2.9 | The Play Casting

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Gary and Becky were standing on a stage and the campers were sitting on the bleachers. "Heads up, campers! Jamboree's only two weeks away, and you know what that means!" Gary announced to the campers. "Clean cabins!" Gary added with a smile. "Creating with clay!" Becky continued before the two cheered, "And canoes, canoes, canoes!" Gary grinned, "So we'd better get cracking, huh!" Meanwhile, Wednesday, Lillith, Joel and Pugsley were sitting underneath the bleachers and Joel was opening up an envelope. "Look at this! I got 'em! Schitzoes and Serial Killers. I've got almost the whole series. I'm only missing Jack The Ripper and that Zodiac guy. But look, the Black Widow," Joel exclaimed.

Lillith looked at the card and furrowed her brows before she gasped and grabbed Wednesday's arm. "That's Debbie!" Lillith told her boyfriend, "I knew her face was familiar! I had read all about the Black Widow. She searches for rich bachelors and then on the wedding nights, she kills them!" Wednesday furrowed his brows looking at the picture, he could see it too. "Oh, I wonder how's she is doing dealing with Uncle Fester, the immortal anomaly of the family," Wednesday replied making Lillith and Pugsley chuckle while Joel looked up in shock. "Your uncle is immortal?" Joel asked but no one answered his question.

"At least three husbands, all dead," Joel added with a slight frown. "I'll trade you," Pugsley told the boy. "For what?" Joel asked. "Amy Fischer," Pugsley offered, Joel nodded and the two made the trade. "Why is it that I'm not surprised that Fester married a serial killer?" Lillith asked her boyfriend as the two moved slightly away from Pugsley and Joel who were discussing Serial Killers. "If she wasn't so focused on stealing our family's wealth, she'd fit nicely with the family," Wednesday replied with a smirk before he cupped Lillith's face in his hands, leaning forward and kissing her. From around the bleachers, Shane watched with anger and envy.

"Each year, we conclude our summer with a very special presentation. Book, music, and lyrics by... Gary Granger!" Becky announced to the campers sitting on the bleachers, Amanda was the only one who clapped with Becky. "And this year, the old bean had came up with something pretty exciting!" Gary bragged with a smirk, "My own personal salute to the first Thanksgiving." Amanda and her friend nervously held hands awaiting the casting roles. "Now, we have thought long and hard about choosing just the right little actress for the leading role of Sarah Miller, our beautiful and kindly Pilgrim lady. And we have selected... Amanda Buckman!" Gary announced.

Amanda squealed in excitement and her friends applauded the girl. "And in the role of her Pilgrim Pals... Lily, Jennifer, Tiffany, Missy, Michelle and Melissa!" Becky cheered before clapping her hands as those mentioned girls began squealing and laughing in excitement. Becky signalled for them to be quiet, "But of course, not everyone can be a star. Let's not forget, our cheery little Chippewa's..." Becky began listing the names of kids sitting in a row that looked out of place compared to the others sitting in Amanda's row. "Mordecai..." Becky read out and looked towards a skinny boy with a neck brace and an arm sling.

"Yang..." Becky said turning to a Chinese boy with large glasses. "Esther..." A chubby gurl that had multiple food stains on her shirt. "Consuela..." A Hispanic girl with her arm in a sling. "Irwin..." A small boy with braces and glasses with tape around the bridge. "And um... I'm still not sure how to pronounce this. Jaa-mal? Jay-mal?" Becky spoke causing a dark skinned boy with a bandaid on his forehead to roll his eyes. "Jamal?" Gary assisted. "Whatever," Becky mumbled with an eye roll, "And as their leader, in the secondary but still compellingly written role of Pocahontas. Guess who we have in mind? Our very own little outcast, Lillith Whitley!"

Lillith and Wednesday pulled away from each other and turned their heads towards the stage with wide eyes. "I'm sorry... what?" Lillith questioned. "Oh man..." Pugsley muttered with a slight chuckle, Lillith reached out and slapped the back of his head before hiding her face in Wednesday's chest. "Where's that poison when you need it?" Lillith whined making Wednesday scowl before smirking. "Well, I'm sure I have some around but if you are so eager to leave me, I just might need to look in the market for another to accompany for eternity," Wednesday spoke, his tone unbothered as payback for his beloveds words at the beginning of camp.

Lillith lifted her head from Wednesday's chest, her eyes glowing as she slid her hands from resting on Wednesday's sides to his chest and then his neck. "You even think about another, mon âme, and I will send you to the pits of Hell myself," Lillith warned, her tone dark and threatening. Wednesday didn't wish to retort, he simply slammed his lips against her own in a act of hunger. An unexpected moan left Lillith's throat, the sound caught Joel's attention making him blush before he and Pugsley walked away from the couple. "Mine, mine, mine," Lillith purred as she pulled her body flush with Wednesday's, the possessive nature was like a siren luring him into the night; he loved it.

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The next day, Becky and Gary had the campers rehearsing a song and dance for the man's vision. All of the kids were following Becky's instructions except for one girl who looked like she had no idea where she was. As the campers were singing, Becky suddenly gasped and walked over to Amanda who was wearing her Pilgrim outfit. "Look at you! Oh, Amanda, you look perfect! You're just the prettiest Pilgrim I've ever seen!" Becky showered the girl in compliments making the girl grin wide enjoying every drop of the praise. "Gar, come and take a look at this!" Becky called out to her husband.

"Here they are," One of the boys spoke as he and a few others approached Becky and Gary. "We caught them by the payphone," Another boy spoke pointing at Wednesday, Lillith, Joel and Pugsley. "We were calling the FBI," Wednesday told them. "It's an emergency!" Lillith exclaimed. "Their uncle is in trouble, we were running a check," Joel defended the friends he made. "And you are late for your fittings!" Becky scolded, uninterested in their reasonings. "I don't want to be in a pageant," Wednesday revealed. "Yeah, I don't do performances... especially with over privileged princesses," Lillith said with snark directed at Amanda, intent to insult her.

"But we need you to be Pocahontas!" Gary exclaimed as he stepped forward looking at Lillith before revealing, "And Joel is your betrothed, Running Bear!" Lillith was wide eyed hearing that, Joel flushed pink while Wednesday tensed up. "Wait, what!? If you wanted me to play Pocahontas, why wouldn't you have my boyfriend play the role of Running Bear? We have real chemistry!" Lillith exclaimed to them before scoffing, "Oh wait, I know why. Because you can't have our real love and chemistry overshadowing your precious pathetic Sarah Miller, huh? Hades forbid, anyone steals Buckfreaks spotlight."

Wednesday smirked at Lillith's words, he slipped his arm around her waist while Amanda was pouting, holding back tears which angered Shane. "No! And I will not tolerate bullying in a camp," Becky scolded Lillith making the girl laugh. "I'm sorry... you mean you won't tolerate bullying to your picture perfect campers because I've witnessed each of them bullying us "freaks" and you simply laughed with them," Lillith snapped back at Becky causing her to stutter, "And your own HUSBAND has bullied Joel and the others a number of times but it's okay cause what? He's joking? No, he is a joke and so is this play. And the same with his sexuality but that's a you problem." Gary lowered his gaze at that.

"Listen, we believed that Joel would be a more suitable love interest for you. But don't worry, Wednesday will still be one of your Chippewa followers," Gary assured with a stern tone before smiling, "Don't you want to help me realise my vision?" Lillith was fuming and Wednesday knew she would snap so he spoke up, "Your work is puerile and under-dramatized. You lack any sense of structure, character, or the Aristotelian Unities. And if you think for a second that my dove, Lillith is going to play a role in your mediocre attempt of art, you are very wrong. She deserves only the best, especially if it's a character in a relationship with someone other than me."

"Young man, I am getting just a tad tired of your attitude problem," Gary snapped, he was clearly seeing why Wednesday and Lillith were together. "Everyone! Campers!" Becky clapped suddenly, "I have a wonderful idea! Wednesday, Lillith, Pugsley and young Mr Glicker here, well, they have never quite latched on to the Chippewa spirit. Nor have some of their little comrades. Isn't that sad?" The campers agreed with her. "Don't we just hate that?" Becky asked receiving comments of agreement. "Don't we wish they would just die?" Becky asked. "I can make that happen to you," Lillith muttered as the campers shouted, "Yes!"

"Oh no, we don't!" Becky snapped, "But you know what we're gonna do with them? We're gonna make an example. We are gonna show that anyone, no matter how odd, or shy, or pale, or chubby can still have a darn good time! Whether they like it or not." Wednesday tightened his arm around Lillith at the woman's words, he didn't like the direction this situation was heading. "What are you gonna do?" Joel asked fearfully, he and Pugsley stood together with unsure expressions while Lillith simply glared at Becky and Gary, her eyes hateful and dark.

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The four teenagers were forced into the Harmony Hut, forced to watched Disney movies as their punishment. While Joel and Pugsley paid attention to the movies being played, Lillith had dragged Wednesday to the back of the Harmony Hut and began making out with him. Wednesday had more than happily complied with her decision, moving to lay her against the floor, both happy about the pillows that were on the ground for reading times. Wednesday had slipped his hand under Lillith's skirt to rest it on her bare thigh, he wouldn't go further due to the two others in the room. Lillith had hooked her other leg around Wednesday so that his body was flush against her own, both craving one another but knowing they couldn't.

It was late at night now and the two boys had spent the time watching Disney movies while Wednesday and Lillith spent some time making out but the rest, Wednesday had napped with his head on Lillith's chest. The four were greeted with the sight of Becky, Gary, Amanda and Shane standing in front of them with a few other campers behind them. "Well, good evening," Gary greeted, "Is there anything you would like to say to everyone?" Wednesday and Lillith shared a look before he nodded, "Yes." Becky raised a brow at him, "And just what might that be?" Wednesday stepped forward, "I'm not perky." Amanda scoffed, "That's for damn sure."

"But I wanna be," Wednesday continued. "You do?" Gary asked sceptically. "I wanna smile, and sing, and dance, and participate in Gary's vision," Wednesday confessed to them. "Oh, darling, do you really mean it?" Becky asked happily. Wednesday grimaced, he usually only smiled for Lillith but for their plan, he needed to prove his point and so pretending that he was smiling at his love, he allowed his mouth to twitch into a charismatic smile. Some of the girls swooned at the sight while others, like Amanda, stepped back fearfully having gotten too used to the blank expression he always had. "Isn't he handsome?" Becky asked. "He's scaring me!" Amanda claimed making Lillith smirk while Becky ignored her completely.

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A scream echoed through the Addams Residence causing Morticia and Gomez to make their way into Pubert's room where Grandmama was standing over his cradle. The room itself looked different, the former creepy wallpaper and depressing atmosphere had transformed into a bright and lively space with cute stuffed animals and frilly curtains. "Stay back! He's very sick!" Grandmama warned her daughter and son-in-law. Gomez and Morticia rushed forward and looked down at Pubert who looked completely different. Instead of black hair and a moustache, he now had blonde curls, no moustache and rosy cheeks. "My baby!" Morticia cried out as Gomez fainted at the sight.

Once Gomez had been woken, they had laid Pubert down on a table for Grandmama to work her magic. "Lumbar, dison, pox and thither! Curad brattle, bone and brine!" Grandmama chanted but Pubert simply giggled at her. "Bone and Brine!" Grandmama yelled louder before huffing, "Oh, he's stubborn. Works on cats." Morticia frowned deeply, "What are we going to do?" Gomez looked at Grandmama, "Is it hopeless?" Grandmama flipped through her Grimoire before pointing at a page reading out, "Chapter eighteen: Infant Possession." Gomez gasped in horror, "He's possessed?!"

"Warning signs: severe alterations in appearance and personality, such alterations can become permanent," Grandmama Frump read out to the husband and Wife. "Permanent!? Those golden curls?" Gomez exclaimed fearfully. "Those rosy cheeks?" Morticia questioned. "That smile?" Gomez asked. "These terrifying changes are often the result of a trouble family life. Separations..." Grandmama continued to read from the Grimoire. "Separations? You mean..." Gomez trailed off. "Fester!" Morticia finished. "Bingo! This kid knows that something's not right around here! Unless Fester comes back, we're talking dimples," Grandmama explained to them.

"Not in this house!" Gomez said firmly with no room to argue. "He could stay this way for years. Forever! He could become... a lawyer!" Grandmama continued with wide eyes. "I won't listen!" Gomez said as he turned away with no intention to listen further, not that he got a choice. "An orthodontist!" Grandmama announced. "Mama, stop!" Morticia pleaded fearfully, her eyes focused on her baby boy who looked out of place with his new appearance. "President!" Grandmama added ignoring her daughters pleas. Lurch groaned as Gomez fell to the floor sobbing, "Please! I beg you, take me!!"

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Rosemary Speaks. . .

If both people in the relationship are equally possessive of the other, is that toxic or is that goals? To me, it's goals.

Was fun writing this one... technically there are like five chapters left, next one might be a very long chapter...

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

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