"Ronin, we have a big problem." I heard Wyatt's voice panicked. Both Johnny and I exchanged a look, when we both heard Wyatt. Judging on how many times Wyatt doesn't react like this, gives me the clue this was something big.
"What's happening Wyatt?" I asked calmly, trying to execute the problem.
"It's Panam, she's at Arasaka tower and they're not allowing her to leave." Wyatt implied with a worried voice.
"Holy shit." Johnny whispered under his breath. Johnny motioned me to hand him the phone. I held up my pointer finger, motioning him to wait one minute.
"Son of a bitch, I'm going to kill Yuri if he touches her." I replied with aggression. I could feel the anger crawl up my skin. Panam was Wyatt's Ex, he still loved her even after they broke up. More like a sister and brother bond.
"Not if I get to him first." Wyatt whispered. A deep pit formed within my stomach. Wyatt was tough and reasonable. But it seemed like Wyatt was turning darker then it seemed. But at that moment I allowed myself to put myself into his position for a moment. I would of done the same thing. I was glad he called us ahead of time.
Johnny took the phone out of my hand. "We'll get her back, and that's a fuck'n promise." Johnny growled.
"Silverhand? Mind telling me what you're doing on the other line, with my best friend's phone?" Wyatt coldly questioned.
"Doesn't matter, all you should know is that some shit went down and she's safe." Johnny assured Wyatt with an annoyed voice. Wyatt sighed deeply on the other end.
"We have to get her back and make sure she's safe." Wyatt pleaded, quietly.
"Meet us at the back alley of the Red Dirt. Casey should be there along with the chopper." Johnny directed Wyatt.
"Just the four of us? Up against an army of Corpo soldiers?" Wyatt questioned as if Johnny was joking.
"Just like the old days, Wyatt..." Johnny replied. I didn't know Johnny and Wyatt worked together, that's probably how my song was given to him. But I doubt he knows who it belonged to, even though Ronin is a very uncommon name. I am willing to bet there is two or three in Night City, somewhere...
Johnny ended the call and tossed it to me. Awkward silence surrounded the two of us.
"You in? Or are you out?" Johnny questioned firmly, remembering my condition.
"Hell, I'm not staying behind, Johnny." I answered stubbornly. Johnny stared at me for a moment then grabbed his rifle. He didn't say anything that moment, the atmosphere became even more awkward.
"Be ready in ten, Ronin." Johnny ordered, walking out of the half destroyed apartment. That wasn't enough time to attend to some wounds I had, but taking pain killers was a modern solution for now. I quickly got changed into a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and the jacket Johnny gave me.
I grabbed two of my silver hand-guns and exited it, knowing I would be back later to get my things. The night was cold and shallow, chills crawled up my spine. Just thinking about what was happening to Panam made my skin crawl. Johnny sat on the hood of the Quadra, smoking a cigarette.
Saving Panam was worth the risk, but I became more anxious on if Yuri saw me, then I booked an appointment for them to extract the virus. I would be held captive by the Militech for whatever happens at Arasaka tower.
Johnny held the keys to the Quadra and teased me with the sight of the keys.
"Looking for something?" Johnny joked. I felt myself freeze for the careless actions that I didn't grab the keys.
"Pass 'em over, Silverhand." I held out my hand, knowing I didn't appreciate small jokes where people would take my things without asking.
"Love it when your mad. Gets my southern blood burnin'." Johnny teased. I bit my lip and turned my head as I felt embarrassment wash over me. My cheeks started to burn, and my heart fluttered. I inhaled deeply and caught the keys Johnny tossed.
"Nice car by the way, better then the piece of shit that I drove here." Johnny joked, hopping into the front seat. I started up the Quadra, hearing a strong growl, when it fired up. My fingers curled around the wheel and it was almost like the Quadra was apart of me. I shifted the vehicle into reverse and flipped my head over my shoulder. The drive was silent between me and Silverhand, he propped a cigarette between his lips and lit it. A metallic snap was made, when he closed his lighter.
I guess I just focused too much on getting there, that I acted like I seemed not use to the snap of a lighter. But the truth may be said, I smoke, and that startled me? I inhaled sharply and pressed down on the gas. My shoulders tensed as I cautiously switched lanes to pass the vehicle in front of me. All I could worry about was Wyatt's words in my head. It echoed through my mind, I could easily sense his frustration. It remarked sudden worry. I pulled up to the same sign that I recognised. The same place Wyatt, Ellie, and I went to to see the Samurai's. Though I can say it's ironic to have your idol in the front seat of the Quadra.
I drove slowly, down the narrow, and tight alleyway that led to the back of the 'Red Dirt.' I tapped my fingers against the wheel as soon as my gaze traced upon the helicopter that sat in the back of the bar.
Even when the radio was turned down to almost muted, we could still hear the loud patters of the chopper blades. Casey stood next to the chopper, hands on her hips, and held a firm expression.
"You ready for this? 'Cause there's no going back." Johnny warned. A small smirk curled up from the corner of my lip, almost unnoticeable.
"Never been ready, everythin' usually works out." I implied with a voice full of pride. At the end of my sentence, I stepped out of the Quadra and followed Johnny, nearly on his heels.
"Your late." Casey remarked with a not impressed voice. She turned her heel and marched over to the chopper.
"My op. I decide who's late or who's not!" Johnny hollered over the loud patters of the chopper blades. This wasn't his operation, it was Wyatts, but with the help of Johnny and I.
"Get in! Before I change my mind, Silverhand. You too Silverjynx." Casey huffed and motioned me into the chopper. I sat across from Johnny and next to Casey. Wyatt sat quietly to himself, his forehead leaned against the outer shell of his gun. His expression was unpredictable and depressed, he held a casual frown and stared at the ground. Ross sat closest to the window, and Wyatt sat in the middle.
"Silverhand." the Pilot greeted him, almost like he hasn't seen Johnny within ages.
"Hey, Shaiton!" Johnny said enthusiastically.
"Get us into the air!" Casey ordered.
Casey passed me a pare of headphones, "Put this on and it stays on, got it?!" she instructed me. I felt my heart start to beat at the rash attitude she gave off. She seemed upset and impatient, something I haven't yet seen until now.
My insides lifted when the chopper ascended from the ground. I felt butterflies swarm within my gut, creating an unsettling feeling. This wasn't the first time I've flew in an aircraft, but it surely wasn't going to be my last.
"Don't mind her, its that time of the month-"
"Piss off, Silverhand, before I push you out of the chopper!" Casey screamed in anger.
I chuckled quietly, Ross gave Silverhand a questionable look, almost as if she wanted to laugh and scold him.
Johnny lifted both of his hands up and chuckled, "Alright, alright, calm your tits." Johnny wasn't the best at apologising, but he was great at making the situation even more humorous and worse than it was.
Casey opened her mouth to object, then closed her lips, with no response. She crossed her arms and stared out the open doors of the chopper. The frost like air raked it's hands through my hair, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. Taking in the wonderful feeling of freedom and tranquillity.
My eyes fluttered open and my gaze softened. I felt my chest swell when I saw Wyatt staring at the floor. He hasn't said a word since we've arrived, it seemed...Alerting. I placed my hand on his knee and managed to get his attention for a couple of seconds.
"Don't worry, we'll get her back. And for every Corpo who rid of a strand of her hair, will face the damn consequences, consider it their damnation." I whispered, encouraging Wyatt to focus, whether he was in the mood or not. But facing someone doesn't matter on mood because your always in the flee or fight mode. And mood can affect his performance of this mission.
Wyatt gave me a simple nod, acknowledging he's on board. Though he wasn't in the best mood to talk, I knew he was holding the beast back for the fight.
"Peirs're on fire. Pacifica's offline, shut down. APC's on the streets of Watson." Shaiton warned. Johnny's face started to crumble, his jaw clenched tightly, and his forehead crinkled.
Johnny looked to the horizon, the sky's were dark, the clouds of pollution concealed us from citizens eyes.
"Sons of bitches." Wyatt growled.
"Skull-crackin' is out there, is that us?" Shaiton wondered. There was already heavy fire coming from the distance of Arasaka's tower. It seemed as if someone was distracting them, so we can successfully reach the tower.
"It was Wyatt's idea. Weyland's drawing Arasaka's attention away from the tower." Casey answered Shaiton.
"Collateral damage apart of the plan, too?" I questioned, knowing missions this strategic involved more than it seemed.
"Ronin, this isn't the cubs scouts, chew it up, and spit it out." Casey replied firmly to me. I couldn't understand how fast her colours changed. She seemed so sweet, it was almost...deceiving.
"Ya? You can tell me that when I'm dead. I ain't going to let you talk to me like that, nor treat me that way. We're supposed to be a team, unless you want me to walk out on this mission. I ain't doing this for you, I am doing this for: him." I pointed over to Wyatt.
Casey gritted her teeth she seemingly didn't appreciate, nor expect my answer.
"You'll be dead if you say that again-"
"Casey, lay off." Wyatt snapped at Casey. Casey opened her mouth to object, then chose to not say a word. I couldn't understand what happened to her, that made her seething in anger?
I knew it had something to do with Col. I had a bad feeling that he was involved, with her change of attitude, though it was obvious.
We came across the Arasaka tower. A massive, red, ring, that was translucent, circled around the tower. It read: 'no entry is allowed.'
I inhaled deeply and swallowed thickly. This was it and there's no going back. Johnny was removed from his seat, he held onto the frame of the chopper, as it arrived closer to the top of the tower. Johnny took the turret. I stayed silent, checking my clip.
"Target range acquired." Shaiton warned us. Corpo's guarded the landing pad, fully armed, and ready for a taste of blood. I remembered Dum-Dum's conversation between Jackie and I. Corpo's couldn't feel anything, so head shots were our best bet.
These were uniquely designed Corpo's. They weren't instructed to protect the top of Arasaka tower for nothing. These were soliders that participated in the Corpo wars, back when Johnny was a solider. I never asked him about it, but I had a close up of his tags he wore.
"Let's make it rain." I commented, before the fight begun.
A smile formed onto Wyatt's lips, "And this is where they meet their demise." Wyatt stood up and approached the open doors. His shield pulled up on his arm, and he held his gun with a tight grip. He leaped out of the chopper, perfectly, and gracefully landing onto the rooftop.
A/note: Hey everyone! I am splitting this chapter into two parts since both are around 2000- 3000 long. We're about discover Wyatt's strengths and more of a fight with Arasaka. I apologise if I haven't updated in a while, I've been a bit busy. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote if you wish, and make sure to leave a comment ;). But all I can say is that this is the beginning of something much bigger that is soon going to happen.
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