Italics = Sign Language
She was now back with her friends in the cabin, and although they were told that they weren't supposed to be in the same room as each other at dark, they didn't pay any attention. Brooke was sitting on the sofa, looking back at the people she came with who were all sat on the floor.
Olivia was sat between Chet and Ray, Montana and Xavier sitting across from them. Ray was sat while sniffing the white power off his finger, which made Olivia scrunch her face up. Chet held a beer can, while Xavier and Montana began rolling cigarettes. Olivia played with her fingers, relieved that Brooke wasn't smoking or sniffing either.
She hadn't missed a scolding off of Chet, the brunette telling her that she shouldn't of gone away like she did without telling them. All he earned back was an eye roll, before she went off to tell him that he wasn't her father.
She turned her head and hit his arm, gaining his attention before she began questioning him.
"Is there anymore news on the guy from earlier?" she asked, the boy nodding his head.
"Brooke spoke to him earlier, he's a bit out of it... but he'll be okay" Chet told her, before looking back at Brooke. The group began talking amongst each other, and Olivia just glanced at her hands wishing that she could hear what they were saying.
She appreciated the fact that it would take a lot of work to translate to her what they were saying, but she wished that she could get involved somehow. She could chance it and read their lips, but they were all talking a speed that made it difficult for her.
She felt the floor vibrate a little bit, and she looked up again to see if anyone had moved. But all her friends were glancing at the front door of the cabin, and she looked around worryingly.
The door slammed open, which made Ray hide his drugs and Xavier lean forwards, moving a pillow to hide the cigarettes on the floor. A man wearing some very tight shorts had waltzed it, bear bottles by his side. He glanced around at everyone in the room, a glare on his face and Olivia had to admit that he looked quite intimidating.
They all watched him nervously, he spoke a few words to the group making Olivia look around to see their reactions before she watched the man smile brightly as he laughed.
"I'm Trevor, activities director" he said, slamming the door shut and walking further into the room "So, technically, I'm your boss, but don't worry, I'm not gonna be enforcing any of Margaret Booth's rules for godly living. Between you and me, I bet myself 50 bucks I'd bang her by the end of the summer" he told them, smirking.
Olivia was more confused than ever, how he just wondered in the room and her friends were all calm with it. She turned to Chet, to see that he wasn't looking at her but looking at the man with a confused look.
"You bet yourself?" Chet questioned, making the man nod his head as he opened one of the beers.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" Montana piped in, checking him out.
Olivia looked over at the man and saw he was looking down at Montana, the two smirking at each other. She then glanced over at Xavier, who seemed to have a little bit of a jealous look on his face as he rolled his cigarette quietly.
"Teach aerobics in Marina Del Rey, maybe you've taken one of my classes. They're pretty hot" Trevor told the blonde sitting below him "Also, if you look closely at the end of the opening credits of Three's Company, when John Ritter and the girls are on bikes on the boardwalk... you can see me in the background. Shot it right at my condo"
Olivia watched as Ray said something to the man before they both gave each other a high five.
The blonde was more confused than ever, she didn't know who this guy was and what they were saying to him. She wanted someone to tell her what was going on, but they were all too hooked on staring at the man in the room.
"You were in the Jane Fonda workout video" Montana said, finally recognising him.
"Originally, yes" Trevor said, taking a sip of his beer "First row, right next to Ms. Fonda herself.. I call her Jane"
"I've seen that video a bunch of times. You're not in it" Brooke was now speaking up, after staying quiet for a few moments.
While she had been sitting there in silence, she had been watching Olivia look around the room as confusion was clear in her face, she began feeling quite sorry for her.
"Well, not in the one that went out to the public. We shot the original for two days, but when they tested it with an audience, they realized I was pulling focus from Jane" Trevor explained, lifting his leg up and standing in front of Brooke "Well a certain part of me was" he bent down and picked up the bong that was situated on the floor beside the sofa, before taking a hit from it.
"That thing was flopping around like a baby elephant's trunk" Montana said, biting her lip.
"They had to recast and reshoot" Trevor said, turning around and facing the girl with his eyebrows scrunched together "You must have seen one of those bootleg VHS tapes that's been floating around" Olivia watched the two talk to each other, before she leant backwards and began playing with her hands again.
"First thing I ever masturbated to... you're a legend" she whispered, as Trevor pulled a surprised look. The man raised his eyebrows, nodding before smiling.
"Thanks" he told her.
✧· .˚ .*
A few moments later, everyone got up and began doing their own thing.
Olivia watched as Montana walked out, and the man who walked in not too long ago followed behind her shortly. She looked at her friends to see if any of them were concerned, but none of them seemed bothered.
The blonde walked over to her bed, rummaging through it before finding her note book. She held it, and the pen she had been given along with it. She turned the pages, getting up a clean page, but before she did, she smiled at her sisters writing on one of the pages.
Have fun! But not too much, I may get jealous.
Her fingers ran over the ink for a moment, before she looked around again at all her friends. Chet and Ray were on the sofa, pushing each other and smiling, while Brooke was stood by her bed, folding her clothes.
Olivia looked towards the back door, seeing Xavier walk out before she wasted no time in following him.
The blonde boy lit his cigarette, leaning his head back and puffing out smoke. He heard a branch break behind him, and he looked towards the cabin to see Olivia coming towards him.
He offered her his cigarette once she reached him, before she shook her head and stood by his side. They stood and looked out towards the lake as silence filled the atmosphere around them, more for Olivia than Xavier.
She looked down at her notebook before writing down in it, and Xavier watched her from the corner of his eye. She held the notebook up, and he smiled slightly.
Are you okay?
Her messy handwriting was unmistakable, and the boy beside her raised his eyebrows.
"You've resorted to writing in notebooks now?" he told her, as she shrugged her shoulders, reading his lips. He took another puff out of his cigarette as he watched her write something else before she showed it to him.
It's better than expecting people to sign to me
He smiled at her response, nodding his head and looking down at the floor.
Xavier stood quietly, staring off at the lake as Olivia glanced at him every now and then. She could tell something was up, but she figured it would be best to keep quiet.
They stood there for a little while, not saying anything to each other while Xavier finished his cigarette, they weren't sure what the others were doing but they weren't all that bothered.
Xavier looked back over at the blonde when he felt her tap his shoulder. He saw that she was holding up another note and he read it carefully.
Who was that guy that came in? I didn't get to see him say his name
The boy put down his cigarette, stomping on it before holding his hands out to indicate that he wanted the notebook. Olivia gave it to him, and watched him as he wrote something. He held it up for her once he was finished and watched as her eyes skimmed over his handwriting.
His name is Trevor, he's in charge of all the activities, he's basically our boss
Olivia nodded her head, thanking him mentally as she held her notebook again once he passed it to her. Thinking she didn't need it for the mean time, she slide it into her pocket, before attaching her pen to the front of her shirt.
The boy looked back out at the lake, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked up at the sky again, closing his eyes. Olivia glanced at him, admiring the side of his face and the cross earring that dangled from his ear.
She smiled to herself, knowing that Xavier was far from a christian.
She looked down at the ground, crossing her arms across her chest as she plunged into her thoughts again. Silence was the most familiar thing to her, which is why it felt so comfortable to her in that moment. She could tell it was for Xavier too, as he continued to tilt his head up while his eyes were closed.
He listened to the sound of soft water and the birds in the trees, while the wind blowed softly around them, but Olivia couldn't hear a thing.
It wasn't long until he felt another tap on his shoulder and he looked down at the girl beside him. She clenched her jaw, moving her head to the side before she began walking away.
Xavier didn't question, and he followed behind, his hands still in his pockets as his eyes were focused on the back of her head.
He sometimes wondered how she was able to cope not being able to hear anything, because he knew if it was him, he'd grow incredibly frustrated.
They didn't walk far, because a few minutes after they walked away from the cabin, they came to a stop and Xavier scrunched his eyebrows at the the girl in front of him, before he looked to the left of him to see a payphone.
She looked at him, a pleading look in her eyes as he stared at her for a moment.
"Do you.. Do you want me to phone Ana?" he questioned, speaking at a slow pace so she'd understand as her eyes were focused on his lips. She was playing with her hands, as she nervously nodded her head as he continued to stare at her.
"I wasn't going to ask" she began, her eyes beginning to gloss over "But I miss her. I miss my Mom too. I just want to know how they are"
The boy nodded his head in understanding.
He was going to tell her that she didn't have to explain, because he would have been perfectly fine contacting Ana without an explanation. He began rummaging around in his trouser pocket, looking at her before raising his eyebrows.
"Write the number down then" at this response, Olivia smiled gratefully before quickly pulling out her notebook.
She jumbled with her notebook, Xavier watching her quick moments before she began writing down the number on a blank page. Xavier placed the money in, turning his head as he began scanning his eyes over the number on the page, his fingers moving to each one.
Olivia wondered how he could put the numbers in without looking, but that was her last concern. She only hoped that Ana would answer.
He held the phone against his ear for what felt like a lifetime. She waited, keeping her eyes on his face as he glanced at her every now as the sound of ringing filled his ears.
As she waited, she decided to jot down everything that she wanted Xavier to ask her sister. Simple things, such as how Ana is holding up, how her is mother doing, how is she coping, does she want her to be back with her.
Olivia's handwriting got messier by the second from the speed that she was writing, to the point where she probably couldn't read it herself, but that didn't matter to her in that moment.
It was only for a few minutes that they were stood there, waiting for Ana to answer, but all that came next for Xavier, was the sound of a phone line cutting.
Xavier pulled the phone away from his ear before glancing at the girl with a hesitant look.
Olivia's eyes looked up from the notebook, staring at his guilty look and her eyes didn't hold as much hope as they did a second ago, and her stomach twisted when she watched Xavier place the phone back where it belonged.
"No answer" he told her, before shoving his hands back in his pockets.
Olivia held her notebook to her chest, as thoughts ran through her head. Xavier looked at her, and could tell that she was thinking just by the expression on her face. It was very easy to read how she was feeling, and the group had gotten used to the certain facial expressions she would pull for each mood that she had.
She placed the notebook under her armpit before staring at him again.
"Try again. She might have been in another room and didn't have time to get to the phone" She told him, the hopeful look on her face again. Xavier raised his eyebrows, shaking his head at her response.
"She might be busy helping your mom, Olivia. Or she could be asleep" he told her as she watched his lips move "There's always tomorrow"
"I don't want to wait for tomorrow. I want to speak to her now" She said, a sudden harsh expression on her face. Xavier didn't pay much attention to that look though, as he reached forwards and gently grabbed the notebook and the pen from under her arm.
She looked down at the ground as he wrote something, her mood changing ever since her sister didn't pick up the phone. One simple conversation, even if it was translated by Xavier, would have made her feel more at comfort.
The notebook was held up in front of her again as she stared at his writing.
Just because she missed one call it doesn't mean she doesn't want to speak to you. I'll try again with you tomorrow
She looked back at his face as he smiled gently at her. She wondered how he was able to tell exactly what she was thinking, but then again, she did make her emotions very clear without even saying anything.
He handed the notebook and pen back to her as she stared at the note he had just written, as she nodded slowly, deciding not to put up a fight.
Xavier heard the sound of thunder above them all of a sudden, and sighed at the sign of bad weather. He shook his head, glancing around before nudging Olivia gently as she looked back up at him for a second.
"A storm is coming, let's get back" he told her. She stood still for a moment, before nodding her head and allowing him to guide her.
They walked back to the cabin, Xavier walking behind her as he glanced up at the sky every now and then, waiting for the rain to pour down.
Once they were inside, the rain had started, and it began rattling against the cabin roof. All their friends were back in the cabin, as they all gathered around the TV. Xavier joined them once the were settled down, but not before glancing at the girl he was just with.
She was now lying in her bed, the one that she would be using for the next couple of months, as her notebook was curled to her chest. He sighed, looking away and joining Ray on the sofa. The boy beside him offered the familiar white power, as he took it from him with a large grin.
It would be a long couple of months.
✧· .˚ .*
authors note: I hope you all had a great christmas! (If you celebrate it).
Sorry for the slow updates, I promise I'll try and be more productive with them. Things will be beginning to kick off soon, so we won't be into all the boring stuff anymore.
Thank you for reading and supporting!
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