「 SIX 」


Italics = Sign Language

The cabin was silent, apart from the soft snores that came from the bed inside. Not aware of the fact that she was alone, and the fact that her and her friends were in danger, Olivia slept peacefully. The thought of her returning home when the sun came up again, and the thought of her seeing her sister again surely eased the tension she felt. She was tired from the exhausting day, but also the fact that she couldn't wait till the morning to see her family again.

She faced the wall, while the small cover that was on the bed rested on her waist. Her notebook was by her head, the top of her fingertips brushing it as it lay on her pillow near her head. The note from her sister was on display, and she had read the words over and over again until she drifted off.

She didn't know that Chet was in hot pursuit, making his way through the camp and towards the girl that was asleep on her own. He was angry at the fact that she was on her own. He just couldn't believe that Montana and Brooke had left her there, but the desperation of him being with her overtook his frustration.

Thankfully, their group wasn't too far from the cabins, so it didn't take long for Chet to reach the place where the girl was on her own. He moved at a fast pace which also helped. He knew that he had to grab Olivia as quick as he could, before they headed straight towards the rest of their group so they could head out.

He emerged from the trees slowly, the slowest he went ever since he split from the group. The opening was wide, and anyone who was around was surely be able to see him. He made sure that the coast was clear, made sure that no one was around before he made his way over to the cabin. He kept his eyes on the small building, the room windows were dark from no light being on in there, but he couldn't look inside anyway because the blinds that were once open were closed.

He gripped his turned off flashlight as he neared the door, reaching his hand forwards and slowly opening the door, making sure not to make a lot noise. He stepped in quickly, closing it as quietly before he turned around, turning on the flashlight.

He scanned the room where he was a couple of hours ago, his flashlight filling the dark corners to make sure it was just him and her in the room. Once knew it was clear, he flashed his light over at the bed where she would be staying, and to his relief his eyes fixed on her sleeping figure as she was faced away from him.

He moved from his position by the door, making his way over to the girl. Placing his flashlight down and reaching out, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her, trying not to startle her. It didn't take long for her to start stirring, her eyebrows scrunching together before her eyes opened as she faced him, her face filling with shock from the sudden face leaning over her. Half asleep, she reached her hands up to push away the person before Chet grabbed her wrists, trying to calm her down.

It took her a few seconds before she realised who it was that restrained her wrists and she calmed slightly, her heart still beating from the fact that he had woken her up. She lay her head back on her pillow and looked up at him once he let go of her.

"What are you doing Chet? You scared the hell out of me" she rubbed her eyes once she signed to him, wondering what her friend wanted. She knew that it wasn't the morning, because it was still dark around her and she felt annoyed at the fact that she was woken up for nothing.

"We need to go, Olivia. We need to leave, now" he told her once she looked at him again. She scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion, seeing the pleading look on his face before she sat up slightly.

"Why, what's happening? What's going on?" she questioned staring at him. She looked around the room, trying to see any of her other friends but realised that it was just her and Chet in the room "Where are Montana and Brooke? Is everyone okay?"

"This is going to be mad to believe but.. there's someone in the camp, and if we don't leave now, he'll kill all of us" at his response, her eyes widened and she was suddenly wide awake.

"Is this some sort of joke? Because if you're trying to scare me, then it's working" she wanted him to say yes, it was a joke. She wanted him to tell her that she could go back to sleep and he'll see her in the morning before she departed, but the look on his face told her otherwise.

"I wish that it was. I would explain it all to you, but we don't have any time right now" he told her, noticing as her face dropped "The others are waiting for us. We're taking Xavier's van out of here and going home. We can't stay here any longer, it's not safe"

Chet didn't give her time to reply, before he pulled away and walked to the bottom of her bed where her shoes were. She lifted her legs off the bed, staring down at the floor for a moment as she tried to process what was going on. She felt like she was in a crazy dream, and maybe she was. Maybe this camp was giving her nightmares, and now she was in one, but when Chet approached her side again and his cold hand gently touched her arm, she knew this was real and she wasn't dreaming.

He handed her the shoes and she took them off him slowly. He watched her as she pulled them on, tying them one at a time. He then noticed her attire, and he hated how she would have to leave looking like she did. She was only in her pyjamas, wearing her thin tank top with shorts, the air around them keeping her warm so she wouldn't have to wear long trousers.

She finished tying her shoes and stood up, standing in front of him now. He looked at her once more, before he shrugged off his jacket, handing it to her. It don't cover much, but it would be alright for her until they met with the others. She didn't hesitate to take it, wrapping it around her but not bothering to zip it. It was warm enough, and the air around them would surely be enough heat. She knew he did it to save her from embarrassment, and she knew that she wouldn't have the time to change out of them.

He picked up the flashlight and nodded at her, before they made their way towards the door as her heart pumped faster the closer she got to it. She stayed close behind him, her fingers tangled together as he turned off the flashlight, getting ready to head outside.

He looked down at her once more as his hand twisted the door knob, and the feeling of warm wind hit her legs. Chet stayed in front of her as they exited the cabin, looking back at her often to see if she was still close, even though her arm was touching his own.

They walked around the cabin, Chet rushing around it while Olivia tried her best to keep up. He was moving quick, and she knew that he was deadly serious about this whole situation now. His body was warm, and she could feel it just from standing beside him. He was tense, and very wary of their surroundings. She knew that if she was on her own right now, she would be screwed massively because she wasn't able to hear her surroundings.

They were only walking for a couple of minutes, and she still felt like she was in a dream. The eventful night that her and her friends had had tonight was starting to fit together piece by piece. Brooke rushing into the cabin distressed, the group splitting up, everyone seeming very on edge and this whole camp giving her an eerie feeling.

She wondered how she could have been so stupid. She knew something was wrong, and she knew that they didn't want to tell her. Now she was in this situation, she wasn't sure if she felt thankful or frustrated that she didn't know beforehand.

They walked down a small hill, and Olivia recognised her surroundings straight away. She looked ahead of her and saw the familiar van, but none of her friends were in sight. She looked up at Chet, to see that he didn't wear a worried look like she was so she knew that she could trust him.

Before she could ask them where they were, bright lights flashed in her face and she shielded her eyes from it. The van had turned on, and the side door was now open. She squinted her eyes, looking at the side of the van to see Ray crouching inside, staring at the two. Chet pushed Olivia forwards gently, and she picked up her pace before she reached the vehicle.

Ray pulled her inside and she took her place on the back seat next to Brooke. The girl looked around the van, watching as Ray helped Chet inside before her eyes drifted to Montana in the front seat, beside Xavier. Trevor was sat across from her, and she was surprised to see him but not Rita with them. The worst thought then came to her, and she didn't want to think about Rita's corpse somewhere in the camp.

Her fingers fumbled together, still dazed at the fact that there was someone in the camp aiming to end their lives. She thought about how long she would have lasted on her own if Chet hadn't come for her, but then she knew that she wouldn't have lasted at all. If he was to come to her cabin, there was no doubt that he would have killed her right there and then.

She felt the van moving, her hands moving forwards to grip the table in front of her and she looked out the front window to see them moving backwards. She made eye contact with Chet again and he didn't look as tense as before. Chet felt relief that they were now together as a group again, and not split up. When the vehicle began moving forwards, they all felt adrenaline and wanted nothing more than to escape the camp, because dying on that night wasn't necessarily on their to-do-list.

Xavier's hands twisted the steering wheel quickly, before her body moved backwards and the van began moving towards the exit. She noticed Montana clapping her hands together in the passenger seat, as she grinned at Xavier. Everyone in the van was smiling as they drove forwards, but Olivia still held a worried look.

Nothing could have prepared them for what happened next, as a body suddenly rushed out in front of them causing Xavier to panic. He swerved the van to the left, everyone inside it being jolted to the side and Olivias eyes widened as she saw it going full speed towards a parked car before they hit the back of it.

Olivia and Brooke ended up on the floor, the table not being able to hold them back. Montana held her forehead with her palm as she looked over at Xavier who had his head against the steering wheel. Trevor was the one to help Olivia up from the floor, as Chet aided Brooke and Ray began to recover himself.

Her hands were shaking once she let go of Trevor, and she looked over at the front to see if Montana and Xavier were okay. Ray opened the van door, rushing out while Chet was quickly behind him. Montana looked at the back of the van, she made eye contact with Olivia before opening the passenger door and stepping out.

Olivia was the last one out the van, and she sighed with relief once she saw Rita on the floor, very clearly not dead. Brooke was by her side, holding her arm while Chet supported her back. Olivia held the side of the van, her legs shaking from shock. Her hand came up to support her head as the group crowded around Rita.

They helped Rita stand, her shoulder bleeding as she held her hand tightly against it. Montana passed her one of her scarfs before her eyes drifted over to the blonde girl by the van. She left Rita's side before holding onto Olivia's arms, startling her slightly.

"Sorry for leaving you back there" Montana signed as Olivia shook her head "Didn't wanna disturb you"

"It's fine, Montana. Is Rita okay?" Olivia questioned, looking over at the woman they were just gushing over.

"She'll be okay. She's a tough cookie" Montana told her, Olivia nodding her head "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry" At Olivia's response, the blonde across from her sent her one last smile before making her way back over to Rita. Olivia glanced around and looked over at the van to see it now had smoke coming from the bonnet.

Xavier rushed past her, sitting back in the drivers seat as everyone looked over at him. Chet made his way over to the passenger window that was now smashed before telling Xavier to give up, as the van was long gone.

Xavier stepped out of the van, a crestfallen look on his face as he stood beside Olivia. The group began talking amongst themselves, forgetting about the two blondes that were stood beside the van in silence.

Xaviers eyes never left the floor, and the sadness on his face made Olivia fear for her life. She gulped harshly, and moved her hand forwards before she held his hand in her own. He didn't move, he didn't even register her hand in his as his gaze stayed solemnly on the floor.

Her head was next, she rested it on his shoulder and shut her eyes tightly, while her other hand gripped his forearm tightly. His jacket was scrunched up in her hand while he stayed still, realising that they were well and truly screwed if they stayed in this camp any longer. She squeezed her eyes tightly, her orbs burning from the tears that were starting to form as her heart began beating against her rib cage.

She didn't have chance to calm down, as she was pulled away from Xavier a second later, Chet holding her shoulders as he pulled her along away from the van. She looked over at the blonde who she was just holding, to see that he was now looking around in shock as it was now Montana gripping his arm, and pulling him away with Trevor by her side.

Olivia had to jog beside Chet as he ran alongside Ray, Rita and Brooke. Olivia had no idea where they were going, and the adrenaline pupping through her veins made her body warm up quickly.

She noticed the infirmary in front of them as the group began to slow down slightly, her hand gripping the fabric of Chet's jacket around her.

They approached the door slowly, Brooke in front with Chet behind her, and Olivia by his side. Ray and Rita were behind as they all moved at a slow pace.

They reached the door, and she looked at them all to see them talking as she stood in the middle looking inside the infirmary. Chet moved his arm forward and shoved Ray with an angered look on his face, before Ray returned the gesture.

Olivia guessed from their facial expressions and their pushing that they were yet again arguing, and maybe arguing about who was going to go in first. She turned around and moved her hands in front of her, shushing them both as they glanced at her.

"Why are here? Are you looking for something?" She questioned. Chet looked over at Ray once more before rolling his eyes and facing Olivia again.

"The keys to Rita's car are in there. We need them to get out of here" he told her. Olivia nodded her head before glancing inside the building and taking a step forwards. Although Chet was quick to grab her, and he pulled her backwards before glaring at her "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Grabbing the keys so we can get out of here quickly. The longer you guys decide, the longer we're in danger" Olivia told him, going to step inside again before it was Brooke who stopped her this time.

The brunette shook her head at the blonde, as her eyes moved towards the door and they scanned the infirmary. She took a deep breath in before walking inside and looking around.

Ray looked over to Chet before rolling his eyes and following Brooke inside making Olivia now shake her head. She followed in his footsteps, shrugging away from Chet and staying close behind Ray.

They made their way through the infirmary, heading towards Rita's office as Brooke began rummaging through the drawers. Rita moved over to her bag on the table, emptying it onto the floor and moving everything away so she could find the keys.

The whole group began searching the infirmary, they looked through every drawer and every cupboard possible and there was still no sight of the keys that they needed.

Olivia opened one of the drawers moving all the pills to the side as some of them fell to the floor her nails scraped against the wood on the drawer as she scrunched her face up in frustration from not being able to find the keys. Her eyes drifted up to the window in front of her and she looked out at the darkness.

She wanted all this to be over. She wanted it to be some stupid dream, but it wasn't. It was real life and she couldn't think of a time where she was this terrified before.

She looked over at the doorway to see Ray looking at her and she shook her head, letting him know that there were no keys. From behind Ray, she noticed that Brooke rushed forwards and slammed the front door shut before locking it, and this only made her heart jolt once more.

She moved forwards, exiting the room she was just in before joining the others and all five of them looked towards the front door, their bodies huddling together against the wall.

The blood began pumping through her veins even more, and her heart felt like it was about to burst, as if she was going to die before the killer got hold of her. She flinched when she saw the door starting to move and she pressed her back closer to the wall, wishing that it would pull her in and she could sink into it.

Even though Ray was beside her and Brooke on the other side, she still didn't feel safe. She found herself closing her eyes, thinking of every happy moment she could and Ana was the only person coming to mind.

Someone was in the camp, their only aim was to kill, and she had no idea if she would be able to survive the night. She could only pray that her and her friends made it out together, alive and able to tell their story, but she also thought that it might be too good to be true.

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