xxxii. The Final Battle

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chapter thirty-two
the final battle

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    SHE WAS NERVOUS. She was nervous, but she had undeniable faith━she knew that they would survive this, and get through this, and make it out to the other end, like they always do. But she as she prepared herself for what was to come, she had to see her. She had to travel back into the construction of New Berk where she found her mother and father and see her. They have been through this many times before to know what she was doing━that she was throwing herself into danger yet again, but that was the life of a Viking: battle was in their heart as it was within their veins. It was their jobs, their passion━the way they showed their love: they would fight until the end in order to protect and bring a flourishing life to their tribes, and if they died, they would die in the most glorious ways; bathed in honour and remembered for their bravery. And then, they would watch down from Valhalla and protect their loved ones still standing. 

    There was a saying; wisdom from the Gods themselves that said: The cowardly man thinks he'll live forever, if he keeps away from fighting; but old age won't grant him a truce even if spears spare him.

    And so it was a must to live every day to the fullest━to fight, even if that battle might very be your last.

    Valkyrie whispered sweet nothings as her daughter slept the night away━completely innocent to all that has happened. She brushed her auburn hair away and smiled, sighing out a gentle breath as she was transported into a moment so peaceful. Linnea's knitted brows lifted at her mother's touch, and even if she was growing stubborn to her words━just like her father━Valkyrie's daughter found herself at the most comfort when she was around.

    "I'll be back," she whispered to her as a promise. "I'll be back with the dragons and finally, we'll be home."

      She fixed her little Zephyr toy closer to her and brushed her fingers along the knitted Toothless one she had clutched tight in her arms. "I love you, my darling little girl━" Valkyrie leaned in to kiss her daughter on the forehead. "I love you more than anything." 

      Val held a brief memory of when she first held Linnea in her arms━rather exhausted and crying, and felt her whole world change. She was so small then, and now she had already grown so much━and yet, still so little. Just a Hiccup. 

      The canvas of the tent entrance pulled away and she glanced over her shoulder. She took a deep breath and stood back up when she saw it was Hiccup making his way over. Like him, she had now dressed herself in her dragon armour, ignoring the pain from her cuts and scathes━ready for what was about to come. 

      He smiled at her and came to stand beside her. Valkyrie immediately leant against his shoulder, gazing down at their daughter with a breath of worry━but also inspiration. Hiccup wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer. 

     "You know," he said to her softly, "I never ... I never thought I would be a good father. I knew I couldn't be like my father━I could never be like my father even if I tried, but ... but I then didn't know who I could be. I was scared, and I was unsure━I thought I would fail her. But then I ... I saw her for the first time and I knew I would do anything to make sure she had the best life."

      Valkyrie frowned, but she just squeezed her gentle hold around his waist, "I know," she murmured. 

     "I wanted her to have everything I wanted━everything I couldn't have. I wanted her to have the life I dreamed of ... and that dream brought us here."

      Val shook her head at the slight sadness to his tone. She placed her hand on his chest and he glanced down at her. She then told him: "Your dream brought us home. Whether that be on the sea, on Old Berk or here, it is home, because we're together. You are the best father I think Linnea could ever ask for━the best father I could ever have imagined for her."

     Hiccup nodded. He let her go to lean in and press his own tender kiss on Linnea's forehead. He fiddled with the fleece blanket, making sure it sat right on her to keep her warm. Valkyrie rubbed his back, "We'll make it," she reassured him. "We'll win this and get back."

     He stood up and smiled at her, "I know."

    He cupped her cheek, "Thank you, again," said Hiccup. "For everything."

     Hiccup kissed her, too. Valkyrie let herself fall into his gentle touch for as long as she could. When he pulled away, he only just tugged her close into a hug━and he held on tight, enveloping her into his chest and into his hold, letting his head fall into the crook of her neck. Valkyrie closed her eyes, happy that in this moment, it was just them. 

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    THE FLEET SPREAD out across the distant ocean. Valkyrie took a deep breath, staring it down━warlords and their armies; each and all underneath Grimmel's command. Without their dragons, taking on such a feat seemed unlikely━impossible, even. But they only needed to target one ship; they only needed to release enough dragons━they only needed to play it smart. This was the largest, most dangerous and most outnumbered battle they have faced, and that settled in the air━but that didn't mean they wouldn't lose, either.

    They couldn't lose. 

    Valkyrie twisted her grip of her mallet handle, her fingers gloved with leather underneath dragon scales. Her heart pounded through her chest, but she only took a deep breath, eyeing their destination with a brutal determination. 

     The others had joined them at the cliff's edge, all of them fiddling with their dragon armour and their wings. Not yet had any of them truly managed to master the ability to use their flight suits except for Hiccup━but now, they had no choice. 

     Once the plan was discussed, there was an incredulous silence. The Dragon Riders all shared a dubious glance. Then, Ruffnut turned to Hiccup who stood in front of them all and said, "So ... jump off the cliff in these━" she threw out her arms to show her wings. She slammed them down, horrified. "That's the best you've got?!"

    Hiccup shook his head, "No," he told her with a slight grin, "you guys are the best I've got."

     It took her off guard. Ruffnut stared at him, eyes wide━then she gushed, tucking her head in and playing with her hair, "Aww..." she cooed.

    Tuffnut teared up. He slammed his hand on his chest before throwing his arms up into the air, "I'm━"

    "━With him!" cried Ruffnut before he got the chance, jumping up into the air with a bright smile. "Who else?!"

     Her brother scowled. He turned up his nose stiffly, "Ruffnut," he stated dramatically, "that was my line."

    "Are you sure this is a good idea?" let out Snotlout, a little flushed as he struggled to straighten his flight suit. "I━I mean, we are totally outnumbered━" he chuckled nervously. "Like totally━we might die!"

     Hiccup only just chuckled himself, "We're Vikings, Snotlout," he flicked down the visor of his helm, "it's an occupational hazard━!"

     With that said, the Chief of Berk took off at a run straight for the cliffside. He leapt off with a loud cheer, diving straight down with no fear. Valkyrie couldn't help but laugh as she followed. "Keep up!" she called back to the others before she, too, jumped off the side. She heard the others scream and shout with terror as they propelled themselves down but Valkyrie only felt the wind rush against her sides, saw the blur of the trees around her━

     She flung out her arms and cheered when she shot upwards. Like she was a dragon herself━a mighty Windstriker of bright blue, yellow and white━Valkyrie the Vicious soared through the skies; the skies she has explored, the skies she has tamed, the skies she made her home. 

    Behind her, the others weren't so graceful, but just as brave. Hott nearly barrelled straight into Snotlout before he managed to pull himself out of the way last minute. Tuffnut flapped his arms a little each time he staggered in his flight. Fishlegs screamed the whole time, high-pitched and ringing. Ruffnut purposefully tried to cause trouble━as always━veering dangerously close to Astrid who shouted at her to focus; she who was pale-faced and viciously trying not to lose focus and fall herself. Snotlout was the worst━Valkyrie was sure she has never heard that many curse words come out of his mouth ever before in her life. 

    Valkyrie held her breath as they descended closer towards the fleet below. She started to see the crowd on the centre ship━their dragons locked up in chains and cages. The glow of the Light Fury was sprawled out from a long chain, muzzled and crying out to Toothless who was still suspended in the air with her, held under the mercy of Grimmel's cruel intent as he boasted from the wooden posts above. 

     She tried to see where Zephyr was being kept; but it was all a blur of colour and dragon cries. She just followed Hiccup's path, keeping her arms locked and straight. 

     As soon as he saw his dragon underneath the aim of Grimmel's crossbow, his hands clenched and he shouted, "HOLD ON, TOOTHLESS━!"

     The crowd gathered on the deck all spun around━and they were frozen with shock. Some couldn't quite believe their eyes to see Vikings fly without a dragon. Even Grimmel held a moment of surprise, and Valkyrie was satisfied━she was right, he had no idea who he was playing with. 

     "AHHH━!" Tuffnut clung onto his sister's legs as he dropped in his flight. She screeched and kicked him off, leaving him to fend for himself. 

     "WE'RE GOING TO DIE━!" screamed Hott as he propelled down past Valkyrie, having momentarily lost control. "ASTRID WATCH OUT━!" he slammed into her and the two of them made a quick descent to the ship below. 

     Snotlout frantically waved his arms, wobbling here and there and everywhere, "Could've used some practice!" he shouted at Hiccup angrily while Fishlegs was green in the face:

    "I should've skilled breakfast━!"

     (Like she said, definitely had no idea who he was playing with...)

    Valkyrie folded her wings and dived down towards the same direction Hott and Astrid crashed. The others dipped down after her. 

    Grimmel recovered and with a frustrated growl, pulled his crossbow to aim at them instead━Hiccup knocked straight into him. The Night Fury Slayer cried out as he fell. He scrambled to catch himself. His hand wrapped around the support beams of the machine's wooden wings. Hiccup veered up and away━he bounced off sails and swung on ropes; wrapping right back around in a wide arc. 

     "TOOTHLESS!" he called and his dragon answered.

     Even chained and suspended; muzzled and contained, the Alpha threw his body, crying out a war cry that echoed all across the open seas. Hearing his call, his army roared to life. All around, dragons burst from their cages, they fought their shackles and lit the seas with ferocious storms of flames. Guards and Hunters all screamed, running for their lives as the decks of every fleet soon turned into a battleground of fire. 

     Hiccup flung himself forward and prepared himself to land. He hit the deck amongst the chaos and flames━and in perfect formation, his team followed. (Or, as perfect as they could ever be). His friends, his family━a group of complete, utter misfits who somehow managed to find each other in the most ridiculous of ways. But no matter what, always had each other's back. 

     Valkyrie the Vicious━a girl who was always never quite what she seemed. An air of mystery (and some slight anger issues). A woman with a thirst for victory━with the gaze of a fiery Windstriker who could make her enemies beg for mercy under her intense glower and battle-ready mallet. A woman who was a leader as much as she was a warrior. 

    Astrid Hofferson, supporting a bruise and a white-hot boil of anger in her chest. The toughest woman on the Isle━which of course, if anyone told her otherwise, they would probably lose an eye, and a leg━with beauty as sharp as the blades of her axe or the spikes that adorned her Nadder helm. 

    Hott Frode, a boy who spent his whole life searching for who he would be as a man. Passionate and courageous━and always determined to prove his worth. A man with a thirst for adventure and a mighty swing. (But perhaps not the best aiming skills when it came to free-diving). 

    The Twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston; Annoyance One and Annoyance Two. A pair with many names and an equal temper to rival most directed at each other. Loyal and cunning━creative and original in everything they had to offer. 

    Fishlegs Ingerman. A large, meaty Viking with not much chin but an extremely eager mind. He might not know how to wield an axe, or a sword, or even a mallet or a mace━he barely could even hold his dagger straight without quivering at his knees━but still ready to stand and fight for everything they believed in.

     And ...

    Hiccup frowned, glancing around for someone who was missing. "Where's Snotlout?"

    Valkyrie dropped her stance. Her mallet fell to hang down by her ankles, "I thought he was with you?"

    Her husband frowned as he pushed up his visor, incredulous, "What━why would he be with me? I thought he followed Fishlegs━?" he glanced around and sighed with disappointment as he noticed the growl of a small, vicious Gronckle as he poked out his head from Fishlegs's armoured pouch. "Seriously, Fishlegs? The baby? Again?"

     Fishlegs gaped, unable to come up with any other excuse then: "Asrifth still refuses to babysit!"

     Hott clutched his side, grumpy from his fall. "You didn't even ask him."

    Astrid threw her hand out, just as frustrated, "Why would you even think to bring him━?" and just like that, the whole group began to argue over Fishlegs and Fishmeat without a care in the world of the army that was starting to approach. 

     Hiccup pinched the bridge of his nose. "Has anyone seen Snotlout?" he tried to shout over them, forgetting the fight for a moment, too. "Guys! Stop━stop━Snotlout━where is Snotlout━?!"

    "I'm up here!" came a shout from above. They all stopped arguing and glanced upwards. There, hung Snotlout Jorgenson━a mean Viking with an even meaner face, and a very mean tongue━from the mast above. Still, after all these years, never quite mastering any landing━whether it be his morals, his dragon, or himself. Hiccup sighed, disappointed. His cousin kicked his legs, "Well━what are you waiting for?!" Snotlout shouted at them all. He pointed towards the army that was just paces away. "Get in there!"

     "Oh, Gods..." muttered Hiccup. 

     (What a group of misfits they were━a horrendous group, really. But they had each other, and in the end, to win this battle, that was all they needed). 

     With a cry, together, they attacked. 

     But as they charged, Astrid stopped. With a sudden pacing heart and a hitch of her breath, she found Hott amongst it all and blurted out, "Hott━"

     He glanced back at her, skidding to a stop as well. Despite crashing into her and making them fall (painfully, she would add), watching him about to run straight into danger, right now, Astrid held the sudden urge to stop him. To speak to him. To tell him ... to tell him ... before she lost the chance, "I just━"

      But he cut her off, as if he already knew. There was a slight smile on his face, "Stay safe," he told her and he was gone. 

    It was a blur. Valkyrie rushed into battle with one goal on her mind. Zephyr was here somewhere, and she had to find him. All around her, there were cries, explosions of fire and shouts of alarm as more dragons joined in the skies and on the decks to fight their own battle against those that have tried to hunt them to extinction for so long. It wasn't just a fight━it was an all-out war. She has never fought so viciously in her life. She wasn't just fighting for herself, or for her friends, not even for her dragon. She was fighting for Berk━for its people, for her daughter's future; and it was something she's never experienced before. It made her more determined than she has ever been; determined to win and to make it out of here alive. 

    She fought at Hiccup's side. He with his sword and her with her mallet━a team to be reckoned with. She knocked blades aside and met axes in a clashing lock. Time passed; she didn't even count it. She fought one and she tripped another. She rushed to intercept someone who rushed up behind Hiccup and ducked as he brought his flaming sword towards the helm of another that tried to surprise her. 

    Valkyrie tried to keep an eye on where the others had gone, but with so much happening all at once she sort of forgot whether it was Tuffnut or Ruffnut who had ventured off to the right━or whether Astrid had headed straight for the dragons still stuck in their cages. She swung her mallet in vicious attacks, knocking Hunters right off their feet. She tried her best to make a way for Hiccup to head for Toothless who struggled in his suspended chains. He managed to knock his muzzle free, catching Grimmel by surprise. He blasted his crossbow and the entire wooden wing burst aflame. They tipped sideways towards the ocean. Grimmel ran along the top of the wing, leaping forward as the flames grew dangerously close. He cried out and flung himself sideways as Toothless struck again, only just managing to grasp the rope net as the entire contraption went spiralling. The Deathgrippers trying to keep it aloft struggled and cried out, beating their wings hard. 

     Across the ship, the others were fighting a battle for their lives. None of them new, in this moment, that this battle would be the last they ever fought for their dragons. Their final battle had commenced. The Twins worked together, cackling as they either scared soldiers off, or knocked them senseless with Tuffnut's mace. As they ran off, Tuffnut made ridiculous war cries, throwing his arms out and chasing after them. As he passed him, Snotlout shouted many calls of encouragement (or discouragement, depending on who ran underneath his shadow). 

     Fishlegs huddled to and fro between the cages, helping the baby dragons from their shackles. He squealed and ducked a column of green, flaming acid from a swooping Deathgripper━coincidentally missing an overhead swing from a Hunter's sword. It sent the Hunter stumbling and he tripped over his own soles. Fishlegs glanced back and let out a little chuckle━just his luck!

    Hott skidded along the deck, avoiding a volley of arrows━he rushed to hide himself behind the mast, his breath hitching as one arrow shaft struck all the way through, a hairline from his cheek. He prepared his mace, waiting for them to run out of arrows when he heard a familiar squawk that made his face light up. He glanced around and found himself joyful to see a flash of yellow swoop and snatch up the Hunter with a cry before chucking him straight into the ocean. 

     "Yes!" cried out Hott, shaking his mace as his dragon hovered just by him to give him a delightful, and loud, squawking reunion. "That's my girl! Go━help the others, Spikey!"

     She squawked a final time before taking off, spinning through the flames and sending a Deathgripper off course. 

     "Hott! Look out!"

    He reacted just in time. Spinning around, he caught an axe's blow mid swing. Grunting with effort, he forced it to the side before his mace would crack under the weight. Hott didn't even have time to think before an elbow struck his nose and he flung backwards. He hit the deck, coughing and groaning as pain flared in his face; his eyes watered. 

     In seconds, Astrid had run forward, taking on the axe warrior herself. Even when he was twice her size, she was easily a better match. With her weapon, she caught the shaft of his blade in between her two blades. The Hunter stared down at her dumbly before she kicked him in ... well, in a place no man would want to be kicked. As he doubled over, in tremendous pain, she shoved him backwards and off the side. 

     Letting out a breath, she rushed to Hott. "Are you all right?" she asked him, helping him back onto his feet.

     Hott tried to see her through his tears. "I think he broke my nose," he mumbled, rather upset by the fact. "Did he break my nose? I don't want a crooked nose for the rest of my life━I have a good nose."

     Surprisingly, Astrid chuckled. His vision started to clear up. He gazed at her as he supported his nose, and found himself filled with gratitude. "Thank you," he told her. 

     The shield maiden shrugged, "Anytime, little Frode."

     He made a face at the name━he'll never live it down. "I'm not little."

    Astrid chuckled again, only for it to fall. Despite the battle raging around them, they somehow been given this breather━and he stood in front of her, upset about his nose, and looking ridiculous, arguing that he was no longer the little kid that annoyed her ... and while he would never stop annoying her ...

     Astrid knew now. She knew ... 

     She loved him. 

    And she had to tell him.

    "Hott," she said again. He set his gaze on her, confused at her sudden change of tone. This strange surge of emotion welled up inside her, making her voice heavy as she forced herself to speak again, not even sure how she could put everything into words, but she tried. She tried, because what if she wasn't there next time? What if she never got this chance again? "I ... I'm sorry."

     His frown deepened, "What?" there was another explosion of fire in the distance━a few Hunters squealed as the Crimson Goregutter came free. "What for?"

    She didn't know why she felt like crying━perhaps she did. "For━for everything," said Astrid Hofferson. "I━I'm sorry for taunting you. And I'm sorry for pushing you around. I'm sorry that I knew how you felt and acted like there was nothing━I'm sorry I never saw you but━but I see you now. I see you, Hott. You're amazing!" she let out, chuckling at how she couldn't even get a proper sentence out. She saw his brows lift, taken aback. "You're━you're the most amazing person I have ever met! You're smart, and you're brave, and you make me laugh and you're━you're so annoying━" he made a face at that, "━you're also the most annoying person I have ever met but that's just━I love that about you! I love that you aren't afraid to argue with me, and you aren't afraid to tell me what you think. I love how you make me feel. You make me so angry━I mean you definitely bruised my tailbone crashing into me!━and yet you make me so happy at the same time. I love you. I love you so much."

     Astrid hung her head, fighting back her tears. "A━and I'm sorry. And━and I know that I've messed this up. But ..." she took a deep breath. "Hott, you waited years for me, so━so if I have to wait━"

     Her words got cut off. Hott surged forward and pulled her into a kiss that made her forget what words even were. Her tears fell and she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him with every emotion she couldn't find the words to describe. Hunters that had come to attack them immediately turned away, clearing their throats and scratching the back of their necks, sort of unsure what to do as they saw the two of them lost within their own little world. This whole ship could have burst into flames, but Astrid would not have cared one bit. All she cared about was Hott━and she loved him. She loved him! 

    "GROSS!" shouted Snotlout as he flew overhead, having finally been freed of his predicament from Hookfang━he now led an entire legion of dragons down towards the surrounding fleet. 

    On the other end of the ship, Valkyrie had engaged herself into a battle along the side deck. She dodged the wide swing of her attacker, spinning her mallet before bringing it around to knock his sword out of his hand. As he brought down his second, she leapt up onto the edge of the boat, flipping out of the way and landing a few paces away to regain her boundaries. 

     "Show off," the Hunter grumbled at her.

     She gave him a little grin, "Jealous?"

    He let out a yell and charged her. Valkyrie matched his yell and ran to meet him halfway. 

    They went back and forth for a little while. He was a skilful warrior to go up against her mallet with a single, short-sword. He aimed for her fingers and she brought her hammer down, hissing as his blade just nicked her knuckles. Valkyrie slammed her foot against his hilt━and in order to avoid his hand being crushed by her boot, he dropped his sword. She laughed, victorious about disarming him. As she brought her mallet back up, she missed the glint of a knife he flung out from a sheath on his belt. 

     Valkyrie gasped, desperately trying to move fast enough to avoid its sharp tip that headed straight for her side━

    "Heads up!"

    Hiccup raced forward and swiped Inferno through the rope nearby. Valkyrie took the message and pulled herself backwards, watching as the Hunter was sent flying down to the deck below by a wayward mast. 

    Valkyrie let out a breath, smiling a little at her husband, "Thanks." Then, her smile dropped as she caught the sight of someone running up behind him. "Look out━!" using her foot, she kicked her mallet up into the air. Mid spin, she caught the hilt and chucked it with all of her strength towards the running soldier. Hiccup leaned sideways and the Hunter's scream was muffled by a mallet to his face. 

    Hiccup pulled up his visor, brows raised in surprise at her throw. She shrugged, a coy smirk playing on her lips. Valkyrie walked up to him and he chuckled, shaking his head slightly at her, "Thanks."

    "Well," she said, "someone's got to keep you out of trouble."

    He scoffed, "Yeah?" he muttered.

    She hummed, nodding as she slyly reached out to take his final Zippleback gas canister from his hip. Keeping locked within his gaze, she unlocked the canister with a swift tug of her teeth and threw it out to the deck below. Hiccup arched a brow━as he began to grin, just as mischievous, he threw Inferno with it; neither of them broke their gaze as the deck below lit up in an exploding firestorm. They were enveloped in a burning glow. 

     As Hunters screamed below, Valkyrie stepped even closer to her husband. "Yeah," she finished. 

    He titled his head, "You know, I remember it quite differently."

    She scoffed, "Liar."

    "Who keeps you out of trouble, then?"

   Valkyrie grinned, "My mother."

    Hiccup rolled his eyes and she giggled. She then turned to the sky and brought her fingers to her lips. The shrill whistle echoed out into the ashen sky and without fail, a dragon of bright blue, yellow and white swept away from the rest. Zephyr called back and with a spin into the air, he dived back down. 

    Valkyrie turned back to Hiccup, "Go get him. Just come back to me, okay?"

    He swiftly kissed her cheek as Zephyr came closer, "I always do."

    Valkyrie watched Hiccup leap up in perfect timing to her dragon, pulling himself up onto Zephyr's back. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she saw them disappear off into the distance towards the flaming air vessel━and she prayed to the Gods that he would come back to her, safe and sound with Toothless at his side.   

     She ran to the edge of the ship, her breath hitched in the back of her throat as her gaze followed the two of them all the way towards Grimmel, Toothless and the Light Fury. 

     Hiccup stood on top of Zephyr's saddle. Keeping a grip on his spikes as they grew closer and closer━before he jumped off, reaching for the rope net. Hiccup gripped it tight and whistled for Zephyr to head back to Val. He obliged, but not without a final glance before diving down towards his Rider waiting anxiously on the edge of the boat. 

     With the battle raging around her, she did not move. She stayed where she was, her eyes narrowed in on the distance. She had to make sure that he was okay━that he would get to Toothless safely. She could see his figure struggle down to his dragon dangling below. But he wasn't the only one who had the same idea. Valkyrie saw Grimmel climb down to the neck of the Light Fury. He unclasped her chains and soon, the both of them dropped down below━they took off towards the island.

    Hiccup leapt down. He caught himself on the chain keeping Toothless suspended and climbed his way further until he was right by his dragon's gaze. Zephyr landed next to Valkyrie, trying to coax her onto his back, but she ignored him, her heart rising into her throat as she waited━she waited

    The Chief of Berk forced the iron clasp to open and the chains around Toothless's neck fell away. She thought he would make it━that they would be up in the air after Grimmel and the Light Fury, but the air vessel took a drastic turn. It tilted and it twisted, the remaining two Deathgrippers keeping it in the air slammed into each there. Their chains tangled and Valkyrie cried out when they all plunged into the sea with a mighty splash!

    She was silent. She was still. She was over the edge, staring at where they had disappeared underneath. "No━" she croaked, her grip on the wood of the ship shaking. Valkyrie waited for Hiccup to resurface━she waited for something to happen ... for an aching, long time, nothing did. 

    "Come on," she whispered, pleading to the Gods above. "Come on, come on, Hiccup. Please."

    Zephyr whined, calling for the Chief and his dragon lost within the ocean depths. 

    And then, she saw it━something ripple beneath the waves. She held her breath━

    The ocean burst forth as a mighty dragon launched from its dark depths with a shrill cry that pierced everyones ears in such a way not one would never recognise. Valkyrie broke out into a beaming smile, jumping up with screaming cheers as Toothless remerged with his Rider on his back. And for once, it was without any strings attached. No saddle, no stirrup━Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III rode Toothless free from any restraint spinning towards the clouds with a tail not made of red fabric, but something of his own control. 

    As she calmed down, Valkyrie took a deep breath and smiled. She nodded, "Go," she whispered as she saw them steer off towards where Grimmel and the Light Fury disappeared. 

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    a/n: yeah ... I'm not ready for the next two chapters. nope. no, I am not. I am NOT READY!

     no one:

     astrid and hott: *make out in the middle of a battle*

    also no one:

    valkyrie and hiccup: *serious seggsual tension in the middle of a battle*


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