78b°/ ... And Scapegoats

SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER IS WANT YOU BY LUH KEL AND QUEEN NAIJA (For Aurora and Clyde's part). Check the Media for it. I listened to it while I wrote most of the Dacha part.

And a special shout out to AddictiveRose WritersNetwork and Doodeelolaski. The Dacha part of this chapter (a small section of it) was inspired off something that when I think of, it's only y'all that come to my mind. You especially Doodeelolaski.  You will know what I am talking about when you reach it.😂❤️

Also, since y'all asked for a Chika and Aaron part, I said mai give una so you go use and hold body small sha.  In conclusion, I think y'all would love this chapter sha!✨


The fluorescent bulbs at the edges of the ceilings had never made the Hallway look more beautiful than it looked right now, with lights, bright and warm, illuminating the entire place and spreading to its very ends.

Normally, I only saw the beauty of the world when the skies outside started to dim and slowly turn a shade of dark. Only then did the concept of 'brightness' make sense. Only when there was darkness.

Darkness was oddly exquisite to bask in. The flashes of lights in all its variety of colours added some sort of serenity to it. Think about it. The beauty of Landscape only glared when everything else beneath was like a shadow, a mere silhouette of itself while the pretty lights glowed all around it like twinkle little stars, dotting the night time into sublime perfection.

Night time was just a whole work of Art.

And Light did look better in darkness. It was easier to bask in all of it, feel the euphoria, and sink in all its ethereality.

I guess it made me feel more too. The ethereality gave some sort of comfort and softness.

And that was just an iota of what I felt for Marc. Or even a quarter of an iota.

Because, god damn, my love for Marc was incomparable to the euphoria and exquisiteness of Night time.

How would I describe it? Intense, yet soft. Fiery, yet warm and fuzzy. Aggressive, yet peaceful. It was as though somehow, my body was in flames. Like a maddening rush of red hot fire was brutally moving through every vein in me, having the whole of me burning, shaking, and trembling  in hotness. Ironically still, all I knew in the midst of the heat I felt for him was calm.

Unbelievable, surreal calm.

The most calm that I could possibly feel.

Like I was floating in the air. Like I was sleeping on clouds. Like I was resting in the After Life. Immersed in a river of peace and tranquillity that was going to last for an eternity.

Dawn was coming and coupled with the fact that it felt surreal in this beautiful coming night, there was perfect harmony within me. I was smiling in satisfaction as the bright lights of the Hallway gleamed and glowed on both our skin, as our close proximity made me feel connected to him in soul and spirit, and as our genuine hearty laughter rose into the air, ringing like the sweetest sounds of music to my ears.

Marc was the prettiest creature my eyes had ever seen and the lights were only popping the beautiful features of this mini-god, polishing his skin into a shimmer and shine shade of bronze, glinting his big brown eyes to look like a pool of honey and caramel and softening his smile, highlighting it with a brightness that made him radiant and beautiful.

It felt to me as though my feelings for him seemed to have even doubled in its intensity.

I actually wondered. Was it just the Night? Or did Marc just somehow manage to make me fall in love with him, over and over again? Every single time? 

Hm. I was probably even thinking this whole thing the wrong way.

Marcus Acha probably just used Witchcraft.

"You know you stare a lot though, Aurora," 

He laughed the softest laugh as he stretched out to open one of the Class doors, never letting his hands leave mine for even a second. His touch, soft  like velvet. Grip, firm, but gentle.

"I heard people who stare a lot and say nothing are very observant. Is that true?" 

He talked as he made me walk with him, hand in hand. Want You by Luh Kel and Queen Naija, playing from a distance. 

Quietly, I took a step with him as he led me into the pitch blackness of the Class, and in one swift motion, he turned on the light switch while simultaneously, softly though, pulling me by his grip into the class so he could close the door gently behind me.

Something about me being in total submission to how he softly pulled me around at his will made me chuckle subtly.

He noticed. Paused. Looked at me. Amusement was laced in his pretty brown eyes.

And, for some reason, I felt low-key embarrassed. 

"You stare too, Clyde," I stayed on topic, in an attempt to avoid him asking why I was just chuckling. "You stare a lot, actually." I folded my arms and looked at him in challenge.

That amusement expanded his pupils. Adoration paired it, glinting subtly.

"Just like how you are doing right now." I accused him.

Something was funny to him because he laughed. Was it me? Was I a joke? Something told me he read my mind and that made me even more embarrassed.

"Whatever you are thinking is wrong." I made that clear to him, sass evident in my tone.

The corner of his lips lifted subtly, his smirk growing. "Humour me.... What am I thinking?"

In a heartbeat, I answered him.

"That I was thinking of being in total Submission to you." 

My head scattered.


I legit felt my head scatter.

I had only gotten hit with the realization of what I said after I had said it.

And Marcus? Omoh. He had not even blinked the entire time after those words left my mouth and I knew his brain was still registering what he thought he just heard me say.

How on earth did I even let myself voice out a thing like that? 

"Did I just hear you say Submission?"

Marc's eyes were a charade of amusement at this point and they stared at me like I had grown seven heads. At one glance, I could see that this jigga was fighting everything within him to not break into that smile that was heavily threatening to spread across his face.

"Aurora," He called me again, "I heard you just say Submission, ba?"

The grounds could have just opened up to swallow me up at this point.

"No, I didn't." I instantly denied.

"Are we now on this dynamic, babe?" Marc didn't even buy that. This guy was practically having the time of his life, his lips stretched into that smile he couldn't stop himself from breaking into, eyes glowing as though he was seconds away from exploding in laughter.

"I thought we were still tabling that 'passion' of yours to send me Nudes," He teased the shit out of me, gesturing with two fingers as he added, "Two times already now, my love, you've suggested that."

I swallowed granite.

My eyes were red. My head, hot with embarrassment. 

"You... You...."My words couldn't betray me any less. "You... Saw those messages?"

He couldn't have. Right? But, I had only ever talked about Nudes twice with Marc. And one of those times was days ago, when he was not talking to me and I had barraged his DMs that night with a number of messages. Messages that I had deleted immediately after. 

I deleted those cringe messages. All of them. I deleted them even before he had opened them. Before they had been marked 'seen'. So, he couldn't have seen all those awful messages. Right? Right?

Well, Marc's teasing smile told me otherwise. 

"Big head Aurora?" He said, reciting for me in bits and pieces the messages from that Night in which I thought I had deleted myself.

Oh, dear.

 "'You said you can't live without me, but you're ignoring me and you are not dead?'" He didn't stop, "'I am holding my breath until you reply me?'" He was actually laughing at this point, teasing unendingly as he fought to catch his fleeting breath, "And, the most classic of them all, my love; Should I send you nudes?" I swore within me that at that point, the only thing keeping him from rolling on the floor was the wall that he was leaning against, laughing his heart out.

Laughing at me.

He was laughing at me.

I wanted to keep that scowl on my face but couldn't believe I actually let out a small chuckle.

How could I even laugh when I felt so embarrassed?

"My God. You are the most entertaining person I know," Marc said to me, hands to his ribs for support as his laughter ran in the air, over and over.

"How the fuck did you see those messages?" I berated him instantly, nearly screaming, "I thought I deleted them!"

"You did," He affirmed for me.

"So, how did you still see them?" I asked him with a scowl on my face.

Marc waved his Samsung smartphone in the air.

"Gb Whatssap, my love."

"You bloody criminal." 

My man was wheezing uncontrollably.

"Just forget about it, abeg," My lips itched as I held back a laugh myself. Watching him laugh was the most beautiful and contagious thing ever. "Forget the messages and forget the Submission thing too. Let's just pretend like that didn't happen. Thanks and God bless."

"So, you admit that you did say submission," He said to me, the corners of his eyes crinkling with even more amusement. 

I even forgot that I was supposed to be in denial. 

Foolishly, I reverted to my former stance. "I said no such thing." 

Common Sense, I don't even have.

"I believe I heard you say Submission, my love." 

"You heard wrong." 

"I am pretty sure I know what I heard."

"How can you be so certain?"

His brow arched at me and his smirk broadened as he stared down at me with certainty in his eyes. Matter-of-factly, he was certain.

"My mind did a whole 360, you know," He said to me.

"Well, that's your mind's problem." I retorted.

"Are you sure?" He semi-whispered, cocked his head to the side, observing me lightly as he stepped up to me, gently, and closed the space between us.

I swallowed. Hard.

Marc towered over me and the closeness was maddening. Almost threatening. But, I swear it, in the sweetest way. Softly, he placed a thumb right there under my chin, pulling my head up to gently look up to him when I didn't have the balls to maintain such intense, hot eye contact. 

His eyes were beautiful. They tapped me in his gaze, all in a heartbeat.

"Are you sure, Aurora?" He asked again, his voice in whispers that were almost dangerous, effectively dotting my skin with goosebumps as he made sweet chills run through me, "Because it seems to me like both are minds are in the same line, babe."

He said that like he couldn't have been more sure. And I hated that he was right. I hated the kind of thoughts, the kind of dirty and sinful thoughts that clouded my mind as I stared up at those eyes of hard intensity that stared me down, thoroughly following every movement of my shaking pupils. 

Goodness. He could take anyone's breath away just by staring. He practically worshipped with his eyes. 

"Or not..." His head further tilted as he took back his words; his eyes travelling up and down in a  lingering, treasuring motion. He was admiring; that lot was evident. His eyes had overwhelming adoration in them and his lips lifted in a subtle smirk. He  bit down on his lip ever so softly, "I mean....." His hands slipped around the small of my back, gripping my waist softly and pulling me to him, and electricity zapped through me as our faces were brought bare an inch away.

I may have shook in his arms. He chuckled lightly, probably taking note of the effect he had on me. Eyes that filled with adoration and something very, very close to Lust never leaving me. He held me still, easily keeping me in place. "I mean, maybe our minds aren't even that much in line. Because you couldn't possibly imagine what was actually on my mind right now.... If you did, you'd be freaked out."

Chills. Bloody Hell, Chills.

He pulled me even closer to him, without warning, and I wasn't aware that there was a chair behind him until I felt my body elevate on Marc's swift and easy carry, an action that made it easy for him to place me on his lap as he sat on the seat behind him.

He did it so easily. Like I weighed nothing. Had my legs few feet away from the ground in no second and sitting firmly on that part of him that caused me to..... gulp.

I gulped. I actually gulped. I couldn't deny that he heard me do say.


I was trying not to freak out.

I felt him beneath me, very bold and very unapologetic, and my heart was speeding up in a matter of seconds. What was oxygen again? Never heard of it.

"Are you uncomfortable, my love?" 

Marc's eyes never left me for a second as he asked, concern etched on his face.

It was almost as though he didn't understand what was happening, but Nah, he couldn't be that dumb. He had followed every movement of my eyes as he asked again.

"Are you uncomfortable, my love?"


I hoped my answer was not to hasty.

Marc only laughed under his breath, shaking his head. The next minute, I was in the air again and up from him, his hands on the curve of my waist, cupping gently like I was an egg as he placed me on the desk behind me, sitting me down on it.

He hovered perfectly over me, giving me a more comfortable position, never letting his hands off my waist as he stood in front of me, a soft gaze on his pretty boy face.

"Better?" He asked me with a smile.

"I wasn't complaining before, though." I answered. 

His chuckling was like music to my ears.

"If you knew how much you affected me, you'd understand why its safer for the both of us to stay this way instead." Marc only said to me.

I understood what he meant. Instantly.

"And, if you want to know why I stare at you the way I do?" He said to me, eyes looking and heavily admiring all my features, prioritizing my eyes like they had gold and diamonds in them, "It's because I still cannot bring myself to understand how someone could be as beautiful as you."

His words couldn't have sounded even more sincere.

Softly, his thumb traced against the skin of my cheekbones, lining downwards with patience, making sure to savour in every part of my face and I felt his thumb heading its way to the base of my lips. I stared right back into the goodness in his eyes as he practically glorified me.

I wished I saw myself the way that Marc did. I wished I worshipped myself the way he did. Looked at myself and wondered how someone be so beautiful, be awed, stupefied, even damaged by the beauty that I possessed. He looked at me like I was worth more than gold, like I glowed more than every single precious gem there could be.

Like I was.... Perfect.

I wish I could see me the way he did too. I wished I could see me from his point of View. I couldn't bring myself to understand it. How I was all these things, good and perfect, to someone else. I mean, why me? Why me?

"God damn," His thumb rested against my lips and I stared up at him with eyes softened as I heard him whisper in awe to himself. He had even swallowed. Hard. 

I was that much, that heavy, even for him to take in....

Could I ever really understand the love that Marcus Acha had for me?

"When someone strikes me the way that you do, can you really blame me for staring?" He said to me, a little laugh flowing along with his words as he planted a soft kiss on my neck that spread goosebumps round my body in a flash, "Yeah?"

"Relatable." I agreed, laughing softly myself.

"Oh?" That piqued him with interest as he raised a brow, "That's why you stare too? Is that why you were boring holes into my skin back when we were outside with classmates?" 

He was talking about when he saw me outside. I knew right off.

Or, rather when I saw him first, with the bunch of set guys that walked in with Kelechi Uwa.

Before he put up a show for classmates, came to me and asked to privately get a room. I knew because I had been staring hopelessly before he finally looked up and made eye contact with me.

"You know I actually felt someone heavily staring at me," He told me, "And I didn't even know it was you until I looked up. Nearly gave me a heart attack back there."

He didn't look like he was having a heart attack. He looked hot. 

"I still resent you for putting up that kind of show for our classmates," I playfully scolded him, punching him on the shoulder; he barely felt it, "You really thought it was necessary to make our classmates lose their mind because of us. Fucking drama Queen."

He belted out a laughter.

"Wouldn't miss out on any opportunity to let the world know that you're my baby girl na," Marc said, "A damn trumpet wouldn't be enough to resound it, my love."

"Aren't you embarrassed?" I asked him out of the blue.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at my question.

"Embarrassed of what?" He asked me.

"There is so much controversy surrounding me right now," I reminded him, "Not just with Classmates, but the entirety of the country has my family name at the tip of their tongues. Does that not bother you?"

"Your well being bothers me, if that's what you mean," He said to me, "I tried calling you thousands of times when I got the news. When I saw it all over the news. I got scared when you were so unreachable. Seeing you here today was the best relief. The Highlight of my day."

My lips tickled and reflexively stretched into a smile. A hard smile. I was blushing. I hated when Marc turned me into mush like this. I hated and loved it. I couldn't control myself.

"You're sweet," I said to him, "And you care so much about me that you missed out that the point of my question had nothing to do with me....."

His hands played against my skin through the fabric of my shirt as I talked, soft smile on his lips and a calm, listening look in his eyes.

"I mean your well being, Marc," I elaborated, "I am the most talked about person on the Internet right now. Some people are sympathetic, others choose to be insensitive. Does it not bother you that your name is dragged in the mud alongside mine?

Classmates aren't the only ones who know we are together. Social Media knows too. People are there making jokes on the matter, popping Tiktok trends in my family name, and turning it into a laughing stock. Classmates are being insensitive too. Judgemental and ridiculous. And everything on my name is somehow linked back and connected to you; its inevitable. How does that make you feel?"

"Not a thing, Aurora," Marc said to me, his eyes never losing contact with mine, smile never wavering off for a second, "I genuinely couldn't bring myself to give a fuck."

"That's not possible," I folded my arms, subtle scowl on my face as I made up my mind that he could only be lying, "Anyone would be disturbed. Even if it were in the slightest."

He only laughed softly, before letting go of my waist to find my hands, reaching it and holding it softly, fitting my little hands perfectly into his' as he played with my fingers lightly.

Calmly, he said to me, "You underestimate the love I have for you, Aurora." Our hands were perfectly fit to one another. It looked like Art. He caressed gently as he looked at the work of Art too, light smile playing on his lips as he traced his gaze back up to my eyes, asking, "Why?"

I only shrugged, shyly. An uncertain smile twitched on my lips. I had no idea.

"It's me and you against the world," He said to me, his voice was in soft whispers, articulating every damn word like he needed me to sink it the fuck in, "Do you think I'm tripping when I say that, my love?"

Gosh. If I had a dollar for every time he called me 'My Love' today, I'd be a rich woman.

"We are not enough to take down the whole world, Marcus Acha," I said to him, chuckled lightly, sweetly as I looked down to the Art that was our hands together, nearly cried at how beautifully fitted and perfect we looked together, "It's two against something billion."

We were so beautiful as one. So fucking beautiful.

Tracing my eyes back to his perfect ones that glared a love, surreal and true, unconditional and patient, thorough, crazy, beyond words could explain, I was overwhelmed.


I had to be realistic.

It was just me and Marc against the whole World.

"We stand no bloody chance."

Tears brimmed at my eyes as I really thought to myself. Was it really possible? Could it be possible? That me and Marc could still stand strong, no matter what the world had to throw at us? Could we really stand the wrath of over a billion opposers of our love?

It was a kind of Love that was too good to be true.

Too good for me.

Too good for a girl like Dabeluchi Orji.

"Is that how little faith you have in our Love, Aurora?" He asked me.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be so anti-romantic," I apologised, "But seeing you still hold on, strong and unbothered, loving me still, unapologetically and publicly, it touches my soul, Marc."

It was to good to be true. So good to be true that it was easier for me to come to terms with it, deciding it wasn't true. 

But, no. Marc was anything but a liar. His eyes were sincerity on its own. They were Love, too. His words spoke volumes. His actions were even louder. 

Dabeluchi, just let yourself accept this Love........

Constantly, I was in awe of the magnitude of his affection for me. I was in love with him too. Maybe too much that it scared me. Because each time I got too deep in what we had, I started to get wary. Wary that I was becoming too comfortable. Wary that one day it would all backfire one day. That wary made me not to let myself enjoy all the love he had to offer in its full magnitude.

"We should be thinking about going back to join the others soon, my love," Marc had brought me back to earth with a light touch of his hands around my waist again.

"What others?" I was on the verge of asking before it all came back to me that he and I had segregated from the rest of the others to be alone.

I could hear Classmates outside even all the way from this Classroom and boy, they couldn't possibly get any louder. Their noise was loud and almost triggering.

Noise that I didn't even take note of until Marc had brought my attention to it. 

It was strange how long I had subconsciously muted all the noise from Classmates outside all the while that I was here with Marc.

"I want to stay here with you," I insisted.

Marc's response was the prettiest smile. The most adorable smile. A smile that had the corners of his eyes, crinkling. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was actually blushing. Was he?

"So do I," He said to me, eyes wrinkling with pure joy and sweet sincerity, "Believe me, I'd rather stay here with you till whenever that go there...."

"Then, do it." I innocently asked, and Marc laughed adorably, shaking his head.

I almost asked what was funny. He looked like an overgrown baby laughing so adorably like that, but I was not sure what I said that warranted it. So, I watched him for the few seconds while he was at it, and waited for him to respond.

"Aaron and Casper may have downplayed the purpose of having everyone here, but it's not just a hang out. They need some specific hands urgently on deck and I am one of those hands," Marc explained to me.


"The Christmas Party takes place at my house," He said. I knew already. The entire set did. He continued, "There still are some arrangements that have not been tended to. Things that can't be done without me. As much as I love to be here with you, I need to tend to all this, okay, babe?"

I tried to not show how downcast that made me.

"Okay." I responded.

"Babe?" He noticed the forlorn look on my face; a sweet, soft understanding smile was on his lips as he raised my head up to look at him with a gentle thumb under my chin. "We still have plenty of time after, yeah?"

I nodded softly, forcing myself to understand.

"You have the Sisters to keep you company," He said to me. "I personally think that you should be spending more time with them. Especially at a time like this. Maybe have a talk with them too. It'd do you some good, babe.

I wouldn't even want to take away too much time from you, and in turn, from your friends. Believe me, I have started learning a thing or two about balancing out my time so that no one gets hurt."

Hearing him say that struck something in me.

Struck something so hard that my lips had trembled on the realisation of how careless and selfish I had been all these while.


Even saying his name felt like gall on my tongue.

I saw the wistfulness glint there in the eyes, in the midst of all the joyfulness and peace that I thought was abundant in them. Instantly, that was enough to make me know that things were not right yet. Things were still salty with him and his best friend, because of me, and he was still being so goddamn supportive. 

"You know I don't like it when you blame yourself for what happened," He said to me, he masked his sadness with an even more wistful chuckle, waved it all off as he said, "Listen, Aurora, the totality of what has gone down with me and Sean is way beyond what you even know."

I felt so horrible that I had not even asked him how he was doing. I was so caught up in my own world that I even forgot that Marc had his own problems too. I felt so bad. 

With one look, he was able to detect how I felt. 

"You have so much to deal with already, Aurora," He said to me.

So do you, Marc....

"So, don't let my problems weigh on your back." He advised.

But that was what he always did. He let my problems weigh on him. Yet, he didn't want me doing the same for him?

"Let's go, babe," Marc said, aiding me down from the desk by carrying me. 

It was really dark by the time that we both got outside. With Marc's soft as velvet hands never for one leaving mine, I walked side by side with him, until we were outside the Hallway with the rest of the others. They were just the same way we left them, with smooth music and Bass drops fuelling the euphoria that was in the night as they socialized, talking with each other, eating with each other, laughing with each other, flirting, playing, and basically having all the fun they wanted in their little bubble of joy, happiness, and some sort of admirable oneness.

For the first time in a long time, I saw Classmates in an almost carefree togetherness. One that seemed true and genuine. It low-key opened my eyes to the fact that even if Social stigma and hierarchy prevailed in this School, some people were just true enough, and good people enough to be true and genuine enough to each other. It was sweet. Peaceful, to say.

It shocked me that even in the peace that the atmosphere brought, I still found myself asking Marc if the entire 'Hang Out is not supposed to be in the School Premises' was a whole rip off. Or a plan. Some plan against me, somehow.

He laughed. Said something about me being too suspicious of everything. We both laughed it off. But it didn't water down my suspicion, the near pessimistic energy I was getting from that part of it.

It was probably all in my head. Subtly, I always had that minute feeling that everyone and everything was working against me. I may not have been wrong. But I just hated how paranoid it seemed to make me feel every time. Even when all I had to do was let lose and let peace prevail.

Much to the contrary, the energy I was getting from classmates here was the complete opposite of what I had really expected.

For starters, the majority of my classmates on a norm were always foaming at the mouth with anything that had to do with Dabeluchi Orji. It triggered them. It repulsed the fuck out of them. So, when the news about my family came to light, I genuinely felt that the entire set would be against me. I still had that gut feeling that outside this little circle present here, the rest of the set was waiting for an opportunity to hang me on a sharp stick for steak.

So, initially, not knowing what to expect before coming here, that leap of faith I took to even come here, even while expecting death, was something I didn't understand.

However, so far, everyone here did not seem to want to suffocate or torture me with my weakness.

While watching them in all their perfect peace and harmony, and sweet conversations and play time: from the few Sports guys who guffawed with Casper Bassey, debating at the top of their lungs over the most irrelevant things and overshadowing the place with their dominant presence, to a few of the Alpha females and other popular girls who dripped beauty, elegance, and class, all of them from an assortment of classes from A to F mingling on with the silly Art boys who messed around with them, played with food, got on their last nerves but had them laughing off the foolishness. 

Even down to the one man army like Ella, our Set's chapel prefect who didn't mind letting the whole world hear her 'Ariana Grande' high notes, stressing her vocals, belting out notes higher than the songs that blasted from speakers, and with guys like Nova hyping her up with every whistle she hit, I was certain that girl was NOT going to stop anytime soon. 

Laughter and Music was in the air.

It made me all come to the realisation that maybe the reason why these people were too caught up in the bubble of joy and happiness and had not held me by the throat yet was because the majority of them were..... Actually not-so-terrible people.

As much as it was hard for me to believe, there were still people outside The Sisters and Marc that were actually good people. The realization was warming. 


I jumped, startled by the loud call from a possibly possessed individual, and instinctively, I took cover, falling into Marc's arms in terror as he laughed his heart away, his body quaking as he held me to himself dearly, protecting, even though choking in amusement.

"Relax, babe," He said to me, strong hands never leaving me as they held on dearly, protectively, with him, urging me to look towards the source of the noise.

The particular group of loud, guffawing Sports Boys who sat around Casper Bassey. 

I wasn't sure, but with the way they all fell on each other in laughter, it was clear enough to me that one of them, I wasn't sure which, bellowed put my boyfriend's name like a wild bear.

And they were laughing at me and my panic reaction.

The audacity.

"Apologise," Marc said to them.

There was a smile on his face as he looked at the Ballers that were his sports colleagues and mates and gave the order. 

"Apologise, you asshats!"

Marc was being playful, but I hinted the seriousness in his adamance of getting an apology from the boys. I actually chuckled, finding the whole ordeal cute.

My head was still rested on his chest, my giggle muffling into his chest as the Sports boys were laughing their hearts away, kneeling on the grass who in all their extra-ness, calling me 'Acha's baby' while relaying the most dramatic apology I had ever seen.

Even Marc was trying to stifle a laugh.

But still forced himself to be serious enough for me.

"Have you accepted, babe?" He asked me.

I was giggling into Marc's shirt, fisting it with both hands as I pressed my face into it, burning with laughter. "Yes, abeg."

My boyfriend mock saluted his guys. 

"You are forgiven. Go and sin no more!" 

 It was the 'extra' for me. Like they were implanted on the grass, they refused to get up, making sure to throw back aggressive mock salutes back to Acha while bowing even more aggressively to me, saluting too and chorusing 'Mrs Acha' over and over and over again.

I was so embarrassed. A sweet kind of embarrassment, I'd say.

Casper, however, who was not a part of the boy's show of madness and demonic possession, shook his head in laughter and got himself up from the group and with the steps he took forward, it was clear enough that he was making his way towards me and Marc.

A slight part of me got alarmed by that. Just a slight part. It was only natural.

He was in front of us in no apparent time.

"Hey," He greeted me and Marc, "I just wanted to make sure that everything was going alright.  Hope everything is good. You two had been out for quite some time."

Had it been that long?

"We are dating, Cas," Marc responded. "If we decide to spend to spend an eternity together, I don't believe that's anyone's business. Yeah?"

"Sure thing, my guy," The light skinned boy before us grinned at that response, a grin that sparked a bit of hesitance in his approach.

Marc didn't particularly seem much amused.

"Thank you, anyway," Casper said to him.

My boyfriend raised a brow in question. "For?"

"Showing up here," He answered, "Even if I am aware it was not very 'convenient' for you."

Marc's eyes glinted with some sort of amusement. It wasn't much like the amusement from back then in class, when he found me funny. It hinted some sort of pettiness.

"Convenient," He had repeated Casper's words, a chuckle that had not much emotion to it escaped his lips, "Well, we had an agreement. I was meant to be here for our classmates, yeah? I wouldn't have backed out for anything. I only did it for CH finals. I am only here for business, fam."

Maybe I was overthinking it, but there was almost seemed to be some passive aggression to Marc's words.

"Respect, my man," Casper acknowledged him humbly. "So, let's talk business, yeah? Everyone is still waiting on the final say. We want to know if the venue is good and settled for the big day. Time is running out, you know.—"

"Let me address everyone." Marc dismissively cut him off in mid sentence.

Both me and Casper could see that was unexpected.

But, he waved it off with a smile and heeded, turning around to call the attention of the multitude of Classmates who were going around their normal business.

Of course, having the kind of person he was, easily, the atmosphere was calm in his beck and call. It was like he had flipped a switch and called the entire crowd of classmates to all turn their attention to one thing and one thing alone.


The attention was almost threatening. No matter what they were doing, talking, eating, laughing, playing, flirting, on Casper's beck and call, every single soul present was alert on heeding, eyes all on us, all ears piqued with interest, all attention on the three of us: Me, Marc, and Casper Bassey.

"Acha has something to say to everyone," Casper was probably used to having this kind of attention on him because he did not seem fazed by it, and as all eyes were on him, he squared them right back, giving a general address to the mass that he had just assembled with one call.

He practically paved the way for Marc and I leaned into him, a defence mechanism it was at this point, because it made me feel safer. I wondered how people stood their ground with this kind of attention on them.

Marc, however, made it look easy. Easily, he was onto his speech, unfazed, untriggered, unbothered by the attention of the whole mass of classmates on him. It got me wondering where guys like Marcus Acha and Casper Bassey got their confidence from. 

"So," I held onto Marc as he fearlessly faced the crowd, speaking with confidence, carefreeness, and the most attractive and admirable charisma expelling off him, catchy grin on his pretty face, "Mumsi is a bit of a drama Queen...." 

There was a chorus of concur amongst the crowd as though they all were agreeing on that notion in one harmony, nodding and riding that say on. Like they all have had their fair share of Mama Acha madness or something. They sounded like they knew what he was talking about.

"But, y'all know how cool she is with these kind of things na," Marc continued nonetheless, easing the crowd with a ray of hope, "So, when I asked her if we could have the Christmas Party in the house, she said, in quote 'As far as you guys don't disturb my sleep, you could have a freaking night club in there'—"

He was not even done and the entire place was scattering with the most thundering applause.

No fucking shit. Everyone was screaming and clapping, hailing and rejoicing, screaming out 'Go Mama Acha!' at the top of their lungs, hyping up Marc's mum for all that the woman was worth, expressing their joy and relief through loud jeering and excited shouting. 

I laughed. I actually laughed. They were so, so happy.

It was unfortunate that I had already made up my mind to not show my face at that Christmas Party. Quite unfortunate. 

Both Marc and Casper were trying to tame the wild crowd of crazy and excited classmates, talking in the midst of all their noise, and at that very moment, my attention had drifted from the commotion, subconsciously tuning it out until it was muteness from my POV, and my eyes were watching, or rather following the new set of Individuals who were walking into the crowd of Classmates with a mix of confusion and suspicion all around me.

The Sisters. All of them, except Chika Chioma. 

But that was not what surprised me and fuelled me with maddening confusion.


The Sisters, they were with....

They were with Kelechi bloody Uwa. 

".....Alright everyone, please let's come together in a circle, so we can finalize agreements. Abi, we want to leave this place? Chop, chop! Let's move, people! Come together in a circle and...."

Casper's voice trailed on and off in my head as he walked around in an attempt to get everyone to come together in a circle, but it felt like I was floating in a bubble.

As I watched all of them.

They all talked together like they had known each other since yesterday. The twins were flashing smiles and wide eyes of excitement with Kelechi, chatting with all vibrancy, and Soma was even holding onto the bitch, jumping around with her as she seemed to be talking the most, big eyes widened in excitement as he mouth and hands moved exaggeratedly. 

And Kelechi in their midst was smiling and laughing subtly, subtly giving in to the girl's energy,

They were talking like they were best of friends.

Like they couldn't have clicked any better.

And that raised a million question marks in my head. 

So many damn question marks.

A thousand questions were resounding in my head, confusing my mind as I asked myself all over again and again and fucking again, "Since WHEN?!"

Since when did Kelechi Uwa start to mingle so freely, effortlessly, and coolly with people like the Onuoha Twins and Somadina Best? 

It made absolutely no sense to me. Kelechi and the Sisters never ever mingles in School. The twins always had a dismissive energy around her, considering they felt she was prudish and snobbish, and Soma couldn't ever bring herself to adjust to someone so closed off, prim, proper, and reserved as Kelechi.

Now, all of a sudden, they were all spending time like they were best of friends? How the fuck and when the fuck did all of this start?

"You okay, babe?" Marc noticed me drifting off as I watched my friends mingle with 'the enemy'.

I said nothing. I just watched them, and one thing was clear to me.

Kelechi was not only trying to steal my boyfriend.

She was also trying to steal my friends too.

But, of course, I could not say that to Marc. He wouldn't believe me. No one would. I would be seen as the paranoid bitch who was fretting unnecessarily over nothing. I could see all the games Kelechi was playing, the way she was clearly after me and my peace of mind, and somehow, no one else could see it too. 

I watched her laugh at something that Soma said and I felt my blood boil.

"Babe?"  Marc called me, but he was not of concern right now.

I just wanted to watch and see just how far Kelechi could go. How much she could do her best. Try her best to make sure that I ran mad with every bit and piece of her actions. 

Somadina Best caught me staring at them.

The over active hyper girl did not waste any time, jumping, screaming, and alerting everyone else to my side, pointing at me as I stood that distance away from them with Marc.

The Twins had noticed me next and their eyes sparked like they were genuinely happy to see me. The witch turned next, and her face was devoid of emotions that I could read. 

On Soma's alert, Kelechi had turned towards my direction, looking at me or Marc, or somewhere in between the both of us, eyes lost and wandering subtly, a slight glint of an emotion I couldn't pin down in them. Despondency? Wistfulness? I don't know. For all I knew, it could have even been mockery. That girl was a whole mind fuck. A manipulator of Emotions.

God bless her for being smart. She was fast to distance herself from my friends, taking a step back, like she knew that I would have been on my way to rip her skin off if she tagged on a bit longer. I felt satisfaction, seeing her move away from Soma and the Twins. 

"I guess I will leave you alone to be with your friends now, my love," Marc said to me and I turned to him, finally giving him some attention.

Soma and The Onuoha Twins were already hopping and cat walking, respectively, towards me and Marc as he gave his farewell speech.

"Until later, babe," He said to me, kissed me softly on the lip, lighting my body with fire crackers and bangers with that soft velvet touch of his lips upon mine. "Love you."

I smiled at him. "Love you too."

"Love you more." He insisted, kissing me again, before taking his leave, eyes lingering back as he walked on, as though he'd have done anything so he could not have to leave me alone.

I watched him leave. Watched him blow me a kiss and blushed. Right before he quickly mingled along with the bunch of classmates that were eagerly and readily surrounding him, engaging him into their social circle, and I watched in delight as he easily mixed in. So fucking easily.

"Lulu Bear! Lulu Bear! Lulu Bear! I heard that you and Acha were smooching in Class B!" 

Soma had slapped me out of my thoughts and reverie as she flashed her face and big eyes into my face, shaking her head and me vigorously as she appeared before me in a flash.

"Smooching?" I frowned in confusion, "In Class B?"

Marc barely even touched me.

"But, girl, drop that one fess. Your hoe story is not of major concern right now!" Ebere was telling me, excitement rolling off her tongue with her rushed words, "You will NEVER believe what we and Soma just did! You will FREAK!"

They sounded so excited. A petty side of me almost asked them if that was what they were gisting their new friend, Kelechi, instead of me.

"Seconded," Ebube chided her twin, "Come. Come. Come!"

I barely had the time to ask questions and these girls were pulling me along with them, ignoring Casper who was calling for everyone to join in a circle as they dragged me along with them, heading for the Hallway and giggling like criminal children.

I only wondered what they were up to that got them so excited. I really wondered.

"What's this all about?" I had to ask the Sisters.

Soma was bubbling with excitement and took the turn to explain.

"Remember that time Giwa Falade wanted us to help her get evidence of Ajiroghene admitting to bullying her sister on Camera?" She asked me.

Queen Bee had specifically used my Laptop, so, "Yeah?" 

Of course, I remembered.

"Remember Soma had done some tech wiz shii that her boyfriend taught her and connected your laptop to Ebube's phone," Ebere continued.

"Yeah?" I was eagerly waiting to hear the point of all this.

"So," Ebube carried on, "My phone was hidden and secretly recording in Class F, and meanwhile, everything it was capturing on video was instantly and simultaneously saving into your Laptop, Dabi?" 

I really wanted to know.... Where was all this really going?

"Soma did her magic again, biatch. And guess who we are snooping around this time around?" Ebere said in excitement.

I scratched my head. "Uh..."

"Aaron and Chi Mama!" Soma screamed and immediately, the Twins shushed her to be quiet.

I had so many questions to ask, but in alarm, they were dragging me into the nearest class, hiding away from any possibility of getting caught.

"Be quiet, they could hear you! Ahan!" Ebere was scolding her.

"Sorry na!" Soma was crying in defence.

The two girls were hitting each other to stay put.

And oh God, the crazy friends I had. What the fuck was all these?

My only concern, however, was.....

"Shouldn't we give them some privacy?"

I asked the Sisters.

Effectively garnering their attention.

"I mean, they deserve it," I tried to give my opinion, "We shouldn't be snooping around people without their consent. Isn't that wrong?"

The Twins blinked at me. Twice. Three times.

Soma, innocently, with her big mouth, decided to play the report card. 

"But we do that to you all the time!"

"Blood of Jesus." 

The tall girl clearly had a death wish and the twins were more than happy to grant it for her. Shoving and hitting her, shouting at her for having such a 'big mouth'.

My mind was still going in circles, trying to imagine the possibilities of what Soma just said and the imagery of being watched by the Sisters every time that I was having my privacy with Marc.

"Sisters, we are missing the whole thing!" Ebube was calling out to Ebere and Soma who were still fighting each other and like that notice had a spell attached to it, the girls dumped all assault on each other and jumped to join in with Ebube, almost entering the phone screen.

I hated that I was doing this. But heck, Chika told us nothing about she and Aaron. We barely knew when she even went out to see him. Could I be faulted for being a bit curious? Oh, come on, I wanted to get some inside gist on this too. Who wouldn't?

So, with an invisible clown mask on my face, recoiling at the hypocrisy in my words when I talked against invading their privacy, I joined the Sisters to view the screen too. 

Reflexively, my hands went to my mouth on the first thing I saw on that screen.

And, no, Chika and Aaron were not kissing or making out.

No, they weren't —in words Ebere or Ebube would use—shagging either.

Quite the contrary, they were doing the most basic and ordinary thing two people could do together: Sitting.

That was it. Chika and Aaron were only 'sitting' together on the back row desk tables.

But why did it look like the cutest thing ever? Why did it make even Soma and the Twins coo in admiration of them? It was because they made sitting look so aesthetic and pretty. 

I couldn't elaborate the beauty of such a pair in words that were suitable enough to do justice.

Chika, for one, gave off this badass Alpha female energy, with her sassy crop shirt and boyish shorts, hands holding onto the desk table she sat on top of and legs that rocked these dark socks and neat white kicks dangled below, her posture slightly crouched unconventionally, but coolly, as she listened to Aaron say something. Sweet laughter, rich, full and confident expelled off her. Granted, her man was a thorough clown.

Aaron, on the other hand, had always looked like a model. A stunning combination of slender and muscular, body and aura dripping a massive 'Rich Lagos Kid, big boy' energy. He had the handsomeness of a Prince, even if his clown behaviour masked that part of him.  Under the light, his smile beamed like the sun, and humour was all over his face, body language, and voice, and every word that rolled off his tongue seemed to be a whole comedy show. 

They both looked so beautiful, just sitting together. It was no news that both Chika Chioma and Aaron Godson were gorgeous as hell. So, coming together, in one accord and force, grounds were bound to be absolutely shattered. 

This ground was shattering.

"I really didn't think you'd want to come here," He said to Chika.

I could see in every bit of his smile, the glint in his eyes, the pure and almost child-like energy emitting off him, that Aaron Godson genuinely just admired Chika Chioma.

"Why's that?" Chika asked him, brow raised in question.

And, wow, she knew how to keep her feelings under control.

She was so cool. So chill. She was not blushing and designing herself with blushes and sweet laughter. Not like Aaron who was a mushy mess before her.

If Chika laughed, it was straight and confident. If she talked, it was with certainty. Her body language reeked off maddening badass girl energy. 

"Well, you always bail most times I want to see you," He said to her, playfully nudged her, having a little effect of a push off her. Just minutely. "And, lately, you have had a lot on your plate. That bit, I am aware."

"I am fine, abeg," Chika waved it off with a laugh.

"Fine?" Aaron chuckled at that, "Just fine? Nah. You're the prettiest girl I know."

It took both me and Chika to see the word play he chipped in there. 

"Aww," Soma and The Twins cooed for her, since all Chika could do in response was hide a smile in her hands, laughing into it subtly.

"But on a serious note," Chika said to him, "You're always calling to check up on me and all, and I assure you that I am good. I can take care of myself, ma jigga." She fist bumped him. "

"Everyone needs a bit of help here and there, Chika," He insisted.

I almost found myself getting lost. Help for what?

"I have my life under control, Aaron," Chika told him in certainty, "I have everything under control."

"Oshey o," Aaron hailed her immediately, throwing accolades on her, "It's giving Mama energy. Tough girl Vibes. Big Bad Wolf!" 

Chika laughed boldly at that. 

"What the fuck is Big Bad Wolf? Shift, abeg!" She pushed him.

"It's you na." He teased her back, "Na you be big bad Wolf."

I found myself smiling. I liked the energy from them, from whatever they had. It was playful. Random. Sweet. It was fun to watch them, really.

"That's one of the reasons I like you. Always confident and certain of the direction your life is turning. You know that's like one in a million reasons why I like you, yeah?" He said to her.

Chika rolled her eyes playfully. Sucked in her teeth. 

"You whine me too much, biko. Rest, Oga," She shunned him with a wave of her hands.

"You are so unromantic, sha." Aaron teased her, looked away and feigned disinterest, 2Continue like this and I will g and find a new babe sha."

"Hah!" Chika scoffed at that playfully, "Jee choro enyi nwanyi ohuru na. Go ahead and find your new babe. Bold of you to assume I will give a shit!"

"Wow!" Aaron was taken aback by that response, eyes widening in surprise.

"Ehe nu na! If you want to swing that way, I ain't going to stop you, my gee," She jabbed on at him.

We were all giggling in here, watching them.

"Ouch, Chi, Ouch," Aaron had a hand to his chest, a gesture to show he was hugging his aching heart, "That's 100 points for you and 0 for me."

Baby girl flipped her weaves his way. "As always."

"Let me get even," Aaron insisted.

"How?" Chika posed.

"Bowling," He challenged, "Me and You. Gomery. Let's have our next date there. A bowling date. And a competition too to spice it up, yeah?"

"You reek of desperation," Chika teased him.

"I won't go easy on you sha," He told her.

She raised a brow, mocking that challenge.

"Hard bargain," She side smiled.

"So?" He pressed on the idea, "Or, lemme guess, you're scared of losing?"

"Cap." She scoffed.

"Cap?" He repeated.

"Nigga, I am going to school your ass." She said.

"Wanna try?" He urged on. "You are exuding too much confidence. Is it because you knocked out those guys that day in Class that you think you can easily take me down in bowling?"

He had brought up that incident with Kaniru and his boys the other day and Chika had actually exploded in laughter. Real and Intense laughter.

"Must you bring that into every single conversation we have?!" She hit him.

"Yes na!" He easily defended, "You think its every guy on the planet that can boast that their girl can kick some ass? That some epic bragging right, my g!"

Chika shook her head at him and sighed.

"Fine. Call me tomorrow," She told Aaron, "I can't wait to kick your ass in Bowling."

"Sweet. It's a date," He smiled in Victory, "And now that has settled...."

Both of them exchanged a knowing look between each other and stifled a laughter, swiftly communicating something with their eyes.

For a moment, neither of them said anything and Felony by Ckay from  outside was all that was heard everywhere. 

Before Aaron spoke up.

"So, babe, how much longer do we keep playing with them before we tell them that we know they are spying on us?"

Blood of Jesus. 

"Let's have some faith in their common sense?" Chika said in suggestion, shocking me with her next action. Her eyes easily traced directly to the camera, squaring it down, squaring us down with an arched brow that screamed 'Really, Sisters?'

Aaron followed suite. Marking the camera down with direct eye contact. 

"They will stop watching us in 3, 2...."

Ebere's hands slammed her twin sister's phone down against her laps in panic, halting our little spy session and cutting it short immediately with a panic scream.  Panic stilled the air for us and we were staring at one other with eyes wide in panic and shock, Ebube's hands barely fibbing and hanging on to her phone. Soma, hysteric.

Chika appeared before us in a matter of seconds with Aaron hanging an arm loosely over her shorter frame, one hand in the pockets of her shorts and the other waving in the air, the very phone that I thought the Sisters were discreet enough to hide properly in the course of spying. 

"Here is your phone, Ebere," She extended her hand to the twin with a smile on her face, "It was way too close to the edge of the window. Awful placement, babe."

Awkwardly, the twin stepped up and took her phone from Chika's hands.

"You knew?" I asked Chika, surprised.

"Dabz, I came up with this spy mission thing that the Sisters are abusing," She answered me and jabbed at Soma and The twins, " You can't fuck with the Master in her own game."

With a swift turn around, he held onto Aaron's arm around her and tiptoed to plant a kiss on his lips, smiled, and waved him off. "I will talk to you later, yeah?"

The latter smiled back. "Sure thing, babe." Cast a playing look on us and waved a finger, "Careful, girls. It's not every time you should be snooping around people's privacy. You could find out what you wish you didn't know."

With that, the tall kid bounced out of the class like a little kid with douses of energy in their blood.

"Roger that," Chika seconded behind him as he left, walking into the class to be with us, "So, tell me why on earth you all deemed it fit to spy on me and Aaron Godson?"

The Sisters looked amongst themselves, tongue ties.

Until Ebere spoke in defence for us. 

"Well, Mrs Godson,—" She started.

Chika was already laughing.

"—You can't blame us when you never share some juice with us!" She berated Chi.

"What on earth is there to share?" Chika was really laughing as she asked. 

Soma blew a near tantrum at that question.

"That he thinks you're the prettiest girl in the World?" She shouted at Chi with wide big eyes, "That he asks you on things like Bowling Dates? That you two do that back and forth childish but sweet interaction 'ere and there? That you and Aaron be giving that Netflix High school power couple vibes? Chi Mama!"

"You guys are so cute!" Ebere was screaming and gushing, "Mr and Mrs Godson? FUCK YES!"

I was laughing at this point, quaking softly as these girls displayed their drama on top of Chika's matter. 

"You people should stop, abeg," Chika laughed to herself, waving them off as she attempted to just walk away, unbothered in the middle of their drama.

"Stop what?!" Soma didn't stop, "Girl, you and that guy be giving some sauce!"

"No shit! Did you see how the way he was smiling at her? My guy is gone. Whipped! Man's fallen into a drench on top of our Chi Ma's head!" Ebere followed up.

"Seconded," Ebube agreed, "He did not stop smiling. And Chika was there forming big girl!"

"Forming beta Don Jazzy for the poor guy oo!" Ebere joked around, slapping her twin as she laughed, "Like we know Chi Mama ain't also whipped for this guy like a motherfucker. It's so obvious our baby girl is swimming in a pool of Mr Godson's love!"

That did it for Chika.

She was at the door, walking away as the Sisters continued their teasing, and the moment that Ebere said that, she nearly fell on the ground in laughter. 

And maybe Chika was laughing a bit too hard, in my opinion. She could barely stand. She was laughing her ass off. All she ever did was laugh when she was asked about Aaron or teased on his name, and particularly now, she was laughing harder than ever. She was barely supporting herself up with a hand holding her rips dearly. Laughing. Laughing. Laughing so damn hard.

"Look," She had managed to straighten up a little bit, giggling softly, "I don't know what y'all are trying to do, but I am giving it one more try sha. I'll try for that kiss again tomorrow on that bowling date. Aaron seems to like me too much. So much that he doesn't want to rush things. If it doesn't work after tomorrow, I will finally give this me and Aaron thing a rest."


Someone said that. It wasn't me, but I could relate.

Because Chika lost me there too.

I had no shit idea what the fuck she was talking about.

"Eh?" Chika had responded herself to the Sisters, as she hinted out our confusion, getting slightly confused herself.

There was silence between us, and maybe Chika felt the need to elaborate her point again.

"Me and Aaron," She said to us, "I said I will try for that kiss again. Hopefully it proceeds to a Make out session. If that doesn't work this time around, I will ghost him."

Blood of Jesus. 

"Why..." Soma's voice was even trembling with confusion as she spoke up in the midst of all our deadly silence, "Why would you want to do that, Chi?"

Chika looked taken aback by the question, and I wondered why.

She couldn't be the one lost. We were beyond lost, and I wanted her to find us. 

"He really likes you," Ebere continued where Soma stopped, "You like him too. You were were goals back there in the classroom. Why would you want to ghost him because he refuses a kiss? Since when have you even been interested in rushing things like that?"

Chika was staring at our faces like we had lost it.

We reciprocated.

One of us had be mad here. 

"Wait." She had backed up, her face paused and I knew she was doing some mental calculations in her head.

We waited for her to get her balance.

Chika asked us.

"Are you guys actually being serious?"

We all stared at Chika, moping like idiots.

Serious about what?

Chika took a leap backward, pupils dilating in panic of a sudden realization.

"Jesus Christ. You guys are serious." She said to us.

I only wanted to know what were were serious about. 

"Since when did all these talk about me and Aaron become such a serious thing?" She asked us, her voice rising in shock. 

"Chika." Ebube, in shock, stepped back.

"'Mad Man'," Chika had quoted something that rang a dull bell in my memory, painfully bringing to light something that I was immediately dreading, "Mad Man, Sisters. Mad Man. Way back at Yure's party? Have you forgotten?"


No. No. No. Fuck, no.....

Chika couldn't be telling us...

"Dares and Pledges?" 

She dropped the bomb. Exactly what I feared she would say. 

"Dares and Pledges, Sisters. Don't you remember? You guys dared me to make out with our scapegoat, Mad Man: Aaron Godson?"

From one wahala to the other. Let's put the characters of TMBT into the hands of the Lord at this point!😂❤️

Conspiracy theories oo!!! Why would Chika want to do an awful thing like that??? Y'all probably have a glimpse of the reason, but lemme test you small.

Why is Kelechi all around Dabi's friends all of a sudden??

And what else in this chapter sparked your suspicion in a subtle way? I want to know! Tell me everything!✨

See you guys next time. Ciao!❤️✨

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