𝟷.𝟷𝟶 | First Blood

tw: sexual comments/attempts towards a minor.

Proceed with caution; your mental health is important.

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Naya was terrified, her hands were bound by rope and they were hung above her head. She was in one of the stables within the barn, her heart was racing and tears streamed down her face in fear. She didn't fully understand what was going to happen to her but she had heard Andy complain about the lack of meat on her, Danny had reassured his brother that he had plans with Naya and she wouldn't be an extra mouth to feed. Naya just wanted her father, she wanted the family she had found in the apocalypse and most of all, she wanted her best friends, Clement and Duck; God, she hoped they were okay and unharmed.

The stable door opened and standing before her was Danny with a malicious grin on his face, he placed the rifle in his hands to the side against the wall before walking closer to Naya. "Such a pretty little woman, aren't you?" Danny asked in a low growl, he brushed his fingers down her side and the girl squirmed in an attempt to escape his touch that felt like acid. "I just want to make you feel good, feel loved and safe, little lady," Danny continued as he walked around her, he was checking her out with no shame before stopping in front of her. He brushed his fingers down the side of her face and she tried her best not to cry.

"We could survive this world together, little lady. You and me," Danny continued as his fingers brushed down her jaw to her collarbone. "Mama and Andy won't survive forever... but you and me... we can save the world by being one," Danny promised as his other hand grasped her hip, he moved closer to her. "It'll hurt at first but then it'll feel so good that you can't get enough," Danny said as Naya tried to understand what was happening, she was terrified and wanted him to stop and let her go. Her wrists were hurting and her head felt light, she was fighting against the fear coursing through her.

"Don't you want that?" Danny asked as he leaned in closer, however, someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away. "Don't touch my daughter, you scumbag," Hayden sneered before punching Danny in the face, Naya let out a cry of relief as Kenny cautiously moved towards her. "I'm just gonna untie the ropes and help you down, Naya," Kenny was soft with his words and the girl nodded her head allowing the man she viewed as an uncle free her. Once her feet touched the ground, she raced out of the stable and straight towards Clement, her arms around his torso as she cried into his shoulder. Clement held her close, rubbing her back while whispering soothing words.

Clement glared at Danny who lay bloody on the barn floor, Lee and Kenny pulled Hayden off of him. "Hayden, we have no time for this," Lee told him. "We gotta find Katjaa and Duck," Kenny added which stopped Hayden from fighting them. Lily walked out and saw the scene in front of her, she looked at Naya and quickly realised what could have happened to her had they not of reacted quickly. "The house," Lee told Kenny, he rushed out of the barn disappearing into the storm that was raging outside. "Kids, stay with Lily," Lee instructed the two, they nodded their heads and the woman picked up Danny's rifle and pointed it at Danny who was in and out of consciousness.

Clement kept Naya in his arms far away from where Lily kept Danny at gunpoint. Clement was running his fingers through Naya's hair as she sniffled, the tears no longer falling as she worried about Duck and Katjaa. Danny blinked his eyes open and turned his head to the two kids, Lily glaring at him. "Get your eyes off of her," Lily warned harshly as she raised the gun. "Such a pretty little lady... we can share, boy... I'll share," Danny taunted. "Shut up!" Clement screamed at him, the eleven-year-old wouldn't let the man touch Naya ever again.

The sound of a gun going off distracted Lily enough for Danny to leap forward and tackle her, he disarmed her and overpowered her quickly; applying the rifle to her throat in order to choke her until she passed out. Clement kept Naya behind him as Lily tried to fight back but inevitably, she was weakened by the lack of oxygen. Naya picked up the closest thing she could and threw it directly at Danny's head, he moved back from the impact of a random rock before looking up at the two kids. He got up leaving a panting and out of it Lily behind to approach the two children. The eleven-year-old boy tried his best to keep the nine-year-old girl behind him.

"I ain't playing nice no more," Danny growled out, he grabbed Clement and threw him into the wall causing him and Naya to cry out. Naya whimpered before dashing out of Danny's reach, he growled under his breath and followed after her. She tripped and landed next to a knife that she recognised to be one of her father's spare knives that must have fallen when he attacked Danny. Without further hesitation, Naya grabbed the knife and blindly shoved it forward, a sickening crunch sound came from the impact before she felt a warm liquid drip from the blade onto her before something heavy fell on her.

"Holy... shit..." Lily breathed out as she pulled the heavy thing off of Naya, the girl opened her eyes and turned her head to see that she had shoved the knife into Danny's left eye and straight into his brain killing him to never return. "I... I..." Naya whimpered before her breathing picked up, Clement rushed over to her and carefully placed his hands on her shoulders. "Breath with me, Naya," Clement encouraged her, she looked up into his eyes as tears fell from her own. "You're not a monster... you defended yourself," Clement assured the blonde who was hesistant to agree. "He's right, Naya. Clement is right," Lily encouraged helping the girl calm down.

"Papa..." Naya cried and Clement nodded, he helped her up and the two kids followed Lily out of the barn where they saw Lee standing off against Andy. Kenny stood with Katjaa and Duck in his arms, both unharmed; a sight Clement and Naya were relieved to see. Carley and Ben also stood close by, the former holding her handgun tight in her grip and pointed directly at Andy who was on his knees in front of Lee with a sneer on his face. "Who the fuck do you people think you are? Look at what you've done!" Andy screamed out at the group that stood before him.

"You did this to yourselves," Hayden snapped as he stepped up next to Lee, "You could have left us alone." Andy glared at Hayden harshly but he didn't care, he raised his gun and pointed it directly between Andy's eyes waiting for Lee's order. "Is this all you got?" Andy taunted looking for more of a fight. "It's over!" Lee snaps at him. "Fuck you!" Andy growled, "As soon as Dan and Mama get out here you're all fucked!!" Lee sighed as he looked at Andy, "Brenda is dead." Andy's eyes widened as Lily spoke, "So is your scum of a brother!" Naya lowered her head slightly, blood still stained her fingers however, Clement slipped his hand into hers and held it tight.

"...what did you do?" Andy whispered before shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" Andy got to his feet realising that he was completely alone now, Lee turned to walk away prompting the others to do the same. "Don't you dare walk away from me, Lee!!" Andy screams as the others walk away, the walkers made their way towards the defeated man who stumbled. "Get back here and finish this!" Andy continued to shout until the walkers finally reached him, taking him down as he screamed out; the others walking away like nothing had happened. Naya kept close to Clement, he held her hand tight like he was afraid he'd lose her and he made a promise; he'd never let anyone hurt her like that again.

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The group had been walking for a while, the three kids walked together in silence after Duck had checked on them; he could tell that something happened to scare Naya so he kept quiet and stayed by her side as Katjaa and Lily walked together. Katjaa tried to comfort Lily, the woman appreciated it but it was clear that she was angry with Hayden for killing her father. Lee walked with Carley as Kenny and Hayden lead the group back to their motel. Ben trailed behind everyone else with his head low, he already missed Mark who would usually be talking to him about school and such; he was still new to the group and had no clue how to comfort them.

Lee told Carley what had happened, the woman glanced back at Naya who hadn't let go of Clement's hand; it was like his touch was keeping her grounded. "That poor girl..." Carley breathed out before looking ahead at Hayden, the man's knuckles bruised harshly. Carley pulled out the camera Katjaa had swiped from the St. John's, Lee had initially found it in Jolene's camp and the woman offered it out to Lee to use as a way to record his thoughts rather than bottling them up. Lee thanks her as he takes the small camera and shoves it into his pocket, he nodded to her before moving to talk with Kenny and Hayden leaving Carley to check on Ben.

"How are you two holding up?" Lee asked the two men, Kenny and Hayden shared a look before Hayden faced forward making Kenny sigh. "We're still kicking," Kenny answered before sighing, "That was too close, Lee. Our kids almost... we need to be more cautious of others now." Lee nodded in agreement with Kenny, people were bad before but in a world with no rules, no authority and no need for kindness... it'd be too risky to trust others so easily. "Hayden, what happened with Larry--" Hayden cut Lee off, "It was a mercy kill. Even if he could have survived, how long till another heart attack hit? How long could he have realistically survived in this world?"

Everyone heard his words, Hayden turned his head to Lily who was glaring at him. "I did him a favour and you can hate me or judge me all you want... but we had no idea if there was a clot, blockage or anything that would give him more pain. It happened to my father... I saved you the pain," Hayden directed his words to Lily who faltered, if Hayden's father died in the world before from the same causes, it made her realise that this new world would have been worse for him; now he was at peace with his wife. The remainder of their walk seemed to be quiet after Hayden's harsh yet truthful words.

Lee checked in on the kids, Naya and Duck stayed silent while Clement answered his questions. However, there walk was interrupted when Duck noticed something that everyone else hadn't. "Hey dad, what's that noise?" Duck questioned causing everyone to focus on what sounded like an engine rumbling. "Sounds like a car..." Kenny answered him. "Oh, God... not more strangers," Ben whimpered. Everyone began making their way cautiously towards the sound with Kenny, Lee and Hayden leading the way ready for whatever may be there. A Station Wagon sat dormant with the doors wide open but no sign of anyone around.

"Don't shoot!" Lee called out, "We're here to help!" But no one answered the man, Kenny walked forward and looked into the back of the car leaving him stunned by what was inside. "There is a shit load of food and supplies back here!" Kenny exclaimed with wide eyes. "This food could save all of us," Katjaa added as she looked at it all, Lee turning off the ignition to silence the vehicle that had been abandoned. "Not all of us," Lily muttered to herself. "Look, we don't even know if these people are dead," Ben spoke up, he didn't want to piss anyone else off by stealing from them.

"If they come back then we're just monsters who came out of the woods and ruined their lives," Lily expressed to the others. "This stuff isn't ours," Clement spoke up while Naya had stepped forward and looked into the back of the car, her stomach growled at the sight of food. "Dad, whose car is it?" Duck questioned his father. "Don't worry about that, Duck. It's ours now," Kenny replied to his son. "It's abandoned, Ducky. Don't worry," Katjaa assured her son. "What if it's not?" Clement asked as he looked up at Lee, the man debating on what to do. On one side, they needed the supplies badly but on the other, he didn't want to steal from others trying to survive like them.

"Tell me this, why would you leave your car running with the light on and the doors wide open with your supplies?" Hayden questioned the others, he shook his head and sighed, "No one is coming back to this car." Lily turned her glare to him, "How would you know that for sure?" Hayden pointed over to the bushes, she glared for a moment before walking over to find two bodies laying together; bullets in their heads. "My guess, they couldn't do it anymore," Hayden told her, the woman sighed and turned away realising that Hayden was right. "We are taking it... otherwise someone else will and I'm not letting my daughter or people starve," Hayden snapped before moving to get the car started again.

Hayden drove the car back to the motel with Katjaa in the passenger seat and the three kids sitting in the back while the others made the walk back. Katjaa and Hayden spoke quietly as Naya leaned her head on Clement's shoulder, her hand in Duck's hand as she slept. Both boys were worried about the girl, she had been through the worst of it that night and they would do whatever they could to help her through the aftermath of that pain. Hayden looked in the rearview mirror at his daughter, he wished he could take away the nights pain and memories but he couldn't; all he could do is teach her to understand and move on.

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Rosemary Speaks

Writing this chapter hurt my heart.

Many changes were clearly made as you Walking Dead Game fans would know.

But my book, my choices.

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

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