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. . .โงโห โฉ ๐๐๐๐ฅ๐ฉ๐๐ง eleven: ๐จ๐๐ก๐ซ๐๐ฉ๐๐ค๐ฃ ๐๐ฃ๐ ๐๐๐๐ง๐จ โฉ.โงโห . . .
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Ellie, Scott, and Kira run into the loft to see Derek on the ground with a deep cut on his shoulder while Chris, Allison, and Stilinski breathe heavily. There was no sign of Stiles or the Oni anywhere.
"What happened?" Scott asks as Ellie rushes towards Derek and immediately cups his face looking at him.
"Derek?" Ellie questions worriedly as she looks into his eyes before the cut on his shoulder.
"I'm alright. The oni got me," Derek tells Ellie who nods looking at him worriedly as Derek cups her face.
"Are you okay?" Derek asks her as Ellie opens her mouth but no words come out making Derek pull her into a much-needed hug for the both of them.
Talia smiles at the screen seeing her son so content. He swore he would never love again after Paige but she knew one day he would meet someone who completely changed him and he loved more than anything.
And he did.
"They disappeared. They literally just vanished," Allison answers Scott's question making Ellie look towards them still wrapped in Derek's arms.
"And so did Stiles," Stilinski says as he sighs making Ellie groan.
"She called them off," Ellie mutters making everyone look toward her confused.
"Who?" Scott asks as Ellie looks toward her dad with an innocent smile on her face chuckling nervously.
"That's your: you will not like that and please do not ground me or take my cake look," Chris says looking at his daughter who had the same expression on her face.
"So I uhm might have spent the day threatening a nine hundred-year-old woman. No big deal," Ellie says chuckling nervously as her dad stared at her in disbelief.
"But I got the answers I need, and uhm Kira...you might want to go talk to your mom," Ellie tells Kira who looks wide-eyed as Ellie smiles tightly at her.
Ellie turns to Derek looking at him worriedly as Derek rubs her cheek trying to reassure her.
"I'm alright. I promise," Derek tells Ellie who sighs as she nods resting her head on his chest as Derek wraps his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.
"You better be or I will kick your ass, Hale," Ellie tells him making Derek smile at her.
"I know you would," Derek says leaning down and kissing her lips softly as a throat was cleared angrily.
"Hands off Hale before I do fire this gun into your skull," Chris says making Ellie turn to her dad and chuckle.
"Please do. Please," Chris begs his self making Ellie roll her eyes at him laughing slightly.
"Let's go home," Ellie says walking towards her sister as she wraps an arm around her, and the two leave as Chris glares at Derek.
"Dad! Come on!" Allison and Ellie yell making him sigh before walking out the loft.
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Ellie, Allison, and Chris step out of the elevator and walk toward their apartment Allison and Ellie leaning on each other.
"Dad?" Allison questions looking towards the man.
"Hmm?" Chris asks making Allison sigh at him.
"Were you really gonna pull the trigger on Stiles?" Allison asks making Ellie look wide-eyed.
"What?!" Stiles exclaims wide-eyed as Chris just sits emotionless making Ellie sigh at her dad.
"Dad! You can't threaten to shoot everyone!" Ellie exclaims to him as Chris scoffs at that while Ellie shakes her head.
"Wait what?!" Ellie yells looking at her dad in disbelief.
"To be honest... I'm not sure," Chris tells his daughter as Ellie groans face planting and the two girls head towards the door.
"I'd check the firing pin...," Allison tells her dad making Ellie laugh.
"I knew you were my sister," Ellie says laughing as Allison smiles at her while Chris shakes his head.
"You removed it?" Chris asks incredulously as Ellie laughs at him.
"Mmm," Allison tells him as Chris shakes her head smiling.
"That's why the women are the leaders in our family," Chris tells them as he cups his two daughter's cheeks who smile at him softly.
"Exactly! We think you do not," Ellie tells her dad who shakes his head at her.
"Get some sleep, sweethearts," Chris tells his daughters who smile at him.
"Love you, Dad," the two tell him as Chris shakes his head as they walk into the apartment. Ellie heads towards her room and opens the door before pausing seeing Derek.
"How?!" Chris exclaims angrily glaring at Derek who smirks at him.
"Didn't I just leave you? Missed me already?" Ellie questions with a fond smile as she walks towards Derek who looks up at her.
"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays," Derek tells Ellie who sighs as she shakes her head.
"Why were you in my room? That is creepy," Stiles says looking disturbed at the idea.
"That won't work," Ellie tells Derek making him confused as he looks at her.
"What do you mean?" Derek asks her as Ellie begins to change her clothes Derek just shakes his head at her with a smirk.
"Eleanor!" Chris says making her sigh all he could see was her back nothing else.
"You were talking about chess. Asking what his next move was," Derek says as Ellie nods pulling her hair into a ponytail.
"That was when Stiles was still present. He gave control to the fox which means this is now his game. A game that has no rules. For him at least," Ellie tells Derek as she walks toward him while he sits on her bed.
"This is about revenge now," Ellie tells him as she stands between Derek's legs and wraps her arms around his neck making him wrap his around her waist.
"Too close," Chris says glaring at the screen angrily.
Ellie pauses for a moment making Derek confused before she casts a spell on him making Derek even more confused.
"What was that about?" Derek asks as Ellie looks at him worriedly.
"It felt like something was trying to get into your mind. I place a block on your mind to protect you," Ellie tells Derek who nods pulling her closer to him.
"Eleanor Argent. The girl who has to save everyone but who is going to save you?" Derek asks her worriedly as Ellie cups his cheeks smiling at him softly.
Ellie tense up at that knowing how true that one sentence was.
"You will. You have," Ellie tells him making Derek smile at her as he kisses her nose making Ellie laugh at him.
Ellie leans into Derek who wraps his arm around her kissing the top of her head.
"You saved me too, baby in more ways than one. You saved me from me," Derek tells making Ellie smile at him.
"We saved each other. Each other's salvation," Ellie whispers against his lips making Derek nod his head staring into her eyes and seeing how exhausted they looked.
"I love you, Ellie," Derek says making her smile at him softly.
"And I love how independent you are but when you need someone to lean on especially now because I see the look in your eyes. They're exhausted. So when you need someone to hold onto...because you hold so much in I am here. You put others in front before yourself too much...so much that is concerning. You need someone to put you first. To think of and only you first and I will. I always will," Derek tells her making tears appear in Ellie's eyes.
Ellie just holds Derek tightly who kisses her head repeatedly worried about her. For her physically and mentally.
Ellie smiles at him softly before she kisses him softly on the lips losing herself in him. Ellie pulls back and just cups Derek's cheeks looking into his eyes.
"I love you," Ellie tells him softly with nothing but love and honesty in her voice.
"I love you," Derek tells softly making Ellie close her eyes as she leans her forehead against his. The two just enjoyed this moment together. The moment where nothing mattered but each other. Right then and there was their salvation.
"I still don't like him," Chris tells Allison who smiles at him shaking her head.
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The next morning Ellie smiles as she looks around her room having everything spread out across the floor and her journal in her lap.
"I think I got it," Ellie whispers as her phone begins to ring. Ellie look around confused before looking wide-eyed and seeing the sun rising.
How long has she been awake?
"Eleanor! Sleep is important!" Chris exclaims to his daughter who shrugs at that.
"Well...it's semi-important I guess," Ellie says making everyone send her a glare as she shows an innocent smile.
Reaching for her phone Ellie sees it Lydia and immediately answers.
"Hello?" Ellie questions right away.
"Ellie! I found him. I found Stiles," Lydia says making Ellie sit up quickly.
"Wait what? Where? You know it doesn't matter I'll meet you at Scott's," Ellie tells Lydia who nods the two hang up as Ellie quickly got dressed before putting her hair in a ponytail and rushing out of the apartment.
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Ellie rushes into the McCall house worried clear on her face and it twists into fear.
"What happened? Is he okay?" Ellie asks worriedly as she walks towards the living room but she pauses seeing "Stiles" tied up with duct tape over his mouth making her look confused.
Stiles looks wide-eyed as Ellie begins to laugh.
"Can you always be like that?" Ellie jokes making Stiles glare at her ad Stilinksi nods agreeing with her.
"Uhm what?" Ellie questions looking around at Scott, Lydia, Melissa, Deaton, and Peter.
"Just the girl we were waiting for," Peter says making Ellie confused.
"Uhm what?" Ellie questions again as she looks between everyone beyond confused and wondering what Peter was doing here.
"We need to get into Stiles's head," Scott says making Ellie sigh before nodding her head.
"I don't want you in mind!" Stiles exclaims wide-eyed.
"So, what's the plan?" Ellie asks looking between everyone as Lydia and Ellie sit on the coach Stiles between them and Scott behind them.
"Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil-Stiles' mind to unearth pale and sickly Real-Stiles...," Peter says making Ellie glare at him as Peter places Scott's claws on the back of Stiles' neck.
"Then, guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But, he's not going to do it alone," Peter finishes as Peter moves Scott's claws to Lydia's neck.
"Could you elaborate on the "somehow?" It's not feeling very specific at the moment," Lydia asks him annoyed.
"Improvise?" Peter asks shrugging making Ellie and Lydia glare at him annoyed.
"What if this is just another trick?" Scott asks staring at Stiles but it wasn't his Stiles.
"When are you people going to start trusting me?" Peter asks exasperatedly making Ellie look at him annoyed.
"He meant him you dumbass," Ellie says rolling her eyes at Peter.
"Why do you have to be rude?" Peter asks scoffing at the girl who looks towards him annoyed.
"Do you have hours? It's a long list mostly due to you being a dummy," Ellie tells him making Peter pout annoyed.
"Oh," Peter says making Ellie sigh as she looks at him.
"And how do I get into his mind?" Ellie asks making Peter look at her.
"You are going to use your magic to get in his mind. Once Scott puts his claws in the two you will be using your magic to put yourself in Stiles's consciousness," Peter tells Ellie who nods her head.
"Ellie Scott, we're running out of time...," Deaton tells the two as the three teenagers take a deep breath.
Ellie looks at Scott and they nod as Ellie grabs Stiles's hand and begins to chant as Scott put his claws in Stiles and Lydia's neck making them gasp.
"I don't like this," Stiles says shaking his head as Stilinski sighs agreeing with him slightly.
Lydia, Scott, and Ellie's eyes suddenly shot open and they instantly notice that they were strapped down to beds inside Eichen's house.
"Oh great!" Ellie says annoyed as they try to get out of their restraints before Ellie pause as she pulls the restraints and they break.
"What? How?" Scott asks making Lydia and Ellie look at him.
"Seriously?" Ellie asks Scott before sighing at him and shaking her head.
"We're werewolves, Scott," Ellie reminds him as she heads towards Lydia to help her get free.
"We're in Stiles's head," Scott tells the two as they look at him like he was an idiot.
"And you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength! Break free!" Lydia tells him as Ellie helps her stand up.
"He's slow at times," Ellie tells Lydia who nods as Scott gets free and walks towards the girls.
"Hey!" Scott yells offended as the two girls wave at him.
"Okay, so...what now?" Scott asks the two making Lydia shrug.
"I don't know. This is my first time in someone else's head," Lydia says making Ellie sigh.
"Usually try to find what you want to find," Ellie tells them as Scott nods.
"Just stay behind me," Scott says making Ellie roll her eyes as she goes to follow Scott but once she steps out she's in the middle of Derek's loft and hears the door slam shut making her turn around.
"Lydia! Scott!" Ellie screams as she looks around not seeing either of them but instead Allison on the floor bleeding.
"He's playing with me. Feeding off my fears," Ellie mutters before glaring angrily at the screen.
"No," Ellie whispers as she runs towards Allison terrified.
"Allie! No. No. No!" Ellie whispers as she presses on the wound on Allison's chest.
"You were meant to save me. Why didn't you?" Allison whispers out with tears in her eyes as Ellie shakes her head trying not to cry.
"I will. I have. I didn't mean to," Ellie sobs before she looks to see her Dad, Derek, Scott, Lydia, Stiles, and Issac all almost dead making her shake her head.
Everyone looks towards Ellie who just sat there emotionless but her eyes said the opposite as tears appear in them.
"I was supposed to save all of you," Ellie says as she begins to cry shaking her head.
"Look at that. Do you see that? She's bleeding. They both are," Melissa says out in the real world pointing between Lydia and Ellie.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea...," Deaton says as Melissa moves towards the two girls.
"What's happening? What is happening to them?" Melissa asks concerned looking between the two girls.
"Lydia, can you hear me?" Peter asks as he wipes part of the hair that fell in front of Lydia's face.
"LYDIIIIIIIIAAAAAA!" Peter yells snapping Lydia out of her fear before moving towards Ellie who was now wimping as tears fall down her face.
"No Daddy. You can't leave me no," Ellie whispers holding her dad close to her sobbing.
"I'm so disappointed in you Ellie. You were supposed to be the guardian. You failed," Chris gasps out breathing heavily as Ellie sobs shaking her head.
A tear falls down Ellie's face watching everything happen as all her fears were right in front of her.
"Ellie, you're stronger than this! OK? You need to concentrate! Ellie. It isn't real! It isn't real!" Peter yells in concern as Ellie begins crying more and blood begins falling down her nose.
"You promised to save me, Ellie. Why didn't you?" Stiles asks her making Ellie shake her head.
"I thought you loved me," Derek says as Ellie sobs.
"I do! And I will!" Ellie says crying as she shakes her head holding her hands to her ears as she tries to stop the voices from entering as she sobs.
"Ellie!" Peter screams again with power behind his voice.
Ellie's eyes open as she hears the sound of someone shouting her name in the distance. Ellie looks up around before shaking her head as she wipes her tears and rubs towards the loft doors and stumbles out of the doors.
Once she does Ellie looks around seeing the plain white room with the nemeton but what confused her the most was seeing Lydia and Scott running.
"What the hell are you two doing?!" Ellie exclaims making the two turn to her and sighs in relief.
"You okay?" Lydia asks concerned as Ellie nods slightly.
"Yeah. Now, why are you two running?" Ellie asks as Scott points towards the Nemeton where Stiles was playing a game with the Nogitsune.
"Alright, but that still doesn't explain you are running. We are in someone's mind. A small distance is probably a thousand or something miles," Ellie tells them as the two share a look.
"Oh," Scott and Lydia say making Ellie look at them as she shakes her head.
"Scott you idiot," Ellie tells him making Scott look at her offended.
"What about Lydia?" Scott asks pointing toward Lydia who glares at him.
"Don't bring me into this!" Lydia exclaims to Scott who sighs sick of everyone ganging up on him.
"Scotty. Scotty. Scotty. You little adorable stupid pup Ellie says making Scott looks at her offended.
"You're an alpha and Stiles is part of your pack. And how do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" Ellie asks him slowly explaining it as if she would to a kindergarten.
Scott looks up completely transformed into a werewolf as Ellie rolls her eyes at him done with this.
"They howl," Scott says before he lets out a loud howl that shakes the ground causing Stiles to look up and his eyes to wide.
Ellie smiles at him waving before Stiles slowly turns to the Nogitsune and slides all the pieces off the board in front of him making the Nogitsune growl.
The three wake up with a gasp as Lydia and Ellie quickly get up and they grab each other's arms hugging each tightly.
Lydia smiles towards Ellie who was cuddled close to Derek.
"Did it work? Did it work?" Scott asks running towards Stiles as Ellie looks at him worriedly.
"What happened? Why didn't it work?" Ellie questions as Peter grabs Lydia's arm.
"Because it's not science--it's supernatural. Now Lydia I did my part. Now, give me the name," Peter says making Ellie and Scott look at him confused.
"Whose name?" Ellie questions confused as she tilts her head.
"Whose name?" Ellie asks confused as Peter pulls Lydia aside still talking. As Lydia begins whispering something, Stiles suddenly wakes up with a gasp.
Stiles then begins to tear the tape from his mouth before slowly removing a long piece of gauze from his mouth that fell to the ground.
Many people around the room begin to gag disgusted mainly Stiles and Ellie.
"Eww," Ellie did gagging as black smoke begin to come out of the gauze pile and a hand began to come out. Until finally a whole body begins to come out while everyone looks in shock.
The body begins to walk towards Ellie making Scott and Peter grab him and push him to the ground while Ellie shakes her head.
"Hold on to him!" Peter yells at Scott.
"I'm trying!" Scott tells him.
"No stop let him go!" Ellie says heading towards the two as the hand began to pat around Scott's face.
"Ellie! No!" Chris exclaims feeling his blood pressure rise.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Ellie yells pushing the two away from the body as she begins to remove the gauge e to reveal Stiles underneath.
"What?" Many asked confused tilting their heads as Ellie just opens and close her mouth.
"Ellie?" Stiles asks in shock as she laughs nodding.
"Stiles!" Ellie exclaims as tears appear in her eyes before she pulls Stiles into a tight hug. Stiles hugs her just as tight as the two sigh in relief in the other's arms.
"Scott," Deaton calls making Scott turn around. Deaton and Melissa move to the side to show the open front door. Looking around they realize Void Stiles was missing along with like Lydia.
"No," Ellie whispers knowing whatever Void Stiles wanted with Lydia was not going to be good. For anyone.
"Where are they? Where are they?" Scott asks panicked as he runs out the door.
"Lydia! Lydia! LYDIA!" Scott screams as Ellie looks towards Stiles who looks upset making Ellie hug him.
"Nothing was your fault. Nothing I swear," Ellie tells Stiles who nods looking close to tears as Ellie brings him into a tight hug.
"I missed you," Ellie whispers to Stiles who nods hugging Ellie tightly.
"I missed you too," Stiles tells her making Ellie smile at him softly.
โ เผ โ AUTHOR NOTE โ เผ โ
I'm not ready! I don't want to write the next chapter!! I didn't want to write this chapter!
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I love you all! <333
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