"Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?"
"I'm tellin' you now, besides this is the most honest I've been with someone other than my family, as in ever. So, are we okay?"
โข โข โข
After leaving Mr Shaw's homeโof course they didn't leave without Harlow giving Mr Shaw a hug after hearing his storyโDean had booked them a motel, Sam opting to have his own room to give the family some privacy.
The small family are currently sat in Dean and Juliet's motel room. The brothers sit around the small table while Harlow is passed out on the bed and Juliet is in the bathroom, cleaning herself up. Sam watches as Dean cleans his gun at the table. "What is she doing in there?" The eldest brother looks up from his gun and sees Sam nodding in the direction of the motel bathroom door.
Dean emits a knowing sound from his mouth before going back to cleaning his gun. "She's putting on a face mask." Sam lets out a laugh. "She still does those things?" The eldest Winchester shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, why?" The younger brother shakes his head, "Nothing, I just remember she used to do them when she was younger, she used to do them all the time. I remember one time she scared the crap out of us."
Dean puts his gun down and laughs before taking a swig of his beer. "I remember that, she came out of the bathroom with this green stuff on her face and scared the shit out of us, she never let it go"
Sam and Dean are chuckling as Juliet exits the bathroom with a rose and lavender face mask on her face. She notices the two brothers are chuckling and with a smile on her face she asks, "What are you two giggling about?" The two hunters turn to her and both snort at seeing the lotion on her face.
Dean clears his throat as he gestures to his face. "You got a bit of somethin' on your face, doll." Sam snorts louder while Juliet sarcastically laughs as she throws the towel that she was using to dry her hair with, at his face.
Dean smiles while catching the towel with one hand and sends his girlfriend a wink. Juliet rolls her eyes and looks down at Harlow who's asleep in the middle of her and Dean's bed. "She looks so sweet, sleeping." Dean smiles and nods his head as he too, looks at his sleeping daughter. He looks back at Juliet as a thought occurs to him.
"Don't get too close Jules or you'll scare the crap outta her."
The said huntress glares at her boyfriend and points a finger at him in warning. "Don't push it mister, there are more towels that I can throw at you." Dean laughs at seeing the amused expression on the brunette's face.
Juliet's expression then changes to one of thought.
"With what Mr Shaw was saying, if it were a spirit or a demon, they don't have to unlock doors. If they wanted to get inside, they'd just go through the walls." Dean nods his head. "Exactly what I was thinkin' babe."
Juliet smiles and bats her eyelashes at Dean. "I love it when you call me babe." The older hunter hums as he gets up from sitting at the table and makes his way toward his girlfriend and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "You do, do ya? I bet I can do something you'd love even more."
"Oh yeah, what's that?"
A smirk tugs at Dean's lips. "I think you know." Juliet nudges his nose with her own. "Why don't you remind me?"
The sound of someone clearing their throat comes from the corner of the room. The couple look toward the sound and see Sam still sitting at the table. Juliet looks down as Dean laughs, she has forgotten that the younger Winchester brother was still in the room with them.
"If you two could save that for when I'm gone, that would be great. Now, back to what we were taking about." The youngest Winchester brother watches as the two shuffle away from each other.
"Sam, have I ever told you that sometimes you can be a bit of a cockblock?"
Juliet snorts at Dean's comment while Sam rolls his eyes. "Thanks. So, it's probably something else, something corporeal." Dean scoffs with a smirk on his face. "Corporeal? Excuse me, professor." Juliet clicks her tongue as she smacks Dean 'round the head. "Oh, shush. You're just jealous because he knows bigger words than you."
Sam laughs as Dean rolls his eyes. "Shut up, Juliet." The said woman laughs. "You're not denying it." She sends Sam a wink as Dean shakes his head. "Sam may know bigger words but I'm more skilled when it comes to hunting than he is."
Sam rolls his eyes. "Shut up. At least I don't have some of Juliet's face mask on my nose." Dean's eyes widen as he wipes the tip of his nose and looks down at his hand to see that he did in fact have some of Juliet's rose and lavender face mask on his nose. He glares at Juliet who's giggling to herself.
Sam shakes his head at the two with a smile on his face. "What do you two think?"
Dean wipes the blob of face mask off of his hand on his jeans as he looks at his brother. "The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a skinwalker."
He looks to Juliet and sees her deep in thought, he nudges her with his elbow. "What do you think?" Juliet looks up and tilts her head. "I don't know, maybe a black dog." Dean nods his head. "Maybe. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it."
Dean then moves to the nightstand on his side of the motel bed and grabs his car keys before going to put on his jacket. "I'm gonna load up the duffel bag, you comin' with?" Juliet shakes her head. "I ain't going out like this. I'm sure Sam will though." The two look toward the youngest adult. Sam nods his head and gets up to grab his coat before the two walk out of the motel door.
Juliet sighs as she looks at Harlow's sleeping figure before going back into the bathroom to wash off her face mask.
โข โข โข
"Looks like Haley beat us here."
Dean hums as he turns the steering wheel.
It's the next morning and the three adults plus Harlow are in the Impala with Dean driving, as usual. The eldest Winchester drives up the dirt road and parks before cutting off the engine and getting out with Juliet folllowing.
"You got room for four more?"
Sam gets out of the back as he decided he would sit there instead of the front, so he can spend some time with his niece. The taller Winchester steps out of the car with Harlow in his arms. Juliet goes around the back and pulls out the duffel bag that is full of the guns Dean had packed the night before.
She hands the bag to Dean while taking the keys off of him and goes to the back of the car and unlocks the trunk, taking out her bow while also getting out some arrows that are still in their quiver.
She puts the strap of the quiver on her back before adjusting her bow and doing the same, she then slams the trunk door shut and throws the keys back to Dean who catches them in one hand. He shoots her a wink before stuffing the keys into his pocket.
Haley looks between the two as she watches the interaction before walking up to Juliet.
"You all want to come with us?"
Juliet looks at the younger woman and smirks at her before casting her eyes on the what must be the guide that Haley hired. She meets his eyes and raises an eyebrow as he gives her a look up and down before he looks back at Haley.
"Who are these guys?"
"Apparently this is all the park and service could muster up for the search and rescue."
Juliet clicks her tongue, a new habit she's seemed to have picked up, as she glances at Haley. "You say that like it's a bad thing." Haley looks the older brunette up and down. "Well, I haven't seen you in action." The huntress' smirk widens at the challenging look in Haley's eyes.
"Sweetheart, you wouldn't be able to handle seeing me in action."
The guide, ignoring Haley and Juliet, looks between the three hunters in surprise. "You're rangers?" Dean nods his head. "That's right." He then points to Juliet. "That one is more skilled in the profession than me and him combined." Dean then motions between himself and Sam. Juliet shoots her boyfriend a smle at his compliment.
Haley looks down at Juliet's get up. "And you're hiking out in skinny jeans and a tank top with boots?" Juliet looks down at her attire before looking back up at Haley. "I ain't your average short shorts wearing kinda gal, doll." As Juliet moves past the younger brunette, she shoots her a wink that has Haley blushing a deep shade of pink.
The guide scoffs at Juliet's comment and turns to face her as she moves to stand next to Dean. "You think this is funny? It's dangerous back country out there..." He points to Haley. "...her brother might be hurt and you're bringing a child with you."
Juliet and Dean look to their daughter before both turning to the unknown guide, simultaneously saying, "Babysitter cancelled last minute." Dean carries on, ignoring the astonished look on the guides face. "And believe us, we know how dangerous this could get." Juliet nods her head. "Look, we just wanna help find her brother, that's all."
Dean and Juliet head past Sam, who had stopped walking to listen to the conversation. The younger yet taller Winchester still holds Harlow in his arms.
โข โข โข
The group of seven hike through the forest with Roy in the lead, then Juliet and Dean, then Haley and Ben and the Sam with Harlow walking by his side, the two bringing up the rear.
Dean looks up from looking at his and Juliet's intertwined hands and sets his eyes on the guide they now know is called Roy.
"Roy, you said you did a little hunting."
Roy scoffs but nods his head. "Yeah, more than a little." Dean hums. "Uh-huh. What kind of furry critters do you hunt?" Roy glances back at the hunter with candy apple green eyes. "Mostly buck, sometimes bear."
Juliet smirks as she decides to speak up and taunt Roy a little bit. "Tell me, has Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?" Roy stops and grabs ahold of Juliet. Dean looks between the two, as does Sam. The eldest Winchester brother addresses Roy with a threatening growl in his throat. "Whatcha doin', Roy?"
"There's a..."
Juliet doesn't seemed fazed as she interrupts Roy by picking up a stick and poking the ground. Suddenly, a bear trap latches onto the wooden stick and snaps it in two. The huntress looks up at Roy with a smirk on her pink painted lips. "A bear trap, I know. Now let go of me." Roy obliges and lets the woman go with a glare on his face.
"Well done, ranger."
Juliet watches as he continues to lead the group, having detected the sarcastic undertone in his voice when he said the word "Ranger". Juliet looks down as she feels someone hugging her legs, she looks down and sees Harlow hugging her, a worried look on her face. Juliet brushes her daughters hair out of her face before reassuring her, not with words, but with a smile.
The said woman turns to see Haley catching up with her. She looks toward Harlow and Dean and nods her head, telling them she'll catch up. The father and daughter walk on as Haley walks next to Juliet.
"You didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers." The younger brunette grabs Juliet's arm, stopping her. Haley forces Juliet to turn around and face her.
"So who the hell are you?"
Juliet goes to speak but Ben walks past them. Sam looks at her but with a look from Juliet that tells him she's okay, he moves past to catch up with his brother and niece. Juliet turns back to Haley and sighs, deciding that honesty is the best policy.
"Dean and Sam, they're brothers and the little girl is mine and Dean's daughter, Harlow. I grew up with both Sam and Dean, we're lookin' for their father, Harlow's grandfather, and we think he might be here, we don't know. Dean and I just figured that you and us, we're kinda in the same boat."
Haley's expression softens as she looks at Juliet. "Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?" Juliet lets out a chuckle. "I'm tellin' you now, besides this is the most honest I've been with someone other than my family, as in ever. So, are we okay?"
There's a beat of silence before Haley nods her head.
"Yeah, okay."
Juliet shoots the younger brunette a smile before the two continue walking. "And you say that we didn't pack provisions? I can garentee that Dean packed a family pack of M&Ms." And to prove her point, Dean pulls out the said bag of candy. The two watch as Harlow rushes toward her father and pulls the puppy dog eye look that Sam had taught her. Dean sighs before giving his daughter a handful of M&Ms which causes the young girls eyes light up and a smile to appear on her face.
The two women laugh as they continue on.
โข โข โข
An hour later, Roy is leading the group deeper into the forest. Sam follows behind the guide while Dean, Juliet and Harlow follow after the youngest Winchester brother and Ben follows behind the family of three with Haley by his side.
Roy the stops walking casuing the rest to also stop in their tracks. Juliet looks around the area that they've stopped in before looking to Roy as he starts to speak.
"This is it. Blackwater Ridge."
Juliet watches as Sam heads past Roy while she grabs hold of Harlow's hand, knowing that her daughter was about to go off on her own. She sends her daughter a stern look before looking back at Roy.
"What coordiantes are we at?"
Roy pulls out his GPS which reads N 35 45.383, W 111 0.55.
"Thirty-five and minus one-eleven."
Juliet and Dean move over towards Sam. The three young adults take a moment to listen to their surroundings before Dean turns to his little brother. "You hear that?" Sam nods his head. "Yeah, not even crickets." Juliet hums in agreement. "Complete silence which is very odd for a forest that's meant to teeming with wildlife."
The three young adults share a look as Roy speaks up.
"I'm gonna go take a look around."
Juliet opens her mouth to disagree and tell him that he should have someone go with him but Sam beats her to it. "You shouldn't go off by yourself." The older man gives Sam a mocking smile. "That's sweet. Don't worry about me." Roy waves his gun in the air, silently telling Sam that he has a weapon that he can use to protect it before pushing through Sam, Dean and Juliet to get to the front of the group.
Juliet glares at the back of the mans head.
"If the thing we're hunting doesn't kill him, I will."
Sam and Dean laugh at her comment before following after the annoyingly stubborn and irritating guide. Juliet sighs before following after her boyfriend and best friend, her hand still holding Harlow's.
"All right, everybody stays together. Let's go."
Juliet catches up to walk by Dean's side as Harlow goes to walk with Sam. She looks up through her eyelashes at the hunter and bites her lip seductively yet subtly. "I really love it when you take charge." She inwardly smirks as she sees Dean gulp, knowing she has him wound up already.
They've been walking for hours and it's been very boring, so why not have some fun?
Is the thought that is currently going through Juliet's head. The dark blonde haired hunter goes to reply when Roy's voice echos through the forest.
"Haley! Over here!"
Dean, Juliet, Ben and Haley immediately run in the direction Roy's voice is coming from as Sam rushes to pick Harlow up and follow behind the four.
Authors Note
Hey guys! Long time no see, I'm sorry about that. My inspiration/motivation to write this story kinda went but after re watching edits of Juliet and Dean and listening to their playlist over and over again, I now have inspiration and motivation to write for this book again! Yay ๐
Also, I've decided to split this episode into three parts as I wanted to get this chapter out early :)
I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you all in chapter five!
P.S- This chapter hasn't been edited but I will get round to doing it at some point!
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