023┆chapter twenty-three
twenty-three. i love you
They headed right for the main square, where an art festival was being held. And all three jumped from the truck, Kate and Tyler immediately started helping people, but Sam went to check on the dogs.
She hated herself for not leaving them with her mom, who had offered to watch them a little longer if they needed her to.
"Dex!" She shouted when she saw him and he turned, he had Grizzly in his arms and Buck on a leash – it was rare that they used one, but in that situation he wanted to be safe.
"We gotta get people to the theater!" He shouted out the wind and she nodded, taking Grizzly from his arms then she reached for the leash. "Police said the shelter's full!"
"We gotta tell Ty!" She shouted back and he nodded, and as the two searched for the cowboy they directed the frantic people towards the theater.
It was chaos, utter chaos.
People were running and screaming, trying to find safety. While others were trying to hold down their tents and salvage their crafts, even though it was futile.
"Tyler!" She heard Dexter and she turned just as the older man reached the cowboy. "Shelters are all full! We gotta get everyone into the movie theater."
Tyler nodded, waving people forward and Sam tugged on Buck as Grizzly tucked his nose into her neck – both dogs were shaking.
"Go! Inside now!" She shouted, waved a man towards the building and he eventually listened, running for safety.
Then Kate ran up to Sam, "I'll take them!" She shouted, holding her arms out Sam handed Grizzly over before handing her the leash. And with a silent look to keep the dogs safe, they parted. Kate made her way inside and Sam continued to direct people towards the open doors.
And when everyone was inside she heard metal groaning and turned just in time to see a street car derailing. And to her horror, it was headed right for Tyler.
"Tyler!" she shouted, running towards him. "Baby!"
He screamed in pain and tears filled her eyes. When she reached him, she saw that his leg was trapped underneath a wooden structure that the street car had taken out.
"Okay, baby" she breathed out, then she tried to lift it, getting nowhere. "Come on!" She was sobbing, trying to lift it with every ounce of strength she had as he groaned, using his hands to push it up. But it wouldn't budge. "Come on!"
Tyler looked up at the blonde as she rolled her shoulder back, and the last thing he wanted was for her to hurt herself, especially trying to save him.
But before he could say anything a car was flipped just a few feet away from them. Then something flew through the air and crashed into one of the legs of the water tower, causing it to fall.
"Watch out!" Tyler shouted, his eyes wide as he watched it fall towards them. Sam dropped to her knees, ducking her head down close to Tyler so she could cover his head. She flinched a little as the metal hit the ground, but then she was back on her feet, trying to lift the wood that had trapped her boyfriend.
But her boots were slipping, the wood was biting into her palms, and her shoulder ached.
"Baby, you gotta get inside!" Tyler shouted over the rushing wind, tears in his eyes as he watched her struggle.
"I'm not leaving you!" she yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I can't!" She nearly screamed as she adjusted her footing and put all her weight underneath the structure then he pushed up, only for nothing to happen. "Fuck!"
Then a wooden beam was slid underneath the structure. She turned her head, seeing Javi there.
"Lift, Sam! Lift!"
She managed to nod as she adjusted her hands then together, they managed to lift it the slightest bit, giving Tyler just enough room to slide out. Sam quickly helped the cowboy to his feet once he was free, her arm around his torso to hold him up.
"Let's go. Let's go!" Javi yelled over the wind only for the water tower to crash to the ground and spill water everywhere. They were knocked off their feet and washed a little ways down the street, Sam losing her hold on the cowboy.
When she was on her feet again, she made her way towards him and helped him to his feet, she pulled his arm around her shoulders and started across the road, following Javi towards the opened doors of the theater.
They rushed inside and into the screening room. It was full of terrified people. The roof was caving in, the pieces making people scattered so they didn't get hit.
It was terrifying.
"See if you can find a basement," Tyler told them.
"I'll check the other side," Javi said, running off.
As Tyler went one way, Sam rushed to check behind the screen and Kate soon followed her – the dogs being watched by Dexter and Dani, and a couple of kids, who managed to smile despite everything going on. But all they found was a huge set of metal doors.
Hoping it led down to a storm shelter, Kate pushed it open only for it to lead outside, where the storm was raging on.
The Carter sisters watched as the town was destroyed before their eyes, and the tornado was headed right for them.
And like they could read each other's mind, they looked over at Tyler's obnoxious red truck, then they shared a look.
"There's no basement on the other side," Javi said, him and Tyler joining them by the door.
"There's nothing over here either," Tyler shook his head.
"This theater isn't built to withstand what's coming!" Javi shouted over the wind.
More of the roof collapsed, making people scream. So, the guys ran back to help, and with another look, the girls took off out the door.
They moved fast and in sync. Sam fought to open the driver's side door, Kate doing the same on the other side. And once they were both harnessed up, Sam turned the key and the truck rumbled to life.
She hit the gas and pulled out on the road, "get me where I need to be."
Kate nodded, telling Sam when to turn to get them close enough.
The closer they got, the harder if got to control the truck even with the extra weight, the wind was too strong. But Sam took a breath, her hands tight on the wheel. Then a thought crossed her mind, she smiled small and reached for the radio. She turned the knob, blasting Beautiful Mess By Diamond Rio.
Fresh tears filled her eyes, but a smile graced her lips – she loved that song for many reasons. And the main one had to do with Tyler, it had been one of the songs they always danced to whenever it was played at the bar.
What she didn't know was that every time it was played was only because he would request it specifically for her.
"Turn now!" Kate shouted and Sam did, whipping the truck around headed right for the storm. She looked over at her sister, seeing the tears on her face as the girl mouthed the words of the song.
"I didn't say goodbye."
"We're gonna make it." Kate nodded, her voice determined. But she wasn't sure, she just hoped they would. Mostly for Sam's sake, she had so much waiting for her.
She had a crew that loved her like family. She had two dogs that loved her endlessly, even if one wasn't technically hers. And she had a cowboy with a ring that wanted to marry her.
She had everything to lose.
"Fuck" Sam shouted when something exploded to their left and it flew in front of them, Sam swerved but didn't let off the gas.
"Here! Stop here!" Kate shouted and Sam slammed on the breaks, slinging them forward a bit. Then she hit the button, lowering the anchors into the ground like she had seen Tyler do so many times on the channel. Then she fired the rockets of silver iodide into the tornado, both girls watching as they were sucked up.
"Barrels!" Kate shouted and Sam hit the button only for nothing to happen, and her panic grew.
"Come on!" She smacked the console as the augers started to slip in the wet ground. And when she hit the button again the lids flew off, the polymers being sucked up into the huge vortex.
Then a flying car slammed into them, knocking the trailer loose. Sam looked over at Kate as the anchors shifted, losing their grip.
"I know! Me too!" She just nodded, reaching for her sister's hand. Kate interlaced their fingers and held on tight as she took her other hand off the wheel.
Suddenly, the truck was uprooted and rolled. Sam shut her eyes, getting slung around the cab of the truck.
Sam squeezed her eyes closed, trying to stop the tears. Kate did the same next to her, holding tightly onto her sister's hand.
The latch on the glovebox gave out and autographed photos of Tyler fluttered around the cab of the truck as it rolled. Then something small and hard hit Sam's temple, but before she even registered the pain, the truck jerked to a stop, slinging her into the door.
And then just like that, it was all over. Silence fell over them as the tornado disappeared, the rain stopping and the sun shining. The truck rocked a little, but it didn't roll again.
"We're okay." Kate mumbled, pulling her hand from Sam's as she undid her harness and made her way out of the truck.
Sam undid her harness, watching as Kate pulled herself out of the broken window. Then she pressed her hand against the roof and undid her seatbelt. She fell, wincing when she landed on something which sent a sharp pain through her ribcage.
She lifted herself up a little and felt around until she hit something and just as she had it in her hand, she heard him.
"Sam! Sam!"
Then she heard Javi, "Kate!"
She quickly pulled herself through the window, groaning as the broken glass nicked her arms.
"Sam!" Tyler dropped down, not caring much about his hurt leg as he pulled her up and let her back rest against the side of truck. "Baby, you're okay." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "you're okay."
She smiled, her eyes closed as she leaned into him and his warmth as he settled on the ground next to her.
Then she remembered the thing in her hand, she opened her eyes and looked down, seeing a blue, velvet box and her eyebrows pinched.
He pulled back a little, "yeah?"
"What's this?" She held it up, meeting his green eyes, then he looked down.
He swallowed hard, and she watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, "well, this ain't what I had in mind..." He mumbled as he took the box from her. "And this ain't exactly romantic..."
The rest of the Tornado Wranglers stopped, Boone holding them back the second he saw the ring box that he was very familiar with. Dani held Grizzly in her arms and Dexter held Buck's leash.
Even Javi and Kate didn't interrupt, he just adjusted his hold on the girl, holding her up as she leaned some of her weight against him.
"But, Samantha Carter..." he flicked the box open, turning it towards her as he met her eyes, "... will you marry me?"
She had tears in her eyes, though not from the pain, as a smile pulled at her lips, "yes. Yes, please." She nodded, her eyes on his – she barely spared the ring a glance.
He grinned as he took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger before he leaned in to kiss her.
The others cheered, hootin' and hollerin', making the couple laugh and they pulled apart. And as Sam leaned in to kiss Tyler once more, the others rushed towards them, bending down with smiles on their faces.
Then Dani put Grizzly down and he rushed towards the couple with a bark, and just as they pulled apart he jumped into Sam's laugh. The girl laughed, covering her groan as the dog licked her face.
She grinned, wrapping her arms around the dog just as Buck barked, tugging at his leash. Dexter let him go and he rushed over, showering Sam in kisses along with Grizzly.
And the girl just laughed as she closed her eyes and petted both dogs. Even Tyler laughed, petting both dogs, but his eyes were on Sam. He hated the blood on the side of her head and the bruises he could see forming.
And Boone, the amazing cameraman he was – Sam would later demand that he needed a raise – caught the proposal on his phone. Adding it to the for Sam and Ty's wedding folder – he had changed the name of the folder a couple years back.
"It worked, Sam." Kate told her, catching her attention as she still leaned against Javi.
"I know it would, Katie." Sam smiled up at her. "You're amazin'." Kate chuckled, shaking her head a little.
"Thought y'all were goners for sure," Dani chuckled, squatting down.
"You're brilliant," Ben exclaimed as Dexter just pointed at them, unable to put it into words.
Boone stared at them with stars in his eyes. "I think I love you."
"Love you, too, Boone. But I'm an engaged woman now." She held up her left hand, showing off her ring, making the boy laugh. "Can you believe it?"
"About damn time," he nodded, patting Tyler's back with each word and the cowboy rolled his eyes.
"Okay, Boone." He mumbled, shaking the boy off, but a smile pulled at his lips. He was entirely too happy to do anything other than smile.
Sam had said yes.
"Can we go to the hospital, now?" Sam asked, her arms wrapped around the two dogs, who had mellowed out a little.
"Oh, yeah, good idea." Tyler pushed himself up and Dexter whistled, calling the dogs over as the cowboy helped Sam to her feet. And once she was up she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her lips to his.
"I love you."
He smiled against her lips, "I love you."
She giggled, brushing her thumb over the band of the ring, it was a little weird. She'd never been much of a jewelry person, she only owned one necklace that she only wore for special occasions.
So the ring would take some getting used to.
As they made their way towards the camper, knowing it was the only way they were all gonna fit, Sam held her hand out in front of her and admired her ring.
Tyler smiled down at her, both limping a little, but they kept their arms around each other.
"You okay, baby?"
She nodded, looking up at him, "I'm perfect." She hummed. "But I might have a concussion."
He chuckled and kissed the side of her head, pulling her more into his chest.
And despite both being in pain, and the fact that his truck was still upside down, they were both in an extremely good mood.
In all honesty, the two looked a little deranged as they smiled and held onto each other like she wasn't bleeding from her head and they weren't completely drenched. They looked even more deranged as the girl moved to stand in front of him, stretching onto her toes to press her lips against his.
He smiled against her, his eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around her, but he kept walking. She walked backwards, holding onto his shoulders as she moaned against him.
"Seriously," Javi gave the couple a confused look. He couldn't believe they were still so attached, especially given their current state.
"Leave 'em be," Boone waved him off. "They're finally gettin' hitched."
"Only been what, fourteen years in the makin'?" He continued, looking back at the two as they reached the camper. The couple was laughing, still holding onto each other like they needed the other to breathe. "Ty's always been a bit slow when it comes to Sammy, though."
"I can hear you," Tyler told him, which just made Sam laugh harder before they climbed into the back of the camper where Kate already sat.
"Hey, Boone," Sam mumbled, leaning against Tyler as he gently brushed her hair away from her face, some of her golden locks stained red.
"Hey, Sammy?"
"Would you wear a shirt with my face in it?"
"Oh, come on," Tyler groaned, rolling his eyes through a smile rested in his lips.
"Oh, hell yeah!" Boone nodded, his smile wide. And Sam laughed as she titled her head back, her eyes on the cowboy as a teasing smile rested on her lips.
"Shut up," he huffed playfully, kissing her forehead and she giggled, leaning into his chest as her eyes fluttered closed only for him to shake her awake.
ahhh!! we're only two chapters away from the end and i'm so excited about it, but can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that boone is the caption of this ship and he's a damn good one, too lol
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