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GRACE COULD FEEL A PAIR OF LIPS LEAVING SOFT KISSES ON HER SHOULDER, she was laid on her stomach on the bed, just now waking from her slumber. Her eyebrows furrow, her eyes opening slightly while trying to adjust to the light shining in through the windows. But she could see Klaus next to her, admiring down at her as his fingers caressed her skin. A smile forms on Graces lips as she meets his gaze. "Mm, morning." She mumbles, lifting her hand to her eyes to rub them slightly. The bed sheets were wrapped around her body and Klaus was sat next to her, although it looked like he had thrown some pants on.
"Morning, love." Klaus responds as he leans down, pressing a kiss to her lips. Grace moans softly as she kisses him back, her fingers tangling in his hair for a moment before they pull away from each other. "You sleep alright?" He asks as he reaches his hand to push a strand of hair behind her ear. Grace nods as she sits up slightly on the bed, bringing the sheets with her.
"Yeah." She replies, tilting her head as she rests it against the headboard. Klaus didn't really seem to believe her as it was pretty hard sleeping last night after they went to bed since she was tossing and turning all night.
"Are you sure? You were stirring quite a bit." Klaus admits and Grace shrugs her shoulders, her fingers fiddling with each other.
"Just... Thinking." She tells him as she feels Klaus' hand drift up her skin, tracing circles up her arm.
"Care to enlighten me?" Klaus asks as he strokes her cheek and Grace couldn't help but smile widely as he gazed down at her. If she could stay like this all day, every day, she would. But she knew there were too many problems here in New Orleans to ever have a day off. Grace didn't know if Jenna wanted the news to be out yet, but it wasn't like anyone really cared what Klaus knew.
"Jenna's pregnant." She admits and she could see the look of surprise that formed on Klaus' face. He definitely wasn't thinking that was what was on her mind. Klaus thought it had something to do with her, not that Jenna was carrying a child.
"What?" Klaus asks her, his eyebrows furrowing and Grace only nods her head.
"Yeah. She told me the other day." Grace says and Klaus was silent for a moment, just letting the news process in his brain.
"So, she's gonna be even more insufferable?" He questions and Grace just slaps his chest, giving him a playful glare.
"Nik." She scolds and he only smirks back at her, his hand gripping her waist and pulling her closer to him. "Be nice to her, okay?" Grace pleads as she really just wanted them to get along, she didn't care if they weren't friends, she just wanted them to be civil with each other
"Do I have to be?" Klaus groans and he could see the pointed glare that wasn't wavering off of Graces face. Letting out a sigh, he just nods his head. "Fine, I will try to be nice." He admits and there was slight humour in graces eyes.
"Is it really that hard of a task?" Grace asks as she raises an eyebrow at him. She swears they will get along eventually, because she was not going through her life with them constantly at each other's throats. She just hoped that Klaus got along with Mark at least.
"Yes." Klaus replies bluntly and Grace could only roll her eyes playfully as she shakes her head. She smiles as she brings him closer to her, their eyes never leaving each other.
"You're so annoying." Grace states with a small sigh before connecting their lips. Klaus kisses her back, his hand gripping her hip as their lips moving in unison. She could feel him smirk against her and when they part for a moment, he had a devious glint in his eye.
"I wasn't annoying last night." He points out as his hand moves further down her body. Grace giggles as he hovers on top of her and she just narrows her eyes at him before he leans back down towards her lips.
"Mm, I suppose not." She hums as she deepens the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Grace breaks the kiss, groaning lightly as she remembered she had promised to have breakfast with Hanna. "Hanna's gonna be here any minute." Grace admits but that didn't seem to sway Klaus in the slightest as he just brings his lips to her neck, leaving heated kisses on her skin.
"Then we shouldn't waste time." Klaus replies, bringing his lips back to hers and she couldn't help but kiss him back as his lips hovered over hers. Kissing him was so intoxicating and she could never stop herself.
"Nik, we can't." Grace states, knowing Hanna would make a comment if she was late, especially when they were meeting just downstairs. Klaus kisses her again, earning a soft moan as his hands caressed her body.
"Sure we can."ย He says as his hand grips her thigh, his lips moving back to her neck, going ever so lower as he made his way down her body. Grace sighs in content as she tilts her head back for a minute.
"I have to go in the shower." She tells him but her body wraps around him, not really wanting to let go. Klaus chuckles against her skin as he pulls back from her a little bit. Grace meets his eyes, seeing the smirk that had formed.
"Then why don't I join you?" Klaus suggests and before she can say anything, she is swept off of the bed and sped into the bathroom.
KLAUS WAS ANGRY TO SAY THE LEAST, Hayley and Jackson had just informed them that Dahlia had made contact and was threatening them. She wanted Hope or she was gonna end up killing them all to get her. Grace was trying to keep the conversation civil, but she knew Klaus was mad about the fact Hayley left with practically no protection when she knew Dahlia was out there. "Isn't that the point of a fortress? It does a better job at protecting you when you stay within its walls." Klaus sneers at Hayley with a glare set on his face. Grace let's out a sigh as she crossed her arms against her chest.
"Nik, lighten up a bit, okay?" Grace pleads as he just needed to calm down, him being angry was not going to get them where they needed to be at. Or have a civilized conversation.
"I did not go to lengths to form that bloody werewolf army just for Hayley to go outside unprotected with my daughter." Klaus snaps, his jaw clenched but Hayley was now also filing with rage since he was trying to blame her while also making it seem like she didn't care for Hope.
"Our daughter." Hayley corrects him as she glares back at the man, crossing her arms against her chest.
"She didn't know Dahlia would be able to make contact like that." Grace points out as Hayley was just trying to spend time with her daughter, how was she supposed to know that Dahlia could use other people to deliver her message.
"We told her how powerful Dahlia is and yet she didn't have her guard up." Klaus states, his voice still harsh but most of his aggression was directed towards Hayley, even if he was replying to Grace.
"Okay, we get it." Hayley snaps with a roll of her eyes. "Now let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do." She states as this wasn't getting them anywhere. Klaus just raises his eyebrows at the couple.
"What I would like to do is take a strong leash-"
"Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified. However, Hayley is quite right." Elijah interrupts his brother before Klaus could finish his sentence. "We need to find a new strategy. Freya, if you please." Elijah says as he looks towards his sister who lets a sigh leaves her lips.
"This spell you described. Dahlia calls it Kenning, using proxies to watch her enemies from afar, but I've never seen it done on quite this scale." Freya explains to them with a shake of her head. Grace just narrows her eyes, she wanted to give the woman the benefit of the doubt but she'd been with Dahlia for centuries.
"Isnt the whole reason you're here is because you know so much about Dahlia?" Grace questions as she just stared at Freya who meets her eyes. There was some intense eye contact as Freya's jaw slightly clenches.
"She's never been this powerful before, or at least not in front of me." She answers the blonde who was still slightly skeptical but doesn't say anything else.
"Awesome. So basically every hurricane-chugging, boob flashing tourist on bourbon street is a potential spy." Hayley points out with a roll of her eyes as a groan leaves her lips. Freya looks towards the hybrid.
"The good news is, I know a little bit about how her magic works. This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us." Freya states as she places her hands on her hips. Rebekah was the first to grab one of the cups.
"Well, come on. It should work like a charm." Rebekah tells them as she holds up the cup, waiting for the others to pick theirs up. "Bottoms up." She says but Klaus was the only one who didn't grab one. Grace was giving him a glare but he just kept his eyes on Freya.
"Niklaus, is there something you wish to contribute?" Elijah asks with a sigh as he knew his brother always had something to say, especially about Freya.
"I prefer biscuits with my tea." Klaus states with a shrug of his shoulders. Everyone just sends him a blunt expression, even Grace who wanted to punch some sense into him.
"Of course." Elijah mutters as he glanced towards the ground. Grace was wary of Freya too but Klaus was just being petty now. She grabs the cup from the table, walking over to the man.
"Just drink the damn tea." She snaps as she shoves the cup into his hand. Klaus just glances at it and grace was about to force it into his mouth if he didn't drink it.
"Love, you can't force me to." Klaus responds and Grace just clenches her jaw, she would take that as a challenge if he didn't drink the stupid tea. "Besides, our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells." He points out and grace just let's out a scoff.
"Speak for yourself." Grace retorts as she wasn't exactly a thousand year old vampire, nor a powerful hybrid. "Do you always have to be so damn stubborn?" She asks the man who just turns to her with his eyebrow raised.
"You're telling me Im stubborn?" Klaus teases her with a smirk and Grace just narrows her eyes before smacking his arm. He chuckled lightly before turning back to the group. "So what we experienced was a test. Dahlia is watching to see how we respond to aggression. She's preparing for battle. My guess is sooner rather than later." Klaus explains to them.
"Well, if she is watching us, she would know that we have our own army." Hayley admits but Elijah just clenches his jaw.
"She also knows where we are, and given the immense nature of her power, we simply have no idea what to expect from her." Elijah points out as he paces back and forth. "What we need is to create a new stronghold, something that Dahlia knows nothing about. A sanctuary from any Witchcraft." He states and Freya looks over at him.
"That's a fine strategy. I offer another." Freya tells them as she glances around the group before her eyes land on Hayley. "We could use Jackson to trace her magic back to its source, find out exactly where she is." She suggests and everyone turns their heads towards the hybrid who didn't seem particularly thrilled with that plan but Hayley sighs nonetheless.
"Fine, do it." Hayley says with a nod of her head, she didn't want to involve Jackson if she didn't have to but they really didn't have any other choice.
"Good, it's settled. Off you pop to your respective tasks. Me, I've always been of the opinion that the best defense is a good offense. So I'm gonna find a way to murder that god-forsaken witch." Klaus explains to them with a smirk playing on his lips. Grace cant help but shake her head as she walks over to him.
"You have such a way with words, sweetheart." She states sarcastically as she raises her eyebrows at the man, leaning on his shoulder. Klaus glances towards her and he could see the small smirk on her face as she meant in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Klaus rolls his eyes playfully but his arm wraps around her waist, pulling her against him.
Grace just allows herself to rest against the man, her head against his chest as the man held her close.
GRACE AND KLAUS BOTH MAKE THEIR WAY OVER TO DAVINA WHO WAS SAT ON A BENCH IN THE ALLEYWAY. They were waiting for Mikael to come back so that they, well Klaus, could try and get his help to kill Dahlia. Although Mikael may despise Klaus, he also wasn't very fond of the woman who had come to New Orleans. "Davina." Grace calls out, catching Davina's attention. The girl smiles brightly as she sees the blonde who was next to Klaus.
"Grace!" She responds as she stands up for a moment in order to pull Grace into a hug. "Good, someone I actually want to be around." Davina states as she sends a slight glare to Klaus who didn't really care for her comment.
"She practically forced me to bring her." Klaus retorts as he glances towards the blonde who bites the inside of her cheek.
"I was not being stuck inside all day." Grace admits with a sigh as she tilts her head. Plus she wanted to be a part of at least some of the plan.
"When we see Mikael, you are leaving if he agrees to help." Klaus tells her and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew he was just protecting her and even if she tried to argue, it would do nothing. He could just speed her to the compound and leave her there.
"Fine, bossy." Grace mumbles as she crosses her arms against her chest. Klaus sees the scowl she gives him but he wasnt about to risk her life around Mikael and especially not Dahlia.
"So, what's the deal anyway? Aiden at your beck and call now?" Davina asks in a harsh manner towards Klaus who only raises his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders.
"I'm simply mentoring a promising, young wolf." Klaus states and Grace furrows her eyebrows, tilting her head.
"I wouldn't exactly call it that." She retorts but it didn't seem like Klaus cared too much about what people thought he was doing with Aiden.
"Josh isn't gonna be too happy when he finds out about it." Davina points out as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"And I am shaking in my boots at the mere thought of his displeasure." Klaus replies sarcastically as he rolls his eyes, seeing the glare that Davina sent his way. Grace didn't look too pleased with his comment either.
"Nik." Grace scolds as she hits his arm. Klaus glances towards her with a slight smirk but she just narrows her eyes causing it to falter slightly.
"You see, Davina, Josh and Aiden are in love, which means they both have something to lose, thus making them all too easily manipulated, should the need arise." Klaus explains to them and Grace sighs, not really wanting Josh to be a pawn in his game.
"It must really suck to have to be you all the time." Davina admits as honestly, she couldn't deal with everyone either wanting to kill her or just hates her guts.
"Well, it hasn't been a picnic, honestly." Klaus retorts with a sigh. Grace glances to the side, feeling eyes on her. She sees Hanna hide behind a bush, not very well since Grace could still see her.
"I'll be right back." Grace tells them before she makes her way over to the younger blonde who wasn't exactly the best at hiding. "Hanna, did you follow me?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow at Hanna as she stops next to her.
"Maybe.." Hanna replies hesitantly as she looks towards the ground. Grace wasn't mad but she just wanted to know what the reason was.
"I was just curious." Hanna tells the woman who just rubs her face.
"About what?" Grace asks, she still didn't really answer the question of why she was following her.
"It always seems like somethings going on with you or the group." Hanna points out but this just makes Grace confused as her eyebrows furrow.
"The group? Who's the group." Grace asks as she tilts her head.
"You know.. the Mikaelson's, you, hayley." Hanna tells her and Grace knows what she meant, but obviously the younger girl didn't realize what exactly they were doing.
"Nothing's going on." Grace denies but she could see the suspicious glint in Hanna's eye.
"Mhm." Hanna hums as she raises an eyebrow at her.
"Why don't you just head to Rousseau's and I'll meet you there?" Grace suggests as she places her hands on her hips. It wasn't like she cared if Hanna followed her, it was just when she was doing something that involved the supernatural.
"Hanna, please don't argue with me on this."ย Grace tells her with a sigh as she brings her hands up to her face for a moment. Hanna wanted to say something else but decided against it.
"Fine, I'll go." Hanna replies as she glances over at Klaus before her eyes move back to Grace.
"Good. And don't ever follow me again." She just wanted to protect Hanna, especially now that she lived in New Orleans and Dahlia was here.
"No promises." Hanna responds with a cheeky smile but grace wasn't all too impressed. Maybe when her dad tells her about her werewolf side that things will be different, but not now.
"Hanna." Grace scolds and Hanna just shrugs her shoulders.
"What? Your life is pretty interesting." She admits and Grace shakes her head.
"Go." Grace says more sternly this time as she points down the street. Hanna let's out a sigh but begrudgingly starts walking in the direction of Rousseau's.
Davina and Klaus were both watching the encounter but as Davina let's her eyes fall to Klaus, she notices the love he had for Grace.
You know, thing is, you have that now too, don't you?" She asks him which gains his attention as he glanced back over at her. "Something you love more than anything, even yourself." Davina tells him and she could see that Klaus hated to have people around that could make him weak, but nothing would ever make him give up Grace. He didn't care how it made him seem.
"Not even just with Hope now. How does that feel to be one of us, someone with something to lose?" Davina asks him as she narrows her eyes, glancing over at grace to make sure that the woman wasn't walking over to them. But it seemed that she had followed after Hanna instead. "I swear, if you hurt her, I will find a way to cause you so much pain-" She starts to threaten the hybrid who only rolls his eyes in return.
"I think you're like tenth in line for my pain and misery if I ever do something to hurt Grace." Klaus admits as he knew most of his family plus a few others would not like it if he were to even touch a hair on graces head. Not that he would ever do that.
"Glad others feel the same way." Davina says as she crosses her arms against her chest. She went to say something else when she saw Mikael get out of a cab. "Klaus, there." She states and Klaus turns his head, seeing the man on the sidewalk. The hybrid quickly gets up, speeding over to the vampire.
"Well, well, well." Mikael says as he comes face to face with Klaus who just had his hands clasped behind his back. "If it isn't the bastard himself." He sneers but Klaus just remains stoic, not letting the man have any hold over him. "Have you come looking for another beating, boy?" His words were harsh, glaring at the man in front of him but Klaus just smirks lightly.
"As much as I'd love to kill you again, I wonder if our interests might be better served by joining forces." Klaus suggests as he stares at Mikael who had only narrowed his eyes.
"You know full well the threat we face. So.. how about it.. father? Care to join your bastard son on a witch hunt?"
HEADING DOWN THE STAIRS IN THE COMPOUND, Grace notices that Hayley and Jackson were heading to the exit with Hope and a bag packed. Her eyebrows furrow as she wondered what they were doing so late.
"Where are you going?" She asks them, causing the couple to stop. They turn to face Grace who was making her way over to them with a confused expression on her face. Hayley shares a glance with Jackson which was not exactly subtle.
"Um, we're just heading somewhere safe until Klaus deals with Dahlia." Hayley lies as she stares back at Grace. Grace narrows her eyes, she knew that wasn't the truth since Dahlia wouldn't really come to the compound right now.
"You're safe at the compound." Grace responds but Hayley shakes her head.
"We don't know that." Hayley tells her and grace clenches her jaw, it didn't take a genius to really figure out what was going on.
"Then I'll get Jenna to put a spell on the building." Grace suggests, taking out her phone. Hayley glances behind her, a sigh leaving her lips.
"It's just better this way." Hayley admits.
"What way?" Grace still wanted to really know what Hayley was doing, especially since they couldn't really go far without Dahlia tracking them. "Hayley, what exactly are you planning?" She asks her sister but Hayley just moves her eyes down the ground.
"We'll be back soon, Grace." Jackson answers her but Grace wasn't asking him. She didn't give a damn if Jackson left but Hayley leaving with hope, wasn't the best plan.
"Will you?" She replies as she raises an eyebrow at the couple. "You can't take Hope away from him." Grace denies as she looks back over at Hayley who did not really seem all too upset over taking a baby away from her father.
"He would do the same thing to me." Hayley points out and Grace just let's out a scoff.
"You know that isn't true." Grace replies as she shakes her head. Klaus would do a lot of things, but deliberately stealing Hope is not one of them. The only way he would do that, is if she left first which she was about to do. "He knows Hope needs her mother." She states and Hayley glances down at her daughter for a moment.
"I don't have any other choice." Hayley admits and Grace furrows her eyebrows.
"Yes, you do. You can choose to stay and not practically kidnap your child." Grace responds as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"Grace, I'm sorry, but this really doesn't have anything to do with you." Hayley mutters as she goes to turn around but Grace blocks her.
"You're my sister, and I'm with Klaus, this has everything to do with me." Grace points out, she couldn't push her out of the conversation when she did have something to do with them.
"Well, I didn't ask for that, did I?" Hayley's voice was harsh which made Grace's eyes widen slightly. "You wouldn't give a damn if I left if you hadn't opened your legs to him." She points out and Graces jaw drops slightly. Where did she get the nerve to say something like that to her? If it wasn't for Grace, Hayley probably wouldn't have even made it to Mystic Falls, let alone finding out what happened to her family.
"Excuse me?" Grace responds as she glared at the woman in front of her and Hayley didn't even seem the slightest bit guilty for saying what she did.
"I told you to stay away from the originals, and yet you literally sleep with most of them and then get into a relationship with Klaus of all people." Hayley states with a scoff and Grace could practically feeling the hypocrisy coming off of the hybrid.
"You are literally carrying Klaus' child." Grace retorts as she gestures to Hope who was asleep in Hayley's arms. She couldn't exactly say she was a slut for sleeping with Klaus when Hayley did the exact same thing and got pregnant.
"That was a drunken one night stand, you see everything that he does and you're still with him." Hayley responds, acting like being drunk was any better. Grace could barely hold herself back from just slapping some sense into her.
"Hes not a horrible person." Grace denies as she knew Klaus has done some things, she wasn't blind to that. But honestly, other than his curse that he broke, most of the time, he did those things to protect himself or his family. She knew he daggered his siblings, but that was because he was afraid of betrayal and he was afraid of being alone.
Underneath the hard exterior, the rage and the seemingly all powerful hybrid, Klaus did have a soul. It might be buried deep but Grace could see it. She saw his emotions, she saw the true side of him that he tried not to show anyone. And she could see how much he loved his daughter. Which was why she knew what Hayley was doing was wrong.
"Isn't he?" Hayley retorts and Grace clenches her jaw. No one was innocent, not within the group here in New Orleans. Not even anyone within the supernatural community. Everyone has done something and everyone has hurt somebody.
"We've all done things, Hayley. Even you. Even Elijah who you deem to be so noble." She points out as she didn't deem herself a saint either. She's made some choices, and some of them have been bad.
"None of us are worse than Klaus." Hayley points out as she crosses her arms against her chest. Grace wasn't excusing anything that Klaus had done in the past, but acting like he was the worst person to exist was a bit much.
"You think of him as this monster, if you take his baby away, you'll be giving him a reason to come after you." Grace points out, she knew of Klaus' thirst for vengeance. And there would be nothing she could say to him that would stop him from going after Hayley.
"He won't find us." Jackson denies and Grace could only scoff as she glares at the man.
"Yes, he will." Grace didn't think Jackson really had any say in this matter. He may be married to Hayley, but Hope wasn't at all his responsibility. "Hayley, think about what you're doing." She says, trying to get through to her sister who seemed to be more listening to Jackson than grace, who she had known for much longer.
"I already did. I'm going." Hayley tells her and Grace just stared at her for a moment. Grace thought that if she just took a minute to really understand the consequences that would take place if she were to leave, she would choose to stay.
"Then don't expect me to help you when he hurts you in return." Grace retorts and she could see that Hayley was a little bit caught off guard by her words. "You may be my sister, but what you're doing is wrong." She states, Hayley had no right to take Hope away from Klaus, even if she says she's doing it to protect her.
Grace knew the real reason, and she knew Klaus would not care what it was. When he learned they left, Dahlia wouldn't even be a blip in his mind. All he would care about would be getting his daughter back. And who was Grace to stop him? If she did this, he had every right to do what he had to in order to get to Hope.
But that was the dilemma with situations like these. You always think youre in the right, when nine times out of ten, everyone is in the wrong.
GRACE HEARD A CONVERSATION TAKING PLACE DOWNSTAIRS. For the past two hours, she had just laid in her bed, not doing anything but staring up at the ceiling. Jenna tried to call her a few times but Grace didn't answer.ย She just needed some peace and quiet, and she was silently hoping that Hayley ended up changing her mind. But she guessed she would know when Klaus came up since he would either be in a good mood, or severely pissed off.
Deciding to see who was downstairs, she gets up from the bed with a sigh. Grace runs a hand through her hair as she walks towards the door, opening it. As she starts down the stairs, she could faintly make out Rebekah's voice. "Well, that sounds like a bloody fiasco. Where's Dahlia now?" Rebekah asks as she had her arms crossed against her chest, her eyes flickering across the group in front of her.
"She could be anywhere." Elijah pipes up as he paces back and forth. "There wasn't a trace of her left at the church." He states with a sigh and Grace makes her way down the stairs, seeing the group conversing within themselves.
"What happened?" Grace asks, catching their attention. Rebekah was the one to answer her.
"Dahlia escaped." She states and Graces eyes widen as she stares back at the blonde. She couldn't help but notice that Hayley was also in the room. It seems her plans had been cancelled or, something went wrong. But Grace decided not to bring that up right now.
"Escaped, how?" Grace questions curiously, wondering what had gone wrong.
"She's more powerful than we thought." Elijah admits with a sigh as he rubs his face. Freya clenches her jaw as she glances around the group.
"She's done with us for the night. No doubt, she wants us to take some time to wallow in our defeat." Freya states with a sigh as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"Defeat?" Klaus asks as he raises his eyebrows. "I disagree. We saw her face, we took her measure. If that's the best she's got, quite frankly, I'm unimpressed." He states as he shrugs his shoulders. Grace was stood next to him but her eyes kept drifting to Hayley who was looking everywhere in the room but at her.
"Her aim was not to impress us. She wanted us to reveal our sole weapon, and like fools, we did." Mikael pipes up as he looks towards Klaus who didn't really care for his words. Rebekah glances towards Elijah, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Am I hearing things or did Nik just exchange words with our father?" Rebekah asks Elijah, almost thinking she was both seeing and hearing things. Mikael's eyes move over to Rebekah, a smirk on his lips.
"Rebekah. I'd know that wicked tongue anywhere. What mischief have you gotten yourself into now? No doubt the bastards doing." Mikael says as he looks towards his daughter who didn't do anything but stare right back at him.
"Enough." Klaus demands as his sharp gaze lands on Mikael. "My patience, like this farce of a reunion, is at an end." He states as he steps closer to the original.
"Agreed. There really is only one question here. What exactly are we doing?" Elijah asks them as he wanted to know what their next move was.
"This was not my plan. You rushed it and made but a single weapon." Freya snaps towards Klaus with a glare set on her face. "Of course she took it from you, and now we've lost what advantage we had and used up the very materials we needed to kill her." She states, clearly angry that they now had nothing against Dahlia.
"It's a bit histrionic. Your materials are easily found. Let's take stock, shall we?" Klaus asks as he raises his eyebrows at his sister. "There's an ample supply of your blood. Norwegian soil is hardly scarce. What else? Ah,ย yes-- the ashes of dahlias Viking oppressors." He states with a smirk clear on his face.
"Only priceless relics gotten with great difficulty at a museum, lost due to your worthless strategies!" Mikael shouts towards him but Klaus only slowly turns his head. It wasn't a second more before Klaus and Mikael against the wall, the white oak stake pressed against his chest.
"No!" Freya screams but Elijah grabs her in order to stop her from doing anything.
"If I feel even the faintest touch of your magic, Freya, I will end him with the flick of my wrist." Klaus warns her as he glances back at the woman for a moment before meeting Mikael's gaze. "You don't seem surprised." He admits but Mikael just let's out a scoff.
"Betrayal is in your nature, boy." Mikael retorts as he narrows his eyes. Grace was just looking between them, she knew Klaus wasn't going to let his father live when he didn't really need him anymore.
"No, I wasn't born like this. Her you fight for -- lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know." Klaus points out and Grace could see the hurt in his eyes. He may never admit it or want it to show, but it was clear all he wanted from Mikael was a reason. "Yet there was a time when you knew me as your son, a time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal. There were moments when all you had to do was be my father and even then, you despised me, didn't you?" Klaus asks him and Mikael just stays silent as he watches the hybrid. "I want to know why." His voice was fragile and it was clear he was holding back the tears in his eyes.
"I don't know." Mikael admits as he shakes his head, which isn't really what Klaus wanted to hear. "I just did." He says and Klaus only stares back at him, his face going void.
"Are those your final words?" Klaus asks him. Mikael's eyes just move to Freya who had tears streaming down her cheeks as Elijah's arms were wrapped around her.
"Freya.." He trails off for a moment, seeming sincere for what seemed to be the first time in his life. "I'm so sorry. I love you-" Mikael was cut off by Klaus jamming the stake into his heart.
"No!" Freya screams as Mikael drops to the ground. His body turns gray before erupting into flames. Freya was trying to grab at Klaus but the man easily avoided her.
"Viking ash is indeed rare. But all we really needed was a burning viking corpse." He states before making his way past the group to go up the stairs. Grace follows after him, mainly because she didn't want to speak with Hayley right now.
As she gets to the bedroom, she glances around, seeing that Klaus was leant against the wall, bent over. "Nik?" She says softly as she walks into the room. Klaus glances over at her, meeting her eyes. "You okay?" Grace asks curiously as she stops beside him, placing her hand on his arm, rubbing it gently.
"I'm fine, love." Klaus assures her with a small sigh as he gives her a small smile. "It isn't the first time I killed him." He reminds her but that really wasn't what she was talking about. She knew that killing him wouldn't really have an effect, but he said something that could have struck a nerve with him.
"I mean about what he said." Grace corrects as she searches the man's face. Klaus just brings his hand to her cheek, tilting his head.
"I'm okay." He tells her, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead before pulling away. "Thank you for asking though." Klaus says as his hand drops to hers, giving it a squeeze. Grace nods her head, her eyes drifting to the floor for a moment. "Is something wrong with Hayley? You two seem distant." Klaus had noticed the glances they exchanged and how Hayley seemed to avoid it completely downstairs.
"I'm just tired." She half lies, she was tired of everything that was going on. Truthfully, when she decided to stay in New Orleans, she thought it would be better. She thought this was the missing piece she felt in New York. But now that she was here, and all thede problems were surfacing, she wished she could just leave again. Although the one thing she would do differently is take Klaus with her.
She knew he most likely wouldn't go for it, mainly because he wouldnt leave Hope here. But Grace thought she knew what she was getting into when she came back. Though she was definitely in over her head. Being with Klaus was really the only thing that made sense with her right now. That and her friendships with Hanna and Jenna. Hayley seemed to be changing into a whole other person and Grace didnt know what to do about it.
Grace felt arms wrap around her and she recognized Klaus' scent immediately. She had been so quiet, she knew that, which is why he just decided to bring her into a hug. She immediately softens into his grasp as her hands clutch his shirt. Her head rests against his chest, her eyes closing for a moment.
This was what she wished every day could be like. Feeling comfort and safety with Klaus and not having to worry about someone trying to kill them. Grace just wanted to spend her life with him, especially since he would be around a lot longer than she would. She thought she could handle the supernatural alongside it,
But maybe she had drastically underestimated the severity of the supernatural. And the downfall it would have on her life.
I know I never really gave a faceclaim to mark so I was thinking of doing Jesse Williams ?
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