Lmao the quality of this book is getting so bad. Sorry it's just that I'm just so slow and lazy.
Gihee also peep the pic
( ̄▽ ̄)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Hosuh POV
I pick up my phone to call Holli.
Today she's helping with animating our video we recorded a few days ago and I haven't been more nervous...
I don't want her to think I'm bad at animating so I have to do my best and be confident. Her drawings are amazing when I look at her videos.
I sigh and hit the call button. After a few seconds she answers.
What the he-
"Hey Hosuh! Sorry about that. I'm watching OHHC ٩( ᐛ )و"
"Heh heh, it's fine. Anyways, I'm picking you up at 3 pm ok?"
"Ok. I'll gather my equipment."
"Alright, I'll see you later Holli!"
"Mhm. See ya!"
Right after I hit the end call button I flop down onto my bed and bury my face into my pillow, screaming. Why does Holli have to be so kawaii!?
It's 2:36. I gather my belongings and turn off the TV which was playing Inuyasha. I haven't seen it in a while so I'm rewatching it. I head out the door and start driving to Holli's house. Yesterday Stephen and Daniel gave me a list of jokes to tell Holli. Some of them are weird and strange. One of them was:
Why was the guitar teacher arrested?
For fingering a minor.
I didn't really know why they laughed freaking hard.
I park my car and ring the doorbell. Holli opens the door to reveal her in a Deku hoodie. My face turns warm when I see that she's not wearing underwear. I immediately cover my face. "S-Sorry! I didn't know you were still changing!" I stutter.
She laughs, "Oh Hosuh, the hoodie is simply and little too big. Look." I peek through my fingers to see her lifting her hoodie to show her wearing shorts. VERY SHORT SHORTS. "Sorry if I made you flustered," She says as she rubs the back of her head.
"It's uh, fine. Um are you ready?" I ask. She goes over to her couch and puts on her backpack.
"Yup! Ready!" She flashes a thumbs up. I nod and we drive to the office.
In the car, Holli was scrolling through her comments. Her face gradually starts getting pink. Is there a disease in my car that's making her sick? Maybe I should spray some fEbReeZe in the car later.
"Hey are you ok?" I ask her.
She quickly looks up from her phone and nods. "Mhm. It's just this one comment," She replies. "Everyone keeps replying to it. Saying they ship me with someone."
I don't notice my grip tightens slightly on the wheel.
"Oh," I say, looking straight ahead.
We arrive at the office. All of the team was already starting so I lead Holli to a seat next to me. I explained what to do then we started to get to work.
As we all worked I would sneak glances at her drawing. She makes it look like drawing is a second nature to her. She moves the pen across the tablet gracefully. Wow...
1 hour later, I call for a lunch break. I then formerly introduced Holli to everyone.
We continued to work for a few more hours. I sneak some more glances at Holli. I don't wanna sound like a creepo but she kinda looks pretty when she tucks some hair behind her ear or when her eyebrows furrow. Ok that sounded like that came out of a romance manga...
Our 1st session was done for the day. Jay and Jamie offered for me and Holli to come join the group to the arcade.
When we arrive, the group splits up. Leaving me and Holli alone.
"Hey Hosuh, wanna play some DDR?" Holli asks me. I nod and follow her. We play for a bit. Oh my gosh I haven't worked out this much ever since the Ultimate Training Session with Stephen and Daniel. Somehow, Holli beat me.
"H-How come y-you keep winning?" I say between breaths.
She smiles and says, "I've been playing arcade games for a while and DDR is one of my favorites!"
For a second my stomach flutters. I swear when she smiled she glowed. It can't just be me... right?
After a few more rounds, I decide that we should play Mario Kart.
"Finally, a game I'll be good at!" I exclaim.
She scoffs and says, "We'll see about that pretty boy!"
I think Stephen is rubbing off of me ( 'Д')y━・~~
I choose Yoshi because he's cute and Holli chooses Rosalina. After that, the race begins. I use my equipped knowledge about drifting and power ups and speed through each race.
During the first race I lap her. "HOSUH! H-How!?" Holli exclaims, gaping.
I snicker but my eyes stay on the screen.
In all three races I win first place. Holli groans and sighs in defeat.
"Oh come on! You'll be better next time don't worry!" I encourage her. She smiles sheepishly then yawns. "Oh! Are you tired? Would you like to go home?" I ask. She nods.
I text Jay that we were leaving and we walk back to the car. Holli slowly shuffles and mumbles gibberish. Man she must be exhausted from all the DDR and my awesome Mario Kart skillz. Yeah that's right Stephen, I used z!
Even though I may appear weak, I am so very strong! I bend down in front of Holli.
"W-What are you doing?" She asks.
"Hop on!" I say.
"A-Are you sure you are strong enough?" She points to my arms.
I have to admit I am on the skinny side but...
"Of course! I won't drop you!" I assure her.
"Alright..." She says as she slowly climbs on my back.
Oh shit. I mean shiitake. Her warmth of her body against my back is....
I'm pretty sure I'm malfunctioning. Damn it! I thought this only happened in anime!
"Hey you good Hosuh? I could just wa-"
"Y-Yes I'm fine! Don't worry!" I assure her. I run as fast as I can to the parking lot. Though I feel slightly embarrassed because I could feel many people were looking at me.
(I- I... I couldn't help but make Hosuh slightly ooc I'm sorry)
We arrive at the car and start driving to her house. I hear her stomach rumble and mine as well.
"You wanna cook something?" I ask.
She looks at me then nods.
When we get there, she goes to take a shower while I start preparing the ingredients. I open the fridge to see what she has. Hm interesting. We were discussing on how we should make simple spaghetti.
Ah there! I find the tomato sauce and some plum tomatoes and basil. Perfect! Now I just gotta get the noodles. Her pantry is filled with a bunch of stuff! She must cook a lot hm? I scan the shelves for a while but finally find the noodles.
All the way up on the top shelf.
I sigh but find a little stool to climb onto since I'm a little too short to reach the shelf. Yes! I finally got it!
"Hosuh?" A voice asks.
I jump back at the sudden call. Oh shiz, I gotta brace for impact! But instead of feeling a hard floor I landed on a soft surface. Oh sugarplums...
"AHHH!" Holli screams.
I look up to see her blushing and looking at me on top of her. I slowly lift myself up.
"I-I I'm sorry!" I say to her quickly. That was so awkward. We both laugh nervously and retreat to the kitchen. "S-So... um you wanna start cooking the noodles and I'll prepare the sauce?""
She nods slowly and starts cooking the noodles. I open the sauce and chop some basil.
Slowly, we had forgotten about what happened and started having fun. We would play a game to see who could toss the most tomatoes into the opponents mouth. Sadly ending in a tie. I played some music and we had a little dance party even though all I could do was sway.
Once the pasta was cooked, we mixed the sauce together. After that, I added the tomatoes and basil onto the dishes. We carried our dishes to the living room and sat down in front of the TV.
"Hey Holli, have you ever watched Haikyuu before?" I ask her as I take my first bite.
Once she finishes swallowing her food she says, "Only the first episode. I was watching it in a hotel on one of my girl trips with Dakota and Stephanie. But you know how they are. Both of them wanted to go explore Hawaii but didn't want to leave me. So I was dragged along with them."
"Well, I think it's pretty good. You should catch up on it! Hey! Let's watch it now!" I say grabbing the remote.
We spent the next few hours binging Haikyuu, totally forgetting about sleep. Holli kept chanting, "KAGEHINA! TSUKKIYAMA! DAISUGA! ASANOYA!" (don't come @ me I like these ships)
After a time, I feel my eyelids start to get heavy. I fight for myself to stay awake. Holli seems to notice this and gently shakes me. "Hosuh, it will not be safe to drive if you're this tired. I insist you sleepover tonight," She says pointing at me.
"But I haven't showered I'll be dirty!"
She rolls her eyes and smiles. "I have a shower silly. I'll wash your clothes while you shower ok? I just don't want you to go out into the road so tired."
My heart clenches slightly at her statement. She's so nice and thoughtful.
(I know this sounds so illogical but please bear with me. I know that once Hosuh takes a shower he'll be awake but does it look like I give a damn? ;) )
Holli gets up. "Follow me," She motions to follow her. She pulls out a clean towel and pushes me into the bathroom. She shuts the door and says, "Ok now remove your clothes."
I blush slightly at her direct statement. I remove my clothing. After that, I creek open the door to make sure she doesn't see my nude body. I hand her the clothes and shut the door. I hear her shuffle away as I turn on the shower. Gah... man I'm so tired. Definitely going to sleep after this.
I grab some shampoo and massage it into my head. It smells just like Holli. Sweet. My eyes widen at my sudden thought. That Hosuh was the creepiest thing I've ever thought in my entire life. But still...
Once I cleansed myself, I turn off the water and dry myself. I notice on top of the toilet seat are my clothes. She must've came in without me noticing.
( I'm having dirty thoughts...)
Once I'm fully dried I grab my underwear and slip them on. Oh man, I am have to do something for Holli later as a thank you. I feel so sorry for her that she had to touch these. My freshly cleaned shirt and shorts smell like her too- "WAIT WHY DO I KEEP THINKING THAT!?" I grumble as I walk out of the bathroom. I'm being an really big creepo today...
Noise was still coming from the TV as I walk into the living room. I notice that Holli had fallen asleep on the couch. That tells me I should sleep too. I grab an extra blanket from her towel cabinet and drape it over her. I then turn off the TV and set the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink to clean tomorrow. But for now, all I really need is rest. As awkward as it was, I slip in next to Holli on the pull out couch. She stirs slightly causing me to panic. But then she starts snoring softly again and I let out a sigh of relief. I get comfortable and nuzzle my head into my pillow, letting sleep take over me.
- 𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 :) -
I flutter open my eyes to the feelings of fingers stroking my hair. My eyes adjust to a female figure petting my head. I squirm at the nice feeling. Holli's eyes widen and she immediately pulls her hand back.
"S-Sorry Hosuh! It just looked so soft!" She says with her hands covering her tinted face.
"It's fine!" I say with a little laugh. I slowly prop myself up and yawn. "Hey wanna make pancakes?"
She nods her head aggressively and jumps right up. I follow her to the kitchen. She sets out the bowl as I get the baking supplies. I hand her the flour to open but instead flour explodes into her face causing her to choke slightly. I try to stifle my laugh and make sure she was ok.
"Hey Hosuh!" Holli calls me. I turn and she blows flour from her hand into my face. "Haha! That's what you get for laughing when I was nearly dying! Gihee!"
I laugh but use the same attack as she and blow some powder back at her face. A few minutes later our war had to end because the both of us kept coughing uncontrollably. Once we got ourselves together we I finished mixing the batter together. I handed her the bowl and she poured the batter into the pan.
"Mmmm, don't you smell it Hosuh? It smells really good," Holli sighs. I nod, enjoying the scent as well. She starts to hum a tune as she flips the pancakes. She looks very pretty when she's cooking. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail. I smile at the angelic sight. "Are you alright Hosuh?" Holli tilts her head at me.
I must've been staring too long! Curse my creepiness! I nod and give her a small smile.
After the pancakes are done, she transfers them onto our plates. I grab mine and sit down at her dining table. She places whip cream and syrup in front of me then sits down.
"Let's dig in!" We both announce.
The pancake was so good I hum in delight. Her face was stuffed with pancakes which made her cheeks puff out like a chipmunk.
Once we are done with our pancakes, Holli takes my empty plate and washes it. I then check my phone for any new notifications. Oh it seems my little brother has sent me....
84 messages!?
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell him I was here. Oop-
I open the messaging app to read his texts. Some were:
Little Bro :) :
Hosuh, um where are you?
Are you with Dan or Stephen? You didn't tell me
I let out a sigh.
Bro I'm fine
I'm at my friend's house
She offered me to stay the night since it was super late and I was tired
Don't fret I'll make some Mac and cheese when I get home
Little Bro :) :
Anyways, I'll be home soon
Little Bro :) :
See ya
I get up and start to get my things prepared.
"Oh, where are you going?" Holli asks me.
"My brother is worried sick about me so I'm going back home."
"Oh ok," She says sounding slightly disappointed.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"It's nothing! Hurry or else your brother will worry more!" She pushes me to the door.
I nod. "Thank you for letting me stay here!"
Before I close the door I turn back to Holli. She gives me a smile that makes my stomach flutter and a little wave. I want to spend more time with her like this. With all my courage I force the words to come out of my mouth.
"H-Holli, would you like to go on a date together sometime?"
Her eyes widen and seem to sparkle. Then a few seconds later she smiles and gives me a thumbs up. "You can count on it!"
Also btw if you want to read Danota part 2 I combined it with the first Danota chapter.
Don't expect the next chapter to come quick.
I deeply apologize for my inconsistent updates.
It's just I get constant writers block.
Tee hee
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