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Juliet and Caroline with a bowl of popcorn and Oreos sit down beside each other to begin watching the redhead's life.
Lizzie and Josie look at Hope who sits down but she hasn't taken her eyes off of Juliet yet.
"Are you okay?" Josie questions Hope who nods slightly.
"Yeah. It's just...weird seeing her. A good weird, but it hurts that she doesn't know who I am. I just want to be held by her," Hope tells them as Lizzie and Josie nod looking at Caroline.
"We understand," Josie tells her as the three girls get settled just as the screen begins to play.
A small girl no older than seven is shown on the screen her laughter is heard as she holds a handful of flowers before bending down to pick some more.
Her blonde hair waved and pinned back with a blue dress that made her emerald green eyes stand out.
"Juliette," a voice calls gently making the girl look up and a bright smile overcomes her face.
Damon stares at the screen as a small smile takes over his face remembering all the times he went into the garden to find his baby sister.
Caroline looks towards Juliet feeling her body tense slightly. With a small smile, Caroline interlocks their hands giving Juliet a reassuring squeeze who looks at her taking a much-needed breath.
"Not yet! I still need to make the crowns," Juliette calls out as a figure appears. Juliette looks up and the smile on her face gets even bigger even though she can't see the face. It's all blurry in her mind.
The figure squats down and looks at the little girl.
"How about we go and eat then I'll help you make them?" The unknown voice questions as Juliette pauses thinking.
"Deal," Juliette tells him before launching into his arms. The figure laughs almost falling before getting up and making sure to pick up the basket full of flowers.
"I finally found the perfect flowers for your crown! It matches your eyes," Juliette tells him as the man nods smiling while he walks towards the house listening to everything Juliette tells him.
His full attention was on her.
"It always was," Stefan mutters looking towards his brother. Growing up the one thing Stefan remembers the most was that every time Juliette came into the room Damon's attention went straight to her.
When she talked Damon always listened even if it was about a butterfly that landed on her finger or the perfect flower she found. No matter what it was Damon never acted as if it was annoying or disinterested. He just listened.
Juliet Forbes's eyes open as she lays down in her bed. Closing her eyes Juliet rubs her chest before opening her eyes once again and sitting up.
Looking at her alarm clock Juliet noticed it was only thirty minutes after five in the morning before feeling something land on her hands.
Reaching her hand up to her face Juliet wipes her cheek where she had dried tears on her face before taking a few deep breaths as she rubs her chest.
It was aching for a reason.
It felt like she was missing someone without knowing who they were. How was that even possible?
Caroline looked at her sister and wrapped an arm around her pulling Juliet closer to her before looking at Damon who was now holding her hand.
"What are we watching?" Kol questions confused tilting his head annoyed before glaring at his brother. Klaus rolls his eyes wishing he could dagger his brother once again.
Wiping her face Juliet gets out of her bed heading towards her closet. A few minutes later coming out in a pair of white athletic shorts and a green thin zip up jacket with a pair of tennis shoes as she pulls her hair into a ponytail.
Heading out of her bedroom Juliet heads down the stairs and towards the front door only to pause seeing her Mom.
"You're up early," Liz comments as Juliet smiles nodding her head.
"Thought I would get a run-in before school. Heading to work?" Juliet questions as she grabs a water out of the fridge.
"There was a couple that went missing last night on the way home from a concert so please be careful. Stay on the paths and don't go anywhere alone," Liz tells Juliet who nods and leans over to kiss her Mom's cheek.
"Will do! I love you," Juliet calls over her shoulder as she walks out the door.
"Love you too!" Liz calls out to her shaking her head.
After stretching Juliet begins running her familiar path that she etched out when she decided to begin running around four months ago and slowly started building up her endurance.
Although she was already in a bit of shape due to cheer after her dreams or nightmares according to how it was and waking up in the middle of the night in tears Caroline gave her the idea. Her sister read somewhere once that exercise in general was therapeutic for the mind.
It either gave your mind a break from the stress or allowed you time to really work through it. The former was true for me most of the time.
Running allowed Juliet to free herself from the pain her memories caused. Not just memories regarding her life now but memories of her dreams.
Some of them were good and Juliet woke up happy and smiling but others were.
Others made Juliet scared to move and jump at every sound she heard. They terrified her.
Juliet swallows at that knowing exactly which nightmares or memories they were now. Stefan and Damon tense at that as they both wondered how they didn't realize. They should have realized.
Placing her earphones into her ears Juliet starts her workout playlist and with that, the redhead youngest Forbes begins her run around Mystic Falls losing herself in the burn of her muscles, her lungs expanding, endorphins soaring.
It truly was euphoric.
"You are so weird," Jeremy says making Juliet scoff at him annoyed.
"It feels good! And you cannot deny it anymore now that I finally convinced you to begin as well," Juliet tells him with a pointed look as Jermey scoffs at her looking away just making Juliet laugh.
Hope watches the two with a sad smile before feeling a pair of eyes on her making her turn to see her uncle staring at her.
Keeping her eyes connected to his Hope could see the questions going through his that he didn't ask but she knew eventually he would put it all together.
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Unlocking the front door Juliet walks into her house sweaty before walking up the stairs.
"Why are you sweaty?" Caroline questions making Juliet turn to her older sister stepping out of the bathroom with her pajamas but her hair is done already.
"Went for a run this morning," Juliet tells her heading towards her room as Caroline watches her and then follows.
"Another one?" Caroline questions making Juliet sigh as she begins digging in her closet.
"Juliet," Caroline calls making the redhead sigh before she pauses.
"Not as bad as they have been. It was...," Juliet says pausing as Caroline watches her.
"It was a good one, but then I woke up feeling so empty. Like I was missing a piece of myself," Juliet tells Caroline who watches her worriedly.
"Aww, I knew you loved me," Damon says making Juliet scoff at him as she pushes him away from her only making Damon smile bigger.
"Juliet maybe you should-," Caroline begins to say as Juliet spins around to look at her with a white blouse and floral skirt in her hands.
"Absolutely not! I'm not telling someone who will just lock me up in a mental institution or give me a bunch of different medications. Nope," Juliet says shaking her head as she heads towards her bedroom door.
"Juliet!" Caroline calls after her as the redhead continues to shake her head and walk away.
"Nope!" Juliet exclaims as she shuts the bathroom door and the water turns on for the shower.
"Ugh! Juliet! You know we will be talking about this soon!" Caroline says as she sighs before heading towards her bedroom to finish getting ready.
Caroline knew that Juliet always hated saying anything about her dreams. The only reason Caroline knew about them was that after a bad one, Juliet woke up sobbing and Caroline ran to her room worriedly with a baseball bat.
Realizing there was no danger in the room Caroline ran to her sister and held her until Juliet calmed down and stopped sobbing. After that Juliet explained everything all about her dreams and how terrifying they were and like something was missing in her life after she woke up.
Since then Caroline's been trying to get Juliet to tell someone else about them but she wouldn't. And every time she had one of her dreams Caroline got more and more worried. It was as if she was slowly watching her sister fade away from her.
"Sorry Care," Juliet says waving her off as she hugs her sister.
"I know Jules and it wasn't your fault," Caroline tells her as Juliet nods holding her tight.
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"Caroline I'm leaving! I promised Jer I would pick him up!" Juliet yells after she walks down the stairs her brown wedges clicking as she is dressed in her white blouse and floral high-waisted skirt.
"Is that what women know where these days?" Rebekah questions confused as she tilts her head while Kol smirks.
"Oh I hope so," Kol tells her making Rebekah glare at him rolling her eyes.
"Okay! I'll see you at school tell Jenna I said hi!" Caroline after her as Juliet nods smiling.
"Will do! Love you!" Juliet calls grabbing her car keys.
"Love you too!" Caroline tells her as Juliet shuts the front door and skips down the steps to her car.
Getting in her car Juliet turns on the radio as she pulls out of her driveway heading towards the Gilbert's house.
"Wait why is Juliet picking up Jeremy instead of him just going with Elena?" Jenna questions confused as she looks at her niece and nephew.
The two looked at each other and neither knew what to say to that as they shrugged.
"I didn't mind," Juliet tells Jenna who smiles at her nodding her. She was so happy her nephew and niece had her in their lives.
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Heading up the stairs towards the Gilbert house Juliet knocks on the door as she enters.
"Knock knock it's me," Juliet calls walking in as she heads towards the kitchen seeing Jenna rushing out.
"I'm late! Morning Jules!" Jenna calls as she rushes by while Juliet chuckles.
"Morning Jenna!" Juliet calls back just as the front shuts and she heads towards the kitchen.
"Morning. Ooh is that coffee," Juliet says taking Jeremy's cup who looks at her offended while Elena laughs.
"What?" Juliet questions looking between the siblings confused as Jeremy shakes his head grabbing his stuff.
"He just stole my cup and then you stole his," Elena explains as Juliet nods before shrugging.
"Oops," Juliet says making Elena laugh again as Jeremy huffs at the two.
"Alright, we better get going. You need a ride, Lena?" Juliet questions as Jermey begins pulling her from the house and Elena shakes her head.
"Bonnie's taking me," Elena tells Juliet who nods.
"Okay! See you soon!" Juliet calls out to her as Jeremy pulls her out of the house. The redhead looks at him with her eyebrows raised.
"If we didn't leave now we wouldn't have time to get food and coffee," Jeremy explains as Juliet nods.
"True. Let's go," Juliet calls as Jeremy smirks heading towards the passenger seat.
"You tricked me," Juliet says making Jermey nod.
"Yep. I learned early on to get you to do anything to bribe you with either food or coffee. Always works," Jeremy says making Juliet scoff as everything who knows the girl nods.
"Rude. All of you," Juliet says shaking her head but not denying it knowing it was true.
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Walking into Mystic Falls High School Juliet sips her coffee as she texts her sister who was telling reminding her about meeting at the grill after school with Bonnie and Elena.
An arm wrapping around her shoulders makes Juliet look up and immediately smile, but the smile disappears as her coffee is taken from her.
"If you drink that I will tell everyone you have a tiny dick," Juliet threatens as Tyler stops and looks at her wide-eyed staring at Juliet.
"Wait are you the reason that rumor spread about me having a foot fetish?!" Tyler exclaims as Juliet tries not to laugh at that.
"You stole my coffee. I told you not to," Juliet tells him as Tyler glares at her.
"That was your own fault. Do not steal Jules's first coffee of the day," Caroline tells Tyler who scoffs at that.
"That was probably her third. She has a problem," Tyler says as everyone shrugs already knowing what happens when you steal Juliet's coffee.
"Wait why feet?" Stefan questions confused as Juliet chuckles at that.
"He hates feet," Juliet tells Stefan who stares before laughing with her as Tyler glares harder at the two.
"I like her," Kol says smirking as Rebekah rolls her eyes.
"Of course you do," Rebekah says shaking her head already done with her brother.
"You little mischievous redhead!" Tyler exclaims as Juliet laughs rushing away.
"Love you too Ty! Next time get your own coffee or text me your order," Juliet says walking away as Tyler looks at her.
"You already know my order!" Tyler calls out to her as Juliet shrugs.
"Oops," Juliet says as she laughs shaking her head before taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm forgetful!" Juliet defends as Tyler shakes his head at her trying not to laugh.
"Says the girl who can tell me exactly what I said a month ago just to get her way," Damon says as Juliet looks at him.
"So? Every girl can do that! It's basic girl brain!" Juliet defends the other girl nod agreeing with her. It was true.
Walking down the halls towards her first period still taking a sip of her coffee Juliet bumps straight into someone spilling her coffee in the process.
"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," Juliet exclaims looking up into a pair of forest green eyes who just stare at her not saying anything.
"I'm Juliet by the way. Are you okay? That was totally my fault. I'm super clumsy and my sister keeps telling me: Jules don't try to drink coffee and walk! And I never listen. I'm sorry I ramble" Juliet says quickly and worriedly as the unfamiliar but familiar boy stands in front of her.
"You seem in shock," Damon teases as Stefan looks at him.
"Like you weren't," Stefan responds as Damon stares at him and then back at the screen not saying anything.
"Hey, are you okay?" Juliet questions worriedly as Stefan snaps out of his shock seeing the familiar face in front of him. A face he couldn't forget even if he tried and he tried.
The face of someone he loved more than anything and anyone. The face of someone he failed and couldn't save.
His baby sister.
"Steffie," Juliet says as she hugs him to her, and Stefan breathes in her scent. A scent that never changed.
"No, it's my fault. I should have been paying attention. Are you okay? I didn't spill your drink did I?" Stefan questions worriedly looking over Juliet worriedly making the girl laugh shaking her head.
"No harm done besides to my coffee," Juliet says looking down at the spilled mostly empty drink on the ground.
Stefan looks down before looking back up and seeing Juliet pouting down at coffee.
"I'll get you another one," Stefan says making Juliet look up at him wide-eyed.
"No! No, you don't have to do that. It was my own fault I need to pay more attention...," Juliet says trailing off as Stefan stares at her before shaking his head.
Jeremy suddenly places a hand on Juliet's forehead making her look at him weirdly.
"No fever," Jeremy says before looking into Juliet's eyes and then flicking her forehead.
"Ouch!" Juliet exclaims flicking Jermey back.
"Why did you do that?" Jermey questions Juliet who stared at him as if he was an idiot.
"Why did you?!" Juliet exclaims as she throws her arms up.
"You turned down free coffee. You didn't threaten to murder him when he spilled your coffee. You are either sick or an alien!" Jeremy exclaims as Juliet just stares at him and then scoffs at the idiot.
"I'm Stefan," Stefan says holding his hand out making Juliet smile as she shakes it with her own.
"Juliet," Juliet says before laughing as she shakes her head.
"Which I already said. Sorry!" Juliet says blushing as Stefan smiles at her.
"It's fine," Stefan says just as the bell rings.
"Well it was nice to meet you, Stefan," Juliet says as she begins walking away making Stefan turn with her.
"You too Juliet," Stefan says as Juliet waves before walking away Stefan watches her go the entire time frozen.
He saw her dead body.
He saw the light leave her eyes.
But here she is right in front of him walking away with no memory of him whatsoever.
"Well that's not exactly true," Juliet says shrugging as Stefan smiles sadly at her. A part of him was happy he knew who he was now but the other part of him wished she didn't.
Because if Juliet didn't know who he or Damon was then she wouldn't remember what he and Damon failed to protect her from.
Walking down the hallway to her biology class someone suddenly someone was interlocking their arm with hers making Juliet jump.
"Care!" Juliet exclaims as Caroline waves her off as Juliet rolls her eyes at her sister.
"Jules! Who was that? He was cute!" Caroline says making Juliet look disgusted at that.
"Juliet!" Stefan exclaims as she looks at him and shrugs.
"New guy his name is Stefan," Juliet says as Caroline hums smiling.
"This is going to be a good year. I can feel it," Caroline tells Juliet who chuckles at that shaking her but smiling.
Caroline and Juliet look at each other with sheepish expressions before busting out laughing.
"We jinxed it!" Juliet says making Caroline laugh even harder as she nods her head.
"Ugh I hate this place," Juliet groans laying her head on Tyler's shoulder who laughs patting her shoulder.
"You hate Tanner," Tyler says as the girl huffs sitting up.
"He's an asshole probably because his dick is so small and never could satisfy anyone," Juliet says huffing as Tyler stares at her.
"That was-," Tyler trails off just staring at Juliet who shakes her head.
"If I ever had the chance to murder someone I would murder Tanner. And I would do it slowly. It would last for days. I would start small and then work my way up to the most painful until he is begging for death. And I won't do it no I will have it drag on," Juliet says staring ahead with a smirk on her face as Tyler just stops and stares.
"Bekahs I think I just met my soulmate," Kol whispers wide-eyed with a goofy smile on his face as Rebekah rolls her eyes at him.
"Uhm...you know Jules I didn't mean to take your coffee this morning. How about tomorrow I bring you a fresh one?" Tyler asks her gulping as Juliet turns to him smiling brightly.
"Aww Ty that's so sweet. Thank you," Juliet says kissing his cheek before walking away as Tyler watches her go.
"She might be tiny but she is terrifying," Tyler whispers shaking his head and walking away.
"I am not tiny! I am 5'7" for your information!" Juliet tells Tyler who nods at her.
"See how she didn't have anything to say about the scary part," Damon whispers to Stefan who chuckles making Juliet turn and glare at the two.
"He did it!" Damon and Stefan point to the other as Juliet shakes her head at the two.
Walking into the grill Juliet sighs as she walks towards the table her sister and Bonnie were sitting at.
"I need a triple espresso iced coffee smothered in white chocolate syrup," Juliet says sitting down and laying her head on the table.
"Mom said no more coffee after one so we can't do that but I can get you a peanut butter blast with a whipped cream bottom and a cookie," Caroline offers as Juliet pouts but nods.
"Why?" Elijah questions confused as Liz sighs shaking her head.
"Because it's all she will drink if I let her. She once drank so much coffee she didn't sleep for two days and I almost had to take her to the hospital," Liz says sighing as Juliet looks sheepish.
She never really told anyone why she wouldn't sleep for those two days. It was when the worst of the worst parts of her nightmares began and Juliet was terrified of sleeping due to it. It was also when Caroline realized something was wrong when Juliet woke her up in the middle of the night screaming.
"Long day?" Bonnie questions patting Juliet's head who nods.
"I already have three papers assigned and two assignments all due at the end of this week. Along with Tanner trying to get me thrown out of class today due to my skirt being a "distraction" why would anyone be looking up my desk anyways?!" Juliet exclaims as Bonnie winces.
"Sorry Jules," Bonnie tells her as Juliet smiles sitting up.
"It's fine I'm just complaining," Juliet says waving her off just as Caroline returns with the milkshake.
"They are out of cookies but you have a peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom for you," Caroline says sitting down as Juliet smiles at her taking it.
"Thanks, Care," Juliet tells her as Caroline smiles but looks at her worriedly. Bonnie looks between the two before getting up.
"I'm going to go talk to Matt," Bonnie says as the two nod at her.
"Anyone knows that you do not want to get between the Forbes sisters when there is tension," Bonnie says as everyone nods while Caroline and Juliet shrugs. They weren't that bad. Sometimes.
Caroline stares at Juliet as she takes a sip of her milkshake neither of the two saying anything.
"You are never stressed about school you can do it in your sleep. Tanner is always a jackass. So what's wrong?" Caroline questions as Juliet continues drinking her milkshake.
"Juliet Forbes," Caroline says making the girl look up and sigh slightly.
"Full name really?" Juliet questions as Caroline rolls her eyes at her.
"Answer the question," Caroline tells her as Juliet just looks away making Caroline take the milkshake away.
"Hey!" Juliet exclaims as Caroline looks at her making the strawberry blonde sigh.
"I just feel off. Between the dream last night and today everything just feels off. I can't explain it," Juliet says as Caroline nods sliding the milkshake back to Juliet.
"Jules we got this. I promise you," Caroline says with her pinky out making Juliet smile slightly.
"Me and you Care?" Juliet says holding up her pinky as Caroline nods.
"Me and you Jules," Caroline tells her as they interlock their pinkies together.
Lizzie Josie and Hope look at each other as they think about their panda promise.
As the two girls smile at each other someone comes up to the table making Juliet and Caroline look to see Jeremy who is staring at Juliet.
"Are you busy?" Jeremy questions as Juliet looks at him shakes her head and begins standing up.
"No. I'll be back later Care," Juliet says making Caroline nod as she smiles.
Juliet wraps her arm around Jeremy as the two begin to leave the Grill Jermey leaning into Juliet.
"Jer? Jules?" Elena questions making the two look up to see Elena and Stefan making Juliet look between the two.
"Hey we were just heading out Care and Bon are waiting for you," Juliet says as Elena looks worriedly.
"Is everything okay?" Elena questions as Juliet nods and Jermey begins leading them out. Juliet smiles at Stefan who stares at her as the two walk out the door.
Walking down the street neither Jeremy nor Juliet say a word as they enjoy the silence for the moment.
"Jules..," Jeremy calls making the girl hum as she looks ahead.
"Do you ever think that someone could change?" Jeremy questions Juliet who looks towards him slightly before looking back to the street.
"I think everyone can change Jer but some just don't want to. Change is a part of life but we can't decide how someone changes," Juliet says before sighing and stopping making Jeremy stop as the two look at each other.
"We can't make someone change Jer. Jeremy if she doesn't want you then you can't force her to act like she cares. Don't change yourself to fit what you think she will want you to be," Juliet says as Jeremy stares at her before looking ahead seeing they are in front of the cemetery.
"You want me to go with you?" Juliet questions as Jeremy shakes his head walking in. Juliet smiles sadly as she sits down on the road letting Jeremy have his moment alone.
Jenna and Elena look towards Juliet and Jeremy in surprise neither knew they did this. Jenna nor Elena ever thought Jeremy even went to Miranda or Grayson's graves since the funeral.
After dropping Jeremy off at the Gilbert house Juliet walked back home exhausted just wanting her bed.
Using her keys Juliet unlocks the door before walking in and then locking it behind her not realizing a pair of green eyes were watching her the entire time worried about her.
Juliet looks towards Stefan who gulps slightly with a shrug.
Smiling softly Juliet snuggles closer to Stefan who smiles down at her before wincing as Juliet pinches him hard.
"That's for being an Edward Cullen wannabe," Juliet tells him as Damon laughs while Stefan glares over at him.
Walking into her bedroom Juliet sighs feeling the exhaustion creeping into her bones. All she wanted to do was go to sleep.
And that was the plan.
Or so she thought.
"You know I'm really getting sick of this," Juliet huffs as Stefan smiles pulling her closer.
"Oh, Juliette!" A figure yells as they look around the backyard and a childish laugh is heard making the figure smile.
Stefan looks down at Juliet smiling remembering all the times he had to chase through the garden to get her back inside.
Walking down the steps the figure begins searching for the search of the childish laugh.
"Oh Juliette," the figure calls out again as the childish laughter is heard this time closer.
Walking towards the back oak tree the figure sees a piece of strawberry blonde hair standing out against it as a burst of laughter is heard.
Heading towards the opposite side the figure appears beside the small little girl who was hiding her laughter behind her hand.
"I found you!" The figure screams making the tiny little girl squeal as she turns to him trying to run away but gets stopped as another figure older than the two picks her making her laugh even harder.
The two figures smile as she laughs. Juliette looks towards the one who scared her seeing a pair of first green eyes.
"You are terrible at hiding," Forest Green Eyes says as Juliette sticks her tongue out at him as the one hiding her laughs shaking his head.
Damon and Stefan stare at the scene remembering when things were simpler. Easier. More human.
With a gasp, Stefan Salvatore wakes up in his bed shirtless.
"Eww seriously!" Juliet says gagging as she moves away from Stefan who looks at her confused Juliet shakes her head gagging.
Shaking his head Stefan leaning towards his nightstand Stefan pulls it open, pulling a picture out as he stares at it.
What looks to be an old picture of Juliet in black and white, but with Juliette Salvatore 1864 written at the bottom.
Running his thumb over the picture Stefan takes a deep breath before standing up and preparing for the day.
That night at the Falls in the Woods all the teenagers gather for the annual back-to-school bonfire.
Stepping out of her car Juliet tucks her hair behind her ear as she looks down at her white sweater along with her light blue jeans with her light brown booties.
"With how clumsy you are how have you not broken your neck in the heels you wear?" Caroline questions as Juliet shrugs not knowing the answer herself.
Heading towards the party Juliet smiles at the familiar face before noticing two.
"Bonnie Elena," Juliet calls out making the two look towards her smiling.
"There you are," Bonnie comments as Juliet laughs shaking her head.
"We were commenting on how pretty Stefan is," Bonnie tells Juliet who shakes her head laughing.
"Seen better," Juliet comments shrugging as Stefan scoffs at her while Damon laughs.
"No we were talking about Bonnie's psychic abilities," Elena says as Juliet turns her smiling big.
Kol looks at Bonnie and smirks realizing exactly who she is or more like who her ancestors are.
"Yes! Predict something about me. I need some good predictions," Juliet says nodding her head as Bonnie shakes her head.
"Okay, so give me a secยฅ!. Grams says I have to concentrate," Bonnie says as Juliet nods dead serious before Elena looks bio remembering something.
"Wait, you need a crystal ball," Elena says as Juliet snaps her fingers at her.
"Yes!" Juliet calls nodding her head as Elena hands Juliet the beer bottle making Juliet turn to hand it to Bonnie smiling brightly.
As Bonnie shakes her head sticking her hand out to grab the bottle before gasping as she begins to space out for a while Juliet and Elena watch her worriedly about to say something just before Bonnie comes back to her senses and abruptly pulls her hand back.
"What?" Elena and Juliet question confused sharing a look before looking at Bonnie.
"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a church," Bonnie says as Juliet looks at her confused.
"A what?" Juliet questions shaking her head.
"A church. Then there was a fire, and then I saw a man but he wasn't a man at the same time," Bonnie says before shaking her head at herself.
Klaus leans up at that confused. A man that wasn't a man at the same time. A wolf? A hybrid? Him?
"I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I'm gonna get a refill," Bonnie says as she hurries away leaving the two girls alone.
"Bonnie!" Elena and Juliet call before looking at each other.
"That was weird," Juliet says as Elena nods the two turning around before jumping and seeing Stefan standing in front of them.
"That was creepy," Lizzie comments scrunching her nose up as Josie and Hope nod agreeing with her.
"Hi," Stefan says as Elena smiles dreamily at him.
"Hi," Elena tells him back as Juliet looks between the two.
"And goodbye," Juliet calls as she spins on her heel to walk away the two watching her as she leaves.
Juliet continues walking before a hand grabs her wrist making her jump.
"Sorry Jules," Tyler tells her as Juliet turns to him taking a deep breath.
"Don't scare me!" Juliet tells him slapping his chest as Tyler laughs pulling her close.
"Sorry. Again," Tyler says as Juliet shakes her head taking the bottle of beer from his hand as she takes a sip Tyler rolls his eyes at her but grabs another one keeping a close eye on Juliet.
"Still don't like him," Damon mutters glaring at the Lockwood as Stefan nods agreeing.
A little while later Juliet and Caroline laugh as they listen to the radio playing around the bonfire just as a scream begins.
"Somebody help!" Elena yells making Caroline and Juliet turn to see her and Jeremy running out of the woods with someone unconscious in Jeremy's arms.
"Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?!" Matt screams running towards his sister.
"What happened to her?" Tyler questions wide-eyed as Juliet and Caroline stare at each other wide-eyed.
"Somebody, call an ambulance!" Matt screams as Juliet pats her back for her phone finally finding it to class dispatch.
"Everybody back up, give her some space!" Tyler yells as Caroline holds onto Juliet.
"It's her neck. Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood," Elena calls as she looks at Vicki's neck.
The vampire in the rooms all roll their eyes knowing exactly what attacked her while Stefan glares at him and Damon knowing who attacked her.
"Put this on her neck," a boy tells her Elena takes the jacket pressing it against Vickie's neck.
"Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me," Matt begs looking at her older sister.
"The ambulance is on the way as well as the cops," Juliet calls before looking at Caroline who looks at her wide-eyed.
"We have-," Caroline begins as Juliet nods.
"Yep let's run," Juliet says as she grabs Bonnie who nods the two hurrying toward Juliet's car.
Liz looks at the three girls who look anywhere but at Liz who sighs shaking her head.
"You should have stayed. It was safer," Liz tells the three girls who nod at her sheepishly.
"Sorry, Mom/Liz," Juliet, Caroline, and Bonnie say simultaneously as Liz smiles at them.
At the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan storms in making Zach look towards him.
"What's going on?" Zach questions standing up as Stefan looks towards him.
"Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me," Stefan says as he storms up the stairs heading straight towards his bedroom, and as he walks in a crow appears making Stefan turn only to see a familiar person he hasn't seen in years.
"Damon," Stefan says looking at the man standing on the balcony.
"You two are so dramatic," Juliet comments making everyone who knew the strawberry blonde look at her.
"Oh shut up," Juliet says huffing as she rolls her eyes.
"Hello, brother," Damon says looking at Stefan.
"Crow's a bit much, don't you think?" Stefan questions his brother who smirks at him.
"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog," Damon says smirking proud of himself.
"And I thought Niklaus had a huge ego," Kol says rolling his eyes as Klaus and Damon glare at him.
"When'd you get here?" Stefan questions his brother as Damon looks around.
"Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. Your hair's different. I like it," Damon says smiling at his brother.
"It's been 15 years, Damon," Stefan says sounding exhausted.
"Thank God. I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you. Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads," Damon says to his little brother.
"Why are you here?" Stefan questions knowing something is up.
"I miss my little brother," Damon says as Stefan stares at him not believing anything he says.
"You hate small towns. It's boring. There's nothing for you to do," Stefan reminds his brother who smirks at him.
"I've managed to keep myself busy," Damon says thinking back on his little snack in the woods.
"You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you," Stefan tells his brother watching his every move.
"Ah. That can be a problem...for you," Damon tells Stefan who shakes his head.
"Why are you here now?" Stefan questions done with this "reunion".
"I could ask you the same question. However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word...Elena," Damon says as Stefan stares at him.
"She took my breath away. Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?" Damon questions his brother who shakes his head at him.
"She's not Katherine and at first yes but that's not why I'm back," Stefan says as Damon stares at him caught off guard.
"She's alive Damon. I don't know how but Juliette is alive," Stefan tells his brother who stares at him completely frozen and emotionless.
"Damon-," Stefan begins to say but before he can continue Damon runs at him throwing Stefan out of the window.
When they land on the pavement Damon holds Stefan down by his neck.
"Don't ever speak her name again. You lost that 145 years ago when she died. Juliette is dead Stefan! Has been for over a century!" Damon says as he twists his brother's neck killing Stefan as he stares at his "dead" body."
"And I thought we had problems," Kol tells Klaus who looks at him.
"We do," Klaus says as Kol glares at him all while Juliet sighs at her two brothers shaking her head at them.
"One day you both are going to have to forgive each other and yourselves for what happened. Because I never once blamed either of you," Juliet tells her brothers who stare at her not saying anything.
For she might not have blamed them they blamed themselves and each other. And nothing could ever change that.
Yes, I am leaving it there because Damon will not meet Juliet again at the Grill. Not yet at least!
Don't forget to comment my lovelies! Comments truly encourage me to write more! Ignore all the typos, please! And I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I love you all! <333333
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