7 •

Chicago, IL 📍

Durk stepped out the shower and wrapped a fresh towel around his waist before walking to his closet, passing the two females who were still laying in his bed. After getting dressed he walked back into the room and took a seat at the edge of the bed so he could light up one of the already rolled woods.

Watching as the flame took over one end he took a pull from the other end inhaling deeply. While exhaling the smoke he pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Scrolling through everyone else he noticed that his text to Justice didn't go through, realizing that he was blocked. He chuckled and started to talk to himself. "The fuck wrong with her?"

Nobody really know about Durk's Anger Issues. He had a good way of hiding it to his best ability. A few people knew about it the closest family members and most of the otf members. Over time he got better with controlling himself especially since he slowly was done with street business. He would eventually find himself talking in third person when he was pissed off.

This was something he didn't want to talk to anyone about because he felt like no one would be able to help. The trauma in his life, the deaths, the disloyalty, and lack of emotional support fed into his disorder.

Durk felt the bed shift a little behind him, he didn't pay it any mind instead he closed the imessage app and went to Instagram typing in Justice's name. Her page popped up, after clicking on it he seen the 'live' symbol at the bottom of her profile picture. He quickly clicked on it and seen Justice and Dessi in the car rapping along to "Wetty".

Justice sat in the front passenger seat while Dessi was in the backseat leaning up so the camera could see her.

"I know she lyin' on the low
She keep on lovin' all my posts
She save me in her phone as Casper 'cause I'm always goin' ghost
She sendin' everybody blue hearts 'cause she always with the Locs
I love the money the most
Got the curry, I'm a GOAT"

They both rapped in unison before she turned the camera to the nigga that was driving. Folks from the Studio last week. She turned the camera back to her face and smiled reading the comments that were flowing in.

Anonymous: That's your real brother? Tag him please!

Anonymous: You back In the Bronx??

She turned the music down some and answered some of the questions. "Yall so thirsty go follow him Fivio Foreign. And Yes I was in the Bronx this weekend. Sadly I'm about to fly back to this cold ass city. I'll be back though" She frowned and ended the live.

Durk nodded and glanced at the time. He'd been to New York before so he knew a flight from New York to Chicago wasn't that long. He sat his phone down and stood up turning to face the bed tapping the female closest to him. "Yo yall gotta go, this ain't the Hilton"

Nina sat up in the bed, while the other girl flipped the covers back grabbing her panties and bra off the floor.

"You must've made up with that bitch huh" She laughed and rolled her eyes while getting out the bed to get dress.

"Don't worry about her, just get the fuck out" Durk continued smoking while watching the other girl get dressed, she slowly put back on her dress. He admired her body all over again watching at her taupe dress slid against her chocolate skin. "Wait you sent me your number right..?" He stopped as he tried to remember her name again.

"Tierra" she laughed and smiled "And yeah I sent it to your dm"

He nodded and ashed the wood before going to the mirror while he put his jewelry on. He felt Nina's presence watching him. "Wassup?"

"I just can't believe you. Like the way you just switched up on me that fast and then you think you just about to call me anytime you wanna fuck"

"Everytime I call you come running so what you tryna prove right now" He put his Audemars Piguet Royal Oak watch onto his right wrist, one of his newest additions to his watch collection.

Nina kissed her teeth "Not for long I'm not about to keep putting up with this shit"

Durk walked out the bathroom and into the room "I really don't care what you do Nina just get out. I'll let you know when I need you again and honestly the bitch you brought with you might just hear from me first"

Nina scrunched her face up and threw one of her heels his way "Fuck You Durk!" He quickly ducked away from the shoe and laughed "You gotta be quicker than that"


Justice yawned and rolled her window up since the night breeze in Chicago was flowing through the car swiftly. She looked over at her best friend as the both of them sat in the backseat of a Uber Black. "I should've known better than to get a late flight and I have class early in the morning"

Dessi nodded in agreement "I feel you I have to work in the morning and then have a afternoon class. I swear I'm making a completely different schedule for next semester"

Justice pulled out her keys as the truck approached her building "I'm just glad you're actually going to class" The two bestfriends laughed as Dessi flipped her off. Justice leaned over giving her a hug "I will see you in a few days hopefully if you not laid up with Von"

"Im on him real bad Justice, I can't believe it. I wanna be on his driver's license so just in case he ever get pulled over I even want to police to know we together"

"You're crazy" Justice laughed and waited on the curb as the driver pulled out her suitcase from the trunk. "Thank You" she smiled at him and headed into her building. Shaking her head at the new security guard that sat at the desk she was becoming unfamiliar with the security guards switching shifts and being replaced.

While stepping on the elevator Justice began to think about Durk. She was only away for four days but it's been a week since they've talked. She blocked him after he dropped her off when they came from the studio. She felt like it was stupid but she was mad at the thought of her being open with him and then to see him entertaining other females.

Scrolling through her settings she went to the blocked contacts section and unblocked his number. Once the elevator dinged the doors opened and she walked down the long hallway but stopped in her tracks when she seen Durk standing by her apartment door.

"Umm? How'd you get up here?" She started walking again stopping directly in front of him.

He pushed his body up away from the wall he was leaning on and stood up straight "Your security weak as hell. Them niggas fanned the fuck out"

Justice poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue and held a straight face "Okay so what's up?"

"Why you block me Justice?" He was now mugging her.

"I- I don't know I just wasn't feeling the vibe at the time" She moved to the side of him so she could open her door. She did so and held the door open so he could come in.

"This exactly how I expected your shit to look like" He walked into the apartment looking around her living room and the pictures on the wall down the hallway.

Justice closed the door and rolled her suitcase near the door frame of her room, she would go through it later. As she walked back into the living room she stood in the middle and looked at him "Durk what are you doing here and how you know which apartment was mine"

"Chill out Dessire told me" He came further into the living room and sat on her couch.

She sighed and sat on the couch as well but at the opposite end leaving more than enough space between the two.

"And I'm here because I wanna know why you keep playing with me Justice, You know I want you bad but you continue to keep doing weird shit like block me"

She pointed her index finger into her chest and displayed a shocked expression "Me playing with you... You got it confused you're the one playing. What's the point of getting to know each other if you're not going to do anything but continue to fuck with other girls. I know you still fuck with that girl and probably a dozen other. You have fairly enough clout so I can understand you can have any bitch you want so again.. Why are you here?"

"You right I can have any bitch I want but I want you and why you act dumb as hell when I asked you how you knew folks ass"

Justice laughed a little  "what are you talking about? Mk? Oh my god that's like my brother"

"Yo mama gave birth to him?"

"No but that's not the point" she shrugged.

"Man iight niggas will play that 'brother' shit just to fuck"

Justice looked down and pulled at the bottom of her shorts "Okay is that it?"

"Man look I'm not about to kiss your ass Justice"

She quickly looked up at him "I'm not telling you kiss my ass!" She semi-yelled becoming unaware of how quick her tone changed.

"Aye who the fuck you talking to Mei?" he got off of the couch walking closer to her.

Justice quickly stood up which didn't help since she was way shorter than him. Looking around the room and then back at him "It's only two of us here so, You! That's the problem you not used to somebody that's gone talk that shit and back it up I'm not like the rest of these bitches you fucking with"

He loved when she got mad it triggered him. It made his dick hard. He looked down at Justice and took in her features as she continued going off on him. The fact that she wasn't like any other female he ran into made him even more fascinated with her. Not able to take the urge anymore he used his right hand to grab the back of her neck and pulled her face closer to his and pressed his lips against hers.

Catching Justice off guard yet she didn't fight it. She closed her eyes and let her tongue roam his mouth.As Durk's hand slipped down to her ass giving it a loud smack before guiding her back to the couch.

She pulled away from the kiss as she fell back onto the couch quickly pulling off her shorts. While he pulled his shirt off from over his head. She bit her bottom lip watching the rest of his tattoos revealed across his chest. Some of the ones she had never seen before. Justice grabbed his hand making him sit down on and straddled his lap. Letting her lips kiss on the tattoos that covered his neck.

Due to the fact she had on a thin thong she could feel how hard he was under her. "Wait" Justice said while moving back so they were now face to face. Durk furrowed his eyebrows seeing that her mood completely changed.

"Damn what happened?"

She chewed on her bottom lip "I don't wanna have sex right now Durk. I'm not trying to move to fast" she stumbled on her words. She was indeed horny but knew she would regret it in the morning. She felt as if she hadn't really gotten her point across to him. He obviously had his attention into multiple women and she would hate to give her body to him just to end up like the rest.

"You know what I mean?" She looked away from his face and to his chest. Durk couldn't lie the desire he had to feel Justice was at a all time high but he wanted to make sure she was ready for him.

He nodded grabbing her chin to make her look back up at him before kissing her again "Nah I understand. I ain't tryna rush you either"

Justice climbed off of his lap and sat next to him reaching over to grab her shorts. "Nah you can keep them off. The least I could do it look especially since ima need help with this " he looked down at his pants.

1 Week later

Justice's heels tapped against the cement ground as she picked up her pace. Grabbing the backstage pass and holding it up so the security could see it. She gave him a tight lip smile and walked through the back seeing Zoey standing outside of the dressing room. "I thought you were about to miss the entire thing". She grabbed her hand as they walked to the curtain just in time as their mother's name was called.

Justice had been running late the entire day, Durk stayed the night with her like he had been doing the last few days causing her to oversleep and  making her late for class. Once she got home she couldn't find her heels that matched the dress and then she had to send in a quick report for school and now she almost missed her mother's acknowledgement ceremony. Mrs.Zions along with forty nine other neurosurgeons from around the country were being honored tonight.

She watched as her mother gave her speech she was one of the top five surgeons out of the list. "I would like to keep this field of study relevant and supported here at North Western. Therefor along with the other donors of the night" she waved her hand out to the multiple Older White Men who had donated money to the school tonight. "we will be donating $150,000" The crowd clapped obnoxiously. Money Hungry ass people. Justice thought to herself before pulling out her phone blocking out the rest of the speech.

"I hope that money ain't come out of my college fund" Zoey whispered to her sister making the both of them laugh.

She shifted her weight onto one leg, she had on her new Giuseppe heels and regretted not breaking them in first. As the ceremony concluded Justice said a quick prayer because she was tired of this she was only happy to hear about to complimentary reception after that included a open bar.

Justice tried her best to stay away from liquor as she had her fair share with it during her grieving time from Nell's death. It was to the point her younger sister became worried. Her parent's never noticed it since they were both busy either late nights at work or away for music purposes. This left Justice and Zoey to become closer as her younger sister was the one that has seen her at her worst.

Justice sat at the round table with her family as she downed her second cup of wine. Her father watching her every move noticing the change in her. "So you been here for a few months now are you starting to date someone or you still stuck on that Jason kid"

Justice let the wine flow down her throat before she shrugged "Please don't start" she looked down at her phone trying to avoid the question.

"That's a nice bracelet you got on" He nodded at the diamond cuban link bracelet she had on her wrist. It was Durk's bracelet but he gave it to her last night and she forgot to take it off.

She moved her hand down into her lap and looked at him "Thanks it was a gift" she quickly lied.

"That's a pretty expensive gift Justice" Her mother spoke up co signing her father. Something she did way too often.

"Okay.. I have to be up for work tomorrow so I'm probably going to head out"

Justice got up going to the bar to order her last drink of the night. As she waited for the bartender to make it she noticed a taller guy standing next to her. He wore a nice suit with a clean cut. She couldn't help but to admire his features before quickly turning away.

The guy leaned his elbow on the bar and looked at Justice "You're Dr.Michelle's daughter right?"

Justice lowly rolled her eyes before putting on a fake smile "Yeah her oldest, Justice"

He nodded looking her up and down "Nice to meet you, I'm Bleu I've actually heard a lot about you"

She looked over at him "If it's bad I don't want to hear it"

He shook his head and licked over his bottom lip "No everything were good compliments, especially regarding your beauty"

Justice looked away and at the bartender who was sliding her drink towards her.Reaching in her purse she pulled out a twenty dollar bill to tip him and stirred her drink. "Well thanks" she started to walk away before he called out again to her

"I actually own my own practice I was wondering if you are interested in either interning with us or even coming to work with us" Bleu smiled showing his pearly white teeth.

"Mmm I'm currently working for another medical office right now but I can take your business card if you have one" She held her hand out as he dug into his suit pocket pulling out the card.

"I hope to hear from you soon" he smiled watching her walk away.

Justice shook off the weird vibe he was giving her and made her way to the entrance. Waiting on her ride. She crossed her arms over her chest as she felt the obvious temperature drop. Hearing the footsteps of some one approaching her she sighed when her father stood next to her.

"I'm sure this goes with that bracelet" he dug into his pocket pulling out one of Durk's 'OTF' rings.Since they were both in a rush this morning they didn't check for the rest of the jewelry he took off last night.

"How did you get this?" She took the ring out of his hand.

"When we came to see you earlier  it was sitting on your counter. I wanted to tell you in private to watch who you're running around with Justice. I know you're hard-headed and stubborn but listen to me just this time. Be careful with them street niggas" He held a straight face and then turned to walk back into the venue

"You were one once before Dad" She spoke back to him and he stopped to turn around

"Exactly and that's why Im trying to steer you in the right direction. I know how this type of shit ends"

Justice decided not to say anything else instead she slowly made her way down the steps meeting the driver as he made his way around the truck to open the door for me. She sat back in the seat letting her feet get comfortable as she was beyond ready to take her heels off. Justice  popped a piece of gum in her mouth and put on her Gucci shades while watching the driver pulled off heading towards the expressway. She had planned on going home but knew that she wanted to be somewhere else with one special person.

About thirty minutes later they were pulling up to the studio. The driver looked at her through the rearview mirror "Is this the right location?" she nodded in response and he put the car in park before coming to open her door. "Thank you" she walked through the back door of the studio and found room four. Pushing the door open Justice seen that the engineer was outside of the booth while Durk was focused recording his verse. She greeted at the engineer and walked further in.

Lifting herself up onto the table that sit in the middle of the studio, she listened as he found the words to match this beat that played along. Slowly swaying her head side to side their eyes finally connected and he came out of the booth. "What's wrong?" she tilted her head to the side while he approached her and stood between her legs.

"Im just tryna take a different approach with this music shit I wanna do some different shit than just talking about the streets you know?" He looked up from the screen where his lyrics were and to Justice.

"Well look just feel it, vibe with it. Find one thing you wanna talk about and just let the words flow. That's how I write my freestyles whenever I was in the mood" she smiled while moving a few of the blonde dreads away from his face before leaning forward to peck his lips.

He looked as if he was in deep thought as he placed his hands on both of Justice's  thighs giving them a light squeeze. Before going back into the booth signaling for the engineer to run the beat back. This time he didn't read the lyrics from his phone he just looked up through the glass and stared at Justice while the word flowed freely from his mouth. A smile crept upon her face as she noticed the slight change in his voice while he came up with a chorus for the song

"And the difference is
My bitch bad and she killin' them
Mmm, and the difference is
We don't put the world in our business still"

Justice stopped swaying as she kept the eye contact with him as he started his verse.

"And they keep askin'
Sexy lil' bitch, put on her mink lashes
I'm talkin' Gucci glasses or Chanel team jacket
She gon' get it without asking, she on queen status
You ridin' solo in that foreign, no need to pass the blunt
I know them niggas feelin' stupid, whoever passed you up"

Crossing her legs she had came to conclusion that this song would be about her. Happy was a understatement but she was intrigued. As he finished the verse and continued back to the chorus. Durk came back out of the booth and went to grab Justice's hand helping her down from the table.

"Wait what are you doing?" She looked back at him as he walked her to the booth.

"I want you on the next verse"


This book will definitely use old and new songs  🫶🏾💛

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