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KLAUS WAS SAT ON TOP OF ONE OF THE TOMBS, just looking down at the group as he holds the white oak stake in his hands. Grace sighs, turning to Elijah and rebekah who were only waiting for their brother to finally say something. "I see that what I said really touched him." She mutters as Klaus hadn't uttered a single word since she finished her little speech. Apparently he didn't feel like he had to. Rebekah scoffs as she shakes her head, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Oh, please. There's no getting through to him when he's like this." Rebekah points out as she's had a thousand years of this. There was seriously no reasoning with the man. Grace looks at Elijah but she can tell that he was thinking the same thing.

"Let it begin! The trial of Rebekah mikaelson." Klaus states as he points the stake at the blonde original. Rebekah rolls her eyes, placing her hand on her hip.

"What a relief. His ego's in check." She tells them with sarcasm in her voice. Elijah only sighs as he looks down at his sister.

"Just speak your truth. I'll make certain he behaves himself." He replies and Rebekah clenches her jaw as her eyes make their way back up to Klaus. The man had now stood up, only glaring down at her.

"You stand accused of betraying your own blood. How do you plead?" Klaus asks her and Rebekah only gives him a tight smirk as she tilts her head.

"I plead you to shut up and listen." Rebekah retorts as she steps forward a little bit but Klaus only scoffs, holding his arms out.

"You summoned our father. You brought him to our home. What possible defense could you have?" Klaus questions, knowing that it would be some foolish excuse of her love for Marcel. She would have him killed just to be with someone she thinks she loves.

"I knew he was the only thing that you feared and I wanted you to run." Rebekah states as she knew if Mikael came to New Orleans, it would make Klaus leave.

"Because you hated me." Klaus sneers as he glares at his sister. Rebekah scoffs as she shakes her head.

"Because you were hateful. You denied me the freedom to love." She points out and Klaus only chuckles humourless, as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh, so that's your defence? You called Mikael, the destroyer, the hunter of vampires, because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors." He says sharply as he walks closer to her. Rebekah could only glare at him since he was still missing the point that she didn't need saving all the damn time.

"You were cruel. And controlling and manipulative." She states and Klaus was infuriated by her, Grace could see the man clench his fist around the stake.

"I was trying to protect you! From imbeciles and leeches. Not to mention your own poor judgement." Klaus states as he gestures to the girl. Grace just stood back, shaking her head as he really didn't understand that all Rebekah wanted was her life back.

"And what about the one that you loved enough to call friend?" Rebekah asks as she stares at Klaus who only glances away from her. "Why did you forbid me to love Marcel?" She questions, her eyes filling with tears but that only made Klaus even more angry.

"Do not mention his name." Klaus snaps at her as he points the stake in her direction.

"What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts. Who loved art and music." Rebekah says as she scoffs, clenching her jaw as she couldn't even fathom that the little boy who used to love her no matter what, had turned into this. "I wanted to be just like you. How could you have fallen so far?" She asks as she shakes her head and Klaus only glares at her lightly but Grace could see the flicker of hurt that ran through his eyes.

"You say you despise Rebekah, for her betrayal, and yet.. no one has stood by your side for so long, not even I myself." Elijah points out as even he had stepped out of line himself. He even tried to kill him also and yet Klaus had only daggered him. Perhaps, he didn't have the right weapon yet but still, Klaus couldve killed him when he had the white oak but didn't. He forgave Elijah for his betrayal. "Perhaps it's you that's forgotten. I remember the day father had caught you whittling little chest pieces with his hunting knife. He beat you so mercilessly and for so long." He explains to the man and Grace grimaces, just imagining Klaus going through that. Yes, he was angry and yes he was acting like a complete and utter idiot. But it didnt stop Grace from feeling bad for him from time to time. "I actually feared for your life." Elijah says, remembering back to it like it was yesterday. Their father would not stop and Elijah could remember his brothers screams.

"So, you would paint her as a loyal sister. But she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel." Klaus points out which makes Grace roll her eyes. She understood that Rebekah wanted to be with Marcel, maybe she didn't go about it the right way but Klaus was painting her as a villain and getting the story mixed up. "Perhaps that was why you did it. For love." Klaus states, his voice void of any emotion but anger. "Perhaps I may temper my rage if Rebekah will admit she was a victim of her own idiocy, that her great love Marcel used her to oust this family and to take my city." He says as he looks to Rebekah who only shakes her head, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Marcel did not manipulate me." Rebekah answers him as she was not going to tell a lie just to make him feel better. Klaus only laughs, smirking slightly as he walks towards them.

"You defend him and yet you can't help but wonder, what if I'm right?" Klaus states as he tilts his head a little. Rebekah just glares at him, feeling the tears brim in her eyes again.

"We loved each other. It was your refusal to respect that, that led us to your ruin." She retorts but Klaus' smirk only widens.

"Then why didn't he chase after you when you fled New Orleans?" Klaus asks her as he raises his eyebrows, making Rebekah clench her jaw. "Oh, yes! That's right. He was here. Stealing what I built." He points out, making Grace glance towards elijah. She knew this was not going the way they had planned at all. But Grace couldn't help but admit that Klaus made a good point. Why hadn't marcel left to find Rebekah?

"You want me to renounce Marcel, to beg for your forgiveness? I won't." Rebekah says as she was not about to beg for Klaus to forgive her. Not anymore. She was done with asking for forgiveness when she did nothing wrong, when it was his actions that led her to do it. "Marcel is not at fault. I called Mikael." She announces to the man who just gives her a deadly glare as he grips the stake tighter.

"Rebekah, you must-" Elijah tries to intervene, trying to save the conversation but Rebekah doesn't let him.

"I was the one who brought him to new Orleans because of your wickedness! I wanted love and happiness, and you denied me the freedom to have either." She explains to him as she cries softly, shaking her head. By this time, elijah had given up trying to stop her because it was too late. "Yes, I hated and I was afraid of our father, but he was a lesser evil than you." Rebekah admits as she feels more tears threaten to leave her eyes. Grace could see the rage building within Klaus and knew that Rebekah's words were not going to sit well with him. "My bastard brother who loomed over me, threatening me as you are now. I wanted rid of you, and given the choice. Id do it again." Rebekah states, her tone venomous as she glares at her brother. Grace didn't even have a second to glance at Klaus before he was on the move.

Klaus charges at Rebekah and is about to stake her when Elijah tackles him to the groind. Elijah rips the stake away from him, standing up and towering over his brother. He just glares at the man before looking at Rebekah.

"Sister, leave us." Elijah tells her and Rebekah just glanced between her brothers before shaking her head.

"No-" She starts to deny but Elijah only sighs, not needing to fight with her aswell.

"I said, leave us. Please." Elijah states and Rebekah speeds off without a second glance. "You wouldn't listen to her, so now you must deal with me." He says to Klaus who only glares at him.

"Elijah-" grace starts to say, not knowing how far the man would go to stop Klaus.

"Grace, go." Elijah states as he points his finger at her. Grace only stares back at him, not moving an inch. "I said go." He says, his voice firm this time as he gives her a stern gaze. Grace bites the inside of cheek, her eyes moving to Klaus for a second. The hybrid only move his gaze somewhere else.

Grace sighs, running a hand through her hair before deciding to leave like Elijah told her. She was done trying to get through to Klaus anyways. It was clear he didn't want to listen to anyone.


GRACE GOT BACK TO THE COMPOUND BY THE TIME IT WAS AROUND DINNER TIME. She was starving by the time she got there because she had spent a freaking day trying to make Klaus seeing that he was acting stupid. Leaving him with Elijah would probably either end up with one of them dead or Klaus coming to his senses. And Grace wasn't exactly

When she walked through the door, she noticed Hanna sitting by herself at the table. Her eyebrows furrow as she wondered why the girl was here. She had thought that since it had been some time, the girl would've headed back to wherever she came from with her family.

"Hanna." She says softly, making the girl look up to Grace. Hanna smiles as she stares at the woman, seeing her enter the room.

"Hey.." Hanna replies slowly as she places her hands in her lap. Grace sighs as she walks over to Hanna, glancing at the ground for a moment before meeting her gaze.

"Look, im really not in the mood." Grace admits as she runs a hand through her hair, crossing her arms against her chest. Hanna nods slowly, her eyes moving from Grace's gaze.

"I'm not here to ask you to forgive Ann." Hanna states as she knew the girl had to do that on her own time. If she ever chose to forgive her. "I just.." She trails off, fiddling with her fingers as she stares down at the ground. Grace bites the inside of her cheek as she takes a seat beside the girl.

"Your dad may have married my mom but that doesn't make us sisters." Grace says as she shakes her head, letting out a sigh. "You know that, right?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow at the young blonde. Hanna smiles softly, resting her arm on the table.

"I know." Hanna responds with a nod of her head. She knew she couldn't just come to New Orleans and keep trying to push her way into Grace's family. She knew Grace didn't trust people easily, it wasn't hard to piece together. "But that doesn't mean we can't be friends."ย  She states and Grace smiles lightly, shaking her head.

"You're fifteen, you have a life, friends of your own." Grace points out as she didn't need the girl just coming to New Orleans instead of staying at home where she should be. But Hanna didn't believe she was missing out on anything at home.ย  "You won't be in New Orleans for long." She states as she knew eventually the girl had to go back.

"Right but that doesn't mean we can't hang out until I leave." Hanna suggests and Grace groans, resting her head in her hands.

"Hanna, I'm not someone you want to be friends with." Grace replies as she turns her head away for a moment.

"Why?" Hanna asks as she was confused on why she didn't even let her try. She understood not wanting her mother back in her life, but why was it so hard to trust others.

"Because most people who know me, it doesn't end well for them." Grace admits as she keeps her eyes on her hands. Hanna sighs as she nods slowly.

It wasn't like she didn't think Hanna was a nice enough girl. She was just a teenager. It seemed like all she really wanted was to be in Grace's life. But Grace knew that it wasn't something that Hanna should want. Everyone in her life either betrayed her or used her some way for their own gain.

"Well, I'm glad I know you." Hanna states as she offers a kind smile to Grace. Grace sighs, fiddling with her fingers. "Even if you do want to push me away." She points out as she could see that Grace was one to not allow many people into her life.

"Fine, give me your phone." Grace tells her and Hanna only looks at her, a little bit confused but she does as the woman says. Hanna hands her the phone and Grace only goes to the contact page. "This is just so you can at least text me when you're gonna bother me again." She states as she at least wanted a heads up before the girl came to see her. Hanna smiles, watching as the blonde typed in her phone number.

"Does this mean I can come hang out with you?" She asks carefully as she desperately wants to get to know the girl. Hanna had never really had many friends growing up, she's always been an outcast. From what she's learned about the woman, she knew that they could connect.

"I'll debate it." Grace says which makes hope raise in Hanna's eyes. Grace leans forward, resting her arms on the table. "But no mention of this to Ann." She says as she didn't need her mother intruding her way into her life. She could stay clear for good, but Hanna was welcome to come to New Orleans when she wanted.

"Got it." Hanna responds with a happy smile. Grace only shakes her head but she smiles back at the young girl. If anything, she wanted to protect her from her mother. Who knew what Ann truly wanted with Hanna, if she truly cared for her. Grace didn't believe that Ann could care for someone. That it was all a facade.

And she would be damned if she would allow Ann to do Hanna what she did to her.


HAYLEY WALKS INTO GRACE'S ROOM, seeing the girl sitting at the table writing something down. She sighs as she glanced around, she had been staying in the Bayou, giving her space. But she needed to try at least one more time to explain to her what happened. Even though Hayley knew Grace would not simply listen to her. And she would not simply forgive her.

Grace sensed that the woman was behind her, turning her head to glance at Hayley for a moment. She rolls her eyes before bringing them back to the page in front of her. "What do you want?" Grace asks with a sigh as she really couldnt deal with this tonight. After Klaus and Hanna, she really didn't want anymore family drama to deal with. Hayley takes a deep breath, fiddling with her fingers.

"I just wanted to apologize." Hayley admits as she looks at the girl who finally turns to face her. Grace only scoffs, rolling her eyes as she thought she already told the brunette that saying I'm sorry, wouldn't fix anything.

"Apologizing won't fix this." She retorts and Hayley nods, knowing that it wouldn't be easy.

"I know but I can at least try." Hayley replies but Grace wasn't having her gesture. She didn't care if the woman hated herself forever.

"Why don't you just go to the Bayou where your new family is? Seems everyone has them nowadays."grace mutters as it seemed everyone had a family but herself. And if she tried to gain one, Grace wouldn't be surprised if it evaporated before she could even blink.

"Don't push me away." Hayley tells her and Grace honestly was surprised by her seemingly uncaring heart. She wanted to remain sisters while bringing the one thing that Grace had never asked for.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm supposed to thank you for bringing my mother to New Orleans?" Grace asks as she crosses her arms against her chest. Hayley sighs as she rubs her hands against her arms.

"I was hoping to talk to you before she got here but she only lives a few hours away." Hayley states as she really had been trying to tell grace but apparently it didn't take long for Ann to get here. Grace scoffs as she smirks lightly, tilting her head.

"So her timing was inconvenient for you?" She responds as she goes to turn around but Hayley sighs as she follows after the girl.

"I know what she did and I know of the pain you suffered-" Hayley admits as she was told what Ann had done. She wasn't stupid and she didn't forget.

"Then why still do it?" Grace seriously didn't understand what Hayley's goal was. If she knew, if she believed her when she said Ann was a monster, then why bring her?ย  "Hayley, you are one of the only people I trusted with that information and you just brushed it off like it was nothing." She states as she glares at the werewolf. Hayley shakes her head, her eyes filling with tears.

"I never forget what you told me. She just seemed genuine." She states as she had heard Ann, she really sounded like she just wanted to make it up to her child. But Grace only laughs, rolling her eyes.

"Narcissistic sociopaths tend to fake their emotion, they come off as wanting love but instead they just want to destroy your life." Grace states with a scoff as she fiddles with her finger. Hayley looks down at the ground, she truly didn't think that of the woman but then again, she hadn't even met Ann. Who's to say that she wasn't the evil monster that Grace painted her out to be.

"I can tell her to leave." Hayley says as she was sure she could find Ann and tell her that she had made a mistake. And if Ann didn't leave willingly, she would force the woman.

"She won't." Grace retorts with a shake of her head as there was no stopping her mother now. She knew where she was, she wasn't going to keep trying to rip her way into her life. "She'll keep coming back and ruining the slight happiness that I have been able to get myself." She states as she crosses her arms against her chest.

Grace had hope for about two years that her mother would help her. That she would come and save her from her father. But it wasn't until she realized that she too was a monster beneath a facade. Her mother acted innocent, that she would have never allowed Robert to hurt her if she was in her right mind. But Grace had talked to her, merely passing conversation as she grew up. She saw that the woman was never into drugs, smoking yes but that didn't fade her mind.

"I really am sorry." Hayley apologizes as she walks over to Grace who only shakes her head.ย  "And I hope that one day you can forgive me, however long it takes." She admits as she was never going to stop trying to get Grace to forgive her. Hayley knew she messed up but she didn't believe that their bond was broken. They had gone through too much together.

"Well, how about I just cut your hope short."ย  Grace states as she takes a step towards Hayley who furrows her eyebrows. But she could see the pure hatred in her sisters eyes. "I hate you." She sneers, glaring at the woman in front of her. A tear drops from Hayleys eyes as she pushes her way past. A breath leaves Hayleys lips as she turns to watch the woman walk away. She closes her eyes, looking down at the ground.


it's a short chapter, I'm sorry

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