Chapter Ten: Questioning and Anger
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❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 3 ∘ ❩
. . .‧₊˚ ✩ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣: 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 ✩.‧₊˚ . . .
❛the fox and the wolf❜
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Noshiko looks at Ellie who just sits back waiting for Noshiko to say something.
"You know all you need is a cat and you would like a supervillain," Liam tells Ellie who pauses looking at herself and nodding her head.
"True...but I hate cats," Ellie tells Liam making Derek smirk at her as she rolls her eyes at him.
"How do you know that name?" Noshiko asks her making Ellie smirk at her.
"How does Ellie know anything?" Stiles retorts tilting his head.
"I read, unlike some people," Ellie tells Stiles who glares at her angrily making her wink at him.
"I know a lot of things and I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain myself to you," Ellie tells her with her arms crossed and a glare on her face.
"You know Eleanor a part of me wants to get on to you for respecting your elders and the other part wants to laugh," Chris says making Ellie smile at him.
"Thanks, Dad!" Ellie tells him with a bright smile.
"So why don't you tell me about the deal you made before I go into your mind I find out myself and let's just say it might be slightly painful," Ellie tells her with a fake smile on her face as Noshiko looks at her.
"Actually I can make it as painful as I want it to be so...," Ellie says shrugging at that as Derek laughs at his girlfriend wrapping an arm around her shoulders and kissing the top of her head.
"How do you know if you know anything?" Noshiko asks her making Ellie roll her eyes at that question as she scoffs.
Liam and Isaac sigh at that already knowing this was not going to end well. You were not supposed to be questioning Eleanor Argent.
Ellie then pulls out a picture before handing it to Noshiko making the woman look at her shocked seeing a picture of herself in 1943.
"What?!" Kira yells before looking at her mom in disbelief.
"Where did you get this?" Noshiko asks making Ellie smirk at her.
"I have many connections," Ellie says before pointing at the woman in the photo.
"That's you so how about you tell me your actual age," Ellie demands whether than request making Noshiko sigh at the brunette.
"Close to nine hundred," Noshiko tells her as Ellie nods her head at that.
"WHAT?!" Kira screams looking at her mom and then her father.
"How old are you?" Kira asks her dad who chuckles at her.
"Forty-three. But, I've been told I look mid-thirties...," Ken tells her making Kira nod her head trying to process everything.
"Now tell me what happened during World War II... In Oak Creek, not that far from here," Ellie demands Noshiko as she stares at her.
"Foxes and Wolves tend not to get along, and not just in fables and stories," Noshiko says making Ellie raise her eyebrow at her.
"Really because you seem such a delight I like you a lot," Ellie says sarcasm dripping from her tone before rolling her eyes.
Lydia and Allison begin laughing at Ellie's words who laughs with them as Chris sighs. He didn't know if he liked his daughter being like this or hated it. It was a hard choice.
"Now tell me why the Nogitsune wants revenge and took over my best friend's body right after you moved to this town," Ellie tells her crossing her arms and glaring at the woman.
"Your friend is gone, Ellie," Noshiko tells her making Ellie glare at her as she stands up.
"Ouch, she shouldn't have said that," Liam says wincing making Isaac nod his head agreeing with him.
"He's not gone. He can be saved. Everyone can be saved you just didn't save Rhys which is why you do not want to save Stiles. Because doing so you have to admit that you failed. That you were wrong," Ellie says walking towards Noshiko angrily and getting angrier by the second.
"You brought all of this into this town. You are the reason all this happened. The Nogitsune. The Oni. My best friend getting possessed. And everyone who has been hurt and killed is because of you. You did all of this and now you are going to tell me how to fix it before I kill you myself. You can't control anything dead," Ellie tells with a glare making Noshiko just stare at her.
"And I don't think she's joking," Isaac says wide-eyed as Ellie nods her head. She wasn't. She would and without any regret.
"When you hear the rest of the story, you won't want me to," Noshiko tells her as Ellie scoffs at her words.
"I don't know care about any of it. I just want to know what happened so I can save him. I will not let my best friend no my brother die because of your mistake!" Ellie tells her with a glare.
"Aww Ellie!" Stiles says getting up and hugging the girl tightly to him who rolls her eyes at that.
"I regret saying it now," Ellie tells Stiles who scoffs at her words.
"You're my sister too," Stiles tells her making Ellie smile at him softly.
"So we went from twins to triplets...I like it," Allison says sitting beside Stiles who hugs her as well.
Chris and Stilinski stare between the three and sigh already feeling the headache form.
"Rhys and I found ways to see each other. Sometimes at the barracks...sometimes in the bunkers where they parked military vehicles. He was being transferred to North Africa in a few weeks. I was teaching him some French...," Noshiko explains as Ellie rolls her eyes not wanting to hear about her past lover.
"Hey, that sounds like Ellie and Derek both of them sneaking around!" Liam exclaims making Derek glare at him and Ellie slap his chest.
"Derek do not glare at him!" Ellie yells making Liam smile as Derek sighs.
"We saw Merrick and Hayes talking with the camp doctor. They were whispering, talking quickly...," Noshiko says as Ellie watches her closely.
"Rhys checked his log... But, we already knew what was happening. Dr. Liston was using Merrick and Hayes to sell medicine on the black market. I realized the mistake I had made by speaking too soon. I wasn't helping anyone--I was inciting a riot," Noshiko tells Ellie as she begins remembering her time regarding the riot at the camp.
"Sometimes it's better to keep quiet than to speak," Allison says making Ellie nod her head agreeing with her.
"That worries me," Chris whispers looking at his daughter.
"I yelled for them to stop. But so many people were sick... and so many were dying...," Noshiko tells Ellie as if she was remembering it all.
"I'd never seen anger like that. It was a living, breathing thing. Then I knew why Satomi was always trying to keep quiet. Why she got migraines once a month, and why she was always at the game of Go-- it kept her calm," Noshiko explains say as Ellie watches her the name was familiar.
"Satomi," Talia whispers missing her old friend.
"Three things cannot long be hidden... The sun. The moon. The truth," Ellie whispers as Noshiko looks towards her.
"Satomi is the alpha of her back. She was bitten wasn't she?" Ellie asks making Noshiko nod her head.
"Bitten Werewolves have a harder time suppressing their anger. One unexpected flare-up, and they could lose all control. But I'm sure you know that," Noshiko tells Ellie who nods.
"I do. But if I get too angry I won't just lose control of my wolf but also my magic. I can't lose control," Ellie tells her as she gulps slightly.
Ellie plays with her magic knowing how true that was. Her emotions were her weak spot. She couldn't feel everything that strongly no matter how much she wanted to. It was too dangerous.
Derek stares at her bringing her closer to him and kissing her nose making Ellie smile up at him softly.
"If you ever lose control I'll be there. I'll bring you back," Derek whispers to Ellie who leans in and kiss his lips slightly.
"I lov-uh thank you," Ellie says changing her words quickly as Derek nods his head at her.
Noshiko then tells Ellie about the alcohol bottle being thrown at Rhys as he tried to help and then Noshiko being shot.
"The gunfire nearly killed me. I don't know how many bullets made their way into my body, but I fought every one of them...It left my body so weak, my heartbeat so slow, it appeared as though I was dead...but, even then...I was still better off than Rhys...," Noshiko tells Ellie as she looks at her seeing the guilt in her eyes.
"It wasn't your fault. What happened to him it wasn't your fault," Ellie tells Noshiko making her nod as Ellie smiles slightly at her. She knew a thing or two about guilt and how it can destroy you.
"His screams could be heard throughout Eichen House...Echoing through every room, every hallway... He died in agony...The doctor, it seems, had also sold the morphine...," Noshiko says as Ellie sits down sighing as she shakes her head.
Talia and Melissa sigh at that shaking their heads full of anger and grief.
"Merrick and Hayes were given the task of getting rid of all the bodies, both American and Japanese-American. They were transferring Dr. Liston out as well, stationing him somewhere else," Noshiko tells Ellie who shakes her head.
"They were all trying to cover it up. Cover up everything they did," Ellie states making Noshiko nod her head at the younger girl.
"By chance, I guess, Rhys' body had been put next to mine...I wanted the soldiers and the administration of the camp to be punished for their crimes...But, I knew the clock was ticking. I was going to lose my chance. They were going to burn me with the others. I couldn't fight back with my body weakened and still healing. I could barely move. I was going to die," Noshiko says making Ellie look up at her.
"So you summoned the Nogitsune for revenge," Ellie says making Noshiko nod.
"Oh my...werewolf," Ellie mutters sighing.
"As time slipped through my fingers, I knew I was making a terrible decision...But, I could not die knowing that they would get away...," Noshiko tells Ellie.
"So, I called out to my ancestors for kitsune-tsuki, possession by a Fox spirit...For a powerful Nogitsune, one that feeds off chaos, strife, and pain, to take control of my weakened body, imbue it with power and use it as a weapon," Noshiko tells her as Ellie sighs running her hand down her face.
"But, calling on a trickster is a dangerous thing...They can have a very dark sense of humor...Because, while the Nogitsune did come to possess someone...It wasn't me," Noshiko tells her as Ellie looks at her.
"It was Rhys," Ellie states making Noshiko nod as Ellie connects all the dots. The man wrapped in the bandages was Rhys.
"That's not creepy at all," Stiles says making Ellie slap his arm trying not to laugh.
"My body was beginning to heal... and I managed to pull myself up from the ground. But, it was too late...," Noshiko tells her as she walks away making watch her.
"He killed them all, didn't he? He created what he made to do. Chaos. Pain. And anger," Ellie says making Noshiko nod at her words.
"What did you do?" Ellie asks looking at Noshiko who looks at Ellie.
"I went back there and saw them all dead. Murdered by what I called, and I knew I had to find him. I had to stop him," Noshiko tells Ellie as Ellie begins to pace shaking her head.
"Together Satomi and I killed him and my sword was destroyed with his death. And once he died the fox was released," Noshiko tells Ellie as the older Argent twin pauses before turning to look at the older woman.
"So he wants revenge. For your betrayal," Ellie says as looks at Noshiko with a glare.
"This is because of you! Everything is because of you! He wants you to feel the pain he felt when you betrayed him! And we are just the victims because of your mistake," Ellie tells Noshiko angrily as she goes to leave the house shaking her head.
"If you want to save Stiles? Kill him, Ellie. That's the only way," Noshiko tells her making Ellie pause and turn to her with nothing but determination on her face.
"Over my dead body. I would die before I let a single person I love die instead," Ellie tells her staring right into the woman with nothing but seriousness in her eyes.
Ellie agrees with herself making Derek pull her closer to him not liking those words at all.
"I'm the reason this happened. I let him out of his cage. It was because of me he is free. Because of me, my loved ones sacrificed a part of them to save me and I'll be the one to stop him. No matter what the consequences," Ellie says with a mixture of frustration and sadness before it turns to anger looking at Noshiko.
"Ellie we made the choice. We ignored Deaton's warning," Allison tells her twin who shakes her head.
"For me. You did it for me," Ellie tells her making Allison sigh at her.
"Something you should take responsibility for but instead, you are making me. A seventeen-year-old girl is about to handle something that should have never been called in the first place while her best friend is being taken over by it. And if I don't save him soon enough then he will die. Think about that next time you make some decision," Ellie tells disgustedly before she leaves the house.
"Damn," Isaac says staring at the screen even though he felt guilty and he did nothing wrong.
As she leaves Ellie sees a text from Allison telling her to come to Derek's loft. Stiles gave full control to the Nogitsune making her sigh as she leaves.
"You idiot!" Ellie exclaims slapping his arm as Allison slaps the other one.
"Ouch!" Stiles yells at the two who glares at him.
"Sorry," Stiles says sheepishly making the two girls roll their eyes at him.
❀ ༄ ❀ AUTHOR NOTE ❀ ༄ ❀
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I love you all! Don't forget to comment if you want! I love reading them! <333
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