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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐎𝐝𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐕𝐮

New York City, United States of America 1975

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From where Trickery stands, the true splendor of a typical day in the city of New York can be seen.

New York is a vast, elaborate, labyrinth of noisy streets and avenues. The sound of the incessant honking of motorized vehicles that speed dangerously down the dark roads never fades as time goes on.

The city is overflowing with mountainous buildings and ubiquitous skyscrapers that are barely visible through the grey smog-filled sky. They extend into the skyline for as far as the naked eye can see.  And in every space between the buildings, there is construction commencing to create another towering skyscraper in an attempt to outdo the one that came before it.

People navigate through the array of concrete alleys like swarms of ants. They fill every corner, shop, and niche in sight, leaving the grey concrete barely visible through the masses of people.

Trickery would almost describe New York as being diagnosed with a virus, consisting of continually moving cars, people, buses and trains. Never is there a break, or period of time where the city is silent. Time is a concept unheard of here, alluded to in its nickname of being 'the city that never sleeps'. Everything here is constant.

Constantly awake, constantly busy and constantly loud.

Sounds and aromas overwhelm her senses, making it nearly unbearable to walk through the bustling streets. But thankfully Trickery has found refuge up on the top of a building facing opposite of the highly impressive Chrysler building.

The Chrysler building dazzles in the bright evening sun, illuminating the New York skyline with its beautiful art deco facade. The skyline is a welcome break from the dreary Siberian snow that serves as a view in Trickery's cell. The warm weather is foreign too. It is so warm in fact, that Trickery's skin is sweating excessively under her thick black catsuit which offers no relief from the heat.

But Trickery isn't here for the views. And she most definitely isn't here for the weather.

She is on a mission.

Steven Forman is her target. He is supposedly some big, hotshot politician who is causing some problems for HYDRA and is poking his nose in places where it doesn't belong. Mikael had shown her his picture before they sent her up here, and Mr. Forman just looked like your everyday person which makes it hard for Trickery to believe that he is her enemy.

He is an older man, with graying hair and a kind smile. But even though he has a slightly wizened face, there is a feeling of liveliness in his emerald eyes that make him seem much younger than what he looks. The dark suit befits his tan complexion, somewhat hiding the beer belly that was mentioned in his file that came as a result of his heavy drinking.

But one thing that Trickery has learned is that looks can be deceiving.

Upon the balcony of the building, Trickery has a complete aerial view of the street below, which gives her the perfect view of the political rally being hosted by Steven Forman that is taking place out the front of the Chrysler building.

The crowd is quite large, extending down past a few nearby building that resides on either side of the Chrysler. A small stage is set up out the front of the iconic building with a small, wooden podium being positioned in the center. Mr. Forman is due to take the stand any minute now and begin his speech which makes the crowd quite fidgety as they await for the politician that they came here to see.

"Trickery." One of the HYDRA agents says, breaking her from her thoughts.

Trickery turns her gaze from the streets to the agent who stands, holding out her sniper rifle. His hands are shaking as he holds out the weapon for her to take, betraying the stoic look on his face that he is desperately trying to maintain. Trickery nods at the man before she gets down onto her knees and begins setting up the gun, in preparation for her target's appearance.

Not before long, Trickery hears a rumble of applause and cheers echoing through the street down below, alerting her to the entrance of her target. She gazes down at the stage and sees that he is approaching the podium with two burly security guards at his side.

Mr. Forman waves at the crowd, showing his pearly white teeth as his lips pull into a big smile. The roar of the crowd grows more deafening with each step that he takes which befuddles Trickery. How can one man be so well-liked by so many people yet have a death warrant hanging over his head? There must be something wrong with those people? They have to be brainwashed to think that he is such a good person.

Trickery mentally scolds herself for the questions that are running rampant through her thoughts and she resists the urge to slap herself as punishment. Questioning her target is questioning the mission, and questioning the mission is something that must never happen. She could only imagine what Mikael would say if he heard what was going on in her head.

With a quiet sigh, Trickery swiftly gets into her position behind the sniper. She narrows her eyes as she aims through the scope, setting her sights on the middle of Mr. Forman's forehead. She follows the slight movements he makes as he adjusts himself at the podium, watching as he plasters a wide smile on his lips as he grips his notes tightly in his hands.

She hears him clear his throat into the microphone and she feels her index finger tightening over the trigger. Time begins to slow as she exhales a light breath of air out between her rosy lips, her dark eyes focusing in on her target. His own lips part to begin his speech as the crowd goes silent, hungrily anticipating the words that will fall from his mouth.

But they never come.

She pulls down on the trigger, hearing the deafening blast of the bullet being released from its chamber. The shell clatters to the concrete floor as the bullet hurtles towards its target, striking true.

But strangely, she doesn't see him collapse to the ground as she is swiftly whisked off into her own head.

She sees white for a moment, not quite comprehending what is going on. Then her vision clears and she stands frozen as she hears the faint rumbling of an engine. It is much to loud to be a car, but it sounds distant as if it is miles away from her.

Then the scene changes and she sees a flash of a spinning room. The room is moving too fast for her to make out anything important as everything that she sees briefly is out of her vision before she has the chance to recognize it. She jumps when she hears a loud thump and catches a fleeting glance of a shadow falling to the ground.

A shrill scream bounces off the walls of the room, the sheer loudness of it nearly makes Trickery want to grasp ahold of her ears and smother them to stop the ringing that comes from the earsplitting noise.

Then without warning, the scene changes again. The room suddenly dulls and morphs into a long, dark hallway. The darkness acts like a thick velvet curtain, stealing her own form and leaving nothing for Trickery to use to figure out where she is. The silhouettes of the furniture that fill the hallway are not discernable and cause a tiny prick of fear to crawl into Trickery's thoughts.

But despite her fear, something about the hallway seems almost familiar to Trickery. As if she has been there before. Almost as if she is living in a moment that had already been lived.

But before she has the chance to dwell on that fact, a figure emerges from the end of the hallway. The person's chocolate brown hair shines despite the absence of light, resting comfortably on the shoulders of their crisp S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. As she steps further towards Trickery, she sees that it is a woman with dark eyes that stare holes into Trickery's own figure.

The woman's hands are firmly closed around the handle of a gun which is pointed at Trickery's head. The silver metal shines as Trickery finds herself unable to tear her gaze away from the black barrel of the gun, seemingly entranced by the object. She faintly sees the person's ruby red lips part but the noise never reaches her ears.

But the firing of the gun does.

The noise wakes Trickery from her hallucination and allows her to return back to reality. She blinks as she regains her composure, furrowing her brows as she sees the body of her target laying down behind the podium and the crowd turning into a frenzy.

"Trickery," A voice behind her calls out. "Time to go." The soldier says as she whips around, taking a deep breath in to calm her racing heart.

And as she gets up from her position over the edge of the building still holding her sniper, she wonders if her mind has begun to play tricks on her too.

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During her flight back to Siberia, Trickery was unable to push those images from her mind. For the whole 13 hour flight, all she could think about was that brunette woman holding the gun. Her face seems so familiar and Trickery swears that she has seen her before. But the problem is that she can't recall ever seeing her.

She did think that maybe the woman might have been an undercover HYDRA agent. It did make sense as Trickery has seen many HYDRA agents which makes it very easy to forget a face. But why did she then try to shoot Trickery?

The other possible answer is that the woman is someone from her past. Unfortunately, Trickery has no recollection of her past which has never bothered her before. Mikael told her that she has always been a loyal agent of HYDRA's and that they had been friends ever since they were little which she took as the truth.

But now, she wishes that she could remember so that she could understand why she is so triggered by those images. So she would know if these images are from her memories or if it is just her mind turning on her.

But at least she did manage to figure out that the noise that she had heard in one of her hallucinations was the sound of an airplane engine. It didn't take long for her to figure that one out considering she is also sitting on a plane that is only a few minutes from landing back at her home in Russia.

Being in Trickery's head was dangerous and when she spent too much time digging through her own memories, she was often left with searing headaches and no more memories than what she started with.

And today she has had 13 hours of being in her own head. To say that she has an excruciating headache would be an understatement. To Trickery, it feels like her head has been stomped on by an elephant repeatedly for the whole flight.

But much to Trickery's dismay, the siren in the plane goes off, indicating that they will be landing within a few minutes. The sound sends Trickery into another round of agonizing pain which she tries to alleviate by gently massaging the exposed skin above her mask which has still yet to be removed.

The plan rumbles and shakes as they make their descent into the snowy mountains of Siberia. As Trickery looks out the windows of the cabin, all she sees is sheets of white snow covering everything in sight. The wind stirs up thousands of tiny snowflakes into the air, creating an epic blizzard that makes it hard for her to see anything beyond a few feet. Trickery dreads the moment that she has to leave the slightly warmer climate of the plane but thanks to HYDRA her suit is resistant to the arctic cold.

Trickery remains seated as the plane slowly approaches the ground, knowing that they will all be in for a rough landing. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the rest of her team beginning to stand for immediate dismissal off of the aircraft. They begin ambling around, taking tumble after tumble as a result of the expected turbulence.

One soldier marches up to Trickery, holding an all too familiar remote in his hand that is pointed at her collar. He presses down on the remote and almost immediately a rush of electricity begins circulating throughout her body.

She bites back her groans of agony and squeezes her eyes shut tightly, doing everything in her power to ignore the blinding pain. "Get up." The guard snarls at her as she convulses in her seat.

Then without another word, he lets go of the button and the electricity immediately ceases at his actions. She sighs in relief as the currents come to a halt but she still finds herself unable to stop her body from shaking in anticipation of the next wave of pain.

Her mind is still reeling from the onslaught of agony as she forces herself up to her feet. Her entire body trembles and begs her to stop but she does as the guard says so that he doesn't repay her with more torture.

But then the wheels of the plane come into contact with the runway which rocks everyone inside, including Trickery who doubles over and falls straight to the floor. The entire team laughs mockingly at Trickery who is half oblivious to everything going on around her since the entire cabin in spinning right in front of her eyes.

With a tired groan, she scrambles back up to her feet, ignoring the rest of her team as the door to the plane begins to open. The bitter wind seemingly sobers Trickery up as it whips at the exposed skin of her face and body, making her slightly wince in pain. Ignoring the buckling of her knees, she slowly follows the rest of the soldiers out of the plane and trudges along behind them through the thick sheets of snow.

She shields her eyes from the harsh gale and pushes her still aching legs to walk faster as the group approaches the entrance to the base which is just a doorway carved into an open cave. Trickery struggles to resist the urge to sprint into the base so that she can escape the harsh wind and bitter cold. Instead, she follows the robotic movements of her team and slowly trudges through the blizzard with a scowl hidden behind the masks that covers her face.

The group soon enters the cave and they begin ambling down the dark hallway which thankfully offers some alleviation from the cold. They continue walking until they see the rusted elevator at the end of the hall, which they all quickly pile into.

Trickery silently stands squished at the front and watches as they slowly descend down into the Siberian mountainside. The elevator creaks incessantly as she stares out through the dark green wire door and watches as they pass level after level, scanning the empty hallways for any sign of life.

Thankfully, the elevator soon jolts to a stop, breaking Trickery from her trance. She takes a cautious step back as the door is hauled open, revealing none other than a grinning Mikael who leans expectantly against the wall of the hallway.

"Welcome back." He says as the troupe steps out of the elevator, his piercing cobalt eyes remaining fixed on Trickery who stands unflinching under his gaze.

"Миссия выполнена, хозяин. /Mission accomplished, master." One of the soldiers responds, saluting Mikael.

Mikael nods his head, briefly acknowledging the man. "Хорошо, хорошо. Отправляйтесь в комнаты для разбора и приведите ее охранников, пока вы там./ Good, good. Head down to the rooms for debriefing and fetch her guards while you are at it."  He orders bruskly, returning his attention back to Trickery.

With curt nods, the soldiers depart. They quickly shuffle down the hallway, leaving Trickery and Mikael by themselves. The second that they are out of sight, Mikael steps closer to Trickery, who remains frozen to her spot, and he begins unlocking her face mask. His nimble fingers deftly undo the locks and remove the veil from her face which allows her to finally take a deep breath of air.

"Good Job Trickery." Mikael says as he takes a step back, holding the black material in his hands. "You always seem to surpass my expectations." He continues, beaming down at her.

"Thank you, мастер." She responds gravelly, ignoring the ache that comes from her vocal cords.

Mikael's grin falters slightly at the use of his title. "It's Mikael, darling."

"Thank you, Mikael." She corrects herself, turning her gaze to the ground in shame.

Noticing her lack of energy and the slight limp she carries, Mikael frowns and eyes her warily. "Two missions in 48 hours, you must be tired." He says, gesturing for her to follow him down the hallway.

"No, Mikael."

Mikael cocks a brow at her response as they walk down the empty corridor. "You aren't? Well, if only all the other soldiers were as eager as you are!" He jokes.

"Then you wouldn't need me." She counters to which Mikael frowns again.

"No, you would still be worth 100 of them." He informs her, taking her hand within his own. "You are irreplaceable."

Trickery keeps her gaze downcast as she feels her body flush at the compliment. No one at HYDRA has ever spoken as highly of her like Mikael does. Nobody cares about her except for him which reassures Trickery that she is not alone. She has someone who will look after her. She has someone who cares.

"Thank you, Mikael."

Mikael grins at the small smile that pulls at her lips. "There's no need to thank me, darling. If anyone deserves to be thanked it should be you." He returns as they near her chamber.

As she sees her room come into view, a thought pops into Trickery's head. Mikael might know about that woman that she has been thinking about all day. And if he knows then he will tell her the truth like he always has. But if not, she trusts him to keep it a secret.

"I have a question, Mikael." She pipes up as they approach her cell.

"Ask away." Mikael nods, interested to hear what she has to say.

With a deep breath in, Trickery lifts her eyes up to Mikael's. "Have I had a mission like this before?"

She watches as Mikael takes in a sharp breath and she hears the slight increase of his heartbeat at the question."What makes you say that." He inquires, successfully keeping his face impassive which makes Trickery frown.

"I-I remember bits and pieces of things and it seems like I had a mission that was similar to this one." She starts. "I was on a plane ride to somewhere and then I'm suddenly fighting this woman and she reminds me of someone that I used to know but I just can't seem to remember." She continues, trailing off in disappointment. "I can't remember."

Before Mikael has a chance to answer, the heavy footsteps of Trickery's guards echo down the hallway, making their entrance known. They swiftly approach the two and stand stoically by Mikael's side.

Trickery keeps her gaze locked on Mikael's who eyes the two guards and gives them a knowing nod. Trickery's frown deepens as Mikael turns back around to face her with an unknown emotion held in his bright blue eyes.

"I think it is time that you go to sleep, Trickery." He orders bluntly.

Sadly, Trickery turns her gaze back to the ground and nods at his command."Yes, Mikael."

"She has been out for too long." He informs the two men before he turns his gaze back to Trickery who watches on in confusion.

"Take her back to the freezer." He orders glumly and the soldiers abruptly wrap their burly hands around Trickery's stick-thin arms and begin dragging her away from Mikael, who watches on with clear sorrow as he is forced to say goodbye to his only family once again.

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Hey everyone!

I feel like I'm saying this every update but once again I'm soooo sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I have been working very hard to edit 'Tricks' whilst still writing 'Trickery' which takes a lot more time than what I had previously thought.

On a side note, I just want to clear something up. Allie/Trickery and Mikael are NOT love interests. There will be no love triangle in this story! Mikael sees Allie as family which will be further explained as the story goes on. So there is no need to worry about Bucky and Allie's relationship

So as I sit here, on my bed listening to Kashmir by Led Zepplin, I just want to give all you readers a big thanks for sticking around and reading both 'Tricks' and 'Trickery'! 'Tricks' hit 8k reads the other day and it completely blows my mind how many people are reading MY stories!!!

ANYWAY, let's just get onto the questions!

1. What did you think of the chapter?

2. Are you finding Trickery/Allie's time at HYDRA interesting?

3. What would you guys like to see in the next couple of chapters?

4. How has your day been so far?

Lots of Love,

Grace xx

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