"๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐." Anastasia ordered the servants from below the ladders as they vigorously cleaned the shelves and books.
Since the sun rose she had been awake, before her mother and only when she was certain the servants were too awake she began the clean. Anastasia wanted to be prepared for when Miss Eloise would come, she had the shrubbery clipped and the grass lawned with the animals well fed and their pens cleaned out. Every ornament left sparkling and the library was certainly her most important room for tonight.
Anastasia had several dresses thrown across the room, she couldn't decide what to wear and now the stress of inviting someone into her home was starting to show.
"Brimsley, does purple make me look pregnant?" She asked as she rounded the changing cover and turned to face him whilst running a hand over her stomach, looking in the mirror.
Brimsley sighed, the sea of questions and criticism to her own body had been endless, does this colour suit me? Does this make my hair look flat? Does this take away shape?
And he responded every time with, "no, no your highness, you look like perfection."
She was quiet for a minute longer than usual and the maids, who managed to work a sweat from fastening up the lace down her back and Brimsely looked hopeful. Until she huffed and rounded the corner again making them groan internally.
The Queen was wondering round the castle but seen her staff running up and down the corridor with dust buckets in hand. Her and her ladies behind her looked in confusion, Charlotte had a feeling her daughter was involved. And only when she heard a screechy scream come from her door did she open it in haste.
"It's perfect," she told them all giddily and turned to the Queen, "hello, mother isn't it a wondrous day." Anastasia grinned before the maids hurriedly put all of the other dresses back in her wardrobes, not wanting her to change her mind.
The gown she had chosen was a dark, velvet green that was far more slimming than more traditional dresses from England. She had acquired it from Russia, in which had the most remarkable soirรฉes and seemed to love the princess dearly.
"Oh? And why is it such a wondrous day?" She looked to Brimsley who just shrugged with his lips upturned whilst Anastasia added all of her jewellery.
"Because," Anastasia paused for a moment as she slipped a bracelet on her wrist, "both of the seasons gems are attending the palace."
"I see," the Queen arched an eyebrow as she seen something unusual on her daughters vanity, "and are you planning to gift that to Miss Edwina and Miss Eloise?"
Anastasia awkwardly turned to the silver necklace with several diamonds and a large emerald with two, small silver lions at either side. She shut the case it rested in and picked it up, holding it delicately in her hands before walking past her mother.
"Just, Miss Eloise."
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She looked ethereal, matching the shade of her eyes much like when the light would touch them. Her gown, a luscious aquatic blue embedded with rich diamonds along with white lace gloves that covered her hands and a throw of satin blue that wrapped over her shoulders which she held in one hand.
A bright smile lifted onto her face as she looked to Anastasia, when the carriage entered the grounds her look of awe couldn't compare to how she admired Anastasia.
"Anna," Eloise sighed in satisfaction at the sight of the princess whom beamed back at her, she remembered to call her by her name.
"I must say that I have never been personally invited on a tour of the royal palace or any palace in fact." Eloise had already looped her arm through Anastasia's as they walked through the grounds and she made sure to steer clear of her mothers path, she didn't want anything to rattle the Bridgerton.
"Well count me as your first."
She lead Eloise through the gardens, filled with flowers in bloom and the most delicately trimmed hedges. "Those are beautiful," Eloise pointed to the blue geraniums from where they stood and Anastasia held a proud look.
"Yes, I had them recently planted, they reminded me of," suddenly, Anastasia felt herself become more mindful of her words.
"Of what?" Eloise asked curiously.
"Of the narrow seas from my travels, such blue water that I did not think even existed," Eloise's nodded to this but Anastasia chewed on the inside of her mouth as they covered the concrete. Of your eyes, but she couldn't be so forward with the young lady, it was uncanny and she didn't want to scare her off.
"Are they," Eloise trailed off as she stared down and Anastasia hummed.
"Zebra, the very animal that broke me out of my silent torment, mother was so grateful that she ordered seven more be transferred here from Africa."
"They truly are gorgeous," the Bridgeton flickered her eyes between the princess and striped creatures. "Have you been to Africa on your voyage?" She asked as they fell into step once more but this time entered the palace.
"Yes, it was a marvellous experience, such different culture and the sweetest of people but oh my, half of my crew had been burnt from the sun." As she talked more and more of Africa Eloise found herself more interested in her words than looking around at the rich artefacts that ran up and down the spacious halls. "Is there somewhere you've always wished to journey to?"
Eloise answered swiftly, "France, it is the place of books and literature, a miraculous adventure it would be."
"That much is true," Anastasia added with a fond sigh as she thought back to her time in the city of Paris.
"You have been?" Eloise asked in eagerness but she didn't know why it brought such a shock to her, the princess had been everywhere.
"Of course and some time I shall take you, my emerald," Anastasia smoothly replied and Eloise looked ever so grateful before it fell. "Whatever is the matter?"
"That is a kind gesture but I'm afraid that my mama would not approve," a irritated look came over Eloise, "she insists I find a husband and disassociate myself from my true passion of novels and anything but suitors or marriage."
Anastasia lowered her head in understanding, being a princess came with its triumphs but being the most adored served more purpose. She could do what she wanted until it would be time for her to become Queen and that unsettling truth shook her to the core, the responsibility but also the loss of her closest family.
"I understand however," she chimed her voice to something chipper to brighten the atmosphere, "I am the princess and if I should wish for you to be at my side then I shall make it so." Anastasia leaned in close as they stopped in front of large, golden doors, "no matter what any mama says."
Eloise stared at her with such intent and belief that made Anastasia soften her eyes before she reached behind the girl and heard her intake a sharp breath.
"Anna," she sounded frozen as her words shook.
She turned her head slightly to meet Eloise's gaze and her scent made Anastasia's jaw clench before she turned the handle which opened with a soft click. A look of recognition crossed over her and she cleared her throat lightly, her head facing the paintings in front of her.
"I am simply wondering where there is to look next," uncertainty ran through her tone.
Anastasia let the corner of her lips quirk up, in confusion as to why Eloise was not looking at her. The Bridgerton knew if she caught a glance at the smirk on her lips she might have fainted on the spot, given their proximity.
"If you'd look behind you, darling you would know," her voice lessens to a whisper.
Eloise felt the familiar heat return to both the pit of her stomach and cheeks, she abruptly straightened and turned to enter the room at a quickness Anastasia didn't know she possessed.
A gasp left her as she took in the marvel that was the royal library, intricate paintings littered the walls and ceilings. Tall brown ladders that leaned upon even taller shelves stretched to the farthest corner of the room. Books of all colour, shapes and size with the most calming aroma, a fireplace to the left of the room, mirror above it and a couch and seats surrounding it with a small carpet sitting in between.
Anastasia leant against the door behind her as she watched Eloise look all around the room and could see her writher in excitement.
"What do you think?"
Eloise turned with a look of awe, "I wish to never leave here," a laugh echoed throughout the room and Anastasia walked to her. "How did you know I admired novels?"
Anastasia shrugged lightly, "you had one in your hand the day I came to your home and when we were at the races you couldn't deter your eyes away from the stalls that were full of them." Eloise felt her heart warm, she remembered such little detail and transcended it into a grand gesture.
"I come here often, I find solace in these stories but now I have someone to share all this with." Anastasia couldn't describe the look Eloise stared at her with, only that she had seen it before, worn by many who had been in her company. "Don't just stare, go and pick."
She turned to look back at the ladders and a squeal left her as she jumped on them and it took her half way around the room, wheels no longer screeching after being oiled twice over. Anastasia felt her cheeks hurting from how much she had smiled through the entirety of the day and embraced the pain, hoping for more each day.
"Henry Fielding and Shelley," Eloise exclaimed in delight. She held the two books in her hand, looking perplexed and Anastasia looked at her with furrowed brows.
"What are you doing? You can pick more than one you know," Eloise once again became capitulated with the covers.
Anastasia turned to the couch and fireplace, on a small table sat a large square, black box. She sat with her legs crossed and back resting against the plush red with the box in her lap, head perched on her hand with her elbow on the armrest as she watched Eloise. The way her nose scrunched up in distaste when she realised the name of an author and immediately placed it back, her mutters to herself and the scrunching of her nose made Anastasia all the more enthralled with her.
The enigma that she once thought she was, appeared to becoming undone the more time spent with the princess.
Eloise eventually came down the ladder after realising how long she had spent, "are you satisfied with your choices, Miss?"
The Bridgeton girl nodded as she clutched three very thick books in her arms, "very and I hadn't even checked the other shelves."
"You shall just have to visit more but as a start you may keep them."
Eloise looked taken aback and instantly shook her head, the novels she had chosen were first addition and nearly fractured even as she held them in a light grip. "I couldn't possibly-
"I insist," Anastasia pressured lightly before pulling her down to sit by her, "does it look like anyone will notice three books missing?"
"I- thank you, Anna," Eloise placed the books down on the table and spied the box that rested on her knees. "What is that?"
"This," she opened the lid, "is for you."
Eloise let her mouth drop open, "Anastasia," she whispered in fickleness, "it's beautiful."
"Yes, it is," Anastasia replied as she stared at Eloise's features, "an emerald for my emerald." She let the necklace hang on her middle finger, the reflection in the large gem stunned Eloise to stand.
Her heels clicked in the quiet as she moved to stand behind the girl, her chest jutted slightly from the cool of the metal. They both looked in the mirror, Anastasia's breath tickling Eloise's neck as she loomed over her shoulder.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes," a breathless whisper parted from her lips as she watched Anastasia trail her eyes from the china that was her skin, prominent collar bones and slim neck. Sharp jaw, the softest of hair and pinkest of lips with the most extraordinary eyes that she had ever set her own upon.
Their eyes locked in the mirror, "yes?"
Eloise turned and Anastasia felt her mouth water once more at the strawberries and cream that invaded her senses. It was clear she was battling between herself as she let her eyes flicker between Anastasia's darkened eyes and full lips.
"I- you- I am attending a feminist rally."
Eloise blurted out before turning a deeper shade of red she turned and picked up the books from the table, clutching them to her chest, creating a barrier between the two.
As she turned Anastasia rolled her eyes in irritation, the tension had been broke and instead they were talking about rallies. "Where did you hear about that?"
The Bridgerton looked weary to share but the way Anastasia stared at her she felt compelled to speak.
"I was handed a pamphlet on it," another eyebrow raised, "by a boy in a printshop yesterday."
The court was caught Eloise off guard, "a deeper part of town that not many young lady's would visit."
"How deep?"
Her silence made Anastasia face palm and drag her hand down her face, "you are going to a feminist rally, unchaperoned, in a part of town that you are unfamiliar with."
"No, not if you came," Eloise countered.
"Eloise," she warned carefully.
"Anastasia," she replied coyly.
A stare down was held but Anastasia had given in the second she'd said her name in that tone, " as your princess I could order you not to go."
Eloise couldn't help her footing to tip toe towards the lion, "you could but you will not because that will upset me and I know you would loathe to see me upset."
Anastasia vexed her smart mouth, "when is it?"
Eloise's eyes flashed in mirth, "there is still time, it is not until a few days of late, in fact our family is retiring to our ancestral home, in which I hope to see you too."
"Eloise, I cannot simply invite myself."
"You can for you are the princess and I will make it certain that you receive an invitation."
An exasperated look moved over Anastasia's face, "You certainly are a crafty woman, Miss Bridgerton," she teased and Eloise gave her a large smirk.
"You do not know the half of it, your grace."
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Daphne and her shared a look from across the room, her elder sister looked at her with knowing that Eloise tried to blank. She couldn't know how she felt, she couldn't begin to comprehend the complexity of her feelings for the princess. Eloise didn't know herself.
She evaded Benedict's gaze, his would be twice as worse and ceased Colin's incessant badgering about the princesses well-being.
I must be tired, was all she thought, a simple sleep would fix the problem in her head. Although, it only seemed to make it worse as she dreamt only of Anastasia.
How her back was pressed against the princesses front, hot breath caressed her neck and made her knees weak. Her brown eyes turning to black as she stared at her through the mirror, tongue darting out to run over her bottom lip and the tightness in the bottom of her stomach returned once more.
Unlike the truth she imagined something rougher than earlier than the day, unfamiliar lips upon her own, claiming her innocence and her heart. Pants leaving Eloise as Anastasia's lips traveled to her neck, chanting Anastasia's name as she ravished her. The princess mumbling sultry into her skin as she laid Eloise down onto the table, the tearing of fabric and the cool metal sizzling under her searing chest.
Eloise awoke with a start, in a cold sweat and gently heaving as she rapidly blinked, she looked at either side of the bed and saw no extra presence making her sigh, in relief or dejection she didn't know. Though, she pressed her fingertips onto the necklace, running her fingers over the designs and the precious metals in comfort.
Damn that princess.
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