Listening to All for us by Labrinth and Zendaya as I wrote this chapter.
This Chapter was really the most difficult chapter to write so far. I'm really sick and a lot's been happening so writing this chapter was something else for me. I hope you guys like it still. Love you ❤️❤️
Tuesdays and Thursdays were Sports days in Castron High, so the last two periods for the school was for P.E. That meant all students would be out on the fields for sporting activities. Unlike every other school day, we didn't get to wear our regular school uniforms. Instead, we were to wear our "sport" uniforms which were quite different. On days like these, students had to wear a white t-shirt and a grey coloured sports short. These, along side our regular school uniforms were provided by the school ofcourse.
By around 7:12am that morning, Nini and I were still at home. While I had no idea what she was doing, I sat on the reading desk in my room, my bag on the floor and my chemistry notebook placed infront of me on my desk as I was quickly going over my Chemistry assignment. I had gone through it about a hundred times already, but I decided to do so again one last time. I had perfect grades and I didn't want anything going wrong - especially since it was the first assignment we've had so far in Ss3. It was just the second week of School and Mr. Shola, our uptight Chemistry teacher, already filled us up with loads of assignments on Friday and all of them were due today, Tuesday Morning.
"Giwa.." I heard Nini's voice call.
I looked up from my Chemistry notebook to the door of my room where Nini stood there in her school sports uniform, and hanging her barbie school bag.
"Don't you think we should be going to school anytime soon? Bolanke is waiting in the car." She said.
"You can go. I'll meet up in a sec" I told her.
Nini nodded and left the room.
So you guys, this cute little girl completely suits the description of Nini in my head. So yeah..she's our Nini☺️
It didn't take much longer for me to tidy up and soon I was hanging my bag over my back and climbing down the stairway outside my room to get downstairs, and into the car.
And Boy, we sure were late to School. By the time we got the road, it was already 7: 28 am and I was well aware we were very late. Nini looked uncomfortable and I knew why. Penalty for late comers started by 7:30 am because that was when the Prefects were supposed to have already finished sending all the students to the hall for the morning assembly. The Hall for the assembly was literally the first building you'd see once you get into the school, so once you came in past 7:30, you'd have to be penalized. And it was two minutes to 7:30 and we were not even half way close to school yet.
"Giwa, are they going to punish me?" I heard Nini's voice asking softly as we were on our way. I turned to her and with one look, I could tell she was already scared and nervous, having that we'd be arriving school so late today.
"Who?" I said, with a scowl on my face.
"The Disciplinary Prefects" She said.
She was talking about Aaron Godson and Kelechi Uwa. They were the Disciplinary Prefects Boy and Girl respectively. Usually before the assembly, the Head Boy and Head Girl would stand at the entrance and make sure the students came in orderly. Then by 7:30, they'd close the entrance doors and send students that come in from that point back - but not to their classes, to the exit doorway where the Disciplinary Prefects stood there and punished the late comers. Ofcourse, this only applied to the Juniors. The Prefects couldn't punish their own mates.
I sort of scuffed a little, laughing softly at the question Nini asked. I already knew it would be akward coming from the entrance and having the entire school stare at you. But Nini still didn't have a problem. I mean - Aaron Godson was my boo. He wouldn't mind me letting my sister in. And sure, I wasn't close to Kelechi Uwa but I damn right knew she wouldn't do shit if I opened the doors and walked right in to the Assembly Hall with my late sister.
"Don't worry Nini" I told her. "You'll get into the Hall alright"
And she did.
By the time we arrived, the Assembly had already started and I could even hear the principal's voice from outside - meaning they had even finished the national and school anthem as well as the devotion. That's just how late we were.
At the exit, I already saw a dozen of junior students on their knees; both boys and girls. The Senior ones amongst them - those that were in Ss1 and Ss2 - sort of segregating themselves from the other Juniors.
As I walked through the pile of Juniors on their knees with a nervous - as - hell Nini holding my hand ever so strongly, I noticed some of the Ss1 and Ss2 girls looking both of us over like hell. I'm sure they were all thinking the same thing.
"Look at this tiny Giwa's sister. Because Giwa is her sister, she dey catch cruise now abi".
I even clearly overheard a female's voice amongst them whispering "Na wa oo" and when I turned back to the Ss2 girls, as the voice so happened to have come from someone amongst them, they all suddenly got quiet. Nini just snuggled herself more into me in fear.
I got to the door and saw both Aaron and Kelechi there. Aaron smirked a little at me and I laughed a little under my breath. He clearly understood what was happening. Kelechi Uwa, rather had a neutral face on, but she moved away from the door and I pushed it open, walking into the Hall with my sister holding my hand by my side.
I took Nini straight to where her classmates were in the hall just to ensure she is completely safe and sound, before I started to make my way towards my set gathering. Yes, I should be standing at the entrance doorway with Yure but I think I'll pass. I went straight to the back of my female class mates and sat there quietly, watching my wrist watch and hoped the assembly would be done anytime soon.
"Giwa hey.." I heard a faint voice call beside me. I looked to the girl sitting beside me who had called. I don't know her name but I've definitely seen the face before. She was wearing a grey short dress that completely made her look like she was an American highschool cheerleader and she was smiling at me with so much brightness.
Apparently, half the girls in my set were dressed like her. This whole uniform bending thing started with the last three sets that graduated before us. They took uniform bending up a notch, and since then, half the population of girls in Ss3 look like cheerleaders on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you saw Ss3s' on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you may not even know they were students of the school, because of the way they did well to assessorize the sport uniforms.
I raised an eyebrow at the girl who called me, waiting for her to speak, and when she didn't, I realised she only wanted my attention. I sighed and turned my face away from her. I should get used to all these famzing by now.
"I think your friends are calling you" I heard her say again. I turned to her again and she signalled forward. Looking some seats in front of us, I saw Hassana and Prissy, smiling broadly and waving at me. Prissy signalled me to come as Hassana tapped on the seat in front of her. I just smiled and shook my head, mouthing a "later" to them.
I noticed Hassana, too, had on the grey dress that most other girls had, and Prissy rather had on almost the normal uniform, just like I did. Prissy, me and the half of the other girls in my set who were more civil and didn't go all out with their sports uniforms, still bended the uniform rules slightly; maybe by wearing white shirts that suited their style, wearing sweatpants, or rocking black sneakers, instead of the white canvas.
Our boys however, however, could extend the length of their sport shorts however they liked or just rock some joggers or something. Most of them wore long sleeved white shirts or long sleeved black shirts, with the white short sleeves on top of it.Of course, the jocks and some other girls who actually did sports would have to eventually change into their uniforms when it was time for sports. All the extra dressing was apparently just for show.
However, this Uniform bending thing on Sport days were only for the Ss3s'. So, juniors didn't dare try it unless they were asking for a death wish. Only the Ss2s' were given the grace to wear joggers or sweatpants if they wanted to, but that was all the freedom they had.
Sometimes, I felt it was wrong because we were supposed to lead by example. But who was I to even talk when I helped my little sister escape punishment that she well should have served this morning. But really - how easy is it being 100% transparent, even when you well know you won't be penalized if you aren't. Maybe starting little by little would help, but who would start the change?
Just after the Principal aka Guy man finished with his almost seeming never to end speech, I noticed something.
I saw Ivandor Fejaun standing up from the staff area in the Hall that was close to the stage and walking towards the stage itself. I noticed Mr. Odum quite close to the seat Ivandor was on. The principal looked his direction. He removed the microphone from it's small metal stand that was fixed right on the podium, and extended it a bit, like he was waiting for Ivandor to come and take it.
Hol up. What's happening?
Was Ivandor planning on giving a speech? How come I don't know about this. I'm usually aware of every single speech any Prefect is supposed to give during the assembly. What the hell is he doing up there?
As Ivandor gets to the stage and takes the microphone from the principal, you had to see the noise that consumed the entire hall. Some of the teachers even looking a bit confused - like hell they didn't know the fuss the students made about him. Some of the girls around me even saying stuff to each other like "Oh my God! Ivandor is on stage" contributing well to the noise, and at that point, I wished there was some way I could turn off my ability to hear.
Ivandor stood there on the stage, mic inserted on the podium stand, elbows resting on the podium itself, and quietly observed the crowd, waiting for the noise to die down completely so he could say whatever he had to say. And I was damn grateful when it did.
"Good morning.." Ivandor started, his voice echoing round the entire hall through the microphone.
The fuss started again. Everywhere was once again noisy. And this time, I could now hear the female prefects screaming at the classes they were in charge of and telling them to shut up. I wished at that moment, I was in charge of a class. I would have loved to see if their obsession for Ivandor was stronger than their fear for me.
Soon after, the noise in the hall calmed down again,thanks to the aggression of the prefects. And I noticed Ivandor sort of laugh a little under his breath into the microphone, causing a few giggles to be heard amongst the crowd. I rolled my eyes. I was about to stand up and leave.
"Okay.." he continued. "Umm..This announcement is for the Jss1 students. You all should please wait behind after the Assembly. I want to address you shortly"
That was it.
The noise got noisy again as he left the stage and made his way back to the teachers area in the hall, taking his seat again right next to Mr. Odum.
What on Earth is this boy up to?
Right after the Assembly was rounded over, I walked faster than my classmates out of the hall, in an attempt to leave the hall and reach my class quickly. Staying in the hall has never been this irritating before.
Sadly, the Ss3 block was a bit far from the hall. The higher the class, the farther it was from the hall apparently. So, it did take me a while to get to my block. But as soon as I reached it, I quickly made my way to class, without even giving chance for any side talks. I knew if I bumped into my friends, I would have to spend a few minutes in the hallway chit chatting.
I walked straight into Ss3A that was empty as expected. Assembly ended by 8 a.m, first period started by 8:15am. So, that meant my classmates had 15 minutes to talk and gist in the hallways before class started. Looking at my time, it was 8:11am - barely four minutes left for the bell for first period bell.
I noticed some of my classmates trooping into class with noise, mostly the Science guys and I happened to spot Nova coming in with them as well, putting on a sleeveless white hoodie, over the long-sleeved black shirt he had on and some black joggers. I moved a corner of my mouth remembering we had not spoken since last week. You know?..Since I went all crazy on him when he tried to talk to me about Shade.
I watched him go over to his seat and open his desk locker, doing something with so much focus. I noticed neither Yure or Ivandor was there. I took in a deep breath and decided to go talk to him.
I walked over to his seat and turned the seat in front of his' to face him, before sitting on it. He took a while before he realized someone was infront of him. Then, he finally looked up to see me.
Wasn't sure what exactly was going through his mind, but he looked a bit confused, like he was unsure of how to react. I can't blame him. With the way I acted that day, he'd be scared to do or say anything that would most likely provoke me again.
"Hey.." I started. Couldn't think any other way to start.
"Uhh..h- hey.." he somewhat stuttered.
I was looking for words to say next and somehow I found them.
"So what are you doing here all alone without your friends? Shouldn't you be flexing outside or something. We have like.." I looked at my watch. "Two more minutes to first period"
Nova stared at me for a few seconds. Then, his expression sort of broke into a small smile and he sort of laughed. Then he paused his lips for a second and looked at me again.
"I'm not mad at you for humiliating me on the first day of school. Apology accepted." He said. He had that little smile on his face so it was hard to tell if he is actually pissed and just being painfully sarcastic, or if he is just guilt trapping me for the fun of it.
Well, good job Nova. It worked.
I instantly felt so horrible. I mean, he was a sweet guy. If anyone was deserving of my outburst that day, it shouldn't have been him.
"Nova.. I.." I said.
"Giwa, It's okay" He cut in, laughing at me immediately.
"I mean..That one was all on me. You were in a bad mood. I should have just taken a hint" he said. I smiled a little, a bit relieved.
"But what about your friend though.." he said, this time, looking more serious.
I immediately knew he was talking about Shade.
"You know, it wasn't her fault.." he said.
I sighed.
"It's okay..I think I'm over it" I shrugged.
His eyes lit up immediately in joy, and it made me laugh.
"Really?" He said.
"Yes really" I answered. "You can tell her to come back and sit with us. To be honest, I have so much to worry about. Mr. Odum has been on my neck since last week for the Dynamis list and I'm super stressed." My palm was on my forehead as I said this to him.
"Okay..Giwa.." he said, and I looked to him again.
"First off, Shade is sitting with me from now on" He deadpanned.
I laughed a little.
"Okay whatever" I shrugged.
"Good" he laughed, and so did I.
"And Secondly" he said again. " I don't think you have to worry about the Dynamis List because Ivandor is already at it"
My eyes squinted and my forehead creased.
"You say?"
Nova looked at me a bit surprised.
"Yure didn't tell you?" He said.
Would Yure ever tell me anything in this life?
"Mr. Odum had also been on his neck for the list too. So Ivandor decided to help out since he was less busy. That's why he told Jss1s' to stay behind after the assembly. So he could lecture them and get their names for Mr. Odum" Nova said.
Wait..That was why Ivandor wanted to talk to those Jss1s'? Really?
One question lingered on my mind though..
Did Ivandor really do that to help Yure? Or was he doing it to help me?
Okay so I thank the Lord this chapter pulled through for me because it was really difficult to write. Uhmmm..Hope you likeeee!!
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