xiii. Who Spat In Thor's Soup?
━━ chapter thirteen
who spat in thor's soup?
━━"It's okay, girl..."
Everyone watched as Astrid descended down on Stormfly, the Deadly Nadder extending her claws to the metal post with hesitation. It was the moment of truth to see whether Hiccup's newest idea would work. As her claws wrapped around the metal, and the structure did not fall over, there was a collective cheer amongst Berk. Astrid grinned, scratching her dragon under the chin. Stormfly squawked happily.
Ruff and Tuff frowned. They glanced at each other. "So ..." began Tuffnut, "we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?"
His sister scoffed, "I don't understand you people━" they chucked their mallets to the ground and stormed off. Valkyrie sighed, shaking her head at them.
"And they tricked us into helping them build them," grumbled Tuff as they went. "I feel so used. And sweaty."
Valkyrie gave Hiccup an elbow to his sides to say, good job! He blushed, giving her an awkward smile. Dragon perches━simple but brilliant. Berk was becoming more and more accustomed to dragons living with them every day. It was a marvel to see a town so stubborn, one way for seven generations, come together to change their lives to help the creatures they once fought. All thanks to the boy beside her.
"I say we paint them," Val suggested, crossing her arms and peering up at his designs. "You know━make it colourful. Like ... flowers on them or something."
"Oh, sure, yeah," Snotlout scoffed in passing. "I'm sure the dragons will love to have flowers on their perches. Not all of them are girly girls, you know."
Valkyrie glared at him and raised her fist. "And I know you will love a punch to the face."
He fell silent and scurried along. Zephyr huffed after him to say, yeah, you heard my human!
Val chuckled at her dragon. Meeting Hiccup's gaze again, she went a little red and said, "Good job on the perches, again ..." she punched him across the shoulder lightly. He narrowed his eyes at her playfully. "I'll see you tomorrow," she brushed past him with a quick peck on the cheek and headed her way home. Hiccup stared after her, mouth gape. Astrid snickered at him and he sent her a glare.
Night came, and the dragons had already settled pretty well on their perches. Enjoying a nice spring meal with her family, Valkyrie gave the last of it to Boulder under the table before standing up. She had chores to do in the sanctuary tonight; feed the dragons, lock the pens, make sure they're all okay. Valkyrie has found she really enjoys this job. They had an adolescent Windstriker in at the moment with a shredded wing from an old trap in the woods. She might not fly again, which made Valkyrie feel terrible, but Hiccup was helping her on finding a solution like he had for Toothless, something to help her return to the skies on her own.
Stepping out, Zephyr followed her (as usual). The dragon and rider started the small distance between their home and the sanctuary when the sky grumbled. Zephyr froze, eyes flickering up to the clouds nervously. Valkyrie frowned and glanced back, "What is it, boy?" she asked him, palm reaching for his snout.
Around them, the dragons on their perches grew startled and lifted off, taking to the ground or away to the forest.
A strike of lightning shot down from the heavens and struck one of the metal perches. Valkyrie gasped, jumping back towards Zephyr with a spike to her heart. Another one followed after it, hitting another, and another. Zephyr whined, trying to pull his rider away and back inside.
In hearing the commotion, Hott poked his head outside with Spikemoth and called, "Who spat in Thor's soup?"
From inside, Erik replied, "I say it was probably Mak!"
Two more strikes lit up the sky and Spikemoth squawked, spooked. She snatched up Hott in her beak of a snout and back inside, wrapping him up in her wings and settling her claws on his shoulders, keeping him down. Before Valkyrie knew it, he was covered up in Deadly Nadder. She heard his muffled cries of, "Spikemoth━I'm not a baby!"
Mallory frowned at his daughter who was still outside, fighting her dragons desperations to drag her inside. "Val! Get inside, you don't want to be outside in that."
"But it doesn't usually strike here," she called back, pushing Zephyr's snout away and he huffed at her, annoyed. "Why is Thor so angry, what did we do?"
Valkyrie jumped again and gasped. A strike splintered down one of the perch's legs and lit the house on fire. Her eyes widened. Zephyr squawked, trying to tug her away. "Guys!" she turned to her family still in the house. "Fire!"
Without another word, Valkyrie flung herself up onto the saddle. Zephyr didn't want to fly, but she urged him up with a, "Yeah, I know, boy, but he gotta help━" before they took off, she pointed at a trough for him to grab, "━come on!"
They took to the air and with the already filled trough, they soared over the burning home. With a cry away from the flames, Zephyr tilted the trough down and the water soaked the fire. But just as they put out this one, another popped up, and another, and another ... Soon, Valkyrie's brothers joined her in the air. Asrifth and Hott guided their dragons around, grabbing buckets to help the lit village.
"Hott━" Valkyrie stopped the younger. "Who's checking on the sanctuary?"
He pulled Spikemoth up next to her. "Mum and Dad are on it with Erik and Mak. It's okay━the dragons are okay. They're okay."
Diving down past them, Astrid had Stormfly snatched up a terrified Terrible Terror, stuck amongst the flames and screeching. Valkyrie nodded and said, "Okay, Hott, Asrifth, get everyone away from the fire and up to the Great Hall━I'm guessing that's where Stoick would want everyone to evacuate. I'll rangle up the others, help the bucket brigade."
They nodded, and got to it. Valkyrie pushed Zephyr down and they dived in for a bucket, sweeping it up and heading to the ocean. As she did, she snapped at Ruff and Tuff who stood there, gawking at the destruction, to, "━Get off your butts and help out!"
"Fine!" let out Tuffnut, annoyed. But he turned to Belch and hopped up onto his saddle with sister on Barf's head. "Gods, who spat in her soup?"
Sweeping up as much ocean water as they could from the waterfall, Valkyrie and Zephyr shot back up to the town, dousing down the fires. She passed Snotlout and Fishlegs, "Guys! Bucket brigrade with the dragons, go! And make sure Ruff and Tuff are with you!"
Swooping down near Hiccup and Toothess, ready to order them around, too, she faltered to see Toothless shriek and bound away, spooked. His rider ran after him. Valkyrie pursed her lips, worried. Overhead, Astrid led Snotlout and Fishlegs with their dragons with carts of water, all dousing them over the fires stretching across the thatched roofs. Hiccup walked up to Ruff and Tuff, still sitting on their dragons and watching the destruction (why is Valkyrie surprised?). The others joined, Val scowling at the Twins for not listening to her.
"Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about!" Tuff ignored her and pointed to an explosion to their left.
Ruff snickered, "Hah! I've always liked Thor."
"Oh, I love these storms!" Snotlout touched down with Hookfang. "When it rains, I cancel bath night and just stand outside with nothing but a sponge and a bar of soap."
Astrid grimaced, sharing a disgusted look with Valkyrie━they did not need a reminder of that sight.
"We know," grumbled Fishlegs. "The village has had meetings about it."
"Why can't you just find a secluded lake and bathe like a normal person, Snotlout?" asked Valkyrie as lightning struck down behind them. Fishlegs jumped, squealing in alarm.
"Because lakes are icky."
"Guys!" Hiccup interrupted them, distressed. Rain started to pelt down, but wasn't dousing the fires as quick as the lightning was making them. "I━I need your help. I need to find Toothless!"
"I just saw him by the Great Hall," said Astrid.
Hiccup sighed relieved. Valkyrie held out a hand for him to grab, and he took it. She pulled him up onto the saddle behind her. "Come on." Taking to the air, Valkyrie guided Zephyr towards the Great Hall where a flurry of villagers made their way up the steps. Stoick carried two men who were unconscious━one over each shoulder. Hott and Asrifth her helping, guiding as many as they could, helping up any that needed it. On Spikemoth's back were a group of children, clinging onto each other and whimpering in the storm.
"It's striking throughout the entire village!" cried Mulch. "It's like we're under siege!"
Bucket clung at his head, in pain. He doubled over, shaking the bucket on his head. "I've never seen Thor this angry!"
They landed down onto the grass, having found Toothless perched up on one of the metal archways. Hiccup's grip laxed around Valkyrie's waist at the sight of his dragon, ready to call up to him, but at the lightning strike that hit the metal, Toothless shrieked and jumped to the next.
"Toothless!" Hiccup called after him helplessly.
Mildew gasped and pointed up a finger, "Did you all see that?" he said to the villagers entering the Great Hall. They frowned, glancing over and watching Toothless leap from perch to perch, running from the lightning that seemed to chase him around. Valkyrie felt Hiccup tense behind her at each strike, scared for his dragon.
"Look!" Mulch turned to Stoick, distressed. "The lightning is following him!"
Toothless jumped from the last perch, gliding down to Hiccup. The chief's son leapt off Zephyr's saddle and to his dragon, "Toothless!" as the Night Fury hit the grass, Hiccup had his arms around him, checking for any injuries.
Mildew sneered, "Don't you all understand?!" he gestured out to the village gathered to see his new spectacle. Valkyrie's growl matched her dragons. "Thor is mad at all of us! And I'll tell you why." He pointed his staff at Toothless. He whimpered, cowering behind Hiccup. "Because of him! As you all know the Night Fury is the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself! We've let him live among us and now we will all pay the price!"
Mulch glanced at Bucket apprehensively. "W━Well, it did seem as though the lightning struck right at the dragon."
"Didn't take you to be daft, Mulch," Mallory crossed his arms, standing beside the chief. "The dragon didn't make Thor angry━"
"The lightning struck right at the dragon!" Mildew cut Valkyrie's father off with a shake of his staff. Mallory narrowed his eyes, looking ready to swing his weapon at the old man. "And a lightning storm the likes of which we've never had! There is but one thing for us to do: banish the Night Fury! It's the only way!"
Some of the villagers cheered in approval and Valkyrie gaped at them all, stunned. She lifted off her saddle to have a word to say to them herself, maybe smack them up the helmet with her mallet but her father held a hand out to keep her still.
"Thor is angry at us because of the Night Fury!" went on Mildew dramatically. "You all saw it!"
At the murmurs Hiccup shook his head, starting forward. "What?! No! This is ridiculous!"
"If we don't act now," they ignored him and focused in on Mildew, "well, need I remind you of ... Barnstat!"
The village gasped at the mention of the infamous man━a Viking who came and stole their goods only to be struck by lightning in a storm that set alight their entire fleet. Thor was very angry at Barnstat indeed.
Stoick gritted his teeth and stepped in before it all would get out of hand, "You're right, all of you! Thor is angry, but I don't believe he's angry at Toothless."
"That's━that's right!" Hiccup nodded vigorously. "Have you all forgotten what Toothless has done for this village?!"
"Well, then, who do you suppose he's angry at?" demanded Mildew and Asrifth raised a hand.
"I have an idea," he said, gesturing to the old man. "His name starts with 'M' and ends with 'W'."
"Oooh! Oooh!" Tuff jumped to his side, eager. "Let me guess, let me guess! Hang on ... does it start with an 'M' and end with a 'W'?"
Asrifth rolled his eyes, ignoring him with an, ugh.
"I don't presume to know Thor's mind, Mildew," said Stoick angrily. "But we will find a way to soothe his anger."
Valkyrie shared an uneasy glance with Hiccup, both of them scared to wonder what would happen if they didn't.
━━Even as early as the morning sun rising over the cliffs and ocean, could the teens see another storm brewing. Thunder rolled over the clouds, and Hiccup pursed his lips nervously up at them. He reached for Toothless, holding onto part of his saddle for comfort.
"Another storm is coming," he murmured.
"Thor tore a hole in the Great Hall," said Tuffnut from where he sat with his twin at the steps. He leaned back, shrugging casually. "Maybe he's hungry? I know I am."
"We need to make Thor happy," said Hiccup. "But ... what do you get the god of thunder and lightning?"
Fishlegs held up a finger helpfully. "In the past, I know Thor's enjoyed a sacrifice or two."
"Ooh!" Ruffnut piped up immediately, grinning. "Let's sacrifice Tuffnut!"
Her brother didn't seem overly upset about the idea. He just sighed like it was such an effort, leaning forward with a slump, "Okay, what time should I be there? There better be fire involved."
"I can have Zephyr heat-bast you?" Valkyrie offered, holding up her hand but Hiccup just pulled it back down, giving her a short look. She smirked.
"Nobody's gonna be sacrificed!" he said.
"Not yet, anyway," snickered Snotlout.
"I had an aunt who was cursed by Odin once," said Astird matter-of-facty. "She had to pay tribute to him by sailing to the end of the Earth."
"Did it work?" asked Fishlegs, shoulders hunched in anticipation.
Astrid shrugged, stumped. "I don't know. I guess she couldn't find it because she kept showing up from the opposite direction."
"My dad's cousin says that's because the world is round," stated Valkyrie. "Which is stupid. How do you fall of the edge of the world if its round? Obviously, doesn't make any sense."
"Do you volunteer to go and check?" Snotlout grinned and Valkyrie sent him a glare.
"The gods have never been mad at anyone from our family," said Fishlegs. A thought occured to him and he whimpered. He turned to the steps of the Storage House. "Knock on wood━" he rapped the surface, "━hop on one foot━" he pranced over to Snotlout, "━slap a Jorgensen ..." he held up his hand, but the arch of Snotlout's brow, he chuckled nervously and settled with just poking him in the arm. Snotlout growled and shoved him away.
"If I were Thor," he spoke up loudly and Astrid rolled her eyes to say, here we go, "I would want a giant statue." Stepping up gently onto his dragon's snout, Hookfang hoisted him up into the air. Snotlout held up his arms, flexing his muscles and posing off into the distance. "Of myself, Snotlout, as Thor!"
Astrid crossed her arms, not amused. "You do know we're trying to make him happy, right?"
"Exactly!" Snotlout kissed his muscles and both Valkyrie and Astrid gagged.
"Oh━" Astrid swallowed harshly, wincing, "━I think I just threw up in my mouth."
Hiccup was off in his thoughts. A grin was soon plastered on his face and he stepped forward, approaching Snotlout. "Actually, that's not a bad idea."
"It's not an idea," said Astrid. "It's a reflex."
He frowned at her. "What━? No! I━I mean the statue."
Valkyrie and Astrid gagged again. "There I go again," grumbled Astrid.
"No! Not Snotlout!" sighed Hiccup, exasperated. (Snotlout stopped kissing his biceps, staring at Hiccup in shock) "Thor!"
"Hmm..." Fishlegs thought about it, thumb to his chin. "Berk has never given Thor a statue."
"Well, then it's high time we did!"
The team of teenagers spent the rest of the day working to create the best statue Thor could ever ask for. They put their best effort into it, hammering and welding pieces together. Hookfang kept the forge fire going, Stormfly gave them all wonderful and strong spikes to hammer into the metal, Barf and Belch's necks were strong tables to see whether the metal legs and arms could fit around. (Well, that was until the Twins turned their attention onto hammering each other instead of the arms they were building). Valkyrie kept Zephyr going with his heat-blasts with treats; his favourite food of all time: chicken eggs. He welded their pieces together ... even Snotlout's 'leg' they had to fix since he had it bent completely the wrong way for it to be humany possible. Once Thor was snugly fit in his metal pants Fishlegs had made for him specifically with a thunderbolt at the belt, the teens all stood back and examined their work. The storm was hanging heavy over their heads, but they managed to take a moment and be proud of what they had achieved.
They were excited to show the village what they had created. Standing before it clothed in the biggest fleece tarp they could find, every Berkian gazed at it and pondered what on Earth could be beneath it. Valkyrie was on her toes, anctipated for their reaction. Standing with her parents and Stoick, she nudged Hiccup forward, trying to hide her grin.
He stepped out to the village and clasped his hands together in front of him. "Attention!" he called. "Attention, everyone!" they listened and fell silence. (He was a bit startled, he wasn't used to holding that power). "Okay, so, I know we're not exactly Thor's favourite people right now, but I am confident that this beautiful statue will go a long way toward getting us back in his good graces! So, without further ado ..." with Toothless's help, he tugged the fleece from the statue, and there their work stood, in all its glory. Valkyrie clapped her hands together when the village awed at the sight of it. Yes! They like it!
Stoick smiled proudly at his son and his friends. "Well done!" Valkyrie's mother gave pulled her in for a quick hug to her side. Her brothers gagged and rolled their eyes, not letting their pride go to show pride for their sister for even a second. "Thor will appreciate this tribute, and will smile upon us once again!"
The Vikings all cheered, relieved and happy. There was one, however, that was far the opposite. (And it was to nobody's surprise).
"You really think this is enough to appease the mighty Thor?!" Mildew waved his hand up at the statue, furious. "While you allow a Night Fury in your midst? You're fools!" he shouted. "All of you!"
That night, the storm only grew worse. The teens were out once again, putting out fires and helping villagers and dragons. Valkyrie grew worried at all the lightning strikes and she caught the twins━yet again━doing nothing and just sitting ontop of their home and watching the village burn around them with a pile of nuts between them.
The Berkians flocked to their new statue with hands held up in prayer for Thor to give them mercy. Valkyrie didn't know what there wasn't to like about the statue? She worked really hard! Thor better like it! When lightning struck the statue, the entire village screamed. Valkyrie gasped, holding on as Zephyr bawked. He settled down near their home, watching from a distance as Mildew screamed in frustration.
"That's what Thor thinks of the statue!" he shouted to the village. Fungus bleated in agreeance beside him. "I told you what he wants, and we havent given it to him! Until we rid this island of that Night Fury, Thor's fire will continue to rain down upon us!"
They rallied with him. Valkyrie watched in horror as the terrified Vikings gathered their torches and pitchforks and marched up the steps to the chieftan's house. The teens tried to stop them, but there was no way to get into the mind of a stubborn Viking when there this far gone. Mildew had most of the village at his side, and it was as disturbing as it was scary.
Hiccup had to get Toothless out of here before they found him, and Valkyrie waited for the two of them by the back of the Sanctuary, away from the prying eyes of the village. She held onto Zephyr's neck, her heart thundering much like the storm above in her worry.
Peering through the houses, she kept a gaze on the mob, careful to make sure they didn't travel their way. Hiccup and Toothless snuck out the back of the home, running around the long way back towards Valkyrie's house. The mob didn't suspect a thing, yet.
When he arrived, he almost startled Valkyrie into giving up their hiding spot. But she managed to calm herself down before she did, rushing forward and placing her hands around Toothless's head in her worry. He purred at her, scared.
Glancing up at Hiccup, she stood to face him, "We can hide Toothless in the Cove for now."
Hiccup shook his head. He glanced anxiously at the mob still by his father's doors. "They'll just find him," he said. "N━No. We have to leave."
His words struck her. Taken-aback, there was a small silence between them filled with the angry shouts of the mob in the distance and lightning and thunder above. Valkyrie's stomach twisted and she let out an incredulous, "'We'?" unsure whether she had heard him right.
Hiccup pursed his lips, and couldn't meet her gaze. "He can't make it on his own," he said. He held out a plam to his snout. Toothless met it with a gutteral purr, his eyes flickering close. "And I wouldn't want him to. I'm going with him, Val."
Valkyrie didn't want to be selfish right now; this wasn't about her, or about them, but she couldn't help it. Leaving? For how long? Forever?! They didn't have the time for this, but Val found the words stuck in the back of her throat. But she didn't need to, Hiccup stepped forward and said:
"We'll come back," he promised her. "Eventually. When they all realise that this didn't happen because of Toothless."
Valkyrie didn't know how long that meant. Her chest weight with a heavy worry. A nasty shout from the mob made her glace back, and she realised she will just have to deal with it. This is about Toothless, let it go. So, with a deep breath, she nodded. Meeting Hiccup's gaze, she murmured. "You better go, just ... just be careful, okay?"
"I'll do my best," he said. He went to leave, but thinking better of something, he quickly rushed up to her and kissed her on the cheek.
With that done, he ran to Toothless, mounted his saddle and the two of them took off into the night. Valkyrie watched them go, her heart in her throat. It was only seconds after they disappeared amongst the clouds that Mildew and his mob arrived.
Valkyrie spun around a glare on her face. Zephyr snarled at Mildew, leaning his head in front of her to protect her.
"Where's the boy?!" demanded Mildew, shaking his staff at her. The mob behind him echoed his words. "And more importantly, where's the dragon?!"
"I don't know, Mildew," Valkyrie lied right through her teeth━and maybe she was telling the truth, because she had no idea where Hiccup was heading with Toothless ... where they will hide out until this was all over. "But you got your wish. Hiccup and Toothless are gone."
Zephyr growled, wings rearing to show defiance. Mildew eyed the dragon warily. Even he wasn't stupid to go against a Windstriker. He scoffed at Val, "Bah!" he turned to his mob. "Find the Night Fury!" he announced, pointing towards the woods. "All of you!"
Once his back was turned, and they were gone, Valkyrie's face fell. She turned back to the direction Hiccup and Toothless left, and Zephyr followed her gaze. He squawked softly by her ear, asking whether she was okay and she leaned in closer to him. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she sighed, "He better be okay..."
━━When Valkyrie saw Toothless chained at the docks, ready to be shipped off to the end of the world, her heart dropped. Hiccup wasn't with him and she thought the worst. But Astrid saw him near the forge and the teens all ran as fast as they could. As Stoick, Gobber, Mulch, Bucket, Valkyrie's parents and her brothers all stood in front of the Night Fury, ready to go against the village in order to keep them safe, Hiccup was searching the weapons━determined to find something that the others didn't see.
"Hiccup!" shouted Valkyrie, running up to him with Zephyr and the others (and their dragons) behind them. "They've got Toothless! They're about to float him off to sea!"
"I know," he grabbed a spiked staff, spinning it in his hands and seemed satisifed. "Why do you think I have this?" he showed it to them and they all stared, confused.
Tuffnut narrowed his eyes, "Oh, tough one," he murmured, and his sister copied his stance. Both looking identically dumb. "How many guesses to we get? Five?"
Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Okay," he said slowly. Turning to Valkyrie, he took her hand and pulled her away from the others. Her eyes widened, startled, and couldn't help but shoot a small grin back at Astrid. She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Val, fly me to the docks!"
She hoisted herself up onto her saddle and Hiccup joined in behind her. With one arm around her waist and the other clinging onto the spike he had found. With a set of his jaw, he glared towards the docks as Zephyr dived right down. Seemingly faster than usual, they arrived just in time. Zephyr swooped in between the angry Vikings and their family and friends, stopping a fight from starting.
"Stop!" Hiccup shouted and Valkyrie guided Zephyr back around. They landed on the wood of the docks and Hiccup leapt off the saddle. Val watched him, a little confused as to where he planned to go with this. He ran to stand in front of his dragon, arms held out towards the village with his chest heaving. "Stop!"
"You could get rid of Toothess," he said, "you could throw him off the edge of the world, but it's not going to stop this lightning from destroying Berk." The mob shook their heads, not believing him. Hiccup pulled at his hair and shook the weapon towards them. "It's the metal!" he cried. "The lightning is hitting the metal! Just think about it! We never had a lightning storm like this until we put up those perches, that statue, right? A━and they're all made of metal!"
"Oh, bah!" scoffed Mildew and Zephyr snarled at him yet again. "You ever heard of anything so insane?!"
Hiccup was growing desperate. He glanced at the angry mob still in disbeleif and rushed to Toothless's tail. He pulled it out for them all to see the damaged rods were his prosthetic used to be. "Y━You see? This is where the lightning struck Toothless. On this connecting rod ... this metal connecting rod!"
He awaited their reaction, but at the shakes of their heads and the grumbles they sent to one another, he dropped down Toothless tail. "Okay ... okay ..." he began to run out of ideas, until one hit him. He snatched back up the weapon and glared at it with a firey stubborness that told Valkyrie, oh no, what has he got planned? "Look, if you don't believe me, I can prove it!"
Running back to Zephyr, Valkyrie pulled him up behind her on the saddle. "What are you doing?!" she asked him harshly.
"Just fly me up to the mast━" he pointed to the nearest ship and Valkyrie did so.
"You're not doing anything stupid are you?" she was worried, and grew even more at the wince Hiccup gave her.
"Uh ... you'll see."
She pulled Zephyr up adjacent to the tip of the mast and Hiccup slipped off. He landed on the wood with his arm wrapped around the wood, keeping him steady. Valkyrie was hesitant to leave him. "Are ... are you sure you know what you're doing?"
There was a nasty strike of lightning. It illuminated the weak grin Hiccup replied with. "Sure? Uh ... that's a strong word. Um ... it's more of a ... hunch." She gritted her teeth, not happy with this plan at all but he stopped her before she could say anything, "I'll be fine. Go!"
She didn't think he'll be fine━at all━but let him have at it. Swooping back down, she landed back on the docks and Zephyr growled at Mildew who was close. He skuttled back, eyeing Zephyr carefully.
"Oh, boy ..." muttered Gobber, staring up at the chief's son. He sighed. "Here he goes again..."
"He doesn't make it easy," grumbled Stoick in agreement before raising his voice. "Hiccup!"
"You'll all see for yourselves!" shouted Hiccup to them all below. He gestured widly with the spike. "When I attatch this metal rod to the top of the mast━" he held it up. There was a clap of thunder. He flinched, but continued on, "━the lightning will be drawn to━"
Hiccup froze. His body lit up in the light of the strike; the power of Thor running through his body and knocking him from the mast, unconscious to the water. Valkyrie screamed. The village all gasped, rushing to the edge of the docks. Valkyrie fought to get past them, to throw herself into the water after him. She pushed Vikings away, shouting Hiccup's name. His father looked ready to dive in, but another figure shot past him and into the water━a dragon as black as the night around them.
Toothless had broken free of his chains. He dived into the dephts after his best friend, kicking through the murky water. Valkyrie held her breath, clinging onto the post at the edge of the docks. Her friends surrounded her, all watching with racing hearts for the two of them to reappear. Valkyrie felt weak at her knees. It must have been seconds, but it felt far longer than that.
When the Night Fury burst forth out of the waves, he dragged a lifeless body back onto the docks. Hiccup was sprawled out against the wood, not moving. Valkyrie felt a sob crawl up her throat as Toothless nudged his best friend, over and over ... but there was no response.
Stoick ran to his son, holding him up against his chest and leaning in to check whether he was breathing. Valkyrie reached for Astrid's arm and held on.
There was a moment of silence, and Valkyrie felt like she was there, at Dragon Island, watching Stoick mourn his son by the debris from the Red Death ...
He sighed in relief, "He's alive!"
Valkyrie's hands flew to her mouth, beyond relieved.
━━In the days it took for Hiccup to wake up, Valkyrie felt like she was taken a trip back in time. Sitting by his bed, holding her mallet close and making flower crowns for Toothless like they had just defeated the Red Death. The Vikings of Berk made work to take down the metal perches and their Thor statue (oh, they worked so hard on that ...). They moved it to the highest peak of the island ... all though, Stoick and the teens had a very different idea of tallest peak. While he meant the mountains ... they all thought he meant Mildew's house.
(Ah, yes, what a lovely mistake on their part).
And when Hiccup did wake up, Valkyrie was there, waiting outside. She was too nervous to knock on the door and far too nervous to sneak in through the back. So she waited with the others, twiddling her thumbs and playing with the flowers on the hilt of her mallet. As soon as the door opened, her heart leapt. Hiccup struggled out and in seconds, he had her arms around his shoulders, holding him tight and swearing that if he tried anything remotely similar to that again, she'll throw him off the edge of the world herself.
The friends celebrated the daring of Hiccup (and the Twins congragulated on not losing his second leg. Hiccup laughed dryly at that).
They slept storm free that night, and Valkyrie was smiling into her pillow at the sounds of Mildew's screams all the way from the tip top of the cliffs.
(Ah, yes, quite the lovely mistake).
a/n: I have multiple drawings for today hehehehehe. This is just me drawing random stuff with the characters. And yes this chapter is rushed, deal with it lol ilysm
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