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The ride to Londinium for Axel and Marcus was: classic, state-of-the-art, torture. None of them spoke a word for more than an hour. Axel held a strain in her neck, and her legs were like jello. The time they arrived was: night, the streets were almost empty, except, for the shady men that hid near the narrow, back alleyways.

Possibly assassins or thieves stood nearby, watching passing citizens, waiting for their mark to strike. Axel kept minimum eye contact with them but carefully kept her guard up. Axel couldn't tell whether they were assassins or if they were shady people. Although her thoughts were like a cyclone within her mind, she focused on her objective.

Dark clouds forged themselves over Axel and Marcus's heads. Small droplets fell from the clouds, dancing with individual patters along the cobblestone streets. People lifted their hoods and fled the streets inside, as the rain started to pick up, heavy, instead of light droplets.

"We better hurry up, we don't want to be out here too much longer," Marcus suggested, shading his face from the splitting breeze. The breeze was cold and strong, pushing the droplets of rain, like small thistles, against their faces.

"Where should we start?!" Axel questioned, hollering over the strong winds, who silenced her with deaf intentions. Mother nature wasn't willing to spare that night.

"Where would you go, if you were a rebel?"

"I'd probably be hiding or blending in with crowds," Axel answered Marcus's question. He smiled and gave a weak nod.

"Exactly, now where do you think rebels would hang?" Marcus interrogated Axel.

Axel halted, she stepped off of her horse and tied the reins to a post. Within a couple of seconds, she started to think about where the rebels would be. Londinium was massive and the chances of finding four rebels were slim.

Her eyes scanned the empty roads, reading signs that she could see.

"Chancellors Inn. That's where people probably go to drink and do business. That's our best bet, Marcus." Axel suggested, pointing to the small building across the street, that connected to other homes and shops.

Marcus followed Axel's lead and tied the reins of his horse to the post. Axel concealed her sword underneath the fur coat that Marcus gave her earlier. Soulful eyes stared at the two. The innocent eyes of a child, around ten years old. He sat on a bench, underneath some cover from the rain.

Axel motioned him over. The little boy stared at the two for a moment, debating whether this was a good idea; to speak to a couple of strangers. The kid hurried over to her. Axel dug into her pocket and pulled out a small bag of coffers. She pulled out ten and handed it to the little boy, recognizing that he was a farm boy. By the very rough attire he wore.

"Seek that they're taken care of until we return, can you do that for us?" Axel proposed.

Both Axel and Marcus understood that this kid needed it for his family.

The boy nodded, relentlessly, "Thank you, ma'am. See it done, by the time you return." the kid replied with a grateful voice.

They began to cross the street, Marcus chuckled lightly and nudged Axel against her rib-cage. "Ma'am, huh?" Marcus finally spoke, attempting to contain his laughter.

"I'm twenty-five, Marcus. I'm not old enough to be a ma'am, so gather yourself. We need to focus." Axel muttered, keeping it partly discrete to the peak. Marcus couldn't exactly make out what she said. Instead, he chose not to ask.

Axel was 5'8, a bit shorter than some of the men that crowded the front entrance. Marcus and Axel pushed past the men, avoiding confrontation and arguments. The Inn was dimly lit with oil lamps. Women and men, tall and short, sat at different tables. Boisterous laughter echoed in the room.

Songs reverberated throughout the room as a toast to healthy lives. Never once has Inns been this cold, Axel pulled the fur coat closer to her. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when they had a roof over their heads, shading themselves from the rain.

One woman sat at the front counter where drinks were being served, she must have been the Inn keep of the Inn. She held a soft expression and had dark silver hair, draped onto her shoulders. Axel met a pair of azure blue eyes, calm, cold, and collected... She locked eyes with the man. He was huddled into a corner. His cloak concealed his face, and his eyes reflected a dim light from the candle.

The tips of Marcus's soaked bangs dripped from the storm. He wondered whether he should wring his hair out, or manually allow it to air dry.

"Pretty busy place, huh?" Marcus snapped Axel out of her thoughts.

"Diffidently. It's difficult to believe that Londinium likes to celebrate, even after the war was won, the risks were too high for the next, with the Blackguards." Axel replied. Just mentioning the Blackguards tore people from their conversations to eavesdrop on what the two spoke about.

"They should be preparing themselves, someday they'll return," Marcus suggested, considering the people here were foolish enough to focus on their drink. There was no doubt some fled the nation, seeking their kin.

"Some cannot fight, they're just making the best of it until the Blackguards return. When the day comes, I am not fleeing the nation with just the clothes on my back. I am going to stay and fight alongside brave souls, who raise their cups to whatever is above us." Axel revealed that she didn't believe in the common religion of Camelot and Londinium.

Referring to whether there was another life on the other side or not. But that would soon be revealed when the time comes. Axel vowed never to flee Camelot or Londinium to a couple of Blackguards.

But this wasn't just a couple. This was an entire army.

"That's entirely moving, but I won't allow it. You have a destiny that awaits you." Marcus carried doubt within his voice. Her stomach twisted into a knot, her chest tightened, flames crawled through her veins, fuelling the anger that rose from her stomach.

"And what destiny would that be? Getting married, working on a farm, and having a couple of kids? Is that your idea of destiny?" Axel tested Marcus, to carefully choose his words. She never wanted that life, she wanted to be equal to the men. Though she expected that never to happen, doubting that a man would raise his sword to a Woman or fight alongside one.

"As Humans create our destiny. And if working on a farm isn't your ideal life, that you want to live. Then that's perfectly alright." Marcus calmly claimed. Marcus could barely look at Axel, after all, he only wanted her to be safe. To return from war and see his best friend alive and healthy was the only thing he wished.

Losing her on the battlefield would be a: nightmare to him. That was something he kept to himself, he forged an invisible lock around that fear, revealing to never show. Marcus frowned and his heart swelled at the thought. Axel's mouth opened then closed, choosing to keep it to herself.

She knew he was damaged by her intentions. Guilt ignited the whole inner surface of her body, within seconds. Maybe she should've explained how she felt with a better tone. She pushed those feelings back and focused on the task.

"We should talk to the Inn-Keep," Axel suggested, avoiding any further discussions about the previous topic.

Marcus followed Axel, nearly on her heels. The old woman smiled and leaned forward against the counter.

"What can I get for you, dears?" She questioned with a raspy and polite voice.

"Is it always busy here?" Axel questioned. The woman furrowed her brows and stared at Axel's attire, it matched a man's outfit. Perhaps she was surprised by a woman walking in here wearing something that was never worn by women in their time.

"The nation is making the best of it. People just want to either find their kin, live their life before a time of crisis, and avoid the Blackguards that march our way." The old woman replied to Axel, avoiding eye contact.

"By any chance would you know; the people who graffiti these walls?" Marcus interrogated the old and wise women.

"Yes, I do, one is my Grandson. The other three are his friends. But I have to warn you that; they're hard to convince. The Philosophy my Grandson has discovered is something we all look forward to. If a man pulls a sword from the stone, he'll be able to stop the Blackguards!" the old woman exclaimed in happiness.

"Have they found the sword yet?" Axel questioned with curiosity. Relating secretly to her dreams from early that morning.

"Not quite, sweetie. Maybe soon, it's only a prophecy. Maybe just a dream that my son saw." The old woman answered her the best she could, while she continued to clean the counter.

"What happens if a woman pulls the sword woven into stone?" Marcus piped up. Curiously he kept his fist close to his lips.

Humour bubbled within the stomach of the old woman.

She gave a sweet and genuine smile to Marcus, before answering, "Then that is a woman that I could call Queen."

"One more question, where can we find your Grandson?" Axel wondered, hoping the women would cooperate in revealing where her son was. Her intentions were to: get the answers she needed, before they went too off-topic.

"Please, don't hurt him if I tell ya." the woman pleaded. She grasped tightly around Axel's wrists with her palms. Marcus and Axel exchanged a suspicious glance and agreed. Axel took her sword out and placed it on the counter. And Marcus unarmed himself, following Axel's plan to gain trust with the women.

He hesitantly placed his bow and arrows onto the counter.

"We won't lay a finger on him, we only want to talk to him," Axel answered to her actions by un-arming herself. The woman's face seemed to soften and her shoulders relaxed, after the answer she gave her.

"Who do you work for, lass?"

"The Queen," Marcus answered for Axel, making it easier for her. It was difficult for Marcus to lie to any person. It was like diving feet first into hell, hoping he'd rise.

"Forgive me, whatever business you have with the Queen, you have to pause and put an end to it while you can. She is foul and will wrap her serpent fingers around your throat." the women advised the two.

Axel was unsure whether or not to believe the women. But there was something suspicious the Queen concealed beneath. Axel couldn't tell whether the old woman was spreading false lies to protect her Grandson, or warning her beforehand.

A small sigh exited the women's lips, "Gavin is over there."

So, it appears his name is Gavin, Axel quietly thought.

The woman sounded like she prepared for the unexpected, more worried than prepared, Axel indicated. The women pointed towards a table in the middle of the room. Four men sat at the table drinking away and telling stories of the fallen.

She predicted the culprit was the one who spoke at the table, the others would quiet down as he spoke. He had onyx-coloured hair that fell onto his shoulders, lightly, tanned skin, and a diamond-shaped jaw. The man's eyes were soulful and dark, like a deer. He smiled sweetly at his friends and his laughter was contagious.

With slow steps, she strode over to the table, occupied by four men.

"Axel! Is it a good idea to walk up to four men, unarmed?!" Marcus half-whispered, the other half yelled. His conscience was screaming at him and it made his stomach uneasy. Some of the men looked rough, almost tattooed with scars. Each tells small, heroic stories of battle.

All four seemed older than her, and she hoped they hopefully knew how to treat people they meet right.

"Gavin is it?" she started. The company went dead silent and looked at the black-haired man for answers.

"Who's asking?" he gave a firm expression. He smiled, his canines were sharp and intimidated Marcus.

"Axel Embers." she extended a hand to the man. He smiled charmingly and firmly shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, sweetheart. Now, what're you here for?" Gavin questioned.

"I'm not here for the flattery, Gavin. I am here to warn you." Gavin's smile slowly withdrew. The moment she finished her sentence, his chair scraped against the wooden floor. Easily his height dominated her. But if he believed crossing the line, by stepping into her space would intimidate her? He was mistaken, by far.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Threats will get you killed, especially in Londinium." he simpered.

"I'm not here to fight you Gavin, but if you don't sit down, then that'll be a different story. I'm here to save you from grief." at the end of her sentence, another one of his men stood up to protest.

"Aah ah, sit down, sweetheart, you're better at that." Axel shot back at the second man, who stood up.

The red-haired boy's fists curled tightly together, nails digging deeply, into the flesh of his palms. Her gaze swapped over to Gavin. Both slowly returned to their seats, keeping his gaze locked onto hers.

Despite causing a scene, she knew this would work out her way.

"Now." Axel grabbed a chair from an empty table and dragged it up to their table.

"I heard you and your boys were playing Prophet. The Queen has sent me to execute Gavin here and you three. Cleanly, take your heads, all for a rare gift you have, Gavin. But you four seem like pretty decent guys. So, I'm not going to kill you. But I'd prefer you four to tone it down with; decorating buildings that aren't yours." Axel proposed, leaning her arms on the back of the chair, in front of her.

"Going against the Queen's word is a death sentence!" the red-haired man yelled. Treating the situation as; if he cared for her. But he only knew her for five minutes...

"And this is where you four come in."

"What's the catch?" Gavin questioned impatiently.

"Axel-" Marcus was interrupted by Axel.

She licked her lips before speaking, "You wanna live? Vow your loyalty to me and help me find four men that I can bring back to the Queen." she proposed. The men exchanged looks, debating whether this was a particular idea they would follow.

"Done." Gavin shrugged, answering on the behalf of his crew.

"That wasn't so hard, was it. What's it for you four?" Axel questioned, motioning Marcus to pull a chair over and accompany her.

Axel took the drink that was down to half, that sat in front of the red-haired man.

She took a sip, moistening her throat before speaking, "Your lives are spared and drinks are on me."

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