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A/note: Italics in this will be memories. Small trigger warning. If you cannot take violence, please skip this chapter if you wish.

I met up with Jackie. Found him in a separate room. I couldn't help but to smile at Jackie. Even how crappy I felt with the whole situation. If what Vik says is true about the virus, that this virus can kill and moves on to the next person it can prove to have value. And if passed into the wrong hands like... Back to Arosaka for an example, he can copy it and modify it. But Arosaka is the best bet I have to get rid of this.

The room was dark and lit with a dim magenta. A large fan-palm plant behind his chair. Insents sprayed from a defuser, it smelled like coconut. Jackie was relaxed in a chair. While Misty talked with him. I cleared my throat, allowing them to know I was there.

"I can release your negative energy, you just have to avoid mean reds. That means no getting involved with crossfires." Misty finished, she pecked Jackie on the cheek and allowed Jackie and I to talk.

"Oh! Ronin I didn't know you were standing there." Jackie said with a sheepish voice.


"Alright, listen up. I talked with Dex while you were in with the Doc. He's waitin' in his ride for you! Ain't but a hop to where he's parked. Next to Gramsci burgers!" Jackie finished.

"OK, I'll do my best to talk him up..." I agreed, then I took the puffer the Doc gave me. It allows the scanner lenses to become apart of me, with less pain.

"Jeese you're usually more chill at this time of the day. Anything wrong?" Jackie questioned in concern. Misty walked back into the room, with a tray of hot chocolate for the two of them. She slowly handed Jackie his.

"Oh, Ronin, you can have mine." I placed a hand up, and shook my head.

"I'm alright, thanks for the offer." I declined politely. I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"Doc says he can't fix what I got." I started, I felt my chest start to swell. My muscles shook like jello, while I stood still.

"What can't be fixed? Like what do you have?" Jackie questioned, he blew gently on his hot chocolate, trying to get it to cool.

"The Lotus Virus. The virus that kills, so this means I can't have anyone checking in on my biomon otherwise they'll contract it. I have eight months to fix this, Jackie. And Arosaka is the one that's going to give me a-answers." I choked, holding back the tears.

"What?!" Jackie screamed.


Jackie dropped his mug. The glass from the mug scattered across the tiled floor. Misty gasped, not at the fact Jackie dropped the mug and it was startling. She gasped because of the news.

"I'm so sorry, Ronin." I felt my limps tense, when Misty said that.

"So, Viktor Vecktor, can't fix you up?" Jackie questioned, with a worried expression.

"He said it himself. Time is running out, I've gotta get Arosaka to remove this shit!" I yelled, my eyes were squeezed tightly shut, my hands formed into tight fists.

"Fuck, I don't have an idea how you're feeling, Ronin. If I have to shove an iron down his throat to remove that virus, then I will. I won't allow my Mejor Amiga to die alone." Jackie answered with a angry voice. He was pissed at Arosaka, I couldn't be any more upset at this.

I didn't want to die, eight months isn't enough. Not a lot of time, but I'm gonna make sure he removes the virus. Jackie still held onto hope, he was a friend that I would never imagine would stick by my side.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled thickly. Calming myself down before I would have to walk through the streets. My makeup was shit, but it didn't matter, because if anyone had the balls to speak about it, it'll be the end of them.

"Hey, Ronin. You sure you're able to visit Dex like this. We can cancel the meet and book another time?" Jackie offered, knowing I was an emotional mess after the news. He didn't blame me for being upset. Anyone would be upset if they heard the news. Two full weeks perhaps.

"No, I'll take care of it like I said." I answered in a more calmer voice. I turned my heel and walked out of the place. I shaded my eyes from the harsh sunlight. I should of brought a pare of shades.

Gramsci burgers was only a block away. I spotted a silver Vilefort Alvarado. A man in a dressed suit stood next to the open door. The vehicle was parked on the curb, next toย Gramsci burgers. The man had short hair, and darker skin. A couple tattoo's covered his skin. A pare of dog tags hid under his white dress shirt. I guess he was apart of the military just like Johnny Silverhand.

"Ronin, good to see you." The man greeted.

"Colt Jacobs, in the flesh. How have you been doin'?" I questioned Colt. He was an easy four inches taller then me. I was 5'9 ft tall, while he was 6'1 ft tall.

"We'll have time to talk about that later, Mr. DeShawn is waiting." Colt suggested.ย 

I gave him a simple nod. "How about tonight at Lizzie's we can talk?" I propositioned. He took a moment to think about it.

"Sure, why not? This is pretty important." Colt agreed with a casual smile. I he placed a pare of shades on and motioned me to get inside of the vehicle. My eyes met a dark skinned man, on the heavier side. African American I assumed, dreads hanged down his shoulders. He wore a lot of gold, gold rings, gold chains. Dexter was famous for wearing a a casual pare of shades. Dexter straightened his red, leather, vest.

He took a deep drag of his cigar as his gaze followed over to me. I sat next to him, as Colt closed the door, rounded the vehicle to the drivers side.

"Yo, miss Ronin, a pleasure." Dexter greeted me with a deep, raspy, voice.

"Dexter DeShawn in the flesh. Ample indeed." I replied with a casual voice.ย 

"Hehehe, let's role." he directed Colt. Colt gave a brief nod and took the car out of park.

"Mind if I ask you somethin' right off the bangle?" He questioned. He didn't give me a choice he just continued.

"Would you rather live as miss 'nobody', die old and smellin' slightly of urine? Or go down for all times in the blaze of glory, smellin' near like posies,'thout seein' your thirtieth?" Dexter questioned.ย 

This wasn't a test, I can tell.

"You are either somebody or you fizzie out into nothin'. Night City doesn't allow you to choose. It matters on how you're remembered." I replied with an honest voice, straight to the point.

"Oh but it does. See in my line of work I choose to be Mr. Chill. But folk who try to take advantage, well, they get to see the beast inside... Alright listen close, I've got a job for ya. Scannin' a serious job. Plain gargantuan, compared to smashin' some scav bunker." Dexter explained in detail.ย 

There was something up with this. I could feel it, my stomach twisted. Why did he specifically want to talk to me? He could of talked with Ross or Thomas. Or even Wyatt he would be a badass at this job, he'd get right to it and blow everyone's doors off with success risen through his veins. Or even Jackie or T-bug. I went with my gut on this.

"Hang on, I've got a question of my own, now. Why all this, Dex? Why me? I'm nothin' special. Could of had Jackie or T-bug sittin' in my place, or even the newer way, comms..." I replied, clearing my thoughts.

"Callin' me ol' fashioned, but I like to look anyone I do biz with in the eye. You have potential, kid. I saw what you did with that one guy, he sought revenge with Podre and you allowed your mouth to run a thousand miles without care. That's what I need to take care of biz. I've dealt with the Jackster a couple years back, and T-bug? That sweet bug helped me two years ago. So. Here. We. Are." He said that last part slowly without care.

"Lemme here it - what's the job?" I corrected myself.

"There's this prototype chip I need you to snag, simple." Dex chuckled, taking a deep drag of his cigar.

"Mhm, Arosaka. Surely that's no problem." Dexter said with confidence.

Boy was he insane. That was the man that is gonna remove this shit from my head.ย 

I smirked and rolled my eyes before answering when he turned his head, "No, no, no problem. Just a death sentence. NC's Arosaka's turf, nobody fucks with them here." I growled, crossing my arms.

Dexter sighs, "What can I say, Ronin? High risk, high pay, first rule of the Afterlife. 'Sides that, I'm no lead-head. Ain't gonna leave them a trace for them to follow, 'cause we gonna do this clean on' the hush-hush." He explained. I started to feel like he knew what he was doin'.

"You work this out? Got a plan?" I questioned.

"A few things, first the conundrum with the Maistrom boys. Needs active resolvin'. Second's a rendezvous.ย  Client who brought us the job is anxious. She wants to parley with one o' team." He listed, making sure to leave very limited detail. But why did she need to meet them?

"What's her thing? Why's she need to meet?" I questioned. I carefully listened to Dexter making sure this wasn't some shit-bag of a story or a plan.

Dexter sighs deeply, "Women's name is Evelyn Parker. Vettin' her wasn't easy. She put the word out that I was lookin' for any type of intel..." Dexter mumbled. He tossed his Cuban Cigar out the window and crossed his arms.ย 

"Right, and?" I replied.

"Some gang from Pacifica, Brothers, the Voodo Boys gang. Told me to stop lookin', end of convoy, hehehe. Anyways, our lil' client insisted on meetin' some skin in the game, you know, who'll be there for it all." Dexter gave a low chuckle, with no humour.

"You'll just be a remote, T-bug ain't no people person. And...Jackie is only good at...some things. So that leaves us you, Miss Silverjynx. Now, the third is a hell packin' punch. Pretty much showed up. But that's when the shit started flying, low-line gangs have been goin' missing. Goes by the name of Ripper, Jack the fuck'n Ripper. A solider of the Afterlife himself, god help me if he isn't taken down. He practically knows everyone's name in Night City-"ย 

"Slow down, Dex. As long as he doesn't get in my way, then I'll be fine. If he's a barrier between I and this mission, then fuck the protocols." I assured Dex. Dexter chuckled and patted me on the shoulder.

"Now that's the attitude we need. Keep it up, doll-face." Dexture complimented me. My jaw locked, I didn't appreciate being flirted with, nor called that.

That name made my mind twist back down memory lane.

"What's wrong, doll-face. You had enough?"ย  One of the girls questioned, I wiped my nose that kept pooling out with blood. I smiled to her, as a small layer coated my teeth.

"Oh you think this is funny? You think ruining me in front of the whole Cafeteriaย with your bullshit is funny?!" Brittney, a school girl , a friend- acquaintanceย of mine, questioned.

"Fricken A, Brit. You think sending your boyfriend and his gang after my friend is helpful. You put her in the fuck'n Hospital, dumb bitch. You deserve more than humiliation-"ย  She cut me off by giving me a slick kick to the ribs. I rolled onto my side holding my ribs, my cheek was pressed against the hallway floor. Small amount of blood leaked from my lip, creating a small puddle of crimson.

"She should learn to take a fuck'n joke-" I felt flames crawl up my back. My jaw locked. I stood up and attacked her when she started to film.ย  Her phone toppled out of her hand and bounced across a small distance of the hallway. I grunted as I held her hands back from hitting my face. The blood on my face made it slippery for her to put me in a tight, headlock. With all the anger and adreniline that motivated every punch I gave her made me realiseย that it was all worth it in the end. I didn't allow anyone to say shit I didn't like, I didn't allow anyone to touch me again.

Not even Brittney.

"Girls! That's enough!" A teacher hurried out into the hallway and called out. That was the day I got an ear loadย from the Principal. Brittney started it all, and I just embarrassedย her in front of the cafeteria. Called her out on the bullshit she did. I had only one friend, one person to back me up in my corner, and Brittney and her possย hurt her. Hurting someone I cared about won't go without consequences. I was positive the whole school heard what she did. In the end, it ended where Brittney didn't get suspended, but I did. It ended where Brittney got more support. It ended where I dropped out, grade 11. Forced by my guardians, called an embarrassment, then I wrote that song, into that tear stained, and crinkledย paper.

"Don't call me 'Doll face.' It's unprofessional, I prefer Ronin." I gritted my teeth and replied.

"And I will respect that, Miss Silver- Ronin." Dexter corrected. He passed me a shard. I loaded it into my biomon. It showed several maps of nearly the whole world. Even abandoned Pacifica where the Voodoo boys ran their little operations. Outlined maps in several different colours.

"What's the little issue we need resolvin' with theย Maistrom?" I questioned with curiosity.ย 

"Got a classic tale for ya. You see, Psychogang , doin' it's thing two weeks back, jumped a Militech convoy, got away with the gear. Arosaka doesn't even know they're involved. Now, see the convoy was carrying a flatthead, a little combat bot, a prototype. And I need me a little bit of protection, you know what I'm sayin'?ย  Cause if we don't get that droid, we can't get at that Arosaka chip. And sure no hell no 'happily ever after.' But don't get excited yet with the deal, it's a one use gadget. I flat out purchased it from a man fromย Maistrom, goes by the name of Brick.ย  Brick is the leader, and a man by the name of Royce dropped him on his ass, now he's the top dog. And the deal's off, and I didn't get no refund." Dexter ranted.ย 

I sighed, nearly half asleep, "What's this Royce guy like?"

"A psychopath." Dex replied simply.

"Big club in this town." I said sarcastically.

"Our only lead was recently zip tied to her own truck." Dex exclaimed. My jaw dropped for a moment.

"She was probably waitin' for the convoy, got stood up. Monochrome in the back's probably her chief suspect, the one who tied her up. Got nothin' from him or on him, just in case she has to find that tech before her bosses know she fucked up." I replied confidently, I could picture every possible outcome that happened to her boss not receiving his prize.

"Well that's some impressive deduction, Miss Ronin. Use that kinda intel around me and your bonus this year will be high." Dexter chuckled.ย 

Hearing that made my hopes go up. It was either I'm gonna pay Arosaka to get this out of me, or I'm gonna pay him a little visit. But business was always first, gotta be two steps ahead of the game.

"I think it's about time I got to work, Dex. Thanks for the ride, I'll be stoppin' right here." I suggested to Dexter. Colt looked up in the mirror and gave me a nod. He stopped the car next to the curb to a local Gas Station.

Dexter gave me a devious and odd smile, "Well that's just music to my ears, Ronin. I'll set you up to meet Miss Parker at Lizzie's bar tonight?" Dexter propositioned. I bit my lip and thought about the offer. I still needed to discus biz with Colt and what was goin' on.

"Sure." I took up on the offer. Still, I was worried about runnin' into Jack the Ripper. Knowing his power is starting to rise in this city.

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