was them checking her out or looking at her scars. But she could catch a glimpse of where their eyes were and surely enough, they were both heavily eyeing her body. Klaus had his eyes on her chest where her boobs were prominently propped up. Elijah was trying to hide his gaze but Grace could see his eyes wander down every few seconds. "And if you both don't take your eyes off of me, I will gauge them out and make you eat them." She threatens as she brings the glass to her lips, drinking the liquid. Klaus smirks as he brings his eyes up to hers.

"And here I thought the actual creatures with fangs would be the most violent ones at this party." He retorts as he cocks an eyebrow at her. Grace sighs as she just grabs the bottle off of the table, filling her glass to the brim.

"Honestly someone kill me so I don't have to last throughout this entire thing." She says as she glanced around the compound. Elijah watches as she drinks the alcohol that she had just poured.

"You could just ditch Jenna." Klaus suggests and Grace laughs, shaking her head as she looks at the original.

"Oh, you're such an amateur, Klaus." Grace says as she brings her hand up to tap his cheek. "There is no ditching her." She states as she knows that sooner or later, Jenna would see her speaking with them. "I just have to make it tolerable for me to be here." She mumbles as she empties the glass yet again, stumbling backwards slightly. Elijah and Klaus had both reached their hands over to her back to catch her.

"I would suggest not overdoing it where there's vampires who wouldn't mind having a midnight snack." Klaus says, a little warning tone in his voice. He tries to take the bottle from the girl who moves it out of his reach, only filling her glass again.

"Bite me and see what happens." She mumbles as she downs the liquid. Grace knew that no one here could hurt her, one she has the protection of two original vampires and two, Jenna would make them suffer a pain they have never felt before.

Speaking of the woman, Jenna walks up to them, her hands on her hips. Her gaze was solely on Grace as a sigh leaves her lips. "When I said go mingle, I meant with people you are not staying with." Jenna states as she tilts her head, not looking very impressed with Grace. The girl only keeps her eyes casted to her glass.

"We were just talking about urgent matters." Elijah says with a soft smile on his lips and Jenna turns her gaze to the man for a moment. She squints her eyes, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

"Hm." She mumbles before her eyes fall on someone walking into the compound. Jenna lets out a groan, a distasteful expression on her face. "Tell me why I'm not beating the crap out of her?" Jenna asks causing them to look where she was, only seeing Hayley walking next to her new werewolf protectors. Grace rolls her eyes, she would let her if there wasn't a huge factor.

"Because she's pregnant." She retorts with a sigh as she drinks from the bottle, not caring to pour it in a glass any longer.

"Right." Jenna mutters with a scoff as she clenches her jaw. "I guess it can wait until the baby pops out." She says, crossing her arms over her chest. Grace looks to the blonde, she knew Jenna was powerful but Hayley also knew how to fight.

"You're not winning that fight, you know that right?" Grace asks her as she leans against the post behind her. Jenna smirks, raising an eyebrow at her best friend.

"Just because she has claws, does not mean that my anger doesn't top her strength." Jenna replies and elijah shares a look with Klaus, both a little shocked to learn that the woman knew of Hayley and the supernatural.

"You know?" Elijah asks curiously and Jenna only flicks her wrist, making the candle next to him light up.

"I'm a witch." Jenna states and they nod their heads before she moves her eyes to Grace yet again. "Now, are we going to go find you a lovely man or woman to dance with?" She asks as she steps towards the girl who only groans, shaking her head.


"Come on, you look hot. Anyone would be dying at a chance to be with you." Jenna points out as Grace was practically a beacon for attractive people. Everytime they went out together, she had a million people wanting to take her home with them. Jenna moves her eyes to Klaus and Elijah, raising an eyebrow. "Tell her how good she looks." She demands, giving a sharp glare to the originals. They look at each other before both of them set their eyes on Grace.

"You look Beautiful, grace-" Elijah says at the same time as Klaus speaks.

"Absolutely stunning, love." Klaus states as his eyes run down her body for a moment. Grace rolls her eyes playfully, brushing her hair over her shoulder but it did feel amazing knowing that three original vampires found her attractive.

"You hold this." Jenna says as she takes the bottle out of Grace's hands and pushes it against Elijah. "You, this." She pushes the glass towards klaus, both of the brothers just doing what she said. "And we are going now." Jenna tells Grace as she takes her hand and pulls her away from the originals and down the stairs towards the group of partying people.

Elijah follows with his eyes, his eyebrow raised. "She is... What is the word.." He trails off, glancing towards his brother who only smirks.

"Very, do as I say, controlling, protective bitch that seems to loathe us." Klaus finishes for him and Elijah chuckles, nodding his head as he watches the two girls dance together.

"I guess we know where Grace gets the attitude from."


GRACE WAS ALONE, surrounded by the group of supernatural creatures. She didn't know where Jenna was, she had lost the girl quite a while ago. Grace was just enjoying swaying to the music as she held the champagne glass in her hand. She runs her hand down her body, her eyes roaming the room before they land on a familiar witch. Grace smiles as she makes her way over to Davina, not exactly in a straight line as she bumps into the people she walked past.

"Davina!" Grace shouts as she wraps her arms around the girl. Davina was a little taken aback but she laughs, raising her eyebrows. "My love." She slurs as she pulls back, bringing her hand to the girls brown locks of hair.

"Grace, hi." Davina replies with a smile as she looks at the girl who had clearly been having a good time, well, she was most definitely drunk.

"How are you doing?" Grace asks as she holds onto the girls shoulder, mainly for support.

"Okay, I guess." The witch responds with a shrug and Grace furrows her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Grace asks with a gasp as she wraps her arm around the girls shoulder. Davina sighs as she stares over at Monique who was flirting with Oliver.

"Just witch business." Davina replies and Grace notices Monique aswell, her eyes rolling as she turns back to the brunette next to her.

"She's a bitch." Grace mutters, catching Davina's attention. "You are way prettier than her." She points out and Davina just smiles at her, shaking her head. Her face turns somewhat serious as she lets out a sigh.

"I never got to apologize for that night in the compound. I wasn't going to hurt you." Davina just wanted the mikaelsons and Marcel to feel her rage. To feel the pain they had caused her. Grace being there wasn't what she planned. But she wasn't actually going to hurt the blonde if she had stepped forward to protect one of them.

"It's all in the past." Grace replies as she shakes her head. What Davina did was badass and Grace didn't care much for an apology. She stumbled forward slightly and Davina's eyes widen for a moment.

"Woah, you okay?" Davina asks as she places a hand on the woman's arm. Grace nods her head, her eyes moving past the girl, seeing an attractive woman smirking at her as she drinks the champagne from her glass.

"Now I am." Grace states as she wiggles her fingers at the woman. Davina turns her head, seeing what Grace was looking at. The witch laughs, smiling at her.

"I won't hold you back." Davina tells her but Grace only places her hands on the girls shoulders, pulling her close.

"Do not let people take advantage of you, Davina Claire." She says, looking down at the girl, her speech slightly slurring. "You're a badass, bosslady witch." Grace states and Davina just smiles up at her, nodding her head.

"I won't. I promise." She replies before walking past the blonde who starts to make her way over to the pretty brunette. Grace stumbled slightly, dropping her phone on the ground. She sighs as she brings her glass to her lips, drinking the rest of the liquid.

"Drop something, love?" Klaus' voice had piped up next to her. Grace nods her head, just bringing her hand to brush the hair out of her face.

"Mhm." She mumbles and Klaus just bends down picking up the phone. Grace glances around, seeing her vision start to blur before she closes her eyes. Klaus notices this, seeing the woman sway as she stood next to him.

"Okay, I think the party's over for you." Klaus tells her as he takes the glass away from her, placing it on one of the trays. Grace only pouts as she shakes her head.

"Noo. I'm just starting to have fun." Grace retorts but Klaus only places his hands on her waist, gently moving her towards the stairs.

"Well, it won't be much fun when you're collapsed on the floor." He points out and she only stumbles slightly, her eyes moving around the group of people.

"Jenna-" She starts to say but Klaus just shakes his head.

"I've already gotten her in a spare bedroom, she's fine." He assures her and Grace only allows him to guide her forward, letting herself rest against his chest.

"The rooms spinning for me." Grace mumbles as they stop by the bottom of the stairs. She looks at him, leaning her entire body against the man as she meets his eyes. "Is it spinning for you?" She asks him, her hand coming up to grab his jaw. Klaus only wraps an arm around her back before leaning down and bringing his other arm under her legs. He picks her up, feeling Grace rest her head in the nape of his neck.

"I got you, love." Klaus says as he walks up the stairs before placing her back down. Grace leans against him as she stumbled backwards but he just placed his hands back on her waist. "Easy." He tells her and she only glanced back at the crowd as they make their way to her bedroom.

"But the party-" She complains as she points over the balcony but Klaus only shakes his head, moving her towards the door.

"There will be another party." Klaus states, hearing her groan as they walk into the room. Klaus shuts the door behind them, not wanting a drunken idiot to stumble his way in. "Let's take off your shoes." He says, allowing her to use him so she could bend down and take off her heels. She had a death grip on his arm as she tossed the shoes to the side before standing back up. "Here, sit down." Klaus tells her as he leads her to the bed, placing her on it. Grace leans her head back, bringing her hand up to her face.

"I don't feel good." She mutters as Klaus walks over to the dresser, pulling some clothes out for her. Grace leans forward, closing her eyes for a moment.

"You can change into these." Klaus tells her as he places the t-shirt and sweatpants on the bed. Grace wobbly stands up, moving her hand to her dress zipper.

Klaus turns to glance around the room, seeing not much except for what was on the table. He makes his way over, noticing it was just a bunch of notes for the case she was working on. His eyes flicker around the table before it lands on a picture. He tilts his head, just staring at it for a moment before a small smile forms. It was a picture of when Grace and Hayley were teenagers. He goes to pick it up when he hears grace groan. Klaus turns his head, seeing the girl was struggling to get the shirt on. He makes his way back over to her, helping her pull it down before she stumbled back. "Woah, I got you, love." He mutters as he wraps his arm around her waist, holding her against him so she didn't fall. Grace only sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. "Don't trip over it." Klaus picks up the dress before taking her to the bed. He pulls back the comforter, laying the dress on the chair next to the bed. "Lay down." He helps her into the bed before pulling the covers over her. Grace rests her head against the pillow, settling against it as she wanted the room to stop spinning. "You'll be okay, love." Klaus assures her as he rubs her back a little bit. Grace had closed her eyes by now, making Klaus smile as he brings his hand back to his side. "Goodnight." He whispers before leaning down and gently placing a kiss on her forehead. Klaus sighs before turning and heading towards the door. Grace only lets out a slight groan, her eyes still closed.

"Stay." She mutters as she hugs the pillow, nuzzling her head against it. Klaus turns back to her, thinking maybe he didn't hear her right. But he couldn't help the soft smile that formed as he watched her fall asleep. Walking over to her, he gets onto the bed, resting against the pillows next to Grace. He softly runs his fingers through her hair, just gazing down at her.

Klaus felt a flutter in his stomach as he let his eyes run over her facial features. He lets out a sigh as he tilts his head up, looking away from the woman. They couldn't all be right, could they? Did he really have feelings for the woman?


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