19 •

Chicago, IL 📍

Justice stood in the doorway as she cleared her throat before fully walking in the room. Not a bit of sadness or regret ran through her body as she stood at the end of Bleu's hospital bed. He was bruised up really bad, according to his records a few of his teeth were missing and he had a rib contusion, which were just bruised ribs. He deserved it.

1 Week Prior

"I'm not understanding why yall cant just send me a quick text or give me a call whenever yall get to the city". Justice ran her fingers through her fresh curls while she sat in her car on her break. She spent most of the hour sitting in her car talking with Zoey.

A knock on her window made her stop mid-sentence. Justice rolled down the window and rolled her eyes "Yes Bleu?"

"Did you eat today?" He smiled and leaned on her car.

"No and I'm not hungry" Justice turned the volume down on her phone so Zoey's loud voice couldn't be heard as she was saying all types of curse words about Bleu. Justice had previously told her sister about how weird he was.

Bleu unexpectedly reached in to her car and grabbed her chin making her look at him. "You too pretty for all of that attitude Justice you need to loosen up"

Justice forcefully pushed his hand away. "Don't touch me! I told you that before I'm not going to tell you again."

He didn't do anything but just laugh and walk away from her car. Slipping his wedding band off of his hand and putting it in his white coat pocket.

"Uhn uhn he touched you Justice?!" Zoey yelled from the other side of the line. She could now hear her dad's voice in the background.

"Yes grabbing my face and shit I don't play like that. I need to find a new job asap" Justice sighed and rolled her window back up and texted Durk about what just happened. "Let me call you back Zoey" she looked at the incoming call from Durk and accepted it.

"Yo you good? Where you at?"

"I'm in the parking lot im about to go back in the office. You don't have to come" She started but he cut her off.

"Fuck you mean don't come? You just said he touched you right?" He had a incensed tone.

"Just come when I get off Derrick just incase he try something again. Let me finish my shift I don't want you fighting with him in front of the patients or at all" There was a silence on the line for a while.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes Ima wait there until you get off" He said.

"Derric-" She pulled her phone away from her ear when he hung up. Justice groaned and got out of her car so she could walk back in the medical office. Chris was there at the desk discreetly texting on his phone.

"What did you eat for lunch? I'm starving but I don't want anything from around here" He locked his phone and looked up at Justice who sat next to him.

Justice shrugged and examined the clip board in front of her. "I didn't even eat and if I wanted to I can't now. Bleu ruined my damn appetite" she whispered the last part.

The wheels on Chris's chair grew louder and he rolled his way over to her. "Umm what do you mean by that?"

"He came up to my car grabbing my face. He's just irritating and I'm about to start looking at other places for internships" She sat back in her chair.

"I mean you also could just stop working overall and just continue to get paid for your music" Chris had a point.

"Well I still need to have some type of experience on my background so I might as well get it out of the way" She lightly smiled as one of the familiar patient's came through the door.

Once they returned back to their normal areas they had resumed work and put a pin in their conversation to have later when they had free time.

After another slow four hours Justice grabbed her purse and keys heading out the door. She figured Durk was parked in the front since she didn't see his car.

Bleu's body leaned up against her car door he watched from a distance as she approached it. She wore a look of disgust on her face that he wasn't intimidated by. Bleu was tired of playing games with her since he usually didn't have to wait this long for a woman to give in to him.

"Umm Excuse you" Justice slightly nudged him with her arm so she could pull her door handle.

Bleu grabbed her hand not too tight but enough to stop her from getting in. "I'm sorry about that earlier Justice I just think you should loosen up for me"

"No thank you" Justice scrunched her face up and tried pulling her arm from his grip.

"I usually don't have to work this hard to impress other females so why you playing so hard to get? You need to realize I always get what I want and now I want you" he pushed her body up against the car.

"You're a fucking married man and you know I'm in a relationship. Let me go" she squirmed her way out of his arms. Due to the fact of who she was dating it was very important that she knew the safety of keeping some type of weapon.

"Right a relationship. I forgot you were one of those young ass bitches that like niggas that tote guns and rap about murders" He pointed at her and she smacked his hand away from her face.

"Bitches?" She asked.

He chuckled as he started to walk away "You heard me"

As much as she wanted to curse him out she opted out of it being the bigger person, even though he was older. The first thing she would do in the morning is report him, this had been going on too long for her. After getting in her car she called a few people and no one answered which only pissed her off even more.

Pulling out of the parking spot she looked around seeing not many cars were on the second level, most of them were on the first level since those were people who left work late. As she made her way down she pressed down on her brakes roughly when she seen Bleu's body laying on the floor next to his car. Durk stood over him continuously punching him in the face.

Justice was shocked that this had happened in the matter it time from him leaving her car till now. She took off her seatbelt and ran over to where they were.

Dayvon poked his head out of the driver's side window of the Lamb. "Aye watch out Bronx, I'm finna run this nigga over" Justice knew in her heart that he was serious about it.

She took her attention off from Durk and Bleu and stood in front of the car shaking her head no at Von. "Nah it's not even worth it"

Turning back to Durk she could see Bleu's body turned to the side as he coughed and spat up blood. Justice pulled on Durk's arm "come on!" She semi yelled so he could get in the car with  her.

Justice felt like it was deserved but not to the fact that they would've probably killed him if she didn't come around. "You didn't have to do all of that."

He kept his eyes on the road "What you thought I was gone do? Shake his hand or sum? He lucky that's all I did"

Current time

Bleu's face was in excruciating pain but he tried his best to frown when he seen her. "What do you want?" he held his jaw as he spoke.

Justice went to go sit in the chair next to his bed. "Just here for a visit"

His eyes followed her every movement "If you trying to talk me out of it good luck. Your little boyfriend or whatever you wanna call him is going to jail. I hope he has a good lawyer"

Justice crossed her legs and got comfortable in the chair. "Why are you bringing him up? What does he have to do with our conversation"

"I'm not stupid I know he did this" Bleu tried his best to sit up in the bed.

Justice rolled her eyes "You're so delusional that you're trying to blame my man who wasn't even there on your attack that's weird as hell"

"Who do you think they will believe? Me or you?" He asked cockily.

Justice sighed "How long have you been in here what two maybe three days?" Do you know why your wife hasn't come to visit you?" She unlocked her phone and went back to the article that had been circulating around.

She nodded when she found the article and read it out to him. After word of his attack came out two girls from the university as Justice came out and accused him of sexual assault and harassment while they worked for him. Another supposed victim came out yesterday morning, requesting that her name was anonymous. A long talk with Dearra finally made her decide to speak up anonmyous for now .

"You should see the comments" she shook her head "The Board wants nothing to do with you, the University will probably drop you from their funding list, your wife is probably scheming on how to get half of your money at this very moment... Doesn't seem like anyone cares about you being attacked"

Justice stood up feeling the pressure fade away. Her mind lately was so raveled in the attack, her friend's safety and confidentiality, but also hopeful that Bleu wouldn't name drop Durk if he was to press charges.

"So" she slipped her phone back in her pocket. "What was that you said about having a lawyer?"

Bleu didn't have anything to say. The fact that his years of getting away with his arrogancy and despicable ways had finally caught up to him.

"Mhm nothing, I thought so."


Later that Night

Justice stood over her open suitcase while in deep thought of everything she wanted to pack. She was going to New York for two days and then coming back home so she could celebrate her birthday.

Justice was driving herself crazy trying to plan something for her birthday. She knew she wanted to dress up, probably go out and much more but then she would get frustrated and say she didn't want to do anything at all. This had been the repeated process for the past two weeks. Durk thought it was funny because he had something planned for her, he just enjoyed watching her go crazy.

Durk sat in the bed with his back against the headboard while he was on live, talking shit per usual. He flipped the camera so that it was now on Justice "Look at her yall she so beautiful" he smiled widely.

Justice used both of her hands to cover her face. "Stop!" She had her hair pinned up in a messy bun while she wore nothing but a Oversized shirt. "I look a mess" she smacked her lips and went back in the closet to get out of the view and to also grab two more pair or leggings. You could never have too many outfits while out of town.

A few seconds later she could hear him talking to the camera again. "I need to bring some more clothes over here" She spoke lowly to herself. Although she was at his house most of the time, she felt that it was important to still keep her apartment for multiple reasons. One being that it was closer to the University and work. The second reason being that if something was to ever happen between the two of them she would always have her own spot.

Coming back from the closet, she tossed the pair of leggings in the suitcase and went to go lay beside Durk. Not that she did much of it but she was surely tired of packing and for some reason became more comfortable with procrastinating.

Her body had barely touched the bed for 0.02 seconds before she could feel his hands on her. She moved closer to him and grabbed her own phone, checking the time again for her flight. "I'm hungry. Are you going to cook for me?" she sarcastically asked.

He looked away from the camera and down at her. "Yea I got you"

She smirked at his answer "Since when? Because you don't ever cook for me"

He tilted his head a little as he tried to recall a time he cooked for her. "I always cook. Aye don't be showing out cus' these people watching"

She let out a chuckle and moved her phone from in front of her face to get a good look at him. "Please tell me what can you cook?"

"What I cook? Uhh.. Noodles...Cereal...popcorn..Fries" He continued to go on while she shook her head.

"Shhh" she brought her index finger up to her lips. "Talking about some damn noodles."

He ended the live and place his phone beside him as his smile faded "I know you went up to the hospital today Justice. Yo ass don't listen"

Justice quickly looked over at him "Huh?"

"You heard me. You don't need to be up there. It aint shit that you need be clearing up for him" His tone now more stern.

"So now I'm wrong for sticking up for you and myself"

"Justice Ion need nobody to stick up for me. I'm a grown ass man" He chuckled

"You know what I mean. Derrick if he would've blamed it on you it's going to come back to me as well and I like my careers..wait are you mad at me?" She not sat completely up feeling guilty.

"Mad at you for going to the hospital? Nah he should've been put in the grave but that's for another time" He spoke. "Im mad at the fact that you just be making moves and shit without telling me. Like the fact that you didn't tell me he grabbed you before or tryna come on to you. You should've let me know the first time he did it and I would've handled it, no questions asked"

Durk paused for a second "I know yo lame ass, goofy ass ex probably wouldn't of done shit about it but I ain't him. When it comes down to protecting you, I'm getting shit done"

Justice wrapped her arms around his neck "How did I get so lucky?" Her eyes beamed as she stared into his. Justice loved being in her lovergirl stage every single day she found herself waking up with a smile on her face. As long as she was away from any drama she was satisfied.

She unwrapped her arms from his neck when the door bell rang. "Who did you invite over here?"

"My momma" He calmly.

"Wait what?" Justice stood up and went to the bathroom in a attempt to quickly get herself together.

Durk peaked in the bathroom and shook his head. "It ain't that serious she just cooking dinner and she wanted to see you"

Justice's eyes widened as she turned to him "Not that serious? Be forreal right now" She scrambled around the bathroom while he left out of the room to go let her in. She wasn't nervous or anything but she only met his mom through facetime. The same goes for Durk he spoke to Justice's mom one time while the two were on Facetime.

After taking a quick shower and doing the quickest makeup routine she had done before, Justice was ready to go see her. Her nose was full of amazing scents while she took in the food that she had started preparing. She slowly made her way down the stairs "Heyy!" she smiled as she approached the kitchen.

Durk's mom turned around from the stove and wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing. "Justice!" she met her halfway and embraced her in a unexpected hug. "I've been waiting to finally meet you" She pulled back from the hug and took in Justice's facial features before turning to Durk "She's so beautiful!"

Justice loved the compliments plus the fact that his mother was eager to meet her. She wasn't too sure if she really liked her because you know most men had mother's who would befriend whoever he brought home at the time.

"Thank You! You're Beautiful as well" Justice followed behind her in the kitchen. "It smells so good in here. I'm glad somebody else is cooking for once" Justice side eyed Durk.


"You think she likes me?" Justice asked from the couch as Durk closed his front door. A long and interesting talk over dinner plus some wine and she was comfortable with his mom yet doubting if she made a good impression or not.

"She stayed that long? She definitely fucking with you." He came over to the couch plopping down next to her.

Justice sat her wine glass down on the coffee table in front of her and turned her full body towards his. With his attention on the Celtics vs. Warriors game playing on the tv, he didn't acknowledge her.

Justice just started talking a she played with the tip of her acrylic nails. "You'll tell me if I'm doing something wrong right? Or if your feelings happen to change at anytime?" It seemed like such a random question but it was something that sat on her mind for a while. Justice discretely met with Dessire last week and since then she made it her priority to create a safe space in their relationship. This resulted from her and Dessi talking about safe spaces in their friendships.

"Whatchu mean? I always tell you when something is wrong?" He looked between her and the tv.

"I mean without me having to ask you. Like just be straight forward with me at all times" She cleaned up the question.

"Yea.. why?" he was now growing suspicious of where this was coming from.

"I was talking to Dessi and she was saying that it's import-"

He cut her off "Ian tryna hear shit shorty got to say about me, you or our relationship"

Justice slowly rolled her eyes as she knew that he would probably react this way. "It's not like that, we was just having a friendly conversation just catching up and she was just mentioning like being transparent with people we are close with. As well as truthfully displaying our feelings at all times."

Durk shook his head "Sound like she shoulda took her own advice a long time ago. Maybe she would've had you to herself instead of worrying about our relationship and what we need to be doing"

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