Nik had sent Stefan, Rebekah, and I to Mystic Falls to look for the necklace that apparently held the key to fixing Nik's problem with his sires. I didn't make much of a fuss, I knew how much Nik wanted his sires. He's a wolf and wolves need packs. Our family can only be as good as it can be when none of us are Werewolves.
Rebekah had made such a fuss when asked to help fix his problem. She just doesn't understand how much this means to him. While I learned that Rebekah and Stefan used to be a thing these past few days. I still didn't care. Rebekah fell in love just as fast as she fell out of love. She probably doesn't care about him like that anymore. They said that they could stay friends and I will hold that on them.
Stefan stayed close to me during the entire car ride. Rebekah decided that she would drive the car so that we could sit together in the back. Not many words were spoken during the ride. I hate these new things called cars. They're so cramped and I get sick when inside of them. Stefan informed me that this is called motion sickness.
"What are you two lovebirds going to do when this doppelganger sees you together?" Rebekah asks. Didn't even think of the doppelwhore. She should be able to get over herself, she has the other Salvatore already. Stefan is mine. She has no right to my mate.
"Honestly, at this point I think that she can deal with the fact that Stefan and I are together. Mates are sacred and if she tries to break us apart I am not afraid to do what it takes to keep us safe," Stefan growls.
"I don't want to lose you, Astrid, but Damon is my brother and Elena is probably his girlfriend now. I don't want to hurt them." Stefan takes his hand in mine and I smile up at him.
"Hurting her is not the plan, but if she or any of her friends try to hurt my family I will not hesitate to rip her heart out from her chest. I make no promises that any of them will live. We will play it by ear. As long as they stay in their place they will keep their hearts inside of their chests," I warn. Rebekah laughs and turns into the Salvatore boarding house. Elena is the owner of the house and whether we can get inside is still unclear.
Stefan dropped my hand as we walked up to the large house. Stefan knocked on the door quite loudly. "I'm coming!" could be heard from inside. I could tell that it was a young woman, probably a teenage girl. Elena.
The door opened to reveal the face of Katerina. Yup, definitely Elena. Katerina was prettier, though. Damn, make sure that you don't sound like a bitch, Astrid, you aren't Rebekah! "Stefan! You're back! I missed you so much!" The woman wraps her arms around my mate's body. I growled under my breath. Rebekah held my hand as a reminder that even though I didn't like this girl and she so rudely put her arms around my perfect mate, I am not allowed to gut her where she stands.
"Yeah, uh, I missed you too. Elena, I would like to introduce you to my mate and her sister, Astrid and Rebekah," Stefan looked like he was about to pass out as he introduced me. Rebekah and I both put on fake smiles as Elena looks at us with distaste.
"What's a mate?" Elena asks, her voice hitching in her chest. Silly human doppelganger hasn't even been told about mates and the mating bond. How typical.
"A mate is a soulmate. All supernatural creatures have them. Technically humans have them as well but humans can never sense them," Stefan tries to explain but Elena huffs and looks at me like I was some form of trash.
"How can she be your mate? You're my boyfriend, Stefan! Have you been cheating on me with her?" Here comes the typical doppelwhore behavior.
Before I could defend my mate, Rebekah speaks up for the first time, "Look, doppelganger, I get that you're so used to everything being about you, but Stefan has a mate that isn't you. They are destined to be together. She is the only woman who can ever make Stefan whole. His soul is literally made for her and vice versa. You're not the one to talk about cheating, you're literally in love with his brother! Stefan isn't your boyfriend! Stefan and Astrid have this thing called chemistry, a subject that you are probably failing with your vampire fetish."
"Elena, what is going on over there?" I heard a man ask from inside the house. I couldn't see him because of how much taller Elena was. She had to be at least 5 inches taller, maybe more with the heels she's wearing.
I moved away from Stefan and saw the man. Mate. He's my mate. Shit, I'm mated to two guys. Why? Why can't my love life be simple? Shit he's hot. At least both of my mates are abnormally hot. They look like gods for heaven's sake!
I could clearly see that the man realized what we are and awkwardly laughed. "Stefan, what are you doing with my mate?" Stefan growls and holds me in his arms as he glares at my mysterious mate. "Stefan, you don't need to keep me from my mate. Unless you like her as well?"
"Wait, wait, how are you both her mate? A relationship is between two people, right? How is she your mate? Did our kiss mean nothing to you?" Elena looked at me judgmentally like she had some moral high ground.
I ignored the doppelganger's questions and annoying voice. "Stefan, who is he? He's my second mate. I told you that if I found a second mate that I would tell you and now I'm telling you. No secrets, I promise," I soothed my distressed mate who was clinging to me like something bad was about to happen. Stefan kissed my head before releasing me from his hold.
"This is my brother Damon. I - I'm sorry for holding on so tight, darling, I just didn't know. I promise that we can make this work like you said." Damon looks like he's going to gut his brother. I made sure to stand between Stefan and Damon. Elena looks beyond us at two people who were coming towards the house.
"It's nice that I get to meet you, Damon. Elena, can you let us in? I can answer your questions if you let us in," I gave her my word. She didn't know that we were with Nik just yet. From what I know, they are trying to kill my brother. I'll make sure that they know that if they mess with my family they themselves will not have any family left.
"Damon!" Elena tries to argue with Damon but he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at his former love. "Fine. Astrid, Rebekah, Stefan, come on in. I better be getting some answers from you all. You're acting so strange."
Damon and Stefan clung to me as we all walked to the living room. I layed on Stefan while we were on the couch. Damon was on a chair right next to us. Rebekah did the hardest thing in her life and forced herself to sit next to the doppelganger.
Elena sat awkwardly and demanded with fake confidence, "What the hell is going on with you lot? Who are these women and why should I have let them in the boarding house?" I cocked my head to the sound of two women entering the house. Two women. One smelled like a vampire and one was most certainly a witch. "Damn, Caroline and Bonnie must be here."
"They can stay and chat with us, we are about to explain ourselves anyways. Why not have an audience," I laughed as Stefan ran his fingers through my long blonde Mikaelson hair. Damon just rolled his eyes at his brother and tried to stare at me without my knowledge that he was staring. He clearly failed.
An African American woman and a fair blonde girl walked into the living room and immediately looked to my sister and I. I swear if one of them attacks-
The witch started to give me a headache and I cried out. Not knowing exactly what to do, I used the magic that I had siphoned from myself earlier to knock the witch bitch back onto the floor. Elena shrieked at my actions. The vampire woman tried to attack me but I gave her a searing headache with my magic. "If any one of you tries to attack me or my sister I swear I heads and hearts will be on the floor within a matter of seconds. I am not here to hurt anyone. We are not your enemies. Does everyone understand? I don't want to have to hurt you lot because it will hurt my mates. Don't push me," I warned in a seething tone.
"What the hell are you? Are you a witch or a vampire?" Elena questions, standing up and moving back into the wall and away from me and my magic. I laughed. Has nobody heard of the abominations? Did the witch really not feel the magic I was holding? Such amateurs.
"Fine. Even if you haven't asked me very nicely or been very kind to me throughout my very short stay in this damn house I will answer your question. My kindness only goes so far, Elena Petrova. My name is Astrid Mikaelson. I am more commonly known as the Original Heretic."
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